Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Sex is War

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing crossover series of stories)
Next Story (Part II): [LINK]

Love is war! The person who falls in love loses! Nobody knew this ancient rule better than Miyuki Shirogane, the Student Council President of Shuchi’in Academy. Even now, with him and his love interest, Kaguya Shinomiya, finally as a couple, an invisible war continues raging between them. Who would be the first to make the next step? Who would be the one to wish for the other to hold his or her hand first? Who would be the one to instigate their kiss? Who would be the first to brag about finally being in a relationship?


Questions, questions, and even more questions! And Miyuki Shirogane? He knew the answer to all of them! He wouldn’t give in! The one to seek the other’s attention first would be the undisputed loser! And losing was something that he couldn’t afford in a relationship with the beautiful heiress of the Shinomiya Family! He would need to be the perfect partner and lover! Unaffected by mere teasing or any flattering comments that would melt the heart of any ordinary man! And most importantly, he needed to be one step ahead of anything! Even if the ocean split in half or mountains cracked, he would be prepared!


NOTHING would catch him off-guard!


“So, it’s decided then? We’re going on a cruise!” Shinomiya’s voice brought him back to reality. Standing in front of a large whiteboard with several other ideas for the summer holidays already crossed out, Shinomiya pointed with her finger at one of the last remaining ones. ‘CRUISE SHIP’ was written in broad letters at the center. Shinomiya even encircled it with a red marker for emphasis.


The other members of the Student Council nodded their heads, some more convinced than others. Discussions for this year’s summer trip were at an all time high, especially since the one from last year failed so spectacularly. Fujiwara was, of course, more than eager to go with Shinomiya’s suggestion. As the daughter of a highly influential politician, she definitely had the money to go on such an expensive trip over the summer holidays. But while the other two members of the Student Council weren’t exactly poor either, they had a much harder time coming up with a decisive answer.


“Mmmmh… I’m not sure…” admitted Ishigami. He leaned back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling. “Seems like a really expensive trip… What places would we even visit and what kind of stuff could we even do during our time on the ship?”


“Hmmm… Good questions!” agreed Miko in one of the rare moments that she didn’t bicker with the dark haired delinquent. She leaned forward and looked at the last few other options written on the whiteboard.


Fujiwara shook her head in disbelief as she slammed her hands down on the table. “Are you two kidding me?! There’s so much stuff that can be done on a cruise! Most cruise ships these days are even equipped with stuff to attract a younger audience. There are probably arcade machines or some indoor climbing walls set up inside?! And I’m sure with the right cruise, we might even travel to some historical cities or whatnot!” There was a fire burning in her eyes.


The worries in the two second-year student’s eyes vanished as they listened to Fujiwara’s explanation about the different activities they could do on a cruise. Shirogane didn’t pay much more attention to them as his eyes were drawn towards Shinomiya, who followed the unfurling events with a content look on her face. ‘She’s planning something… No way in hell is this a coincidence that this all moves towards this cruise!


As the moment presented itself for her to chime in, Shinomiya pulled a pamphlet from seemingly out of nowhere and laid it on the table in front of her fellow council members. On it was a list of locations all around the world. However, the most eye-catching part of it was an unusual-looking futuristic model of ship at the center called the “Helicruiser“. The Helicruiser is a luxury cruise ship with four massive wings attached. “What a nice coincidence that you brought this up, Fujiwara.” she said with a dangerously sweet voice.


“This cruise is the first of its kind. The turbine fans attached to its wings allow for the ship to lift off and fly across the skies for short distances, saving a lot of time when you travel internationally. Additionally, this luxury liner comes with a mall, allowing their guests the option of shopping, eating, gaming and other various activities. There’s even some kind of “Cosplay Theater” for the passengers to participate in as well. In an effort to broaden the horizons of the younger generation, the company is offering a massive discount to all japanese students. This means that students all over the country and their guests are gonna try to get spot on the cruise. While tickets aren’t available yet, the company expects it to be sold out within a couple of days! Or so I’ve heard. With that said, we need to act fast. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I suggest we go with…”



Several hours later, when the sun already began to set in the horizon, they finally brought their discussion to a finish. While they haven’t decided on anything concrete as of yet, they narrowed it down towards the cruise. Miko was rather easily swayed, simply because Fujiwara, her idol, was already on board with the idea. Convincing Ishigami proved to be a bit more difficult but with all the different arcade machines on the ships and after listing some of the cities that the cruises would stop by, Shinomiya had him hooked relatively soon after as well. Leaving Shirogane as the only member of the Council who wasn’t all that keen to go on the trip. First because it was still rather expensive despite a massive discount, and secondly because he didn’t trust Shinomiya. It simply went too swimmingly. He had no proof of it but she definitely planned it out as some kind of scheme to put pressure on him and to win this war!


“Aaaaaaah…” Shirogane sighed as he locked the doors to the Student Council office. By now, he was probably the last person that was still in the school. Not much of a surprise, given that it was Friday and that most other students were more than eager to finally start their weekend. “Hmmmm… I definitely have to do some research regarding that ship! No way in hell is this a coincidence that this cruise seems like the perfect solution for our summer plans!” he mused to himself as he walked down the elaborate hallways of the prestigious academy.


A warm breeze welcomed him as he stepped out of the stuffy building. The last orange rays of warm sunlight shone through the trees while he walked to a spot where he could continue his secret training. Ever since he and Shinomiya finally became a couple, he swore to himself that he would prepare himself for each and every situation he would find himself in. And now that the cruise was as good as set in stone, and with him as the last person on the entire school ground, he could train as much as he desired! He pulled an apple out of his school bag and wrapped his lips around the red fruit after checking twice that he really was alone!


Not even ten minutes later, however…


“Ehm… What are you doing there, Prez?” a female voice suddenly rang out behind him.


“Wha-?” With an apple still in his mouth, Shirogane rapidly turned around in search of the voice that had nearly startled him to death. Standing in her usual school uniform and with a look of sheer disbelief on her face was Fujiwara. The pinkette leaned her head to the side as if she had a hard time understanding what had just happened. Shirogane quickly raised his arms and waved them in front of his chest, as if to defend himself against an invisible assailant. “Iph not whap it loogs lige!”


Fujiwara blinked a few times, extending the moment into what felt like hours, “… … … What is it supposed to look like then?” she asked before her eyes suddenly lit up. “Wait, don’t tell me! You were practicing kissing, right?”


The President’s eyes tripled in size as he nearly choked to death on the apple. “WHAPH?!” the apple fell out of his mouth and onto his lap. “How did you- What makes you think that??”


“Hm… Don’t know!” Fujiwara said while walking closer. She looked at the few apples that laid on the ground around Shirogane. “It just came to mind. But you know, nothing escapes the observant eyes of the great ‘Love Detective’!” she declared proudly and pointed with her thumbs at herself. “So tell me, who is the lucky girl you are dating? Is it someone from your class?” Her face suddenly turned red as a tomato while blood ran out of her nose. “Is… is it that cute Herthaka-servant from Kaguya’s mansion???”


Once again, Shirogane was left completely baffled. He shook his head quickly and rose from the bench he was sitting on. “No. Of course not!” His face was almost as red as Fujiwara’s as he tried to explain the situation to her. “It’s just that I… want to be prepared and… yeah… just in case that… y’know!”


“No need for excuses. I know when two people are in love with each other.” Fujiwara simply raised her hand, gesturing to him to stop. She then grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him along with her. “And fear not, I will make sure that your kissing skills are top-notch! Herthaka won’t know what hit him when you two…”


More blood spurted out of the young girl’s nose, making Shirogane seriously worry about her health as he let himself be dragged out of the school grounds by her. ‘And ‘him’? What is she talking about?’ he thought with a single drop of sweat rolling down his face.


She ended up dragging him all the way back to her home. The estate of the Fujiwara was more akin to that of a European mansion, with an estimated hundred people working in and around the house. During their trip here, the pinkette explained to Shirogane why she originally came back to the school (to retrieve her bag that she forgot in her classroom) before she decided that helping him with his love life was of much greater importance than homework or school!


They entered the teenage girl’s bedroom. A single large bed with wine red sheets took over almost the entire half of the room, while posters of various pop stars and different actors from famous Collywood movies were plastered on the walls. Along the other wall of the spacious room was one shelf, filled with numerous stuffed animals in different dresses, and a makeup table with stuff on it that Shirogane had never seen before. He didn’t see any wardrobes, but he assumed that that’s what the door to the left of the bed was there for. Given the Fujiwara family’s wealth, it was safe to assume that she had her own walk-in closet.


Fujiwara sat down on the bed and patted the place next to her, in an open invitation to sit down next to her. “So, Prez… you wanna impress your love with kissing, right?” she asked right off the bat as soon as he sat down.


“I… I wouldn’t exactly… ehm… say it like that b- but…” Shirogane stuttered as he nervously fumbled with the buttons of his school uniform. He ultimately let his head hang in defeat. “Yeah, I do! I never had much chance to… try it out and thought that… Any kind of training would be good. Y’know?”


Nodding her head like crazy, Fujiwara stared at him with a strange passion burning in her eyes. “Mhm mhm! I do! I really do know how you feel!” Blood began dripping out of her nose once again as several perverted scenarios crossed her mind. “That feeling to be better than that special person! To prove to him that you’re the better man in the relationship, to make him feel safe and secure… hehehehehe!!!”


He nodded as he agreed with most of what his fellow Council member said. “Exactly!”


“I knew it! Well, that settles it!” She abruptly rose to her feet and stood directly in front of Shirogane. A confident smile curled around her lips as she looked down on the blonde. “I’ll teach you until you become the best kisser in the world! I don’t care how long it will take or how much blood, tears, and sweat we both have to shed but you will impress Herthaka to no end once we’re done and show him just how much he means to you!”


“Ehm… Herthaka isn’t really… Ugh, nevermind.” Shirogane stood up as well and bowed his head in gratitude. “I appreciate this very much. But how will you accomplish that?”


“That’s easy! We will just kiss until you’re perfect!” she declared without a shred of shame in her voice.


WE WHAT???” After falling back on the bed, he took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm down again. “Fujiwara, we can’t simply kiss!”


The pinkette blinked a few times as if she couldn’t understand what he was saying. “Why not?! We’re not a couple or in love, so it doesn’t matter what we do. And it’s for the best of your relationship, so I’m sure that Herthaka doesn’t mind!” she explained with more confidence than ever before in her entire life. She sat down next to him. “So let’s just get right to it!”


Before he had time to refuse, she had already covered his mouth with hers. “Hmmm??” he moaned in surprise as he became aware of just how warm and wet her lips felt against his. His hands hovered in the air, clenching around nothing as a tent began to rise in his pants.


“What awe you whaiting fow?” Fujiwara moaned into his mouth, her tongue pressing against his teeth as she wanted to push it in. “Kissh bhack alweady!”


After taking another deep breath and gulping hard, he granted her lips entrance. ‘Okay. Let’s do this! How hard can it be anyways?!


KISS #13: “Hnnnnngh… Lessh teetph!!! Awe you twying to eat my tongue?!” the short girl whimpered as her partner bit down on her tongue instead of gently sucking on it.


“Ahhhh! Showwy!” Shirogane apologized and accidentally bit harder. ‘This is just so different than when I practiced on apples and those puppets they had in the infirmary to practice first aid.


KISS #56: Fujiwara slammed her hand down on the mattress of her bed. Her face was almost completely blue while Shirogane pushed even more of his tongue down her throat. “AGUH! HUGH, GUH!! ‘OO MUSH!!! AYE’M… GUG, GUG, GUUUUH… chokinggggg…!”


Not even a second later the blonde pulled his tongue out again, finally letting her breathe again. “Sorry, I didn’t notice… Are you alright?”


*COUGH COUGH COUGH* She lifted her hand, silently asking him to give her a moment. “Y- Yeah… I think I’m… alright. Just a bit… breathless.”


KISS #99: He accidentally bit on her nose as he closed his eyes a minute too early.


KISS #137: Her nose brushed against his, tickling him ever so slightly and forcing him to sneeze directly into her mouth. Fujiwara gagged in revulsion and fell off the bed.


KISS #205: Shirogane somehow managed to actually entangle their tongues and they spent ten horrible minutes unraveling again. More than once, Fujiwara thought that he would rip her tongue straight out of her mouth because he pulled way too hard.


KISS #269:


“I give up!” Fujiwara whined as she continuously bashed her head against the wall while comically large tears streamed down her cheeks. “Utterly hopeless! Hopeless, hopeless, hopelesshopelesshopeless!! HOPELESS!!!


Shirogane watched with a disheartened look on his face. “Was it really that bad?”


WORSE!” she yelled as even more tears dropped to the ground. “I’ve watched countless shows and movies with horrible acting and kiss scenes in them, but you blew them all out of the park!” The pinkette turned around and slowly slid down the wall, almost causing one of the posters to be ripped off in the process. “Why did I agree to teach you again?! I should know better! You suck!! How can something so basic as kissing be so hard for you?!”


Her words pierced his heart like arrows. He let himself fall down on the soft mattress of the bed and stared at the ceiling above him. It had an actual sky painted on it, with a moon on one side and a sun on the other that functioned as the room’s main light source. The moon emitted a soft silver light, giving the entire room a slightly ethereal atmosphere, contrasting the sun’s golden light.


“Huh… I guess you’re r-!”




Both teenager’s shot up and turned towards the door that suddenly flew open. Hayasaka, or rather Herthaka, as she was known to both Shirogane and Fujiwara, stood in the doorframe. Sweat poured out of every visible pore as she leaned forward, panting for breath. She was dressed in the standard Shuchi’in school uniform with a brown sweater wrapped around her waist. In her hand she held a pink school bag.


Like lightning, Fujiwara stood up with a perplexed expression on her face. “Eh… Who are you?” she asked, clearly unable to recognize her since she had only seen Hayasaka in men’s clothing so far.


“Haaa… haaa… haaa… I am…” gasped Hayasaka as she stumbled into the room. “Haya… vana!” she put the school bag in front of Fujiwara’s feet. “You… forgot this at school and I… thought I should bring it to you… Haaa…!”


Shirogane walked over towards the two girls and bowed down until his mouth was only centimeters away from the blonde’s ear. “Herthaka? Is everything al-?” he whispered so that only she could hear him.


“Yeah, yeah… everything’s alright! Just a bit… out of breath. That’s all!” she explained.


“Aha…” he simply said while slowly nodding. ‘A bit out of breath? She looks as if she ran from here to the school and back again!


In fact, she had! Kaguya instructed her to keep a close eye on each and every activity that Shirogane did so that she knew about it all. By now, she was well aware of the President’s kissing practice and felt genuinely relieved since she herself wasn’t the best kisser as well. But when Fujiwara suddenly showed up and took Shirogane with her home, Hayasaka simply followed them and watched for a while to see how it went. During around the 100th kiss or so, she knew that she had to intervene. She hurried back to the school as fast as she could to retrieve the other girl’s bag as an excuse to formally enter the house and the room instead of watching and listening from outside the window. As for what her plan was then… Not even she knew that exactly but watching Shirogane struggle with the most basic of kisses was something that she couldn’t watch any longer. She had to do something!


“So…” Hayasaka gracefully ran her fingers through her hair, getting it back in shape after the long run. “Sorry if this comes out of nowhere, but… The thing you two were talking about just now… Are you a couple? Or what was that about?” she asked, intentionally playing dumb.


US? A COUPLE?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Fujiwara’s question and subsequent laughter echoed through the room. “Hell no!! Not in a million years! I’m already feeling sorry for poor Herthaka when they ultimately kiss! Or any girl or boy that is foolish enough to get into a relationship with him! Nobody deserves something so horrible done to them!!” She began walking in circles through the room, a crazed look in her eyes. “He sucks so bad at the most basic kissing… it’s unbelievable!”


“Ouch…” Another arrow pierced Shirogane’s heart as he let his shoulders sag. “If you say so…”


Hayasaka’s eyes wandered between the two students. She looked as though she was thinking about something despite already having everything planned out in her head beforehand. “Fujiwara-senpai, I’m sure you’re exaggerating! There’s no way that our Student Council President can’t kiss!”


“Be my guest, Hayavana!” replied the busty girl as she gestured towards Shirogane. “But get ready for the disappointment of your life!”


With an expression that said ‘With pleasure!’, Hayasaka turned towards the blonde President and lasciviously licked her lips. His pants became suddenly incredibly uncomfortable as his cock rapidly grew a few more inches. “Wait! You don’t… You can’t do this, Her-HMMPH!!!


His protest turned into a surprised moan as Hayasaka covered his mouth with hers. With surprising strength and skill, the blonde girl moved the two of them to the bed where she pushed him down without their lips parting even once. “But I wannahhh…!” she moaned as knelt above him, her ass pressing against the bulge in his pants, and pushed her tongue between his lips.


Fujiwara followed the lewd performance with steadily growing arousal. When the other girl grabbed Shirogane’s wrist and moved his hand to her hip, she could have sworn that her heart would burst out of her chest! His fingers flexed on instinct and sunk into the black fabric of her uniform, causing her to moan lewdly. The room suddenly became several degrees hotter as Hayasaka’s tongue continued exploring the President’s mouth.


MMMHHHHH!!!” Hayasaka arched her back ever so slightly as her partner’s fingers clenched tighter than expected around her hip. Her eyes were filled with lust as she looked down on the still perplexed Shirogane. “Shee? It’sh not that hawd!” she moaned into his mouth, her tongue slowly guiding his tongue into her mouth. “You jusht have to grab a woman right and she will be putty in your handsh.”


The President slowly nodded, carefully following the blonde’s guidance as he tried his absolute best to not make the same mistakes he did with Fujiwara not even half an hour earlier. “Mhm!” He took in the sweet taste of her lips. ‘She tastes and smells so much different than Fujiwara.


Hayasaka giggled softly, greatly enjoying her partner’s touch and inexperience when it came to kissing. His tongue clumsily brushed over her teeth and came one or two times too close to her uvula, but he otherwise proved to be a decently good kisser. A warmth spread from her pussy across her entire body as her panties suddenly became a lot more wet.


“Hnnnnngh~!” Before she could stop herself, Hayasaka already began unbuttoning her school uniform. It was like she moved completely on autopilot! In a little less than a minute, she was almost completely naked aside from her black panties and bra.


WHA!!!!!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!?!’ screamed both Shirogane and Fujiwara in their minds. The pinkette’s eyes were as big as dinner plates as she became aware of just how soft and bubbly the other girl’s ass really was! Her own pussy gushed like a hydrant as she further noticed the bulge in Shirogane’s pants that rose just behind that incredible fat ass!


Almost like in a trance, she staggered towards the door and locked it before slowly stripping out of her uniform as well. She carelessly dropped it to the ground and was also only dressed in her underwear by the time she reached the edge of the bed. Her fingers hovered above the President’s belt as she halted for a moment, thinking if what she was about to do was the right thing. She then shrugged her shoulders and unbuckled his pants before pulling them down all the way to his ankles!


MHHHHHHHH!!!!!” he moaned in shock as he only now became aware of what was happening behind Hayasaka. He tried to push himself up, but the blonde girl proved to be surprisingly unmovable as she grinded her ass against his almost free erection. Only his ridiculously stretched underpants separated his cock and her ass. And Fujiwara was more than eager to pull them down as well!


HOLY HELL!!!” she gasped out loud as his dick sprung free. He wasn’t even fully hard yet, but was already as long as her arm from her elbow to her wrist. “Is your mother a fucking horse; how can that thing be so massive?!”


“Fushiwaraaahh!!!” His groan echoed through Hayasaka’s mouth as he wiggled underneath her, halfheartedly trying to get out of the situation. “Shtop thish! We shouldn’t…!” The satin fabric of the blonde’s panties rubbed against his dick while he explored even more of her mouth. As soon as he stopped concentrating too much on what he was doing and instead simply did it, he became a bit better, causing her to shiver and moan in lust.


He saw something purple fly over him, but before he had the chance to guess what it was, he already felt something warm, massive and incredibly soft engulf his length. “Don’t worry, Prez! This is for your own good!” she said hoarsely before slowly licking the upper part of his dick while pressing her tits against the lower half!


Hayasaka watched with pleasure as Shirogane’s eyes widened. She could only imagine what the other woman was up to behind her as she felt two stiff nubs pressing against her buttocks while lewd licking and kissing sounds began echoing through the room. “Hehehe, what do you think about spicing this up a bit as well, President?” she asked after breaking their kiss.


The string of saliva that connected their lips broke, and he was left to wonder what she was talking about when he suddenly felt her grinding her ass against his dick. “Hnnnnnn!!” he growled from deep in his throat as his fingers sank even deeper into her hips. “Herrrrr… Thaaaa… Kaaaaa!!!!”


“Fujiwara… in my pocket…” Hayasaka moaned and pointed with one hand towards her sweater that lay on the ground right next to the buxom pinkette while opening her bra with the other. Her tits sprung free, giving Shirogane his first real glimpse of bare, naked breasts. She lifted them slightly with her hands and pressed her painfully stiff nipples between her index and middle fingers. “You like them? They’re not as big as Fujiwara’s, but I promise you, they will feel just as good!” she said while sensually licking her lips. “You wanna have a taste?”


Shirogane couldn’t even answer before she leaned forward until one of her tits pressed against his lips. He instinctively opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around her pink nipple, causing her to moan ecstatically. “HMMM???” he then suddenly groaned as he felt that Fujiwara was putting something around his now completely erect cock.


With a proud look on her face, Fujiwara began moving her tits in rhythm with the blond haired girl’s ass after putting one of the condoms that she found in Hayasaka’s sweater around their partner’s dick. She felt that, for her first time, she did a pretty good job. It didn’t feel as good as when his raw cock rubbed across her naked tits, but she didn’t mind much.


*SHLK FLAP SHLK SLAP SHLK PLAP SHLK* Lewd sounds filled the room, as if conducted from a perverted orchestra as the girls hotdogged AND titfucked the President’s dick at the same time, while he sucked and bit and tickled the older girl’s nipples. Hayasaka felt that he wasn’t necessarily good at it, but that it was good enough to get her off! Her pussy let out another spray of her love juices, drenching her already soaking wet panties even more!


GRRRRAAH!!! HER…” His fingers flexed, digging deep trenches into the blonde’s ass as he held her close to him. He spat out her nipple and closed his eyes as a surge of raw energy coursed from his balls through his entire body and towards his dick. “I’M… I’M CUMMING!!!


His roar felt like music in the girls’ ears as the condom suddenly ballooned out. A sticky, white fluid shot out of his dick and filled the rubber within seconds. He panted heavily as he let his head fall back against the fluffy pillow beneath him. The ceiling above him spun as he tried to calm down his rapidly beating heart.


Fujiwara then carefully pulled the condom off his dick while making sure that she didn’t come in contact with the viscous fluid that now coated his entire length. “Wow…” Holding the rubber in front of her face showed her just how much cum the President actually shot out.


“I know, right?” Hayasaka asked while she turned around to examine the condom as well. “It’s so much… I wanna go next!”


“Haaa… haaa… haaa… What?” Both women ignored the question that he gasped out as they instead shifted positions. The blonde slipped out of her panties, but before he had the chance to admire her neatly shaven and soaking wet pussy, Fujiwara already moved directly above him with her pussy just an inch or so above his nose. “Fushiwwwwwwwwwhhh!!”


The pinkette sat down and arched her back as Shirogane’s subsequent groan vibrated through her pussy. “NNNGGGGGGHHH!!!” Her eyes dilated as Hayasaka put another condom over his now semi-flaccid cock.


She expertly stroked his dick with one hand and fondled his balls with the other until he reached his full size again. After stroking his cock for nearly three minutes, she decided that she had stimulated him enough and licked her lips as she readied herself for the next phase. Pulling out a bottle of lube from her sweater, she quickly applied it on his cock, fearing that the next step would hurt too much if she didn’t do it. Shirogane groaned into his fellow Student Council member’s pussy as the other girl then spread her pussy with two fingers before slowly lowering herself on his massive dick.


AAAHHHHH!!!” As Shirogane’s cock pushed further and further inside, she moaned and spasmed in sheer pleasure. “SOOOO… GOOD!!!


The blond youth’s hands clenched around the wine red sheets beneath him as he bucked his hips upwards. “Sho tight…!!” he groaned while drops of Fujiwara’s juices continued rolling out of her pussy and down on his face. while her sweet scent clogged his nose, making it impossible for him to think of anything else but just how good it all felt!


Fujiwara watched with envy in her blue eyes as Hayasaka kept riding his dick like there was no tomorrow. Her smaller, yet still incredibly beautiful, tits bounced up and down with her every move. “Oooooohhh… I wanna go next!” she whined, massively turned on by Shirogane’s groans against her pussy and the other girl’s incredibly erotic display.


“Haaa… yes! So good… I love it! More…” Her lewd moans echoed through the bedroom as she rode both herself and Shirogane to the very edge of orgasm. She closed her eyes as her pussy clenched around the gigantic invader, as if it never wanted to let him go again. “FUCK!!! That’s just what I need!! Ohhhhh… Aaaahh… Gooo…”


Biting down on Fujiwara’s swollen clit, Shirogane groaned from deep within his throat as he climaxed once more. “GWWWWOAH!!!” At the same time, Hayasaka’s pussy became even tighter as she experienced her very own orgasm!


HEEEE~!!” she fell forward and straight into Fujiwara’s breasts as her body suddenly became limp. Resting her head against the pinkette’s heaving breasts, she took a moment to calm down.


Fujiwara’s heart pounded like drums of war as envy began to rise within her. She gave the President such a good opportunity to eat her out, yet he hadn’t “Nnnnnnnnnngh!!!!!” she groaned in frustration, waiting until her partners were finally ready for the next round.


After several more minutes, both Shirogane and Hayasaka finally moved again. His now flaccid dick plopped out of the blonde’s pussy and Fujiwara quickly pulled the condom away before already putting on the next. Shirogane groaned weakly as she licked his balls again to get him ready once more!


Not again…!



(Several hours later…)


“Ooooorgh…” A dull throbbing in his skull caused Shirogane to wake up from his sleep. “Wh- What happened?” His head felt like it was about to split any second now, a sensation that he also could feel in his cock, but he found himself unable to lift even one hand to massage his temples. “Hm?”


He turned to his left to see what the reason for this was. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest as he became aware that Hayasaka lay completely naked on his shoulder. Cum was all over her back and on her ass as her chest heaved with her steady breathing. “Mmmmh… Shiro… gane…!”


The puzzle pieces of what happened slowly put themselves back together as he now remembered where he was and what had happened the prior evening. The debate over their summer trip! The cruise! His kissing practice! Fujiwara! Herthaka! The sex!!! He feared looking to his right but did it anyway.


With a silly grin on her face, Fujiwara laid on his other shoulder, one of her massive, sweaty tits resting on top of his dick. “Hehehehehehe!!” she giggled in her sleep while cum continued running down her entire body. “Your sucking and kissing is absolutely horrible but you fuck like a fucking bull!!”


The room reeked of sex, sweat. and other bodily fluids, making the throbbing in his head even worse. ‘WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?!?!?!’ he screamed in his mind, regretting each and every decision he had made yesterday!


Today’s battle result… Fujiwara and Hayasaka win.


(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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2 years ago

I read somewhere that one of the series I’d crossing over with is Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid which is just great.

I just hope Shouta appears and is a very very very well hung shota.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

lol “somewhere”

Mike Oxlong
Mike Oxlong
2 years ago

This is the expression of a defeated man. Other than that, you and Rtenzo have been pretty busy with many stories and chapters at work.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike Oxlong

Ya, life’s pretty busy right now. At least for me. Don’t know much about what’s going on with Rtenzo.

2 years ago

In terms of artwork amazing, love Hayasaka with Rtenzo style. With the story as well, incredible. Favorite part was the sensual attitude and movements of Hayasaka and how she controlled the situation even if she is now in Kaguya hit list. If there is crossover, it will be interesting. I hope is with the Quintuplets or Shokugeki but time will tell.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Shadowdragon

Hey, happy to hear that you like both the story and the art. Writing this story was a blast. I’m not sure if it was noticeable or not, but Kaguya doesn’t know about anything that happened during the night. And Hayasaka doesn’t plan on telling her anything about it.

I don’t know anything about Quintuplets but I do plan to at least mention Shokugeki in some way or form. Don’t know if it can become something big though, given that Sailor is already writing a story for it.

2 years ago

Have you already decided what 2 to 7 series your going to crossover with? Or are you going to chose as you go along?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Flinchin

It’s pretty much decided already.

Emmanuel Cadichon
2 years ago

Maybe he should just plow these two instead? At least their willing to put out instead of Kaguya.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

I mean, he did end up fucking them, didn’t he?!

Emmanuel Cadichon
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Actually I meant he should stay with them. I mean the day Kaguya puts out is the day Hell freezes over.

2 years ago

Looking forward to more.

and to poke fun and trigger some ptsd. Whose the biggest? /s

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  ag

Happy to hear that you like it! Personally I have no problem with those questions, it’s just that some people always ask the very same question a hundred times. As for who’s bigger, I mean, that’s pretty obvious when you watch Kaguya. Fujiwara has the biggest boobs, then Hayasaka, then Kaguya herself.

2 years ago

Are the series you going to crossover with going to be relatively normal. Like for example Assassination classroom, sure they have Koro-sensei but besides that they live in a mundane world. It wouldn’t make sense to do a crossover with series that are heavily magical or supernatural.

Also have you already decided what 2 to 7 series your going to crossover with? Or are you going to chose as you go along? May I recommend Assassination Classroom.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

Don’t know if Rtenzo is willing to draw Assassination Classroom, so including it is out for now. But there will be something a little bit supernatural in this series to come, with or without it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

That’s cool just as long it’s nothing over the top otherwise it just won’t mesh well with the series your crossing over with.

2 years ago

Not going lie story was pretty good curious who they crossover with so can’t wait to see. Art was pretty good I’m just liking seeing new poses done more to feel different and fresh.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojoleo

Personally one of my favorite artworks this year as well. Really beautiful new pose and each version is another cherry on top.
I hope you will stick around for the series. There’s quite a bit of stuff planned.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Yeah I think I’ll stick around and see how this story goes I hope Rtenzo experiments more with his poses and shows off new stuff to go with the stories

2 years ago

What is this series crossing over with?
Can you give us a hint of what it’s crossing over with?
How many Series is it going to cross over with?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis
  1. Same answer as for Mirag: Guess you have to stick around to find that out…
  2. Same answer as for Mirag: Guess you have to stick around to find that out…
  3. Between 2 and 7 other series.
Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

My guess based on Rtenzo’s comments would be Komi since they share a similar setting.

2 years ago

Crossover serie? What are the others series?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mirag

Hahaha. I guess you just have to stick around to find that out…

2 years ago

Though I’m not familiar with the show it was still a enjoyable read. Only really know about the pink haired girl through memes so I guess would love to see more from her.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Happy to hear that you enjoyed it nonetheless! I’m sure that Fujiwara will appear some more often from now on.

2 years ago

Vaya nueva serie…. me gusta, me encantó q inicie con un trio y justamente con mis personajes favoritos…. 10/10…. espero más zukulencia amigo

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Mishifu

Glad to read about your support. I had fun writing this one. I hope you will stick around, lots of fun stuff is planned!