Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Earning that Extra Tip

(Note: This story is part of an short series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part 0): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXIII): [LINK]

Ikumi Unagiya checked the GPS on the dashboard of her car, her next turn was three streets east of where she was now. โ€œThis town is a lot bigger than I thought itโ€™d be.โ€ Ikumi muttered to herself. The Busteez Nudist Beach and Resort was a self-contained city with a permanent population of a little less than ten thousand people. But the tourist population pushed that number way up during peak seasons.


This was a weird town to the unprepared. A place for people to indulge in their baser animalistic instincts. Ikumi thought sheโ€™d read about a similar place in an ero-manga once, though that place was a kind of theme park. โ€˜Guy who built this place mustโ€™ve gotten the idea from there.โ€™ she thought to herself as she came up to her turn and went left.


[Your Destination Is On The Right.] the mechanical sexless voice of the GPS told her.


She spotted the building quickly enough, 6996 E. Cunnilingus Ln. It was smack dab in the middle of the โ€œRed Lightโ€ district of the city. Though that was more of a joke than the name of the street. This entire city by itself could be called one big red light district all on its own! Even the suburbs! On her drive over here, sheโ€™d seen no less than ten couples or groups just openly fucking in the street. Less than half of them had any clothes on at all, and the few that did might as well have been naked to start with.


Honestly, this place was a sex maniacโ€™s dream come true!


Probably why her friend and friendโ€™s sister moved out here. The Igawa sisters were both hopeless sluts! Asagi was a trip, but her little sister was even worse, and a bit of a masochist to boot. Ikumi only came out here to fill in for Asagiโ€™s sister in her job delivering pizzas while she recovered from a recent surgery. Her boss was some kind of hardass who wouldnโ€™t give her the time off to recover. The copper haired girl had recently had surgery to make her tits ridiculously huge! Ikumi didnโ€™t even know implants came that big. How she could even stand was beyond her.


Still, she owed Asagi a favor, so here she was, a nine and a half hour drive away from Karakura, in a town where walking around naked was the norm, delivering pizza. On the plus side of things, Sakura(Asagiโ€™s little sister) told her she could keep all the tips, and apparently, they tipped very well around here. She made enough for her surgery within a month after moving here.


Ikumi found a spot to park and turned off the engine. She took a look at her reflection in the rear view mirror and then looked down at her โ€œuniformโ€. In all honesty, sheโ€™d worn worse. The local Pizzeria was called โ€œBra Busterโ€™s Pizzaโ€, and they only hired female delivery drivers, preferably oneโ€™s with big tits. The pay was crazy good, but the outfit was more than a tad on the slutty side.


To start with, she had on a pair of Daisy Duke style shorts that were more like a pair of panties than anything else. It was paired with a fairly slick looking leather jacket that she didnโ€™t mind so much, and a yellow bikini top with red polka dots. For fun, she even had on a choker style collar with MILF written on it in gold lettering. It took her a few minutes to figure out that the top was meant to be like slices of pizza covering her tits. The shorts and jacket were fine, but the bikini top was just too much. Maybe it was because she hated polka dots.


Sighing, Ikumi made a decision and stripped off the bikini top before she got out of the car. Sheโ€™d rather have her big tits hanging out in the open than be seen in public with that ridiculous top! Thankfully in this town, a woman walking around topless wouldnโ€™t draw much attention.


She retrieved the pizzas from the trunk of the car that had been lended to her by the Pizzeria owner. It was equipped with a mini-oven that kept the pizzas inside hot like theyโ€™d just been fully cooked. It was way more efficient than those thermal bags most places used, though it made Ikumi have to be careful that she didnโ€™t accidentally burn herself while taking the boxes out.


Five large pizzas with varied toppings on each. At twenty bucks a pop, plus taxes, this was easily gonna be over $100 overall. โ€˜I swear if this was a joke call Iโ€™m gonna be pissed.โ€™ she thought to herself as she carried the five boxes down a short alleyway to the main door of the address.


There were a couple shops along the path, a place calling itself just a 24/7 Sex Shop, and one offering free XXX fun, whatever that meant. Though, as she passed a window, looking inside she could easily see a woman with dark messy hair and red glasses getting gangbanged inside. She was already covered head to toe in cum and she could hear her calling out for more through the glass. The two men she was currently sandwiched between were some of the most hung studs sheโ€™d seen in a long time.


They were both fucking her ass and cunt together, moving in and out of her like pistons. A third guy was currently fucking her face, Ikumi could actually see her throat bulging visibly from the thickness of his dick! All around her, about a half dozen other men were all jerking off as they waited their turns. Seeing so many well sized dicks was actually making Ikumi wet!


โ€˜Fuckโ€ฆโ€™ Ikumi thought, forcing herself to look away. How long had it been since sheโ€™d gotten laid? When she actually thought about it, she didnโ€™t like the answer. The address was one of those shops with the apartments on top of it. The alley had the side entrance that led directly up into the apartment. She pressed the buzzer and after a moment she could hear footsteps coming down from the stairs on the other side of the door. She could hear loud music coming from upstairs, so she figured she was right about a party.


The dark haired woman heard someone fumbling with the lock on the other side of the door before it swung open. Ikumiโ€™s eyes went wide at the sight of the young man that greeted her! He couldnโ€™t have been older than his early twenties at most. He had dark chocolate colored skin, bright hazel eyes that were almost gold in color, and long deep purple hair held back in a high ponytail.


All of that wasnโ€™t very remarkable, but what was remarkable however was his HUGE fucking dick! The young man was wearing only a loose fitting shirt and nothing else. His dick hung free and was down to his knees in its softened state and looked thicker than her wrist! She could only imagine what it would look like when it got hard.


โ€œOh hi, you got here fastโ€ฆโ€ the young man said, he then gulped as he took in Ikumiโ€™s topless figure, his eyes darting down to her bare tits. She gulped softly when she saw his huge dick starting to get hard as he looked at them.


Looking back up at him, Ikumi smirked and said, โ€œYeah, theyโ€™re real,โ€ and she then gave him the total due for the pizzas.


โ€œOh, right, here!โ€ the young man said as he held out a bundle of bills and fanned them out. They added up to a full G! โ€œKeep the change.โ€ he told her.


Ikumi looked at the tip, as she finally understood how Asagiโ€™s sister made the money so quickly. She then looked back down at his dick, with her mind flashing back to the scene sheโ€™d walked by just a moment ago and felt her pussy tingling in want.


โ€˜Fuck, why not!?โ€™ she thought to herself before speaking aloud.


โ€œOh myโ€ฆ Such a big tipโ€ฆโ€ she said, using her most sultry tone, โ€œIโ€™m going to need to repay your kindnessโ€ฆโ€ she said as she stepped inside the doorway. The young man smiled awkwardly, like he hadnโ€™t expected her to make such a move. โ€˜Really?โ€™ thought Ikumi, โ€˜Hasnโ€™t this kid seen a porno before? This is a complete cliche! Oh wait, maybe not, since he actually had the money to pay, or is that only when a girl answers the door? Fuck I need to get laid more often!โ€™


The stairs up to the apartment above the shop were steeper than Ikumi would have liked, making the steps just wide enough for her toes. โ€˜Who designs stairs like this?โ€™ she wondered idly as the two of them went up into the apartment. Her initial thoughts about a party were proven correct. There were about a dozen other people in the building, four men, not including the one who answered the door, and eight pretty girls. The men were all non distinct college boys that looked like theyโ€™d blend into any crowd.


One of the women was roughly Ikumiโ€™s age from the looks of her. She had long raven black hair she wore in an odd fashion. A long braid that was tied together around the sides of her head and hung down between her huge naked tits! Ikumi thought the style was odd until she spotted the edges of a nasty looking scar between her tits, then it made sense.


With her was a very tall amazonian woman with short platinum hair. Her breasts were bigger than her head and heaved up and down as she breathed heavily where she lay back on a couch with her legs spread wide. Squatted in front of the amazon was a redheaded young woman who looked familiar, but Ikumi couldnโ€™t place a name to her face. Her only clothing was a pair of red framed glasses that were fogged with steam as she kept her face pressed firmly between the amazon womanโ€™s legs.


โ€œNmmmmh, mmmmh, Megami-shamaโ€ฆ Ur pusshy tashtesh sho guud, even with a mahnโ€™sh shtinky cum dwipping out uv idโ€ฆโ€ the redheaded girl slurred as her tongue brushed between the folds of the platinum haired womanโ€™s pussy. When Ikumi looked close, she could see her pussy was gaping wide, VERY wide. Just how big of a dick had she just taken!?


Her question was instantly answered when the young man who answered the door quickly got hard again from the lewd display on the couch. His cock was FUCKING HUGE! As long as her leg and thicker than her thigh, and the smell coming off it made Ikumiโ€™s shorts become completely drenched as her knees began shaking. Around the room she spotted two more blondes, one with dark bronze skin and what looked like blue lightning bolts tattooed on her cheeks. The other had close cropped hair and fair skin. The lighter blonde came running over to Ikumi, quickly thanking her for the pizza before taking the top box and carrying it over to a table. It was piled with many empty plastic cups that smelled of cheap beer.


Her first impression was this was some kind of frat party, but the ratio of women was too high. Maybe it was some kind of slutty sorority? Sheโ€™d heard of wild parties before, butโ€ฆ Damn. The other men in the room came over, each taking a pizza box and moving them over to the table. The remaining three women came over, all of them buck naked and covered in sweat and other fluids. The last three girls all fit the bill for college bitches, a blonde, brunette, and redhead.


Aside from the young man who brought her in, the group on the couch, and the two blondes that stood out earlier, everyone was eating ravenously. The sight reminded Ikumi of her own wild youth. Frenzied fucking tended to work up quite the appetite!


โ€œHell of a party.โ€ Ikumi commented offhandedly.


โ€œYeah, uhโ€ฆ The captโ€ฆ I mean Ms. Unoโ€ฆ Ahem, Retsu brought me here with some of her friends.โ€ the young man said, โ€œThereโ€™s drinks over thereโ€ฆโ€ he said, while pointing to a keg in one corner, but before he could finish, Ikumi just shoved him into a nearby chair, his huge dick sticking straight up into the air.


โ€œDonโ€™t care.โ€ she said, as she began hugging his huge dick between her tits.


โ€œYushiro sure is popular.โ€ Ikumi heard the bronze skinned blonde said in an almost deadpan voice.


โ€œWell yeah, kinda obvious why.โ€ said the fair skinned blonde. โ€œWhy are you here againโ€ฆ?โ€


โ€œBeing in charge is stressful. I come to this town from time to time to relieve that stress.โ€ said the other blonde.


โ€œOh, well I understand, I guessโ€ฆโ€ the fair skinned blonde said.


Ikumi ignored the rest of the exchange as she began rubbing her heavy tits up and down slowly. She could feel Yushiroโ€™s cock throbbing between her tits as she stared at the tip sticking up between them. The smell coming off it was dizzying as she leaned her head in close and slowly brushed her tongue over the underside.


โ€˜Ahhh, this taste and smellโ€ฆ Itโ€™s been too long! Iโ€ฆ Iโ€ฆ I canโ€™t help myself!โ€™ she thought as she quickly opened her mouth as wide as it would go and swallowed the tip between her lips. Her jaw instantly began aching as she heard Yushiro groan softly, pushing his hips up and driving his cock between her tits and into her mouth.


โ€œNMMMMMPH!!!โ€ Ikumi moaned, with her pussy gushing against her shorts, making the crotch turn a darker shade of blue. She could feel her own juices running down her thighs as she moved her entire body in a wave motion, pressing her tits tight around the dark skinned young manโ€™s dick. She could feel it twitching against her skin and let out a deep moan as she took more of his length between her lips.


โ€œOoooh, ahhhhโ€ฆ Missโ€ฆ Ahhhโ€ฆโ€ Yushiro groaned.


โ€œJust let her do her thing, Yushiro.โ€ said the older woman over by the couch. From the edges of her vision, Ikumi saw that sheโ€™d moved to lay back on the sofa, as her legs splayed wide in front of her with one hand between them. She slowly dipped three fingers in and out of herself, masturbating as she watched Ikumi. Next to her, the two college age girls were still lezzing out, with the redhead now on the platinum haired womanโ€™s lap. Her mouth wrapped around the nipple of her huge left tit, suckling contentedly while the platinum haired woman fingered her pussy gently.


โ€œOr you could try what you did with Ms. Harribel earlier. I highly doubt sheโ€™d mind.โ€ Platinum said.


โ€œI found it very satisfying,โ€ the bronze skinned blonde said. What the hell kind of name was Harribel? Sounded foreign, but Ikumi couldnโ€™t place the country. She seemed to be able to speak Japanese well enough though, not stuttering or falling over her words at all.

โ€œTrue,โ€ the motherly one said, โ€œYour stamina is much better now. You just need to get more assertive.โ€


Ikumi had zero clue what the hell any of them were talking about, but she didnโ€™t care. She just wanted to feel this dick in her throat as she took him in deeper. The ache in her jaw only got worse, but she welcomed it as she felt the head of the gigantic cock pressing against the back of her throat!


โ€œNMMMMHMMMMMPH AW GAAAAWD, SHO PHIIIICK!!!โ€ she moaned and gagged, as her pussy got hotter inside her shorts. Ikumi couldnโ€™t stand it anymore and ripped the flimsy jeans off. The stitching was cheap, making it easy. Her asshole of a boss could fucking bill her for the shorts for all she cared right now.


โ€œAlright, here goes!โ€ said Yushiro before Ikumi felt him grabbing her head.


โ€˜Huh, whatโ€™s he gonnaโ€ฆ?โ€™ she couldnโ€™t finish the thought as Yushiro SHOVED her face down his cock, his thick length pushing through her throat and down into her stomach like a battering ram! The dark haired mother found herself bent over at a 90 degree angle as Yushiro pulled her face into his pubic hairs. She felt the choker around her neck snap like a rubber band pulled too taunt as her throat bulged from the sheer girth of his dick!


โ€œOOOOOOOHHHH GAAAAAAAAWD!!!!โ€ Ikumi wailed as she felt herself cumming instantly, โ€œYESSSSSSSSH!!! AHHHH, HAWDER, HAWDER, PHUG MUH PHROAD!!!โ€ she screamed, her words horribly garbled. Her eyes rolled back in her sockets as she flashed back to her husband and the way he would pound her throat just like this.


โ€œAhhhh, yeah, like that?โ€ Yushiro asked her.


โ€œYESH, AYE WUB ID!!!โ€ Ikumi choked out as she felt Yushiroโ€™s cock pulling back out slowly. โ€œHAHGUUUUUUUGUHโ€ฆโ€ she gagged loudly, feeling as if her stomach were being pulled out with his dick. โ€œGUUUUUUPH!โ€


โ€œThen, Iโ€™m not gonna hold back!โ€ Yushiro groaned before he stood up and began swinging his hips, driving his cock in and out of Ikumiโ€™s mouth roughly.


โ€œHAAAAAAAAGH AGUH GUH GURK GGLE GURG AGUH GUH GUH GUGโ€ฆโ€ the dark haired woman choked repeatedly, unable to do anything but try and breath as Yushiro used her face like an onnahole. โ€œAAAAGGGGH, YESH, YEEEESSSSSH!!! PHUCK MEEEEEH!!! ACK GAKGUH HURGH MMMRBLE GOOPH DUGH ACK HAPH HMMMMMMPH!!!โ€ she screamed, as her eyes were tearing up as she felt herself cumming again and again.


โ€œNmmmmh, sheโ€™s cumming a lot, Megami-samaโ€ฆโ€ Ikumi heard the redhead say.


โ€œThatโ€™s what happens when the seven year itch isnโ€™t scratched.โ€ the motherly woman said.


โ€œHEEEEEEYGH, ID HASHNโ€™D BHEEN DAT WOOOONGUH GUH GUG GUHโ€ฆ.!!!โ€ Ikumi said, feeling mildly insulted.


โ€œI was speaking generally, not specifically. I apologize.โ€ the woman said. Ikumi found it impressive the woman could speak so formally while masturbating like that. โ€œNmmmmmh, harder Yushiro. Be rougher with her!โ€ she then told the purple haired young man.


โ€œRโ€ฆ Riiight!! Ahhhhh!!! This feels so gooood!โ€ Yushiro groaned loudly.


Ikumi forgot about her audience entirely as she felt herself cumming again and again, โ€˜Ahhhh, I missed this feeling so much! Having my throat destroyed like this, it feels so good! Cumming, ahh, Iโ€™m cumming just with his cock in my throooat!โ€™ Ikumi thought in ecstasy. She could feel her huge tits swaying beneath her, hanging from her chest like cow udders.


โ€œHRMMMMMPH HURGH GUH GURK GUG GACK HAGAH GUH GUH GUG!!!โ€ she choked loudly as she began feeling dizzy. The whole room felt like it was spinning round and round. She could scarcely even think anymore. Long strand of saliva hung off her chin, swinging back and forth with every thrust of Yushiroโ€™s dick.


โ€œAAAGH GUH GUH GUG, PHUUUUUCK, AYEโ€™M GUUMMINNNGH!!! GYEEEESH!!โ€ Ikumi choked around Yushiroโ€™s cock as she heard him grunt and push his cock all the way down into the pit of her stomach! A feeling of liquid warmth poured into her as she felt Yushiroโ€™s cock pulsating through her body.


โ€œAGUH, GUG, GUG, GUGโ€ฆโ€ she gulped repeatedly, feeling fuller and fuller as Yushiroโ€™s cock continued throbbing inside her.


โ€œHaaah, aahhh, hahโ€ฆโ€ Yushiro panted as he finally let go of Ikumiโ€™s head and fell back into his seat.


โ€œAaguuuueghโ€ฆโ€ Ikumi gagged as Yushiroโ€™s cock withdrew from her throat. She coughed several times before she managed to get back to her feet, panting heavily. She wiped at her mouth with the back of her forearm, clearing away the drool and cum. She worked her jaw up and down several times, making sure it was still hinged. She then turned her eyes down towards Yushiro as he panted softly in his seat.


โ€œYouโ€™d better not be done yet!โ€ she snapped at him, โ€œIโ€™m still fucking horny!โ€


โ€œEEEHHH!?!?โ€ yelped Yushiro.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
1 year ago

Excellent history i hope more Ikumi
es increible ver de nuevo a Retsu, Isane y a su querida Chizuru con ella

1 year ago

Yeah, Chizuru is now Isane’s pet

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Nice introduction of Ikumi in this series. Never really cared for her in Bleach (and sorta forgot that she even existed at one point until I saw her in one of Rtenzo’s earlier artworks), but I dig the way you wrote her here. Her reactions to the colony and the ongoings in Yushiro’s apartment were pretty cool. Not the biggest fan of how you lampshaded the whole pizza-delivery-porn-thing (don’t know how to call it). Didn’t feel all that authentic to me and I personally would have been more than happy if they did the whole thing without you acknowleding that it’s a porn trope, but alas, it was funny. Are the people in the apartment, aside from the ones we know about, just random characters that you came up with or from other series? I’m asking because I didn’t really recognize any of them. Anywho, the sex between Ikumi and Yushiro was fantastic and I like how even this MILF seems too much for Yushiro to keep up with.

Wouldn’t mind seeing Yushiro getting tired out by more girls in the future. I kinda like it. Feels unique and unlike the other guys in the other series who can go on for hours and hours. Also, it makes him somewhat more submissive when the girls then simply go on with him in no position to object, which is something I really like.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Yeah, she really didn’t do much in the manga, she was mainly there to show that time had passed. Though her near dual personality of hard bitch and loving milf was interesting.

And noted.

1 year ago

If Ichigo and Yoruichi had a kid together just how much of an absolute beast would he be and Iโ€™m not talking about on the battlefield.๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜œ

if yushiro is anything to go by the shihoin have very good genes. Not mention from what we know about Ichigo and his future son from the bleach series before it was lost during the purge. The child would be even superior to Kazui.

Yoruichi probably would have his child in order to produce a worthy heir for both their families. In order to raise the shiba clan back to their former glory by associating them with the shihoin clan. Also to have each others back against the other noble families and higher-ups who think they are โ€˜lesserโ€™ than them due to their past and previous actions by essentially uniting the shihoin and shiba into one super clan. Also making use of the fact Ichigo has the makings and is a candidate to be the next soul king would be beneficial not only for the shiba clan but also the shihoin clan.

Yoruichi wouldnโ€™t keep the child away from Ichigo as not to deprive him of the chance to be a father and so the theoretical child does not grow up to resent Ichigo for not being in his life. But I donโ€™t see Yoruichi becoming one of his wives, I see her sticking around by being his cumdumpster.

Last edited 1 year ago by Whitis
1 year ago
Reply to  Whitis

Sorry, zero chance of this happening. I’m not building a full harem for Ichigo.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

I capped his at 3

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Not his wife but a cumdump who is also the child of one of his children.

Last edited 1 year ago by Whitis
1 year ago

I wonder once Ikumi finds out what Ichigo is packing she is gonna regret not having a deeper boss and employee relationship.

1 year ago
Reply to  Whitis

Would depend on if such an image came up

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
1 year ago

โ€ฆAs much as I liked what happened with the chapter, my mind just keeps going to โ€œWhat will the Igawa sister be involved with next!โ€ ๐Ÿฅธ

1 year ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Little to nothing sadly, I only used them for exposition, have no plans to have them appear onscreen so to speak

1 year ago

Welcome aboard, Ikumi! ๐Ÿ‘ I really enjoyed this.

Now I won’t bother going into full details for this one, but I can tell you that I really enjoyed it for what it is. As well as introducing Ikumi into this storyline. Not to mention how and why she’s even there to begin with. ๐Ÿค”

On a related note, I really liked the references to the Igawa sisters, Asagi and Sakura. If none of you here know who they are or where they’re from, then I’m going to recommend you look up the Taimanin series. You’ll understand why very easily. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So anyway, this was also a fun way incorporate the sex, in addition to seeing and hearing the Unohana party {primarily through Yushiro}. Though if this revealed anything, it’s that she doesn’t get laid enough! But hopefully, she’ll be utilized more often. ๐Ÿ˜

In any case, good work here. Eagerly awaiting the next. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž

Last edited 1 year ago by Hiryu
1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, I wanted to mention them as it’s a fun series. Shame official uncensored versions won’t come to the US. I wanted to go with the idea that Ikumi is the sexually frustrated mother figure. And a place like the colony would only make that old itch even worse!

1 year ago

Ikumi is a favorite of mine, so to read her getting piped by Yushiro is a real treat!

1 year ago

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

1 year ago

I’d give her a huge tip for the sole reason she showed up to my door and the first thing she says is that her tits are real.

And ya know, everything that happened after.

1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Hehe, yeah, she was fun to work with.