Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Erectile Engrowthment

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 91): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 93): [LINK]

Sitting at an outdoor cafe that bordered a jungle-like park area, Sasuke Uchiha felt better than he had in over a week. He looked better too. A detail he noticed when he caught his reflection in the window of the cafe. His skin looked healthier, less dry, and had some good color to it. His hair, while still the mildly messy style he usually kept it in, no longer looked completely unkempt and frazzled.


He still hadn’t seen his wife yet, not since their last encounter. But he wasn’t in a hurry to confront her right now. Though he was a little worried about Sarada being on the island. He hadn’t really done anything about that since Sakura told him. Looking up at the skies, Sasuke noted the still wavy but barely visible aurora that blanketed the entire island. The odd Nature Chakra flowing from the Leylines that converged here made trying to track Sarada by her Chakra next to impossible. Not only that, but many of his more wild, reality bending abilities were adversely affected. His eye still ached more than it should have from when he’d taken Kushina to meet Himawari. Doing THAT again wasn’t something he wanted to try any time soon.


“Your coffee, sir.” a beautiful waitress clad only in an waist apron and a thong said as she set a steaming cup down in front of him. The smell coming off it was invigorating as he nodded his thanks and watched her leave.


Nice ass,’ he thought, not bothering to hide his looks at the girl as she left. She had long, dark brown hair and eyes, and a nice figure, though her breasts weren’t as huge as many he’d seen here. Maybe she didn’t use that body sculpting trick the island had. Some did like natural beauty like that.


Kushina had gone off on her own for a while, feeling much more stable emotionally, she decided to look for Naruto on her own for a while. The two of them agreed to meet again later at a specified location. Hopefully by then, either he or she would have tracked down her idiot son. He was glad the redhead was feeling better now, as she was a complete mess when he found her. Not that he was any better then. Still, they had done one another some good.


“Good to see your wife isn’t the only one with wandering eyes.” said a stern voice behind him.


“I had been wondering where you had gotten off to. You know it’s been over a week since I brought you here.” said Sasuke. He then turned slowly to see Tsunade standing behind him. She was dressed only in one of those dental floss bikini bottoms, a green choker, and nothing else, her humongous tits out for all to see. Yet she didn’t show even a hint of shame at appearing before him in such a state.


“You’ve gone native.” he commented.


“Hard not to. And my apologies for wandering off like that. It’s very easy to get distracted here.” Tsunade told him. “Before I knew it, I’d been dragged into all manner of lewd activities.


“I’m aware. That video of you and Naruto has practically been on a loop all over the island.” Sasuke said dryly, though his tone held no malice, only a hint of mild amusement.


Tsunade shrugged, “Eh, not the first time I’ve had him, won’t be the last.”


“I’m… Not going to ask.”


It was special training, while you ran off on your Emo streak with Orochimaru.” Tsunade explained anyway.


“Injutsu?” Sasuke asked.


She just nodded.


Sasuke only knew a bit about the “seduction tactics” as they were called when he was still in school. Not that they taught much more than the basics of sex in general and some basic erogenous zones on the female body. Now that he thought about it, Sasuke could scarcely remember anything from that class.


“Anyway, after that, that happened.” Tsunade said while pointing up to the sky. “I ran into Jiraiya again a few days ago.” she told him.


“Really?” Sasuke asked, “Guess I can one-up that. Naruto’s mother, Kushina, is here.”


The blonde former Hokage’s eyes went doubly wide at that, “No, I’m not kidding.” Sasuke answered her unasked question. “She was a bit of an emotional wreck when I found her. Seems she remembers the place she was before waking up here. I’m not big on religions or theologies, but it sounds like she was in Heaven.”


“Wow…” was all Tsunade had to say, “Well, where is she now? She’ll want to meet her son!”


“We’ve been trying to find him for a couple days now with no luck. This island may be small compared to others, but it’s still pretty big. For the moment, she’s off looking on her own. We agreed to meet up again later. Hopefully, one of us will have found the idiot by then.”


“I hope so. It would be awful if she misses the chance to at least speak with him before this phenomenon ends.” said Tsunade.


“Actually, I don’t think that will be a problem now.” Sasuke said, then explained his theory behind why the island was cut off like this during the Festival.


“Well, that may cause some issues with the local government.” said Tsunade, “I may not be Hokage now, but this is what I want you to do. If you’re correct, then I want you to take Kushina off the Island the same way you brought me on it after the festival ends. We’ll sort out the rest later.”


“I was already planning to.” Sasuke admitted.


“Speaking of you bringing me here.” said Tsunade as she reached a hand behind herself and produced a scroll roughly the length of an adult’s shoe and as thick as a coffee mug. Sasuke was wondering where she was keeping it as she opened the roll of special parchment and with a puff of smoke, produced a jar of some milky colored substance. It looked almost like cooking shortening because it was very viscous.


“I was able to make the treatment for your, ahem, condition.” she told him.


“I really wish you wouldn’t call it that.” said Sasuke.


“Sorry. Anyway, this will help to a degree. It’s a salve that helps increase growth hormone production in the area where it’s applied.” she explained.


“Not to be crass, but wouldn’t that make my hand bigger as well?” asked Sasuke.


“Doesn’t work on bones. Different hormones are involved with their growth. But if you’re that worried, you could just use a glove.”


Sasuke then picked up the jar. it was fairly heavy, heavier than he thought it would have been at least. The ointment inside didn’t shift or swirl with the moment, reinforcing how thick it was.


OR,” Tsunade said, a wide grin spreading over her face, “I could use these.” she told him, grabbing her already large breasts and hefting them up. She then bounced them up and down in her hands several times as she eyed him like a carnivore would a thick slab of meat.


Sasuke gave her his usual poker face for a moment, but that broke when he realized something, “Wait, you’re serious?”


“Why not?” Tsunade countered, “I haven’t had a chance to let my own inhibitions loose like this in a very long time. And unlikely to again after we finally leave this island.” she explained.


“Uh huh…” was his only reply.


“So, you in or what?” pressed the blonde woman.


Sasuke thought about it for a moment before he sighed and shook his head inwardly, ‘Fuck it,’ he thought to himself as he got up from his seat. Grabbing his still steaming cup of coffee and downing it all in a single go.


Tsunade winced at the sight, “Isn’t that hot?” she asked.


“Extremely.” Sasuke replied, setting the cup back down on the saucer it had been served with, making a light ‘tink’ sound. Tsunade then stood with him, grabbing the jar of salve she had brought. The two of them then left the cafe together, heading into the nearby jungle area.


Though, it wasn’t really a jungle. It might have been before the island was inhabited, now it was more or less of a park with a number of trails winding through it for nature walks. Or rather, for people to find places to fuck amongst bushes and such like wild animals. He and Tsunade passed several such couples and or groups along the way. Eventually they came across an uninhabited clearing big enough for about five people to stand around comfortably.


Sasuke stepped into the clearing and stripped off his swimming trunks before laying back on the soft grass. Behind him, Tsunade unscrewed the top of the jar, and a powerful scent like coconuts and mint invaded his nose. He watched while Tsunade scooped out a generous portion of the salve onto her fingers. The stuff turned out to be as thick as it looked, reminding him of cooking starch or petroleum jelly.


“Hmm, it actually smells good, that surprises me.” said Sasuke, “I pretty much expected it to smell metallic or acrid.”


“I may have added some perfumes to make it less offensive to the nose.” Tsunade confessed while smearing the salve between her enormous tits. It made a wet, sticky sound as she moved the substance about. When she was done, she began rubbing those massive mountains of flesh together, squishing her big tits against one another. Sasuke had to admit, it was an erotic sight, especially with how Tsunade’s perfectly pink nipples were getting stiffer from the attention.


“Hmmm, a healthy reaction.” Tsunade said with a smirk as Sasuke’s cock began getting hard. Without waiting for him to respond, Tsunade got down on her knees and leaned forward, pressing her gigantic knockers around his cock gently. They felt unbelievably soft, like a pair of huge warm marshmallows. Sasuke couldn’t hold back the low groan that escaped his lips as Tsunade began rubbing her tits together around his dick.


“Fufufu, there, just sit back and let mama handle this.” Tsunade giggled.


“Mama?” Sasuke echoed.


The blonde woman laughed, “Sorry. Age joke on my part.”


“Uh-huh.” was his only reply to that before he closed his eyes again to focus on the feel of her soft flesh pillows. She had just begun moving them up and down slowly when a pair of shadows suddenly blocked the sunlight out and the coconut and mint smell was overpowered by a stink like cheese.


“Heya babe, why not ditch pencil dick there and let some real men show you a good time?” asked a voice Sasuke could only describe as greasy. Every syllable the man spoke just seemed to ooze sleaziness!


“Yeah, we know how to really make a fine piece of ass like you gush like a schoolgirl.” said a second sleazy voice that was made all the worse from a heavy, nasally tone that came with it.


Opening his eyes, Sasuke saw two grossly overweight men walking up on either side of Tsunade. One had mildly tanned skin while the other was a natural deep brown. Both men had pudgy faces and beady eyes like rodents. They stalked up to the blonde woman with their gigantic erections, pressing them to either side of her face.


Before Tsunade could tell them to fuck off, the brown one to her left grabbed her head, pushing the tip of his cock into her mouth. Tsunade’s brown eyes went wide from surprise.


Again, before she could react, the tanned one pulled her head away from his buddy’s dick, Tsunade’s red lipstick leaving a red ring on the tip of the man’s cock. He then shoved the ENTIRE head of his fat prick into her mouth.


GUMMMMMPH!!!” Tsunade protested as the man held the head of his cock in her mouth for several quick seconds before letting go. Tsunade spit the offending penis out and pulled an annoyed expression as the tanned man pressed the still wet and lipstick smeared tip in her face!


“Hey…!” Sasuke began, but Tsunade cut him off.


“Jeez, you call these twigs cocks!? My student’s son has a bigger dick!” she shouted at the men. The two of them both recoiled at her words as she grinned, “Besides, you boys don’t even know how to properly fuck a woman’s face. You barely even got them in my mouth! Let me show you how it’s REALLY done!”


“Huh!?” the two men said together.


“Huh?” Sasuke said along with them.


Still grinning impishly, Tsunade grabbed the cock of the tan skinned man, then pulled him close again and opened her mouth wide. “AHHGAAAUUMMMMMMPH!!!!” she gagged loudly, swallowing all of the massive length down her throat! Her neck bulged from the sheer girth of the man’s penis, snapping the green choker she had on.


“What the…? Awwww, fuuuuuuck!” groaned the tanned skinned man as Tsunade buried her nose in his pubic hairs like it was nothing. “She’s fucking deep throating my dick, man!!! I can actually feel my cock pushing into her stomach!”


“Holy shit, I didn’t think a woman could do that!” said the brown skinned man.


GUH GUG AGUH GUHPHMMMH…!” Tsunade gagged and moaned, moving her head back and forth in long but quick movements, with her plump ruby painted lips making a lewd slurping noise as she did.


“Shit, fuuuck, this feels so goood!! Keep sucking, you whore!!!” Tan said, groaning in pleasure.


NGHMMM NGHOH NGHMMMMN UPOWOO HOGOOOH NBOHJUBOBOH OGOOOH!” gagged the blonde woman, her head almost a blur of movement. Sasuke couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Not just that Lady Tsunade was blowing two complete strangers who were super rude, but that she was doing it so enthused!


PWAAAH, HAAHGUUUUMMMMMPH!!!” Tsunade gasped, pulling herself free of Tan and turning her attention to Brown. She throated his cock just like before, and moved her head back and forth quickly. All the while, she kept her massive tits pressed around Sasuke’s dick, stroking his length up and down with it, rubbing the salve into his skin. Whatever was in it, he could feel it doing whatever it was doing, as his dick felt tingly and warm. Against his better judgement, he began thrusting his hips, fucking the space between Tsunade’s massive mammaries!


HMMMGUMMMMMMPH!!!” Tsunade moaned, with her entire body shaking as she alternated between both mens dicks. Every time she changed, she was easily able to swallow every inch of the man’s cock like it was nothing.


“Ahhhh fuuuuck, yeah… Harder! Suck it harder, fuck fuck fuuuuuuck!!!” Tan groaned as he grabbed Tsunade’s head again and grunted. Tsunade’s throat bobbed up and down as the man’s length pulsated inside. Her brown eyes then widened as thick white and pungent cum erupted from her lips! She then closed them slowly, pulling her head back with her lips pressed tightly around the man’s length.


“WHa… Ahhh… Fu… FUUUUCK!!!” the ugly bastard groaned, while his rodent eyes rolled back in his head as Tsunade continued pulling her head back slowly. When she finally pulled her lips free with a soft ‘pop’, she spit out a bit of cum as the man fell back on his ass, panting hard.


His brown skinned friend pointed and laughed, “What’s the matter, you a two pump chump allofasudden?” he asked while Tsunade turned her attention back to him. She swallowed his cock once again and Sasuke counted two strokes of her head before the same thing happened all over again.


Tsunade then wiped her mouth with the back of her forearm, “There, now it’s quiet again.” she said as she turned her full attention back to Sasuke’s cock. Her eyes went even wider than before though as she saw it now sticking up between her gigantic tits, easily over a meter long and as thick as his foreleg.


“Holy…!” she said with a shocked expression, “This is… Impossible, there’s no way it could have worked this well!”


“It wasn’t whatever you put in that lotion.” Sasuke said as he sat up. He then explained what Kushina had done for him quickly before asking, “What’d you do to them?” while nodding towards the two unconscious men.


“Basic injutsu technique,” Tsunade explained simply, “Doesn’t work on anyone with even half-assed training, but against a normal man, it renders them unconscious for a few hours. They’ll wake up, with a bad hangover. It was made so a kunoichi could escape once captured by regular enemy forces.” she explained.


That made sense to Sasuke. Most kunoichi women were beautiful. If captured and put under regular guard, it wouldn’t be hard to seduce one such guard and render him unconscious. ‘I guess that’s why they changed the name to seduction tactics.’ he thought.


“Well now,” Tsunade then said, resting a hand against the underside of his cock, “I’m far more interested in this beefy boy. After putting down those two pigs, I’m a bit worked up. So why don’t you put this to some good use?” she asked, “You can rub it in that her teacher got to experience the new you before she did.”


Sasuke gave it a few moments thought before he grabbed Tsunade’s shoulders and pushed her down onto her back on the grass! Her huge tits wobbled around wildly from the sudden movement, an enticing sight. With a quick motion, he tore off the shoestring serving as her panties. The material tore easily, which didn’t surprise him in the slightest as he moved to grab her cream colored thighs.


Spreading her legs wide, Sasuke took in the sight of her naked and neatly shaven pussy! It was a nice, healthy shade of pink and glistened with moisture. Sasuke could smell the heady scent coming off her as he grabbed his own dick and pressed the tip against the opening.


“Hnmmmmmh…!” Tsunade moaned in a deep voice as he pushed inward. Her pussy made a soft, wet squishing sound as his cock sank into her inch by inch. “Yeeeaah, nice and thiiiick!!!” she told him, then gave him a more fierce expression, “Come on, I’m not a little school girl. I can take the rough stuff. Go on and shove it all inside!”


“Heh, alright!” he told her, leaning forward and shoving his remaining length inside her! Tsunade’s head fell back, her mouth open wide as she let out a long howling moan. Sasuke looked down at his cock entering her, watching as her stomach visibly tented upwards from his size as his entire length went inside.


HNNNNGH, DEEP…!” Tsunade hissed through clenched teeth. “YEAH, HNMMMMMMH, DON’T HOLD BACK, FUCK MY PUSSY UP!!!” she demanded.


Groaning in pleasure, Sasuke began pumping his hips faster, piston fucking his cock in and out of Tsunade’s pussy. Her legs went around his waist, locking their bodies together. He then moved his hands to grab her gigantic tits, leaning his head down to suck on one fat, stiff nipple.




Nodding, Sasuke began ramrodding his length in and out of her with a loud PLAP PLAP PLAP sound. The lump in her abdomen rose and fell quickly with his every thrust as she rocked her hips into his movements.


AHHHN, YESSSS!!! CUMMING!!! YOUR NEW FAT DICK IS MAKING ME CUMMMMMMM!!!” screamed Tsunade as Sasuke sat up on his knees, pulling her hips up with him. He continued moving his hips roughly, grunting every time he felt her pussy completely envelope his dick. His hands gripped her huge tits tighter, with her nipples poking out between his fingers.


“Hurr, hurr, hurrg…!” he groaned, looking down at Tsunade’s pussy, watching the way the puffy pink petals clung tightly to his dick.




“Huurrraaagh!!!” Sasuke groaned louder, leaning forward again, gripping her tits and pulling them up towards his mouth. He wrapped his lips around her left nipple, sucking it roughly as she slammed his length in and out even faster.


AHHHN, THAT’S IIIT!!! FEELS SO GOOD!!! CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SO MUCH, MY HEAD IS SPINNING, I CAN’T THINK!!!” Tsunade screamed before the two of them rolled so that he lay on his back. Tsunade straddled his pelvis, letting all of her weight settle on him, pushing his dick all the way inside her. The lump in her belly stood out prominently as she grabbed her own tits and began bouncing herself up and down.




“Hrrrmmmmh, yeah, you’re squeezing my dick so tiiiight…” Sasuke groaned, settling his hands on her hips as he thrusted up with his own, bouncing the blonde woman up and down on his length.




“Hurgh guh, cu… Cumming…!” he grunted as he thrusted his hips all the way up, groaning as he came inside her.




The two of them then fell limp, with Tsunade flopping forward on top of him, panting hard. “Haaaah, that’s better…” she said quietly before she pushed herself back up onto her knees. “So, you ready to go again?” she asked, “I can get Shizune to join us if you want.” she offered with a grin.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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2 months ago

Again despite how i am with him I generally think this one sex pairing i can get behind since the whole Uchiha and Senju fucking is actually hot. Plus it’s Tsunade and need I saw more ?

That and thank you for having her be harassed by Ugly Bastards. Best stuff

2 months ago

Can we get something else besides fucking non-stop Naruto and Bleach?

And you wonder why this site has turned into a ghost town.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anon

I have no control over the pics posted.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 months ago

Happy new year and as always it was a great chapter and can’t wait to see the next chapters and I was wondering of the treatment worked or not on Sasuke because Sasuke doesn’t need it anymore because of what kushina did and so i hope not because kushina already did it for him with the uzumaki injutsu technique. So did it work or not? And once again happy new year

2 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Those details will be revealed later.

2 months ago

Valla que buen capitulo de inicio de año con una de las mejores Milf’s de la página Tsunade.

Hablando del capítulo estuvo perfecto de inicio a fin bien relatado por parte de Tsunade porque no se le olvidó el tratamiento de Sasuke para su condición y hablando de Sasuke estuvo bien que al principio dijera que no tiene interés por el momento en buscar a Sakura lo cual deja el panorama abierto para que se encuentre ambos , y la escena de Tsunade y Sasuke estuvo muy buena algo corta pero se disfruto cada diálogo de ambos.


2 months ago
Reply to  AL-720

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the story. It was a slight rush job when I did it. And I’m already working on the next one.