Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Quirky Threesome

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXVII): [LINK]

Cathleen “Cassie” Bate sat inside the Busteez Hero Agency, with a half drunk glass of whiskey in front of her. The real stuff, not that bland synthetic junk. Most said they couldn’t tell the difference, but that was because they weren’t veteran drinkers. They got the heat right, she freely admitted that, but there were so many subtle flavors and scents that you just couldn’t fake. Things like the hints of cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove when you take a whiff of the liquid, and the undertones of vanilla in the taste.


Thankfully, that Nemuri chick kept a stock of some top shelf stuff for the heroes who knew their stuff, or just wanted to tie one on. Cassie took a long sip of her drink, letting the liquid linger over her tongue before she swallowed. She let out a contented sound as she felt the heat moving down her throat and spreading throughout her body.


“Can I get you a refill?” asked a sweet voice next to her.


Cassie turned to see a young woman with dark hair tied up in a spiky ponytail carrying a tray under one arm. She was dressed in a sexy red bikini bottom that hugged the folds of her pussy neatly, matching red stiletto heels, and nothing else! Her huge tits were bare for all to see, with dusky pink nipples made stiff from the cool air of the building. She’d clearly been to see that rookie heroine with the expanding tits. Nemuri had mentioned that she regularly augmented the boobs of all the girls here.


Holding out her now empty glass, Cassie replied, “Please,” to the girl. “Creati, right? You’re Deku’s girlfriend, the one who built him a harem?


Creati smiled and blushed slightly, “You heard about that, huh? And you can call me Momo.”


“Alright, Momo it is. And yeah, I heard from Deku’s mother. She couldn’t stop gushing about how many grandchildren she’s gonna have!” Cassie told her with a cheeky grin. She then laughed at the way Momo blushed a shade of red that matched her bikini.


“Say, instead of another whiskey, how about something a little more refined? Like some tea. And bring enough for the two of us.” Cassie said.


“Oh, I know just the thing!” said Momo as she set the glass on top of the tray she was carrying before heading off.


The dark haired girl returned a few minutes later with a teapot and two small cups sat on top of the tray. Cassie could smell the tea even over the potent smell of tobacco and alcohol.


“I got this tea from a girl that just started recently. Her boyfriend is a real Tea Enthusiast and requested we start carrying this tea for when he eventually stops in.” Momo explained as she set the pot and cups down before she poured the tea.


“Smells good, what’s it called?” Cassie asked.


“Gold Tips Imperial.”


Cassie let out a low whistle, “Expensive stuff. Damn near impossible to get back home.”


“Oh, you’ve heard of it?” asked Momo as Cassie used her foot to push out the seat across from her in a silent invitation for her to sit down.


“One of my brothers in my squad is originally from England. He taught me all about tea.” Cassie told her.


“Oh, that makes sense.” Momo said as she added a single teaspoon of sugar to her tea. Eldrie, the ‘brother’ she mentioned, would have given her an earful had he seen her do that. He was fairly hardcore about tea. Personally, Cassie found most tea to be too weak for her standards. Give her a pot of black coffee and she was happy as a clam, but she’d been told this stuff was really good.


Grabbing her own cup, Cassie took a sip. It was a fairly stout tea, though there was a slightly sour taste on the back end. Momo saw her pull a face and nodded as she pushed the sugar towards her.


“Yeah, there’s something up with the water filter. Nothing really to worry about, though. Mei said that the PH is just a bit off because it was just installed. You can’t detect it with stuff like coffee or a sports drink mix. A bit of sugar balances it out for now.” Momo explained, “I would have used the bottled stuff, but all of it is kept just above freezing and would have taken longer to prepare.”


Cassie nodded, while adding just the tiniest bit of sugar herself before taking another sip. The difference was striking! “Couldn’t you have made some water yourself?” she asked after a moment. “I’ve heard about your Quirk after all.”


“Water’s actually a lot more complicated than people like to think.” Momo said, “Just pure straight up H2O is easy, yes, but that’s the same as distilled water, which isn’t actually good for you. And the mineral balance in bottled water can be incredibly complex.” Momo explained.


“Ahh, I see. Your Quirk requires more precision than mine. New Order can be more… How can I say this? Figurative, in its use, unless I’m applying it to a person. Then things like their name, and how that person thinks of themself are key factors. I learned that the hard way.” Cassie said, while trying hard not to sound bitter.


Momo nodded, “I’ve been trying to expand my Quirk to living tissue. Lately I’ve had some success even though I can only look at it from a purely elemental point of view.” she explained.


“How so?” Cassie asked, her interest now peaked.


More recently I’ve discovered I can make things like lotions, soaps, and other cosmetics if I start from the basic elements involved in what makes them. But actual, living, organic tissue is still out of reach. The Quirk Professors at school think it might actually be linked to what I eat. Like how certain foods contain specific amino acids that Creation can use to make semi-organic compounds.” Momo told her, “Though my diet hasn’t changed all that much recently. Also, making semi-organic stuff doesn’t always work, but I think I’m close to something.”


“Being able to master making living tissue would be a powerful advantage.” Cassie said, “You could heal your own wounds in an instant, as well as create things like organs for transplant, bone marrow, etcetera…”


“That’s the goal.” Momo said with a smile, “If I can figure out how to do it, then that Quirk copy technology that twisted doctor that worked for AfO invented can be put to positive use to save millions of lives! Fighting isn’t the only way a Hero can save people, after all.”


“Indeed. Though I’m guessing you’re doing it this way as combat is one of the best ways to evolve a Quirk.” Cassie stated.


“Yes and no. I do want to help people the way a Hero does. It’s just learning to make organic tissue would just be icing on the cake, so to speak.” Momo told her.


“I get you. You wouldn’t believe how many private companies I had clamoring for me to use my Quirk for them.” Cassie told her. She took another sip of her tea and smiled, “So, about this harem of yours,” she said with a grin, “Just how many girls are in it?”


“Currently?” Momo asked, while sipping her own cup of tea, “Six, including me.”


HAH!!! I didn’t think Deku had that big an appetite! BWAHAHAHA!!!!” Cassie laughed boisterously. “Then again, he’s young. So it’s not that surprising.”


Momo smiled at her, “Interested in being number seven?” she asked.


“Wow, you really asked me that with a straight face! That’s good on you.” Cassie said. She then shook her head, “Sorry, but I’ll have to say no. I’m heading home soon. Long distance relationships are ten bitches on a bitch boat annoying. Also, I’m too greedy for something like that. The occasional threesome or orgy is fine. But when it comes to romance, I don’t think I could share. But thanks for the offer.”


“I understand,” Momo replied.


“So, who exactly is in this little harem anyway?” Cassie asked, “I know about you, Uravity, and that Lizardy girl. Who are the other three?”


“Using their heroine names, Froppy, Invisible Girl, and most recently Tetas.” Momo said.


“Oh, the boobjob girl! I recently went to see her.” said Cassie, smacking her now DD cup tits. Tetas had told her she could go bigger, but Cassie wasn’t greedy, at least not in that regard. Also, she knew they wouldn’t last, but it was nice to have a little feminine charm without having to waste a rule on the look. She then asked, “That’s a heady group. Though how does it work with the invisible one?”


Toru can let the people see her when she wants.” Momo explained, “She told me she can even turn it off completely so everyone can see her, but it’s a pain since it requires constant focus.”


“Ahh, is she cute?” Cassie asked with a smirk.


“She’s beautiful.” said a new voice.


Cassie and Momo both turned to see Izuku Midoriya walking over to where they sat. He was dressed in civilian clothes made up of some jeans and a yellow mustard yellow t-shirt with a red dragon printed on it. “Sorry, I overheard the last few bits of your conversation,” he said.


“Izuku,” said Momo as she got up to greet her man. Cassie grinned as she watched the two of them kiss. Momo was quite the aggressive kisser, judging by the vigorous way she used her tongue.


Ah, youth…’ Cassie thought whimsically. She then snickered as she said, “Come on kid, need me to turn off your inhibitions again? Give those big tits a squeeze, or spank dat ass at least!” she said to the green haired youth. The couple broke off their kiss and she saw Izuku blush adorably as Momo grabbed his hands and moved them both to her huge tits. She then let out the cutest little erotic moan as his hands gripped the heavy mounds firmly.


“That’s more like it! If you’re gonna be taking care of the needs of six girls, don’t be afraid of a little PDA!” Cassie cheered him.


Izuku chuckled nervously, pulling one hand back to scratch the back of his head, “Yeah well I…” he trailed off and blinked three times, “Huh, six?”


“Rie will be joining us.” Momo said with a sweet, almost innocent smile, “After she found out we would accept new girls, she almost begged to join. I already talked it over with the others, and everyone agrees.”


“H… Hold on, wait a sec, don’t I get a say in this!?” Izuku asked.


“Hnmm? Do you dislike Rie?” Momo asked.


“Well, no. I don’t have any reason to.” Izuku replied.


“Then you think she’s unattractive?” Momo pressed.


“Of course not! She’s really pretty.” he admitted.


“Then her personality is at fault?” Momo queried.


“No, she’s a hard worker and a dedicated heroine. She worked hard to achieve her dream of becoming a pro despite the old commission thinking her Quirk was too lewd.” Izuku said.


“Then it’s because she’s already a pro? I could see that being an issue, but she’s really not all that much older than the rest of us, and we’ll all be full Rookie Pros in a few months.” Momo said.


“Not at all, why would I hold anything like that against her?” Izuku fired back.


“Then there’s nothing to object to.” Momo said pointedly, then turning away as though the matter were settled. Izuku had this look of total defeat on his face.


Cassie hugged her arms at her sides, trying VERY hard not to laugh and failing miserably! “BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! Seems your authority over your ladies is rather limited, kiddo. Might be best if you accept that now.” she told him with a snicker.


Izuku let out a resigned sigh and Cassie continued to smirk while Momo invited him to sit with them. The dark haired girl then refilled her tea cup and passed it over to him.


“How did things go with La Brava?” Momo asked him.


“Who?” Cassie asked, as the name sounded familiar, but she couldn’t place it entirely.


“A reformed ‘villain’ you could say. Though she wasn’t really all that bad.” Momo said, “She’s working here to save money to help build a new life for her and her boyfriend.”


Izuku nodded, “They aren’t bad people at all. They just had a few bad hands dealt to them in life.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a cigarette case, “As for what happened, everything went fine. Though I think this stuff is a little too potent.”


Cassie watched as Momo opened the case and saw two ampules inside filled with a neon pink fluid that almost looked like it was glowing. “Aww, you didn’t use them all?” Momo asked.


“Just one lasted three hours…” Izuku said, with a drop of sweat running down the side of his head.


“Hmm, what’s that?” Cassie asked, her curiosity piqued.


“A variant of a chemical aphrodisiac Midnight and I are funding.” Momo said. “Gives extended stamina, sperm production, increased sensitivity. Non-addictive, and no longer term use drawbacks.”


Cassie raised an eyebrow, “Interesting. Though I highly doubt this stud needs it, and I’m speaking from personal experience. Once, that Uravity chick was blowing him under the table while we had dinner, and he still had the strength to go a round with me and Rumi after.”


“I heard about that!” Momo said excitedly, “Ochaco said it was a lot of fun being taken by two guys at once. She’s kinkier than she likes to let on.”


“Yeah, I noticed.” Cassie said, “Lemme guess, in a public setting she gives off this wholesome and innocent vibe, right?” When Momo nodded she continued, “But get her behind closed doors, and she’s a total freak?” Momo nodded again and Cassie laughed, “Yeah, I figured! I know a few ladies like that back stateside. Great gals!”


“Yeah, well, you’re right, I don’t need it. In fact, I had a bad experience with it the first time.” Izuku said.


“Aww, it wasn’t that bad!” Momo said with a cute giggle.


“Hmm? What happened?” Cassie asked.


“Well, I…” Izuku began to say nervously.


Mei gave him an undiluted dose and he had an erection for four days straight.” Momo explained.


“Yeah, pretty much,” Izuku said.


“Hot damn! That sounds fun!” Cassie said, “A cock that can go for hours and hours like that. I’m getting wet just thinking about it!” A thought then occurred to Cassie, “Hang on, was that when you were doing a lot of streaming with that Lizardy girl?”


Momo and Izuku nodded and the blonde haired woman laughed, “HAH! Well that makes more sense now. I thought that was just multiple sessions edited together myself.”


“No, that was all real. Some of the other girls in Class B still look at me odd.” Izuku said.


Momo laid her hand on his shoulder, “They’re just jealous. Well, maybe not Itsuka, since she’s dating Todoroki.”


Cassie downed the last of her tea and slammed the cup down onto the small plate it came with, “Well, now you got me curious! Think you and your boy toy here would like to gimme a demo? You could use up the other two doses.”


“Sure!” Momo said excitedly.


HUH!?” Izuku exclaimed worriedly.



“Hoh yeah, now this is a MAN’S dick!” Cassie breathed huskily as she ran her tongue along the massive length that was Izuku Midoriya’s cock.


“I know, ahhhh, ahaah…” panted Momo as she knelt next to the blonde in front of Izuku. “This smell, ahh, I can never get enough of it!” she moaned, “And these balls, nmmmmh, you know why guys like boobs, cause they mirror why we girls like balls!” she said as she rubbed her face against his huge nutsack.


Cassie just laughed. She personally was more into raw dick size herself, but she didn’t want to spoil the mood! They were in one of the small private VIP rooms on the first floor of the agency. Technically, Cassie had paid Momo for a private lap dance, since she didn’t want Izuku using that lifetime pass thing. The moment they closed the door though, Momo used the Quickband on her boyfriend’s wrist to strip him naked before the two of them shoved him down in the seat!


Cassie then watched as Momo snapped one of those ampule things in half like a smelling salt container. The liquid inside turned to vapor instantly and Izuku breathed it in. It was almost comical, with the way his cock shot up from soft to hard. It even made a SPROING sound! Since Momo was already next to naked, all she had to do was take off her thong panties, leaving her only in her stockings. Cassie then stripped herself down, removing the khaki slacks and tank top she was wearing.


He groaned as both women fell on him like a pair of wolves on a cornered rabbit. Cassie smiled as she rubbed her DD’s up and down the side of Izuku’s throbbing dick, loving the feel of the veins pulsing against her skin. Momo’s massive tits were better suited to a proper titjob in this case, but the blonde woman didn’t care as she kissed and licked the tip of his cock.


“Ahhh, Momo, Cassie…” Izuku groaned.


“If you wanna cum, just go ahead.” Momo said sweetly.


“Yeah, feel free to blow a load all over us!” Cassie said while grinning.


“It… Ahhh… It’s not thaaaat…” Izuku groaned as his cock twitched in the air. He then flung out both of his hands, as long black lines of energy wreathed in a green glow lashed out from his fingertips. They wrapped around Momo’s limbs before he lifted her up and spread her legs wide before bringing her back down on his dick with a soft wet SQUISH!


HWEEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!” Momo squealed in pleasure through clenched teeth as Cassie watched her once flat tummy tent up from Izuku’s cock invading her womb! Lines of drool ran down the dark haired girl’s chin as she gasped for breath.


SHO BHIIIIIIG!!!!” she hissed as she leaned back in Izuku’s lap.


Cassie laughed, “Now THAT’S the spirit, kiddo!” she cheered as she moved behind Momo. Letting the dark haired girl lean back against her as she reached her hands around to grab her huge watermelon sized knockers. The blonde woman kneaded and pressed them around the distention in her stomach. She then leaned her head over Momo’s shoulder and whispered.


“Normally, I’m not much into chicks, but I’ll make an exception here since your moans are so cute!” she told Momo. She then spoke up so Izuku could hear, “Now, show me how you handle six girls at once!”


HAAAAAAH!!!!” Izuku groaned as he began slamming up with his hips, making Momo howl in pleasure like a beast.




“Nmmmmmh, such sexy moans… I wanna hear more.” Cassie said, licking the side of Momo’s neck. Then, turning to Izuku, “Come on, I know you can do better than that!!!” she taunted him as she pinched and pulled on Momo’s pink nipples roughly. Soon after, they stood out starkly against her creamy skin and Cassie flicked them up and down with her fingers!


“One for All, Full Cowling, five percent!!!” Izuku groaned, sparks of green lightning coming off his body as red lines moved like cracks over his skin.




His hips pounded up into Momo again and again, with the dick shaped lump in her belly moving up and down with him. Cassie held Momo aloft just a little above him, making it so she didn’t bounce up and down in his lap. The blonde woman could feel the force of his thrusts through Momo’s body as she screamed and moaned in pleasure!


AHHHHH, AHHHH, AHHH, AHH!!! YES, IZUKUUUU!!! CUMMING!!! I’M CUMMING SO HAAAAARD!!! DON’T STOP, FUCK MY BRAINS OOOOOUT!!!!!” Momo called out, panting hard now as she reached her hands up to grab Cassie’s wrists in an iron grip. Her red painted nails dug almost painfully into her skin. The blonde laughed and held onto Momo harder as she continued playing with her big tits.


“You heard her Deku! Do it!!! Don’t you dare hold back with her!!!” Cassie cheered.


“Yeah!!! HAAAAH, FEELS SO TIIIIGHT!!!” Izuku groaned, moving his hips up and down harder.




Cassie could feel Momo shuddering as she orgasmed, the dark haired girl’s eyes were almost completely white as they rolled back in their sockets. Her tongue hung out of her mouth like a dog’s as she panted like a bitch in heat. In short, she looked sexy as fuck! Cassie grinned and moved her left hand down to pinch Momo’s clit and began whispering.


“Momo Yaoyorozu’s clitoris will swell twice its size, becoming twice as sensitive.” she said, invoking her Quirk.


AHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH!!!!” Momo screamed as her clit grew as big as the tip of Cassie’s index finger, making it easier to grip as she stroked it while Izuku continued pounding his cock into her.




“Nmmmmmh, your O-Face is fantastic…” Cassie purred, loving the look on the younger girl’s face.


“Ahhaah… Gonna cummmm!!!” Izuku then groaned, pulling Momo down onto his cock, burying every inch inside her stretched out cunt.


Cassie chewed her lower lip as she actually HEARD the wet SPLURT SPLURT SPLURT of his cum shooting deep inside the girl! The sheer girth of his dick kept all of it locked inside the dark haired girl.


“Haaaaah, cream pies are the besht…” Momo slurred with an almost vulgar look of pleasure on her face.


When it was finally over, Izuku then let the Black Whip bindings fade back into nothingness and Cassie easily caught Momo. Slowly, the blonde pulled the younger girl off of Izuku’s cock with a sticky wet noise. What looked like gallons of cum came pouring out of Momo’s gaping pussy!


Izuku’s cock flung back upright once free of Momo’s cunt, ‘Gotta admit, that’s impressive!’ thought Cassie as Izuku’s cock continued to throb in the air.




Another thick load of hot cum shot up through Izuku’s dick before raining back down over the two naked women, effectively covering them both. It had the consistency of hot yogurt and a smell so strong, Cassie felt dizzy.


“Ah, hah, uh, sorry!” Izuku apologized quickly.


“For what?” Cassie asked with a grin as she laid Momo on her back to let her recover before walking over to where he sat and climbing onto him. She stood on the edges of the seat as she lined his cock up with her asshole and pushed herself down onto it with another wet sticky SQUISH!


“Heeeeeegh…!” groaned Izuku, while clenching his teeth and leaning back in his chair as Cassie took that massive meat shaft up her ass.


HOOOOOOOOOH!!!!” Cassie moaned from deep in her throat as she dropped to her knees, hooking her feet under Izuku’s legs as she looked down at the prominent lump rising out of her well toned abs. Not even her physique could keep such a huge dick from making its presence known!


“Haaah, Cass…ie… It’s so… Tiiight…!” Izuku groaned.


“Hah, no complaints! I know you can handle it!” Cassie told him as she used her knees like a springboard and began moving herself up and down. It felt like she was being pulled inside out every time, but it felt incredible!!!




Groaning, Izuku nodded, “Alright, but just remember, you ASSSSKED!!!!” he groaned as he began slamming his cock up into her ass!


AHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” Cassie howled while leaning her head back. She then reached behind herself, grabbing her toned asscheeks and holding them firmly as she moved her body with his.




“Ahhh, haahh, ahahhh…” she heard Izuku groan as he moved his hips up and down, slamming his cock up into her with a repeating SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP. She could feel his massive balls smacking against her ass every time his cock pushed all the way inside.


HAAAAH, YEAH, THAT’S IT!!! AHHH, I’M CUMMING ALREADYYYYY!!! I SEE WHY YOU HAVE A WHOLE HAREM OF SLUTS WANTING A PIECE OF THIIIIIS!!!!!” Cassie said panting hard as she grabbed her enlarged tits next, gripping them tightly, loving the feel of the big squishy mounds in her hands as she felt Izuku’s cum rolling down her bare skin like sweat.


“Ahhhh, Cassie-san, Cassie-saaan…” Izuku groaned, slamming his hips up into her again and again.




HAAAAAAAAH! ONE FOR ALL, FULL COWLING, TEN PERCENT!!!!!” Izuku groaned loudly and Cassie’s eyes doubled in size as she felt her entire body being pounded up and down from the force of his thrusts.


HWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!! YEAAAAH, THAT’S IT!!! HARDER, FASTER, FUCK MY ASS UUUUUP!!! AHHH, SHIIIIIT!!! CUMMING!!! I’M CUMMING WITH MY ASSSSS!!!!” Cassie screamed in pleasure as she felt every thrust of his cock hitting her with the force of a freight train! It was like her entire body was being indulged by his dick as she screamed in pleasure while clenching her inner muscles as tight around his cock as she could.


“Ahhhhh, you’re squeezing me so tiiiight, gonna cum agaaain…” Izuku groaned.




“Haaah, haaaah, AHAAAAAH!!! CUMMINGH!!!!” Izuku groaned as he slammed his cock all the way up her ass again. Cassie let out a low moan again, FEELING his cum pumping into her in thick, warm, wet spurts! Unlike Momo, Cassie’s belly didn’t swell, as her muscles were just too taunt for it. A feeling of total fullness welled up in her as she leaned her head back to let out a long howling moan. Cassie felt herself cumming so hard that her mind went blank for several long moments. All she could think of was the huge cock currently stuffing her guts full of cum! She could feel his cum leaking back out her ass around his cock, dripping down his balls and onto the floor with a DRIP DRIP DROP noise.


“Uhnnnn, hey, you okay…?” Momo’s voice asked as Cassie turned back to look at the girl as she sat up. Her stomach was still slightly bloated, and the entire floor was soaked in a pool of cum that was almost ankle deep!


Clenching her asscheeks again as she looked back at Momo, Cassie said, “Oh yeah. We’re just fine. You ready for another round, cause I can tell your boyfriend here is, aren’t you, Deku?” she asked while grinning.


Izuku only held up his right hand in a “V” sign.


“Heh, we can call some of the other girls if you still need a break.” Cassie said.


“Hmph! If I call them, it’s because Izuku wants them here too. Not because I can’t handle it!” Momo said, now sounding slightly miffed.


HAH! What do you say, kid? Got enough fuel in the tank for everyone, or are just Momo and me enough!?” she asked with a smirk at the nervous expression on his face.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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2 years ago

Star and Stripe combined with Momo is scary

Unrelated: Imagine banging a several building tall air construct of Star & Stripe’s body.

2 years ago

I’ll just cut to the chase and keep it short and sweet. This was quite a chapter to get through!

To start with, I didn’t think we would get S&S, also known as Cassie, back over here. But here she is. Plus we saw her interact with Momo in a very impressive way. This includes discussing the harem, their quirks and even drinking tea. XD

Plus there’s the threesome they had with Izuku, as well as the fact that Rie, aka Tetas/10t, will be a part of the harem now too. Had a feeling that would happen eventually. Can’t wait to see what would happen with her. 😁

But getting back to the threesome itself, it was definitely quite a show! I really enjoyed it! Momo can really take a pounding, but Cassie is in a whole different league! 👏

Overall, nice work! Really nice. 😎👌

2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, the hardest part of this chapter was the lead-in. Sometimes those are REALLY hard even when short. Just doing a straight up sex sequence is easy, but without context they can be dull.

2 years ago

Could I make a suggestion for an addition to the harem? Toga I feel would make sense given that she canonically loves Izuku in the show

2 years ago
Reply to  Emperor-k9

Sorry, Himiko is a no go for the harem.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Is there any specific reason why?

2 years ago
Reply to  Emperor-k9

I feel she’s not a good fit

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Would she at least be friends with benefits like Cassie?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mal


2 years ago

Nice one in both art and story… like the manga image it’s sooooo damn cool as if it’s star is taking control and saying “Is that it??” You know you draw muscular girls very good.
Rtenzo are we going to see any new arts and stories from different anime maybe something new like AOT or NieR or something completely new.
When the new chapter of BSU is coming out?

2 years ago
Reply to  RPE

New chapter of BSU is coming later this month!

I will be making an important post on the website to the readers of Welcome to BSU so please check it out when it comes

2 years ago

Buen capitulo de BNH con un seguimiento del anterior nada mal inclusive con el regreso de Star and Strips con un trio junto con Momo e Izuku pero para mi el capitulo tiene mas peso en Momo por lo que dice Izuku en que si el no tiene voz ni voto para el Harem y ella solo se protege con el hecho de que el sea feliz y todo eso es como una manipulación parte de Momo es como si la idea del Harem ya hubiera sido llevado a un segundo plano y esto también deriva otra cosa del porque cae mas el capitulo en Momo es por el deseo de mejorar su Quirk al crear tejido humano perfecto y ya sabemos que el semen de Izuku con el One for all lo potenciara pero con el detalle de que Momo se puede crear una polla propia y en este capitulo puede ser el detónate para ese preciso momento porque Izuku tomo otra vez el potenciador para la producción de semen y BOOM no me sorprendería que Momo tuviera la mejora de su Quirk pronto y con eso y no me quiero dar malas ideas mentales de la llegada de Kyoka que por mala suerte no a sido trabajada ni en capitulo esporádicos teniendo sexo con alguien random de 1-A ya sea con Iida Kaminari o Mineta etc y perjudica mucho al personaje en cuestión de credibilidad  y no me quejo de cómo ha ido la historia hasta ahora ha sido increíble la narrativa  solo que Kyoka era un punto fuerte al poner a prueba el Harem al sentir algo por Momo  seria ella al que tenia que decidir si es Kyoka o Izuku y el resto del Harem porque si Momo se va se van las demás porque ya no sería lo mismo de hecho algo que note es que ella es la única que toma las decisión en casi todo momento  siempre está detrás de Izuku por si llega a pasar alguna situación como cuando le dio esa erección de 4 días al poco tiempo Setsuna ya estaba en el Harem e igual con Toru ella solo llegó a avisar del nuevo baño Toru solo quería tener diversión pero Momo la convenció usando a Izuku como pretexto no me sorprendería que usara las dudas de Asui o los verdaderos sentimientos de Uraraka  por Izuku para que entraran al Harem ya veremos qué pasa en futuras entregas de la historia y como se maneja toda la situación de todo esto

Buen capitulo con 8 de 10 y resalto mucho la versión de la escritura corporal de Star and Strips

Last edited 2 years ago by AL-720
2 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

I think I got most of what you said. But please try and avoid these walls of text, they’re hard to read.

Creation Level 2 will be a thing again, yes. But the thing with Momo bringing in girls is more to show how Deku has no say in recruitment. It’s a kind of joke. But all the girls love him, and he loves them.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Nice follow-up to the last chapter. I really enjoyed the conversation the two girls had about Quirks and about their relationship. Tetas’ inclusion in the harem came a bit out of nowhere and caught me by surprise, given that we haven’t seen her interact all that much with anyone to be honest. Having her being a heads-over-heels whore for Midoriya though does make kinda sense, though I still would have prefered if we had gotten some more buildup to it. While on it, Midoriya does strike me as a bit of a wimp here for not standing up to Momo. Sure, he doesn’t hate Tetas or anything, but the way Momo coaxed him into having her as another slut in his harem strikes me as just a tad too toxic and manipulative. He might not mind having Tetas around, but it just feels kinda… wrong. It might be kinky or sexy for some people, but to me it feels like Momo’s just “abusing and manipulating” Midoriya, using his gentle nature for her own gains. I dunno, maybe I’m just reading too much into it, but some more backbone from Midoriya on that matter probably wouldn’t hurt. Aside from that, the sex was as good and detailed as ever and Midoriya showed some skill taking care of these two horny girls.

After seeing those two MHA chapters so close to one another, does that mean that we’ll get it more consistently from here on out? I for one wouldn’t mind!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I borrow a lot from “In Another World with My Smartphone” for the dynamic between Izuku and his girls. In it, Touya, the protagonist is powerless against his wives. Though they aren’t mean and they all support him with all they are. I always planned to add Rie to Izuku’s harem, but, I don’t know when or if I’ll get more art of her, so now was as good a time as any.

I don’t know how regularly we’ll get MHA chapters, I’m currently out of images to work from.

2 years ago

Maravilloso mi hermano esperemos que haiga mas izuku en el proximo capitulo.

2 years ago
Reply to  Soldadorayan

I’ll try

2 years ago

Amigo excelente capitulo, 10/10 dos de mis chicas favoritas juntas con Izuku, ojalá haga una continuación directa de este capitulo :3

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Mishifu

Can’t promise anything, I have no idea what the next pic will be. I’m glad you enjoyed the story!

2 years ago

Nice to see Stars and Stripes again. Love the muscle in her arms and back.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kazekalamity

Hope you liked the story

2 years ago

Love it and keep it up!

Okay then, relationships recap for those left in the dark or not up to date with this series

1. Momo
2. Tsuyu
3. Uraraka
4. Setsuna
5. Toru
6. Horie

Sex Friends (Not In The Harem):
1. Mina
2. Kyoka
3. Itsuka
4. Mitsuki
5. Cassie
6. Mirko
7. Melissa
8. Camie
9. Manami

2 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

Correct, though Rie’s first name is Rie, Horie is her surname. I have the personal approval from the designer herself. She even praised how I wrote her!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Uhhh, I’ll still call her Horie because if people try to Google her as MHA Rie, they would get this

Screenshot_20230303_212841_Samsung Internet.jpg
2 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

Also MHA Rie Horie or Horie Rie

Screenshot_20230303_214658_Samsung Internet.jpg
Connor J O'Carroll
2 years ago

hmmm…. even with looking at the chapter’s last sentences i can’t tell if Cathleen changed her mind so will S&S be a Deku-Harem member or no??

also love that Rie/10T is now a member & i’m hoping that might be foreshadowing to another Deku/10T Ch 😀

2 years ago

Nah, she’s been on the no harem list for a while now.

Connor J O'Carroll
2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

oh ok then :p