Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Orgasm in the Gardens

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Part XIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XV): [LINK]

“You seriously lived in such a beautiful place?? Just imagine all the books that are waiting in there…!” Levy McGarden wowed, spinning around herself as she and Lucy continued walking towards the gigantic mansion ahead of them.


“Yeah… me neither.” the blonde answered half-heartedly, as she was far too conflicted with being there again so soon to actually pay attention to Levy.


When she got handed the letter specifically addressed to her from Mirajane the other day, Lucy was already up and about to throw it away and ignore it. No way in hell did she want to go and do a mission for this guy again! A couple of days had gone by since the events of that day, but even now Lucy could still remember and tell just how deep he had fucked her ass. And that wasn’t even the worst thing! For some inexplicable reason, she could still taste his cock and find single strands of his pubic hair between her teeth! She didn’t even give him a blowjob!


Nonetheless, she brought herself to open the letter and read what the Ugly Bastard wanted from her. After all, he did pay exactly what he promised her and Natsu, effectively ending their long search for money after Natsu and Gajeel had destroyed that waterpark. She read the letter and had found out that he apparently suffered from a leech infestation in his recently built Guiltinan Garden. And while Lucy normally would have just ignored something so basic, he did promise her a sizable reward and reminded her of a special paragraph in the contract Natsu had so foolishly signed for the both of them. The moment she remembered the contract, something switched inside her as she found the idea of going to him no longer being as repulsive as just a few seconds ago.


While normally a mission perfectly fit for two, he had requested her to take a partner with her, just to stay safe. Due to Natsu currently being on a mission with Erza, Lucy had turned to Levy to help her out with this mission.


A slowly rising golden sun accompanied them on their way towards the mansion at the very end of the long street. Shadows from the thuja left and right of her casted long shadows on the ground that pointed straight towards the mansion’s doors where Flare was already waiting for them, “Greetings, Blondie and…” the redhead greeted the two incoming girls with an eerie looking smile that quickly faded and gave way to a confused looking face. “Where’s Pinky?”


“He’s on a mission of his own, so I asked Levy if she wanted to help me out.” Lucy explained shortly. “I hope that doesn’t bother your ‘master’ in any way!” she said with the intention to sound condescending. Though, even in her own ears, she heard strong hints of actual worry in her voice.


“It doesn’t. But say…” Flare turned her attention towards Levy. She leaned her head to the side until it was almost at a complete 90° angle. “You seem familiar. And I ain’t talking about you being one of Blondie’s friends! Say, are you perhaps the new chick in Nezort-san’s place?


“You know Nezort?” the bluette shortstack asked back in retaliation, while blinking perplexed by the sudden namedrop of her boss when working in the club in Fortune City.


“If I know him… he’s one of the master’s best employees.” explained Flare as she gestured to Lucy and Levy to follow her into the mansion. “The club he runs always earns the most money out of all of the master’s establishments there. Especially since you began working there!”


“Oh, stop it! You’re making me blush!” Levy rubbed the back of her head as her face began to glow as intently as the evening sun, “If Gajeel hadn’t urged me to continue working, I never would have gone back there!” she went on to say as they walked through the long, luxuriously decorated hallway of Lucy’s old home.


Slightly annoyed by how casual Levy and Flare were able to talk, Lucy tried to change the subject, “So, where’s your master? I suppose he wants to tell us in greater detail what he wants us to do.”


“Oh my, are you perhaps eager to meet the master again?” Flare asked back with a sly grin on her plum lips. “I hate to disappoint you though, Blondie. I’m afraid the master is currently out to meet with his employees and has no time for you at the moment! Instead, he tasked me with keeping a close eye on you! Heheheheheh!”


“Hmph!” Lucy tried her best to ignore the redhead’s remark, ‘Fuck! Why am I so disappointed by this? It’s not like I was actually looking forward to see this guy again! Right?!’ she thought to herself, even as her pussy was aching silently as they all reached the door that led out into the Guiltinan Garden.


From within, Lucy already got a good look at the many reddish brown leeches that occupied the ankle-deep water of the rocky garden. A shudder went down her spine as she remembered the last time she had to deal with them. Back then, Team Natsu went through a jungle in search of something stupid. Luckily, the leeches here weren’t as big as the ones back in the jungle, though there seemed to be twice as many!


Lucy pulled away from the glass door and faced Flare, “We have to deal with all of them I suppose?” she asked but didn’t wait for an obvious answer. “Do we have to go naked in there or does the Ugly Bastard want us to get our clothes dirty?”


“Not at all, Blondie. Though, I can see that you would like that idea.” Flare smiled as she picked up two from a table to the left of the door. She handed one to each of the two Fairy Tail girls. “In there are bikinis the master wanted me to buy for you. You can wear them for this mission if you want, but you’re free to do it all naked as well, if you want to. I, for one, wouldn’t mind!”


TCH!” Lucy clicked her tongue while accepting the brown bag that the other girl had offered her.


“Thank you!” Levy bowed down politely after getting her bag as well. She then reached in, only to pull out a bikini that wasn’t more than two black strings, so thin that one could mistake them for shoelaces. “EEP!!


The Celestial Spirit mage to her right fared only marginally better as her bikini consisted of a blue and white striped one-piece swimsuit that left practically nothing open for imagination. The two friends looked at one another for a split second before putting on the two outfits Flare had chosen for them.


“Master said that you’re allowed to keep them if you want once you’re finished.” A thirsty smile appeared on Flare’s face as she watched Lucy and Levy strip in front of her. Lucy’s tits in particular bounced up and down enticingly as she got rid of the bra that kept them in check. Once the two were all undressed up in their work attire, Flare opened the glass doors, causing the leeches in the garden to turn their direction. “If you need anything, I’ll be doing some work around the mansion. Feel free to call me whenever you think it’s too much or when you’re done.”



“Done… FINALLY!!!” Lucy let out a huge sigh of relief as she let herself fall in the shallow and exquisitely cooling water. Her body felt sore after doing most of the work herself instead of relying on her Spirits to help her out.


Given the bazillion different rules of her contract with the Ugly Bastard, she didn’t want to destroy anything when dealing with the leeches. Being obliged by the contract to let him fuck her was enough. She didn’t want to find out what he would make her do if she broke something in his new/her old home. For that reason alone, Taurus and Scorpio were too big liabilities to summon already. And even if she would have liked to summon either of them, they all were currently busy with preparing a birthday party for Aries, and Lucy didn’t want to get in their way. Even if it meant that she had to do more menial work!


“I think I know why you dislike the jungles so much now!” Levy said from her position on the ground, “Those things get everywhere!” The petite Solid Script mage laid on her back and looked at the golden sky above. It had taken them all day, but finally the last leech had been dealt with!


The sound of the door being pushed open allerted them of Flare’s arrival before she even spoke up, “Impressive. I have to admit it, you did pretty good.” She looked at the now completely leech-free stone garden, “I actually had hoped you would take longer. It was fun watching you two squirm around with those things all over you.” She stepped into the garden and looked down on Lucy. “But I think you forgot one, Blondie!”


“What? Where?” Lucy turned around, trying to find the slimy little thing. “I don’t see anythiIIIIIIIIEEENGH!!!!!!


Her squeal bounced off of the walls that surrounded them as Flare’s hair moved to wrap around her nipples. Tugging and squeezing on her highly sensitive nipples, the crimson hair felt like a strange mix of the most durable of strings, and the softest silk.


“Right there~!!” Flare cooed as she used her magic to attack the young blonde’s weak spot. She licked her lips at the way Lucy instantly began to squirm and wiggle on the ground beneath her. “You’re so cute like this!”


AAAH, HAAA, HAAA, HAAA!!!!” Lucy’s breathing became labored as her tits got stretched and pulled until they looked more like cones, “MY TITSSSSSSS!!!!!” A shadow fell over the blonde’s face as she gave in to the sweet pain that spread from her boobs throughout her entire body. “HMMMMMMPH!!!?????


MMMMMHHH!!! You’re good at this!” Flare moaned in response to the other girl’s muffled and surprised gasp vibrating around her pussy and ass. She gyrated her crotch against the Celestial Spirit mage’s face, causing her nose to slip past the folds of her perfectly pink clit.


Next to them, Levy found herself drawn closer to the perverted display. Just like how Flare pushed Lucy’s bikini top to the side to have better access to her vulnerable nipples, Levy got her bottom out of the way. She was greeted by a sweet and heady scent that seemed to invite her to the blonde girl’s eagerly twitching and gushing pussy!


Without wasting a single second more, she pushed the index finger of her left hand all the way into Lucy’s ass while covering her cunt with her mouth, “UUUUUUUUUMMMPH!!!!” Lucy squealed in ecstasy, ‘Levy too… Ohhhh god…!!’ she began throwing her hips against her friend’s finger and face.


“I can see why you became Nezort-san’s big star in such a short time…!” Flare commented as she climaxed over Lucy’s face, practically drowning her in her nectar. “And something tells me that this isn’t your first time doing something like this with Blondie!


“Mnnmmmmh!!” Levy shook her head as best as she could, Lucy’s legs already locked tightly around them to keep her in place there.


As her first orgasm washed over her, Lucy distantly heard Flare say, “Then let’s make sure that Blondie here gets a service worthy of Fortune City’s best slut!” before the auburn haired woman began to ride her face even faster!


HNNNNNMH!!! PUSSHY…!!!” she moaned at length as everything she could smell, taste, and see were the other girl’s cunt, ‘It’s everywhere… I can’t get enough of it!’ she thought while greedily licking at Flare’s clit, desperately trying to catch as much of her sweet juices as possible!


“Lushy… you shound sho hot!” Levy slurred into her cunt, while thoroughly exploring the insides of the blonde’s ass with her finger, “Aye can’t ghet enouph oph heawing you like dish!” she moaned over the SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK of Lucy clenching her inner muscles around her finger.


“Yes, fuck her with your tongue some more!” Flare called out, “Make Blondie cum her brains out all over your face!” she ordered with a hoarse voice as she kept grinding her neatly shaven pussy against Lucy’s face. “I wanna see her absolutely broken with pleasure!”


NHOOOOMPH!!!!” buried underneath Flare’s dumptruck ass, Lucy couldn’t understand everything that was being said between the two women, but she did have a good enough idea of what was going on!


But even then, there wasn’t anything she could do about it! The craving between her thighs simply became too big and the pleasure she received from Levy’s tongue darting in and out of her soaked hole was too much to just ignore! And the way Flare’s hair just pulled and tugged on her nipples in a painful, yet strangely arousing and pleasurable, manner was just the icing on top of the cake! She couldn’t help but throw her entire body at the many different points of stimulation, eagerly drinking from and sucking on Flare’s pussy, rolling her hips against the petite bluette’s face, and pulling her tits as far away from the former Raven Tail member’s hair to further enhance the pleasure she experienced!


CAWWWK…!!! AYE NHEED A CAHAWWWWK!!!!” she heard herself moan into Flare’s pussy. She didn’t know where this voice of hers came from, when Levy’s tongue in her cunt and, by now, three fingers in her ass were enough to make her cum over and over and over again, but she meant every word of it.


By now, the shallow water of the Guiltinan Garden had turned a murky creamy color from the girls climaxing too much, “Oh! You’re a greedy little slut, aren’t you!?” teased Flare as she shifted her weight on top of Lucy, causing the blonde to struggle even more for breath than she already did. “Or is Bluey over there unable to provide you with the pleasure only a big, fat, hot cock can give you?!”


YEPH!!” the blonde answered without hesitation, “CAWK! CAWK! CAWK! CAWK! CAAWK!!! JUSHD… GIPHE MEH A CAWK PLEASHE!!!” she begged into Flare’s puffy pink pussy. “AYE NHEED MOWE!!!!!


“Hmmm, I might not have a cock for you, but let’s see how much you’ll scream with this in your little cunny!” Flare declared before leaning forward. In one swift movement, she managed to get Levy out of the other girl’s leglock to have her pussy all to herself. “So cute and wet… MWAH!!!


Orrrrrm!!” a shudder went down Lucy’s spine after Flare left a dark red lipstick mark right above her perfect and smooth pussy.


Opening the folds of the blonde’s cunt with her two hands, Flare then used her Hair magic to braid her hair into the shape of an actual penis! Levy’s eyes widened for a second as she got a close look at the phallus-lookalike before Flare unceremoniously RAMMED the thing straight into Lucy’s tight hole!




Lucy’s gurgled scream of raw pleasure bounced off of the walls that surrounded the garden, “What’s the matter, Blondie!? You sound as if you never had a big this dick before!”


“N- nhooohoooo~!!” Lucy began to struggle to breath as Flare fucked her pussy with an unrivaled furiosity that caused her to cum and cum and cum and cum and cum to no end. “It’sh jushd… AAHHH, HAAA, HAAAafter Gway the other day… OOOOOOOLGH… it’sh aww sho tight agaiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIINGH!!!


“Is that so… Well, I guess that means I better go and pay this Gray a visit then!” Flare cooed hotly while continuing with her lewd assault on the Celestial Spirit mage. “And show him my gratitude for making you such a horny little slut!”


Lucy didn’t even listen to most of what Flare said to her, as she was far too occupied with simply leaning back and letting Flare continue with what she was currently doing. Even as the weight on her face, and the liters upon liters of clear orgasmic fluids became too much for her, bringing her to the very edge of consciousness, Lucy would continue to moan and scream from the depths of her soul right as the world around her disappeared





(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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1 year ago

Gray getting respect in an Rtenzo fic, ya love to see it.

Also, please don’t tell me that the UB is using some mind control magic on Lucy?

The Carla chapter implied that he was since it was said that Carla let him screw her out of nowhere despite insulting his appearance.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

The reason it seemed so out of nowhere and all of a sudden with Carla was because the pic was an Instant Loss. In my opinion, it kinda ruins the immersion of the story/pic if I flesh out what ultimately leads to the Instant Loss. If I explain it, it wouldn’t be “instant” anymore, you know?

As for your concern, I can’t give any clear answers yet, but if Lucy would end up having her mind broken, it’s not because the Ugly Bastard wants to do so. He has more important things to do than to build a harem.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

That makes sense.

Though how did Lucy have UB’s hair in her teeth?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Good question.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
1 year ago

I could have sworn UB was going to be around and use more of his “Contract Magic” on Lucy.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Yeah, most people didn’t seem to like the guy as much. Not that this will stop me from putting him in future stories, it just didn’t make as much sense, story wise, to put him in this chapter.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, I hope that the old pic of Lucy sucking off a UB gets brought back some how.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

I’ll try my best. It’s one of my favorites!

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Mine too. Makes me wish Mira’s bj pic was with a UB too instead of Laxus.

The graffiti on the wall already line up for what some of the people in Fortune city would think of the FT ladies and Levy. And the one telling people to call Lucy for free blowjobs has me thinking she ends up signing a contract and results in that.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago

Is Lucy going to become addicted cock slut for that ugly bastard like Carla?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

No spoilers. Just stick around and see what’s coming next.