Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Saving the World with (God) Cock (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXXIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXV): [LINK]



All she knew was darkness, and a cold emptiness that never seemed to end. Time had ceased to exist, only this cold empty darkness. She had no form she could think of, yet she was conscious, but blind, deaf, and so very, very cold. She would give anything for a matchstick’s worth of warmth and light. But there was none, and no end to this agony in sight. Then, after an eternity, her torment receded, bringing her back from the precipice of insanity. She felt dizzy, and there was no more darkness, she could feel a sense of weight again, the cold melted away to a humid heat. The air tasted of salt, and she could hear again. A chattering sound of many voices speaking at once, and the loud crashing sound of waves against a shore.


Opening her opal colored eyes, Kaguya Otsutsuki felt a gritty sensation against her pale skin. After a moment’s confusion, she realized what she felt was sand. Her vision was blurry at first, but as she blinked her three eyes several times, things cleared. She found herself on a beach, it was late evening, the sky was tinted a blood red color, and someone was blowing a loud trumpet in the distance. Then, just as her dizziness gave way to a proper sense of equilibrium, the skies returned to a blue color and the sun appeared overhead. The light was blinding at first, but her eyes adjusted and she pushed herself up with her arms.


“Where…?” she said, and instantly regretted it, her voice was dry and harsh, and her throat felt as if she had swallowed a mouthful of the sand she lay on. She began coughing hard, each breath was like knives cutting into her lungs as she gasped for breath.


“Hey, easy there…” said a voice as she felt a hand on her shoulder. The touch was warm, a welcome sensation after all the cold. Closing her third eye she turned her head towards the voice and found the source in the form of a young man with spiky blonde hair and deep blue eyes. There was something vaguely familiar about him, but Kaguya knew she’d never met him. “Here,” he said, offering her a clear bottle of liquid.




Kaguya snatched the bottle away from him and drank! Cool, deliciously refreshing water filled her mouth and soothed her throat. She didn’t even realize how thirsty she was until the bottle ran dry. Dropping the flimsy container, she took several deep breaths, this time without pain as she heard a soft hiss, barely audible over the waves. She turned back to her benefactor and saw him holding out another bottle of water. Kaguya took it in hand and downed the contents as quickly as before. When she was finished, she let out a long breath and let her weight fall against her hands.


“You alright?” asked the youth.


“Yes,” Kaguya answered, “Where am I?” she asked as she looked over to him again, keeping her third eye closed. He seemed genuinely concerned for her, not an expression she was used to seeing on someone’s face. At least, not in regards to her. It was then that she noticed several new things. First, that the blonde was only dressed in a pair of dark blue shorts and loose fitting sandals. Second, that she wasn’t dressed in anything at all!


WAH!” Kaguya yelped and moved her arms to cover her breasts as she felt a heat in her cheeks. “How DARE you!? Don’t you know who I am!?” she demanded.


“Hey, I didn’t do anything!” he told her, “I found you lying here like that, and it’s not like you got anything to be ashamed of dattebasa, look.” he said with a gesture to his right. Kaguya followed his finger and her opal colored eyes went wide as she saw hundreds of men and women milling about the beach. Most were completely naked! Those that weren’t might as well have been with as little as they wore.


“What is this place?” she asked, still covering her nipples with one arm.


“Ranko Island.” he told her, “Are you alright, have a little too much of those rainbow colored drinks they serve or something?”


“I have no idea what you mean, boy,” Kaguya said, still annoyed at the whole situation. “I just woke up here after…” she stopped herself, not wanting to speak of the hell she’d just escaped from. She wouldn’t risk going back to that place, never again! “I, yes, too many spirits. I think I passed out from the drink.” she lied.


“Spirits?” he echoed, “That’s an odd word for booze.” He then offered a hand to help her stand, “Name’s Boruto, need any help getting home?”


“Kaguya.” she said, taking his hand if for nothing else than to keep her balance on still unsteady legs. “Thank you for the water, you will be rewarded for your kindness.”


“No worries, you looked like you needed it dattebasa.” Boruto told her as he helped her to her feet. She stumbled, still unsteady, but Boruto caught her by her hips and helped her stay upright. Kaguya was surprised to discover how much taller than Boruto she was. His head barely came up to her heavy naked breasts. Breasts that were currently wrapped around his head! She looked around again, seeing so many naked men and women helped assuage her sense of modesty as she stood up straight. She did not bother to admonish the boy for burying his head in her cleavage, since that clearly wasn’t his fault.


The youth, Boruto, turned his head slightly and she saw a red tinge to his cheeks. She smirked her ruby colored lips, ‘He seems to know his place at least.’ she thought to herself.


“Forgive me, I am, new, to this island, do you know where I might find lodgings?”


“Hmm? You come in on that boat the other day?” Boruto asked, “You stay the night there or something?”


“Yes, something like that, I disembarked this morning and had a few of those drinks you mentioned. I suppose I cannot handle my spirits as well as I thought.” she told him. Lying was easy enough with the little information he’d unwittingly given her thus far. This was an island, and the spirits they served were powerful enough that finding one passed out from too much wasn’t uncommon. Also, there was a boat, meaning there was a way to leave once she had her barings. Commandeering the boat would be a simple enough matter, she would normally teleport, but she could feel her power was far too weak for that at the moment, she would need to be careful, bide her time until she had enough chakra to repay those who had sealed her away in the first place. Yes, they would pay, and pay dearly for her defeat!



The boy, Boruto, was quite the boon for Kaguya. She learned he was a Shinobi from a village called Konoha, and that he’d come here on a delivery mission and wound up stuck on the island for the duration of some festival.No matter,’ she thought as Boruto led her into the city. Kaguya had to admit, the buildings here were a marvel, like nothing she’d seen before. Still, she would knock them all down if need be, but first, she needed her strength to return.


“Here, this is the hotel where my team and I are staying.” Boruto said as they came upon one of the smaller buildings. “Capt. Moegi picked it because it was one of the cheaper ones. But the rooms are clean and the food isn’t bad. There’s even a restaurant on the ground floor.”


“You have my thanks, young Boruto,” Kaguya said to him, “Before I rent a room here, can you direct me to the wash chambers?” she asked. While it was embarrassing, all the water she’d drank earlier had made its way through her after their long walk.


“Wash chambers?” he repeated, then his eyes brightened as he understood her words, “Oh the toilet, over there.” he said, pointing towards the restaurant he had mentioned earlier. Kaguya nodded her thanks and went in the direction he’d indicated. The wash chamber wasn’t what she’d call luxurious, but it was clean, save for the graffiti on the walls.


Kaguya stepped into one of the privacy stalls and held out her hand. Closing her eyes, Kaguya opened her third eye again, the Sharingan eye’s vision was sharper than her normal eyes and with it open she felt her strength returning. She looked down at her hand and focused her thoughts. A soft red aura enveloped her hand before coalescing into a tiny flame.


“Yes!” she said, “My power is already returning. At this rate, I will be at full strength in no time, and then I’ll have my revenge on this world.”


“Really, dattebasa?” asked Boruto’s voice behind her, “Do you have any idea how cliche that line is?” Kaguya whirled around to see Boruto standing behind her, a small bottle of a green liquid in his hand.


“I thought it was weird how you had mom’s eyes, then I remember what my dad told me about you, Kaguya Otsutsuki. I don’t know how you’re back, but I’m not gonna let you hurt the world again!”


Kaguya smirked, and here she had thought the boy might make a decent servant. No matter, he would just be the first victim of her wrath, though in appreciation of the kindness he had shown her, she’d make his death quick.


“Pathetic!!” she said as she stood over him, “You think you’re a match for me!?” she said as she held out her hands, “I AM THE GODDESS OF ALL SHINOBI!!


“Again, cliche much?” Boruto asked as he tossed the bottle at her. Kaguya waved a hand, a line of energy lashing out from her fingers, shattering the bottle and evaporating the contents in an instant. A small cloud of green vaper wafted over at her harmlessly as she grinned.


“Don’t worry boy, in gratitude for your aide, I’ll… Ahhaa…” she began, but stopped mid-sentence as an intense heat spread out from her crotch to the tips of her toes and the end of every strand of her hair! Instantly her pussy was gushing hot juices as she let out a loud moan. Her nipples became painfully stiff and she could feel even the lightest eddies of air brushing over them! What was this!? Her body was on fire with desire the likes of which she’d never felt before.


UNF~!” she moaned as she clenched her thighs together in an attempt to quell the heat, but it was no use, she’d never been so aroused in her life! Her own love juices were now trickling down her thighs in steady streams. She fell to her knees as she began breathing heavily. Her vision became blurry as her hands moved almost on their own to grab her breasts. She moaned at the sensation that radiated out from them as she squeezed the two orbs of fat roughly.


“Huh, guess that label wasn’t kidding.” said Boruto as he pulled the waist tie of his shorts, letting them fall down around his ankles.


AHH!!” Kaguya gasped at the sight of the biggest penis she’d ever seen grow erect in front of her. The sight of it only made the heat between her legs even worse as more hot juices poured out of her. When the smell tickled her nostrils, Kaguya couldn’t hold back the moan of wanton lust that came out of her. Her hands squeezed and kneaded at her tits as she fell back on the floor of the stall. ‘So, big…’ thought Kaguya, the boy’s dick was easily as big as he was tall. The veins throbbing along the shaft made Kaguya lick her ruby lips. She could only imagine how something like that would feel as it scraped up her insides. She began picturing the feel of friction as it pumped back and forth inside her!


UGH~!” she gasped as her legs spread open, the cool air of the stall doing nothing against the steaming heat of her cunt! ‘I must resist! This lust, it’s not natural! But the heat, it’s so intense, my vagina, it wants to feel that huge cock inside me!’ she thought, trying and failing to fight against it all. In a blink, Boruto was on top of her, and Kaguya howled as he pushed her legs up over her head and then that gigantic dick speared her pussy!


OH GOD MY PUSSY!!” she screamed as her body seized in orgasm just from the FEEL of that gigantic cock slamming into her! Her flat stomach stretched up from the length and girth. Her pussy was being spread so wide, it hurt, but it also felt so good, she couldn’t stop moaning. “I’M CUMMING!!” she shouted. She then moaned as Boruto pulled his cock back, sending another wave of ecstasy through her, then rammed his dick back inside as he held her pinned to the cold tiled floor. It was so BIG, bigger than any dick she’d ever felt in her life. She felt so incredibly full, as if every inch of her pussy was now stuffed with cock!


Kaguya moaned as she felt his cock stretching her very womb, her stomach tenting up again and again in the shape of his cock as she felt his balls slap against her ass. “IM-IMPOSSIBLE!!” she moaned even as she watched her body stretching like putty around his dick.


Boruto groaned as he began slamming his cock in and out of her pussy, his every motion igniting a mind shattering orgasm in her entire body. The pleasure washed over her in intense waves as she howled like a common whore! The pleasure was too much, she couldn’t think straight as her body climaxed again and again and again. Every orgasm was more intense than the one before it as her body just seemed to grow more and more sensitive.


AHH~!! SLOW DOWN!!” she moaned, all of her strength seemed to wash out of her with her gushing juices. Her mind was a jumble, she couldn’t summon the chakra needed to use any Jutsu! She could only scream and moan in pleasure as she continued to orgasm, everything was pleasure and mind numbing, all consuming ecstasy as she began rocking her hips back against his thrusts. Kaguya couldn’t think anymore, thoughts of conquest and revenge were literally being fucked out of her brain, it all felt too good!!!


It snapped in her mind in an instant, the boy was using a form of Taijutsu Sexcraft! Kami Chinpo, the God Penis. The most dangerous Carnal Art a man could use. It wreathed the penis in chakra, not unlike a condom. That condom could then be expanded or contracted at will, making the dick seem bigger than it was. That however, wasn’t what made it so dangerous. The energy spearing into her was fucking her own chakra, exponentially increasing her pleasure. She couldn’t understand how someone so young had mastered this ability, it should have taken twenty years just to learn how to do it, and another ten to master it! But this boy, Boruto, was doing it like it was nothing.


No woman, no matter how skilled, could resist it once pierced. Kaguya had lost the instant his cock went inside her! It just felt too good, with every thrust, she could feel her will to fight ebb away, only to be replaced by a craving for more of this pleasure. With every swing of his hips, she was becoming more and more his slave!


I SUBMIT TO YOUR BIG FAT DICK!!!” she screamed as she began consciously thrusting her hips back against Boruto’s cock. She couldn’t fight it anymore as she bucked herself into his thrusts. “MORE, MORE, FUCK ME MOOORE!!!! STRETCH MY PUSSY OUT UNTIL IT CONFORMS TO YOUR GIANT COCK!!! YESSSS, HARDER, DESTROY ME, POUND MY PUSSY INTO A SLOPPY WET MESS!!!” she begged.


“Goddess of all shinobi huh?” Boruto asked, “You sound more like a slut goddess to me dattebasa!” Boruto said with a laugh, then groaned as she clenched her pussy around him.


YES, A SLUT, I’M A SHINOBI SLUT GODDESS, FUCK MY SLUT PUSSY WITH THAT MASSIVE COOOOCK!!!!” Kaguya called out as her body bucked and rolled on the floor. Her back ached from the movement, but she didn’t care, all she could think about was cock, HUGE, throbbing, rock-hard dick!!!


Still on top of her, Boruto grunted and groaned as he slammed his cock into her pussy over and over. His fat balls slapped wetly against her ass with a SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT noise. He grabbed her big tits in both hands, squeezing them roughly as he continued pounding his godly dick into her.


YESSSS, MORE! KEEP GOING, FUCK MHEEEEEE!!! OHHH FUUUCK, SO GOOD, I’M CUMMING, CUMMING SO HAAARD!!!!” she screamed as her body shuddered over and over. She felt Boruto’s mouth take in one of her nipples and screamed again as her pussy sprayed like a fountain.


NHOOOO!!! NOT MY NIPPLESSSS…!!” Kaguya moaned, even without the aid of the drug he’d used earlier, her nipples were naturally one of her weak spots. She adored having her nipples sucked and nibbled, it always made her weak kneed. “AHHH MY BODY, MY BODY’S SO SENSITIVE, I’M CUMMING, CUMMING IN MY NIPPLESSSS…!!!” she screamed as she felt her breasts tingling with pleasure. It was maddening, she couldn’t focus, couldn’t think, everything was pleasure. Kaguya was dizzy, the whole world was spinning around her as her pussy molded itself to Boruto’s massive divine dick.




The sound of his cock jamming into her was like thunder in her ears, so loud it was almost deafening. Her pussy gushed and gushed, spraying her juices everywhere as she howled like the personal whore she’d become.


“Ahhh, so tight, gonna cummm…” Boruto groaned as he began pumping his hips faster, driving his cock even deeper inside her.




Above her, Boruto groaned as he jammed his cock all the way inside her again, stretching her stomach to insane lengths. He then let out a grunt as a wet splurting noise sounded from inside her.




“Ahhhaaa…” After a couple of minutes, Kaguya whimpered as her body shuddered in pleasure, her mind was a jumbled mess, everything was clouded in a haze of pleasure as she lay beneath Boruto. “I… I can never go bhaack…” she gasped.


On top of her, Boruto groaned as he finally ceased his maddening thrusts. The two of them lay in a motionless lump on the cold floor for a long while, Kaguya couldn’t tell how long. It was like she was back in that timeless place, but now everything was hot and there was a sense of fullness that made her dizzy.




“Ahhhhha…” Kaguya moaned as even more orgasms rocked her body when Boruto finally got up and pulled his cock out of her. A flood of cum washed out of her pussy, spreading over the tiled floor in a thick white puddle.


“Whew, that was intense,” Boruto said as he wiped sweat from his forehead.


“What, was that… Fluid…?” she gasped out.


“Huh?” Boruto asked with a double blink, “Oh that! It was some scented oil they sell in the gift shop here. You’re supposed to burn it in one of those aroma lamp things. The label said only to use the special lamp with it and not burn it all at once, or the effects would be dangerously potent. Guess it wasn’t kidding dattebasa.”


Kaguya’s entire body felt like a wet noodle as she giggled, “Beaten by scented oil and a god dick, some goddess I am…” she said, looking down at her gaping pussy. She could already feel herself craving his cock again, like an opiate addict needing a fix.


“So, give up then?” Boruto asked.


Summoning what little strength she had left, Kaguya pushed herself up onto her knees and crawled over to where he stood, “Yes, my master…” she said, grasping his half hard cock in her pale hands and leaning her head down to lick her own fluids from him.


“That’s better, wait, what? Master!?” Boruto said with a yelp.


Before Kaguya could explain, a pair of young women, roughly his matching age, ran into the wash chamber. One of them had short brown hair and olive colored eyes. The other had indigo colored hair and eyes. Both young women were naked save for some sandals, with impressively large busts as well.


“Boruto-kun, there you are!” said the indigo haired girl.


“Hey, what’s the big idea, ditching us like that?” asked the brown haired girl. “You think we’ll find a better dick than yours that easily!?”


“You were both asleep,” said Boruto, “After everything earlier, I decided to let you rest. Anyway, right now I’m glad I did, or I wouldn’t have run into her.” he said, gesturing to Kaguya.


The ivory skinned woman bowed, “I am Kaguya Otsutsuki, Master Boruto’s new slave. I am pleased to meet you, sister slaves.” she said politely.


HUH!?” the girls both exclaimed.


“Wait, THAT Kaguya?” asked the brown haired one.


“Slaves?” asked the other one.


“If our master has subjected you to his Kami Chinpo, then we are all his slaves now, and forever.” Kaguya explained.


EEHHHHH!?” all three of them exclaimed.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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9 months ago

The link for the next story part is broken. Because when I use it. It says 404 not found.

1 year ago

A banger in all senses of the phrase!

1 year ago

Thank you!

1 year ago

Allow me to take this opportunity to do this to you: 👏👏👏 Nice work!

This was one of my favorite chapters in the story, and the new additions and extra added context to it made it even better, at least in my view.

Of course, this also includes the uses of Sexcraft on Kaguya from Boruto, and the pop up appearances for Sumire and Wasabi. It makes the flow and build up even better than it already was.

Not really much else to say, other than very nice work! 😁😎

– Hiryu

1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, I wanted to include the other two girls since they’re now a part of the series directly. Also I wanted to put in more context on things that will play a bigger role later.

1 year ago

So there is a Boruto series which focuses on boruto and a Ranko series which has no singular main character? But what if there was a Naruto series that focused back on the OG himself and I’m not talking about him as a teen or a kid but the current adult version. He could use it after everything that has happened recently. With him losing Kurama and becoming severely weaker than ‘SPOILER’ being sealed away by kawaki which is rubbing salt in the wound by basically saying he isn’t strong enough to protect himself.

I’m not asking for anyone to make anything. This is a theoretical what-if question. What would be the premise and driving plot and motive behind such a setting while keeping the hyper-sexualization this site is known for.

Last edited 1 year ago by Deepthinker
1 year ago
Reply to  Deepthinker

Really don’t wanna talk about what’s happened in the manga until that bit of the story is resolved. It severely depresses me

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Yea I know it makes really sad as well. In my opinion they kind of did Naruto dirty.

But like I was saying this is a theoretical what-if question. What would be the premise and driving plot and motive behind such a setting (that focuses back on Naruto and does him proper justice) while keeping the hyper-sexualization this site is known for.

Last edited 1 year ago by Deepthinker
1 year ago
Reply to  Deepthinker

Wouldn’t know. I don’t really like doing what it’s. And just because there’s been a few Boruto chapters, that doesn’t mean he’s the star now. Naruto and A still hold the majority in the series even before the purge as far as appearances. I know some people REALLY hate him, but it bothers me how a lot of people are complaining every time he’s in a chapter as though he’s taken over the entire series.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Fair enough answer, thank you.

1 year ago

Idea, Naruto pulls a dragon ball!: what do you all think?

A drunk Naruto is approached by Raikage A who offers him a proposition. He has discovered an extremely special and powerful ninjutsu bordering on shinjutsu that fuses two beings into an entirely new lifeform. He wants to have fun, Ranko style, and use it with some who he respects and who better than Naruto. Usually Naruto would politely decline but ever since he started drinking he got hornier by the minute (apparently he had been drinking from a bottle of alcohol that has been mixed with aphrodisiac, which is only made on ranko) so he agrees because it sounds fun.

They fuse and the result is true monster but not of the kind you think. He is a mixture of the best of both Naruto and A. He is a very muscular and well defined man which makes him look bigger than he actually is with exotic dark skin which he obviously got from A. His hair is a much brighter shade of blonde and spikier than A’s hair which obviously comes from Naruto. Their face is mixture of A’s somewhat thuggish appearance and Naruto’s somewhat good looks making him look ruggedly handsome. He also has Naruto’s iconic whiskers but they look much more wild (kind of like when the nine-tails began influencing Naruto) and for some reason the nine-tails seal is in full display on his abs making it look like a wicked cool tribal tattoo. Not only did their appearances fuse but so did their personalities. But the really noticeable thing is his cock and balls, it as if you put Naruto size on top of A’s size. It far surpasses even Boruto’s size! With his stamina reflecting his ungodly size.

This new unnamed being who has recently just been ‘born’ wants to sate his horniness which he has inherited from both of his ‘creators.’ And who better than the size queen slut Sakura, as this new life form wants to show her the true meaning of BIG.

Last edited 1 year ago by Whitis
1 year ago
Reply to  Whitis

No fusions

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Just an idea I wanted to share, not asking you to make it or anything. Just want to know what you think of it?

1 year ago

Theoretical what if question, if Naruto was the one who first met up with the newly returned Kaguya instead of Boruto how would their encounter and meeting go like and would Naruto be able to do what Boruto did and break Kaguya and make her the uzumaki shared sex pet?

1 year ago
Reply to  Whitis

Likely there would have been a massive fight Likely with a ton of collateral damage

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

But Naruto would have won in the end and in Ranko fashion (mostly because he saw her eyeing his dick all throughout their battle) by hitting certain pressure points which caused orgasmic pleasure causing their fight to stop and just for added measure fucked her brains out with his dick and sexcraft techniques with Kaguya’s fate always being that she becomes the Uzumaki family pet.

Am I right?

1 year ago
Reply to  Whitis

Unlikely, she went with Boruto because she didn’t know him. She would have recognized Naruto

1 year ago

Really glad this kind of chapter has returned in time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew

Been looking forward to this one as well

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

So, Kaguya has finally returned (both to the pages of this story, as well as the world itself). Honestly, the best part of this chapter might be the way you wrote Kaguya’s early thoughts about the afterlife and her re-awakening. I generally would have loved to have her live out her sadistic nature a bit more before falling to EPIC-BORUTO’S-SUPER-MASSIVE-HYPER-MEGA-OMEGA-ULTRA-GOD-ALPHA-HAMMER-SCHLONGDONG-OF DOOM!!!!!, but I guess having her fall for Boruto immediately has its perks as well. It just so happens that this makes it feel a bit rushed and Boruto’s ultimate victory over her kinda… I dunno.

Cool story though. I like the usage of that stuff that Samui or Sakura used earlier before already.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, it WAS an instant loss pic! And there’s a story behind how his dick and also Naruto’s is so powerful.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Have you already gotten to that story on why his and Naruto’s dick are so powerful or are going to get to it eventually?

1 year ago
Reply to  Whitis

That’ll be later I think

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Agreed buddy !

1 year ago

Kaguya, the communal uzumaki family free use fuck pet.

Last edited 1 year ago by Whitis
1 year ago
Reply to  Whitis

Yep! And happily so.

1 year ago

Kaguya makes me want to whip out my Kami Chinpo 😩

1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior


1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior
