Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Making Mermaid Heel’s Strongest Kneel

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 23): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 25): To Be Continued…



Lewd slurred moans echoed over an empty beach. Waves crashed ever so gently against the rocky shore while an unrelenting summer sun beat down on the two lonely people on the beach. Only once or twice did a seal break through the azure surface, but they also disappeared the second they identified the source of all that noise. Even their curiosity wasn’t strong enough to keep on watching the perverted act of lust transpiring just a few paces away from where the ocean met the land.


β€œHahaha… haa, haa… K- Kagura…” the blue haired man grabbed Kagura by the head in a fruitless attempt to gain somewhat of a control over her wild blowjob. β€œ…slow down!!”


β€œNHOOOOOOGH!!!!” Despite her golden painted lips currently locked around his shaft, with the tip of his dick deep down her throat, Kagura still managed to shake her head somehow. She shot her sexual partner a fierce look that instantly made him pull his hands away from her black hair again. β€œDISH CAWWWWK… AYE CAN’D GHET ENOUPH OPPH IDDD!!! JUSHD WANNAH SHUGG ID OWAH AND OWAH PHO EVA AND EVAAAAAAH!!!!”


β€œGeez! What has gotten into you?!” Mystogan asked with a weak smile and a bead of sweat running down the side of his face. Though, he also had to admit that this side of Kagura also kinda turned him on quite a lot.


It reminded him of the Erza waiting for him back in Edolas. His fiance could become just as determined and ruthless when she really wanted something. It left an odd sensation in his chest. On the one hand, it made him long to meet her again, but on the other hand, it gave him a sense of familiarity that made his time spent in Earth Land a whole lot more pleasant than it should be after parting ways with the local Erza and his Earth Land counterpart.


The two of them had been wandering aimlessly throughout Fiore for the last couple days after parting ways with the kind Mage who let them crash at his place for two nights. Kagura briefly considered introducing him to her friends in Mermaid Heel, but ultimately decided against it because it was a long way off to reach the town where the all-female Guild had its base. So, instead they spent the last few days just enjoying one another’s company. Just the other day they helped a small village out with its giant squid problem to crash there for free, which also seemed to have worked Kagura up a great deal.


Golden lipstick marks were already placed in sporadic intervals all over the thick girth currently occupying the black haired Mage’s mouth. β€œAYE DUNNOH!!!” Kagura admitted with saliva running down her chin and dropping on her huge tits. Hefting them with both hands, she pressed them tight around Mystogan’s cock while moving her head further away from his base again. β€œDISH JUSHD PHEELSH SHO WIGHT!!!! AYE LUV ID SHO MUSH!!!!”


β€œHaaa, I can tell…” Mystogan grunted as he felt her nimble tongue dancing all over his meat on her way towards his tip. β€œYou’re so good at this!”


β€œPWAAAAH!!!” After spitting out his dick, Kagura wasted not a single second as she rubbed her face against the top half of the hot piece of dick meat. Like a cat in heat, she started to purr and moan while smearing the wet golden imprints of her lipstick on her cheek. β€œI never really did this sort of thing before… but I started to love it! It feels so good!”


She applied some more pressure on her tits, pressing them tight around his cock before starting to move them up and down slowly. All the saliva she had spread diligently over the veiny surface now made it all the more easy for her to stroke his cock. It, along with the thin layer of sweat between them, also made the inside of her chest feel really hot and wet, almost like her actual pussy!


β€œThis cock…” She slurred hoarsely, while dragging her tongue over the side of Mystogan’s thick length. β€œThere’s just something so forbidden about it. You’re Jellal, but you’re not him at the same time… it’s… HNNNNNGH!!!”


Mystogan couldn’t outright see it, with her two huge tits blocking his view, but he could definitely hear it as Kagura let go of one tit to instead shove two fingers into her cunt. A wet FWWSH sound could be heard over the melody of nature around them as Kagura attempted to quell the burning ache in her nether regions. Her pussy spurted its lewd juices around the two digits currently spearing into it with the speed of a jackhammer, raining down on the rocky ground beneath.


β€˜So she just uses me as an outlet for her feelings regarding Jellal?’ assumed Mystogan. At first, he felt insulted, but then he decided that it didn’t really matter. β€˜Better than having her mistake me for Jellal and attack me.’


He was certain that there was more to her behavior than just that, but even if there wasn’t, he didn’t mind all the same. He kinda liked spending time with her, and she did as well. That’s all that mattered.


β€œMMMMHH!!! Cock…” her breath steamed out of her open mouth in small clouds. Desperation clouded her amber eyes with which she looked at him as she continued fingering her pussy. β€œI need a coo~ock in me… NOW!!!”


β€œHeheheh. I think I can help you out with that!” Mystogan eagerly gave in to her demands. He pulled his cock out of the warm embrace of her tits for just a moment before flipping her on her side. With one hand holding on firmly to the ankle of her left leg, he grabbed his cock with the other and aligned it with her dripping hole. β€œYou want it?”


β€œYESSSS!!!!” Kagura answered without a split second of hesitation, desperately spreading her lips down there with her index and middle fingers to grant him easier access.


β€œThen beg for it properly!” Mystogan told her, slapping his rock hard cock against the inner thigh of her right leg, mere inches away from where she wanted him to pound into.


β€œPLEASE… FUCK ME ALREADY!!!! FUCK MY STARVING PUSSY UNTIL I CAN’T WALK ANYMORE!!!!!” screamed Mermaid Heel’s most ferocious Mage. Not a single shred of shame was to be heard in her voice as she begged for his cock like her life depended on it. β€œI NEED YOUR COCK INSIDE OF ME RIGHT NOW!!!! PLEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSE!!!!!”


β€œHow could I say no to that?!” He responded with a smile.


Then, he thrusted his hips forward, burying the first ten or so inches of himself into her in one go. β€œAAAYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!! THAT… THAT’S IT!!! THAT’S THE SPOOO~OOT!!!!!” Kagura wailed at length, her golden nails digging deep furrows in the rocky ground on which she laid as a distinct phallus-shaped lump formed in her flat stomach. β€œTHE ITCH… IT’S GONE!!!!! I FEEL SO FULL NOW!!!!”


Her screams encouraged Mystogan to fuck her even faster. Even rougher. β€œYou do?!” He asked teasingly.


β€œYES!! SO GOOD… SO FULL!!! MY STOMACH IS NOTHING BUT COCK NOW!!!” her tongue hung out of the side of her mouth while a creepy, beyond satisfied smile crept across her face. β€œI CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF THIS!!!! GETTING FUCKED LIKE THIS IS THE BESSSSSTT!!!”


β€œHaa… glad I can be of service!” Mystogan grunted back at her.


He clenched his teeth so hard together, they made the same kind of sound he always associated with nails scratching over chalkboards. They sent a shiver down his spine, but he completely ignored it in his pursuit of pleasuring Kagura. His balls slapped wetly against her thighs as he sped up his thrusts to fuck her deeper. PLAP PLAP PLAP!!!


β€œOH GOD!!!! HEAVENS, THIS FEELS SO UNBELIEVABLE!!!!” spit flung from her dangling tongue in every direction as Mystogan fucked her like she was his own personal fuckdoll. β€œYOU’RE FUCKING ME SO GOOD!!! IT’S MAKING ME CUM, CUMMING SO MUCH!!!! I’M CUMMING!!! CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMMMMMMMINNNNGH!!!!”


Kagura’s body trembled and shivered as though it was the epicenter of an earthquake. The salty smell of the ocean made way for a brand new heady scent as Kagura came at the same time as Mystogan. That wonderful sensation of two gallons worth of cum flooding her starving womb washed every single thought and worry from her mind, replacing them instead with a sense of lightheadedness and drunken stupor she had never experienced before. That itch in her pussy finally left right as her vision turned blurry due to her eyes rolling back in their sockets.


She must look like a common tavern whore right now, but she didn’t care. There was nobody around who could notice them, and she felt so good right now as all that cum he pumped into her proved too much to be stored inside, rushing out of her stuffed belly with obscene GLORGH GLURR GLURR sounds.


Twisting on her ankle, Mystogan made her lie on her back as gently as he managed to. β€œHIIIIIINGH!!!” She whimpered as his cock turned around inside of her at the same time! Her chest heaved with every breath she took.


The chill wind blowing against her nipples only turned her on even more as Mystogan pulled his cock out of her again. β€œSeems like we finally managed to calm you down again.”


Kagura could feel the full weight of his slab of meat resting on her stomach as even more baby batter came oozing out of her cunt. She grinned. β€œJust… two more minutes…” Her fingers moved like they had a will of their own, spreading her buttocks aside to present him with a good look of her tight asshole. β€œThen you’ll fuck my ass until your balls are completely dry!”


Mystogan gulped. β€œOh boy… this might take a while after all…”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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1 month ago

It’s been quite a while since we had anything from you, with or without FT. And while it’s rather short, it definitely serves a good purpose. πŸ˜€

This served as a good way to get back into things, as well as seeing what’s happening with people in this universe of FT, who in this case are Kagura and Mystogan. And it certainly showed. In addition to that, it also showed how much things have improved and changed in the writing department. ✍️

Naturally, this also includes the sex. And without going too much into it, it was certainly a good setup and layout. Not to mention really well controlled. πŸ‘

So overall, this was good to see and read. Nice to see your work here again.

Very good work. Looking forward to seeing what’s up next. 😎

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago
Reply to  Hiryu

YO! My man, so glad to hear from you again. And, yeah, this one is a bit on the shorter end of things, but the one coming up next definitely packs quite a punch.

Writing Kagura interact with a Jellal-lookalike is really fun, even though I personally sometimes don’t know how their relationship will develop in the future lol.

1 month ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

That certainly does sound hopeful. πŸ€”

Well, whatever it’s supposed to be, I’m looking forward to seeing it when it’s ready. 🀞

1 month ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Ah, the return of the best writer in this site (and of a crack ship that I learned to appreciate thanks to you, even if this is a different Jellal).

You did a great job with this story mate.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago

Happy to read that. Honestly, I have no idea what I’m gonna do with these characters in these stories 90% of the time. Truth be told, when I came up with the idea of Mystogan and Kagura together, I just didn’t want to bother with writing how she would actually act with Jellal lol.

1 month ago

Short and sweet. Always love me some kagura. She is probably my favorite fairy tail girl aside from ultear so it’s always nice to see stories with her as a feature

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago
Reply to  Random

Happy to read that you enjoyed this chapter. Kagura is a fun girl to write.

1 month ago

10/10! Another miraculous and terrific piece of work which leads me into a very important question.

Excuse me Mr Akrononym, I’m a big fan of your work here on this site and was wondering what is your discord handle because I would really like to send you a friend request? Pretty please.

I also apologize if I come off as pushy or annoying, that is not my intention whatsoever.

Last edited 1 month ago by Whitis
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago
Reply to  Whitis

Yo. You’re not pushy at all. Thanks for your kind words and that you enjoyed this story first and foremost.
As for my Discord handle, please understand that I won’t reveal it publicly like that. If you’re a patron and thus on Rtenzo’s Discord server you should be able to contact me as well.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

What if there is a way to reveal it to me without revealing it publicly. Tell Sailorlo on discord, he and I are direct messing each other and we know each. Tell him so you can tell me.