Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Momo’s and Camie’s Treat

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part XXIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXV): [LINK]

Izuku Midoriya sat across from Momo Yaoyorozu in a small street cafe in the city. He supposed this was their second date, though they hadn’t planned it really. He’d quite literally bumped into the dark haired girl as he left the Endeavor Agency. He’d just finished his shift there and was on his way to Busteez to grab something for dinner before going home to the dorms.


Momo was dressed in civilian clothes consisting of a red pleated skirt with a white top and a matching red vest over that. Her shoes were a matching red pair of basic pumps that were easy to walk in. Had she intended to run into him, he guessed she might have worn something sexier given the outfits she picked out on their first date. Though there was something nice about seeing her in plain clothes too.


The two of them talked about the usual things, school, their personal work studies, current events. Izuku found it actually relaxing to just talk to her as they waited for their drinks and cakes to be brought over. He had told her that he had planned to go to Busteez for a dinner his mother cooked, but Momo then suggested this place. She told him that she’d been wanting to try it out as they served some really good tea here.


Now they were here, waiting for their tea to be brought to them. “So Izuku,” Momo said, “We’ll be graduating in a few more months, any plans yet?”


Izuku nodded, “Yeah, Endeavor has offered to bring me, Kacchan and Todoroki on as full time sidekicks while we get established. He said he was considering giving each of us one of the five districts his agency works with.”


“Oh, well that’s good, though I would have thought after everything, you’d have the remaining agencies exploding your inbox with offers.” Momo said to him.


“I do, I even got a few from overseas.” Izuku said. “Even a few I had to use Moogle Translate on. Though I’m not sure if they were offers exactly, the translation was a little… Awkwardly worded. Though I understood the ones from America thanks to you.” he said with a smile.


Momo blushed, “Oh, um, really?” she asked. Momo had been helping him with his English studies, and while speaking English was still a bit of a chore, he could read it just fine now. She looked across to him and smiled, “I’m glad I could help.”


He returned her smile before asking, “What about you?”


“Oh well I…” she trailed off for a second. “My father wants to help me found an agency of my own. But I’m not sure, somehow that feels, tacky I guess? I’m not exactly sure how to explain it…”


“You wanna build yourself up on your own, not on family money?” Izuku offered.


“That’s it!” Momo said excitedly.


It was a usual manga rich girl cliche, though Izuku didn’t think it polite to point that out. He then saw her frown a bit and began to worry he’d said something wrong when she spoke up again, “I guess, we won’t see much of each other afterwards, huh?” she said sadly.


Izuku froze for a moment, he hadn’t really thought of that! Most graduates from UA pretty much scattered to the winds after graduation in order to fully establish themselves. It was likely that aside from the rare team-up situation, he might actually never see her again unless both of them really made it big. Thinking of that made the green haired youth suddenly feel very sad.


“Well like, DUH! Of course you’ll see each other, like fer sursies!” said a bubbly voice beside them.


Momo and Izuku jumped slightly in their seats, turned towards the source of the voice and saw Camie Utsushimi standing just outside the cafe. Izuku felt like his eyes might pop out of their sockets at the outfit Camie was wearing! Her breasts and ass were HUGE, even bigger than the last time he’d seen her after getting a treatment from Rie. But moreover, her clothes looked like something out of a naughty school girl porno. A white tube top with gold trim that strained to contain her zeppelin sized boobs, and a plaid pleated miniskirt that left very little to the imagination!


Camie looked over at the pair with a slightly confused expression before she turned to face them completely. Her giant tits swayed widely, throwing her balance off for a second as she came over towards them. Izuku was actually very impressed that she somehow didn’t knock anything over with them as she weaved between tables.


“Oh, uh, hi Camie.” Izuku said, suddenly feeling incredibly nervous that she was here.


“Hihi!” Camie said cheerfully, “So Momosy, I totes heard your date went well, when’s the wedding!?” Camie asked sweetly.


“It did, but what did you mean we’d still see each other after graduating?” Momo asked, completely ignoring her comment about a wedding.


“Oh, well like, you can just work outta Busteez like I do!” Camie said, “Nemu-chan SOOO like, has everybody registered as a Sidekick for regular Hero stuff. Well, the ones with provisional or full licenses anyways. You can just sign on full time there and do your hero stuff with Busteez listed as your Agency, and keep working there at night ‘n stuff. It’s what I did. Deku-bae has a lifetime gold pass right, so he can come sees you all the time!” she explained.


How did she say all that in one breath?’ Momo and Izuku thought together. Then Momo smiled as stood up, her hands bracing against the table.


“Really?!” she asked excitedly.


“Really really!” said Camie flashing a ‘V’ with her fingers. “So, backs to my Q from before, when you two getting hitched huh? My dating advice was totes the bomb right!?”


“Huh?” said Momo, “Our date was great, but what’s this about getting married?”


“Huuuuh!? For realsies? Deku-bae, you DID do everything I showed you right?” Camie asked.


“Well I…” Izuku began.


“What’s all this about showing him?” Momo asked, blinking her eyes in confusion.


Before Izuku could explain, Camie beat him to it, “Deku-bae here was like, sooooo nervous about screwing up his first date with you, so I took him out on a pre-date and showed him everything he needed to do!” she said proudly, puffing out her chest in pride. “I totes told him everything he needed to do to make for a great date!”


Izuku felt like someone was strangling his throat as Momo listened and blinked. He braced himself for a slap in the face, closing his eyes tight. When suddenly he felt Momo’s arms around his shoulder in a gentle embrace, her soft cheek pressing against his.


“You didn’t need to be nervous,” she said quietly to him as she pulled back just a little and looked into his eyes, “But, I’m glad it meant that much to you.” she said with a gentle smile that seemed to make everything brighter even though the sun was already going down.


“Momo, I…” Izuku said, looking back at her smiling face.


“Izuku…” Momo whispered back as the two of them gazed at one another.


“Ooooo, that’s it, now, go for the smooch!” Camie said, puckering her lips.


Both Momo and Izuku quickly separated and Momo sat back down, both of them blushing as red as Momo’s Creati costume.


“Awwwww, I wanted to see a ten second Frencher at least! Poo…” Camie said with a dour look.


The tension was broken a second later when the waitress came over with their tea and a couple slices of complimentary cake. When asked if Camie would be joining them Momo nodded and told Camie she could have whatever she liked. The blonde ordered the same tea they were having and moved to sit in a spare seat.


“So, tell me tell me, what happened?” she asked.


Momo and Izuku took turns telling her about their date, and Camie listened intently. When they got to the part where Izuku one punched a jerk who was treating Momo like a whore, Camie clapped her hands together.


OHHHHHH! You white knighted her, that explains it!” Camie said.


“Huh?” Izuku and Momo said together.


“Well, you rescued the damsel,” Camie said as though it were obvious, “A lot of girls won’t admit it, especially hero girls, but that’s like, SO one of our biggest fantasies! Any normal girl would get all gooey wooey between her legs to have someone they like stand up for them like that, no joke!” Izuku looked over to Momo and the dark haired girl just blushed as she nodded numbly.


“I did not see that sitch coming up or I would have told you what to do in that instance, my bad!” Camie said while rubbing the back of her head, “But I’m guessing you did alright all on your own.”


“Mmmhmmmmm…” Momo said with a smile that made Camie smirk.


“Yep, I know THAT look. You dids fine Daku-bae!” Camie said, slapping him on the back.


The waitress returned a moment later with Camie’s tea and cake and the three of them ate and drank together as the sun slowly set in the distance.


“So, I’d been trying to tell Izuku how I felt for a while, but I was too afraid. Itsuka tried to help me out once by doing a threesome with us, but I chickened out then.” Momo said while they sat together.


“Ooooo, fun! I totally dig threeways, they’re so great!” said Camie.


Izuku just chuckled nervously, not sure how to respond without sounding like Mineta. Both Camie and Momo seemed to pick up on that, to which the latter moved to sit in his lap with her arms around his shoulders again.


“It’s alright you know,” she told him, “I know guys like that kind of stuff, and if I wanna be honest, I kind of like it too.” she whispered into his ear hotly.


Izuku gulped and Camie giggled, “Say, how about we go do that now then?” she asked, “We can stay at the agency for cheap if it’s personal and not work. I’ll even dress up the room however you guys want!” she offered.


“Well, I…” Izuku began.


“Yeah, that sounds great!” Momo said before he could reply fully.



Izuku wondered how he was so often getting himself in these situations as of late? He was standing on the second floor of the Busteez Hero Agency inside one of the more plain rooms. Camie was already naked and moving around the room blowing kisses from her lips and casting her illusions all over the place. It honestly looked like magic, the blonde was slowly changing the room from a plain love hotel room into a bright outdoor beach setting. Like with many of the rooms she enchanted for Busteez, everything looked completely real. Once Camie added the sky effects, Izuku could no longer tell he was indoors aside from the ambient temperature.


The green haired young man felt Momo’s arms encircle him from behind, wrapping around his waist and hugging her curvy figure against his back. She kissed his cheek gently as she held him close. Izuku leaned back against her and felt her arms hugging him a little tighter. He closed his eyes and didn’t try to resist as she began unbuckling his belt. Her fingers were surprisingly deft at this, not struggling in the slightest with the complicated latch.


“Oh hey, save the unveiling for me!” Camie complained as she finished setting up the room and came over to them.


Momo giggled, “Sorry.” she told the blonde as she squatted down in front of Izuku, the lower half of his legs vanishing into Camie’s giant cleavage.


“No bigs,” Camie said, forgiving the dark haired girl. “Well, THIS is big, I already know!” she added with a chuckle as she and Momo worked together to open his pants. Camie then YANKED them down and let out a happy squeak as Izuku’s cock sprung out of their confinement.


“God you’re big…” he heard Momo whisper into his ear as her hands began feeling all over his chest. He shivered as she began kissing the side of his neck softly making his cock twitch as it grew bigger and harder, already as long as his leg and thicker than his thigh. Camie hugged herself against it as she peppered the side with gentle kisses.


“Ooooh…” Izuku groaned at the feel of Camie’s soft pillowy lips against his dick. Momo then turned his head towards her, pressing her mouth to his softly, then more forcefully as she slipped her tongue between his lips. Izuku slid his tongue back against hers, loving the sweet taste of her lips. The green haired youth then felt Camie’s tongue brushing itself against the length of the side of his cock as she let out a low moan.


“Mmmmmmh, yummies…” she purred before he felt her mouth taking his cock inside and down her throat! “HMMMMMMMPH!! AGUGH, GUH, GUHMMMMMH, SHO PHICK AN’ HAWD, AHHGH…” Camie moaned as she took his cock deeper and deeper into her warm and wet mouth. She easily took down more than half his length in a single go as Momo held his mouth firmly against her own, her tongue swirled against his own in a lewd wet dance.


“Nmmmmmh…” Momo cooed into his mouth before gently breaking the kiss and pulling away just enough to help him remove his shirt. She then quickly pressed herself against him again and he could feel the stiff nipples of her bare tits poking against his back. Izuku let out a soft groan as he let more of his weight rest against her. At the same time, Momo’s delicate and soft hands felt all over his chest and stomach, tracing soft lines around his muscles.


“Haah…” Izuku gasped as Momo gently bit the edge of his left ear with just her lips before licking it with the tip of her tongue. All the while Camie continued bobbing her blonde head up and down on his cock, taking his dick farther down her throat every time!


HMMMMPH, GUH, NMMMMPH, GUG, MMMMMPH, GWEEEH, AH…!” she gasped, pulling her head away completely before licking his cock from the base to the tip slowly as she kept her eyes locked with his.


The three of them then moved over to a large mound of sand that was really the hotel room bed. Izuku was again amazed at the detail of Camie’s illusions. If not for the feel of it against his skin, he wouldn’t be able to tell it wasn’t real.


The two girls laid him back on the bed with his head resting in Momo’s soft lap. Like him, Momo was very fit, but her thighs still felt softer than high end pillows. She smiled down at him as she traced her fingers over his cheeks. Camie then climbed into bed with them and pressed her giant tits around his equally massive dick!


Her breasts felt smooth, soft, and very warm as she pressed them around his cock, making him groan again softly. Both Camie and Momo giggled and he felt Momo’s hands feeling his pectoral muscles as Camie began sliding her breasts up and down his length slowly


“Mmmmmmh, you like that, Deku-bae?” Camie asked with a giggle.


Izuku could only manage a weak nod as he opened his eyes to look down at Camie. His cock was almost completely engulfed in her mountain sized tits as she rubbed them against each other. Their pink nipples were as big as dinner plates as she flicked them off one another. Momo then leaned her upper body forwards, burying his face in her own lage tits as she ran her hands down the length of his arms. Grabbing his wrists, she moved his hands to grab Camie’s tits. His finger instinctively groped and gripped at the massive volume of soft pliant flesh, making Camie moan erotically.


The blonde haired girl then opened her mouth wide again and promptly swallowed the top of his dick! She let out another erotic moan as she began bobbing her head up and down slowly while rubbing her tits against his cock.


“Ooh, haah…” Izuku groaned quietly, his hips thrusting upwards all on their own. Above him, Momo giggled and leaned herself forward, deliberately burying his face in her tits.


NMMMMMMPH, HMMMMMPH, MMMMMPH, MMMMPH, MMMPH…” Camie moaned around his cock as she continued moving her head up and down, slowly picking up speed.


“Hah, that looks so sexy…” he heard Momo say, his eyes still completely covered by her warm soft breasts. “Camie, let me have a taste too…”


MMMPH, MMMPH, MUAAAH…!” gasped Camie as he felt her face pull free of his cock with a wet sucking ‘pop’. He then felt her licking the underside of his cock playfully before pushing his dick upwards. He groaned again when he felt a different pair of lips wrapping around his extreme girth as Momo let out a lewd moan from deep in her throat.


“Wow Momo-bae, you look so natural doing that!” said Camie.




“Like for real, right!?” asked Camie, “Ahhhh, there’s like, so nothing better than a nice big hard cock filling your mouth up! Ahhh, I get all wet jus’ thinking abouts it!”


“Oooooh…” Izuku groaned at the warm wetness of Momo’s mouth and throat as his face became completely engulfed in her breasts when the dark haired girl leaned forward to take his length farther down her throat.


“Ahhh, save some for me!!! You two are gonna get to do this like, every day ‘n stuff, so I gotta get my sucks in while I can!” Camie complained.


NMMMMH, HMMMMPH, MMMMMMPH, MUWAAH!!! Sorry, it just, felt so nice…” Momo apologized after pulling herself free.


“It’s coolies! Time to eat!” replied Camie before engulfing his cock again with a deep moan.


Momo pulled herself back a bit, uncovering Izuku’s face and smiling down at him, “Mmmmmh, does it feel good?” she asked him.


Izuku could only nod, still barely able to believe this was even happening. Momo smiled at him and leaned forward, letting her heavy tits hover over his mouth. Izuku took the less than subtle hint and opened his own mouth, wrapping his lips around one of Momo’s pink nipples and sucking on it. Momo let out another moan, pressing her breasts against him more as Camie continued bobbing her head up and down the top few inches of his dick. The green haired youth groaned softly as he began thrusting his hips against Camie’s motions, making her moan even louder.


YEAAAHHH, PHUCK MUH MOUPH!!! MMMMMMMPH, SHO BHIG AN’ HAWD, AHHH, CUMMING, AYE’M SHO CUMMING WIPH MUH MOOOOUPH…!” Camie gagged and moaned around his length as she leaned forward more, letting her huge tits fall to the sides of his cock as she tried to take his length further down her throat.


OOOGUH, AGUH, GUG, GUMMMPH HMMMPH GUG, HMMMPH, GUGH, NMMMMMPH!!! YESSSSSH, PHUCK MUH MOUPH, GOOMING, AYE’M GOOMING SHO MUUUUSH!!!” Camie slurred around his cock as Izuku couldn’t stop himself anymore and began thrusting his hips harder. Her mouth and throat just felt too good, he couldn’t have stopped if he tried as he groaned around Momo’s nipple, swirling his tongue around it as both girls moaned loudly around him.


“Ahhaaaah!” Izuku groaned as he felt his cock tensing up as hot and thick cum shot through his length and straight down into Camie’s stomach!


AGUGUUMMMMPH GUH, GUH, GUH, GUH…!” Camie gagged again and again, her throat bulging repeatedly as Izuku’s cock pulsed inside it. Her dark eyes rolled back in her head as she let out a long low moan of sheer pleasure while holding as much of his cock in her mouth as she could from that angle. Camie had no choice on if to swallow or not as the tip of his cock was actually IN her stomach!


AAHGUUUUHMMMMPH!!! AAHHH!!!” Camie then gasped as she leaned back, pulling herself free. Izuku’s cock shot out another thick and heavy load of cum that splashed directly into her face, covering it in white gooey globs.


Camie then fell back on her knees, breaching herself up with her hands on the bed behind her. She panted softly and slowly ran her tongue over her lips, licking at the cum that was dripping off of her face.


“Mmmmmmh, yummies…” she purred happily while patting her belly, “All yours Momo-bae!” she told the dark haired girl.


Still laying back against Momo’s thighs, Izuku panted softly as his dick began to tilt forward slightly as it softened just a bit. Camie giggled and leaned in to give his dick a kiss right at the tip.


“Whoopsie, guess I kinda overdid it!” she said while winking and sticking her tongue out.


Momo giggled sweetly, moving to trade places with Camie so that Izuku now leaned back against her pillowy tits. It felt like laying against one of those firm memory foam cushions, only softer and a lot more warm. The dark haired girl then knelt in front of Izuku and pressed her ass against his cock.


“Midnight-sensei told me how to deal with this!” she said proudly. Izuku then groaned softly as Momo clenched her asscheeks around his cock, slowly stroking his length with her ass. Izuku closed his eyes at the feeling, soft, yet firm at the same time, and very warm. Camie meanwhile moved to wrap her arms around him, hugging him into her chest and moving to kiss and nibble on his neck.


“Haaahaah…” Izuku groaned softly at the feel of both girls tending to him as he felt his cock slowly getting hard again.


Momo smiled back at him, moving her ass up and down a little faster, clenching the cheeks around his cock firmly. “Mmmmmmmh, it’s getting so big again…” she purred.


“And hard…” Camie cooed with her, moving to nibble on Izuku’s ear.


“Ahhh…!” Izuku groaned as he unconsciously focused One for All into his dick, the red lines of energy moving over his skin like cracks while green electricity sparked off his cock.


“Ahhhh, I can feel it throbbing against my ass…!” Momo said, panting slightly as she bucked and rolled her ass against his cock as it shot back to full erection against her.


Both girls cheered happily as Momo unclenched her ass and pressed his cock between her butt cheeks even more. She let out a soft cooing sound as she rubbed his cock up and down slowly with her creamy ass before turning around to hug the massive rod against her body. Her breasts were so much smaller than Camie’s right now, allowing him to see his dick against her as she rubbed it against herself. Momo kissed the tip of his dick as she moaned in pure lust.


“Haaah, I… I want it…” she whimpered as she began standing slowly, still holding his cock against her.


“Mmmmmh, do it Momo-bae, I wanna watch that big juicy cock go inside you!” Camie said, her breath feeling hot against Izuku’s ear as his cock twitched against Momo. The dark haired girl got to her feet, and his dick still reached almost up to her belly button, forcing her to get up on her toes to slide the tip between her legs. Izuku closed his eyes as he felt the damp heat coming off her pussy as the tip pressed against the soft pink petals.


“Ahaaaahh…!” Momo gasped as she began lowering herself down, the tip of his cock slipping inside her with a soft wet SQUISH! “So thick, ahhh, so thiiiIICK!!!” she moaned as the entire head of his cock slipped into her pussy. He could already see the way his size distended her belly as she began bending her knees slowly, taking him deeper and deeper within herself.


“Ahhhhn, wooooowie…! Momo-bae’s pussy is being spread like, soooo wide!!!” Camie said in a husky voice as she began breathing so hotly steam was practically shooting out her nose!


OH GO~D!! IT’S SO BIG!!! SO BHIIIIG, AHHHH, IT FEELS LIKE I’M BEING SPLIT IN HALF, RIGHT UP THE MIDDLE, BUT IT FEELS SO AMAZINGLY GOOOOOD!!!!” Momo screamed as she bent her knees halfway, driving a third of his length into her. The phallic shaped lump pushed up her pelvis and past her belly button as Momo leaned back and let out a long moan of pleasure.


SO GOOD, SO GOOOOOOD!!! CUMMING, I… I’M CUMMING ALREADYYYY!!! YES, YESSSS!!! I… IZUUUKUUUU I’M CUMMINGGGGH!!!” Momo screamed, pushing herself down even more and making her belly stretch upwards in return. The dark haired girl leaned her head back and howled in utter pleasure as she rubbed her hands up and down the distention in her stomach. Her pussy unleashed a torrent of heady smelling juices that made Izuku feel dizzy as his eyes rolled back slowly at the feel of her tight pussy.


“Oooooh…!” groaned Izuku as he felt half his cock vanish into Momo’s depths. The dark haired girl grabbed at her own tits, twisting her pink nipples as she raised herself up slightly, then lowered herself down again, taking him in even deeper. The tent in her belly was up between her breasts now as Momo let out another long howling moan.




“Hah, hah, hah…” Camie breathed in Izuku’s ear, panting as she watched, “Mmmmmh, I’m like, sooo jealous right now Momo-bae, for realsies!!!” she said as she continued hugging Izuku’s body against her titanic tits.


SO GOOD, SO GOOD, SO GOOD, SO GOOOOOOOOD!!! IT’S SO DEEP INSIDE ME, MY BODY IS CONFORMING TO YOUR COCK IZUKUUU, IT’S MEMORIZING EVERY INNNCH!!! CUMMING, I’M STILL CUMMINGGGH, OH YES, YES, YESYESYESYESYES!!!! FUUUUCK…!” Momo screamed as her knees gave out and she fell onto his cock completely. Her face vanished from Izuku’s view, hidden by her stretched out stomach as Momo clawed at her own tits.


AHHHHHAAAH!!!” Izuku groaned, “I… I caaan’t.. I…!” Izuku gasped as his hips began moving on their own, thrusting up and down, bouncing Momo on his dick.


OOOOHHH YESSSSSS, FUCK MEEEE, DRIVE THAT GIANT DICK INTO MY BODYYY, OH GAWD, IT HUUUURTS, BUT IT FEELS SO GOOOOOD, MY INSIDES ARE BEING REARRANGED BY YOUR DHIIIICK…!” Momo moaned as her entire body moved up and down, bouncing from his thrusts. A wet SMACK SMACK SMACK could be heard over her howls of pleasure as he felt her entire body clinging to his cock every time it pulled out slightly.


MMMMMH, HMMMMMH, Yeah!!! Make her feel it deep inside Deku-bae!!! Oh this is like, sooooo hot!” Camie panted in his ear as Izuku groaned in pleasure. His hands gripped at the massive mounds of flesh that were her tits as he slammed his hips up and down over and over. The sloppy wet pink folds of Momo’s pussy clung tightly to his dick every time it pulled back out, only to let out a hot gush of juices when it jammed back inside.


THIIIIIICK, SO THIIIIIICK!!! IT’S LIKE I’M GIVING BIRTH, BUT IT FEELS GOOD, TOO GOOD, I FEEL LIKE I’M GONNA GO CRAZZZYYYY!!! MORE, GIMME MORE, MORE IZUKU, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I LOVE FEELING YOU INSIDE MEEEEE!!!!” screamed Momo as she let go of her breasts and began clawing at the bed, pulling the sheets out of the illusion of sand.




The sound of the fabric tearing as Momo pulled tight at the sheet was nearly as loud as her screaming as Momo ripped away two handfuls of plain beige cloth from the top cover of the bed. She instantly tossed them aside and went back to pawing at her tits. She then leaned her head down to suck on her own right nipple as she rolled her hips, making the lump in her belly move around even more.


HMMMMMMMPH, NMMMMMMMMPH, CUM, CUMMINGH…!” Momo moaned around her own nipple, her tongue swirling out around it as she panted and moaned.


“Mo… Momo, ahhh, feels, so good, insiiiide…!!” Izuku groaned, still slamming his cock up and down inside her.


“Ahhhh, Momo-bae looks like an onnahole, I’m so jealous!!!” Camie moaned, “Hey Bae, how’s it feel to be Deku-bae’s cocksleeve!?” Camie moaned to Momo.


GOOOD, SO GOOOD, MY ENTIRE BODY IS FULL OF DHIIIICK, I CAN’T STOP CUMMING, I CAN’T THINK, IT FEELS LIKE MY BRAIN IS MELLLLTINGGGH…!!” Momo replied as she let go of her tits and hugged the massive phallic shaped lump rising out of her abdomen as if she were trying to jerk him off with her body at the same time.




Still groaning, Izuku slammed his entire cock inside Momo and grunted as he came harder than before, dumping what felt like gallons of hot, thick, and sticky cum into her womb. The dark haired girl leaned back against her arms as she let out a silent scream of pleasure as Izuku’s cum shot into her with a BLORP BLORP BLORP noise.


“Aaahhhh, aah, ah… Sho mush cum…” she slurred, “My inshidesh, sho full…” she said in drunken pleasure as her body convulsed with pleasure.


“Nmmmmmmmh, so hawt!!!” Camie purred behind him, “I call dibs on the next round!!!”



Izuku felt hot, his entire body was covered in sweat and he felt sticky all over. He couldn’t move, even when he tried. Not without some effort at least. Opening his eyes, he found that the hotel room had returned to normal and the bed he lay on was a soaking sweaty mess.


The green haired youth laid between two girls, his body spooning behind Momo’s as she snuggled herself against him. Behind him was Camie, her giant tits acting like a big heavy and squishy blanket. It was no wonder he and Momo were covered in sweat!


Worse still, he really needed to pee!


“Nmmmh…” Momo murmured in front of him as she stirred, turning onto her back and letting him see her sleeping face. She really was beautiful, and when she was asleep like this, she looked like an angel.


The pressure in his bladder snapped him out of his thoughts though as he tried to think of a way to get out from between the girls without waking them. Before he could think of anything though, Momo’s eyes fluttered open and she let out a yawn.


“Nmmmmh, bathroom…” she muttered before easily extracting herself from the threeway cuddle. When she stood up, Izuku saw her naked body in the moonlight coming through the window. Like him, she was covered in sweat and other fluids. Her nipples instantly turned stiff as they cooled in the air of the room and she hugged her arms against herself.


Without Momo holding him in place, Izuku was easily able to get out from between Camie’s giant tits as well. Sliding out of the bed and wrapping his arms around the girl, he shared his body heat with her.


“Nmmh, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you…” she whispered, leaning herself into his embrace and making a contented sound.


“It’s okay, I was actually trying to think of how to get up without waking you two.” he confessed, telling her he needed to use the toilet too.


Momo giggled, turning in his arms and kissing him gently before leading him over towards where the bathroom was. He let her go first to be polite, then took care of his business after. On his way out, he grabbed a towel and began wiping off the collected sweat from his body. He took a second towel for Momo and handed it to her once back in the dimly lit room. The place reeked of sex, but he found he didn’t mind it as he watched Momo clean herself off. She was still naked, but right now, he didn’t find the sight so much arousing as calming.


“You’re beautiful,” he told her.


Momo blushed and turned away slightly, “You, think so…?” she asked.


He nodded, moving to embrace her again and enjoying the way she just seemed to melt into his arms as she returned the hug. She rested the side of her head against his for a long moment as they just stood there, holding each other. When they pulled apart, he looked up into her dark colored eyes that looked almost silver in the moonlight. She smiled back at him as they gazed at each other for a long moment. The two of them then closed their eyes together as they kissed, their tongues mingling together for a long moment.


“Nmmmmmh…” Momo cooed as he began sliding his hands up and down her back slowly, loving the feel of her warm and soft skin. She then jolted slightly, letting out a happy squeak when his hand fell on her butt. He tried to pull it away, thinking he’d suddenly made a critical mistake, but Momo placed her hand over his and held it in place firmly.


“It’s alright,” she told him after breaking the kiss, “You can touch me anytime you want.”


“Really?” he asked.


“Mmmhmmm… Anytime.” she confirmed, stressing the word ‘any’. She then cooed happily when he moved his other hand to her breast, cupping his hand over it and squeezing gently. He kissed her again as he fondled her breast softly, enjoying the feel of it in his hand. Momo kissed him back, exploring his mouth with her tongue as he moved to push her up against a wall gently.


“Mmmmmh, yesh…” she moaned as he pushed his rapidly hardening dick back inside her, “Tahke meh… ahhh…” she moaned against his mouth, his cock still hardening inside her as he began thrusting into her against the wall. A soft THUMP THUMP THUMP could be heard as Momo stifled her own moans while she moved to wrap her arms and legs around him as her belly was stretched up between them again.


On the bed across from them, a pair of dark colored eyes watched as Camie smiled and began fingering herself. “Good boy.” she said under her breath.



Story by Sailor Io

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7 months ago

The link to next page is missing!

7 months ago
Reply to  Lander

Fixed, sorry

1 year ago

I found a grammar error here in this sentence. pressing her breasts against him more as Comie continued bobbing her head

1 year ago
Reply to  Lancer

Fixed, Thank you

Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki
2 years ago

Omg the camie picture i absolutely adored it i hope Sakura Haruno or Ino Yamanaka can have a body like camie

2 years ago

Hey Sailorlo have you ever thought about restarting your bleach series where Ichigo has three wives and lives in a nudist colony. It’s the kind of story where you start from where it originally left off and fill in the gaps with flashback chapters. You can even keep everything the same with the special wedding gift, Kazui, and etc. Can I recommend one change and that is switch out Nel with Harribel and that is because Ichigo already has an energetic and bubbly wife in the form of Orihime and Rangiku and having a serious and calm wife like Harribel will help spice things up and it could be a reason for why her fraccion hang around leading to potential chapters with them and you said yourself Nel is like Kazui’s big sister and that role as his surrogate sister suits her more but that doesn’t she won’t bang Ichigo because she still will and she will still have that massive daddy kink. Also should would live with them because the others like having her around.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

A restart is already in the works.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Is it gonna start from where it left off and are you gonna do the whole flashback chapters to fill in some gaps (because it is capable of working like that)?

How much are you gonna keep the same because I really do hope you keep the special wedding gift from Urahara part?

Also what do you think of my idea to swapping of Nel for Harribel but still keep her around and prevelant?

Last edited 2 years ago by Whitis
2 years ago

Man, another moment with Camie. Looks like she’s pretty proud of Izuku. As for Izuku and Momo? They’re getting pretty passionate in their meetings with each other. Now, he just needs to say the words rather than pull another Han Solo moment. Can’t leave the girl constantly wondering if he feels the same way. Though, I suppose since she knows It’s freaking Izuku ‘Cinamon Roll but will punch your teeth in if you push him’ Midoriya? I figure she’s being patient.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kino
2 years ago
Reply to  Kino

That moment will come at the appropriate time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Cool. Should be interesting.

Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

OHHH MY perfect 10/10 excellent more Momo x Izuku this beautiful and Camie

2 years ago

Thanks man, glad you enjoyed it!

The Mann
The Mann
2 years ago

Damn man Idk if it’s the shading or the overall style that you drew Camie in but it looks so damn good. I like that specific side profile too as well, will we get more pics drawn like that?

2 years ago

OK I agree with all the comments for this story it’s amazing, there I said it the pacing was very amazing, though I kinda wish izumomo kinda waited until a few more chapters for this to happen, imo this is why the original story was even better no offense to sailor lo, it’s still fire can’t wait for the harem to start again lol.

2 years ago
Reply to  jdj1998x

Well I did say a while back some bits might seem rushed. I had nearly a hundred chapters of world building done already. So redoing all that is a pain. Ask any writer, nothing sucks worse than rewriting lost text, it never has the same flavor as the original, though we try are damnedest. Anyway, the harem is coming, just wait! You’ll be surprised whose idea it is this time.

2 years ago

There’s a first time for everything. So.

Camie’s proportions-🗿

Still love it. But Rtenzo, you puffin the devil’s garden leaves?

2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

lol it’s a request from Patreon. I still enjoyed drawing it tho

2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

What’s the moai head supposed to mean?

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

It’s kinda shows an emotionless face, used when you want to be dry about something, for example “I can’t wait to pay the bills [moai emoji]”

2 years ago
Reply to  Anono

Ah, ok

2 years ago

This was a really nice chapter overall.

Good seeing Izuku really get some time with Momo once again. As well as getting with her and Camie at the same time.

Plus I really liked their time out prior to their threesome. I thought that was very well done. In addition to it being well paced too.

As for the threesome in question, I thought it was also very well written and well paced too. That was really good. Though I’m not sure who had stolen the show there. Haha.

Lastly, I thought that the ending was very well done as well, including how Izuku and Momo had another round, with Camie watching on. Guess this establishes their relationship status now, huh?

All in all, well done. Can’t wait to see what’s up next. 😎👍

2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Been wanting to do some more tender sex scenes as of late, and I saw an opportunity, so I went with it.

Smiling Fiend
2 years ago

The moment I saw that pic with Momo an Izuku I knew I was in for a treat, and adding Camie to the mix made things even better !
I’m not exagerating when I saw this already made my weekend better. The sex scenes, dirty talking and the wholesome Izumomo moments are on point !

2 years ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

Thanks! They make a cute couple ill admit.

2 years ago

Love the Izuku/Momo lemon but no sign of a harem just only friends with benefits

2 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

Wait for next week. 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

So Tsuyu that was a part of Izuku’s harem in the original

Last edited 2 years ago by N0bod4
2 years ago

Buen capítulo de esta semana 8.5 / 10 por fin algo de la trama principal entre Izuku y Momo nada mal todo estuvo bien balanceado las platicas y el sexo estuvo bien espero que pronto veamos a Jirou ya que en cada fanfic que leo se maneja como una chica insegura y a lo mejor piensa que Momo prefiere más a Izuku falta de ella ecuación de la relación por así decirlo Momo la esta olvidando ese puede ser el factor que ponga a Jirou triste espero que si se vea pronto eso

PD: Espero que vemoas pronto a Uraraka o más de Mina

2 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

Stuff with Kyoka is still pending, but I think you’ll like what I have planned.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Y si con Momo Y si ya lo se para que lo digo otra vez nada posible entre Kaminari y Jirou en este universo ni un One Shoot para que me hago ilusiones si ya se para donde va el barco.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Very nice chapter with some sweet development for Midoriya’s and Momo’s relationship. Them having dinner outside of Busteez is well appreciated, especially given the fact that they didn’t even made it to that point during their first date. Momo’s interaction once she found out that Midoriya already did this sorta thing with Camie before was as expected but still quite nice. And man… You really went all-out with the sex scene there! So many nice positions and scenarios… really good! And the ending with them waking up the next morning and simply continuing with the sex? Another sexy and sweet touch.

Love it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Yeah, I wanted to avoid the cliché drama of her reacting badly when she found out about the predate thing. I see Momo as very understanding on a lot of things.

2 years ago

I would like to ask if there will still be jujutsu kaisen

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Not from me.

2 years ago

Idea for a future chapter. Since Momo dating Izuku is something that everyone know, maybe you should write something about Inko and Momo. The mom getting to know the girl that love his son.

Could be something sexual between them or just Inko talking with Momo and get to approuve or not her dating Izuku.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirag

Hmm, not a bad idea, I’ll give it some thought!