Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Fairies on the Beach

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 18): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 20): [LINK]

“I’m so proud of you, Lucy! Finally getting that key back…” Erza Scarlet hugged her blonde Guildmate against her chest. “How long did you look for it again?”


“Mmmmmph, Ersha…!” Lucy moaned against her friend’s chest. Still, she offered no resistance to Erza’s advances, considering that she was feeling way too happy about finally getting her most trusted Spirit friend back.


“More than a year now, Juvia thinks.” the blue haired water mage on the seat in front of them thought out loud.


“Huh? I could have sworn it’s been more like two years by now.” her boyfriend, Gray, added with a raised eyebrow. He casually stroked through her silky blue hair as he gazed through the glass doors of their compartment on the train and towards the hallway.


The group of Fairy Tail mages currently found themselves on a train that brought them to Hargeon Town. After finally getting Aquarius’ key back after she had to sacrifice her way back during Fairy Tail’s fights against Tartaros, Lucy was more than eager to get to a large place of water for her to summon one of her longest serving Spirits and closest friends ever! And what better way to do this than in the town where she first met Natsu and came into contact with the Fairy Tail guild?


So, after a way too short of a night at her apartment, Lucy called Erza and Gray, and asked if they wanted to accompany her on her trip. Natsu was, of course, more than eager to go with his girlfriend, even though he currently regretted that decision as he leaned outside the open window. He left a trail of his breakfast behind on the train tracks behind them, while silently cursing his own motion sickness or how stupid trains are. None of the others could really understand him all that much with all his puking.


Lucy would have invited Levy and Gajeel to join them as well, but they were still on their own little adventure/vacation in Cedar. When they would come back, nobody really knew. But with how kinky Levy had become after she started working in that nightclub in Fortune City, it just might take a couple more days or possibly even weeks.


“It’s been one year, seven months, and eighteen days.” Lucy finally answered Erza’s question after getting her face out of the older woman’s cleavage. She pulled out the only golden key she currently carried with her and lifted it into the air, “It’s been way too long! But I never stopped looking for her! And, finally, I have her back!” She held the key to her cheek and rubbed against it like a cat.


“Aww, I’m so happy for you, Lucy! To meet again with a long-lost friend after being apart for so long… I don’t know why, but it hits close to home!” Erza said, while once again pulling the blonde back into her breasts. She gently patted her head and looked idly at the ceiling. “Ahh…!”


“Remind Juvia again, why didn’t Jellal come with us?” Juvia asked from her place next to Gray. The eccentric mage had long since grown bored of Gray only stroking her hair and now actively tried to climb on his lap, much to his dismay as shown by his attempts of preventing her from doing so. “Juvia would have loved to have him with us! Especially after how fun the last time was! He must be so lonely!”


The red headed Titania of Fairy Tail sighed, “Some things came up with Crime Sorcière and he told me he needed to leave immediately. I don’t know much more myself!” She told her friends.


Just as Lucy was about to console her mentally distraught friend, a rude puking sound from the window broke the somber ambience of their compartment, “GLUUUUUUORGH!!!! I… I think we’re here!” Natsu said to them. Not even a couple of seconds later, the train slowed down and finally came to a halt as it reached their destination.


The group of tight knit friends and lovers immediately left the train station and, without wasting so much as a second, headed towards the beach. They willfully ignored all the very scenic little shops around every corner, even though Erza did find herself tempted somewhat by the inviting smell of a particular café that offered a brand new type of strawberry cake. Though, thanks to the combined effort of both Natsu and Gray, as well as a promise from Lucy that she would definitely buy Erza every cake she’d ever want after they summoned Aquarius, they were able to pull their redheaded friend away from the café’s windows and along with them.


Rather surprisingly, aside from a couple fishing boats out on the sparkling sea, there wasn’t really anyone else on the beach at the moment. Aside from one or two parasols in the distance, it was absolutely deserted. A part of Lucy was happy for that, as it gave her more privacy for such a momentous occasion, in her opinion. Another part of her however would have wished that at least the guy who wanted to sell her off as a slave. It would have made things come full-circle, given how he was, sorta, the man that made her meet Natsu in the first place. Lucy was sure that she could even spot the place where they destroyed that guy’s ship before crashing down on the shore again.


In the end though, Lucy decided that it didn’t really matter! As long as Natsu and her friends were with her when she finally met Aquarius again, all was good and well!


“So, what are you waiting for? Just summon her already!” Erza called out to Lucy. “I’m sure she’s missing you as much as you miss her!”


When the blonde took her eyes away from the ocean and turned to her friend, she saw Erza using her Requip Magic to switch into a much more fitting, MUCH more raunchy bikini. The “bikini”, for a lack of a better word, consisted of nothing more than pasties in the shape of the Fairy Tail insignia that only barely covered her nipples, and a black thong that absolutely didn’t cover ANYTHING! It dug so deep into her pretty pink pussy, not a single spot was left open for imagination!


“Come on, Lucy! Bring her back already!” Natsu also encouraged her. Now dressed in a tight fitting red speedo that pronounced his deliciously thick cock even more, he gave her a double-handed thumbs up. “It’s rude to let her wait for so long! The other Spirits probably already told her all about how hard you worked to get her key back.”


A chill went down Lucy’s spine, “Don’t remind me!” She then took a couple deep breaths before pulling Aquarius’ golden key out of her cleavage and pointed it at the gently lapping waves. “Okay, here we go! Open, Gate of the Water Bearer! Aquarius!


As soon as she uttered the words, a golden light engulfed the entire area. While Lucy eagerly stared into the light, her friends actually had to shield their eyes from its radiance as it grew brighter and brighter!


Thankfully the light vanished as quickly as it appeared. What was left behind was a curvaceous woman with the lower body of a blue fish. Lavish blue hair went all the way down to where her ass would be. Swimming idly next to the Celestial Spirit was the urn she usually used to summon and manipulate water with. What struck Lucy as odd, but only for a single second, was the grumpy expression on her face and how annoyingly she crossed her hands underneath her bare breasts.


AQUARIUS!!!!” tears welled up in Lucy’s eyes as she immediately sprinted towards her closest Spirit friend. She stretched out her arms, ready to give her a hug. “I’ve missed you so mu-!”


“Hold it right there!” Aquarius’s stern voice stopped her dead in her tracks. That and the fact that she raised her perfectly manicured hands to prevent her from coming any closer. “What, do you think you were doing!?”


“Eh? What?” Lucy and all her friends blinked in confusion at the same time.


“Don’t go ‘Eh?’ on me, young girl! You know exactly what I am talking about!” Aquarius began to rant so aggressively, her blue hair began to dance in the air behind her like flames. “First, you drag my dear Scorpio here when we were just about to get a little bit freaky, and now you do the same with me for no good reason! He was just about to go down on me and show me things that your little boytoy can only dream of doing to you! What gives, you ungrateful little… UGH!!”


In frustration, the Celestial Spirit picked up her urn and began throwing it around. Lucy’s eyes widened in shock as she raised her hands in defense, “Wait! Aquarius, I can explain! After Capricorn, Taurus, and the other Spirits weren’t enough to satiate that maniac Flare, I needed Scorpio to-!”


TAKE THIS!!!!” Aquarius shouted, while summoning a giant wave that crashed against Lucy and threw her back on the beach.


NHOOOOOOMPH!!!! AHUUUUUGHUGH!!!!!” Lucy gagged on the fresh water for a second, only dimly aware of her friends’ whereabouts as they had been hit by the very same sudden tidal wave. She continued coughing on her hands and knees next to Juvia, whose clothes were actually ripped away by the torrent.


Before she had the chance to stand up again though, the receding tide carried her, and only her, back towards Aquarius, who immediately pulled her in close for a hug, “You don’t have to explain anything, you little bimbo! I’ve missed you and the little adventures you manage to drag me into just as much!” She told the surprised blonde while holding her tight to her chest.


“Mmmmmph! A- Aquariush!!” Lucy struggled for half a second, then melted into Aquarius’s hands. More tears rolled down her cheeks as she began purring against the blue haired maiden. “Hrrrrrrrm~!”


Time slowed down to a crawl, seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours. At least that’s what it felt like to Lucy. After half an eternity of inhaling the rich and flowery smell from Aquarius’s hair and enjoying the way their boobs pressed against one anothers, Lucy was finally able to pull back a bit.


With eyes so full of love and compassion, just like that of her mother, she looked down on her and cradled her face in her arms, “So, you wanna finish signing a contract with me again now or what? I still have Scorpio waiting for me back home y’know?!” the Celestial Spirit reminded her with a smug grin.


“Oh, right.” Lucy wiped the tears away from her face as she sniffled happily. “Should we… should we just go with the old contract?”


“I’d love that.” Aquarius simply replied.


From the shore, Natsu and the others watched silently as Lucy and Aquarius redid their contract. While only understanding the general gist of Celestial Spirit Magic, that wasn’t really necessary for Natsu to feel proud of his girlfriend for what she accomplished.


Once they were done, Aquarius let out a sigh, “Ahh… it feels good to be back. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got my boyfriend all pent up and ready. And yours seems to be just as eager to pound that sweet ass of yours!” Aquarius playfully spanked Lucy’s butt for emphasis.


EEEP!!” the blonde squealed and jumped up in the water.


She then took a look over her shoulder towards Natsu and her friends who, after Aquarius’s wave, were all in various states of undress. The only one who hasn’t lost a piece of clothing or two after that wave was Erza really. Gray meanwhile had to struggle with a naked Juvia desperately trying to straddle his waist and ride his already rock hard cock.


“Call me again more often though. Doesn’t need to be a live-or-death situation like usually. But Taurus did tell me a thing or two about the stuff you got into lately.” Aquarius said with a mischievous glow in her dark eyes. “I’m just saying, photo shooting!


“You know about that?!” Lucy asked in shock as Aquarius already returned to the Spirit World, leaving her alone in the ocean.


“Huh! That was definitely something else!” Erza commented as Lucy walked back to the beach. Though her head was low, everyone could sense the overwhelming feel of relief and joy streaming out of every single pore.


“I got her back! I GOT HER BACK!!!!” the blonde mage shouted into the clear blue sky. Walking up to Erza, who was simply the closest person at the moment, she immediately went and hugged the fearsome warrior maiden. “I can’t believe it!”


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I’m so happy for you, Lucy!” her boyfriend laughed out loud. Behind her back, he walked up to her and gave her a playful spank on her other asscheek and kissed her neck. “Such a shame she couldn’t have stayed for just a little while longer, right?”


“Oh, you’d just love to fuck us both together, wouldn’t you?” She moaned happily as Natsu, instead of pulling his hand back after the spank, began to fondle and grab her bubbly behind.


“Hehehe! Who wouldn’t?! Especially with how long it’s been since we two actually had a chance together!” He groaned into her ear while roughly kneading her cheek like it was dough. “It feels like the last time I got to pound that sweet ass of yours was back in the water park. Ages ago!”


“Ugh. Don’t remind me about that whole fiasco! Or, rather, why don’t you make me forget by fucking me with that big fucking Dragon Dick of yours here and now, hm?” the blonde bimbo teased her boyfriend as she casually reached down to grab the semi-erect cock that had destroyed his confines.


“Hrrrngh!! Now we’re talking!” Natsu groaned, with his dick quickly growing hard thanks to Lucy’s skilled touch. “I’m getting all fired up!”


AAAAAAAAHH!! THAT’S IT, NICE AND DEEP!!!! AND SO COOOOOOOOOLLL!!!!” somewhere next to them Juvia screamed from the top of her lungs. Like the relentless waves of the ocean against a single rock, the blue haired nympho finally managed to break her beloved’s resistance and got to squat down on his lap. “BEING FILLED WITH A COCK IS THE BEST!!! THE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSST!!!! JUVIA WANTS NOTHING MORE THAN TO BE A COCKSLEEVE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! JUVIA’S MIND IS GOING CRAZY ALREADY!!! THERE’S NO BETTER FEELING IN LIFE THAN TO GET FILLED WITH ALL KINDS OF THICK AND MANLY COOOOOCKS!!!!


“Hrrrgh… Damn, Juvia!! Calm down a bit, will you?!” Gray grunted beneath her. His fingers dug furrows in the sand as he desperately tried to hold on to something to get at least a sense of control. “You’re way too tight!”


ISN’T JUVIA’S TIGHT PUSSY THE BEST, GRAY-SAMA?? IT’S SO HOT AND WET JUST FOR YOU!!! NO COCK CAN FILL ME AS GOOD AS YOURS!!!” the nymphomaniac Water Mage screamed, while bouncing up and down in a wild frenzy. More than once did her own tits threaten to smack into her ecstatically contorted face. “GRAY-SAMA’S COCK FEELS SO GOOD IN JUVIA’S NAUGHTY LITTLE CUNT!!! IT BELONGS THERE FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY!!! IT’S MAKING JUVIA CUM SO MUCH AND HARD, JUVIA IS LOSING HER MIIIIIIND!!!!


“Man, I know that she was obsessed before… but now she totally lost it.” Erza commented. She watched with one eye as the barely noticeable phallus shaped distention in her flat stomach moved up and down with every bounce, while also helping Lucy strip down to only the pink panties she wore. “I wonder what, or who, has gotten into her.


“Actually, I think I’m fine without knowing that.” Lucy decided, while she was still stroking Natsu’s rock hard member with both hands. With one hand alone she’d be unable to fully grasp even half of the mighty meat whip, and even with two she found it impossible to make her fingers meet. “God, you’re so hot already!”


The pink haired man grinned as he pulled his cock away from Lucy’s hands, “Told ya I’m all fired up and more than eager to destroy that ass!” He told her without a hint of shame as he then instantly rammed his cock into her butt!


AAAAAAHH!!! NOT SO SUDDEN, NATSUUUUU!!!!!” Lucy cried out in a mix of pain and overwhelming pleasure as every last inch of her boyfriend’s dick vanished in her bubbly butt. “FUCK!!! IT HURTS… HURTS SO GOOD AND IN ALL THE BEST SPOTS!!!! DON’T STOP!! FUCK MY ASS UNTIL I SCREAM LIKE JUVIA!!!!




“I… ahhhn, ahhn… don’t have to do anything!” Gray panted. Rivulets of his sweat already made his body shine in the golden sunlight. “But, if it’s to put that stupid Salamander in his place, I’m more than happy to do so!”


Letting go of the sand, the dark haired Ice Mage instead held on to Juvia’s hips and started swinging his hips more actively now. “OH GOD!!! THAT’S IT, GIVE IT TO JUVIA!!! PUNISH JUVIA’S HUNGRY PUSSY WITH YOUR DICK!!!! AAAAAAAHHH!!! JUVIA LOVES IT!!! JUVIA LOVES GETTING TREATED LIKE A CUMDUMP SO MUCH, IT’S MAKING ME CUM MY BRAIN OUT!!!!


KEEP FUCKING!!! NATSU, YOU HEAR ME?!” With each thrust, Lucy was forced more and more into a doggy position as her feet forgot how to work properly. “I’M CUMMING SO GOOD AND HARD!!! YOUR FAT FUCKING DRAGON DICK IS COMPLETELY DESTROYING MY ASS!!!


“Yeah, you like that, don’t you!?” Natsu spanked his girlfriend’s ass some more, letting the fat wobble and her inner muscles clench tighter around his cock. “Getting treated like the slut you are and screaming your heart out while Erza watches?!”


“Oh, I’m gonna do so much more than just watch this time around!” Erza said with a suggestive smile. Using her Requip Magic, she summoned a dildo that rivaled even Natsu’s dick in terms of sheer size over her thong before stepping up to Lucy. It was furthermore covered in several bumps to make it look even more enormous, if that was even possible. “Now be a good girl and say ‘Aaah’!”


AAAAAAAAAGHUUUURK!!!” Lucy’s eyes nearly popped out of her sockets as Erza unceremoniously shoved her strapon into her mouth the second she got the opportunity!


“Mmmmmhmm~ You take dick so good… Natsu or whoever partner you whored your sexy slutty body out to really trained you well!” Erza complimented Lucy’s skill as she began throwing her hips against the blonde’s face.


AHHHUMMPH, GURK, GURK GUUUGH!!!” Lucy choked on the hard black piece of plastic. Tears of joy rolled down her face as she was manhandled by her two friends, “AYE CAN PHEEL ‘EM!!!! ‘OUW CAWKSH… DEY’RE TOUCHING INSHIDE OPH MEEEEH!!! HURG, HURG, GLUUURK!!!!” Her four limbs dangled lifelessly with the force of Natsu and Erza’s thrusts. All she could do now was moan and gag like the depraved slut she was as her friends used her like their personal onnahole.


“That’s it! You don’t know how much I missed fucking that tight asshole!” Natsu grunted through gritted teeth. “TAKE IT ALL, YOU SLUT!!!


OOOOOGHU!!!! YEPH, PHILL MUH HOLE WIPH ‘OUW SHTICKY LOAD!!!! AYE’M CUMMINGH!!!! CUMMING SHO MUUUUUUUUUUUSCH!!!!” the blonde mage cried out around Erza’s strapon as her eyes rolled inwardly from the mind numbing pleasure!


“Heh! Cumming already, Salamander? That wasn’t even an hour of fucking!” Gray teased his friend/rival as he now took full control of Juvia’s movement.


Natsu only smirked. “HA!! Unlike you, icey-boy, I can keep fucking even after busting my load! Ain’t that right, Lucy?!”




The sharp tone of his hand hitting her ass felt like music in everyone’s ears. Even with her ass already filled, Natsu continued throwing his hips against hers! The wet PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP of flesh hitting flesh echoed over the ocean as all five mages completely gave in to their most carnal desires!


JUVIA… JUVIA’S PUSSY IS BROKEN!! JUVIA CAN’T STOP CUMMING ON GRAY-SAMA’S PERFECT COCK!!!” the blue haired nympho kept on screaming in mad lust. Her tongue lolled out of her open mouth and a mix of her saliva and pussy juices turned the sand beneath her into a muddy mess. “CUMCUMCUMCUMCUMCUMCUM!!!! I’M CUMMING MY BRAINS OOOOOUUUT!!!!


“You wanna cum so bad? Then take it!” Gray groaned as he then filled up her pussy with a gallon’s worth of sticky hot seed.


The white goo got pumped straight into her womb and filled Juvia’s body so much, she actually spasmed as if she had a seizure. In actuality, she was having the time of her life and came harder than ever before in the last week!


AAAAAAAAAAYEEEEEEEK!!!!” Juvia’s and Lucy’s squeals combined into one as they both climaxed at the same time with their boyfriends.


ROOOOOOOAAAAAARGH!!!” Natsu roared and shot a pillar of flame high into the clear blue sky.


HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” Gray shouted and created a spiky ring of ice around him and Juvia.




It became silent.


The couples all went slack for a couple minutes as they all had to deal with the aftermaths of their intense orgasms. Erza was the first to move again, once again using her Requip Magic to, this time, make her strapon dildo disappear again. With nothing to support Lucy’s weak body now, she was about to smack headfirst into the puddle of her own nectar beneath her, but was thankfully caught by Erza before that.


The fearsome Titania scooped her up in her arms and carried her like a princess, “That was something else!” She purred into the shaking blonde’s ears as she carried her over to the just as much shaking Juvia.


“Hrrrrm, Gray… -shama!!” Juvia lulled in drunken glee, with her entire body weight resting on the toned chest of the Ice Devil Slayer.


Before she could get used to Gray’s warmth however, Erza pulled her to her legs as well. Putting one hand on Juvia’s butt and the other on Lucy’s heaving sexy chest, Erza sighed, “You two… I need you to teach me how to be this close with Jellal as well. I want to be just as close with him as you are with your boyfriends!”


Lucy only chuckled. “I think that can be arranged!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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1 year ago

Nice! And good choice of an art work to use.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Not much of a choice, really, but I’m glad you like it. It’s one of my favorites as well!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

One teeny thing: Erza’s dildo touching Natsu’s dick inside Lucy, while meant to be hot, is very inaccurate to anatomy.

I know I’m being that guy, but I see other people do it in art and fan fics and it irks me.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Lucy’s just talking out of her ass at this moment because she’s so cock-drunk. It’s meant to be over the top and stupidly corny to show just how much she loves getting dicked down like the horny slut she is.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

LOL That sounds like Lucy!

1 year ago

When Erza will have sex with Natsu?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Mihail


1 year ago

Well done!👏 Very well done!👏

I hope you don’t mind if I cut to the chase and keep it straight to the point, but I really enjoyed this particular chapter. Both as editor and as a regular reader. 😁

The handling of everyone was simply superb. The same can be said for Aquarius, and her much needed chat with Lucy. And that’s not all. 😆

This also applies to the group sex the chapter displayed, including Erza’s involvement. Although this could hint for something further spicing up for her own love life with Jellal later, given the way it went. Regardless, it went over nicely. 😏

Hopefully this will be enough to calm some people here down. Here’s to hoping. 😆

Overall, nicely done. Let’s see what happens next time. 😉

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Happy to know that you enjoyed this chapter. And, yeah, after having… quite a couple people complain about my choices in terms of which girls get to get fucked by which guy, I wanted to give them something to calm them down. Seems that hoping alone didn’t work out though, if Mihail’s question is any indication.

Still, thanks for the continuous support!

1 year ago

Great chapter, such a fun read

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Yo! Thanks, my dude.

1 year ago

Thank God we didn’t have to wait till Lucy did a binding contract with Aquarius cause even Natsu said that’s boring lol. Every great job on the chapter my dude.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  DevilSlayer666

Glad that you like this one more than the last one. I hope you enjoyed the fact that I made the couples stick together in this one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Of course. As long as the couples have a thing once in a while I don’t mind what ya write.