Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Getting Ugly with the Beauty

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Part IX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XI): [LINK]

“Still can’t believe that you used to live in such a big and posh mansion!” Natsu whistled approvingly as he, Lucy, and Happy stood in front of the gates, waiting for the golden doors to enter after the blonde had already rung the bell.


“Yeah… Me neither…!” the blonde girl to his right replied slowly, still unable to process that the man who they would most likely work for for this next quest was the one who bought her old family home after the Heartfilia Konzern had gone bankrupt.


It felt just so surreal. Everything looked almost exactly like it did the last time that Lucy had been here. And yet… the aura was completely different! The thuja that were planted left and right of the street towards the main building didn’t look as green anymore. The houses where the employees would sleep and have their equipment looked a lot less heartily and welcoming than they did a couple years ago. The whole ground itself looked foreign to her. Even the air itself seemed to carry an alien smell with it as it blew a few fallen leaves across the grass.


Lucy felt like she was an intruder! She didn’t belong here! Not anymore!


“Yes? Who’s there?” a distorted and metallic female voice asked through the speaker.


“Oh, yeah! I’m Natsu Dragneel from the Fairy Tail Guild! My friend and I are here for a quest that the guy who lives here now has for us.” The young Dragon Slayer introduced them to the woman on the other end of the speaker.


“Pin- Natsu Dragneel? Oh, the master will be incredibly pleased seeing you here.” the woman said ominously as the doors automatically swung open, allowing them entry to the ground that Lucy a long time ago called ‘home’. “He’s awaiting you in the library. I’ll meet you at the front door.”


“Alright!” Natsu said without any care as he marched forward, leaving Lucy with no other choice than to reluctantly follow him. “Come on, Lucy! Let’s do this!”


Landing on his shoulder, Happy raised his fist into the sky as well. “AYE! I’m tired of not eating any good fish the last couple days!”


“Natsu… That woman… She sounded oddly familiar!” Lucy asked carefully after catching up with her friend, “Also, aren’t you two taking this just a bit too lightly!? You should be a bit more concerned about this situation! No man living in such luxury will pay as much money as we want for a basic B-Class mission!” she said. “There’s definitely some kind of catch!”


The pink haired Dragon Slayer waved her concerns off however, “You worry too much! I don’t smell any potential ambushers, only some weird musky stench and way too much shampoo. And Happy didn’t see anything suspicious when he checked the whole area earlier.” his voice was filled with confidence as they walked past the two buildings where the employees usually lived.


At the front door, a woman dressed in a black and white maid outfit and with burning red hair was already waiting for them. Even at this distance, Lucy could clearly see the weird smile on the maid’s face. The way her auburn red hair, which she wore in two pigtails, danced around in the wind reminded her of someone, though she was sure that she didn’t know any red haired maids, aside from Erza whenever she cleans her apartment.


“And why would such a rich dude lie about the money we would get for such a job?!” added Happy. “He’s probably sleeping on all his riches anyways, which is why he’s okay with giving us as much money as we want for this quest!”


Lucy couldn’t help but shake her head and sigh in resignation, “You’re both so naive!” she told them as they finally reached the foot of the steps that would lead them to the front door. “Now let’s just get this over wi-!”


“So it is you, Blondie! Already hoped that you would be with Pinky on this mission!” The maid ahead of them interrupted her with an all too familiar voice that didn’t help making Lucy feel more at ease.


“Flare?” the trio of Fairy Tail mages asked at the same time as they finally were able to identify the maid that waited for them. None of them recognized her at first, dressed in a maid outfit instead of the usual red dress that they usually saw her wear, but the creepy look in her eyes, as well as the prominent scar on her left shoulder were clear giveaways!


“What… what are you doing here?” Lucy asked, unsure what to make of the situation. “Don’t tell me you work here now?”


The ginger nut job giggled into her hands as she turned around and pushed the huge oaken doors open, “Follow me! Master doesn’t like being kept waiting!” she told them, already walking onward. Natsu, Lucy, and Happy all exchanged some concerned looks, but with no other available options, they followed her. “I’ve been working for the master for a few weeks now! He was kind enough to take me in when I had no other places to go!”


“See? He seems like a nice guy!” Natsu said to Lucy as he kept ogling at the many priceless paintings that adorned the walls around them as they got closer towards the library.


The client, whoever he was, couldn’t have lived here for long, given that the entire interior was essentially still exactly the same as the one in her childhood. Even the cracks at one part of the wall, where she had kicked against in frustration when her father came up with yet another stupid man that she should have married, were still there. If it weren’t for the fact that she knew nothing about the new owner, as well as the sour last meeting with her father, she would almost feel at home again.


“So… Flare, who is this guy? And how did you end up working for him?” the blonde mage asked her former enemy carefully. “Natsu said that there wasn’t a name or anything mentioned on the job offer at the Guild Hall.”


“Oh, he’s really nice!” Flare waved her concerns off as she instead edged closer towards Lucy, “Always looking out for me, making sure that I don’t work too much and stuff. He even gets me all these nice presents and rewards for my hard work around the house! I’m sure you’ll like him too!” she pushed open the door to the library. “Master, the mages from Fairy Tail are here!”


“Splendid!” a man called out in response. Sitting behind a huge stack of books, file folders, and a huge map of Fiore, a towering man rose from an office chair that seemed several sizes too small for him. For a moment it seemed as if he would get stuck to it, only for the chair to then drop down to the floor while the man walked around the table. “I’ve been eagerly waiting for professionals like you!”


Lucy gulped as the man came to a halt in front of her and her friends. A sleek black business suit was stretched to its absolute limit by his bulgeous belly and meaty arms. His curly black hair was kept back in an orderly ponytail, allowing Lucy a good look at his crooked teeth and piercing yellow eyes, something that Lucy instantly wanted to forget again. He reeked of too much aftershave, making her feel dizzy and disoriented just by standing close to him as the smell of teakwood clogged her nostrils.


“Hi there!” Natsu greeted the older man with an extended arm, “You’re looking for mages, right? And you’re willing to offer as much money as we want?” he added as he shook the man’s, by comparison, gigantic hand.


“Natsu!” the blonde Celestial Spirit mage karate-chopped her friend at the back of his head. “You can’t just ask something like this right aw-!”




The man’s bellowing laughter interrupted her mid sentence as he slammed his hand down on his massive belly, “I like your moxie, Natsu! I can call you ‘Natsu’, right?” Before the pink haired man had any chance to reply, the man pushed him towards the map on the table. “Anyways, before we talk about your payment, let’s talk about business and what I want you to do for me. That way, you can still decide if you want the job or not.”


All three of them listened closely as he told them about the mines he recently bought and how the Dark Guild ‘Naked Mummy’ has recently taken over parts of it. How they didn’t want to cooperate with him and how they threatened the lives and the families of the few workers that still worked there.


“I originally had planned to contact Sabretooth for this job, but after seeing one of your friends in action a couple days ago, I’ve decided to give your Guild a try.” he finished his explanation. Naked Mummy’s occupation even began to affect trade in the region in general, and if he didn’t do something about it quickly, then the Queen herself would have to intervene with the army.


“But with you three around, I don’t think any of that is necessary.” the man finished his explanation. He patted Natsu on the shoulder as though they were old friends, “And before you ask again, of course you will be compensated accordingly for your hard work!” he snapped his meaty fingers which prompted two muscular men, dressed in nothing but loincloths, to step into the room, carrying a large chest between them. They silently sat it down in front of the three Fairy Tail mages, opened it, and left the room just as soon as they appeared.


WOW!!!” Happy’s eyes sparkled as he immediately jumped into the pile of money. “That much…? We wouldn’t have to worry about our debt or food for at least a month with so much money!” the blue Exceed stated while doing snow angels in the chest.


“And it would be all yours!” the client said. Snapping with his fingers again, the chest and all the money inside disappeared in a blue cloud again, “All you’d have to do is to dispose of this nuisance for me! And if you do a good job, I’ll give you so much money, you wouldn’t have to worry about work for an entire year!” he bragged with extended arms. “So, what do you say? Deal?”


“Hell yeah!” Natsu beamed with excitement as he raised his fist into the air. “I’m all fired up for this, old man!”


The man’s belly wobbled as he laughed heartily, “I like your spirit, Natsu!” he waved with his hand, which caused a large piece of parchment to appear behind him. On it, Lucy could read paragraph after paragraph of every minor detail of their mission, all by briefly skimming over it. “All that’s left would be for you to check if this contract is to your liking and shake my hand on it!”


Natsu waved him off, “Don’t worry! We got this. This isn’t our first time at the rodeo!” he told the man while already shaking his hand. A blue light engulfed their hands as his name magically appeared at the bottom of the parchment. “This is Naked Mummy we’re talking about… How hard can it be to deal with them?!”



(That evening…)


“Excavation Shafts A and D collapsed, tunnels 13, 14, and 15 buried under rocks due to an avalanche, several injured workers as they tried to help you out with the fight,…” the client went over the notes he received a few couple minutes before Natsu, Lucy, and Happy had returned from their mission.


Smoke was still rising from Natsu’s pink hair as he laughed awkwardly, “Yeah… things didn’t go exactly as planned.” he said as he kept scratching the back of his head. “Who would have thought that those support beams would burn so easily!?”


“I’m terribly sorry!” Lucy bowed her head quickly. She halted briefly when she noticed Natsu still scratching his head, only to force him to bow down as well. “I hope that doesn’t inconvenience you too much, Mr. …?”


“Ah, don’t sweat it!” the man replied coolly, already tearing the report to shreds and tossing it over his shoulder. Behind him, Flare’s red hair instantly moved to grab a nearby broom to sweep it all away to keep the whole pool area clean. The earlier bright yellow light of the sun gradually turned darker and bathed the entire mansion and its surroundings in an orange twilight hue. “The important thing is that you drove off those idiots from Naked Mummy, and that’s what counts!”




All three Fairy Tail members sighed collectively in relief. It wouldn’t have been their first time that a client wouldn’t pay them because of the collateral damage they caused. Either he wouldn’t pay, or he would straight up make them pay for it all, just like what happened with the waterpark.


“You’ll find your reward once you’re back home!” he told them with a simple wave of his hand. Right as Lucy and Natsu were about to high-five, he pushed himself out of his sunlounger, “However, there’s also something else that needs to be done first!”


“Eh?” Natsu blinked as the contract he signed earlier appeared behind the man again.


“You see, I’m a man who holds true to his word. And as such, I’d appreciate it if the people I work with do the same.” he told them as he folded his hands behind his back and looked at the slowly setting sun. “In my youth, I met quite a lot of people who took my generosity for granted, and who were all too eager to benefit from my kindness, without needing to give back anything in return. Which is precisely the reason why I forced myself to learn Contract Magic!”


“Uh-oh!” Lucy gulped as she knew exactly what would come next before he even said it.


A cold breeze caused the man’s dark hair to flutter around as he still kept looking over the horizon, “This world we live in, is one of giving and taking. That’s how it’s been since ancient times.” he went on to explain, leaving both Natsu and Happy even more confused with each word. “So, if you destroy my turf and injure my subordinates, while still wanting money from me, it’s only fair for me to want something in return, right?”


Leaning his head to the side, one could clearly see the cogs in the pink haired Dragon Slayer’s brain beginning to turn. “What are you talking about, old man? Is there something in particular you want?”


“Not in particular.” he said as he turned around to face them again. “But I also made a contract with Flare over there. And for her good work the last couple weeks, she more than earned herself a reward.”


THANK YOU, MASTER!!!” the former Raven Tail mage jumped at the fat man, hugging her tits tight against his chest. For whatever reason, the ginger woman didn’t seem to mind the musky stench that surrounded the man as she went on to pepper him with kisses. “MWAH!! And I can really pick whoever of the two I like more?”


WHAT??” Natsu shouted in shock as the crazy girl let go of the man to instead creep her way over to him and Lucy. “You can’t just decide stuff like this!”


The man shrugged his shoulders, “You all agreed to the contract! And according to my information, this isn’t exactly the first time that either one of you has done something like this!” as Lucy was about to complain, even as a dark red blush had already begun to spread over her face, he raised his hand and gestured to her to wait. “Look, you two want that money, right? I’m a reasonable guy and more than willing to pay for good services. Just keep in line and do as the contract says, and everything will be fine!”


“W- well…” Lucy tried her best to ignore Flare’s intense stare as the scarred woman looked her up and down. “I think it would be alright if we… stayed here for a while longer.”


“Great! Then I pick…” putting one hand on Lucy’s, and the other on Natsu’s shoulder, Flare continued making them feel more and more at unease as she pulled them closer towards her. “Eeny meeny miny… PINKIE!!


WH- WHAT?” Natsu jumped slightly as crimson red hair coiled around him. Before he could even attempt to break out, Flare already pulled him into the mansion, leaving Lucy all alone with the client as Happy quickly followed Natsu in an attempt to rescue him.


“So, I guess that means you want to have sex with me?” she asked him. Without waiting for an obvious answer, she stripped down until only a blue thong that rode deep into her ass and pussy remained. “Let’s just get this over with! Here’s the deal, I’ll let you fuck me as hard and rough as you want. You can cum either in my pussy or my ass once and that’s it! No more after that! Don’t want you to have any funny ideas. Deal?”


With a raised eyebrow, the Ugly Bastard watched as Lucy knelt down on the white marble tiles in front of the pool, “Deal!” he replied as he also unbuttoned his suit and pants on his way over to her. “You know, to be honest I originally only wanted you to give me a massage. But since your boyfriend seems incapable of keeping your temper in check, I guess I’ll help out!”


“What? But… aren’t all you guys only interested in fucking sexy girls non-stop?” she asked him as she felt the burning hot tip of his cock pressing against her asshole.


“You insult me!” the man told her. He grabbed both of her ass cheeks and gave her a firm squeeze that made her moan softly, “You seem to mistake me for some kind of virgin or incel who can’t control himself around women. But if it’s pleasure you seek…” he began seesawing his dick between her buttocks. “Then I’m more than happy to give it to you!”


No way! He’s already so hard!’ Lucy thought.


Biting on her lips, she found herself unable to argue with his words as his dick grew bigger, fatter, and harder by the second. After just a handful of thrusts of his hips, his cock has grown to a size where it would humble Taurus. Even without looking over her shoulder, Lucy knew that the thing between the guy’s legs was easily longer than his legs and twice as thick! Veins throbbed in an oddly erratic fashion, pumping boiling red blood through the entire length, while the musky stench of the guy only got worse!


“Hrrrrm… stick it in…!” she whispered silently.


“What was that?” he asked her in a tone that made Lucy question if he was teasing her or if he actually didn’t understand what she just said. “You have to talk louder if you want me to know what you want!”


FUCK ME ALREADY!!” she shouted at him. She wiggled her butt against him and tried to flex her glutes as hard as possible around his meat. “Taurus only fucked my mouth and Mira’s fingers and Levy’s tongue weren’t enough… I want more! I NEED my pussy or ass stuffed with cock!”


“Heh! Seems like I was right about you all along!” the man said as he pulled his hips back, only to ram the first ten inches of his cock into her butt, “You’re just another slut who only lusts after sex. Another girl with no class!” he said over her squeals of pure pleasure.


AYEEEEEEH!!!! YEESSSS!!!!!” she hollered, cumming the instant his cock spread her inner walls to the limit. “COOCK!!! COCK IN MY ASSSSSS… IT’S SO BIG, IT HURTS!! BUT… FEELS SO GOOOOODD!!!


“Urr… not as tight as the little kitty from last time…!” the Ugly Bastard grunted as he pulled his cock almost entirely out of her again.


“Nhoooooo… don’t stoppp…!” the blonde whined as, instead of shoving his cock back in, he gyrated his hips to stir the very tip of his cock around inside of her. “Ahhhh… what is going on? I feel so hot and… GHAAAAAAAA!!!!!


Her yelp echoed in the humid evening air for only a second as her partner impaled her on half of his cock. A distinct phallus-shaped lump formed in her stomach as the invasive meatstick made its way past her organs and into the deepest parts of her body! Wet squelching noises as her pussy juices ran down her thighs accompanied the loud SMACK SMACK SMACK of the man’s entire body slamming against Lucy’s ass!


OH GODDDDDD!!!!! I’M CUMMING… SO… MUUUUUUUUUCH!!!!!!!” she howled in mad ecstasy, with her eyes having rolled back into their sockets, depriving her of any visuals of her surroundings as her ass got spread mercilessly wide!


“Haaa, haa, haa…! You sure can take a pounding!” the dark haired client groaned.


A shiver went down her spine as she felt his slimy bare chest press against her back as he reached around her to grab her tits, ‘Yes! Play with them!’ she thought at him, willingly pressing her rack against the palms of his oversized hands. Her painfully stiff nipples poked through his index and ring fingers as he kneaded the two soft mounds in his hands like dough. “AYAEEEEEHH!!!! MORE!! PUNISH MY TITS AND ASS HARDER!!!!!


“Hehehehe. As you wish!” the man replied lowly before biting down on the Celestial Spirit mage’s earlobe as he sped up his thrusts, making her ass ripple with the impact. “I hope you can take it!”


FUCK!!! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!!!!!” she repeated like a broken record, “I’M CUMMING MY SOUL OUUUUUUT!!!!!” she said and meant it!


Each new orgasm felt better than the one before, making her go crazy from too much stimulation. Whenever the fat man pulled back, it felt as if he pulled some part of her with him, only to make her forget all about it again when he shoved his cock even deeper inside!
That her pussy was still able to squirt out so much nectar was something that she was deeply happy about as it meant that he could fuck her cunt once he was done with her ass!


COME ON!!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING PHOOOUMMPH???” her eyes widened for a split second as she found the man’s hand around her neck. He turned her face to the side so that he could place his lips on hers, “HMMMM!!!!” she moaned into his mouth as his slimy tongue pushed past her lips and into her mouth.


It scraped over her own tongue and made her feel all itchy in the weirdest was, but she couldn’t find the energy to do anything against it, “Weady pho youw wewawd?” she heard the man slur.




AS YOU WISH!!! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Holding her even closer to himself, Lucy felt as if she was about to merge with the fat of his stomach and arms as he rammed his cock all the way into her!


CUM!!! CAWKSH!!!! AAAAAHGUEEEEEHLGH!!!!!” Lucy flailed her arms around helplessly as an incredibly gooey and sticky load was pumped straight into her belly. ‘ARGH… Why can I taste it in my mouth…?’ she asked herself in response to the burning hot sensations that spread through her entire body as the creamy substance filled her stomach to the brim.


Before she had gotten used to the sensation, the man let go of her and let her fall to the ground. Her tits made for a soft enough pillow to prevent her from actually hitting the tiles, but the feeling of his cock leaving her ass again was painful enough on its own right to make her forget about that.


“Yes… haah, aaaah, aaaah…! Next…” she panted as if she just fought the fight of her life, her breathing labored as actual steam came out of her mouth, “My pussy…” she turned on her back and pried open the folds of her pussy with the fingers of her left hand. “Do my pussy next!”


Instead of obliging however, the client walked over to his pants and pulled them back on, “Sorry, girly. But that’s not what we agreed on, remember?” he told her much to her shock. “And I’m a man who stays true to his end of a bargain. Maybe next time! You know where you can find me!”


“Nhooo… you can’t…” She reached out for the man as he finished putting on his clothes again, “You can’t leave me like this!” she whined in desperation while wailing around in the puddle of cum that leaked out of her now gaping ass. “Please… FUCK MEEEEEE!!!!!



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki
1 year ago

Hopefully we get to see the Erza picture and the Juvia picture of them in this postion for their remade stories

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Naruto Uzumaki

Don’t know about Juvia, but I definitely have the one with Erza on my list.

1 year ago

these people are actually really crying over a fanfic? damn. Don´t listen to them dude. If you don´t like this kind of stuff just skip the fiction part…it´s just that simple.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  MichaelX


It’s not like it’s quite obvious by the title what’s going to happen in the chapter. So people who don’t like UBs shouldn’t complain about “accidentally” reading a story about UBs/NTR

1 year ago

Ugly Bastard is fun to read

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Glad to read that not everybody hates the dude, especially since I at least try to give him a personality.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago

I was hoping that natsu was fucking Lucy instead of some ugly bastard and I just hope Lucy won’t get addicted to fucking that ugly bastard and why is it every time I read fairy tail that natsu and Lucy always fuck other people instead with each other? It’s like you don’t want them to be in a relationship since they are boyfriend and girlfriend

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Maybe they don’t fuck one another, because I don’t care about ships in any of the series I write and because I want to spice things up every now and then to keep it from turning into a (mostly) one-sided meat-slam like in MHA, where 99% of the time, Midoryia is the one who gets to fuck the girls.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Sorry man I was just asking about it nothing more and just like you said there will be enough pics with natsu fucking Lucy and other girls in the future and when are you going to upload the one piece story?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

The next One Piece story is already written (since a few weeks actually). Though, I don’t know when Rtenzo will upload it.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
1 year ago

Looks like Lucy has fully broken down, and with both her and Natsu both clearly having sex with others in this, I’m assuming getting them to continue fucking outside their relationship won’t be too big of an issue. I mean, working in a Natsu with Flare pic sure seems to laid out. What I’m wondering now is if we’ll get Lucy and Carla teaming up?

1 year ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

How about we get just a story with Just Natsu and Lucy, that sounds much better.

Mr. Nefario
Mr. Nefario
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

you are absolutely right michael

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Nefario

Yea I am glad I’m not the only one who agrees with me. If there are people who still want UB and Taurus with all this Ntr? I’m done reading the fairy tail series

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Dude, I care a flying rat’s ass about any kind of ships in the series I write. Natsu, or rather his cock, given pink pubic hair and all, will appear in more than enough pics with Lucy and/or other girls in the future. So please just let me write some other dudes for the instances where it’s ambiguous who the dude in the story might be.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Very nice ideas. There sadly isn’t any story with Natsu and Flare in the making right now, but I assume those two will get to share a bed again soon enough.

1 year ago

Serusly, they can’t do a halfway decent story without Taros, Nr and UB. It’s my favorit series but this one is horfic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Flyyyy
1 year ago
Reply to  Flyyyy

*points to fly* want to that sink?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Flyyyy

Sorry to read that you didn’t enjoy it. If it’s any help, the next two Fairy Tail stories won’t feature either of those three things you mentioned.

1 year ago

So, what have we learned today, children? Let’s go over all that for a second. 🤓

First, we learned that it’s not a good idea to jump right into things all the time, especially if it sounds too good to be true. Even more so if you’re in need of money. So it’s a really good idea to do your research and homework. Secondly, don’t cause any unnecessary collateral damage. As that will become a much bigger problem not just for yourself and your team, but also for your client too. Third, and this is a big one in regards to contracts, ALWAYS read everything and ALWAYS read the fine print. And finally, the harshest lesson of them all, is there always has to be a price and a consequence for one’s actions. And Natsu, Happy and especially Lucy had to learn all this the hard way. 😬

That said, this was quite the eye widening chapter. And luckily there wasn’t a lot I needed to edit here this time. On a related note, I really liked how Flare came about here. And most surprising of all, the ugly bastard from before is back. But he made a surprising impact here. One I actually quite liked, as well as the use of Contract Magic. 😳

And then there’s the sexual side of things. If we learned one thing about the UB, as demonstrated from his time with Carla, it’s that he doesn’t play around as well as one who is dead serious about keeping his word. And it showed with Lucy. WOW. That was something. Though it also makes me wonder what happened when Flare took off with Natsu before it started. Hopefully we’ll see another time. 👀

But that’s about it for now. Great work. 👍😁

1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yas, we get 8 more chapters where Natsu is with just Flare again. Really excited

1 year ago
Reply to  DevilSlayer666

Fyi I was being sarcastic since there is supposed to be a emoji rolling its eyes at the end of that sentence

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Happy to see that you enjoy my stories, man! And even more so to see that there wasn’t much to edit.

Despite some people here not liking the premise of the girls getting fucked by an UB, I’d still like to expand more on him and to give him even more personality (maybe even in a way that makes people see him as more than just a simple trope).

Strangely enough, his magic is primarily inspired by Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, which I’ve been rewatching again lately. I think it could add to a number of funny interactions and possibilities in the future.

1 year ago

the stories with fat and ugly characters are the worst, they even make you want to not see the story and it only happens with ft lately the other story is much better

1 year ago
Reply to  Lolo0010

Said the same thing and I got a dislikes a while back. I was happy to see Fairy tail come back after almost a year but it’s just Taurus and that ugly character stuff again which makes me dread to see the next chapter. Everyone has been with their ships except Natsu and Lucy, for some reason it’s a sin for those two to be together. This Ntr and ugly stuff has been played to much and just pushes me away from Fairy tail stories to the point I really don’t want anymore Fairy tail.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lolo0010

To be fair every other story on this site is mostly vanilla except for this one and the Naruto one. Plus you dont even see the guy so maybe you could just pretend its someone else instead. Not e ery story on this site has to be purely vanilla content or filled with shipping

Last edited 1 year ago by souljamantwn
1 year ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

The title is “Getting ugly with the beauty” that’s pretty hard not to miss, not to mention it’s mentioned pretty heavily in the story that the guy is pretty ugly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Once again theres only 2 stories that have UB in them (if you count the Raikage) plus theres already been ntr elements added to this series like with Natsu and Juvia/Flare yet no one complained about that. The only advice I can give is either use the internet archive to find the older stories or find something else to read in general.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Lolo0010

Maybe it happens mainly with Fairy Tail because I’m mostly inspired by S22132’s old FT series, and I loved how slutty the girls in it where due to them getting it on with a large chunk of different dudes. Which also just so happens to include an Ugly Bastard.

Also, not to call anyone out or anything, but the chapter is titled “Getting Ugly with the Beauty”. I don’t know about you, but to me that seems like a really solid hint at what’s waiting for you in the chapter.

I’m not forcing anyone to read my stories or to enjoy them. If you don’t like me experimenting with different archetypes and giving them a character/personality, then I can’t help you.

1 year ago

Once again another banger chapter! Lucy is my favorite FT girl so im always happy to see her as a horny slut. I know not everyone is a fan of UB type characters but I honestly think you write them pretty well where the story is still entertaining and fappable. Plus its usually the girl that eventually lusts after them (of atlease their cocks) which is a pretty nice touch.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Happy to read that you enjoyed the chapter. I tried to give the UB some more personality, but somehow people still think of him as nothing more than a stupid archetype. Well, I’m glad that at least a few of you guys seem to appreciate my work. Thank you!

1 year ago

Ahh no offense to your writing and all but was kinda never a fan of the ugly thing or whatever and for fairy tail recently it’s been nothing but that and Taurus. I really hope that this is not where this story is heading cause otherwise I’m just not gonna read any more of the Fairy tail.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

estoy deacuerdo, nomas esta pasando con esta historia de meter tipos haci nomas va hacia ese rumbo la otra historia estaba mucho mejor

1 year ago
Reply to  Pzbla

Bueno, me alegro de que alguien esté de acuerdo conmigo, pero desafortunadamente no es como si nada fuera a cambiar. Natsu probablemente volverá a ocupar un segundo plano como la mayoría de los personajes principales en estas tiendas, excepto Ichigo, por otro año o dos o se quedará atrapado con Flare.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Eh. I’m not forcing anyone to enjoy the chapters I’m writing. I for one do like not using the same basic and predictable partners for the same girls over and over again (like how almost every MHA chapter, regardless of what girl is involved, has Midoriya as this kind of super-alpha-giga-chad).

But if people don’t like Ugly Bastards, then I can see that and try to keep it down a bit.