Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Nudist Beach Futa Test

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Kill la Kill stories)
Previous Story (Part II): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part IV): [LINK]

Waves lapped gently against the shore as Satsuki Kiryuin walked naked down the beach. She’d never actually been to a REAL Nudist Beach, though now that she was here, she could see the appeal. Project Reclamation was coming along nicely, Satsuki had poured millions of company funds into it, and Iori hadn’t disappointed. His research moved forward by leaps and bounds one funding was no longer an issue. His latest report said he was two to three months away from attempting to make a Kamui.


Though Satsuki wasn’t looking forward to telling her little sister just HOW they would go about that. The life fibers they’d managed to reactivate were already numerous enough to make two three star Goku Uniforms, but they would need more, much more. With what they knew about life fibers now, Iori speculated a Five Star uniform was finally feasible. Gamagori quickly volunteered to be the test subject. Satsuki told both of them to wait until Iori was completely ready. With secrecy no longer a necessity, they could move faster, but that was no reason to be reckless.


Satsuki looked ahead of her to see her destination, Rei Hoomaru stood over a beach towel where she had prepared a full picnic lunch for her. Try as she might, Satsuki couldn’t help but glance down between the naked ‘womans’ legs. She had heard of the term “Futanari” before, but Satsuki always thought it was something mainly relegated to the realm of fiction or medical curiosities. Rei had changed her view on that as hanging between her legs was a fully functioning penis and set of testicles. Rei had a vagina as well, though her huge balls hid it completely from view. Apparently Satsuki’s mother Ragyo had spent a great deal of money to ‘stabilize’ Rei’s body. Natural born hermaphrodites suffered a myriad of health difficulties, unlike what might be seen in certain forms of adult entertainment.


Rei was now a perfect example of a true Futanari thanks to a couple of surgeries and hormonal therapies.


Walking over to the towel, Satsuki knelt down and looked out over the ocean. “Milady,” said Rei, “The Lady Ryuko and her companion will be arriving in another hour, Gamagori has encountered a mild traffic delay thanks to an accident on the highway.” she reported.


“Very well,” said Satsuki, only mildly annoyed. She offered to send a helicopter to bring them to the beach, but Ryuko understandably refused. Given how her lover’s family reacted to even a small amount of luxury she thought it best to keep them away from such things. Granted their living conditions now were still far better than the slums of the old Honnouji Academy, they were still barely what counted as a One Star’s living. And her sister was happy with that.


“Milady?” Rei asked, “I hope I’m not being impertinent for asking, but, why a nudist beach?”


“Very simple Hoomaru, I want us to remember what it is we are fighting for. Clothing nearly enslaved and consumed humanity. We defeated it but at a cost, my sister’s closest friend gave his life for all of us. I want us to meet and discuss further going forward in our natural states, as a reminder of true humanity.”


“I see, very good milady! Forgive my ignorance.” said Rei.


“Ignorance is not a sin Hoomaru,” Satsuki said, “Merely a flaw, one easily overcome if one wants to overcome it. Simply by asking a question.” she told her as she turned to look at her, “For instance, I was ignorant of someone like you even existing in reality.” she said as she looked down at the chocolate skinned girl’s flaccid cock. “I ask your forgiveness for that if being here makes you uncomfortable.”


“N… Not at all milady!” Rei said, blushing and looking away slightly, “I owe both you and your mother so much, my health wouldn’t be what it is without the Kiryuin family.”


“I am aware.” Satsuki said as she smiled at how Rei’s cock began twitching slightly under her gaze. “Perhaps you would alleviate more of my ignorance then while we wait?”




“Which do you prefer to use? I cannot help but be curious of such things given our current endeavors.” Satsuki asked her.


Rei began squirming a little more as her cock began to swell slowly, “Well, I…” she said, blushing now as her cock began growing faster, “You see… I only ever used my manly part, with milady’s mother, I… I’m still inexperienced, as a woman.”


“I see,” Satsuki said as she watched Rei’s cock getting bigger and thicker. The dark haired woman licked her lips as she rapidly approached Gamagori’s sheer size! How it was even possible with her small frame astounded Satsuki as she felt herself getting wet at the sight of such a big dick. She resisted her carnal natures before now, but with the coming threat, she knew she needed to embrace them, fully, if she wanted to win.


And Satsuki Kiryuin ALWAYS wanted to win!


“Hoomaru, no Rei,” Satsuki began as she turned to face the lavender haired woman, “Do you desire me?” she asked.


“Mi….Mi…Milady!!!” Rei stammered, her cheeks almost red now as her cock continued growing.


“You needn’t really answer, as I believe your body has for you.” Satsuki said with a smile.


“Hmmmm…” Rei murmured as her cock continued to grow. Satsuki looked up and suppressed a gasp at the sheer SIZE of the woman’s penis. ‘She’s bigger than Gamagori!’ Satsuki thought as she grit her teeth. In spite of herself, Satsuki found herself imagining how such a beast would feel inside her! She’s taken Gamagori in front of an entire crowd of people, the pleasure she felt was beyond description, but unfortunately, she hadn’t brought any of the life fiber laced— Satsuki stiffened slightly as she looked over to the basket where the lunch Soroi had packed for them. She turned and opened one of the wicker flaps. A grin spread over her face as she silently thanked her astute butler and pulled out one of the specialized Life Fiber Condoms Iori had made!


Turning back, Satsuki tore open the packet and pulled the condom out partly before dropping it onto the towel as she grit her teeth at the size of Rei’s cock now! “This, will be a challenge.” said Satsuki.


“I, I’m sorry milady…” Rei said, “I can’t help it.”


“It’s fine Rei, I like a challenge!” Satsuki said as she sat up on her knees and wrapped her heavy tits around the dark skinned woman’s cock!


“Ooooooh!!!” Rei moaned as her entire body stiffened. Satsuki could feel the smaller woman’s pulse through her dick as she rubbed it up and down with her tits.


“You must be very pent up, mother has been gone for some time now.” Satsuki purred softly as she took in the scent of Rei’s womanly dick. She had to admit, it smelled far better than Gamagori’s, less of a manly scent, but still arousing nonetheless.


“Ahh, hahhh…” Rei panted, her cheeks a bright pink now as her chest heaved softly, “Milady… Your breasts, they feel so nice…” she moaned.


“Hmmhmmhmm, I’ve never seen your submissive side Rei, I rather like it.” Satsuki said as she slowly brushed her tongue over the underside of Rei’s cock. The lavender haired woman let out another shuddery moan and Satsuki could feel her cock twitching now. “I think it’s time you helped more directly.” she told her as she grabbed the XL condom and pulled it fully from the wrapper. There thankfully wasn’t a speck of sand on it as she placed it on the tip of Rei’s cock and rolled it down her length.


“Ooooh, that feels nice Milady…” Rei moaned.


“It should, this is a life fiber condom, it will conform perfectly to your shape, and allow full range of sensation while also changing the fibers inside, just don’t throw it away after.” Satsuki told her as she finished sliding it down her length. The life fibers in the beige colored condom began glowing red as they were triggered by Rei’s arousal. The entire thing then then turned invisible, making it look like she didn’t have anything on at all once again. Satsuki leaned down to kiss and lick the womans balls, finding herself even more turned on now as she listened to Rei pant and moan. Cupping them in her hands gently, Satsuki tenderly massaged them as she moved to lick her way up from the base to the tip before taking the top half of her length down her throat!


“MMMMMMH!!!!” Rei Moaned, “AHHHH, YES, THIS FEELING!!! I’VE MISSED IT SO MUCH!!!” she moaned as Satsuki began taking her dick farther and farther down her throat! Having practiced on Gamagori made it slightly easier, but her jaw still ached as she struggled to take in more after she had hit the two thirds mark.


“HMMMMMPH!!!!” Satsuki moaned around her length as she leaned forward. “DHON’T HOLD BHACK REI!!!! PHUCK MUH MOUPH!!!” she commanded her.


“Y…YES, MILADY!!!” Rei moaned, reaching her hands down and grabbing the sides of Satsuki’s head.


HUUUGUH GUH GUH GUH GUH!!!!” Satsuki gagged as the dark skinned woman didn’t hold back and began SLAMMING her cock in and out of her mouth with even more force than Gamagori used! “UUUGUUUH GUH GUH GUH GUH!!!!” she gagged as her entire body shook with pleasure as she came just from having such a huge thing fucking her face!


“MILADY, MILADY, MILAAADY!!!” Rei moaned, panting harder now as she swung her hips, “AHHH, YOU TRULY ARE LADY RAGYO’S CHILD!!! AHHH, YOUR MOUTH FEELS SO GOOOD!!!!” she howled, her tongue hanging off her lips as she panted with pleasure!


AGUH GUH GUH GUH GUH GUH!!!!” was all Satsuki could reply with as she felt herself cumming again! She hated to admit it, but she was loving this! Having her throat violated by such a big, hard, throbbing thing, being out in the open where anyone could see them! It was the same as when she was with her little sister, kissing and fondling her in front of the cheering crowd. It all aroused her! She had never stopped to consider herself any kind of exhibitionist, she only did it only because her goals required it!


But perhaps she was.


In the blink of an eye Satsuki accepted that as she felt herself cumming again, but it wasn’t as intense as before. No, she wanted more!


“AHHH HAAHHH HAHHH HAHHHH!!!” Rei panted, slamming her cock in and out of Satsuki’s mouth faster now, “YESSSSS!!!!” she screamed as Satsuki felt her hot and warm cum flowing into her stomach! The condom wasn’t meant as a guard against pregnancy, or even to stop sperm from going anywhere. Rei’s fluids passed through it freely, filling Satsuki’s belly with a welcome warm sensation.


The dark haired girl pulled herself off of Rei’s massie erection. She was pleased to see it still fully erect and now glowing a soft red as the life fibers were gaining a steady charge!


“I hope you aren’t finished yet.” Satsuki said. “I know my mother could never be satisfied with just a basic blowjob.”


“No, milady, she wasn’t…” Rei panted softly.


“Good.” Satsuki purred as she laid back on the beach towel, spreading her legs wide to let Rei see her dripping wet pussy. “Now, use my pussy to satisfy that cock of yours! Don’t stop until you’ve emptied those balls into me!!!”


“Ahhh!!” Rei moaned happily, her face an expression of lust and joy as she nodded and fell on top of Satsuki, her cock pushing into her with a well practiced ease as she wrapped her mouth around Satsuki’s left nipple, sucking it lustfully as she pushed her length deep inside!


OHHHH!!!” Satsuki moaned in pleasure as she felt her womb being stretched by the womans gigantic cock! “YESSSSS, THAT’S IT REI!!! STUFF THAT MASSIVE COCK INTO ME!!!” she screamed, “OHHH, I FEEL IT SO DEEP INSIDE ME!!!! STIRRING UP MY INSIDES!!!


“MMMMMH, MMH, MMMH, MMMH…” Rei moaned around her nipple, sucking it needily now as her hips swung again and again. Satsuki could feel her balls slapping against her creamy white ass with a SMACK SMACK SMACK noise that echoed over the beach. Rei swirled her tongue around her nipple as Satsuki held onto her. It was like nursing a child in a perverse way as Rei let out another happy moan. “Mehlahdy… Mmmmmh, ur pusshyyy… Sho guud…” Rei slurred softly. “Sho tiiight… I wuv iiit… Mmmmmmh!!!” she moaned in ecstasy as she moved from one nippe to the next. Satsuki moaned in perverse pleasure as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.


“Mmmmmh, yes Rei, pour all of your lust out into me!!! Let me have all of it!” she told her. “My mother addicted you to Kiryuin pussy, for now I will continue that to serve our ends, so don’t hold back!”


“YESH!!! KIRYUIN PUSSHY!!! I LOVE KIRYUN PUSSHY!!! IT’SH DA BESHT!!!!” Rei screamed around her nipple as he began slamming her cock in even faster.


“Yessss, like that, harder, FUCK MY PUSSY HARDER!!!!!” Satsuki screamed, “AHHHH, SO BIG!!! I LOVE THIS FEELING!!!! FUCK MY KIRYUIN CUNT WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!!!” she screamed as she felt her pussy clenching around Rei’s cock like it never wanted to let go, “HMMMMMMMH!!!! YESSSS, I’M CUMMING REI, MAKE YOUR LADY CUM WITH THAT BIG SHINING BLACK COCK OF YOURS!!!!


“MMMMMH!!!” Rei moaned around her nipple, sucking more and more of her breast into her mouth as though she were trying to devour the entire thing! “MUHLAHDYYYYY!!!!” Rei Moaned as she slammed her cock deep inside again, and Satsuki howled with her in orgasmic bliss as she felt her cum filling her womb!






The sound of Rei’s cum surging back out of Satsuki’s pussy was equally, lewd, rude, and arousing as the dark skinned woman went slack on top of her, her head resting neatly between Satsuki’s fat tits. “Thaaa… Thank you… Miladyyyy…” she moaned.


“Wow, kinky.” Said Ryuko’s voice. Satsuki turned to see her little sister, her friend Mako, and Gamagori all standing naked a few feet away. Mako blinked her eyes in confusion as she took in the scene before her.


“Heeeey, I thought Rei was a girl! This doesn’t make sense! Why does she have a bigger cock than Gamagori!!?? How does she stand up with that!!!??? I’m confused, Ryuko-chan!!!” she said in a rush.


“It’s alright Mako, I think Satsuki here will explain, won’t you ‘nee-san?” Ryuko asked.


“Hmmph, I will indeed, just as soon as I’ve finished what I set out to do, you’re not done yet, are you Hoomaru?” she asked when she felt Rei’s cock still rock hard inside her.


“No, Milady Satsuki!” Rei answered.


“Then why have you stopped, drain those balls into me like I ordered!!!” Satsuki told her.


“YES!!! MILADY!!!!” Rei answered excitedly as she began swinging her hips again!

Story by Sailor Io

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Hikaru Zulu
4 years ago

Yo’ why does the link to the first part of the story lead to a Bleach fanfic?

4 years ago
Reply to  Hikaru Zulu


5 years ago

Satsuki has been taking on some truly outrageously huge cocks lately. She might want to consider putting some of that research money towards boosting her T&A a bit so she can take monsters like those more easily.

5 years ago

in the front page this chapter called 4 but in here its called 3 can you pls fix it

5 years ago
Reply to  visitor


5 years ago

This was a fun chapter to read. I really liked it and how it utilized Futanari sex. In this unique case, Rei as a Futa with Satsuki.

Nice to see it turning out really well from start to finish. Not to mention Ryuko and Mako popping up right at the end of it.

And naturally, the sex and the picture were wonderfully done.

Overall, really nice work. Can’t wait to see more later.

Smiling Fiend
5 years ago

I highly agree with Unskilled, futa is real good and you can rarely go wrong with it, apparently this wasn’t supposed to be futa BUT in my humble opinion it is vastly improved because it’s futa and because it’s well done.

Before I head out I’m gonna advocate for my boy Gamagori real quick… he can probably get bigger because of his size inconsistency joke that was kinda made canonical by the game… I rest my case.

By the way, good story Sailor (Can I call you Sailor ?) I tip my hat to you, futa was an incredible idea.

5 years ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

Sure, everyone else does 😛

Yeah, I had a LOT of fun doing this one. Rei was fun to play with like this, also I think it works well with her in this instance. I’m still very much looking forward to when I can bring Senketsu and Junketsu back, to the KLK fans out here, request some pin-ups!

5 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Yeah about that how do we request more KLK from Rtenzo. Do we have to be on his Patron or is it when he feels like updating the preview board because KLK doesn’t have that much compare to the other.

5 years ago

Her toes are beautiful

5 years ago
Reply to  Edgar

Thanks man

5 years ago

I like her toes

5 years ago

Alright while I’m not into futa this story was pretty well done. I like seeing how perverted Satsuki gets and with this plan to revive the goku uniform. It was nice adding Rei into the story she always felt like that character that didn’t get much screen time till the special episode and seeing still serve Satsuki family and horny she is for her makes me exicted to see if she’ll be on the receiving end. I wonder how far this story is going to go and how your going to use the other girls from the series with each way you can set things up. All in all the art looks damm good seeing Satsuki thicc and the story was enjoyable. Can’t wait to see how far this goes nice work Sailor Io

5 years ago
Reply to  Jojoleo

I have a few things planned, but being able to add futanari to the mix helps in a few ways. I’m glad you enjoyed the story even if futanari isn’t your thing.

5 years ago

I really hope we get more hyper futa stuff in the future, but then again I always love me some extreme sex and futa is one of my top fetishes hahaha.

5 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

Mine too, I really had fun doing this one! I wanna do some more in the future!

5 years ago

Very nice art and story is also pretty good! Keep it up, its amazing!

5 years ago
Reply to  Dazai

Glad you enjoyed the story, I had fun doing it. I’m looking forward to doing more KLK stuff in the future.