Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Pain and Pleasure

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part IV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part VI): [LINK]

“What a weird substance,” Sister Ivry muttered to herself as she looked at the display analysis on the screen. She was inside the Edens Zero infirmary, sitting at a computer terminal with her long legs crossed. A few days ago, Rebecca, the new Demon King’s little friend, had gone a little crazy after being exposed to the weird powder she’d picked up on a commerce station. The young blonde was still lamenting about being banned from her B-Cube or whatever. Ivry didn’t see the problem, human’s had sex, it was a common biological function.


A fun one too.


One thing she never believed she could ever come to understand about humans was their hang-ups. Still, Rebecca was a member of the crew, so Ivry tried to listen while she lamented her situation, at least until it became too much and she decided to try and help in another way. The powder that Rebecca had exposed herself to was mostly harmless. It was some kind of pollen from a flower not in the Edens Zero Database. Even Hermit couldn’t find much on it aside from a few images from the galactic web.


Ivry smirked when she saw the image of one though. The flower bore a striking resemblance to a human vagina with how the petals were arranged. Its pollen was not unlike finely ground talc, acting as a kind of dry lubricant that would make the skin feel like silk for a brief period. It also emitted a pleasant floral odor, which is why whoever collected it decided to bottle and sell it as a body powder.


“Oh, this is interesting…” Ivry said as she looked at the analysis more closely. “It reacts to Ether levels in the body.” When exposed to most normal people, it was little more than flower scented powder. But when it was exposed to someone with high levels of ether in their body, like for instance, someone that used Ether Gear, the molecules underwent a change from the Ether. She ran a quick simulation through the computer, sure enough, when exposed to Ether in the body, the pollen became a substance not unlike estrogen in the female body, and testosterone in the male body. Only it was way more potent. It was no wonder Rebecca’s sex drive went out of control like that.


The chemical burned out quickly though, and the faster someone’s heart rate went up, the faster it was used. A soft hiss behind her drew Ivry’s attention away from the screen and she turned the chair around towards the door to the infirmary. She raised her eyebrows at the sight of Weisz walking in with his face a mass of lumps.


“Fuck, what the hell happened to you?” she asked the blonde haired man out of time. Weiss had come from a planet that had fifty years of time devoured by a chrono phage. Rebecca and Shiki had taken him off the now quarantined planet, making two of him in the current time. Since the time affected by the chrono phage was entirely contained to that one world, no paradoxes were created by him being here.


“Aye wan akwoss Wevekka’s veedeeoh onwine…” said Weisz, his voice sounding like he was talking with a mouth full of marbles.


Ivry just shook her head, “Come on,” she told him, pointing to one of the beds in the infirmary. The blonde really did a number on him this time, his jaw was broken in one spot and fractured in another, and he was an inch away from a full on concussion. Fixing up the severe injuries took only a few seconds, but Ivry left the lesser ones there just to teach the lecherous fool a lesson.


Then again, Weisz was getting his ass handed to him all the time and he still hadn’t really learned anything. Looking back over to the sample of that dust on her desk, Ivry grinned darkly. “Say Weisz, wanna help me test a theory?” she asked.


Weisz was still rubbing his jaw as he asked, “What?” Ivry picked up the small test tube full of the glittering substance and pulled out the black stopper at the top. Weisz blinked and narrowed his eyes, “Wait, isn’t that the crap that made Rebecca go nuts? I thought she flushed that.”


“I had a sample for my initial study.” Ivry said, “I just wanna run a quick test,” she said before blowing a quick breath across the open top, pushing out a thin cloud of dust in his direction.


“Wait, hold on a sec…!” Weisz shouted, but it was too late as the cloud reached him and he breathed in. He probably meant to try and hold his breath, but he ended up taking in about 42% of the cloud with it!


The reaction was instant! Ivry watched as his body temp shot up a couple degrees, heart rate spiked, pupils dilated, and a significant amount of his blowflow was redirected below his belt. Weisz began breathing heavily as a rather impressive tent rose in his pants as he doubled over slightly and began groaning.


“What the hell did you do to me!?” Weisz yelled.


“A little lesson in empathy.” Ivry said with a wicked grin.



HAAH, AHH, AHHHH, PLEASE, NO MOOORE, I… AHHH, I CAN’T STAND THIS!!!” Weisz begged as Ivry stood over him dressed only in the sexiest panties she could find. They were made of a poly vinyl material that was incredibly thin in the crotch. So thin that the crotch actually dug deeply into the fold of her own vagina. She didn’t know what amused her more, Weisz’ surprise that she was anatomically female as well. The fact that with a thought, she’d made her tits almost bigger than her entire body. OR the fact that she’d left him with a massive erection for over an hour!


Seriously, she’d tied him down to the bed in one of her personal “Playrooms”, stripped him, then left him like that while she walked around in her current state. His cock throbbed and jounced in the air, the veins pulsating along its length as he bucked his hips, fucking the air around him as he groaned in a mix of pain and need.


Bending her arms up so her hands were level with her shoulders, Ivry used her forearms to bounce her tits into each other, clanking the metal dumbbell weights she had run through her giant nipples together. They were marked as weighing 100 lbs each, but actually they didn’t even weigh a fraction of that. She’d marked them like that as a joke. Ziggy, the former Demon Lord, had built her strong enough that she COULD have put hundred pound weights through her nipples, but that just seemed like overkill.


“I gotta say, I’m impressed, most human males aren’t so well endowed.” she told him, “You should be proud.”


ARRRGH, PLEASE, MA… MAKE IT STOOOOP, IT HURTS, IT HUUUURTS!!!” Weisz groaned, his cock twitching in the air.


“Oh, really, but it hasn’t even been an hour yet. You know a human male can sustain a hard-on for at least three hours to no ill effect. After the four hour mark though…” she trailed off as her grin darkened. “Things can get ugly with how they have to be treated!” she said, describing how she would need to take a, in Weisz’ case, very long needle and stab it through the tip of his dick and drain the blood from his dick, twice!


WAHAAAH!!!” Weisz shrieked, his eyes doubling in size.


“Relax, we’re not there…” she told him, then grinned again and added, “Yet.” She then bounced her enlarged tits together again and laughed at how Weisz groaned in agony, his cock twitching as if he wanted to shove it between her massive mound and unload all over them. She then walked up to the bed and gave a falsely sympathetic sigh.


“Alright, I suppose I COULD help you out a bit before things get ugly.” she told him.




“Alright, but from now on,” she told him, “You have to call me MISTRESS Ivry! Got it?”


The blonde man nodded vigorously in agreement and Ivry leaned in closer, “You’d better, otherwise we can do this alllll over again, only this time I’ll let you go well past the four hour mark!” she threatened, loving the look on his face. She didn’t mean it obviously, but this should keep him from trying to tease Rebecca again for a long, long time.


The white haired woman then moved in even closer, allowing Weisz’ cock to slide between her tits neatly. Her mammoth mounds easily engulfed his entire seventy centimeter dick, leaving none of it exposed. She loved the way he groaned as he felt her silky smooth and warm skin sliding around his cock.


“Ooohhhhh…” Weisz groaned as she felt his cock twitching between her tits.


“Oh, you like that, do my big naughty tits feel good around your pervy dick?” she asked him.


“Ohhh, yeah… Ahhh, they feel great, Sister!!” Weisz told her, bucking his hips slightly, making her tits bounce around his length.


“Oh, what was that?” Ivry asked, beginning to pull her breasts back.




“That’s better,” she said smugly as she moved back in, pressing her tits around his cock a little tighter. She loved the way it made him groan in pleasure as she slowly began rubbing his dick up and down with her breasts. Her smooth soft tits easily moved up and down Weisz’ cock, their mass completely enveloped his dick and made a satisfying light smacking down every time she let them fall back down onto his pelvis.


“Haaah, Mi… Mistress… That feels greeeaaat…!” Weisz groaned as he began thrusting his hips a bit more, visible relief on his face now that his dick was finally getting some stimulation.


“Mmmmmh, yeah…?” Ivry asked, licking her lips, “You like that? Like fucking my big sexy tits?” she asked him.


He nodded, moving his hips faster now as Ivry began bouncing her breasts even more. She snickered at the stupid look on his face as she began rubbing her tits against one another while bouncing them up and down. Weisz groaned louder as he pulled against the restraints Ivry had him tied down with. She could tell he wanted to grab and fondle at her, but she wouldn’t let him.


“Ooohh, ahhh… so soooft…” he groaned as Ivry began moving her breasts up and down but also back and forth, letting the full weight of her tits rest against him every so often. The dumbbell weight through her nipples clinked and tinked against each other as she began breathing heavily too. She might have been a very sophisticated android, but she could still FEEL, and she loved the sensation of this big, hard, and long cock rubbing against her tits. The heat coming off him was incredible, almost a fever pitch. She could feel her own pussy getting hot and wet as this turned her on, the sight of someone fully at her mercy was just the best.


“Mmmmmh, does that feel good you big dumb idiot?” she asked, “Rubbing this meaty dirty cock between my tits gets you off doesn’t it?”


“Ooohh, fuuck, yeah… Your tits feel so great, Mistress, my dick loves them!” Weisz groaned, then groaned louder as Ivry laughed and began moving her body even faster than before. She panted softly with him, loving the sensation of his cock rubbing against her now as she pressed her tits tighter around his length.


“Mmmmmmh, you’re making such a cute face right now,” said Ivry, licking her lips again as she squatted down a bit more, causing the material of her panties to dig into the folds of her cunt a little harder. She moaned at the feeling, her pussy letting a slow trickle of juices run down her thighs. “If you keep on being a good boy, Mistress might let you feel good with her pussy!” she told him, “Would you like that, wanna feel this big, hard, meaty fuck stick inside my hot little pussy?”


He nodded, “Yes!!! I’ll be good, I’ll be gooood!!” he groaned, his cock spasming between her tits as a gout of precum shot out.


Ivry laughed, “Naughty little boy, did thinking about my tight pussy make you cum a little?” she asked in a mocking baby voice. Weisz’ precum oozed down between her tits, making everything all slick and slippery, which in turn made it easier to slide his cock back and forth between them.


AHHHH, I… I’M SORRY, MISTRESSSS…!” he groaned, even as he began bucking his hips again now that her tits were even more stimulating.


Ivry laughed, moving her body faster, slamming her breasts up and down on his cock as she kept them pressed together tightly. The wet SLAP SLAP SLAP of them against his pelvis was loud enough to echo in the small room.


AHHHH, SO GOOD, SO GOOD, YOUR TITS FEEL SO GOOD!!!” Weisz groaned and Ivry quickly pulled away, leaving his cock throbbing in the air. Ivry was very good at her little ‘hobby’, she knew when a man was just about to pop his load, and she didn’t want the fun to stop just yet.


WAAAH, NO, PLEASE, DON’T STOOOOOP…!” he begged, thrusting his hips up and down again, his cock an almost cherry red color.


Hmmm, it does almost look like an eggplant.’ she thought in mild amusement. She then grinned as she moved up onto the bed farther, ripping her panties off with a simple tug. The material they were made out of was designed to be easily removed with minimal effort.


“Don’t whine, it’s boring,” she told him as she stood over him, one hand on her pussy, her fingers spreading it wide. “Do you want thiiiis?” she asked with a grin.


YES! I WANT IT, I NEED IT, FUUUCK, I NEED TO CUUUM!!!! PLEASE LET ME CUUUM!!” he begged desperately, tears and snot streaming down his face as he shook his head from side to side.


Ivry laughed sadistically as she squatted down, impaling her pussy on his dick! She let out a long low moan of pleasure as she felt that long thick rod penetrate her deep. How long had it been since she felt a nice, hard, cock? She couldn’t entirely remember as she clamped down with her inner muscles and began slowly moving herself up and down.


HMMMMM, YEAH, NICE AND BIIIIIG!!!” Ivry moaned in pleasure, using her knees like springs as she bounced herself up and down. Hot juices flowed freely from her pussy, making wet slick noises every time she moved as Weisz and Ivry moaned together.


“Ahhhh, so tiiight, too tight! Ahhh, it’s like a vice!!!” Weisz groaned.


“Well of course!” Ivry said with a sneer on her face, “It won’t be satisfying for ME if you pop your load too soon!” she told him as she began moving herself up and down even faster. “AAHHH, YEAH, RIGHT THEEEERE, SO NICE AND DEEEEP!!!” Ivry moaned, grabbing her own tits and kneading them against each other hard. She then continued bucking herself up and down, clamping her inner walls around Weisz’ cock every time she took him to the hilt.




Ivry just laughed and moaned, moving her body faster, her ass smacking down on his legs loudly every time she brought herself down. “HMMMMMMH, FUUUCK, YES, RIGHT THERE, RIGHT THERE, SO CLOOOSE, FUUUUCK!!!!” Ivry howled in pleasure, bouncing herself up and down faster and faster as Weisz pleaded for her to let him cum.


YEAH, YESH, FUCK YEEEEEAAAAAH!!!!” Ivry moaned as she felt herself cumming hard, her entire body shaking with pleasure as she buried Weisz’ cock inside herself and loosened her grip. Beneath her, Weiss let out a low howling groan as she felt his cock spasming inside her again and again. His eyes rolled back in their sockets as he actually began foaming at the mouth as he loosed a massive amount of cum inside her.


Hmm, nice sperm count,’ Ivry thought through the haze of pleasure as she automatically analyzed the man’s cum. As she slowly recovered, Ivry returned her tits to their normal size and looked down at Weisz with a grin. Her grin gave way to an annoyed expression when she discovered he was completely conked out!


HEY!” she shouted, grabbing his balls in a vice-like grip, waking him instantly, “We’re not done yet!” she yelled at him.





In another room aboard the Edens Zero, Rebecca looked up from the book she was reading, “Did you hear something?” she asked Happy, who was sitting next to her with Pino.


“It sounded like someone screaming in pain.” Pino said, “I believe it was Mr. Weisz.”


“Oh, HIM? Hmmph, serves him right then!” Rebecca said, feeling absolutely no sympathy for their resident lech.


(Story by User: SailorIo)

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2 years ago

Excellent job!

can we get a Witch chapter in the near future with Witch banging someone like Shiki?


2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Ask Enzo

2 years ago

Sorry for commenting late, but the was one good-ase chapter. I’ve always wanted to see Ivry be the dom they always portrayed her to be. I love Eden’s Zero. I also like how Weisz was portrayed, especially since he and Witch are my favorite characters.

2 years ago
Reply to  Emperor-k9

Thanks, it was fun to do, and sorry if I misspelled his name, I only watched the dub, they didn’t really put the spelling there.

2 years ago

Will there be more fairy tail and eden zero this month

2 years ago

100/100!!!! I love Sister Ivry she is so hot. I have Two questions. One when Shiki whips out his dick will it be so big anyone who sees will suffer from Cock Shock? Two, is it possible for Sister Ivry to go behind everyone’s back(Witch, hermit, and etc) and secretly become Shiki’s sex master/teacher or ‘corrupter’ depending on how you look at it and with her justification being that as demon king Shiki should be an absolute demon in bed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

All depends on the art I’m given

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Is this answer for question one or two or both?

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis


2 years ago

I guess Eden Zero got a vote to come back. But it good seeing more of them in the story. Really got sister personality down pack. The story was with her at her best performance. All in all this was a good story hope to see more of the Eden Zero characters pop up in this story.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jojoleo

Yeah, I rewatched the anime a bit and read up on her wiki. And after talking with Enzo I decided this was the best way to write her. Took a little influence from a scene in Bible Black with Nurse Kitami and the male lead whose name I forget. Where she had him begging for release. I don’t get to do femdom all that often, so this was a lot of fun!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Oooh, back on the Edens Zero I see. I like it, especially with how the Manko Powder is handled by them when compared to the Fairy Tail gang. The explanation as to how the flower works was pretty interesting and I like how Ivry immediately tested her theories out. And hot damn!!! Sex scenes where the girl acts so demanding and dominant are really rare but they’re simply fantastic. The way Ivry handled Weisz was such an arousing joy to read that I can’t even put into words. I really hope that we get more dominant women in this story cause you write them extraordinarily well!

Keep up the great work!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, people were wondering about the waitress last chapter, why she wasn’t as affected as Erza. This is why. The powder reacts with a person’s ether levels. Weiss, Rebecca, and Shiki all use Ether Gear, that’s the same as being a wizard on Earthland. So wizards or anyone who uses their own magic heavily will be just as affected. People who don’t know how to use magic, or don’t have magic at all (Anyone from Edolas) are less affected to completely immune.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Speaking of Edolas, if possible I will use them as well.