Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Splendid Spa Sex

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 99): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 101): To Be Continued…

Walking down a long boardwalk, Naruto Uzumaki looked around the area, anyone who met his gaze gasping slightly and quickly looking away. Not surprising, since he was currently in Sage Mode, meaning his eyes no longer looked human, but were sideways ovals like that of a toad. It was the best way for him to track chakra. Though right now, that was harder than normal. The nature chakra of this island was all kinds of weird right now. What looked like rainbow colored clouds of energy wafted about on unfelt breezes. The energy came up out of the ground, out of the trees, and even the weeds that grew between cracks in the sidewalk. It wasn’t a surprise, as nature chakra was given off by all living things.


Even people, though it worked differently in sentient beings, since they could actively control their own chakra, which changed it from Nature to their own unique brands. Though Naruto understood it, thinking about it still gave him a headache.


If Sasuke was here with his mother who, like Kaguya and Jiraiya, had come back from Death, then he had to see her! The closest encounter with her had been his brief meeting inside his own soul when he took the first steps to taming Kurama. And that had been so painfully brief.


Finding her chakra shouldn’t be too difficult. He need only look for one very similar to his own. Children’s chakra colors tended to take after their mothers. Naruto figured it was because the child and parent spent nine months as a single being for lack of a better description.


β€œNanadaime-sama?” asked a familiar voice.


Naruto blinked, with his eyes returning to normal as he lost his focus to hold the form and turned to see the face that went with that voice. β€œOh hey, Moegi!” he said with a smile to the flaxen haired young woman as she approached.


β€œI thought that was you.” Meogi replied as she closed the distance quickly. She was dressed, or rather, undressed in just a pair of flip flops to protect her feet, with the rest of her body completely naked. A few weeks ago, Naruto might have gotten flustered seeing a girl aside from his wife in such a state, especially one he knew. But now though, he hardly noticed.


β€œI had heard you came to the island.” Naruto said, β€œIs Boruto with you?”


Moegi shook her head, β€œNo. I’ve more or less lost track of my entire team. I see them occasionally at the hotel we’re staying at, but I think they mostly just go back there to sleep.”


Naruto nodded, figuring that was the case. Not wanting to waste time, Naruto gave Moegi a quick explanation of what he was doing and why. Moegi nodded, following along rather quickly, then responded, β€œI’ll help you! I’m not the best tracker, but an extra set of eyes could help you find her faster!”


Naruto wasn’t about to turn down some help when it was offered. It took him several minutes to get into Sage Mode again. He hadn’t had this much difficulty with it since his early days of training in Senjutsu. But he managed again, and after a little time, found the traces of a chakra similar in color to his own. It was only off by a few shades, and it had a somehow familiar feel to it. He took that as a good sign as he took off at a run. Moegi ran behind him, managing to keep up with him in spite of his superior speed in Sage Mode. Maybe it was because she was naked, something to do with less air resistance? He decided not to dwell on it too much, less it earned him some slap in the face or other cliche.


The two of them skirted the edge of the city and beach, eventually reaching an area that bordered the forested section of the island. Here the nature chakra was denser, making tracking his mother’s even harder, but he could still see it, like a thin bit of thread in the air. Naruto smirked, remembering the red thread of fate romantic nonsense talked about in all kinds of romance novels Hinata liked to read.


They followed the trail for a good distance, and as they neared the source, he saw other familiar chakras gathered near the source of the one he was tracking. The deep bluish purple chakra was unmistakably Sasuke’s. There was also a blue white chakra that he thought might have been Hinata’s, but as he drew closer, he could tell it was actually Hanabi’s! Being Hinata’s little sister, they had similar colors. The final source of chakra there was one he knew all too well now as Granny Tsunade’s!


The area where they had tracked the chakra seemed to be some kind of spa. Naruto saw mud baths, hot tubs, tables clearly meant for massages, and what looked like a large rustic sauna house. It was in the outdoor lobby area where Naruto spotted the group. Sasuke stood naked with Tsunade, Hanabi, and…


Conflicting emotions roiled within Naruto’s heart as he saw her. The nearly blood red hair, those warm gray eyes, and that beautiful face were all exactly as he remembered them in their encounter within his soul. Kushina Uzumaki was a beautiful woman when she smiled while speaking with Tsunade, Hanabi, and Sasuke. But as Naruto stepped into their line of sight, their conversation simply stopped.


β€œWell, speak of the Devil.” Tsunade said with a grin, β€œHanabi and I were just tell…” the blonde was cut off mid-word by Hanabi covering her mouth.


β€œDon’t spoil this!” Hanabi hissed in a whisper, then watched what was about to happen to play out.


Naruto and Kushina stood across from one another, frozen as if hit by a paralysis jutsu. Kushina opened and closed her mouth several times like a fish out of water, trying to breathe. After several moments, tears began welling up in the corners of her eyes as she rediscovered how to move her hands and covered her mouth.


β€œNa-ru-to…?” she said haltingly, as if forcing out every syllable.


Naruto moved his artificial hand up to rub the back of his head as he gave a nervous chuckle, β€œAhehe, uh… Hi, mom.” he said softly. It was strange calling her that, the word feeling almost alien in his mouth.


As if a dam had burst, the tears streamed down Kushina’s cheeks as she ran forward, β€œNARUTOOO!!!” she cried, closing the distance between the two of them, throwing her arms around his shoulder and hugging her naked body against his.


Naruto just stood there for several heartbeats. The drama of this situation wasn’t lost on him. He could feel the hot tears flowing down the sides of his face already. It was just, he also felt awkward, standing stark naked in a clearing being embraced by his equally naked mother!


He only hesitated another moment before he slipped his arms around Kushina’s slender waist. The very instant he returned her embrace, it was like a dam had burst within him as well as a rush of emotions threatened to overtake him. Suddenly, it didn’t matter anymore that this moment was made awkward by their nudity. Kushina’s warmth, her scent, the very FEEL of her presence all felt familiar to him. They touched at a memory so deep he didn’t even know it was there.


β€œMom!” he said, his voice tight with emotion as he hugged her tighter! The word didn’t feel so alien to him this time at all.


β€œNaruto! Naruto…!” Kushina cried, saying his name over and over as she actively sobbed in joy, β€œMy boy! my sweet boy!” she said as the two loosened their grip on one another and backed away just a bit. She looked up at him, taking his face in her hands, staring at his face as if trying to memorize every aspect of it.


From the corners of his vision, he could see Hanabi and Tsunade watching them. Hanabi’s face was streaked with tears as she watched while Tsunade just smiled as she watched. Sasuke had his arms crossed over his bare chest and was trying to look bored, but Naruto could see the edges of a smile on his face. Moegi went over to stand with the group as they watched the show.


Kushina’s face then took on an annoyed expression as Naruto suddenly felt a hard chop to the top of his head, β€œWHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG, DATTEBANE!?!?!” she chided him.


β€œGYAH!!!” he yelled, with his hands immediately moving to the top of his head to rub at the lump forming there. β€œWell for one thing, I didn’t even know you were here until about an hour or so ago!” he explained. He then looked over to Sasuke, β€œAll your message said was you needed to meet.”


Sasuke shrugged, completely unapologetic, β€œWhy spoil the surprise?” he asked sardonically.


Before he could reply, Kushina grabbed Naruto’s head, shoving it straight into her huge tits and leaning down to kiss the spot where she’d hit him as he flailed his arms about wildly. Strangely enough, when she kissed the stinging spot on his head, it almost immediately felt better!


Kushina then let go and he immediately pulled his face out from between her tits. She then hugged him again and smiled, β€œYou’re even more handsome than your father.” she told him with a motherly smile.


β€œOh yeah, is dad here!?” Naruto asked, looking around.


Kushina seemed to deflate slightly, β€œNot that I’ve seen. And knowing him, he’d make his presence known in some flashy way.”


β€œIt may have something to do with unfinished business.” Tsunade spoke up. β€œOr something like that.”


β€œI don’t think ghost lore applies to this.” Sasuke said. β€œI spoke with some locals, and it appears to be completely random from what they can tell. Believe me, my parents would definitely have β€œunfinished business”. And If I saw my dad, I’d probably kill him a second time.”


β€œThat’s awful!” Moegi said. Naruto didn’t blame her, since she didn’t know all of the details behind the Uchiha massacre, and why Itachi had done what he did.


β€œHe has his reasons/I have my reasons.” Naruto and Sasuke said together.


The air was tensely silent for a moment before Hanabi clapped her hands together loudly, breaking the tension. β€œOkay, enough of that grimdark chatter! This is something to celebrate right, then let’s celebrate! We’re at one of the nicest spas on this island, and as a returned person, Kushina gets everything for free, right? Let’s use that!”


Naruto nodded, β€œHanabi’s right. I don’t know how long we have this time, so let’s not waste it.”


β€œAbout that…” Sasuke began, but Kushina shot him a look and he went silent.


β€œHuh?” Naruto asked.


β€œIt can wait until later.” Kushina explained as they went over to the main desk of the outdoor lobby.



After a couple of hours, after a mud bath, massage, and body scrubbing, Naruto found himself sweating profusely inside of a large rustic sauna. It was a basic wooden structure with a dirt floor and large, thick benches. Beneath those benches were hot stones that provided the heat inside the sauna. In the center of the room was also a large bin filled with even more of the hot stones that you could pour water over to increase the steam levels. There was also a smaller box next to it filled with a selection of leaves that could be burned for a kind of aroma therapy.


β€œHoly…!” Moegi said as she sat next to Naruto in the sauna. On the opposite side of him was Tsunade, looking equally shocked.


β€œI know I’ve seen it before, but it still amazes me!” said Tsunade.


β€œWhat are you ladies talking about?” Naruto asked as he looked across the room to another long bench where Hanabi sat next to Sasuke with Naruto’s mother sitting to his left. Both women wore shocked expressions as well as they stared down at the man’s dick, which was nearly equal in size to Naruto’s.


β€œWow, impressive.” said Hanabi, β€œFrom what Sakura told me about, I thought it’d be a lot shorter and thinner.”


β€œThank you for not saying smaller.” Sasuke said quietly.


Hanabi’s look of shock became a grin, β€œYou’re welcome.” she said cheekily.


β€œI’m surprised my technique worked so well.” said Kushina.


β€œWhat, so that was you!?” Tsunade said, turning her head to look at the redhead. β€œThe stuff I made couldn’t hope to do that!”


β€œYou mean the sunscreen?” Sasuke asked.


β€œGheep!” Tsunade choked, β€œHow…?”


β€œThey sell the stuff in every store practically. It has a rather unique smell that even my nose can pick out.” Sasuke said, β€œLemme guess, you were betting on a placebo effect?”


The blonde woman hung her head, β€œYes,” she admitted in a defeated tone. She then looked up at him, β€œThough I’m glad to see you don’t need it anymore.”


β€œAnnnnnnyway,” Kushina said, openly changing the subject, β€œSo you had to go through a trippy genjutsu to understand your feelings for Hinata?”


β€œYeah, from what Sakura told me, he was a wreck for a bit after Hinata briefly dumped him!” Sasuke said with a chuckle.


β€œNot my finest moment. I freely admit that.” said Naruto.


β€œYou get that from your dad.” Kushina said dryly, β€œHe could be unbelievably dense about stuff like that as well.”


β€œYeah, Minato was like that. Most good men are, in my experience.” Tsunade said.


β€œSo Tsunade,” Kushina said, β€œHow would you rate my son’s injutsu?” she asked.


β€œHuh!?” Naruto said, his eyes wide with shock.


β€œHisashi told me he and Hinata did most of your training later on, but Jiraiya and Tsunade helped get you familiar with the basics at least.” Kushina explained.


β€œBack when he was a snot nosed brat, I’d say that tree trunk there was all he had going for him.” Tsunade answered with a sly grin, β€œLater, I’d put him on the same level as the laughable excuse for what passes today. After he got hitched and really trained for it…” Tsunade trailed off, β€œWell, I wouldn’t call him a full master, but…”


β€œThat one little word says everything.” Kushina said. She then bowed her head towards him, β€œHad your father and I lived, I would have been in charge of teaching you the clan techniques. I’m only glad I told Hisashi about the Kami Chinpo, so at least you can use that.”


β€œUh… Ahehe…” was all Naruto could manage for a proper reply.


β€œUm, excuse me…?” Moegi said, holding up a hand, β€œWhat are you guys talking about?”


β€œSeduction Tactics.” Hanabi answered, β€œBut the proper version is called Injutsu, or Sexcraft. My family still practices and teaches it to clan members. Kushina knew dad back before onee-chan was born.”


β€œYeah, I sparred with him a couple times.” Kushina said, β€œHe never could handle Uzumaki pussy!” she said with a laugh as she put one leg up on the bench where she sat with Sasuke and Hanabi, fully exposing her pussy. Naruto felt his cheeks heating up at the sight as his dick shifted on its own.


β€œNanadaime-sama!” Moegi chided.


β€œI know!” Naruto said.


β€œWhat?” Kushina asked, β€œThat’s a healthy reaction. Besides, had I been allowed to train him from the proper age, he’d be well acquainted with the sight.”


β€œBut that’s…!” Moegi said.


β€œSo?” asked Kushina, β€œIt’s not like we’d be doing it out of perverse lust. It’s just training, and who would be better for him? You know, I wonder why other members of my clan didn’t try and teach him the clan techniques?”


β€œMost were already dead.” Naruto answered. β€œI only know a couple of others currently alive outside myself and a woman named Karin.”


β€œI see…” Kushina said, though her voice didn’t hold any sadness in it really, but rather more disappointment than anything else. β€œStill, I would like you to learn the Clan Techniques properly.”


β€œHow much could you teach him before…?” Tsunade began to ask, but trailed off.


β€œBefore the festival ends?” Kushina finished for her, β€œAnd I possibly go back where I came from?”


The blonde woman nodded.


β€œAbout that,” Sasuke said, then began a long explanation about the returnees and their chakra. How it matched the rainbow colored chakra that permeated the island right now. But after he took Kushina off the island, her’s changed, becoming normal again.


β€œI think that’s why they work so hard to keep everyone who comes back here. So they all return to the other side when this festival ends.” Sasuke finished.


β€œWe won’t know until it actually does end. But the idea is sound given the information available right now.” Kushina said. β€œWhen I first woke up here, I was a traumatized mess. But now, here, with you and your family, Naruto, I don’t want to go back.”


β€œI think,” Moegi spoke up before Naruto could reply. Her face was one of intense thought, β€œI heard something like that explained a couple of days ago, um, I think. A local man was talking about it with someone, and I heard him say something about keeping them here. I was um, kinda busy at the time, but… Arrgh, if only I could remember exactly!”


β€œMoegi,” Sasuke said, β€œLook over here.” he told her, while uncovering his Rinnegan eye. Moegi met his gaze and went completely still for all of three seconds. When she moved again, she suddenly looked fatigued.


β€œI was right.” Sasuke said, β€œTaking a returned off the island, even just a mile or so out to sea, and their connection is severed. Moegi overheard all of it when she was having sex with Mitsuki.”


β€œACK!” Moegi yelped, blushing profusely.


β€œWhat’d you do?” Kushina asked.


β€œI went inside her mind with my Rinnegan, we replayed her memory of that conversation on a loop. Took a week from our perspective to filter out all the β€˜noise’ in the memory.” Sasuke explained. β€œThe man she overheard was an old local, talking history with another local. Seems they started all of the things on this island to keep the returned here so they would return to where they came from. Seems like a century ago, one really bad guy returned and escaped, causing some havoc before he was put down by a shinobi.”


β€œWell, that’s wonderful!” said Hanabi. β€œKushina-san can come home with all of us!”


Naruto groaned, when asked what about, he explained the situation with Kaguya and Konan. β€œSamui was one thing, but those two as well…”


β€œThat’s a problem for future us,” Hanabi declared as she stood up, her big tits jiggling erotically, β€œI see this as a good reason to celebrate!” she said as she reached into the smaller box by the bin with the heated rocks. She pulled out a small, clear bag filled with some dried purple leaves. β€œLet’s add one of those aroma things in here!” she said, tearing the small bag open and pouring the contents over the hot coals in the bin. They ever so briefly caught fire, but burned out almost instantly, filling the sauna with a thick, sweet smelling purple smoke.


Strangely enough, no one coughed at the smoke, meaning whatever those leaves were, they burned cleanly like incense, not throwing out particles that irritated the lungs and throat. The aroma spread through the sauna quickly, adding a soft lavender colored haze to everything. The smell itself was sweet, like candy almost, that pure sugar kind sold at festivals.


β€œSmells nice…” Kushina commented as she leaned back against the wall behind her. She inhaled deeply through her nose, then slowly exhaled through her mouth. Then, closing her eyes, Kushina took another deep breath, then another, and another. Naruto watched as she rested more of her weight against the wall as she spread her legs wide, exposing her pussy again. Naruto gulped, his face heating up again as he felt his dick getting hard again, already standing up on its own. He tried looking away, turning his gaze over to Hanabi who was now fondling her own breasts, her face flushed as if she had a fever.


β€œAhhhnmmmh…!” Tsunade suddenly moaned erotically. β€œWhat… Ahhh… My body feels hot…!” she gasped.


β€œI thought it was just me…” Kushina said, squeezing her own breasts as well now. β€œAhhhmmmmmh, my nipples are so hard right nowww…” she moaned, pinching her pink nipples with her fingers and tugging on them. She then gasped as she moved one hand down between her wide spread legs, rubbing at her pussy. In seconds, her juices were already coating her fingers as she delved them in and out of her cunt with a SHLICK SHLICK sound.


Naruto’s vision was then blocked as Moegi slumped against him, panting heavily, β€œAhhhn, Nanadaime-sama, please… Help me! My body feels so hot and it keeps getting hotter!” she gasped out.


β€œWhat’s going on?” asked Sasuke as he groaned, his dick now fully erect as well, nearly as big as Naruto’s in size.


β€œI… I don’t know…!” groaned Naruto as Moegi hugged her naked body against his, looking up at him with her eyes shimmering in want.


β€œThe leaves,” Tsunade gasped, β€œAphrodisiac,” she said, her breathing heavier, β€œPowerful, dangerous…” she said, sounding as if she were struggling to get out every word, she grabbed both her tits now, squeezing and kneading them for a moment before pulling one towards her mouth, sucking her own nipple.


β€œAhhhhmmmmh! I can’t stand it anymoooore…!” Moegi moaned, still panting as a trickle of drool ran down her chin, β€œNanadaime-sama, let me borrow your cock!” she said in a rush as she moved with all the speed and deftness that came with her title as a kunoichi. Grabbing Naruto’s giant log of a dick, she lifted herself up as though she weighed nothing, then impaled her pussy on it!


β€œHWEEEEEEEGH!!!” Moegi hissed through clenched teeth as his cock spread her pussy wide, with its girth sliding up into her, making her tummy tent upwards from the sheer insane length! If Naruto’s head didn’t feel so foggy all of a sudden, he would have been impressed that she could handle his size on the first try like that. But the moment his cock was inside Moegi, it felt as if someone had flipped a switch in his brain, turning off his ability to focus on anything other than the feel of Moegi’s tight pussy gripping his dick! Moving almost entirely on instinct alone, he grabbed the young woman’s big tits in both his hands, pumping his hips and bouncing Moegi on his length.


β€œWAAAAAAH, SO BHIIIIIIG! IT’S STRETCHING ME SO MUUUUUCH! IT FEELS GOOD! MY PUSSY FEELS SO GOOOOOOD!!!” Moegi cried, planting her feet on the corners of the bench and using her legs like springs, moving her body against his thrusts so that they pulled far apart every time he withdrew. This resulted in his cock going even deeper inside her when she brought herself back down.


β€œHOOOOOOH!!! OOOOOOOH!!! AHHHHAAAH, YES!!! AHA AHHA HAAH AHHA… YES MORE! I NEED IT! MY PUSSY NEEDS TO BE STUUUUUFFED!!!” Moegi screamed, a look of insane lust on her face as her eyes crossed and rolled back in their sockets. Her mouth hung open, tongue hanging off her low lip while she panted like a rutting dog. Her big tits bounced and jiggled from the force of his thrusts as Naruto groaned at the sensation of her pussy sliding up and down his length. Moegi’s naughty juices drizzled down the length of his shaft and over his balls.


β€œAhhhh, such big nuts…” Naruto heard Tsunade say in a husky tone. He looked to his left, but she wasn’t seated there anymore. He then suddenly felt the sensation of a wet tongue dragging itself over his balls as someone held them in a delicate touch.


β€œNmmmmmh, I can taste Moegi’s slut juices!” Tsunade moaned in that same heady tone.


β€œNHOOOOO, DHON’T SAY IT LIKE THAAAAAT, AHHHH, I’M SO ASHAAAAMED, BUT I CAN’T STOP! I DON’T WANNA STOP, IT FEELS TOO GOOOOOOD!!! MY PUSSY FEELS TOO GOOD! CUMMING, I’M CUMMINGH!!!” Moegi screamed in ecstasy, her pussy spraying her juices everywhere. Naruto groaned again, his body moving almost as if being controlled by another brain as he stood up and placed his hands on Moegi’s hips. She felt so light to him, it was almost eerie.


Holding the flaxen haired girl up easily, Naruto began raising and lowering her on his gigantic erection as he stood there. Moegi howled in pleasure as her head leaned back, wobbling around weakly.




Naruto groaned and grunted, pumping the girl up and down even faster now as he felt Tsunade licking and sucking on his balls. The blonde haired man could already feel the pressure mounting inside those balls as he pumped Moegi’s body up and down on his length. The feel of her pussy clenching his dick was maddening as he huffed and groaned.


β€œCUUUUMMMMINGH!! I’M CUMMING MYSELF INSAAAANE!!!” Moegi screamed as Naruto finally shoved his entire length inside her tight young pussy. With another groan, he felt his cock surging with pleasure as he came hard.


There was a wet thudding sound inside Moegi as he blasted the inside of her womb with his white sauce. The flaxen haired girl let out a deep moan of pleasure as her belly began to swell up, her womb filling with cum that the thickness of his cock wouldn’t allow to escape. The wet thudding sound continued as Naruto’s dick throbbed inside the girl, with her belly growing bigger and bigger, making her look heavily pregnant.


Naruto then fell back onto the bench again, Moegi briefly straddling his lap until she slipped off him and fell to the floor of the sauna with a dull thud. The young kunoichi woman laid there, with her legs spread wide as Naruto’s cum rushed out of her with a rude sound.


β€œAheheheh… Hehehehe…” she giggled in an almost creepy way, β€œNanadaime-sama has destroyed my pussy… Ahehehehe…”


β€œYou’ll recover.” Tsunade said with a grin as she moved to press her gigantic tits around Naruto’s still hard cock, β€œNmmmmmh, now it’s my turn…” she purred.


Tsunade then began to slowly lick his cock up and down as if it were some kind of gigantic popsicle. Naruto looked over to where Sasuke was with Hanabi and Kushina. Currently, he spotted his mother down on her hands and knees like a dog, with Sasuke right behind her, slamming his newly enhanced length into her.


β€œHMMMMMMMMMN, YESSSSS! HARDER!!! SHOVE THAT FAT DICK INTO MY PUSSY HARDERRRRRR…!!!” Kushina moaned in a deep throaty voice, β€œAHH FUUUUCK, IT’S GOING IN SO DHEEEEEEEP…!” she screamed, rocking her own body back and forth wildly, her huge tits hanging down from her body and swaying erotically with her movements.


On the ground in front of Kushina, Hanabi laid on her back, hands squeezing her own tits roughly as she panted heavily. β€œAHHHH, PLEASE, DON’T STOP, MY PUSSY… MY PUSSY IS GOING INSANE!!!” she moaned, sitting up and grabbing Kushina’s head with both her hands, pulling the redhead’s face down between her legs. Almost immediately, Kushina put her arms around the brunette’s milky thighs as she opened her mouth wide, covering Hanabi’s pussy entirely.




β€œAHNNNMH NMMMMH, HMMMN…” Kushina moaned, moving her tongue in wide strokes, sliding it between the glistening folds of the other woman’s pussy while Sasuke pistoned his cock back and forth, his pelvis smacked hard against Kushina’s ass with a PLAP PLAP PLAP sound. Ripples moved across the shapely buns of Naruto’s mother’s ass from the repeated impacts.


β€œAhhhhn, can’t… Can’t stoooop…” Sasuke groaned, grabbing Kushina’s hips with both hands, groaning again as he stepped up the pace of his thrusts, making Kushina moan loudly into Hanabi’s crotch. That, in turn, made Hanabi wail in pleasure as well.


Groaning quietly as he felt Tsunade beginning to deepthroat his dick, Naruto watched as Kushina lifted her face out of Hanabi’s crotch, licking her lips erotically. She then used her fingers to pry open the folds of the brown haired girl’s pretty pink pussy, allowing her to look inside.


β€œMmmmmmn, yeah, such a pretty pussy!” Kushina moaned, pressing her mouth to Hanabi’s pussy again, delving her tongue as deep as it would go inside her.




Behind Kushina, Sasuke groaned, with an almost pained expression on his face, and his Sharingan fully activated, giving him a nearly demonic visage as he swung his hips back and forth. The huge distention made by his dick on Kushina’s stomach moved with him, marking how far inside her he was.


β€œAHHHHHHA, YES!!! SO DHEEEEP!!! I CAN FEEL IT INVADING MY WOOOOMB!!! SO GOOD! FEELS AMAZING, I… I WANNA CUMMMM!!! MAKE ME CUUUMMMM!!!” screamed Kushina before going back to her meal between Hanabi’s legs.


β€œHaaaah, Ku… Kushina-san…” grunted Sasuke, his hands gripping Kushina’s ass now.


The redheaded woman lifted her mouth back out of Hanabi’s crotch and turned to look back at him. Her eyes wide and a look of insane pleasure on her face, β€œYES! DO IT!!! MAKE ME CUM, IN FRONT OF MY SON! DO IT!!! AHHHH, MY PUSSY FEELS SO GOOD! MY WHOLE BODY IS GOING INSAAANE!” Kushina wailed loudly.


β€œAhhhha, hrraaaagh, haaaaah…!” Sasuke groaned before going all in, pounding his cock in and out of Kushina without remorse! Naruto’s mother let out a deep moan, moving her head from side to side as she kept her face between Hanabi’s legs. The distinct scent of raw sex now filled the sauna as Naruto’s sense of time became a blur. One moment, he was fucking Tsunade up against one wall, while Sasuke face fucked Hanabi, while Kushina and Moegi were in a perfect sixty-nine on the floor. He groaned as he felt his cock surging again as he came inside the older blonde woman.


Then, when he blinked, Naruto found himself on his back, Hanabi riding his dick cowgirl style while Sasuke fucked her in the asshole. The two gigantic dicks pistoned in and out of her holes as she panted and moaned like a whore.


β€œAHHHH, THAT FEELS SO GOOD!” Hanabi screamed, β€œYOU’RE STUFFING MY HOLES! AHHHH, DON’T STOP!!! KEEP RAMMING THOSE BITCHBREAKING DICKS INTO ME!!!” she screamed, her big tits bouncing wildly as she rolled her body into their thrusts. The lump in her stomach from their combined size roiled and undulated as she panted and drooled before leaning down and forcing her tongue into Naruto’s mouth.


β€œDon’t worry,” Hanabi said after kissing him, her voice sounding oddly casual, β€œNee-chan won’t mind.” she told him. She then looked down at him with a warm smile that he’d come to know her for. Then in a rather disturbing display, her face shifted back into one of wild, mad lust as she continued bouncing between them.


When he turned to look away from Hanabi’s ahegao expression, he spotted Moegi and his mother with Tsunade. The three women were all over one another. Moegi busied herself with sucking on Tsunade’s gigantic tits, while his mother lapped away as a thick white fluid was leaking out from Tsunade’s pussy!


β€œAhhhhh, so much cum… It smells so good and it’s so thiiiick…” Kushina moaned, her voice low and husky. β€œSqueeze out some more for me…” she told Tsunade.


The former Hokage woman closed her eyes, making a face as she tensed inner muscles, and a fresh flow of white man milk poured out of her pussy. He saw his mother eagerly lapping that up as he groaned at the feel of Hanabi’s pussy clenching tight around his dick.


β€œFuuuuuck, I’m gonna cum again…” groaned Sasuke.


β€œMe too…” said Naruto.


This news only excited Hanabi even more as she began gyrating her hips between them, stirring their cocks around inside her ass and cunt. β€œYES! DO IT! PUMP MY HOLES FULL OF THICK SAUCE!!! I WANT IT!!! CUM IN ME UNTIL I’M ABOUT TO BUUURST!!! GIMME YOUR CUM! GIMME YOUR CUM!!! GIMME UR CUM, GIMME UR CUM, GIMME UR CUUUUMMMMM!!!” she howled!


Naruto and Sasuke both grunted and groaned as they came inside her together! The sheer volume of cum shot out by both of them had filled her in an instant. She let out a low, animalistic moan that then turned into a loud belch as the cum filling her stomach forced out any air inside.


Naruto groaned, his cock still throbbing and hard as Hanabi was lifted off of him. He could barely think anymore. His head felt like someone had literally scooped out his brain and replaced it with warm and fluffy cotton. When he moved, it was with a slightly groggy, disconnected sensation. Like he’d taken a bunch of those hayfever medication pills that made you sleepy. Only he didn’t feel fatigued at all. Instead, he’d never felt more awake, he just didn’t feel clear headed. Even sounds were muddled now, voices sounding as if he were hearing them from underwater, only a soft steady tone seemed clear. Who would have thought he would long for a little post-coital clarity!


He sat up off the floor and tried to stand, but his legs didn’t want to work properly as he fell forwards. He fell against something warm, soft, and slightly sticky, when he reached out with his hands, they grabbed two huge and squishy yet firm mounds. By now, he knew this feeling all too well as he squeezed the heavy tits, feeling the nipples poking at his palms. The smoke and steam of the sauna made it hard to see as he leaned himself against the woman’s back. When he felt her hands grabbing his cock, Naruto didn’t protest as he felt his dick guided into the warm, soft, wet, and TIGHT feel of another pussy!


Immediately, Naruto groaned in pleasure, swinging his hips again, driving his gigantic dick in and out of the fresh hole. The loud tone that had been the only clear sound eventually faded, bringing a sense of relief as he groaned at the feel of the pussy around his cock. Other sounds began to clear in his ears now, a deep, throaty moan as the woman his cock was inside howled in ecstasy.


At some point, Naruto turned to look over at Sasuke and the others. He could see his best friend currently fucking Moegi who knelt on all fours while he took turns kissing Tsunade and Hanabi. Time became a blur again, everything around Naruto was a haze as he felt his cock shooting cum again. The last sound he could clearly hear was the sound of four women screaming in pleasure before everything went dark and he passed out.



Naruto opened his eyes and immediately regretted it as someone stabbed red hot nails into his brain! He sat up, one hand against his forehead as he surveyed his surroundings. He was in a resting area, like one of those waiting rooms outside a doctor’s office, but it didn’t feel nearly as sterile.


β€œHere,” said Sasuke’s voice as he appeared in front of Naruto holding a can of beer out to him. β€œThey say the headache fades after about five minutes. Alcohol helps though.” he explained.


Naruto took the can, cracked the seal, and took several swallows. The beer was bitter and warmer than he would have liked. But it soothed an incredibly dry throat. Before he even realized it, he’d emptied the can.


β€œWhat happened?” Naruto asked.


β€œSomeone put a pack of some aphrodisiac herbs in with the aromatics. Easy mistake actually. The boxes were right next to each other in the store room when the manager checked.” explained Sasuke. β€œApparently, that stuff is meant to be used at a fifth of the dose Hanabi poured onto the coals. But we should be fine. The only negative side effect should be the headache.”


β€œUgh, yeah right…” Naruto said bitterly as the headache began to fade like Sasuke said it would. β€œWhere are the others?”


β€œGetting facials.” Sasuke said.


Something in his voice told Naruto not to inquire any further than that. β€œSo, you fucked my mom eh?” he then asked.


Sasuke stiffened visibly. He took a swig of beer from his own can, β€œIn my defense, I didn’t know who she was then. She didn’t even give me her last name until later.”


The two friends then just sat there in silence as they waited for the women to return.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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8 hours ago


8 hours ago
Reply to  Whitis


10 hours ago


9 hours ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Figuring out how to get her in took me a bit.

10 hours ago

Could we have a Kushina X Tsunade or Moegi X Tsunade smut chapter set after this(since both get licked by Kushina along with Hanabi in this one)?

10 hours ago
Reply to  Cuchilla

Only if a picture showing as much is released.

16 hours ago

Before I begin to share anything on my end, allow me to say Happy 100 chapters!!! This is quite a accomplishment here in the site, and for good reason! So that alone deserves some serious praise right there. πŸ€©πŸ“’ πŸŽŠπŸŽ†

On that note, let’s talk about the 100th chapter special! Now as I said privately, this was by far the most difficult and monstrous chapter I’ve edited in a very long time. But was it worth the wait as a reader? Short answer: Fuck. Yes. Long answer: Let’s talk about it a little. 😏

This was definitely a really great one to sit down, read, follow and visualize from beginning to end. More so given what this was and how it went. Although I’m pretty sure many would consider the highlight of the story be the big orgy, mine is Naruto and Kushina finally reuniting and that big talk before the orgy in question. And honestly, that one was the best possible thing. πŸ€—

Having Sasuke, Hanabi, Moegi and Tsunade also made things work also. Not just with the topic of the returned in Ranko, but also Kushina more than willing to come back home with everyone, as well as teaching Naruto the Uzumaki Injutsu formally {though a certain bratty son and grandson could benefit from all that too, but that’s a topic for another day!}. πŸ€“

As for the orgy… JESUS! THAT was a crazy one! But it was definitely worth it! Everyone really got involved there. And there wasn’t a wasted thing about it. Although someone needs to be a bit more careful with the aphrodisiacs in spas and saunas. Still, this was a burning hot sequence. Probably one of your best, period. πŸ₯΅

So all in all, this was a perfect way to cap 100 chapters, Naruto or not. So excellent work! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

Looking forward to what you write next. πŸ˜ƒ

– Hiryu

15 hours ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thank you Hiryu. When someone pointed out we were coming up on chapter 100, I knew I had to make it a banger. Finding the image to do it to, THAT was difficult, but eventually I found something suitable and decided to do the reunion everyone has been waiting excitedly for.

15 hours ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Which I can see why. And that’s also very reasonable. Personally I believe that you pulled it off nicely. 😎

15 hours ago
Reply to  Hiryu


Roger Goga
Roger Goga
17 hours ago

Great chapter and can’t wait to see more of it

17 hours ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Next chapter is complete and up on my patreon and subscribestar pages