Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Starlet of the Sex Show

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 55): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 57): [LINK]

Isane Kotetsu smiled to herself in the mirror as she finished applying black lipstick. She made a wet ‘PLOP!’ sound with her lips, savoring the taste of the lipstick’s rich blackberry flavor. After one last look at her face to see if she needed some more makeup, she raised her hands behind her head and swung her chest from side to side. Her gargantuan tits went with the flow and jiggled and bounced enticingly with the motion.


“Well, well, well… looks like someone is ready to have some fun on stage!” a female voice from behind teased the silver haired maiden.


EEEP!!” Isane jumped up a little bit, causing her tits to jiggle even wilder. She turned around to look at the smug grin of Lisa Yadomaru. “H- how long have you been there?” She asked meekly.


“Long enough to see you admiring those juicy tits of yours.” Lisa said with a wink. Dressed in nothing but a black latex slinkini, long black boots, and with a green feather boa on her shoulders, the current Captain of the 8th Division made for a breathtaking, yet somehow intimidating, appearance. A thin layer of sweat covered her every curve after her performance on the dance floor just now. “God! I envy you for having such huge naturals. If I wanna get ‘em this big, I have to use this stupid Kido Spell.


“Oh, actually, they’re not my natural size.” the well-endowed woman corrected with a huge red blush. Fidgeting with her fingers, she looked down on her breasts as they threatened to spill out of the very skimpy version of her captain uniform that her idol Retsu Unohana wanted her to wear. “I need to keep them so small, otherwise they won’t fit in this uniform.”


“Small??” Lisa echoed, laughing in disbelief. “They’re still not at full size?” She disappeared in a flash, only to instantly appear right in front of Isane again. With swift arms, like a striking snake, she grabbed hold of the silver haired Captain’s fat milkers. “Damn, girl! I envy you!”


“Oooooaah~!!” a small moan escaped Isane’s lips as the smaller woman began fondling her tits. Paying extra attention to her nipples, Lisa twisted them around between her index and middle fingers, eliciting even sweeter squeals from Isane. “AAaaaaangh~! Y- Yadomaru-san… stop it, please!”


“Why should I?!” the black haired woman asked in return, with her fingers grabbing the ample pair of breasts even harder. “You’re clearly enjoying yourself here!”


“Aaaaha…! I… have a performance…!” Isane mewled hesitantly.


Still not giving up on massaging the other Captain’s far bigger tits, Lisa pouted. She just loved the feel of them. They were so hot, so heavy! Lisa could almost feel all that milk sloshing around in those two fat udders! It made it almost impossible to stop!




With a heavy sigh, she ultimately let go of Isane’s boobs and stepped to the side. “Fine. Can’t argue with that, I guess.” She pouted and allowed her to walk by. “Go get ‘em girl! Awesome crowd today. Worked them up nice and hard for you.”


“G- great.” Isane stuttered. She checked herself one last time in the mirror and pulled her uniform back in place before setting off towards the door that connected this dressing room with the performance floor.


“Hey, remember…” as she walked past Lisa, the bespectacled girl spanked her butt. “Once you’re done, we will continue where we left off, got it?!”


“Heheheh. Sure.” Isane answered bashfully, while rubbing the now brightly red imprint of Lisa’s hand on her ass.


LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, IT’S TIME FOR THE HIGHLIGHT OF TONIGHT’S EVENING!!” Nemu Kurotsuchi spoke with a loud, yet creepily monotone voice into her microphone. The black haired woman stood behind a DJ’s turntable and slowed down the beat of the music as Isane strutted down the stage.


Isane was greeted by a wall of catcalls and wolf whistles from the audience as hundreds of green bills rained down upon her.


WOOOOOOOO!!!!” one man to Isane’s right yelled from the top of his lungs.


HELL YEAAAH!!!” another one agreed loudly while throwing a BUNCH of banknotes her way.


SHAKE DAT ASS!!!” a loudmouthed woman cheered for Isane as she walked by.


A few days back, hearing all those anonymous people shout at her like this and ogling at her barely covered body would have been enough to make her blood freeze. Truly, she only joined this whole club because it was her former Captain Unohana who asked her to. It was also Captain Unohana who then gave Isane a much needed pep-talk and the confidence to face the challenges that await her in the club. And all of that culminated in her now swaying her hips to the ever faster getting beat of the music.


The crowd went crazy as the silver haired dancer took hold of the silver pole at the very end of the stage with one hand. She swung around in a large circle, caressing the chins of every man and woman close enough to her, causing at least two of them to faint right then and there, with blood shooting out of their noses and their eyes turned into hearts. Isane giggled gently to herself, having grown to feel proud of the effect she had on other people, even though it still felt wrong. Even sinful.


As she danced for the amusement and arousal of the audience, she let her keen eyes wander through them. She spotted Hanataro Yamada dressed in nothing more than a skin tight speedo that showed off his huge dick and which stuffed full with several hundred banknotes served drinks on a silver platter to a group of middle aged women to the side. One of them held a leash in her hand with… was that Rangiku Matsumoto? On all fours like a dog? Isane shook her head. The Rangiku she knew would never do something so utterly humiliating in her life!


Not that she had much time to think about it for too long. She had an audience to please!


After one last rotation around the pole, which ended with her hanging upside down off of it, with most of her vision obscured by her own hanging breasts, she decided on her mark for the night! A single young man with a receding hairline and already a couple silver streaks in his golden hair. He sat all by himself on a table, nipping once or twice on his drink, but not causing too much attention otherwise. She found him kinda cute with how he fidgeted with his fingers and bashfully looked at her when he thought she didn’t notice. It reminded her a bit of Hanataro.


With a swift Shunpo, she instantly made her way over to his table, much to everyone’s amusement. “Hi there, big boy!” She greeted him with a smile, somewhat amused by his shocked expression, in no small thanks due to her massive tits now being only a couple of inches away from his face. “Did you enjoy the show?”


“E- erm… yeah…! It was… nice.” He said with a heavy gulp, incapable of getting his eyes off of her chest. Isane could actually HEAR the blood in his veins rushing faster and beginning to boil.


She pouted playfully. “Only nice? But I trained so hard to get it all right for you guys.” She looked around the room and grabbed another man’s tie to pull him in. “I know you loved my performance, right?”


YEEEEESS!!!!” the man shouted overly enthusiastically.


“That’s what I thought~!” She whispered hoarsely into his ear, just like how Captain Unohana told her to. Letting go of the man’s tie, she turned her attention back to the man in front of her. With her laying spread all across the table, her tits now rested on his lab and she could feel something hard poking against them from underneath. “So… why won’t you try again and tell me how much you enjoyed it, hm?!”


“I… I LOVED IT!!!” the man then declared loudly much to Isane’s and everyone else’s approval. The audience roared and raised their glasses to his honesty.


“Exactly!” Isane purred, while she was already beginning to loosen his buckle and open his pants.


Any complaint the man might have was drowned out by the thunderous roars of approval from everyone else around him as Isane freed his dick. Next to her humongous tits, his member looked actually really small. Yes, compared to the likes of Hanataro and Yushiro, he wasn’t anything special, but after all the giant cocks she had to deal with recently, she really welcomed this change of pace for once. And it’s not like he was small or anything! One quick glance alone already confirmed that his dick was actually pretty huge for a normal human, standing approximately thirty centimeters long and as thick as her wrist.


“Hmmmm~ Just how I like them!” She moaned so only he could hear before planting a three quick kisses on his length. That simple touch already caused him to spurt out precum over her partially exposed tits.


The man sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “S- sorry!”


“Nothing to be sorry about!” Isane reassured him. She then smiled inwardly. ‘Now that’s something I can deal with!’ Pressing her tits tightly around his dick with her elbows, she extended the smile to him as well. “Brave enough to take my titties for a little ride, big boy?” She asked with a wink.



OH GOD!!! HOW COULD IT GET SO BIIIIIIIGH???” Isane asked, her voice loaded with terror. Her tits now partially engulfed a cock that was easily FIVE TIMES bigger than the one she was faced with earlier. It had only taken a couple of heartbeats for the cock to grow rapidly, now looming menacingly over the silver haired woman’s face. “It’s… that’s impossible! I can’t handle something that big!”


“Don’t be such a pussy!” one man behind her shouted.


“Yeah! Suck that dick, slut!” a woman chimed in, stomping down with her foot for emphasis.


SUCK DAT DICK!! SUCK DAT DICK!! SUCK DAT DICK!!” the rest of the audience began to chant, urging Isane to do the impossible.


Gulping, the tall Shinigami watered her lips and leaned in closer. ‘Okay! Here goes nothing!’ She puckered her lips and kissed the man’s bright red tip. Compared to the now stretched out marks that already adorned the side of his cock, this new black mark looked pitifully small. “HMWAH~!! Sho hawwd!!!” She moaned, keeping her lips pressed tight against his cock as she moved to tickle it with her tongue.


“Fuuuck…!” the man growled, already breathing heavily as he moved his hands through Isane’s silver hair. He pushed his hips forward, letting even more of the weight of his cock rest against the busty slut’s face. “You’re good at this!”


HMMMM… Phank ‘ou!” Isane replied, opening her mouth as wide as possible to swallow his enormous member. “AWWWUUUUGH!!! HULLF, GURRR, RUUULGH!!! IT’SH… SHO PHAT!!!” She screamed in ecstasy and with tears of joy rolling down her cheeks.


DAYUM!! Is that bitch seriously cumming just from sucking sum dick?!” a man behind her asked. Without a single shred of shame, he simply lifted the skimpy excuse of a uniform she wore to reveal her gushing pussy and all its juices that already leaked down her thighs. “She IS!!” He then confirmed with a hard SMACK of his hand on her butt.


AYUUUUUMPH!!! OWCH!!” the silver haired Shinigami gurgled around the other man’s dick as her fat ass wobbled and bounced from the impact of the flat hand. “HRRRRGL, HMMMNH, UMMMPH!!! DO ID AGAIN!!! HAWDEW!!!!!


Another man laughed. “She’s getting off on it!! What a slut!!”


“Step aside! I wanna try something!” yet another new voice said.


She heard some shuffling behind her, but her eyes were too focused on the thick bush of pubic hair right in front of her. It was so close, yet so far at the same time, considering how she just wasn’t able to get more than half of that dick down her throat. She’d have thought that after her training session with Hanataro and Yushiro, she’d be able to handle any kind of dick, but apparently not. Her gag reflex still got in the way of completely throating this behemoth meatstick!


Or, at least that would be the case until…


HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURGLUUUUUUUPH!!!!!” She choked at length as the man who spoke up before unceremoniously RAMMED his entire dick into her ass! Isane’s entire body was rocked forward by the sudden thrust, which drove the entire rest of the other dick into her mouth! “AAAAHHAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUPH!!!!! PHUUUUUUUUUUGG!!!!


The audience around her burst into cheers as two distinct phallus-shaped lumps made their way through her body to meet halfway there! Her previously thin neck was stretched comically wide by the invasive cock between her lips as the man fully grabbed her by the hair to keep her in place while his full balls slapped wetly against her chin. Drool ran out of her mouth as she was completely overwhelmed by the sensation of the two dicks rearranging her insides with each thrust. At the same time, the man behind her grabbed her juicy buttocks for leverage as he sped up his thrusts as well. Wet squelching sounds from Isane’s ass echoed in her mind as the man repeatedly shoved his cock in and out of her in rapid succession!


GAAAAAWK!!!! CUMMINGH!!! MUH MIND ISH GOINGH BLANG!!!! AYE CAN’D PHING ANYMOWE!!!! CAWK!!! AYE CAN ONWY PHINK OPH CAWK!!! ID’SH DA BESHD!!!! AYE CAN’D SHDOP CUMMINGH!!!! GHEDDINGH PHUGGED BY DWO DIGGSH AD ONESH ISH DA BEEEEEEEEESHD!!!!” Her gargled screams were clearly audible to everyone in the club. Men and women alike cheered for her as she got absolutely ravaged by the two unknown men. “HUUUUURK, UUUULK, UUUUMPH, HUUR, HUUUUURRRRK!!! MOOOOOOOAAAWH!!!!! CUM!!! CUM INSHIDE OPH MEH!!!! PHILL MEH WIPH ‘OUW CUUUUUUUUMMMM!!!!


The men didn’t need to say anything. They looked at one another and nodded when their cocks erupted, dumping two entire loads straight into the depths of the insatiable woman’s stomach. “HRRRGH!!!!


YEEEEEEPH!!!!” Isane’s eyes went wide with joy as the white cream filled her insides. She could feel it sloshing around as the men held her in place, with her own body twitching and wailing in ecstasy. “CUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGH!!!!!


From behind the curtain that separated the stage from the changing room, Lisa continued stroking her pussy and fondling her tit as the men were roughly pulled away by some of the audience. Their places were quickly taken by two other men who lifted her up, only to ram their cocks into her pussy and ass. The following elongated squeal from the silver haired slut was enough for Lisa to cum right then and there as well.


“Hurry up, boys.” She said more to herself than to them as she sucked on her now wet fingers, lapping up her own nectar. “I don’t wanna wait too long for my turn with her!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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