Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Konan’s Expansion Tool (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 69): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 71): [LINK]

Konan pouted in annoyance as she watched Samui walk away into the distance, the blonde’s massive tits and ass shaking sexily with every step she took. A large trail of Naruto’s semen dripped down her thighs as she walked, leaving several small white puddles in her wake.


“Hmph… I don’t like her!” she said under her breath so as not to let the blonde hear her.


“Oh, don’t say that just because you’re embarrassed. She did give you some good tips, didn’t she?” Naruto chuckled as he relaxed from his position on the bench, his massive flaccid cock resting between his legs, still dripping with semen as he stared at the lavender haired woman’s flustered face. The two women had spent over an hour milking his dick with their massive tits! Their little competition had gone a little overboard afterward, with each of them working to outdo the other. In the end, Naruto was feeling more than a little spent, as evidenced by the absurd amount of semen currently coating Konan’s body.


“She didn’t teach me that much!” Konan said in a huff. Both parties knew she was lying, Samui had indeed given her a litany of useful tips while they took turns with Naruto. Though Konan would never admit it, the blonde had given her invaluable advice that had improved her paizuri by leaps and bounds. So good that it actually annoyed Konan. ‘That damn hussy, I’ll get even bigger than her, mark my words!’ she thought, stomping her foot in the sand.


Naruto then watched as Konan dispersed into a twister of paper that fluttered back towards the direction of the clinic they had just left. Raising his eyebrow, Naruto stared at the tornado of paper confetti with curiosity.


“Heading back to the clinic?” Naruto asked the last few remnants of paper floating around him.


“Yeah! Just wait here, I’ll return shortly.” Konan’s voice came through clearly from the floating confetti, as if she was standing right next to him.


“Alright, take your time.” Naruto said as leaned back in his seat. A stiff breeze blew across his body, chilling the slowly drying fluids covering his dick.



“So… What are these? Some kind of Scientific Ninja Tool?” Naruto asked as he curiously poked one of the massive golden spheres pierced through Konan’s nipple.


The woman had returned the better part of two hours later from her trip sporting some new accessories on her body. There were two golden golden piercings around her belly button in a diamond shape, but more noticeable were the massive piercings on her already huge nipples! Each of the golden balls was even larger than a softball as they sandwiched the large stiff nubs.


“Apparently, they’re an experimental new size enhancers from the doctors of this island.” Konan explained as she thrust her chest out in front of the man, making her tits jiggle while showing off her new bodyware. “With these, my breasts can grow bigger and bigger indefinitely.”


“Uh huh…” Naruto said as he gently rubbed his eyes before standing up off the bench. He leaned over and began examining the orbs more closely. “So, what’s the catch?” he asked, not believing something could do that without some kind of drawback.


“Huh?” Konan asked as she saw Naruto raise an eyebrow at her.


“Well, if there wasn’t a catch, then half the sluts on this island would have these on already.” Naruto explained as he gave another few pokes to the golden orbs. He could sense just the faintest trace of Chakra in them. Whatever they were made of, they could hold a faint charge of chakra, which was rare. They had to be expensive, but Konan was one of “the returned”, so he doubted they even charged her for them! Much like how his old Teacher Jiraiya was racking up a huge bar tab without worry.


“Well… It does have one slight downside to it…” she conceded. “They have to absorb chakra to work. And they can’t do it very efficiently at all, so it needs a lot of juice to show even minor results. From how they explained it, what’s required is way more than any normal person can produce on any reasonable scale.”


As Konan continued, she moved to the side and snuggled herself against Naruto’s side. Her gargantuan tits easily encompassed part of his body, wrapping him in a pillowy soft warmth.


“Though apparently, one of the best ways to absorb the required chakra is through body fluids.” she explained to him.


“So…” Naruto trailed off with a knowing smile. Konan only smiled at him demurely.


SO… I was thinking that since I just so happen to have the shinobi with the most chakra in the world next to me…” Konan whispered huskily into Naruto’s ear as she reached a hand down to caress one of his oversized testicles, “Who also happens to have a nearly unlimited supply of ‘fluids’ in these big, fat, balls.” she said, her voice a hot breath full of lust.


“Oh reeeally… And I’m guessing you’d like me to provide those fluids?” he asked.


“If you would be so kind.” Konan said with a playful wink.


“Alright,” Naruto agreed, “I take it this is gonna take a lot of loads though, so let’s go somewhere I won’t have to worry about making a mess, dattebayo.”


“Thaaank you,” the lavender haired woman said with a smile, squishing herself harder into Naruto’s side as they began walking down the road, “So where are we going first?”


“Not sure, pick a place as we’re walking.” Naruto said as he continued enjoying the sunlight on his skin. “By the way… If the big ones on your nipples are for making your tits bigger, what about the ones on your belly?”


“Hmm?” Konan hummed as she walked with the blonde. “Oh, those don’t do anything. I just thought they’d look good on me. They remind me of Nagato.”


“Ahh,” Naruto said, “Alright then.”


With that, the two continued down the road…



“Mmmmmmh…! How can cum taste this good…?” Konan moaned in a throaty voice as she licked even more of the thick seed off the length of Naruto’s huge length. She made a show of letting him see the thick white fluid on her tongue before closing her mouth and audibly gulping it down.


“Well… I doubt you had much opportunity to find out among the Akatsuki, -ttebayo.” Naruto said quietly. Leaning back, the Hokage enjoyed the services of the paper shinobi as she bounced her giant tits up and down his huge cock! She greedily licked up the near constant stream of semen that flowed out of his cock, pooling between her expansive cleavage as it spilled past her tongue.


“How does it keep pouring out like this? This is incredible.” Konan gurgled through a mouthful of semen. Naruto hadn’t even seriously cum yet, just a few thick spurts of precum. The thick, semi-clear fluid began oozing almost nonstop the moment she began her slow and steady titjob.


“A little something I picked up over the years. Senjutsu is pretty useful for restoring your stamina and controlling your body.” Naruto informed the beautiful woman as she continued to service him. “So I figured this way would be a little less messy of a method for you to get what you need. Especially considering the location you chose. You know, while this isn’t exactly worse than the middle of the road, it’s not exactly less conspicuous.”


She grinned at him, “If I’m gonna eat such a big meal, it’s only right I should do it at a dinner table, is it not?”


“Well, maybe a less conspicuous place to eat would’ve been better.” Naruto said as he scratched the back of his head and looked around.


The two shinobi were situated right in the center of one of the most popular restaurants on the island. And at a table that Konan had specifically gone out of her way to ask for. Fortunately for her, the staff had been more than happy to oblige a party including one of the returned. However, she hadn’t ordered any food, citing that she had ‘brought her own’ before mounting the table after pushing Naruto into a seat. So now he found himself sitting back for the better part of an hour, getting another titjob from what had to be one of the largest pairs of tits on the island!


“Really? Isn’t this exciting though!?” Konan purred as she swallowed another mouthful of the blonde’s seed. “I’ve had fantasies about exhibitionism, but this is so much better! I’m giving a tit fuck with boobs as big as my torso, to a dick that’s nearly as big as I am! And in front of a crowd of people no less!” she said with a shuddery moan.


“Well, I didn’t say that it isn’t fun…” Naruto sighed as he enjoyed the girl’s newly developed paizuri technique. As for the “crowd”, the restaurant was fairly full, the other patrons were all in varied states of nudity or wearing sexy outfits, so the two of them didn’t exactly stand out. They also weren’t the only couple engaged in sexual activities. “But I haven’t told you too much about my wife yet. When she finds out, things could get… complicated.”


“Meh, too late to stop now.” she said dismissively, “I’m gonna keep going until you blow your load over this whole restaurant!” Konan said as she began moving her massive melons with renewed vigor, gliding the soft orbs up and down the throbbing tower of meat in excitement! Her pussy was absolutely gushing from all the eyes locked onto them. She heard whispers of ‘Fuck, she’s hot’ and ‘So big’ among many other murmurings as she serviced the blonde man. Her arousal only grew as she listened to all the patrons commenting not only on Naruto’s astounding size, but her absurdly large breasts as well!


“Alright…” Naruto conceded to the origami user as she felt his cock twitching between her tits. Konan heard him groaning deeply as his cock throbbed between her massive milk jugs, “And looks like those lessons Samui gave you are being put to good use. Haaah, I’m gonna cum…!” he said with another low groan of pleasure.


Konan had felt a small vein in her head throb at the mention of that other woman, but she ignored the annoyance. She instead focused on the pure sexual excitement she felt as the man’s cock began throbbing between her massive orbs. Bouncing her tits with even more speed, the blue haired kunoichi almost drooled as she watched the already steady flow of semen oozing out of Naruto’s cock quicken. The once semi-clear fluid turned thicker and whiter until it was completely opaque!


She kept her tits pressed tightly around the shaft with both her arms, moaning softly at the feeling of the rigid flesh pulsating against her breasts. Beneath her, Naruto groaned again, thrusting his hips with her motions, sending ripples across her enormous milk tanks.


“Ahhh yeah, just like that dattebayo…” he breathed, reaching up to grab her pierced nipples, twisting them roughly and making Konan moan with him. She then began bouncing her breasts even harder, letting gravity do most of the work. The speed made the top of her tits clap together with a SLAP SLAP SLAP sound. With a loud SPLUUUUURT sound, thick, hot, white stuff began shooting out of his cock with the force of a firehose! The stream shot all the way up to the ceiling, splattering against the surface and raining back down onto them.


“Bottoms up!” Konan said with a lewd smile as she let her mouth hang open, waiting excitedly for her delicious present. Naruto groaned, his cum spraying out of his cock in thick white, pungent smelling spurts. The scent made Konan dizzy as the cum rained down over her naked body, coating her in white goop. It felt hot to the touch, and the stench seemed as if it was trying to burn itself into her nostrils, imprinting itself there forever. She moved to place her mouth over the spurting fountain, trying to gulp down the endless torrent.


AGULBLURB GUH BUU…!” Konan sputtered as she struggled to gulp down the thick spray of cum. “AGUG, GUG, GUG GULP GUG AGUH…!” she gulped loudly, swallowing one huge mouthful of cum after the next. In no time, her belly already felt full, but he was STILL cumming.


AGUG GUH BLUB GLUB BLUB…” she choked, still fighting to drink it all down. The taste was bitter and salty, and she loved it! Every swallow she managed to get down only left her wanting more! And before long, she’d somehow managed to deepthroat his mighty erection, allowing his cum to be directly deposited into her gut!


AGUG, GUH, GUG, GWEH…” she gulped, her throat expanding and contracting in sync with his cock as it throbbed inside.



“Wow, those piercings really work!” Naruto commented as he gave the woman a quick slap against one massive tit. Watching the soft flesh wobble in response, making it look like a giant jell-o mold. He felt throbbing in his groin at the sight of the woman’s newly enlarged tits. “Just one cum shot and they’re as big as Samui’s.” he told her before moving his hand back to her ass with the other one. He swung his hips roughly, driving his massive erection in and out of Konan’s now wide spread pussy. The wet SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH of his movements was drowned out by the lavender haired woman’s wailing cries of ecstasy.


I…! OH FUCK, S-SO BHIIIIIG…! MY PUSSY, IT’S BEING SPREAD SO WIDE! I DON’T THINK IT’LL EVER GO BACK TO NORMAL, I’VE BECOME A COCKSLEEVE JUST FOR HOKAGE DIIIIICK! AHHHH, AHHHH YES!” Konan moaned out as her eyes rolled back in her head. The lavender haired woman clung tightly to Naruto, her legs wrapped around his waist. With every step he took along the path, she bounced up and down on his dick, her pussy letting out a hot spray of juices.


The woman’s tits had grown massively in just the last hour since they left the restaurant, hanging enticingly down her chest. Her nipples had grown so much that they matched the size of her spherical piercings, while her areola encompassed even more of each giant tit. Even now, they continued to slowly grow as Naruto walked with the woman.


The two now walked through one of the island’s nearby cities, stopping every few blocks to fuck once again! Eventually, Konan couldn’t take stopping anymore and just hopped onto Naruto, impaling herself on his cock. Her normally flat stomach was stretched up around his cock now. The phallic lump moving up and down with her bouncing motions. Naruto held her up by her rounded ass as she kept her arms wrapped around his shoulders. At Konan’s request, they were heading towards a certain blonde kunoichi’s hotel. Though now, Naruto was the one doing all the walking, with Konan almost held aloft by the man’s cock alone as he continued to flood her womb with a near endless amount of cum. Naruto had long since lost count of her orgasms as she bucked and rolled her body against his, constantly seeking more pleasure.


All around them, people dotting the streets turned and watched the show as they went by. He saw a few flashes from cell phone cameras, but for the most part, people just watched and cheered them on.


“Hmmn, we really shouldn’t have done it in that restaurant… I made a total mess all over the establishment’s floor, walls, and ceiling…” Naruto thought aloud as he remembered the absolute disarray he had left the interior of the restaurant in. Oddly enough none of the patrons, or even the owner for that matter, had gotten angry at him for blowing his load all over the place. Hell, a few of the women who had accidently gotten drenched in his cum had actually come up to thank him for it afterwards. “Haah… Remind me we have to go back and apologize later.”


“Buuuuuut, aahhmmmmn…! T-the owner said, s…she didn’t mi…mind!” Konan gasped out without screaming, as Naruto’s steps continued to bounce her up and down his length. She moved a hand to rub over the giant distention in her belly, a look of wild pleasure on her face. Naruto grinned at her and responded to her comment with a firm slap on her ass, causing the girl to convulse in orgasm again.


“No, Konan.” Naruto chided. “We’re going back to say sorry, got it?”


Y-YES! I PROMISE!” Konan gasped out as she felt another orgasm rock through her body. “NOW GIVE ME ANOTHER LOAD ALREADY, PLEASE!


“Yeah, yeah, we’re almost there anyway, so I’d better get it done now.” Naruto continued as he felt the familiar sensation of his balls throbbing beneath him. Placing his hands on the woman’s hips, he brought her in even further down his cock just as the flood of semen was ready to blow, “Here it comes, Konan! I’m not holding back this time, so take it! Take it all!!” he commanded her.




Naruto groaned, still thrusting his hips even as he came inside her. His cum was forced back out of her pussy, making a massive puddle around the two of them!


OH YES YES YES YESSSSS!!! CUMMING! I’M CUMMING SO HARD, MY BRAIN FEELS LIKE IT’S TURNING INTO MUUUUUSH! DON’T STOP! FUCK ME UNTIL I GO STUUUUPID!!! OHHHHHHH…!!! CUMMING! I CAN’T HOLD BACK FROM CUMMING, MY BODY WON’T LET ME HOLD BHAAAACK!!! YES, GIMME MORE! MORE OF THAT GIANT DHIIIIICK!!! I’M ADDICTED TO IT! AHHH, SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!! TOO GOOOD! I’M LOSING MY MIIIIND!!!” screamed Konan in a litany of orgasm induced rambling. She barely even knew where she was anymore, only knowing the sensation of Naruto’s gigantic dick stuffing her hole, stretching her body around it like some kind of flesh glove.


And she loved it!



Relaxing under a beachside myrtle, Samui let out a slow sigh as she enjoyed the salty breeze. The woman had decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing after her escapades with Naruto and Konan earlier that morning. After taking a quick dip into the ocean to wash off his cooled semen, she laid down a towel and was now relaxing on the sand. She cared not for the fact she was completely naked with so many people around her. Honestly, being naked was feeling so natural now that wearing clothes was becoming almost alien to her!


Closing her eyes, Samui smiled as the warm light of the sun shined down onto her body and felt the beginnings of sleep begin taking hold of her body. It would be a welcome reprieve, as her pussy was already beginning to crave Naruto’s cock again. Hell, she’d take his son’s cock right now. This NEED she felt for those big dicks was already all consuming. Any escape from it was a welcome thing. She was already planning to go to Konoha to live after they got off this island. She couldn’t fight how her pussy was craving those big, hard, throbbing, cocks!


Samui shook her head, trying not to think about it. ‘Just focus on the heat of the sun, and the sound of the ocean, the cool summer breeze… Yes, just let everything else fade, if only for a little while.’ she thought with a smile spreading over her face. However, her smile quickly turned into a frown as she felt a shadow fall over her.


“Excuse me.” Samui said in an irritated tone as she slowly opened her eyes. “You’re getting in the way of my… HOLY SHIT!!!




What was completely covering Samui’s vision was an absolutely monstrous pair of tits!


They were easily larger than her own, adorned with a pair of massive piercings on each of the gigantic nipples. More importantly, they were absolutely drenched in a very familiar smelling semen. Rubbing her eyes, Samui looked up once again in shock at the absurd boobs before her eyes, before following them up to see that they were attached to a very familiar face.


“Oh, sorry, Samui! I didn’t see you there.” Konan said with a faux look of surprise. “I’m just not quite used to this size yet.”


“W-what the hell?!” Samui gasped as she continued to stare in amazement at the woman standing in front of her.


“Oh, I just wanted to thank you for all those pointers you gave me earlier.” Konan said dryly as she bounced her boobs between her hands, causing a few ropes of cum to fall off her chest and onto Samui’s own sizable tits. “It really helped with these babies.”


“Wha… When… Why… How…?” Samui stammered.


“They’re really gonna help me with Naruto in the future. Why don’t you come and give me a couple more lessons next time? Oh, but these might be a little too big now for both of us to share…” Konan said with a smirk of superiority. “Well, I’ll see you later, Samui.”


Walking off, her heavy tits visibly swayed in front of her with each step. Samui could only watch as the lavender haired beauty disappeared into the treeline next to her.


Once Konan was gone, Samui finally processed what had happened just now, opening and closing her mouth as she stewed. Finally, the girl reached down and scooped up a glob of cum off her chest before popping it into her mouth, a plan formulating in her mind.


“Hmph! Fine then, two can play that game!” she said bitterly as she got up and began following after Konan along the beach, a spark of fierce rivalry shining in her blue eyes as she felt her pussy twinge with renewed lust. “Let’s see how smug you are when I get serious, you little cunt!” she muttered to herself!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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9 months ago

wow this is fucking hot, this was a continuation that I wanted to read, it’s been a long time since I read the first part, thank you

9 months ago
Reply to  Solo

you’re welcome.

9 months ago

I’m getting the impression that sooner or later the Uzumaki clan are going to be a tribe of nudist SSBBW on some dessert island grinding out kids like gerbils.

9 months ago
Reply to  Gorel29

Lol, not quite

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Well… Built like porn gods at the very least.

9 months ago
Reply to  Gorel29

That would actually be fire.

9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

I mean… It’s the most logical outcome at this point.

9 months ago

Hope to see more naruto chapter soon

9 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous345

All in good time…

9 months ago

Great chapter, you did a really good job.

9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis


9 months ago

I wonder if there is any special Injutsu that jiraiya created and knows.

That if this resurrection is temporary for him he plans on teaching everything he knows to Naruto before he goes. That he plans on having his prized pupil become his successor and the new pervy sage.

Last edited 9 months ago by Whitis
9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Would be cool

9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

I’ll think about it

9 months ago

*SPOILERS Following latest Boruto chapter*

Following losing Kurama only for it reappear in his daughter Himawari Naruto is severely lacking in power. Although he is weakened that does mean he wishes to take Kurama from his daughter. He knows how painful and how dangerous removing a tailed beast is from a person.

The elemental nations not wanting to lose one of their most powerful fighters and wish to pay Naruto back for everything he has done for them. Decide to take a gamble and kill two birds with one stone. Make Naruto strong again and deal with a threat to them all.

They will implant the psuedo-tailed beast, The zero tails aka the Reibei. It turns the Reibei was a creation of Black Zetsu many years ago. Made from negative emotions and was created in order to help free Kaguya. Although it never panned out the way Black Zetsu wanted so Black Zetsu just abandoned any plans involving the Reibei.

The elemental nations hope is that Naruto someone who was able to conquer hate and redeem Kurama one of the most hateful tailed beasts out there than maybe just maybe he can do the same for the Reibei. And by doing this the world will regain Naruto in his former glory and receive a new force for good in the Reibei.

He will be closely monitored, even more so than when he had the nine-tails and it was uncontrollable and wild, so the Reibei does not take control or corrupt him. A side of effect having the Reibei now inside of him is full body and muscle control, similar to Mitsuki. And just like Mitsuki this extends to his cock and balls.

Speaking of Mitsuki Naruto plans on spending more time with him so Mitsuki can teach him how to master this new ability of his. Sure it might be weird and awkward since Mitsuki is younger than him but Naruto is not above asking for help.

9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

The manga is of no consequence here. Please do not try and make it relevant

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Sorry, just an interesting idea I had and wanted to share. Meant no harm by it.

9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

I may try to involve the manga more directly after the memory mix up stuff is resolved. That entire aspect rubbed me the wrong way.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Same here.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Fair mate

9 months ago

Nice chapter.
When Hinata will “train” Boruto

9 months ago
Reply to  Shodai

Soon with luck

9 months ago

i feel like the only one that gotta stop them will be Hinata before their rivalry gets out of hand

9 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hinata will find it all amusing. Like two puppies competing for attention