Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Brandish’s Petal Persuasion

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part V): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part VII): [LINK]

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Gray Fullbuster groaned at the headache that still wasn’t going away! Whatever was in that gross herbal tea the local apothecary had given him did take the worst of it off though. The stuff tasted like crap, smelled like it too, but it was better than throwing up from the pain in his skull. The doctor told him the headache would fade in another day or so, so he had that much to look forward to at least.


Still, he was worried about encountering the weird flowers behind everything again. As it turned out, some new kind of flower had cropped up overnight all over Fiore. The flower came in several colors, all with varied effects, though they all shared one effect in particular; if someone who inhaled the pollen was a wizard or had a high amount of Ether Nano in their system, then it pretty much sent them into the human version of heat! He knew from experience that it was no joke. Twice now he’d encountered this pollen. Well, he was fairly certain it was twice, it would explain what happened on the road back to the guild hall with Lucy and Natsu.


He looked back on the bed at the unconscious Juvia. She’d finally stopped masturbating after almost a full day before passing out. The local doctor said she would be fine, that she’d had a strong reaction to the flower’s pollen, but unlike his own, it didn’t get toxic. The mission that he’d come out here to help Juvia with had been called off, but since they answered it, the client had paid them a quarter of the reward he’d offered as an apology.


“Nmmmmh, Gray, don’t stop, I’ll have all the babies you want…” Juvia muttered in her sleep as she turned onto her side.


Gray fought the urge to roll his eyes, able to guess what she was dreaming about easily enough. This was gonna be a bitch to explain to her when she woke up.


A sudden rumble in his stomach reminded Gray he hadn’t eaten in nearly a full day. He tucked Juvia into the bed a little tighter before getting up to leave the small inn they were staying in. Even just a quarter of the reward was enough to set the two of them up for a few weeks on the road. Gray still wondered what exactly the guy wanted to warrant such a high payout, but he just said it didn’t matter right now, gave them a small bit of what he offered for their troubles, and left.


Leaving the room, Gray made his way downstairs. The inn offered meals to the guests as well as part of their fee, so he figured he’d grab a bite to eat and bring something back for Juvia when she woke up. He was hoping that it’d start raining soon; if they traveled in the rain, the pollen might not affect them on the road as it’d get scrubbed out of the air by the water. If Juvia were awake, she could easily conjure them a storm. Walking back to Magnolia would suck, but it beat fucking until passing out the whole way there!


The dining room of the inn had a sparse group of people in it. Everyone was staying indoors because of the flowers, so there weren’t that many guests, only the ones who’d gotten stuck here before the flowers popped up.


He went over to a table and waited for one of the inn’s staff to come over. Before he could sit down though, he spotted a splash of color among the other guests sitting around the room. Over in one corner, a woman with bright green hair sat quietly, picking at a meal in front of her. She had an odd hair accessory on her head, a pair of crosses over a hairband that stuck out like antennae. Gray only knew ONE woman who wore something that odd and had hair that color!


Brandish μ.


Moving away from the table, Gray weaved through the other empty tables to where Brandish sat. Without looking up from her plate, the green haired woman pushed out the chair opposite of where she sat with her foot.


“Might as well sit down,” she said. “I recommend the lamb, it’s pretty good.”


“What are you doing in Fiore, Brandish?” Gray asked after taking a seat.


The green haired woman reached between her large breasts and pulled out a slender gold key. Gray recognized it instantly! It was the Celestial Gate Key of Aquarius, one of Lucy’s spirits. Lucy had destroyed it to summon the Spirit King himself during a particularly dangerous battle. It tore her up to do it, and from time to time Gray could still see her clutching the remaining section of the key as she held back tears.


“Where did you get that?” he asked evenly.


“It popped up in my country a little while back; it’d been circulating the auction block for almost a full year before I found it in some old fart’s collection of dumb shit. There aren’t any celestial wizards in my country, so I brought it here to give it back to Lucy. I wanted to use it for myself, but I have no talent for Celestial Spirit Magic as it turns out. I couldn’t summon Mistress no matter how many times I tried,” explained Brandish.


Mistress?’ thought Gray as Brandish continued.


“My boat arrived from the river last night, and now I can’t leave thanks to the weird flowers,” she told him as she placed the key back between her tits, making them jiggle lightly.


“They get you too?” Gray asked. One of the staff came over and he ordered the same meal Brandish was eating as she answered.


“No, but the moment my boat docked a bunch of guys came aboard asking if there were any wizards, and I stupidly raised my hand. Now I’m stuck here,” she explained. Gray then told her about what had happened to him and Juvia, as well as the incident on the road with Lucy. Brandish had a good laugh at THAT!


“Good, I thought that uptight little blonde would never get laid,” Brandish said with a snicker.


The innkeeper returned a few moments later with Gray’s meal and he picked at it like Brandish. She brought him up to speed on events back in her country. After the mess with Zeref and their little war with Ishgar, things had gotten chaotic for a while, but a new Republic had risen out of the ashes of the empire called the Alvarez Republic; its leader was someone called the Grand Chancellor, who had a group of advisors made up of the smaller territorial leaders. Currently everyone was focused on keeping law and order in the nation rather than any kind of political ambitions.


“…Although I heard there’s an official exchange of ambassadors with Fiore and the other nations of Ishgar,” said Brandish, “Beyond that, I didn’t really pay attention since politics are such a bore.”


“I see,” said Gray.



After eating, Gray went back to the room he was sharing with Juvia. Brandish followed him for some reason, but he didn’t bother to ask. Once back to the room, he unlocked the door and stepped inside.


OOMMPH!!!” he grunted when Juvia hit him with a flying tackle hug! His face instantly turned blue as her embrace kept him from taking in a fresh breath. “Ju…viaaah…” he choked.


“Oh my darling, I knew you loved me! I just knew it!” Juvia said happily. “I’m so happy right now I….” Juvia began, then stopped mid-sentence and he gasped as her embrace slackened just enough for him to breathe again. He then felt her become stiff as a statue. “What are YOU doing here with my Darling Gray!?” she asked in a stern tone. Her embrace tightened again, but he could still breathe at least.


“Oh, I see, you came to seduce my darling, that’s why you’re wearing such slutty clothing!” Juvia said.


“Uh huh, yeah, you are exactly as Lucy described. And what’s slutty about my clothes?” Brandish asked and then looked down at her clothes which were mostly the same as when Gray had met her before. It was basically a black and leopard print bikini over which she wore a matching long coat. Women from her part of the world tended to favor outfits that showed a lot of skin. It wasn’t out of any desire to be more appealing, just that was the casually accepted aesthetic. It was something Bisca had told him in passing once when she mentioned her homeland over drinks.


“Uh, Juvia…” Gray began, but Juvia cut him off.


“Hmmph, fine then, I’ll show you just how inferior you are!” the blue haired young woman said as she let go and suddenly stripped out of the powder blue silk nightie that the innkeeper had given her to sleep in. Her impressive breasts bounced and jiggled as they were freed from the covering and Juvia quickly stripped off the matching panties she had on.


Gray’s dark eyes doubled in size; blood shot out of his nostrils as Juvia stood proudly in front of Brandish and pointed at her. “I just earned my darling’s love, and I won’t let some green haired hussy seduce him away from me! I challenge you to see who can satisfy my darling Gray’s cock the best!”


“Juvia!? What are you talking about!?” Gray asked, clamping a hand over his nose to try and staunch the bleeding. He’d seen Juvia naked a few times, almost never by intent, but was her body always this alluring? Gray couldn’t take his eyes off her with her big soft tits and their perfectly pink nipples, wide shapely hips, and her completely shaved pussy. In fact, the longer he stared at her, the more erotic she seemed. Already his dick was straining at the inside of his underwear, which he suddenly found himself stripped down to.


When did THAT happen?!’ he thought.


“Brandish, I…” Gray began, about to ask the other woman to leave when he turned to see her already taking off her panties, the rest of her clothes in a neatly folded pile by the door.


“Whatever, I was bored anyway,” Brandish said calmly as she took off her panties completely and folded them into a neat little square before setting them on top of the rest of her clothes. She then stood naked in front of Juvia with Gray between them, her hands resting on her hips, “So, how you wanna do this?” she asked evenly.


“Ho… Hold on a second! What’s going on!?” Gray shouted.


“Oh don’t worry Gray darling, I won’t lose, I promise!” said Juvia as she grabbed him with a surprising amount of strength and tossed him onto the bed, somehow grabbing his shorts and yanking them off in the process. His already hard cock stood up straight and proud, throbbing almost painfully as both women crawled onto the bed with him. Their eyes looked almost like hungry cats eyeing a cornered mouse.


“B… B… Brandish, did you get exposed to those flowers?” Gray asked.


“What, you mean that one there?” Brandish asked, pointing to a nightstand by the bed. When Gray looked, he saw what he’d thought was an artificial flower because of the glass stem and glowing light orbs. But when he looked closer, he saw the flower petals around the orbs were real!


What the hell!?’ he managed to think. ‘Who the hell put those damned flowers in the room!?’ Before he had time to try and ponder the reasons or explanations. he felt both women reach his lap. Two pairs of hands gripped his cock; they were both soft and warm and felt so good as they began stroking his long length.


“Not bad,” said Brandish. “Not a lot of guys this big back home,” she admitted as she moved in to lick up the side of his cock.


“Don’t get ahead of yourself you hussy! Gray Darling’s cock belongs to me! AHHHMMMMPH!!!!” Juvia countered, opening her mouth wide and swallowing the top of his dick down her warm and wet throat.


“Hmmm, possessive much?” commented Brandish calmly as she began kissing the side of his dick slowly while Juvia moaned around the top of his length. The green haired woman’s bright orange lipstick left a series of marks all over his cock as Juvia worked to take more of his dick into her mouth every time her head bobbed down.


“Girls… Haaah, do… Dhon’t… Ooooh…” Gray groaned as his cock throbbed in pleasure at both girls’ attention. As Juvia managed to get to the halfway point, Brandish switched to focus on his balls, licking, kissing, and sucking on them with a level of skill that suggested she’d done this before.


HMMMMPH, GUH, NMMMMMPH, GWAY DAHLINGH’SH CAWK, AHHH, GWAY’SH CAAAWK ISH IN MUH MOUPH PUSSHY!!! HMMMPH, MMMMPH, NMMMMPH, AGUUUH…!” Juvia moaned and gagged loudly around his dick, her throat visibly swelled with his girth as she took him down so deep he could feel the inside of her stomach!


“Oooaah…” groaned Gray as he watched Juvia’s face bobbing up and down as she moaned in pleasure. Right next to her, Brandish held his right ball in her mouth; he could feel her rolling it around with her tongue and leaned his head back against the bed to groan again at the feeling.


NMMMMPH GUG, MMMMMPH, GUH, MMMMMMPH GUGH…” gagged Juvia as she moved her head up and down faster and faster. The feel of her warm mouth was so intense as Gray felt his cock throbbing inside her throat.


PWASHE, GWAY DAHLING, GIH… GIMME UR CUM… AYE WANT ID SHO BHAAAAD… GUH GUH GUG GUH…” the blue haired woman pleaded as she looked up at him, hearts sparkling in her eyes.


“Hoooooah…” groaned Gray, his cock pulsing inside Juvia’s mouth and throat, her neck bulging slightly more as she was force fed his cum directly into her stomach!


NMMMMMMMMMH! CUM!!! GWAY’SH CUUUMMMH, AGUH GUG GUH…” Juvia moaned in sheer pleasure, her eyes rolling back in their sockets as she made several gulping noises. He then watched as she pulled her face up and licked her lips with a smug expression. Gray’s dick ached almost painfully as it began dropping down slowly. She then turned to look at Brandish with a look that clearly said ‘Beat that!’ before she moved aside. Brandish quickly moved to straddle Gray’s legs in her place as she pressed his large dick between her breasts.


HAH! As if your tiny tits could possibly make my Darling Gray feel… Any… Thing…” Juvia said, her last few words dragging out, as in the blink of an eye, Brandish’s tits became even bigger than her entire body! The titanous mound of soft flesh easily engulfed his cock, making it look almost small in comparison.


“There,” she said calmly. “Just relax and take your time.” she said in the same calm tone as she began rocking her tits back and forth against his cock, gently massaging it. She then turned to look at Juvia. “What, you just lost your virginity yesterday?” she asked. “You don’t work to make the guy cum as fast as you can; you work to make him feel good, and then he can go a lot longer,” she told the blue haired girl.


“Oh, ahhh, haaahh…” Gray groaned as his cock quickly became fully erect again within moments.


“Mmmmmh, there, isn’t that better…?” Brandish purred, pressing her huge tits around his cock a little tighter. “You can play with them you know, that kinda is the point,” she told him while looking down at Gray with an almost deadpan expression. An expression that shifted just a little when Gray reached out to grab two handfuls of her titflesh with his hands, pressing his dick between them more as he began thrusting his hips slowly.


“Nmmmh, ye… Yeah… Hah, that’s, the way…” Brandish said, clearly struggling not to moan as Gray groaned at the feel of her ultra soft tits around his cock. She then leaned in closer, chewing her lower lip lightly as he began moving faster, thrusting his cock between her breasts more. The impact of his body against her tits sent ripples across the huge mounds as Brandish let out a soft moan. Her face became flushed as he felt her grinding her crotch against his legs now.


“Nmmmmmh, yes… Ah… Do… Don’t stop…” she moaned, rolling her hips against his legs now and he could actually FEEL the heat coming off her pussy. “NMMMMMH, MORE, FUCK MY TITS MORE…!” she moaned, her face melting into one of open, raw lust. “OH GOD, MY BOOBS, AHHH, MY BOOBS FEEL SO GOOD!!! CUMMING, I’M REALLY CUMMING WITH MY BOOOOOBS!!!” Brandish moaned as she began panting for breath.


AHH, OHH, OOOOH NHOOO, I CAN’T MAKE IT STOOOP, IT FEELS SO GOOD, CUMMING, I’M CUMMMMINGGGH!!!” she screamed in pleasure as Gray began slamming his cock up and down between her tits with a soft SLAP SLAP SLAP. Brandish chewed her lower lip harder, a trickle of drool running down her chin as she struggled to stifle her moans. Gray groaned at the feel of her tits slipping and sliding across his dick as he slid the top up between her tits just as he came again, spraying her pretty face with hot cum! The green haired girl then let go of her tits, leaning back on the bed, and Gray could feel her pussy against his legs, still dripping and hot as Brandish began licking his cum off of her tits.


“See?” she asked while looking at Juvia.


“Hmmph! Well, I can do that too! Move over!!! I promise I’ll satisfy you, my Darling Gray!!!” said Juvia as she began pushing Brandish aside.


(Story by User: SailorIo)

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2 years ago

Could we see some one piece in the near future?

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Please stop complaining about what I post. Bleach has always been the main series I post for over 10 years, it is the reason I became an artist. I post whatever I want. If you think there’s too much Bleach right now, you’re gonna hate it when the Bleach anime begins.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Very lovely POV story from our favorite Ice Mage, Gray. Seeing him interact with Brandish and later with Juvia was incredibly beautiful. Love the worldbuilding insight about Alvarez and that Brandish came to Fiore to bring Lucy the key of Aquarius. Makes me wonder if we see the busty mermaid soon…? Either way, I really liked the inclusion of Juvia during the sex scene despite her not even being in the artwork. Her “rivalry” with Brandish and reaction when the other girl suddenly expanded her tits was absolutely flawless and I can only hope that this will become a trend.

Short but sweet with an open ending that we don’t see very often from you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Thanks, glad you liked it. I was kinda shooting from the hip on what was happening in Alvarez since there’s not much official lore there. Brandish was looking for Aquarius’ key for herself, but I figured if she couldn’t use it, she’d just give it back to Lucy.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
2 years ago

Glad to see that detail about fashion sense and Bisca being from Alveraz getting a mention. Might we get the other green haired babe too in the future?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

No clue, ask Enzo

2 years ago

Great chapter

Do you think you gonna use brandish like 10t from My Hero Academia

Where she can make breasts or ass bigger for other girls?

2 years ago
Reply to  Han

Pretty much. She already did as much in cannon.

2 years ago

Are we going to see more brandish in the future or is there not enough art about her
Great work too really glad it was not bleach this time

2 years ago
Reply to  Jorge

No clue.

2 years ago

I absolutely loved the chapter because Juvia and Brandi fought over Gray’s cock. Everything is wonderfully written. But I didn’t like the art .. It would be better if they depicted sucking Juvia and Brandi next to her.

2 years ago
Reply to  NatsuGod

Sorry, no control over the art like I keep reminding everyone. But I’m glad you enjoyed the story.