Frantic Fireside Fucking
(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Part VIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part X): [LINK]
“Wow! Those Celestial-douchebags really have stuff like that just lying around on their ships?” Ikkaku asked. The brown haired woman watched with wide eyes as Nami continued turning around in front of her, showcasing all the aspects of the white “bikini” that she wore.
A single piece of silk covered her tits, held in place by two golden rings, one over her nipples and the over underneath her breasts. It was the outfit that Yamato deemed as too restrictive, back when they first tried out the spoils of their recent plundering of the convoy of some Celestial Dragon. Unlike the newest addition to their crew however, Nami could never bring herself to just throw away something so luxurious and elegant, regardless of how ridiculous it looked.
Taking a bite from the fruit skewer in her hand, Carrot nodded, “Mhm! There wash tonsh oph shtuph like that laying around.” she said with her mouth full before swallowing it all. “We could have gotten more, but Luffy and Yamato went a bit overboard and sunk the other two ships before we got the chance to loot them.”
Just thinking about all the wealth that was lost that day made Nami’s heart grow heavy. She tried to focus on something else, less she went on a tirade again, and instead was happy with how relaxed and “normal” Carrot was. The last two days of fighting really helped her get rid of all that pent up energy that kept growing the closer a night with a full moon came.
“I think we got more than enough treasures though, all things considered.” Nico Robin chimed in as she sat down next to the white bunny. In stark contrast to Nami, the older woman looked almost modest, wearing the same outfit she did back when they arrived on Dressrosa.
Despite her already beet red face, Ikkaku took another swig from the rum in her hand, “Would be weird if not!” she said as she pulled down the zip of her boiler suit far enough to show plenty of cleavage, revealing to the other girls that she didn’t wear anything underneath. “Aaaaaaah~! That’s better!” she said, enjoying the cool air on her partially exposed breasts.
“Why are you even wearing that thing anyway?” asked Nami. The orangette sat down next to the woman she fought against for a few hours the last two days. “Isn’t that thing, like, way too hot for those temperatures?”
“It’s quite alright. Those things are actually really comfortable once you get used to them.” the brunette explained while hefting her tits. A cheeky smile spread across her face. “And it also keeps those pervs in the crew from constantly gooning all over me!”
“AS IF ANYONE WOULD GOON OVER YOU, IKKAKU!” a loud, male voice from somewhere else on the clearing called out. “ESPECIALLY WITH SUCH A HOT GIRL LIKE MONET AROUND NOWADAYS!”
“GO SUCK A DICK, CLIONE!” Ikkaku shouted back, a vein throbbing on the side of her forehead. “YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS THAT I NEVER LET YOU HAVE A PIECE OF ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!”
Clione stood up from his place next to Usopp and walked over to the girls, “YOU AND WHAT PIECE EXACTLY? THAT FLAT EXCUSE YOU CALL “BUTT”?!” he shook his head as he came to a halt right in front of them. “I don’t think so!”
Standing up as well, Ikkaku raised her fist. “Just keep going on like this, and I’ll give you a piece of my fist instead!”
The clearing burst into laughter as sparks of electricity coursed between the two crewmates’ eyes. Before things could escalate any further however, Franky and Hakugan came back into the clearing, having returned from their trip to check each other’s ship. The shipwright and the helmsman seemed in a fantastic mood, laughing and joking with one another as they sat down next to one another on a felled tree.
“Come on, just tell me more about that diving mechanism of your ship!” Franky begged. “I promise that I won’t tell anyone!”
After a quick look to his captain, the masked member of the Heart Pirates shook his head, “Sorry, no can do. We’re still enemies, after all.” he said, though Nami sensed that he would love to brag more about the Polar Tang’s special features. “Can’t have you running around with our secrets.”
“Ahhh… I’ll figure it out eventually!” promised the blue haired cyborg before pulling two bottles of cola from the bucket next to him. He gave one to the other pirate before downing his own in a second. “It’ll make the Shark Submerge III even more awesome!”
Hakugan laughed, “That little dingy?!” scratching his chin, he thought about it for a while, “Well, it would definitely benefit from some more tech. Like, what submarine can go down only 5,000 meters!?” Other members of the Heart Pirates chimed in with his laugh.
“You say that now. Just until you face me in a naval battle!” declared Jinbe, silencing the laughter within a second. No one was foolish enough to consider an underwater battle against the Knight of the Sea easy.
“Ugh. Anyways…” Law groaned and watched as things cooled down again. He stretched his sore limbs, causing a few joints to pop, “I assume that you guys don’t have any clues about the last Road Poneglyph so far?” he then asked Luffy.
“Nah, not really!” the black haired captain answered honestly before taking another large bite of the meat in his hand, “That island we’ve been on the last couple weeks didn’t really have anything interesting anyways. Well, aside from some cool mountains that Yamato and I climbed.” he shoved the rest of the meat into his mouth and swallowed it before changing the subject. “When do you plan to change Zoro and Sanji back, Tra-guy? That meat just doesn’t taste as good as when Sanji’s preparing it.”
A vein started throbbing on Uni’s face, “What did you say, you arrogant little monkey!?” The brown haired man pulled out two daggers and pointed them straight at Luffy. “Be grateful that I even cook for someone other than my own crewmates!”
Law put a hand on his larger subordinate, “Calm down, Uni. We can fight them again another day. Let’s just- What’s that?” he then asked as he sensed the presence of several people coming closer to their location.
“Hm?” Luffy jumped up, having sensed it as well with his Observation Haki. “Wait! They seem familiar!”
Usopp perked up as well, dropping the fork in his hand as a large grin spread across his face. “Luffy, that’s…”
“-CY! LUUUCYYYYY!!!!!” the voice of a woman echoed through the forest, announcing her arrival long before she stepped into the light of the campfire. The gorgeous pinkette bent over for a second, panting hard after running through the entire forest to get here. Her heavy chest heaved with every ragged breath she took. “Lu… cy!”
The different members of the Heart Pirates exchanged some disbelieving looks, “Is that…?” one whispered into the ear of the other, “No, that can’t be!” declared another one, shaking his head as they watched the woman catch her breath again. “What would a princess do here of all places?”
The forest behind the woman rustled as someone else came into the clearing, “Rebecca, you can’t just run off like that!” chided a well-known female voice. “What if-!”
“LUCY!!!” Rebecca shouted again after regaining her breath. Before the other woman could stop her, she jumped forward and into a surprised Luffy’s arms. “I’ve missed you sooooo much!!”
Blinking a few times, Nami had a hard time believing her eyes, “Vivi?” she then asked carefully, raising up from her seat and walking towards the blue haired woman who just shook her head in response to the pink haired woman’s short temper. “Is that really you?”
A warm smile spread across the young princess’ face, “Hi, Nami.” she bowed down courtly in front of her old friend, “Glad to see you again.” her legs trembled a bit, making Nami assume that the bluette used all of her willpower so as to not burst into tears of joy upon seeing her again.
“WOAH!!! It really is you!” Usopp jumped up from his seat, the grin on his face somehow getting even wider. “Rebecca! Vivi! What are you doing here?”
Nami and Vivi embraced each other in a hug, with their breasts pressing tightly against one another, “Nami…” The desert princess inhaled the sweet tangerine aroma of Nami’s perfume as she held onto the orangette’s shoulders for a while longer, “It’s so good to see you again.” she said, with her voice breaking a bit as her emotions started to get the better of her.
“Shishishishishi!!” Luffy giggled, grabbing Rebecca’s butt to get a better hold of her as she buried her face in his black hair. He either ignored or simply wasn’t aware of the many shocked looks he earned from the different members of the Heart Pirates, due to how intimate he was with the princess. “Did you hear that we had a party here? Or how did you find us?”
Putting her hands on Vivi’s shoulder, Nami looked into the bluette’s watery dark eyes, “We read that some awful things happened during the Levely.” tears of relief rolled down the navigator’s cheeks as her hands started shaking, “It’s so good to see you alive and well!” she said while wiping face on her shoulder.
“Mhm.” Vivi nodded, unable to form words as she was overwhelmed by all kinds of feelings.
Loud footsteps allerted them of the arrival of two other people, long before they came into the light of the clearing. A thin layer of sweat glistened on king Riku’s and Kyros’ body as they caught up with the two princesses. The old king bent forward, panting even harder than his grandchild did earlier. “I’m… getting… haa… haaa… haaaaa… too old for this kind of stuff!”
Robin raised an eyebrow, “King Riku as well?” surprised by the sudden arrival of royalty, she crossed her arms underneath her tits. “Something’s up!”
“Agreed.” Law stepped forward, his eyes wandering between the two princesses and the king. “What are you all doing here? It’s more than just a little bit odd that a princess that has been gone missing ever since that murder during the Levely just shows up like this!”
The king and Kyros exchanged looks before beckoning Luffy to come closer, “We have a favor to ask of you, Luffyland.” said the former gladiator. He kept his voice so low that only Luffy, Law, and Robin could hear him as he walked a bit further away from the others.
Tilting his head to the side, Luffy let go of Rebecca’s ass and put her to the ground. The moment he walked away from her to follow her father to the edge of the clearing, Rebecca became surrounded by all kinds of pirates who wanted to talk with her. Despite not having been addressed by Kyros, Law joined them as well, not wanting to be left out of whatever they ended up discussing.
Once Kyros made sure that they were far enough away from any prying ears, he let out a deep sigh. His eyes wandered over the marvelous lake in front of them as he tried to come up with the right words to say. “So… the thing that we… No! That I wanted to ask of you, Luffyland…”
In retrospect, Robin found it unbelievable that Luffy was able to sit through Kyros’ and Riku’s explanation for so long. Sure, he fell asleep once or twice, and overall didn’t pay that much attention, but he did stay there the entire time, showing at least a little bit of interest. In stark contrast to her captain however, Robin actually listened to everything that the two men talked about.
After they finished their explanation, both men waited for Luffy to say something, “Hmmmm…” the straw hat wearing man closed his eyes, “So… You want us to basically protect Vivi and Rebecca because it’s too dangerous for them with you?” he summarized.
“I know, it’s asking a lot, Luffy!” said King Riku. “But please, something happened during the Levely. If whoever was responsible for King Cobra’s murder finds out that we shelter his daughter, he might come to Dressrosa. And every person that is able to enter the Holy Land without being noticed, would be able to enter Dressrosa as well! I beg of you…”
“Okay, we’ll do it!” Luffy cut him short, giving him no chance to drop to the floor to formally beg about it.
Kyros blinked a few times, “Really?” he asked in a surprised tone.
“Of course! It’ll be fun hanging around with Vivi and Rebecca again!” the young Yonko grinned. “As long as they’re both okay with this, I’d be happy to take them both on board.”
Huffing, Law leaned himself against his sword, “You really wanna act as some kind of carriage for nobles the entire time?!” he asked in disbelief. “Even if you’re all gonna act as if you kidnapped them, the Navy and probably even Cipher Pol will be right on your tail. And for what? Two or three princesses that would be just as safe and secure in Dressrosa? That plan is horrible!”
With his shoulders hanging, Kyros looked to Riku for guidance, “Well, we actually have reason to believe that whoever killed King Cobra, might be coming for Vivi as well. We talked about this on our way here and came to the conclusion that Dressrosa is no safe place at the moment. Especially with all those rebellions at the moment.”
“Good point.” said Robin. “A person that can enter Mary Geoise without getting spotted will surely be able to enter Dressrosa as well. Staying with us might be one of the safest places ever. And even if the navy finds out that they’re with us, they will probably assume that they’re hostages or something. Meaning that rescuing them would be their top priority.”
“You do you.” Law stretched out his hand, causing a blue sphere to spread over the entire island, “Room! Shambles!” he called out before pointing his sword somewhere deep within the forest, “So, Zoro-ya and Black Leg-ya are normal again.” he shouldered his sword, walking back to the clearing.
“What’s his problem!?” Luffy asked in a grumpy tone as he watched the injured captain return to his crew. “Is he pissed because I get to have two more members in my crew?”
Robin snickered into the back of her hand, “That must be it, Luffy.” she said before readjusting her dress, indifferent to the fact that the men around her got a clear look at her areolas in the process.
Fighting the blush on their faces, Kyros and Riku dropped to their knees, “Luffy, we will be forever in your debt for helping us out like this!” they looked up at the disinterested looking rubber man. “We’ll prepare things immediately and let Rebecca’s and Princess Vivi’s belongings be brought over to your ship!”
He raised an eyebrow, “Don’t you wanna party with us some more?” while he spoke, both men already hurried away, leaving the two Straw Hat Pirates behind. Luffy shrugged his shoulders, “Oh well… BROOK! PLAY A SONG! WE HAVE SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE!”
Luffy’s thunderous voice echoed throughout the island as he and Robin walked back to their friends. After a few seconds of silence, they could hear the sound of Brook’s violin, “With pleasure, Luffy-san. Let me play you the song that I composed a while back.” Even though Luffy and Robin were still a few feet away from the clearing, seeing only the silhouettes of their friends between the trees here and there, they could still hear Brook clearing his throat, “ECSTASIA!”
♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
An upbeat tone filled the chill night air, making Robin feel oddly light-headed as they got closer to the clearing, ‘Mmmmmhhh… I think I haven’t heard this one before.’ she mused to herself. With each step she took, her pussy clamped more and more. ‘It sounds… good~!’
“Oh, awesome new song!” Luffy agreed, swaying his head in sync with the melody. “It’s a banger!”
‘Banger?’ Robin echoed in her head, ‘Banging Luffy…’ she trailed off as suddenly images of the younger man’s cock started flooding her mind. He looked so fucking BIG in her mind! Easily as thick as her entire arm and with beautiful veins running up and down the entire length. The image she had of his dick in her head effortlessly dwarfed Marine Captain Koby’s cock, making him look almost like a child in comparison. “NNNNNNNGH!!!!”
♫♫♫ ♫♫♫ ♫♫♫
“Ahhhhh… that song…” Yamato moaned from the clearing, with her voice full of wanton lust. Through the many trees that were between them and the clearing, Robin could see the orange eyed woman crawl towards Jinbe and Jean Bart, stripping out of more and more clothes the closer she got to them. “It sounds… different from last time!”
Robin’s eyes went wide as the Oni Princess jumped forward, tackling Jinbe and Bart to the ground before shredding their clothes to threads. Her back and trees obscured what exactly she did with them, but the sudden grunts and groans that came from their direction did paint a clear scenario in Robin’s mind!
Leaning against a nearby tree, Law watched the party turn into an orgy. Rivers of sweat started rolling down his face as he forced himself to calm down, “Grrrr… What the hell is that stupid skeleton doing?”
“I know, right?” Luffy asked back, sounding still as carefree and joyful as ever as he approached the other captain. In contrast however to his childlike innocence, his dick poked out from one leg of his shorts, giving Robin a good view at her captain’s true size. “It’s awesome!”
♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
“If you mean with “awesome”, that everyone’s going nuts, then yes!” grunted Law through gritted teeth. He turned around to face Luffy and Robin, even with the outline of his dick pressing against the fabric of his pants on full display for the black haired archeologist to see. “What were you thinking about letting him play this music?”
“YOU STILL THINK MY ASS IS FLAT, YOU FUCKING HUNG SEA SLUG!?” Ikkaku’s voice echoed across the clearing as she kept riding her crew member’s dick. “I’LL MAKE YOU EAT YOUR WORDS!!! FUCK!!!!!”
Clione groaned in response, “AAAAAHHH… NOO!!!” he grabbed the brunette’s hips to better slam his cock inside of her ass. “YOUR ASS IS SO GODDAMN TIGHTTTTTT!!! CUMMINGGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!”
Stretching out his arms, Luffy giggled and walked towards his rival, “Shishishishishi!! To me it seems like everyone’s having a pretty good time.” the black haired captain pointed out, not recognizing the pair of hands that stripped him out of his clothes.
“Tsk. That’s one way to put it.” retorted Law. Too late did he realize the pair of hands that did the same thing with him as they did with Luffy. “HEY!”
In a matter of seconds, both pirate captains found themselves standing completely naked and with Nico Robin kneeling on the mossy ground between them. Her clothes laid a few feet away, where she stood earlier, leaving her completely naked, “I’m sorry!” she said, not really meaning it as the heat between her legs continued rising. “Mmmmmmhhh~! I just couldn’t…!”
She didn’t even finish her sentence as she reached out to grab both of their impressive erections. Luffy more than lived up to her expectations, her fingers unable to fully reach around the hot dick. While not exactly as long or girthy, Law’s cock was still far bigger than average, throbbing in response to her hand moving back and forth on it!
“Hrrrrrrgh…! Needy little girl!” groaned the pirate from the North Blue while pumping his hips in rhythm with the music that Brook continued playing.
♫♫♫ ♫♫♫ ♫♫♫
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!” Luffy arched his back. “That feels good, Robin.” he said, with his dick getting hotter and hotter by the second as Robin stroked him faster.
A happy smile spread across the black haired woman’s face as she sprouted another pair of hands, one hand to push deep into her soaking wet pussy and the other to grab her tits with, “Glad you like it, Luffy!” she moaned. Her breath steamed out of her mouth as she jammed three fingers deep inside her pussy. “NNNNNNNNNGH!!!”
“UUUUPH… PHIPHI? WHAD AWE ‘OU DOING?” Usopp asked, his voice strangely muzzled due to Vivi currently sitting on top of his face. The bluette grinded her pussy back and forth against his long nose before straddling it.
“SO DEEEEEEPPPP!!” howled Vivi, “YOUR NOSE IS SO DEEP INSIDE!!!! I’M CUMMMMMMMING!!!!!!” a sweet smelling spray of liquids rained down on the darker skinned sniper’s face as her pussy clamped hard around his nose. The young princess continued bouncing up and down, her asscheeks clapping loudly against the sniper’s face. SLAP SMACK SLAP SHMACK SHLAP SHLK SHLK SHLK!!! Arching her back as far as she could, Vivi pinched the nipple of her left tit while running the fingers of her right hand over her stomach. “MMMMMMMMMMMAAAH!!!!”
The lewd sounds of sex echoed across the entire island, prompting every couple to one-up the other. Carrot jumped from one member of the Heart Pirates to the other, giving them each only a couple of minutes of rest until she came back full circle, eager for more! Near the campfire, Rebecca’s fingers dug deep into the soft soil while Bepo pounded her pussy from behind. The polar bear Mink apologized every time the pink haired princess moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure whenever he shoved his thick cock deeper inside her tight ass.
Chopper seemed to be the only one unaffected by Brook’s melody, as all the other men on the clearing were either already fucking or waiting for their turn. The young reindeer ran across the clearing, trying to figure out what was happening and stopping the madness around him. But to no avail. Even when Brook stopped playing his song, after having noticed what was going on around him, the people continued fucking!
Bringing her attention back to the two captains, Robin opened her mouth wide and swallowed the top five inches of Luffy’s cock, “MMMMMMMPH, GLUGH, HUMMMMM, GLUUPH, ULGH, MMMMMMMH, MMMMMMMH, MMMMMMMH, HMMMMMOWH!!!!!” she moaned at length, loving the feeling of her captain’s cock stretching out her throat.
“WOAH!!! That feels GOOD!!!!” the scarred man groaned as he pushed his hips forward, driving more of his insane length deep into her mouth.
“ULRGH, HUMMMPH…!” she gagged as tears ran down her eyes. For a moment she struggled to even breathe as her entire mouth and throat was filled with nothing but cock, “HMMMM, HMMMM, HMMMM… MMMMMPH!!” forcing herself to relax, she then took deep breaths through her nose as she pulled her head back a bit, filling it with sweet, SWEET clear forest air. “MMMMMMMMMMMMHHHH!!!!!”
A loud and wet ‘PLOP’ sound echoed in her mind as she pulled her head away from her captain’s cock. Thick ropes of saliva connected her pillowy lips with the steaming hot rod for a moment before snapping. Rubbing her face against the side of Luffy’s cock like a cat in heat, Robin couldn’t help but purr as the aching in her pussy turned into a burning desire! A desire that needed to be fulfilled, otherwise she’d be driven mad! Her fingers alone just weren’t enough anymore!
“RRRRRRRR!!!” she moaned as she switched from Luffy’s cock to Law’s balls. She wrapped her lips around one of the two coconut sized ballsacks, “HMMM, HMMM, HMMM… SHMELLSH… SHMELLSH SHO… GHUUDDDDD!!!!!” Robin slurred lewdly after inhaling the musky scent of the Surgeon of Death’s privates.
“AHHH… You sure know how to work that tongue!” groaned Law. He arched his back a bit and put one hand on Robin’s head to hold her in place.
Her pussy gushed around her digits from simply hearing the other pirate captain’s praise, “MHMMM!! AYE’M GLAD ‘OU LIKE ID!!!” she moaned before gasping as she released one of his now slippery nutsacks in order to take the other into her mouth. The taste of his ball on her tongue sent shivers throughout her entire body. “NNNNNNGH… SHO PHULL… AYE CAN PHEEL ALL THAT CUM INSHIDE OPH THEM…!!!!!”
Law clicked his tongue, “That you girls always get so loud during sex… Is it really that necessary!?” he asked before shrugging his shoulders, “Just goes to show that I’m the better captain between us two!” the tattooed man said with a victorious grin towards Luffy.
“WHAT?!” a vein popped on the strawhat wearing man’s forehead. Until now he had simply enjoyed the sensation of Robin’s hand stroking his length. Now, however, Robin felt his entire body tensing up after hearing the other man’s indirect challenge.
“Well, she’s moaning much more and louder with me than she does with you!” Law explained matter of factly. “This just goes to show that my cock feels much better than yours!”
“Like hell it does! Gear Second!” steam started coming out of Luffy’s body as his entire body started glowing in a bright pink light, “Robin!” he pulled his crewmate into his arms, making Law’s ball pop out of her mouth. His fingers sunk deep into the hot flesh of her plump ass as he aimed his cock straight at Robin’s pussy. “Just you watch, Tra-guy! She’ll gonna scream even louder when I fuck her!”
The Surgeon of Death grinned, “I’d like to see you try!” he said, stepping behind Robin and pushing the first few inches into her tight ass. The ache she felt the last couple minutes was gone in an instant as she became aware of how big their cocks really were.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!” The lack of saliva or any other sort of lube on the man’s cock made his entry into her pussy feel simultaneously extremely pleasurable and somewhat painful, “SO… BHIIIIIIIIIIIGGG!!!!!” she howled as her eyes went cross for a moment.
“HEY!! You can’t just shove it in already!” Luffy shouted in protest as Robin pushed her rock hard nipples against his scarred chest. A second later, he pushed his entire length into her pussy as well, making Robin buck back against the other pirate captain.
Law shrugged his shoulders, “Why? Weren’t you ready yet? Or do you think that you can’t keep up with me?!” he asked, as he pulled his hips back a bit, only to push forward once again.
A vein throbbed on Luffy’s forehead, “Hrrrrr… hrrrrr… hrrrrr…!!! You just wait! Try keeping up with THIS!!!” he groaned through gritted teeth as his fingers sunk even deeper into Robin’s ass.
For a brief moment, Robin’s mind went blank as her captain fucked her faster than she could have ever imagined, “OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!!!!” she moaned. Her nails dug deep into Luffy’s back as the black haired man in front of her piston fucked her pussy faster and harder with each thrust, “FUCK!!! SO DEEP! DON’T STOOOOOPP!!!!” she heard herself howl in erotic ecstasy.
Both captains obliged silently and fucked her in an almost harmonic rhythm. Law was more than able to keep up with the speed of Luffy’s thrusts, stirring his cock around inside of her ass as best as he could.
“NNNNNNNNGH… AAAAAAAHHH, YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!” Robin moaned as her eyes rolled back in their sockets, “FUCK, FUCK, FUUUUUUUUCK!!!!” Luffy’s cock felt unbelievably hot inside of her tight pussy, making her cum over and over and over again!
“Hrrrrgh…!!! Seems like someone’s enjoying my cock in her ass…!” Law groaned as her inner muscles clamped around his dick.
Luffy simply smiled, “That is nothing! You should see how tight her pussy is!” he said as he coated his entire dick with Armament Haki. “Robin, you like my cock in your pussy more, right?” he then asked her without even slowing down.
“As if!” reaching around her back, Law grabbed both of Robin’s massive tits and kneaded them roughly, pinching her stiff nipples between his fingers. “It’s clear as day that she enjoys getting fucked in the ass more!”
“SOOOO GOOD!!! DON’T SLOW DOWN!!!!” moaned the black haired archeologist as the world around her spun in circles. Her pussy juices dropped to the ground like water from a waterfall as she climaxed almost every second. “CUMMING!!!!! I’M CUMMING SO GOOD FROM YOUR FAT FUCKING COOOOOOOOOCKSSS!!!!!!”
“Yeah, but which one makes you cum more?” Luffy asked. The young captain squeezed her ass some more as he somehow pushed even more of his cock deep inside of her womb.
“Definitely mine!” groaned Law. While not as big as Luffy, he proved to be much more skilled in using it. While Luffy fucked much more based on pure instinct, Law seemed to know exactly when to pick up speed and when to slow down to give her time to breath.
“MMMMMMHHH… I DUNNOHHHHHH!!!!” she gasped, almost feeling their cocks rubbing against one another inside of her. The wet SLAP SLAP SLAP of their balls against her thighs made it impossible to concentrate. “JUST… KEEP FUCKINGGGGGGH!!!!!”
It was a wild ride that left her on edge constantly! She lost count of both time and of how often she had climaxed. It was all so blurry and foggy in her mind, she didn’t even care! All she wanted was for this moment to go on!
“OY, LUFFY! What is going on here?” Zoro’s voice rang through to her. Turning her head, Robin saw the green haired swordsman walking on the clearing as he tried to avoid the many fucking couples. He carried Monet in his hands. The greenette blushed hard upon seeing her fellow new crewmates fucking out in the open like this.
Letting go of her ass but without slowing down with his thrusts, Luffy waved at the scarred man, “HEY! You finally got your body back!” he waited for a moment until Zoro was a bit closer. “Brook played this new song and everything became kinda funny. And now Tra-guy and I try to find out who can fuck better!”
Monet’s eyes lit up, all signs of fatigue from whatever she and Zoro did before disappearing from her face, “WHAT!?” she slipped out of Zoro’s hands and dropped to her knees as her legs gave in underneath her.
“Yeah.” Law grunted as he repeatedly slammed his dick inside Robin’s asshole. “She doesn’t admit it just yet, but it’s clear that I’m better.”
“In your dreams!” retorted Luffy, somehow managing to fuck her even faster.
“OOOOOOOOHHH… FUCK!!!!! I’M LOSING MY MIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDDD!!!!” Robin gasped as the world around her became darker and darker with each of her orgasms.
Zoro simply rolled his eyes, “Idiot!” he grunted.
Crawling behind Law, Monet threw her arms around his body and pulled herself up. Her large breasts squeezed against his back as she put her head to rest on his shoulder, “But why aren’t you fucking me, darling!” she asked seductively. “I’m sure that I feel MUCH better than this slut!”
“If we’re done with her… hrrrrr, hrrrrr, hrrrrr… you can be next!” the Surgeon of Death groaned through gritted teeth as the first drops of cum shot out of his dick.
In front of him, Luffy nodded, “Yeah! Haaaaa… haaaaa… haaaaa…!!” Robin could feel his entire body tense as he started cumming as well. “She will pass out in three seconds!”
Before Robin could ask why, both captains climaxed, “OH!” she gasped as gallons of cum were emptied straight in her pussy and ass, “GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-”
(Much later, the next morning…)
“What the hell happened here?” a shocked Sanji asked. He found himself looking at the remnants of a campfire, surrounded by the many naked bodies of his friends and the members of the Heart Pirates.
Chopper and Brook were both busy with rolling each of them in a stable lateral position as they tried to check if everyone’s alright. The chef’s eyes wandered between Vivi, Rebecca and the many other beautiful girls as he cursed himself for staying only with Viola the entire night to talk. She had left him however as the first rays of light illuminated the forest around them, saying something about needing to talk with her father.
“We just had some competition.” Luffy explained as if it explained the entire situation. He finished putting his clothes back on and smiled at his cook. “I won and we have some new crewmates now. When is breakfast ready?”
(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)
Sorry I’m late, had some stuff to take care of. Nice chapter and all, but I actually have a question for you about Nika/the Nika fruit. In your opinion, was Luffy destined to have it or did he do it out of his own free will?
Obligatory Usopp segment (Honestly you can’t blame me, by this point he’s part of my character on this site): I never expected his nose to be as a dildo (although I can imagine the mucus in Vivi’s pussy now), but I do like how you showed he had observation haki, something that he never even used in Wano. I don’t want to make this a whole rant about Wano and how it highlights all of One Piece’s flaws, you can just go to piratefolk for that can of worms, but at least even a porn writer understands basic concepts like character consistency.
I’ve said it under another person’s comment, in the original script of this story, Usopp played a much more prominent role. Maybe I can include the old script in another story. Until then, I’m glad that you enjoyed the parts with him here. I just found the whole facesitting-idea pretty funny as it made good use of Usopp’s most prominent body part.
apuesto a que sanji dira
aaaaahhhh luffy tarado debiste avisarme por den den mushi
pero como soy un caballero estaba con violet chan y no quise peder la oportunidad de folla… digo hablar con ella
Luffy: shishishi descuida sanji prepara el desayuno y luego te cuento
Sanji: debi haber venido con violet chan
excelente historia
Very vivid imagination you have there XD. Well, that’s certainly one way the interaction between them could go after the events of that night. Glad to read that you enjoyed the chapter.
I only have one thing to say here: WOW. O_O
This entire thing was just bonkers from start to finish. But it was handled really well. Not only that, its pacing was done well too.
It also helps that the sexual side of things was done well too. And naturally the characters themselves were utilized really well to top it off.
Overall, I really enjoyed it. Well done.

Hey, thanks for the praise. Y’know, I was kinda worried that the chapter would drag on for way too long and that people would be pissed that I didn’t go more in detail with the many other characters. Glad to see that you don’t think so! Hope you’re doing well.
Like the Usopp x Vivi stuff, and I hope we see more Usopp stuff (especially since before the old story was deleted, he had the longest cock in the story but just not the thickest)
I had fun writing the whole facesitting thing. Happy to read that you’re interested in him.
My favourite chapter since the site got everything deleted it’s amazing would love to see luffy tucking nami or just more luffy action in general i mean I’m happy and not surprised that luffy has the biggest cock as he can stretch it and make it giant 10/10
Well, Kid does have a bigger dick than Luffy. Though Luffy can always make his bigger with Gear 3, 4, or 5. Glad you enjoyed it so much. Thanks for the very high ranking and praise.
I have this idea where Robin being a keeper and knower of the void century knowledge(or void century maiden if you wanna give it a more appropriate title) is developing an attraction and connection towards luffy due to him being the reincarnation of the sun god nika AKA Joyboy.
Eh, could be done in the future and I would love to include some Nika stuff in future Luffy chapters buuuuut… I just don’t see any romantic relationships between Luffy and any of the girls in his crew. At least not Nami and Robin. Carrot or Yamato on the other hand…
Why won’t you do a romantic relationship with luffy and nami and robin? Will yamato be in a romantic relationship with luffy or carrot? I am guessing that Rebecca would in it too
I just don’t see any romantic relationship happening between Luffy and Nami and Robin. Like, they still might end up having sex together from time to time but I can’t imagine them having any romantic feelings for one another. They respect each other for sure and go to great length but there’s just no Natsu-Lucy-esque relationship going on. At least in my opinion.
Hey I would love to see a harem for luffy robin nami and Yamato do that would be great
Orgy chapters are soooo damn fun and satisfying to read for how it gives so many characters their own interactions and time to shine which I really appreciate. (Especially for my boi Usopp). The rivalry dynamics in the story are really nice too first with Zoro and Sanji, now Luffy and Law very nice way to keep have some competitive between them while also fucking some lucky ladies brains out. Win-Win situation lol.
I hope you enjoyed the Usopp-part. When I first wrote this chapter (back when the whole lineup of these latest two and an as of yet unreleased story weren’t set), he played a much bigger role but I had to cut it down quite a notch to include all the stuff with the princesses.
Glad you liked the chapter, I plan to do more with the whole rivalry dynamic in the future.
Finally seeing luffy having sex and when is he going to use his gear third? What’s going to happen in the next chapter? When are you going to continue the story of naruto about Sakura and the others?
Questions, questions, questions… As for the first two, just stick around to find out. In case of Naruto… I honestly don’t know, sorry.
When will you have the time to make a new chapter of naruto? And what happened with bleach and fairy tail?
Bleach might be back next week or so (I dunno). Don’t know anything about Fairy Tail though, I haven’t wrote anything in months, so…
Due to process of elimination i assume that franky and hakugan double teamed nami.
That very well might have been happening. I wasn’t all too keen on spending much more time on the others, when Robin and her two partners were already getting so much attention.
This art is grade A incredible
Make sure to tell that Rtenzo as well. He’s the man behind the art, I’m merely writing the stories here.