Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Lucoa’s Succubus Ways

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing crossover series of stories)
Previous Story (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part III): [LINK]

“So, Mr. Magatsuchi… Do you have any workers that are able to assist me during my business trip on the Helicruiser?” the black haired woman at the other side of the table asked. Despite her young age, no older than twenty, she already talked like a true businesswoman.


As to be expected from the heiress of the Shinomiya Group!’ Mr. Magatsuchi thought to himself while also going through the list of his employees in his mind.


The inside of his office was dark and thanks to the air conditioner, it was also notably colder than the weather outside right now. It was one of the last weeks before the summer holidays and EVERYONE grew more and more restless, wanting to go outside, have fun, do stuff with friends. Not sit in a sticky office all day and work till noon! No, if he were to go to his employees and ask them if they were willing to go on this trip, none of them would go without knowing this trip’s destination first. And the heiress would only reveal that information once she was sure that she had two or three people who WILL go with her. A truly complicated situation!


He scratched his chin while looking into the young woman’s crimson red eyes, “Well, I have two or three employees that would be more than suited for such a task.” he then said after the same few names came to his mind over and over again.


Kaguya Shinomiya leaned forward on both her hands, eagerly awaiting his suggestion. The blonde haired maid that came together with her stepped out of the shadows of his office and right behind Kaguya. Both of them looked at him with mild interest in their eyes. If he couldn’t provide her with satisfying candidates, then they would simply look in one of the many other smaller companies that her father owned instead.


“Go on! Tell us!”



(The next day…)


SHOUTA-KUN? SHOUTA-KU~N!!!” Lucoa’s voice echoed across the beach as she searched for the young boy. She only went to get some ice cream for him and her from a nearby parlor but when she came back to the place where she left him, she found it completely empty. “WHERE ARE YOU?


The other beach goers gave her a number of looks as she marched from one end of the beach to the other and back again. Some were annoyed that she disrupted the peace on the otherwise completely silent beach. Most of them however stared openly and with lecherous intent in their eyes at her tits bouncing up and down in the way too small bikini that she wore. To call it a bikini was already quite bold! The top consisted of a black cloth that was only barely able to conceal her nipples and which was held together by a golden ring right between her tits. A pink flower pattern was printed on it, matching the bikini skirt with the same color.


She came to a halt and spun around, the ice cream in the cones already ran down between her fingers as it melted in the hot summer sun, ‘Ohhhhh, where is that boy now?’ she thought, growing worried that something might have happened to him.


“Ehem, I’m sorry but… can I help you?” a voice next to her asked. A man with a few stubbles on his face and a heavy beer belly looked down on her. Like almost every other guy on this beach he also was entranced by her bewitching body, his eyes wandering up and down. If looks alone could undress someone, then she might as well be butt naked right about now!


With her eyes closed as usual, Lucoa faced him and smiled, “Oh, that would be so nice.” she bowed down, causing her tits to jiggle even more. “You see, I’m looking for this little boy that I’m supposed to take care of. But when I came back from getting some ice cream, he simply wasn’t there anymore.”


A perverted grin spread across the man’s face, “Well, I think I can help you with that, missy.” he pointed towards a rock formation on the other side of the beach. “A small kid with purple hair rushed towards those boulders over there a few minutes ago. Heard him mumbling something about him needing to escape some succubus or whatnot. Guess it’s some kinda game or something.”


Lucoa clapped her hands and looked towards where he was pointing, “Yes, that’s him!” if he hadn’t pointed it out, she would have had to transform into her dragon form to fly over the area. No way in hell would she leave the little boy alone for too long!


“Now, since I helped you out, I think it’s only fair if you-”


“Thanks so much for the help, kind man!” she waved him goodbye and ran off, leaving him in the dust as she rushed towards Shouta’s presumed whereabouts.


She crossed the distance in record speed, thanks to her draconic powers. The same speed helped her reach the ice cream parlor earlier but there she was forced to wait in line as several other people waited for their order. That was probably the moment Shouta used to run off and hide from her.


Coming to a halt in front of the rocks, Lucoa stretched her neck to see if she could see him, “Shouta-kun? Are you over there?” she then asked, prefering to ask first instead of simply rushing over there and possibly scaring some completely different people.


GAH!!! Succubus!!” the purple haired boy’s surprised gasp echoed through the rocks. She could hear something rustle as he probably raised to his feet.


Now knowing that he indeed was hiding there, nothing stopped Lucoa from simply jumping over the boulders to get to the young mage apprentice. Which she promptly did. She landed right in front of him, scaring him to his bones as he came face to face with her tits.


A crimson red blush spread across his cheeks as he quickly turned away, instead looking at the serene looking ocean. “Wha- What are you doing here?”


“I could ask you the same thing.” the blonde dragon girl retorted while offering him the ice cream that he wanted, “You can’t simply run off like that. I was worried!”


He accepted the cone without looking at her. “Th- Then stop trying to seduce me all the time!”


Lucoa leaned her head to the side, visibly not understanding what he meant, “Seduce you? When do I try to seduce you?” she asked while slowly licking her ice cream. Her tongue moved over the three scoops on the cone before sensually swirling around the last one.


ALL THE TIME!!!” Shouta shouted after hearing the suggestive sounds coming from the succubus he had accidentally summoned. He took a bit of his ice cream and watched as a single whale broke through the ocean’s surface before descending back into the depths.


“Awwwww. Don’t be like that!” she said, already moving in closer to press her breasts against his back. Before he had any chance to escape, she wrapped her arms around his chest. “I’m simply trying to make you feel good before our big trip, that’s all.”


“Big trip! Pwah!” the young boy struggled against her surprisingly strong hold but only ended with descending deeper into her cleavage, “That’s… That’s just another excuse for you to steal my soul, you demon!” The mass of tit flesh engulfing his entire face muzzled his voice somewhat but Lucoa could understand him nonetheless.


She took another long lick from her ice cream while slowly moving to sit down on the sand. “But aren’t you excited that we’re getting on this new kind of ship? Your father and I thought that you would greatly enjoy a cruise. And Kobayashi and her friends might come on this cruise as well. Wouldn’t you like that?”


Staring down at his feet, Shouta pressed his fingertips together while nervously stepping from one foot to the other, “Well… I guess seeing Kobayashi-san would be nice…” he then answered, sounding clearly more at ease when talking with or about women with a smaller chest.


“See? Isn’t that exciting?” Lucoa went on to ask and ended up pressing her tits tighter around the boy’s head. “Your father said that she and maybe Takiya-kun are joining us, if they both agree to it, they only have to do some tasks for this rich girl during the trip and are otherwise free to do whatever they want. Wouldn’t you like spending time with all of us at the swimming pool or at all those beautiful towns we might visit?”


He visibly calmed down as he leaned against her embrace, “Yeah… that sounds ni- WAIT!” her tits wobbled like jello as he pushed himself away from them. He pointed at her, his face now even more red than ever before. “This is just another one of your demon tricks to steal my soul, right?!”


Still so nervous…!’ she walked closer towards him again and shook her head. “I’m not planning to steal your soul or anything.”


“Liar! If you weren’t here to steal my soul, you wouldn’t dress like you wanted to seduce me!” his voice cracked a bit but he stood his ground, not backing away any more.


A wave crashed against the shore as Lucoa looked through closed eyes down her own body, examining her outfit, “This? But I thought you liked it.” She hefted her own tits. The black fabric that covered her tits moved a bit, revealing one of her stiff nipples for the young boy to see. Turning her attention back at him, a warm smile spread across her face as she noticed something between his legs. “Your penis at least seems very excited about seeing me like this.”


Just by mentioning it, his penis grew even more in the tight sitting blue pair of swimming trunks it was stuck in. Guessing from the outline she saw, Lucoa assumed that his dick would be easily over ten inches long once it was fully erect. She sensually licked her lips when he desperately tried to cover his crotch with his hands.


“This… This means nothing! You’re just working your demon magic on me to steal my soul more easily!” he walked backwards until his back pressed against the warm surface of the rocks behind him.


“I promise, I’m not stealing your soul!” she repeated vehemently. Her heterochromic eyes lit up for a moment as she reached behind her own back. “But I just might know something that will calm you down.”


Shouta blinked a few times, “Calm me dowWHAAAA???” his eyes dilated when Lucoa then began to undress right in front of him.


Both pieces of the black bikini fell to the ground in rapid succession, leaving her standing in nothing more than the pink hat that protected her face from the sun’s dazzling light. With the rocks around him, Shouta could only watch as she then crept closer towards him. Her nipples grew even more hard in the ocean’s salty breeze. Once she was close enough, she put one hand inside the young boy’s trunks and put the other around his waist so that he couldn’t pull away from her.


“Mmmmmmmhhh…” Lucoa sensually licked her lips and squirmed in anticipation upon feeling the purple haired boy’s erection, “So nice and fat… and already eager for more.” she cooed while beginning to stroke his dick.


Under the influence of her skilled touch, the rigid meat quickly grew to full erection, even surpassing the ten inches she had originally estimated. His trunks were stretched to the limit as his length became harder with every passing second and the sounds of the blue fabric slowly tearing apart could be heard even over his whimpering moans.


He arched his back, pressing his head against the rock behind him. “Nnnnnnngh… Lucoa…!!”


“Shhshhshh!” her hand moved all over his cock, by now he was so thick that her fingers didn’t even come close to each other, “Calm down, lean back and relax.” she ordered hoarsely, watching happily as a dark stain formed on his trunks as precum oozed out of the tip of his cock.


HAAAAA… S-” Shouta gasped under the dragon girl’s skilled hand job. He began sweating as she brought him to the brink of orgasm in just under a minute. “StopPPPPH??”


Sealing his mouth with her own, Lucoa prevented him from speaking any more. Her tongue pushed past his lips and invaded his mouth, wrestling with his in an invisible struggle as she tried to guide it into her mouth, “MMMMMPH!! SHO GHUUD!!!” she slurred happily, enjoying the taste of his saliva and insecurity on her tongue.


HMMMMM!!!!” the young boy tensed up as her hand’s grasp on his cock became tighter while she started sucking on his tongue once she finally managed to guide it into her mouth. “LUCOAAAAAAHH!!!!


“Hehehehe.” the dragoness giggled into his mouth while pressing her large chest against his frail body, “Not sho loud, Shouta-khun~!” she moaned. The veins along his penis pulsated in a steady rhythm as her stroking became slower.


He whimpered in denial, the orgasm that he felt earlier dying down again now that she stopped stroking him with the same initial speed, “Lucoa…!” bucking his hips forward, he attempted to fuck her hand but didn’t manage to achieve the same pace and intensity as she did earlier.


“What’s the matter?” she asked. Her words sounded concerned, but her intentions were far from it! She fully stopped stroking his dick and instead put the palm of her hand over the mushroom shaped tip of his dick, enjoying the feeling of his precum against her fingers. “Do you want me to stop?”


“Nnnng…!” groaning unsurely, the young boy continued pushing his hips back and forth as he tried to come up with an answer, “Nhooo!!” he then gasped out, simply because the pressure in his balls was too much.


A smile spread across Lucoa’s face, “That’s what I wanted to hear!” Instead of continuing with her handjob however, the dragoness then pulled his trunks down, freeing his massive erection from its confines before they were shredded to pieces.


Without the swimming trunks around it, his erection seemed even bigger, standing tall and proud in the warm summer sun. Licking her lip, Lucoa pressed both her massive tits around his length and began pumping them up and down. “Hoooongggh…!!” Shouta groaned as the pleasure he felt earlier came back.


Lucoa simply continued stroking his cock with her tits, smiling warmly as she felt the hot meat rubbing across the sensitive skin of her mammaries, “That’s it… isn’t that so much better than hiding from me?!” she then asked after a while. A seemingly never ending trickle of precum ran down his cock, making her breasts all slippery in the process.


“Mmmmmmh… y- yes, Lucoa!” he moaned. A pressure built in his balls that Lucoa could feel as they slapped wetly against her breasts with wet PLAP PLAP PLAP sounds.


“Awww… you don’t know how much it means to me that you said this!” she cooed in a soft voice, barely audible over the waves crashing against the shore or the young mage’s moans. “But, you know… when I make you feel good like that, I would much rather prefer if you call me ‘mommy’. Can you do that for me, Shouta-kun?”


W- WHAT???” Shouta gasped out in surprise, totally taken by surprise by her lewd request. He opened and closed his hands a few times, not knowing what to do with them as she continued with her paizuri. “I… I don’t know.”


She became a bit disappointed, the movement of her tits becoming slower in the process, “Oh, please!” she begged, sounding genuinely eager with her request, “Let me be your mommy. Or your big-titty-onee-san!” she then went on to lick the underside of his cock. “I just wanna make you feel good and pamper you like the good little boy that you are!”


A rush of excitement coursed through Shouta’s body as he came, “OWAAAAH!!” he roared in a rather cute way as his semen shot out of his dick only to rain down on Lucoa’s back and hat.


The white fluid felt hot on her skin as it trickled down her buxom body and disappeared between the canyon of her ass cheeks, making her moan approvingly as her pussy dripped in raw need of attention. “Hmmmmmm~ seems like you really like that idea. Do you get excited when big sis pampers you?” his cock answered for him as another smaller burst of cum spurted out of his cock. This time however much weaker than before and instead of raining down on her back, it splashed directly in her face!


“I- I’m sorry! Please don’t steal my soul!” Shouta quickly apologized, fearing that he offended her in some way.


Instead of getting angry however, Lucoa simply laughed and licked up all the cum that she could reach with her tongue, “No need to apologize, Shouta-kun!” she told him. “It just shows me how much you love this and how I can make you feel even better!”


“O- Okay…” leaning against the rough surface of the rock behind him, Shouta took quick, deep breaths in an attempt to calm down again. His cock, still buried between her soft tits, became softer and shrank down again now that she made him cum.


Or so it seemed! With her pussy now burning like crazy, desperately begging for attention, Lucoa used a little bit of her dragon magic and returned his cock to its former glory. He gasped out in shock and horror as his cock and balls felt as if he hadn’t climaxed just a few minutes ago and as if she still had her boobs pressed around it.


“Now, time for you to make your onee-san feel good!” Lucoa replied as she moved forward. With one hand she grabbed his rock hard cock while spreading the folds of her soaking wet pussy with the other. Then, without waiting for his reaction, she lowered herself down on him, impaling herself on his girthy meat spear. “OH, YES!!! THIS IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!!!!


The echo of her howls bounced off the rocks around them and scared away a flock of seagulls who had watched them from the nearby trees. Shouta’s fingers dug deep into the sand as he felt himself on the verge of orgasm once more. “OAAAAAAAGH!!!!


YES!!! MOAN FOR YOUR BIG-TITTY-ONEE-SAN!!!!” Lucoa arched her back as she bounced up and down on his cock. Her pussy clenched around his cock as if it never wanted to let go again, “THIS FEELS SO GOOD!!! YOUR COCK FEELS SO GOOD IN MY TIGHT LITTLE PUSSY!!! IT’S MAKING ME CUM SOOOO BAAAHAAADD!!!” she moaned perhaps a bit too over enthusiastically since her expression didn’t change all that much.


She still kept her motherly smile while his cock stirred around inside of her, reaching deeper than she would have initially thought. Shouta gulped as he could see the outline of his cock move through her usually flat stomach. Without thinking and with nothing but childlike curiosity in his mind, he then reached out and put his hand on the outline. It moved every time she moved her body.


“That’s your cock, Shouta-kun!!! Your thick cock is stretching out your onee-san’s pussy so nicely!!!” she continued to moan more silently.


His face became red as a tomato, clearly taken by surprise by her lewd comments, “Hrrrrgh!” he then groaned as his fingers clenched around her hips in reflex and cuming once more. “Lu- Onee-san, I’m cumming!!” he told her when his cock already spurted the first few ounces of the creamy and rich load into her.


YES!! Cum for your onee-san!!!” the dragoness ordered as her pussy gushed around his length. His cum continued blasting inside of her as he continued to pant as if he just ran a marathon. Sweat soaked the sand beneath him while he emptied his balls for the second time in under half an hour.


“Hooo…!” his body then went slack as he fell asleep from all the exhaustion.


Noticing this, Lucoa pulled herself up. His cock popped out of her pussy with a lewd PLOP! and cum gushed out of the now gaping wide hole. She moved to lay down right next to him and gently traced her finger on his gently heaving chest, “He came so quickly…” She cooed happily. “Next time I’ll make him suck my titties!”


As if he had heard her in his sleep, his body tensed up a bit as his now flaccid dick twitched in the salty beach air. Lucoa smiled and looked up at the bright sun above. “I can’t wait for this cruise!


(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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2 years ago

Lucoa in dragon form could be cool background element in future chapters.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Depends on if you’re talking about artwork or story.

I’d imagine that she’s probably a bit hard to draw (dunno though) and since she seems to be the only girl from Kobayashi that Rtenzo wants to draw, it’ll be pretty hard to see her in artworks, especially since I think that Rtenzo still isn’t too keen on drawing actual crossovers in his artwork.

As for story, I defintely want to have some exchanges between characters from the different series. So who knows? Maybe one day she lets Kaguya or Tadano ride on her back.

2 years ago

Any other series you plan to add? Cause seeing Rosario Vampire would be pretty awesome.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Blackstriker94

Depends on if Rtenzo wants to draw the girls there. I personally don’t have any experience with the series whatsoever.

2 years ago

Your art is so good! It would be interesting to see something with the characters from Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Fate stay night

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Phantasos

Wrong guy to suggest that. I only write the stories. I don’t even know anything about any of those series, so…
But you can always suggest artwork stuff to the man, the myth, the legend, Rtenzo himself. I’m sure he’ll appreciate your positive feedback.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Oh i’m sorry you’re right! However your stories are interesting and i think these series can be good if you like the shonen and the myth

2 years ago

Solo denme a kitagawa y a Shinobu están usando personajes del apartado de las comisiones y solicitudes que no tienen Capitulos semanales ya uní el misterio

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

Shinobu? From Demon Slayer? Not sure how she would fit into this crossover series. About Kitagawa… just wait and see.

Enzo Guerreiro de Oliveira
Enzo Guerreiro de Oliveira
2 years ago

Nota 10

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Okay. Thanks.

2 years ago

WOW NO PUEDE SER, Lucoa :0 INCREIBLE ESTA PRECIOSA HERMOSA TETONA Y MAS X3 https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f60d.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f618.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f929.svg
No esta vez si una obra god 20/10, lucoa es una de mis waifus uwu https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f9d0.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f377.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f37e.svg

Ademas wow no entendia del todo de eso historias crossovers , pero ya entendi ¿haran algo asi como historias one shots en cada capitulo pero de series distintas?, que genial

Y Ahora lucoa esta perfecta, si en el anime era hermosa, ahora en tu diseño es Perfecta
Tetona, nalgona y sexy sin duda una obra God 20/10 https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f44c.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f44d.svg

Rayos no puedo esperar a saber quien sigue x3,
PD: a partir de ahora usare de foto de perfil la imagen que subas y la cambiare cuando subas una nueva xd

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  HentaiNeko

Hey, happy about your enthusiasm. And yeah, Lucoa does look really good like this. For now the stories will be a bit more like one-shots, I guess, until they all meet together. I hope you will stick around.

2 years ago

Honestly I can’t wait to see of them two or maybe a few others in the future.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

I’ll start writing chapter 3 in a few days (maybe tomorrow) so stick around.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
2 years ago

Oh, damn! We’re getting actual crossover content?!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Yes, yes you are getting actual crossover content!

2 years ago

Looks like you guys are stepping into a new series! Can’t wait to see where this goes.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  BraveD

Stay tuned to find out. Lot’s of fun stuff planned.

2 years ago

dam interesting story but i’ve never thinked see dragon maid in enzo style that’s quitte incredible. now i wonder if there will pic of ilulu or from other series like manyuu hikenchou ou maken-ki

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  ikana

I think Rtenzo told some other person under the artwork that he would be interested in drawing Ilulu, so she might appear as well.
What is that other series you mentioned?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Don’t think that will happen. It was because of La Brava in mha that Rtenzo got problems and has to take them down. Ilulu is basically a small girl with big breast, so people will think she is under age.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirag

Was it because of La Brava? I’d think Boruto/Sarada (12) & Kazuki (6) would be the offenders.

2 years ago

How many other series are going to be in this crossover and there aren’t that many male characters in dragon maid so is it mostly going to be yuri or are you going into shota territory

Last edited 2 years ago by Jorge
2 years ago
Reply to  Jorge

Its already Shota territory since Shouta is in this story haha

2 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

I guess as long you don’t show it, it is okay

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Jorge

There will be at least two more series in the mix. Any more… who knows? As for other guys that could appear from Kobayashi: Fafnir and Takiya. So I do think there is quite some potential with them.