Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Sarada’s Denial

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 100): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 102): To Be Continued…

“You know Sarada-chan, there’s still time to back out.” Hanabi said, not even attempting to hide the smugness in her voice.


Sarada turned to the brown haired woman, not even trying to hide her irritation, “Not even!” she told her defiantly. “I said I’d show you who’s a slave, and I will!” she told her.



-Several Hours Earlier-


Having left Boruto and Mitsuki, Sarada had gone back to the hotel where she was staying with the rest of her team. Moegi however, was nowhere to be seen still. Sarada wondered where she’d gotten off to, as she hadn’t directly seen her in several days. She could tell she had been back to their room once or twice by having seen their things shifted around, like clothes and such.


Just what was she up to?


Sumire, and Wasabi were still in the room. They were waiting for Boruto to come back along with Kaguya, who Boruto’s mother, Hinata, had dropped off at some point. The three girls all began chatting, and Sarada had to admit, it was nice to indulge in some regular “girl talk” again. Even if they were talking non-stop about how good dick felt inside!


It was well into the evening when Hanabi returned, wearing a very happy smile for some reason. When asked what happened, she only replied she’d seen something touching before having a lot of fun with the Hokage, Lady Tsunade, Moegi, and of all people, the Hokage’s mother!


“So, Lord 7th’s mother has come back?” Sumire had asked.


“Yes, and apparently, if someone who has returned leaves the island, then they get their life back. Or something like that.” Hanabi told them.


“Fuck…!” Sarada said. The other girls all looked at her curiously, “You mentioned that Lord 7th said he’d taken Kaguya and some lady named Konan off the island as well, yes?”


Hanabi nodded.


That means that pasty slut is going home with him.” Sarada said, biting the edge of her thumbnail.


“Hooh, is someone feeling jealous?” Hanabi asked with a sly smirk, “What, worried you won’t get as much dick from your new master with all the added competition?”


Sarada felt her face heating up as all three women smirked at her now. It made her mad.


I told you, I’M NO ONE’S SLAVE!!!” she snapped, “And I’ll prove it! Come on!” she said, standing up and storming out of the hotel again, “We’re going on a “Dick Hunt!”!” said Sarada.





And now they were here, a group of four young women, all naked or nearly so(Hanabi and Sumire were wearing some sexy lingerie they’d picked up somewhere), walking together through the late night streets of Ranko Island. Heads turned as they went by, but so far few had even bothered speaking to them, which was a little odd.


“You know Sarada-chan, there’s still time to back out.” Hanabi said, not even attempting to hide the smugness in her voice.


Sarada turned to the brown haired woman, not even trying to hide her irritation, “Not even!” she told her defiantly. “I said I’d show you who’s a slave, and I will!” she told her.


“Whatever you say.” Hanabi said with an exaggerated shrug.


Sarada gritted her teeth, “I’ll show you I’m not addicted to him. I can get off just fine with any guy. Go ahead and pick one! He doesn’t even need to be super hung!” she told her. Hanabi was still insisting that she, Sumire, Wasabi, and Sarada herself were all enslaved to Boruto’s cock. Some crazy sexcraft technique that was exclusive to his family line.


Sarada only knew a bit about the Uzumaki clan from what Aunt Karin had told her. She knew male Uzumaki were somewhat rare, though not to the point where the clan was exclusively all women. The Uzumaki also were known to have TONS of chakra and such. Beyond that, she didn’t know much else. Even Lord 7th didn’t know too much.


But she was by NO means a slave to Boruto! When she got all flustered seeing his dick, she was just horny, that was all! She could be satisfied with any guy when she wanted!


“Alright, I’ll call that bluff!” said Wasabi, “Mind if I pick?” she asked, “Hehe, this is just like that one movie…”


Sarada assumed she meant some porno movie, and there was no shortage of them on this island. Nearly every channel on the TV was porn of some kind. Sarada remembered fingering herself as she watched her mother being fucked on TV not long after they got here.


“Go ahead.” she said to the brunette. Wasabi looked like a cat on catnip as she began looking around excitedly.


Grinning widely, Wasabi began looking around like an over excited kitten! And though it was dark aside from the street lamps, she looked around like it was high noon.


“There! Him!” Wasabi said with that same cheeky grin.


She pointed to an older man who had just come out of a hostess club, a girl under each arm and a boisterous smile on his face. He gave a hearty, no, a jolly laugh. It was the first time Sarada had ever seen someone laughing in a manner she would actually define as jovial. He was an older man, maybe in his early fifties? Sarada decided it didn’t matter though as she adjusted her glasses, stood up as tall as she could manage, and walked over to him.


BWAHAHAHA,” the old man laughed, “So then I tell him…” he began, continuing whatever tale he was telling to the floozy hostesses hanging off of him. They were pretty, the girls working the club. One was a blonde with a deep tan and messy hair, the other had very pale skin, not as pale as Kaguya, but damned close. Her hair was a cotton candy pink as were her eyes. Both were naked and a little sweaty. Sarada could see the juices running down both their thighs, meaning they’d been “busy” earlier.


The old man himself was naked aside from a pair of sandals and of all things, a loincloth. The girls began laughing at some joke Sarada didn’t hear as she approached. She waited until the man’s attention fell on her before she struck a pose. She had fully released the seal on her tits, letting them be on full display as his eyes fell on her. Almost instantly he had a perverted grin on his face when he saw her.


“Let’s go!” she said to him, returning his grin.



Their group went from the club to a nearby Hotel where Jiraiya was staying. They’d made introductions after Jiraiya had noticed Hanabi’s Byakugan eyes. The older girl had just a few memories of him from when she was little. There was a little back and forth about Lord Seventh, but Sarada wasn’t listening as they finally got back to where the old man had chosen to stay primarily for sleep.


Interesting as the conversation was, Sarada for some reason couldn’t make herself care to listen. Her pussy was on fire right now! She wanted to fuck so badly, she almost couldn’t think straight. More than once, she found herself thinking of Boruto’s gigantic cock! Remembering how GOOD it felt thrusting in and out of her, stretching her, every motion feeling as if she were being turned inside out.


She’d taken to biting her tongue to banish those thoughts as they went into the room together. Old man Jiraiya walked over to a table a few paces from the bed and picked up a bottle of sake from the surface. “Drink?” he offered.


“Please,” Wasabi said, running over to the table with a smile, “Um, you do mean the sake right, not juice?”


“Of course.” he said with a smile as he poured a tiny cup for her. Sarada and Sumire then joined a moment later.


“Um, is it alright for us to be drinking this?” Sumire asked nervously as Jiraiya poured her a cup.


“It’s fine,” said Hanabi, then waved a hand dismissively when Jiraiya lifted another cup, “Pour a double for me please. I know you only ever get the good stuff! Especially since it’d be free for you.”


Jiraiya grinned cheekily nodded and all of them took a sip from their small cups. Sarada had tasted sake before, but this time, the flavor was a lot smoother, and it didn’t burn her throat.


“Hmm, this really is the good stuff!” Wasabi said, “Very smooth and… Hoo, feeling it already.”


“Lightwei…” Sarada began until she felt her own head getting a mild buzz, “Wow…”


“Told you he gets the good stuff!” Hanabi said with a giggle.


One sip and buzzed, was this what top shelf sake was like? It was nothing like last time; the stuff Tsunade let her sample was like hot piss in comparison. They had another round before Jiraiya moved over to the bed, “So, why all the rush?” he asked them.


“Sarada wants to prove she’s not addicted to Boruto’s big dick.” Wasabi stated, her voice already slightly slurred.


“Oh…?” he replied, “I heard about my student’s son.” he said.


“He’s a natural with the Kami Chinpo.” Hanabi said, pouring herself another cup, her cheeks tinged red.


“Ooooohhh, I see! Very few women can handle something like that, he must take after his father in that way as well.”


“Actually, he beats his dad in that department!” Hanabi said with a grin, “I would know, I just had an orgy with him, his mom, Lady Tsunade, and Moegi.” she said before snickering at nothing, “Holy crap am I already drunk…?” she asked.


“Yep.” Jiraiya said, “Your face is all red too, it’s cute.”


Wasabi placed her cup down on the table, “Hit me again!” she said with a grin. Hanabi nodded and refilled her cup which she quickly downed in a single motion. “Ahhh, mmmh, naow, ahre whe ghonna phuck or what?” she said, her voice more slurred now.


“My, aren’t we the eager one?” Hanabi teased as she moved up behind Sumire and reached both hands down to grab the young girl’s tits.


“Mmmmmmmaaahhh…” Sumire gasped, her face as pink as Wasabi’s. She even looked a bit unsteady on her feet as she leaned back against the brunette. “We… Well, that ish what we came here fooor…” she slurred as Hanabi began fondling her more.


“Heheh, always the responsible one, eh Class Rep?” Sarada teased.


“Ahhwahh, well I…” Sumire began, but was cut off suddenly when Hanabi leaned over her shoulder and turned the other girl’s head to kiss her deeply, making sure everyone could see as she forced her tongue into the lavender haired girl’s mouth. Sumire’s eyes went wide for only a moment before she closed them slowly and seemed to melt into Hanabi’s embrace.


“Mmmmmh, now that’s a lovely sight.” Jiraiya said as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed again. Sarada could see the outline of his cock slowly rising under the fabric of his loincloth. Licking her lips, she moved to lean against the table and show off her ass to him. She was careful not to block his view of Sumire and Hanabi as she beckoned Wasabi over.


“Fondle my ass,” she whispered to her friend quietly, “Then spank it, hard!”


“Gotcha.” Wasabi said with a slight nod.


The other girl got down on all fours and crawled like a cat over to Sarada before grabbing her ankles and slowly sliding her hands up her slender legs. Sarada made a cooing sound as she felt Wasabi’s hands settling on her butt, squeezing the buns in her grip. She then went a step further, making a show of licking Sarada’s ass like one cat grooming another. The dark haired girl triggered her Sharingan and smiled as her vision sharpened in the dimly lit room. It let her get a good look at the way Jiraiya’s cock swelled even faster as Wasabi wiggled her hips, making her own naked ass shake for the man.


“Hahhh!!!” Sarada gasped as Wasabi slapped her ass loudly before moving to slowly brush her tongue over the curve of her ass. Sarada shivered at the feeling, her pussy already starting to feel wet as she glanced back at Hanabi and Sumire. Sarada watched as Sumire turned to face Hanabi, keeping their mouths locked the entire time.


“Mmmmmmhh…” both girls moaned into one another as Hanabi reached down to grip the other girl’s shapely bottom.


“Mmmmm… Hanabi-taicho…” Sumire whimpered as Hanabi began slowly rubbing her hands over the girl’s exposed skin.


“So cute…” Hanabi purred back as she gave Sumire’s rounded ass a squeeze. She then moved a hand between her thighs from behind and made the lavender haired girl moan louder.


Sarada watched as Hanabi dipped her fingers beneath Sumire’s panties, her digits instantly glistening with the other girl’s juices as Wasabi managed to deftly relieve her of her mini-skirt. Turning around and moving to sit on the very edge of the table, Sarada watched as Jiraiya leaned back on his hands, his cock in full erection now as she spread her legs for Wasabi. She wanted the old man to have a steel hard-on for when they really got going!


She reached a hand down to spread the lips of her neatly shaven pussy for Wasabi. Letting out an overly high pitched girly moan as the other girl slowly brushed her surprisingly rough tongue against the soft wet folds. With her free hand, Sarada grabbed her own huge tit, twisting and tugging on the already stiff nipple. She continued to moan as Wasabi continued lapping at her pussy. In her Sharingan vision, she could clearly see Jiraiya’s throbbing erection as he continued to watch. In the reflections of his eyes, she could see him switching from watching her and Wasabi to Sumire and Hanabi.


“Hanabi-taicho, Hanabi-taicho….” Sumire panted softly as their tongues slipped and slid against one another’s.


“Hmhmhmm, Sumi-chan…” Hanabi giggled. Sarada heard Sumire moan again as Hanabi pushed her fingers back inside her slowly, making all kinds of lewd squishing noises as they slipped back and forth inside the other girl.


Hearing a groan from Jiraiya, Sarada looked back to him and smiled. With a near invisible gesture to Wasabi, the two of them stood again and made their way over to him. Wasabi moved with the grace of a cat walking along the edge of a narrow fence, which was impressive considering she had to be plastered from the sake. They each moved to one side of Jiraiya on the bed, the mattress was soft and didn’t creak in the slightest as she and Wasabi climbed onto the bed with him. The two of them practically ripped the loincloth off of him, exposing his big dick. He wasn’t much in comparison to Boruto, but then, who was? The Raikage came close though.


Wasabi took the initiative and moved to grab the white haired man’s thick erection as Sarada pressed her naked body against him. She made sure to rub her big tits against his “dad bod” as much as possible. He groaned as Wasabi opened her mouth wide and took his cock down her throat. Having been able to deepthroat Boruto during their previous encounters, Jiraiya’s dick would prove no difficulty for the brown haired girl.


Sarada smiled at how Jiraiya groaned in pleasure as she rubbed herself against him. She guided one hand to her breast and gave a little moan as he squeezed it softly.


Several feet away, Hanabi deftly moved her hands up to unhook Sumire’s bra, pulling it off of her body and letting her big heavy tits spill out. Sumire gasped and moved her arms to hide her big tits out of reflex, “T… Taicho!!!” she whimpered.


“Fuufuufuu, you’re so cute Sumi-chan…” said Hanabi, quieting the girl with another kiss.


Licking her lips, Sarada moved to kneel next to Wasabi, the two of them taking turns licking and sucking Jiraiya’s cock. She then turned her head to watch as Hanabi guided Sumire’s naked body to the table and laid her back on it just behind Sarada. The older woman then climbed on top of her, kissing her again as they rubbed their tits together for several moments before they moved into a sixty-nine position on top of the table. Both girls moaned into one another as they licked at each other’s dripping pussies. Sarada was happy to see Sumire was a bit more loosened up now as she turned her attention back to Jiraiya and watched as Wasabi bobbed her head up and down his cock. The thick shaft was slick with her saliva now, glistening in the low light of the room. Her olive colored eyes looked up at her and Sarada nodded back. Wasabi then lifted her head up and off with a soft gasp before Sarada moved to take her turn, licking and sucking at his cock slowly, taking his entire length into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down slowly, moving in long, slow, deliberate strokes before pulling her head away. She then got up and straddled his lap, impaling her pussy on his cock!


“Oooooh… Yesss… That’s the way…” Jiraiya groaned as his length filled her. Sarada smiled and began rolling and grinding her hips just like her mother had taught her. She rather enjoyed the feeling of a man inside her, although she liked Boruto’s cock more. It was just so big… And hard… And felt so… Good.


Sarada inwardly shook her head, ‘Go away!’ she thought bitterly, ‘This is fine!


“Mmmmh… yeah. How does my pussy feel Jiraiya?” she asked as she felt him beginning to move with her.


“Mmmmmh, great, so warm and tight…” he groaned.


“Hmmhmmhmm, thank you…” Sarada giggled and turned her head to press her mouth to Wasabi’s in a showy kiss. She could still taste him on her tongue as they moaned into one another’s mouths.


Wasabi held the kiss with her for a long while as Jiraiya thrusted his own hips, bouncing Sarada up and down in his lap. She moaned in pleasure as Wasabi broke away and moved to kneel behind her, grabbing her heavy tits and squeezing them roughly as Jiraiya gripped her ass.


“Mmmmmh, yeah, harder,” Sarada moaned, “Fuck me harder, make me cum, make me cum, make me cummmm!!!” she moaned, her voice sounding almost pleading rather than excited.


“Mmmmh, I love it when you talk all slutty. It turns me on!” Wasabi breathed into Sarada’s ear before licking the edge of it slowly. Sarada moaned louder, her entire body shaking with ecstasy as she came. Her pussy gushed with juices, but it didn’t cool the heat there, if anything it got even hotter! Her pussy was screaming for more, it wanted to cum so much harder than this! She began moving her body even faster, shaking, swirling, and rolling her hips to stir the cock inside her around.


Behind her she could hear Sumire and Hanabi still moaning. Thanks to her Sharingan she could see their reflection clearing off the glass covering one of the framed photos on the wall. The two of them had moved into a scissoring position, rubbing their pussies together frantically on top of the table. Jiraiya had his gaze locked on the lesbian show as he continued thrusting up into her.


“Mmmmmh, like that Sumi-chan?” Hanabi asked, while rolling her hips against Sumire and licking her lips slowly.


“Ahhhnnn, Ta… Taicho…. I… I… I’m cumming!!!!!” Sumire squealed, leaned her head back as she shook on top of the table.


Sarada moaned with her as she felt Jiraiya cumming inside her, liquid warmth filling her as the man groaned in pleasure before falling back on the bed. She then blinked, with her vision returning to normal as her Sharingan shut down. ‘Oh wow, how long has it been?‘ she thought to herself as she felt herself getting more than a little full as she pulled herself off the now unconscious Jiraiya as his cum began to overflow from inside her.


“Guess I should have mentioned that,” Hanabi said as she and Sumire got down from the table, “Master Jiraiya can use Senjutsu like Naruto, so he can let loose quite a bit when he wants.”


“I see…” Sarada said dryly as she pulled herself completely off his cock, “Jeez, now I know how one of those jelly donuts Chocho loves so much feels.”


“Wow, he’s out like a light.” Wasabi said as she poked at Jiraiya’s cheek.


“What, he is!?” Sarada asked as she clenched inner muscles, forcing out the copious amount of cum inside herself with a rude noise. “Hey, wake up old man, we’re not done yet! My pussy wants some more!” she said, feeling a twinge deep within herself. Her entire body seemed to shudder as her pussy let out a squirt of hot juices and she moaned.


“Someone needs a fix.” Hanabi snickered.


“Sh… Shut-up! I’m fine, you hear me, I’m not addicted to Boruto!!! I don’t need his big, girthy, hard, throbbing…” she trailed off as she shuddered again.


“Who are you trying to convince?” Hanabi asked, still grinning.


Sarada growled and went back to trying to rouse the old man.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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3 days ago

Out curiosity when we will see next Hinata vs Raikage part?

3 days ago
Reply to  Drem

Soooonnnn, very sooooonnnn…

3 days ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Nice! Big thanks for you all for the great work you have done. Keep going strong!

3 days ago
Reply to  Drem

It’s on my patreon or subscribestar right now!

Mr. X
Mr. X
8 days ago

Hanabi, Sumire, and Wasabi are supposed to be affected by the kami chinpo, right? So why don’t they have the same personality as Kaguya or Sarada?

8 days ago
Reply to  Mr. X


9 days ago

You know it’s gonna be peak when Hanabi and Sumire are in the same chapter.

9 days ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Hope to have more with them in the future

9 days ago

Alguien debería hacer una historia de Ben 10 con el AU del chaquetrix.

9 days ago
Reply to  Alexander

I’m not trying to be mean, but shooting out random requests like that won’t do any good. For one thing I’m far too busy with the stories here and elsewhere, and another is there’s no Ben10 content here, and very likely never will be.

9 days ago

Wow, in the end it was Jiraiya… hehe, poor him, it seems he could barely endure one round with Sarada’s busty girl…xdddd

9 days ago
Reply to  jojo

Hehe, well, she’s just THAT good.

9 days ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Don’t you have a discord account?

9 days ago
Reply to  jojo


9 days ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

And what is your name on Discord?

9 days ago
Reply to  jojo


9 days ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Ok, I already sent you the request. I’m cipher 1464.

10 days ago

Sarada’s behavior is starting to get annoying and is also sad. She’s trying so hard to prove a point she has to fake it. Unfortunately for her, she’s not making it! She’s not even enjoying this. The only person she’s trying to convince is herself and on top of that she’s jealous of kaguya. What the hell is it going to take for her to accept the truth after everything that happened between her and boruto?!

Last edited 10 days ago by Bd7
10 days ago
Reply to  Bd7

Tsundere’s gotta tsundere.

10 days ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Screaming at the top of her lungs when it’s him ravaging her and bogarts whenever anyone else wants a peice of him. She’s definitely no slave!

Last edited 10 days ago by Bd7