Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

In Horny Matrimony

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Kill la Kill stories)
Previous Story (Part XIX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXI): [LINK]

Satsuki Kiryuin smiled as she walked naked along the nude beach. She so enjoyed these places now, it really was quite liberating in many ways to just walk about ‘Au Natural’ as some put it. The late morning sun was slowly creeping to the top of the sky as noon approached and the dark haired girl made her way back to the small camp she and her ‘wife’ had set up. There were no meetings this time, no reports to go over, no business to attend to at all. Ragyo was still a concern for her, but Satsuki was choosing to trust her as yet to be born daughter. Her younger self would have called this foolish, and reeking of sentiment. But Satsuki felt it in her bones that she could trust the girl.


Satsuki smiled again as she spotted the small encampment she’d made with Rei Kiryuin. Looking down at her left hand, Satsuki stared at the jet black band of metal wrapped around her ring finger. She only wore it when they were alone like this, or when she wasn’t in school. Explaining things to those not already understanding the situation would get tiresome quickly. She loved the way the ebony black metal stood out against her creamy skin as she held up her hand to wave to her spouse. Satsuki never expected to get married this early in her life, but now that she was, she was rather enjoying the idea. Though this nudist beach wasn’t the most ideal spot for a honeymoon, it would do for now. Later, Satsuki would take Rei away for a proper honeymoon. But this would have to do for now. Things were progressing smoothly, but Satsuki didn’t wish to be away from Junketsu and the school for more than a day at this juncture.


“Mila… Ahem, Satsuki, did you have a good run?” Rei asked her as she approached. Now that they were wed, Satsuki insisted Rei only ever call her by name, something she was still having a little trouble adjusting to.


“I did indeed, it helped to clear my head a little.” she told Rei, enjoying the sight of the naked futanari woman resting on top of a large blanket that they’d laid out over the sane. The blanket was made entirely of life fibers and weaved in a way that all sand just fell through it, making it extremely comfortable to rest on.


Stepping onto the blanket, Satsuki got down on her hands and knees and crawled over towards her wife. She was fully aware of how her heavy breasts were swaying from side to side as she approached. Satsuki enjoyed the way Rei’s eyes were drawn to her breasts, and added a little extra swing to her movements. She could already see Rei’s thick futanari dick starting to shift as it began hardening. Satsuki lowered her body a little more, moving in closer and letting her heavy tits drag along Rei’s long skinny legs.


“Haaah…” Rei cooed at the feel of her breasts moving over her legs.


Satsuki smiled at the expression on the futanari woman’s face, she then began rocking her body back and forth slowly, dragging her tits over Rei’s dick. The dark haired girl licked her lips slowly as she felt Rei’s cock swelling even more against her breasts. She then moved back slightly, leaning her head down to kiss and lick Rei’s cock as it continued to grow. She placed both her hands around it, loving the feel of it as she stroked Rei’s length up and down.


“Mmmmmmh, I love watching your cock get hard for me.” Satsuki said, kissing Rei’s dick along its length slowly as she continued to stroke it. Her orange painted lips left behind a series of swatch marks along Rei’s chocolate colored skin.


“Haaah,” Rei moaned, “Please, don’t tease me…” she begged.


“Hmmhmmhmm, but it’s so fun…” whispered Satsuki, opening her mouth wide and sticking her tongue out. She then dragged it along the underside of the lavender haired girl’s cock, relishing the taste and feel of it against her tongue. When she reached the tip, Satsuki moaned as she swallowed Rei’s thick cock down her throat!


“Oooooooh…!” Rei moaned as Satsuki easily took half her length. She loved the feeling of a thick, hot dick moving in and out of her mouth. Since the beginning of her endeavor, Satsuki had enjoyed deling deeper and deeper into various forms of depravity. Exploring her carnal nature was exciting, and learning all the varied forms of sexuality only served to enhance that excitement!


“Hmmmmmmph, mmmmmmph, mmmmmph, mmmmph, mmmph…!” Satsuki moaned, raising and lowering her head slowly. She could feel her neck bulging from the thickness of Rei’s cock in her throat. Her gag reflex all but gone now, Satsuki could feel herself ready to cum just from this alone!


“Ohhh, Satsuki… Yes! Deeper, go deeper…” moaned Rei as she moved to spread her legs wide, making a space for Satsuki to lay between them.


“Hmmmmmph, mmmmmph, mmmmph… Yesh, dheeper, dheeperrr… Muh mouph pheelsh sho guud, Aye wuv the pheel of ur cawk in muh mouth!” Satsuki moaned in pleasure, moving her head up and down faster, “Id’sh sho delishoush, ur cawk, Aye wuv dish phlavour…” Satsuki moaned in ecstasy before pulling her head up and off of Rei’s cock. “Mmmmmh, don’t hold back my love, ravish me, unleash all of your lusts on my body!” she told her, licking Rei’s cock again before rubbing it against her face!


“Ooooooh, fuck, yes… Yes my darling…!” Rei said, looking down at Satsuki. The dark haired girl smiled back up at her spouse as Rei grabbed her head on either side. Gripping Satsuki’s head tightly, Rei lifted her face up and SHOVED her cock back down her throat!


MMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMPH!!!” Satsuki moaned around Rei’s cock, cumming instantly. Her pussy let out a hot spray of juices as Rei pushed her down until Satsuki’s nose was buried in her pubic hairs. “HUGUUH AGUUH, GUG, GWEH, GUG, GUH, GUH…” Satsuki gagged lightly, unable to suppress it under such forceful thrusts, but she loved it! Her pussy was leaking an endless stream of juices that ran down her thighs as she kept her ass in the air.


“Ahhhhhnnn, so good, Satsuki… Mmmmmh, your mouth feels so very good around my cock!” Rei moaned.


GUWAH GAH, GUH, YESSSSH…!” Satsuki gagged and moaned as Rei fucked her mouth, “HAWDER, RUFFER, GWAH GUH, GEH, GUG, PHUCK MUH FASHE WIKE ID’SH A PUSSHY!!! DISH PHEELSH SHO GUUD, AYE’M CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING!!! WAVAGE MEH, PHUCK MEH, DHON’T SHTOOOP… GUH GUG, GUH, GUUUUH…” Satsuki howled and gagged, moving her hand to grab Rei’s thighs, hugging herself against the futanari girl as she came every time she felt her cock pressing the very pits of her stomach!


She so loved this, the feeling of becoming lost in ecstasy as she gave herself over to Rei. Orgasm after orgasm rocked her to the core, her pussy was letting out a near endless spray of juices as she rolled her hips against the air. ‘Mmmmmmh, I need more!’ Satsuki thought, ‘More huge dicks, I want them, I want to feel them in my mouth, my ass, my pussy!’ she thought. She knew this was at first just to empower the life fibers, but it was past that now. Satsuki wanted this for her own sake!


“Ahhnn, Satsuki, Satsuki, Satsukiii…!” Rei moaned, shoving her face all the way down again as she began cumming straight into her stomach! A thick liquid warmth filled Satsuki’s stomach, so much that it felt like gallons inside her. Satsuki had no choice but to allow it to fill her, as the tip of Rei’s dick was already all the way inside her belly.


Satsuki’s vision blurred as her eyes rolled back. Cumming, she was cumming! Just from the feel of a big, thick dick in her mouth and throat! What little her daughter told her of the future Satsuki believed, she’d never be able to give up this pleasure! Even after the coming war, she’d want to continue this path of lust and depravity.


GWAH!!!” Satsuki gasped as Rei let go and she pulled her head free. Long thick ropes of saliva and cum flung away from her lips as Satsuki took in several lungfuls of salty ocean air. “Mmmmmmmh…” she purred, rubbing Rei’s saliva soaked cock against her face again. It was still rock hard, throbbing, pulsing in her grip. Satsuki leaned her face down to kiss the futanari woman’s balls. She could almost smell the cum building back up inside them, and she wanted it all!


“More,” Satsuki said to Rei, “Take me from behind and fuck my Kiryuin cunt with all of your might! Pound my pussy into a muddled sloppy wet mess!” she told her. Rei didn’t need to be told twice as she got up and crawled around behind Satsuki. Placing her hands on her creamy round ass, Satsuki moaned when she felt the woman’s thick cock between the cheeks of her ass. Rei moved her hips back and forth slowly, the mix of saliva and cum on her cock making everything feel extra slippery. She briefly thought of telling Rei to fuck her asshole, but decided against it, her pussy was aching with need now. Cumming from just her throat, it was like her cunt was jealous and screaming to be filled!


Rei pulled her hips back slowly, dragging her dick between Satsuki’s asscheeks before the tip slipped down the canyon and pressed against her entry. Satsuki then let out a moan from deep in her throat as Rei shoved her cock inside with a wet noise.


YESSSSSS!!!” Satsuki moaned, “MY PUSSY, MY PUSSY FEELS SO GOOD!!! HARDER, SLAM THAT FAT COCK INTO MY KIRYUIN PUSSY HARDERRR!! OH FUUCK, I’M CUMMING ALREADY REI, I’M CUMMING!!!” Satsuki moaned as she rocked herself back against Rei’s thrust.


“Ahhhnnn, Satsuki, Satsuki… Your Kiryuin pussy… Ahhh, it feels so amazing, it’s like a perfect fit for my cock!!!” Rei moaned as she pulled more than half her cock out before jamming it back inside, making Satsuki cum all over again.


YES, YOUR COCK IS THE PERFECT MATCH FOR MY CUNT!!! POUND IT INTO ME AS MUCH AS YOU WAAAAANT! AHHH, HAAAAH, AHHHH, FUUUCK, FUCK FUCK FUCK, FUUUUCK!!!” Satsuki moaned as she rocked herself in sync with Rei’s thrusts. She pushed herself up and on all fours, looking down between her tits at the way her abdomen stretched and distended from Rei’s thickness and length. Beneath them the blanket made from life fibers was already glowing a brilliant red, but Satsuki didn’t care anymore.


The dark haired girl rocked herself back and forth as Rei pounded into her from behind. The loud SMACK SMACK SMACK of their bodies was like music to her ears as she looked back at Rei.


“Mmmmmmh, this pussy is yours now my love, ravish it, ravage it, ruin it to your heart’s content!!! HMMMMMMM, SO THIIIICK, IT’S MAKING ME CUM SO MUUUUCH…!” Satsuki howled in ecstasy.


“Mmmmmh, hmmmm, mmmmmh, you… Are… As… Depraved… As… Your… MOTHERRR…!” Rei moaned as she leaned back, pulling Satsuki on top of her in a reverse cowgirl position and continuing to slam her cock up into her.




“Yes, take it, take my cock Satsuki, ahhh, I love your pussy so much!!! I… I can’t get enough of it!!” Rei moaned with her.


“Mmmmmmh, enjoy it my beautiful wife, indulge in my pussy to your heart’s content…!” Satsuki told her as she bounced up and down on Rei’s thick throbbing length. “AHHHH, YESSSS… CUMMING, I’M CUMMING REI!!! I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMINGGGG… CUM WITH ME, CUM IN ME, FLOOD MY WOMB WITH YOUR THICK HOT CUUUUM!!!” Satsuki howled in pleasure.


“Haah, ahhh, AHAAAH!!!” Rei screamed as she buried her cock as deep as it would go inside Satsuki. Rei was cumming so much more this time, as though the first time had just been to make way for this load.


YESSS, CUM, CUM IN MEEEE, FILL MY WOMB TO THE BRIM!!! AHHH FUCK, THIS FEELS AMAZING, SO MUCH CUMMMM… SO FULL, I LOVE THIS, I LOVE IIIIT!!!” Satsuki moaned with Rei as she rubbed a hand over her distended stomach. “DON’T YOU DARE STOP CUMMING UNTIL YOUR BALLS ARE DRY!!!” she told her as she fell back on top of Rei. The other woman reached her arms around Satsuki’s body, grabbing her tits and squeezing them tightly as she continued to thrust her cock back and forth slowly. Satsuki could feel Rei’s cum sloshing around inside her and closed her eyes, savoring the feeling. The dark skinned futanari woman’s thrusts then slowed, and finally stopped, though her dick remained hard and locked inside Satsuki. The dark haired girl rubbed both hands over her belly as she turned to look at Rei.


“Mmmmmmh, that was wonderful…” she told her.


“Thank you, Mila… Ahem, thank you my darling.” Rei said.


Satsuki smiled, “Still not used to that eh?” she asked.


Rei shook her head, “Old habits…”


“Indeed,” agreed Satsuki. When Rei’s cock finally began to soften, Satsuki lifted herself up and off of Rei. The feel of her cum pouring back out of her was almost enough to make her cum all over again. She then turned herself around and blinked. Rei’s expression seemed almost somber.


“What’s wrong?” she asked.


“It… It’s nothing.” Rei told her. “I just…”


“Just?” pressed Satsuki.


“I just wonder, would you have still married me if you didn’t need to for control of the company, or didn’t know about our daughter?” Rei asked her.


Satsuki’s expression turned stern, “I’m hurt you would even think that Rei Kiryuin!” she told her, holding up her left hand and grabbed Rei’s left hand. She clasped them together so that their rings linked together lightly. “Do you know WHY I chose to use Bakuzan’s shards to forge these rings?” she asked.


Rei shook her head and Satsuki answered, “Because the sword meant a great deal to me. Were I just to marry you for convenience sake, I’d have used cheap gold rings like any other pair. This black symbolizes the depth of my devotion, to you, to our cause, to our as yet unborn child. I may have to fornicate with many others before this is over, but my heart, my body, my very soul now belong to you.” she told her.


Tears formed at the edges of Rei’s eyes, and Satsuki smiled, “I love you, Rei Kiryuin.” Satsuki said to her wife.


“I love you too, Satsuki Kiryuin.” Rei replied. The two then kissed deeply as a warm wind blew over them.

Story by Sailor Io

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2 years ago

So sweet, hot, wholesome, sexy, and amazing! I like the interaction, development, and conversations between Rei and Satsuki too. I adore your Kill La Kill fanfic stories and I totally ship Rei and Satsuki to be honest. Good job.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mad_Max

Thanks man, I’m enjoying doing this series!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

You’re very welcome and that’s awesome. Sorry for the super late reply btw.

I really do love Rei Hoomaru as a beautiful sexy futanari too.

3 years ago

This is likely my iori bias showing itself but I feel like he has been getting the shaft. He only appeared as a main character in only one of these chapters and despite being one of satauki’s closest friends has yet to have a round with her even though he has been given the generically large dick. Even mako’s brother had a round with satsuki but not iori.

You would think in early chapter could have been made where satsuki and potentially nonon as well since they were all friends would “repay” iori for his years of service and if such an event would happen I could see iori prefering to use his hands over his dick thanks to his great understanding of the human anatomy and being their dresser for years iori would know exactly how satsuki and nonon bodies tick and what he would need to do to maximize their pleasure.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

I’ll see what I can do

3 years ago

A cute simple chapter. I enjoy the romance sex more than the usual random sex act.

3 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

K, I’ll try and do that more in some future chapters.

3 years ago



3 years ago
Reply to  Emperor-k9

More lovemaking, less fucking, noted! 😀