Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Mixed Up Member Missions

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part V): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part VII): [LINK]

After being seen off by Yushiro and waving him goodbye, the orange-haired woman pulled out her phone from her pocket and went into her contacts list. She tapped on the name ‘Ichigo Kurosaki’ and hesitated.


After thinking about it afterwards, it doesn’t seem right to keep this job a secret from Kurosaki-kun!’ Orihime thought, standing still under a recently lit up lamp post on her way home. ‘B-but what if he hates me?’ she continued, mentally panicking. ‘Even though we aren’t together yet, what if he thinks I’m just a slut?


She then shook her head after a moment and slapped her cheeks with her hands – though she forgot her phone was still in her hand, causing more impact than she expected.


No! I love Kurosaki-kun and trust him with my life. If I do want something to happen between us in the future, keeping this a secret now would be the worst thing I could do. If he found out later from someone else, I…’ her lip began to tremble ‘I don’t even want to think about it! Ok, here goes!


With a determined look, she mustered up the courage to press the call button and put the phone to her ears. The ringing didn’t last long until she was greeted by an all too familiar voice.


“I-Inoue-san?” said Ichigo in a flustered voice. The two of them haven’t spoken since their recent date at the clothing store, which was also their first time together. Naturally, the two of them were slowly turning pink as they began to recall that day. “It’s getting late, is everything ok?”


“Y-yeah. Everything’s fine” replied Orihime before taking a deep breath. “There’s something important I want to talk to you about, but I would prefer to do it in person. Are you free later this week?”


Yeah of course!” Ichigo immediately responded. He replied so loud and quickly that he shocked both himself and Orihime, causing his cheeks to once again go red. ‘Ah dammit! Now she’s probably creeped out by that.’ he cleared his throat before continuing. “Ahem. I mean yeah, I should be free this weekend. We can talk at your place if it makes you feel more comfortable?”


“O-oh yeah. Sure!” she stuttered a bit after realizing they would be alone together in her room, but she quickly shook her head before her imagination could get too crazy. “Looking forward to it! I’ll even make dinn-!”


“Whoa now!” Ichigo interjected, reflexively sweating after recalling the last ‘meal’ Orihime made him. He was in bed for a week recovering from it! “I think you should leave the cooking to me this time.”


“Oh, sure. I don’t mind! One more thing to look forward to on the weekend. Night Kurosaki-kun!”, said Orihime before blowing a kiss on the phone, just audible enough for Ichigo to hear.


“Yeah… sure, whatever. Night, Inoue.” responded Ichigo trying to sound cool whilst covering his mouth with embarrassment before hanging up.


Though feeling content, Orihime had completely forgotten she was outside. She hadn’t noticed that a couple of elderly women had stopped and watched her exchange without her noticing, including the kiss. Realizing she had an audience, her face fully turned crimson. She sprinted back towards her apartment, leaving a trail of dust behind her.


“Ah, to be young again.” said one of the women with a reminiscent tone.



(The next day)


It was midday and the blazing sun bared down on Toshiro Hitsugaya as he walked around Kamakura town with a scowl. He was accompanied by his new colleague, Hanataro Yamada, who was walking behind him quite slowly. He couldn’t help but sigh as he walked along.


How did I get roped into this..?’ Hanataro thought before recalling previous events.



(2 days earlier)


CAPTAIN!” Isane and Hanataro yelled as they ran towards Unohana where she embraced them both with a warm, motherly hug. Now that both the Society and the human world were living in newfound peace, her former subordinates had now discovered that Retsu Unohana was alive and well.


“I never thought I would see you again Captain…!” Isane cheerfully wept as she hugged her beloved Captain.


“Glad to see you’re as big as ever Isane.” replied Unohana, her face being squished by the tall woman’s massive breasts. “And you Hanataro!”, she turned her head to face the young man. “Looks like you’ve shaped up just fine! And if my eyes don’t deceive me…” her eyes going down his body and focusing on his crotch, “you’ve grown too!”.


“Ahem!” coughed the other person standing with them in the room. “I understand you all have a lot to catch up on, but I’m a busy man. Can we please just get on with business?”


“You’re right, Captain Hitsugaya!” said Unohana as she let go of her subordinates and took a step back before clearing her throat. “Let me get on with why I asked Toshiro to bring you both here.”


“Speaking of which…” began Isane as she looked around. Toshiro had met them both and led them to a large entrance hall. Inside there was a massive stage with poles that stretched to the ceiling and many tables. There were also boxes of various sizes. She saw one was labeled ‘lube’ and immediately looked away in flustered shock. “Where ARE we?”


“Welcome Isane and Hanataro…” said Unohana as she raised her hands in the air ”to my new sex club!”


H-HUUUUUHHHHHH!?!???!?”, exclaimed the pair and at the same time, their eyes widening to comical proportions and mouths left hanging open.


“I had the same reaction. She somehow got me roped into it”, Toshiro quietly interjected whilst shaking his head in annoyance, remembering the ‘show’ he put on earlier with Nel. “But her reasoning makes sense!” he continued. “There’s been a higher demand for entertainment and pleasure now that things are peaceful and there are no businesses out there that cater to people’s sexual needs quite like how Unohana envisions.” His eyes now moved towards Isane, “Especially with women like you two and your massive boobs”.


“They’re not THAT big!” Isane muttered quietly, half pouting.


“Regardless…” Unohana interjected, “we need more members, so I asked Toshiro to bring you two here. And I see you two are perfect!” she nodded. “So…” she then looked both of them in the eyes before smiling “can I ask you two to join Toshiro as two more of my primary members?”


“I… I’m not quite sure!” Isane replied. “It’s just a little embarrassing. Especially having my breasts seen by others…”


“I won’t force you to if you don’t want to.” she walked up to Isane and held her hand gently, “I believe wholeheartedly you both would do well. But above all…” she was now looking directly into Isane’s eyes and smiling sweetly. “I want you both here”.


AAAA ok, fine! How am I supposed to refuse the woman I respect so much when she asks so sincerely?!? Consider me in!” Isane shouted, shaking Unohana’s hand with vigor.


“Splendid! What about you Hanataro?”, the black haired woman asked as she looked across to the young man who was looking down at the floor.


“D-do you really mean that captain?” Hanataro asked, voice trembling. “I’m not popular with girls… I’ve only had sex once… I don’t have the confidence to live up to you-“


Unohana raised her hand, signaling silence. “Enough! I meant every word that I said about you being perfect for the job and I want you here. Or…”, she curled her lips into a sly smile and closed her eyes, “are you perhaps calling me a liar, Hanataro Yamada?”


A shiver ran down his spine unlike anything he felt in far too long, Hanataro bowed his head in apology, “NO MA’AM NOT AT ALL!


“Good!” responded Unohana, before putting her hand on his head. “So can I hear how you really feel this time?”


“I…”, he started before lifting his head and looking Unohana directly in her eyes. One could see embers of passion in his gaze. “I want to join your club! I want to be with Lieutenant Isane and my other friends as well!” He then took a deep breath before then shouting, “AND I WANT TO GET THE CONFIDENCE TO GET A WOMAN WITH BIG TIDDIES!!!


There was silence before everyone except the young man erupted into laughter.


HAHAHAAAAA!!” laughed Unohana, wiping a tear from her eye. “Well that answer went way beyond my expectations! But regardless…” she stuck out her hand “pleased to be working with you again, Hanataro-kun.”


“Y-Yes Ma’am!” responded a flushed Hanataro as he took her hand and shook it.


“Now that that’s out of the way, I have an assignment for you and Toshiro. I trust that you will have no problem in completing it!” she smiled, her eyes once again closed, causing the first Kenpachi’s spiritual pressure to be felt around the whole room. This elicited a nervous *gulp* from the young Hanataro…



(Back in the present)


Toshiro turned around to his partner, his patience finally reaching breaking point. “IT’S BEEN 2 DAYS! WHERE IS EVERYONE!?!”,startling Hanataro and causing him to yelp reflexively.


“Ahem. My apologies, Hanataro.” He coughed, feeling apologetic for his outburst. “I’d just rather not have to deal with an angry Unohana,” Toshiro continued. “Can you think of where one of them would be right now?”


“Umm…” Hanataro started as he pointed towards the park they were walking past, “she looks like she fits the bill!”


“Who did you fi-?” Toshiro responded, stopping mid-sentence after witnessing the bouncing melons of the woman riding the swing set. Her orange hair looked familiar as it flowed with her speed.


“Finally,” sighed a relieved Toshiro. “Now for the easy part.” The two Soul Reapers then began walking up to her. Toshiro was confident in his ability to seduce women after spending so much time with his Lieutenant. From talking to women to fucking them, Captain Hitsugaya felt very sure of himself.


“Excuse me miss?”, the white-haired man enquired as they approached the now resting woman. “I was wondering if we could have some of your time?” Toshiro asked in a polite tone whilst wearing a smile on his face that hid his usual impatient demeanor.


“Is that you Histugaya-san? Oh, it’s been a while! It’s me, Orihime Inoue!”


“I’m glad that you remember me” he said as his smile faded and he returned to his usual stern manner. “Let me cut to the point then. We’re hiring for a club right now that has a need for a woman of your… assets.” he began explaining. “We would like for you to join but first we need to conduct an interview to make sure you’re suitable. You will of course, be paid handsomely for your services-”


“Oh, is it a sex club?” Orihime interrupted with enthusiasm, surprising Toshiro. ‘They must work for Kisuke-san. Looks like he’s testing if I can take on two clients!’, she concluded. She stood up from the swing, her ass free of the small seat, and gave Toshiro a thumbs up. “No problem then! Where shall we go for the interview? Doesn’t look like your friend can hold back for much longer after all…”, she chuckled with embarrassed cheeks, looking away.


“What do you me- FOR CRYING OUT LOUD HANATARO! YOUR CLOTHES MAN!” Toshiro turned to his colleague to find that he had been even more quiet than usual due to him being completely fixated on Orihime’s boobs. His dick had grown to full erection and burst through the Soul Reaper’s trouser zip, revealing his girth in public!


“Whaaa?”, Hanataro asked, still in a trance before looking down and realizing the situation he was in. “AAAAAAAA!! I’M SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!” He quickly stuffed his dick back into his trousers and down his leg before getting into a dogeza on the ground.


Toshiro, still trying to comprehend his partner’s foolishness, looked back at Orihime and shook his head in disbelief. “I’m really sorry about that. I hope that doesn’t affect your decision for the role.”


“O-oh don’t worry!” replied Orihime. “It’s a surprise, sure. But it’s also really flattering that you would think I’m that attractive. Haha.” She then kneeled down before extending her hand “Pleasure to be working with you… Hanataro-kun was it? I’m Orihime Inoue.”


How can a woman be this nice?!?’ Hanataro thought before sheepishly grabbing her hand as she helped him up.


Odd how she accepted straight away before asking any questions though.’ Toshiro thought, questioning the woman’s intentions. ‘Must be more of a whore than I remember. We’ll have to have some fun with this one…’ a wicked smile appeared on his face in anticipation.


The group had made its way to a nearby hotel and checked in for one night at the reception, receiving a questioning look from the receptionist when they only asked for one bed. The three made their way to their room. It was a decent-sized room with multiple chairs with red pillows. It was also fitted with a large en-suite with space for a bath and shower.


“Do you mind if I freshen up first before we start? It’s been hot recently and I would hate for my sweat to interfere with the interview.”


“Yeah, sounds like a plan. We should come along and wash ourselves too, eh Hanataro?” the white-haired man asked his partner, with a devilish grin.


“Ah, um, yeah, sure.” Hanataro responded, nervousness steeped in his voice as the three entered the bathroom.


Upon entering, the three began taking off their clothes. The guys couldn’t help but marvel at Orihime however (which she noticed, to her embarrassment), due to her large boobs springing free from her bra as it was unhooked and removed. As she bent over to take her underwear off – and innocently putting her big butt on display – she felt the stares of both men on her from behind. When she turned around, she instinctively began to sweat bullets.


Both were standing with their big, thick erections aimed at her big behind! Hanataro had entered his daze again and began drooling. What he lacked in subtlety however, he made up for in size!


Wow he’s big!’ thought Orihime. ‘Not as big as Kurosaki-kun or Yushiro but bigger than Hitsugaya-san!’ Her eyes then wandered to the white haired man.


“What’s wrong?” he smirked with his arms folded, trying to intimidate the woman. “Hope you’re not having second thoughts, because you’re going to have to please both of us.” They then walked up to Orihime who was now facing the two of them on her knees. Their cocks now formed shadows over her face.


“A-At the same ti- GHLUGH!?” she asked nervously before Toshiro grabbed her head and rammed his dick into her mouth without warning!


That mouth’s for sucking bitch, not talking! Time’s ticking as we don’t have all day!” he roared as he slowly began pumping his hips in and out of her mouth.


“A good whore, ugh, knows how to please a client before they even ask!” he explained, though some of his composure was lost from the pleasure he was feeling. “So think – what can you do for my friend here whilst I use your mouth?”


Figuring out what he meant and recovering from the surprise attack, Orihime reached out to Hanataro’s bigger dick and began working her hand up and down its length. With the precum that soon began oozing being a clear sign of his pleasure. The clear liquid dripped down his thick dock and made less friction between Orihime’s hand and its surface, creating a *schlick* sound that rebounded off the walls.


She was so concentrated on jerking him off, she almost choked as the dick in the orange-haired woman’s mouth suddenly shot down into her throat!


I said BOTH of us!” boomed the voice towering over her. Toshiro now put his hand on her head and firmly grabbed it. “Let’s see how you can handle a bit of roughness!” he declared before he started fucking her throat!


Saliva and pre-cum flew out Orihime’s mouth from the speed, hitting the bathroom walls like raindrops. A pool of the fluids also formed on the floor as it drooled out of her mouth, flowed between her breasts and fell.


This is so intense! I didn’t think taking on two at once could be this hard!’ she thought whilst her throat and hand were being used solely for pleasure, taking the thrusts. ‘Hitsugaya knows what he’s doing! I’m just sucking as best as I can to keep up!


What Toshiro lacked in sheer size, he made up for in speed. The sensation of his cock going down her throat so quickly caused her pussy to leak, blending in with the water in the bathroom.


“Not… bad!” Toshiro nodded, stifling the grunts his body wanted to express. He was impressed that she was able to pleasure the two of them. “Now let’s see how you…” he withdrew his cock with such force it sprung up, spraying more precum everywhere, before landing point-blank in her face “TAKE THESE LOADS!!


At his bellowing, Orihime’s face was covered in thick, viscous, white cum. It covered her upper body like an iced doughnut. Both men ejaculated at the same time with a roar, causing a pool of cum to form on the floor where she was kneeling.


“Make sure you swallow to show your appreciation!” Toshiro ordered. Orihime responded by opening her mouth, allowing the cum above to fall in. She tried to savor the taste as she swallowed it.


A little bitter!’ she thought as she assessed the flavor. ‘Not as tasty as Kurosaki-kun’s


“Phew. How was that Inoue-san? Ready to proceed to the final test?” asked Hanataro, wiping his brow off with sweat.


Orihime nodded nervously before getting up, a slight wobble in her step. She went into the shower room and rinsed herself off. She was drenched so heavily; she was scrubbing for 10 minutes to get it all off!


Due to her focus, she didn’t hear the other two enter behind her. Hanataro and Toshiro were both still erect and horny – something Orihime was about to find out.


Toshiro flash stepped to a stool in front of her and pulled her down on his lap, causing her to drop her sponge in surprise.


“You passed the first tests. Now for the last one. You’re taking us both at the same time. Ready?”, asked Toshiro with a mocking tone. Whilst he spoke, the other man grabbed onto her hips and the orange haired woman felt something hot prod her butthole.


Orihime took a large breath and steeled herself. ‘You’ve got this girl. First time up the ass, but it just means it’ll feel better later with Kurosaki-kun!’ Biting her lip, she nodded.


Without hesitation, the two thrust into her assigned holes simultaneously, eliciting a scream from Orihime in her newfound pleasure. “AAHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGIIIIIIIII!!!!


SO FUCKING TIGHT!! I CAN’T HOLD ON!”, shouted Hanataro. He was barely able to get half of his dick in before cumming instantly and flooding her insides! Hanataro fell to the shower floor in an orgasmic daze, his cock still half-buried inside Orihime’s booty.


SO HOT! IT’S SO HOT IN MY ASS!!! I’M CUMMING!” she screamed as she buckled forward onto Toshiro, pressing her soft boobs against his chest and face.


DON’T FORGET ABOUT ME BITCH!” he bellowed as he grabbed her hips and started thrusting harder into her. The speed of his thrusts caused the vice grip of Orihime’s ass on Hanataro’s cock to slowly loosen. Eventually, it flung free with a loud *pop*, causing cum to slowly leak out of her exposed ass.


Such an embarrassing sound would usually cause the woman to blush. She was however in her own world of pleasure as she felt the hot cum in her ass move around, whilst being pounded by the cock still in her pussy! It seemed too much to handle as she had a second consecutive orgasm. “UOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!” she screamed, causing the walls to vibrate from the sound.


After what seemed like thirty minutes, she could feel Toshiro’s dick swell within her, warning her of the incoming second wave.


Where do you want it!?” he grunted, enjoying himself far more than he had anticipated.


I WANT IT ALL IN MY PUSSY!!” she cried out. She craved his cum right now and that’s exactly what she got. The hot fluid coursed into her pussy and burst out at the sides.


OUGHHHHHHH!” Orihime screamed as she received yet another orgasm.


“Haah… haah…” panted Toshiro, completely out of breath from his great orgasm. “You’re really something, Inoue. I’d say you pass with flying colours. You’ve one of the best pussies I’ve fucked and you made Hanataro cum instantly!” he exclaimed with respect, after looking down and getting a thumbs up from his fallen partner.


Noticing the woman hadn’t responded, Toshiro looked up and saw Orihime still had her eyes closed and leaning back. “You ok the- OOOOOOOOH!?!


His sentence was cut off by her suddenly bouncing up and down on his cock, anchoring herself on his chest with her hands to use more force.






MOARRR!” she howled in a terrifying voice. Toshiro had fought many foes in the past as a captain but he had never felt a shiver down his spine quite like this. Orihime now seemed to tower over him and she licked her lips, poking at his face with her index finger.


“I still want to fuck more, so why don’t you sit there and be a good dick, ok?” she purred as she lifted her hips high so only the tip remained in her before slamming back down repeatedly.




She had also reached down and grabbed the fallen Hanataro up by his long member – much to his surprise – before ramming it up her ass without hesitation.


“Don’t think I forgot about you big boy!” she whispered. “You taught me how good anal feels so I’m counting on you to keep up with me!”


W-what have we gotten ourselves into?!?’ the two thought. Orihime’s raw sexual appeal had skyrocketed and her personality had done a complete 180. Instead of being pounded and thrusted into, she was in full control of the two men. They continued to fuck for what felt like hours, cumsot after cumshot covering both Orihime and the room. The two men had well and truly been milked and passed out long before she did…



(Hours later…)


Eventually, Toshiro awakens to find himself naked but covered up in a bed. He had no idea how he got there but sensed no hostile intent. He looked around before remembering where he was.


Oh shit, the hotel. How long was I out for? Last thing I remember is that damned succubus…


“Oh, you’re finally up! Good morning, Hitsugaya-san.”


“H-hey there… Wait. MORNING?!?”. He looked through the curtains in the room and could indeed see the sun still rising, signaling the start of a new day.


“Room service brought us breakfast and I put it all out on the dining table. Hanataro-san also woke up a few minutes ago so come join us!, she smiled before walking away.


She looked completely fine. Are we sure this woman is human?’ the captain thought to himself, completely puzzled by Orihime’s demeanor.


He sat down at the table and after checking Hanataro was well, began tucking into the toast in front of him. Everyone there was starving after that long session after all!


“So, I think it’s obvious to say you pass the interview with top marks, Inoue.” said Toshiro, mouth half-full. “You completely milked us dry and took us both on like a champ. I’m sure our boss will be thrilled to have you at our club!”


“Oh that’s lovely to hear!” though she tilted her head in confusion as to what he meant by ‘milked us dry’, but chose not to comment about that. “I’m happy Kisuke-san wants me so much!”


Toshiro raised an eyebrow. “Kisuke? As in Urahara Kisuke? What does he have to do with this?”


She blinked in surprise. “Isn’t your boss Kisuke-san? Wasn’t this another test for me?”


“Actually, our boss is- OW!” Hanataro looked over at Toshiro who had stamped his foot before he could finish his sentence.


“Yes, he is our boss. He sent us to inspect how you could handle two clients at once and I’ll be sure to report to him that he has nothing to worry about.”


“Oh lovely! Now let’s dig in. I’m completely famished for some reason”, laughed Orihime before she gorged herself on eggs and bacon.


Kisuke you devil,’ the white-haired captain thought whilst observing Orihime, rubbing his still sore dick. ‘Just what are you planning and what happened back in the bathroom with Orihime?

(Story by: Azzlover)

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3 years ago

Don’t know that much about Bleach but I like the way you wrote Orihime as sorta a innocent looking girl with a secret horny side to her. Shes doing amzingly well as someone who just started having sex recently. Her and Ichicgo is nice but I hope we see her fuck multiple different guy like this again

3 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Thanks for your response! She’s a lovely girl who seems to be a natural at sex. We’ll have to see what becomes of Ichigo and Orihime as the story progresses.

3 years ago

Well this escalated fast! Impressive work here!

Good to see Orihime getting more to do. Same thing with Hanataro and Toshiro. Not to mention Isane has been thrown in too, thanks to Unohana. XD

As far as the sex goes, it was rough from the start, but very well done. Too bad the guys would regret it later. XD

Overall, it was a fun entry. Nice work. Can’t wait for the next one. 😀

3 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thank you very much for the review!

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
3 years ago

Love seeing Orihime getting addicted to sex. Makes me wonder how she’ll act when it’s with someone she doesn’t know.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

She isn’t addicted to sex here

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
3 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

Well, whatever you call it, I enjoy it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Glad to hear you enjoy it! Orihime will be explored more in the future!

Last edited 3 years ago by Azzlover
3 years ago

Nice experience with this one. I actually laughed out at one point.

I like when characters can stretch out, and show some personality let their characters impact the story. You did that well.

Orihime, I only hoped could have been more passionate and cute.

Hanataro I like to see he isn’t a macho sex beast. It’s nice he’s still the way he is. He’s different from the others bleach guys, and I like that about his character. It’s cute and silly. Creates moments only he can bring out.

This rendition of Toshiro is interesting to me. I like most aspects of this more confident and assertive parts of him. That said the stuff he says is so archaic. With the obvious suspension of disbelief it still made me pause. Still appreciate the creativity. It will always be appreciated. Keep it up.

Feels like my boy is falling behind in the penile arms race everyday.
like your main getting slapped in a current meta of a game. Or your hero not being super no more. From top tier to moving back after each patch notes.😔

Still my favorite character and he got paired with best girl this chapter.😎

looking forward to more. Mostly I’m so up for Rukia and Harribel.

3 years ago

Thanks very much for your review! I do enjoy giving the characters personality and fleshing that out. Not sure who else will be coming in the future but do stay tuned!

3 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

No pressure, you write based on the art. Just saying I’m hoping you get write something with Rukia or Harribel.

Just have fun writing.
Would like to see more stories from you. So regardless, I look forward to the series. Even if characters I like aren’t coming or either soon. I’m interested in what you have us.

Last edited 3 years ago by HokageHitsugaya
3 years ago

That’s extremely nice of you to say and really means a lot to me. I hope I can continue to help out Rtenzo and other writers and make good stories for you all 🙂

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

Nice story once again. Really like the interaction between the different characters in this one. Hitsugaya in particular seems a lot more active than how he was in the other prior stories. The misunderstanding between Orihime and the two boys was quite funny and lead to a really hot and kinky sex scene. I personally think that Hanataro could have been incorporated more but I still quite like the sex, especially when Hitsugaya thinks that all is done, only for Orihime to get going for real.

Good story.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Thank you as always for your review! Means a lot for me.

3 years ago

Idea, IF Kisuke and Unohana are competitors they start off with rival businesses before eventually deciding to work together by merging their businesses into one super business.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

You’ll have to find out later in the story!

3 years ago

please make one of vanica zogratis

3 years ago

Multiple questions, are Kisuke and Unohana secretly working together or are they going to be competing and if so are they going to compete over who gets Ichigo and Orihime? So do Ichigo and Yushiro have the biggest dicks in the series and if so who of the two has the biggest? I hope you get an image(s) for Ichigo and Yushiro that shows off their humongous terrifying sizes to the fullest. Is it weird that I hope Ichigo and Yushiro have a relationship like the one Yushiro and Hanataro had in previous series, where they go around and start banging women and even sometimes use Kido to enhance themselves and ruin women.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

Kisuke and Unohana have different clubs, as you can tell from Toshiro’s reaction.

Ichigo and Yushiro do seem to be number 1. You’ll have to keep reading to see where they go.

3 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

Who has the biggest out of the two Ichigo or Yushiro? Will Kisuke and Unohana compete to see who gets Ichigo and Orihime?

Last edited 3 years ago by Whitis
3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

We’ll have to find out. I will never be spoiling the story.

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago

Whelp that’s another fic with a slutty Orihime. Can’t say I am surprised anymore. Also why is Ichigo not getting any action? It would be better if they were both cheating and then reconciled and got over it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Phil Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

The reason why ichigo didn’t got any action in this chapter is because the pic doesn’t have ichigo in it

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

Ichigo gets his own time. You have to realise that the stories are based on the pictures. Orihime’s side is being set up and they aren’t ‘cheating’. If you read the sex scene, you will notice something happening with Orihime. You’ll have to keep reading to see how the story and their relationship progresses. I’m very much looking forward to it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Azzlover
3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

You also seem to have a problem with Orihime being good at sex since you mentioned it before? Orihime is not a slut. I will not be spoiling the story but I ask you to keep reading to how Ichigo and Orihime turn out. You can see that they clearly care about each other and they’ve only been on one date so far so many things are up in the air.

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

Listen have no problem with the whole idea. I’m just pointing out how sometimes you can spot these things. And I will keep reading but to address the cheating comment. If this happened in real life and my significant other did that it’s over and done. How is this no considered cheating in everyone’s book. Once again no problem with it but it’s is cheating now matter how you look at it

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

Ah that’s where you’re misunderstanding then. In this story, the two of them are not a couple. They’ve just been on one date (and their first time was with each other) and are ‘more than friends’, but they are not together in a romantic sense because they’re both too shy to take the next step.

Last edited 3 years ago by Azzlover
Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

Oh. I completely missed that part. That’s my bad. Sorry for the mix up

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

No worries! That’s why I kept saying to look forward to see how the two of them develop because they aren’t together yet and why it isn’t cheating. Though as we’ve seen, the two do care about each other – without the other knowing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

The series is fairly new and Ichigo already had a chapter. As for this he ain’t even in the artwork. I really don’t want another series devolve into one character in like 8/10 of the stories. Sht is boring.

Stop complaining about “cheating”. No one ever complains when the guy is cheating. When Ichigo is written with Rukia you’ll never cry “Ichigo is cheating” or “Rukia is cheating on Renji” as long as it’s ichigo.

Let them write without worrying about people crying about this man ichigo or other protagonist not being in every story.

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago

I’m not complaining. I literally said have them both cheat and reconcile. I am simply pointing out a fact. I love these stories despite what I say. I just say these things because it is the truth. I’m fine with both cheating it literally doesn’t matter to me. I just want them to like find out and be ok with it. It would be a cool concept and idea to have them have an open relationship.

Last edited 3 years ago by Phil Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

“Why in every fic is Orihime a slut who constantly is cheating on ichigo. Can we get one fic where that doesn’t happen.” – Phil Swift

(^was the only time in the series she was with someone else at the time.)
You brought this up before it does matter to you. If you’re talking about other stories before then i’ll just gonna say this. From what I remember and me quick checking Ichigo has been with more girl more times over double what Orihime has. But from that If you ship Ichihime we’re cool. Hopefully it won’t be too rare seeing them together.

Ichigo Kurosaki
Ichigo Kurosaki
1 year ago

I want a fic where orihime is a dumb, ditzy, airheaded, bimbo!

3 years ago

Another really fun story to write! Taking a deeper look at Orihime and Ichigo’s relationship and the makings of Unohana’s club. Hope you all look forward to what’s coming!

3 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

Keep it bro

You’re doing a good job!

3 years ago
Reply to  Han

Thank you so much for the compliment! I’m personally really enjoying the series and I look forward to developing character interactions and relationships!

Last edited 3 years ago by Azzlover
Ichigo Kurosaki
Ichigo Kurosaki
1 year ago
Reply to  Azzlover

I want a series where orihime isn’t very bright, very ditzy, and overall a total bimbo!