Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Kono-Slut vs. Kumo-Cock

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXVII): [LINK]

Hinata Uzumaki always loved waterfalls. There was just something so majestic about them. The raw power of nature could be personified in one with how life just seemed to be bursting around them. Well, most of the time. Hinata had seen one where the area was pretty barren, and a frozen one once. That was almost frightening to look at.


Thankfully, that wasn’t the case for the one in the jungle area of Ranko Island. The mountain the falls cascaded down from were fairly small. In fact, there had been a trail leading to the top of it that you could comfortably walk on. She wiped a bit of sweat off of her forehead as she followed the path the message had said to.


When she woke up this morning, the hotel concierge had told her there was a message waiting for her. The message had been hand written in surprisingly well done calligraphy.


Meet me at Chijo Falls at noon. I want a rematch, Hyuga-slut! A.


Hinata had smirked and shook her head. ‘Sore loser!’ she thought before showing Naruto.


“Mind if I go and teach him another lesson in humility?” she asked. Naruto looked unsure at first, but Hinata smiled and moved to sit in her husband’s lap. “Don’t worry,” she had told him, “On the off chance he does break me, you always have that!” she said as she slowly grinded her crotch against his lap.


“Oh yeah!” said Naruto, “Hah, I almost hope he does now! You forbade me from using it after the last time, dattebayo.”


“With good reason!” Hinata replied, “That technique is frightening! You don’t even need to use Kurama’s power to do it.”


As she walked naked save for some sandals, Hinata shuddered at the memory of the first time Naruto showed her that move. Her father had taught it to him as part of the Hyuga Clan Carnal Arts. With no male heirs from Hanabi yet, he wanted to make sure the technique would live on even through a separate line. Hinata doubted Naruto had bothered teaching it to their son yet, or if he even remembered before this morning.


She sighed mentally. It was past time for Boruto to learn Carnal Techniques, but Hinata had been putting it off, which was something she argued with her father about a few times now. Though over the last year, he’d been less pushy on the subject. Hinata wondered if he’d given up. Though he did say Himawari would have to learn if she chose to become a shinobi, which she hadn’t.


Right now though, Hinata was thankful for her own training. It was the ONE thing she excelled at more than Neji in their sparring sessions when she was younger. She always made him cum first,ALWAYS. Though Hanabi quickly outpaced her when she began studying. Mastering moves Hinata never could. There was one move that the Hyuga Clan stole from a now dead clan that allowed a woman to turn her own hair into steel-like needles. Hinata could do it while the hair was still on her body, but she never could if the hairs had been pulled first.


On the other hand, Hanabi could.


Hinata sighed mentally again as she looked around. There were bugs buzzing everywhere on this part of the trail. Thankfully though, none of them were even coming close to Hinata at all. When the concierge heard she was heading to Chijo Falls, he had given her a can of insect repellant to use before she went into the jungle. The stuff smelled like the sanitizing soap used in public bathrooms, which in this case had an odd strawberry scent, but it worked like a charm! When she walked through a particularly thick cloud of bugs, it was like she had a bubble around her that they couldn’t get through.


The path ahead of Hinata opened up and she had a fine view of Chijo Falls. She smirked at the name. Chijo, a word used to describe a lewd woman. As she drew closer, she could see why it was called that. The natural formation of the rocks around the top of the falls looked a lot like a woman’s wide spread legs. Making the water gushing out between them look like a woman having a powerful orgasm!


The path dead ended ahead on a small cliff just below the falls. It was a wide clearing surrounded by tall grass and odd looking flowers. All around the clearing, very colorful butterflies flitted about, moving from one flower to the next. And standing naked in the center of the clearing was the former Raikage. The only thing he wore was the same kind of wrappings Naruto kept on his own synthetic hand. He stood still as a statue in the clearing, with his dick already fully erect. Over a meter long and as thick as her thigh, Hinata was impressed. He easily stood on par with her husband, but the size difference could only be measured in centimeters if not millimeters, and Hinata didn’t really care enough to find out for certain.


“You came.” A said, sounding strangely calm.


Hinata smirked, “Not yet, I haven’t. And I doubt you’ll be able to do it!” she taunted him.


“Wench!” A snapped, with that calm veneer cracking just for an instant. A composed himself so quickly, it was almost comical.


“Can we get this over with?” Hinata said, while making herself sound bored, “I need to keep an eye out for Sakura. Thanks to you, she’s always after my husband’s dick.


“Hah! I apologize for nothing!” A said.


“Of that, I have no doubt.” Hinata said as she walked out into the clearing, while moving her hands up to grab her own huge tits. She pinched and tugged on her own nipples, teasing them into hardness. As she came closer to A, she could smell him, as he had the same insect repellent on. Though she could also smell his own scent under it, but just barely. He’d bathed recently. Was he really taking this that seriously? This was hardly a duel to the death. At best, this was a duel for Hinata’s own pride as a Kunoichi of the Hyuga Clan! Her family’s techniques had endured for generations, even after the seduction training had gotten weaker in standard Kunoichi training.


Needless to say, Hinata wasn’t going to let her family down!


Looking A in the eyes, Hinata closed in on him and quickly dropped to her knees in front of him, then sandwiching his dick between her huge tits! “Nmmahhhh…” she gasped softly, while moving to lick at the underside of the length of his cock that stood up between them.


“Heh, someone is eager. Are you craving my meat after the last time after all?” he asked while smirking down at her.


Hinata ignored him, focusing instead on the dick in front of her. She pressed her huge tits around the base, kneading them together and stroking him up and down slowly. In spite of herself, this was turning her on a bit. It was exciting to have a cock that wasn’t Naruto’s between her big tits as she dragged her tongue up to its tip. She worked her jaw up and down several times before opening wide.


HAAAAHGUUUUMMMMPH…!” she moaned, taking A’s thick and hard cock down her throat.


“You won’t beat me with that trick this time!” A told her before he quickly grabbed her head and began roughly fucking her face! “I won’t give you the chance to use it!” he said, while slamming his cock all the way down to the pit of her stomach.


HAGUUUUUGH!!! GURGH GUH GUPH HURG GUH GUG GURRGH!!!” Hinata choked at the ferocity of his thrusts. She could feel every inch of his giant dick fucking her mouth, throat, and stomach! It felt almost like he was trying to turn her inside out and Hinata realized this was no friendly bout, this was a full on battle!


Alright, if you wanna go rough, I won’t hold back either!’ she thought to herself as she relaxed her throat, making it easier for his cock to fuck her face. She couldn’t let herself lose here. Her Ninja Way wouldn’t stand for it! A was moving too fast for her to catch his cock and hold it like before, but that wasn’t her only move!


HMMMMGUH NMMMMPH HMMMPH GUHMMMMPH HRMMMMMPH…!” Hinata moaned, while she was finding the rhythm A was using and matching it. He groaned in pleasure and Hinata grinned inwardly, rocking herself back and forth on her hands and knees as he thrusted his long thick fuck meat between her lips.


HMMMMMMMPH, ISH DAT DA BESHT EWE GAHT!?” she gag spoke around him, “OOHNII-SHAN WASH HAPH DISH BHIG AND PHUGGED MEH TWISHE ASH HAWWWD…!” she told him, remembering having done this EXACT same position with Neji long ago.


“Cheeky whoooore!!!” A yelled, “I’m not gonna hold back, I’m gonna make you into my cock sleeve!!!”


HUUGUHGUHGUH AGUUUUGUGH!!!” Hinata choked, with her eyes rolling back as she felt her pussy getting wet on reflex. How long had it been since she’d been fucked so roughly? Sex with Naruto wasn’t the same, even when they got rough. It was hard to breathe, and she even felt a little dizzy as his cock slammed in and out of her mouth.


AGUU GUH GURH GUBOOG NBHOO AGUUUH…!” Hinata choked as A groaned, while he continued pushing his cock all the way inside her with every thrust. Her tongue dragged out every time he pulled back as she moaned. Her pussy kept getting hotter and hotter as it dripped down her thighs.


“Ahhh yeah, your face looks nice and slutty now, like one of you Kono-sluts should!” A taunted her.


AGUFF GUH GUG HURK GUH GUH GUH…” Hinata gagged helplessly as she tightened her throat. “AYE, WHON’D LOSHE!!! HMMMMMPH GUH NRMMMPH GUG, HAHMMMMPH, AGUH GUH GUH!!” Hinata moaned, moving her body faster.


A groaned, swinging his hips harder, but Hinata managed to keep up before A gripped her head tighter and shoved his cock all the way down. She was about to try and grab him like before, but she could feel him cumming directly in her stomach! He then pulled his cock free quickly, then shooting another gout of cum all over Hinata’s face.


Ahh, it stinks!’ thought Hinata as A then quickly pulled her up to her feet, lifting her by her shoulders like a rag doll.


HAAHMMMMMMMMMH!” Hinata moaned as she suddenly found her pussy impaled on A’s thick cock! He held her aloft using his hands as a seat for her shapely ass. Her stomach tenting up visibly from the sheer size and thickness. Her pussy felt stretched to the limit, but she was used to that.


“Yeah! How you like that!?” A gloated as he began bouncing her up and down on his cock.




“Hurr hurr hurr hurr!!!’ A grunted, while slamming her down on his cock with every thrust. “I’m gonna mold your cunt into the shape of my dick!!!” he told her.


AHHH, AHHH, AHHAAAH!!!” Hinata howled in pleasure as she felt her pussy gushing in joy at the sensation of being filled with such a big dick.


“You’re gonna BEG FOR MY COCK YOU SLUT!!!” A roared. “ESPECIALLY WHEN I DO THIIIISSSS!!!” he yelled as Hinata felt an electric jolt running through A’s dick like a lightning bolt. Hinata’s pussy gushed instantly as she came hard, as if someone had pushed a button inside her. It was almost too much, as her mind went blank for a split second!


AHHH, AHHAAAH, OH GO~D!” Hinata howled in pleasure, “AHHH, FEELS SO GOOD, TOO GOOD!!! I… I… I’M GONNA CUUUUMMMM!!!! I’M CUMMMIIINNNNGG!!!!” she screamed as her pussy went crazy, gushing almost none stop around A’s dick.




AHHH, AHHHH, AHHH YESSSSS, SO GOOD!! CUMMING, I’M CUMMMINNNG!!!” Hinata screamed in pleasure as A continued to laugh. The pleasure was so intense, he was electrically stimulating all her vaginal erogenous zones all at once, all while her vision was going white with every orgasm!


Ah, this feels too good, I… I can, barely think… I can’t… At this rate… I’ll fall… I’ll fall!!!’ thought Hinata.


“Heh heh, it’ll be fun to show off two kono-slut whores to that Hokage brat!” said A.


Naruto-kun!’ thought Hinata, seeing her husband’s smiling face in her mind as she leaned back while A thrusted his cock in deep, stretching her stomach up even higher as she came hard!


Hinata’s opal colored eyes then SNAPPED open, the veins around them swollen as her vision sharpened so much she could see all around her all at once! She then LOCKED her legs around A’s waist tightly, reaching up to put her arms around his shoulders as she gave him a look so fierce, the smug literally melted off his face!


I! WON’T! LOSE!!!!” she shouted, then, calling on all of her training, she tightened her pussy like a vice around his cock before she began moving her body as well. Bouncing herself up and down on A’s cock roughly, “HYUGA CLAN SECRET TECHNIQUE; VESSEL OF DEMISE!!!” she shouted as she began tightening and loosening her cunt muscles rapidly, so rapidly that they began to vibrate around A’s cock.


AAGGH, WHAT, WHAT’RE YOU… AHHHHH, FEELS GOOOOOD…!!!” A groaned as Hinata continued pumping her body up and down on his cock, vibrating her inner muscles around his dick.


AHHH, STO… STOP THAAAAT, AHHH, NHOOOOO… OHHHH CUMMINNGGH!!!!” A groaned in a mix of pleasure and pain as she felt his cock pulsating inside her again. Her already stretched stomach began swelling and bloating as A’s balls emptied themselves into her.


“Ahhh, ahh…” Hinata gasped weakly at the feeling of FULLNESS in her womb. She’d felt it many times before, but a woman could never get used to it as she shuddered in pleasure.


“Damn… Yoouuu…” A groaned as the two of them fell back. A took the brunt of the fall and Hinata found herself straddling him in a cowgirl position. She rubbed her hands over the outline in her stomach, feeling his cum sloshing around inside. Slowly, Hinata placed her feet on the ground and pushed herself up. A’s cock pulled out of her slowly with a gross noise. Once it was out it flopped down against his stomach, already half softened.




A’s cum gushed out of her cunt with a rude noise. Hinata stood over A, panting softly as all the cum inside her poured over A as Hinata smirked down at him.


“Don’t, underestimate… Me…” she gasped out before she turned to leave. Once she was far enough away, Hinata fell against a tree next to the trail. Her body was still shaking after multiple orgasms, but the dark haired woman could feel her pussy clenching all on its own.


“That was too close…” she said to herself as she pulled away from the tree and continued heading back the way she’d come. She followed the path back out of the jungle, but at some point she must have taken a wrong turn as she suddenly found herself at the foot of the waterfalls. That was odd, she could have sworn that she followed the same path back.


That fight must’ve taken more out of me than I thought.’ Hinata thought to herself. She knew the river led to the beach eventually, though it’d take a while since she’d taken a train out to the jungle area. Not wanting to risk getting any more lost than she already was, Hinata decided to take the long way back, maybe clear her head along the way.


Several hours went by as Hinata followed the riverbank. The jungle slowly turned to more of a forest as she neared the coast. The sun had finally gone down and she could see the moon overhead. She heard the sound of another waterfall ahead, though it wasn’t a big one. When she found it the falls barely went down a meter, but they emptied into a large pool that connected into the river again.


Covered in sweat and still smelling like sex and cum, Hinata decided to take a quick dip. She waded into the cool, clean, refreshing water, sinking down to just below her huge tits. The mud at the bottom felt nice between her toes as she dunked her entire body under the water. She flipped herself back out of the water mermaid style and immediately felt better!


“Still, that was way too close.” Hinata said to herself. Closing her eyes, the dark haired woman harmonized her chakra and rose up out of the water as though there was a life beneath her. Standing on the water was a simple technique, though she hadn’t done it in a long time. She knew A would challenge her again, and she needed to be ready!


Slowly, Hinata began moving through a series of Taijutsu moves. To the outside observer, it would look like she was doing a taichi dance, but this was a series of moves she’d learned as a child before Hanabi was born. As she moved, Hinata sent her chakra out into the water below. Once she was comfortable, she began moving her chakra in a spiral around her. The water was picked up in the flowing energy, moving around her as she moved from one fluid motion to the next.


Ah, I remember this feeling…’ she thought as she tried to clear her mind. It had been a very long time since she’d done this in the nude. She didn’t realize how much she’d missed it!


I need to train again, I’m too rusty in the Hyuga Clan Sexcraft! Maybe father was right that I should have trained Boruto… It would have helped keep my own skills sharp.’ she thought as she moved atop the water like a ballerina. All around her, jets of water swirled about in the air, flowing on the currents of her own chakra. She had just finished one set and was about to start the next when she heard someone clapping.


“Eh…?” she said, freezing in place with one leg in the air and her right arm extended with her left arm bent to her right.


“Been a long time since I saw you do that. You still look great!” Naruto said from the spot where he stood naked at the edge of the water. He gave her a wide grin as he did a thumbs up sign. “You should dance naked like that more often!”


WAH!” Hinata yelped as she suddenly lost her focus and went plummeting back into the water! She came up sputtering as Naruto’s grin turned to a warm smile.


“You okay?” he asked as he waded naked into the water with her and held out a hand to help her up.


“Don’t sneak up on me like that…” Hinata said meekly, and Naruto just grinned again.


“How’d your match with the Raikage go?” he asked.


“Closer than I would have liked. I’ve been neglecting my own training too much lately.” she told him honestly as she accepted his hand and stood up in the water. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged herself against him, mashing her tits against his chest.


“Well, I can help you brush up, dattebayo…” Naruto said with a chuckle.


“Nmmmmh, I’d like that.” Hinata said as she rubbed herself against his naked body. She moved her hand down to stroke his cock loving how it was already getting hard. She’d talk about training Boruto when they got home later. She didn’t want to spoil the mood now as she got down and quickly deepthroated her husband’s huge dick, forgetting all about the feel of A’s cock fucking her in almost an instant!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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5 months ago

Are there any Naruto one-shots?

5 months ago
Reply to  Eren369

not currently

1 year ago

Boruto having a bigger dick than Naruto is perfectly fine by me, maybe he can satisfy Hinata more than both Naruto and A.

1 year ago
Reply to  ASD

That’s a possibility, however, any Boruto/Hinata stuff won’t be lust driven really, but Hinata training him in the Hyuga sexcraft. An later arc will be recontextualized in that regard.

1 year ago

I never understood those people who get annoyed by a character like Boruto for having a bit of prominence, without knowing that this series is focused on Sakura and Boruto has his own series that is on hiatus (I suppose it is because in the manga there will be a time skip and they wait for that to happen here to continue with the main story of him as the protagonist) or have the biggest dick, which is normal since he is now the protagonist.

Last edited 1 year ago by Astrock
1 year ago
Reply to  4str0ck

Boruto had a few chapters in the first iteration of this series, and he will have some again. What people some people didn’t like was I wrote him as having the biggest dick of all the characters. I had people pestering me to make Naruto or A or Sasuke the biggest. One guy wrote a wall of text begging for Naruto and I flat out refused.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I understand you and the truth is that it doesn’t bother me that he is the biggest in terms of size (Boruto) and I’ve been a fan of Naruto for a long time, but the truth is that his story in the Boruto manga has become interesting, And the truth is, I always liked the boy in your stories even more than Naruto.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago

Is naruto a cuck or not?

1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

No spoilers!

1 year ago

I think I’ve got a feeling where this is going, lol.

A breaks Hinata and Naruto is unable to beat him, but Boruto then comes in and surpasses both of them.

1 year ago
Reply to  ASD

Not quite.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Do you have a tier list of how good each of them are? Based on the story so far it seems like Boruto will surpass Naruto and A will ultimately be better than Naruto since he has more tricks up his sleeve.

1 year ago
Reply to  ASD

Sorry, I said a while back I will no longer answer dick size questions. I’m tired of being pestered privately by fans of this character or that begging that their favorite have the biggest dick.

Mr. Nefario
Mr. Nefario
1 year ago

I hope you don’t make A break Hinata, although it’s obvious that this is going to happen, what I would prefer is for Hinata to have sex with A but not break it because A is almost the same size as Naruto, so why would it break with A? and not with Naruto? Another thing is that you said that they have 6 parts A and hinata and I want to know in which A is going to break hinata and how it is going to break it, and finally I hope that hinata doesn’t break after all this this chapter 9 was very good / 10

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Nefario

Sorry, no spoilers!

1 year ago

Buen capitulo muy bueno estuvo entretenida esa revancha entre Hinata y el ex raikage nada mal pensaba que su revancha seria capítulos mas tarde no tan pronto pero el resulto me gusto mucho algo que si me esta gustando del arco de los Uzumaki y las técnicas sexuales del clan Hyuga y como Hinata quiere entrenar a boruto para que las técnicas sigan prevaleciendo en generaciones
PD: ¿Veremos pronto a Tsuande? Extraño sus imágenes

1 year ago
Reply to  AL-720

Tsunade is in a few more chapters

1 year ago

Really loved the end scene with naruto and Hinata hope we see more of those two

1 year ago
Reply to  Hey

highly likely

1 year ago

Will Raikage and Hinata fuck once in the shower or in the hot springs ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Lcs

That’s not up to me.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Really enjoyed the premise of this chapter and how it was handled. The battle between Hinata and Raikage was quite intense and you really made it clear that the BBC was done underestimating Hinata and instead went all-out on her. Not that it helped much, but still pretty impressive. Hinata’s inner monolgue was quite insightful as well and really did make the whole sex feel more like an actual Shonen-battle. The one thing I didn’t really like all that much was the last part with the second pic and Naruto. It’s not bad by any means, but it just kinda feels thrown in for some reason and somewhat underdeveloped. Maybe it’s just my own high opinions of the second pic with Hinata in the water, but I’d think that such a beautiful pic could need its very own story.

More sex scenes in such a style would be grately appreciated by me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

There’s reason for that, which I don’t wanna go into here. I am glad you enjoyed the main part, even if you didn’t like the veggies. 😛

1 year ago

Nice work on this. This interesting plot between A and Hinata, with Naruto in tow, is really heating up. 😎

We not only learned more about how the Hyuga Clan’s style of the Carnal Arts is utilized and implemented, we also took a look at how it can be done in a serious situation. Case in point, Hinata’s rematch with A. 😳

But I’ll have to tell you, that was too close! The overall story was told really well there. A actually nearly had her that time. Not only that, she already knew what her own weakness was, which was a good thing to highlight. Though there’s luckily an emergency option for her just in case things do get bad for her. That’s where Naruto, and possibly Boruto if he steps up, comes in. 👀

I also like how the areas the chapter took place in were written and used. Especially the waterfall towards the end of the chapter. I really enjoyed that, as well as Hinata doing her dance like ritual. 😊

Overall, very nice work. Can’t wait for the next. 👏

1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

It was a fun chapter to do. I do have a plan going forward, but I can’t say much here. Again, I’d like to point out that a lot of the inspiration and some lore came from the old hentai anime La Blue Girl. The lore especially meshes well with the world of Naruto/Boruto.

1 year ago

I really hope A does break Hinata to the point of preferring his cock, but Naruto is still a very strong second.

1 year ago
Reply to  ASD

No spoilers!!!

Mr. Nefario
Mr. Nefario
1 year ago
Reply to  ASD

Why would you prefer A instead of Naruto I don’t understand, Naruto is much better than A

Last edited 1 year ago by Mr. Nefario
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Nefario


1 year ago
Reply to  Tkfjhv

Wait until I finish the arc.

Mr. Nefario
Mr. Nefario
1 year ago
Reply to  Tkfjhv

you are cuckold

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago

How many parts of the competition between Hinata and A are there? You said there was 6 parts right?

1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga


1 year ago

I’m liking the story more and more. But I just hope that A can have a rematch in which he can completely corrupt Hinata. I hope it doesn’t just end there because there is a lot of potential on his part. And we know that A does not give up. On the other hand, I like that Hinata thinks of Boruto to train him as her clan did with her and her sister. Seeing Hinata paired up with characters other than Naruto is always interesting, and a nice pairing variation too. Good story!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mich

Keep reading!

A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
1 year ago

starts counting off on my fingers
Setting up a possible fall without it being as easy for A as it was for Sakura, giving Naruto an “in case of Kumo, break this” button, and broaching the subject of Kurama helping with seduction shenanigans.
Gotta say, I’m enjoying how this is panning out thus far.
That said, I’m curious how the local Uchiha is gonna overcome the two handicaps he’s got- size (thanks, A) and lack of seduction training (because even if he hadn’t run off, he had nobody left in his family to help out on that front). I have a guess for one, but not the other…

1 year ago

No spoilers!

1 year ago

Words can’t describe how much I enjoy Konoha women getting pounded by Kumo-cock

1 year ago
