Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Davy Slut Fight – Round 1: Treasure Chest Chase

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 29): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 31): [LINK]

LADIES AND GENTLE-PIRATES, WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO… THE FIRST ROUND OF THIS SPECIAL THREE-WAY DAVY BACK FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!” Nami yelled into a basic orange Transponder Snail she had strapped on a silver stick to it around.


Her voice echoed loudly over the entire beachside where they had, in the span of a handful of hours, set up an entire fair. Pirates of all colors and sizes walked up past the many different attractions on either side of the impromptu paved road as they made their way over to a row of spectator stands that were built along the shoreline. Drained and exhausted shipwrights and handymen were patted on the back in acknowledgement of all their hard work through the night. Even kids and adolescents from the nearby town were daring and curious enough to check out what all the ruckus was all about. Within a handful of minutes, every single seat was occupied.


Three seats in particular stood out. Those being the throne-like chairs on a singular platform above the heads of the other spectators. A canopy shielded the occupants of the thrones from the glaring sun above, with each throne being far enough away from one another to make room for their Jolly Rogers hanging off the platform in front of them like banners.


On the left throne, dressed in a white hoodie with black dots at the bottom half, the Heart Pirates Jolly Roger on the back, and fur lining, and with dark blue skinny jeans, sat Trafalgar D. Water Law [BOUNTY: 3,000,000,000 Belly]. His famous sword, the cursed blade “Kikoku” rested idly on his shoulder as he kept looking over the three ships that formed a loose circle around the bay.


The throne in the middle was occupied by Monkey D. Luffy [BOUNTY: 3,000,000,000 Belly]. Like so often, the youngest of the three captains wore his signature straw hat and an unbuttoned red shirt that showed off his muscular and scarred chest. His legs were crossed and he held a bone with meat on it in each hand, eagerly biting off of them every so often.


Lastly, Eustass Kid [BOUNTY: 3,000,000,000 Belly], sat to Luffy’s right. The crimson haired pirate captain drummed impatiently on the armrest of his chair with his metallic arm. Instead of the pants he usually wore, he opted to go with a red-yellow checkered kilt instead, as well as a studded leather vest with his crew’s Jolly Roger printed on it.


The trio of pirate captains all waited and watched as Nami moved up and down in front of the spectator stands. The orange haired navigator, standing on top of the Shark Submerge III, wore a skintight black latex suit that left next to nothing open for imagination! Her tits were almost completely visible, held only barely in place by the fabric that somehow managed to defy gravity and stay in place, even as she walked up and down on the blue miniature submersible. To go along with the black bunny suit, she also wore golden gloves and boots, as well as a white collar and red tie for the flair. She truly looked like a showman, which wasn’t that far off from how she presented herself and the entire situation right now!


To find out which crew and which captain is the best, they agreed to a traditional and fair three-coin game!!” She announced loudly into the Transponder Snail so that everyone could hear her. “Is it the Heart Pirates, hailing from the icy waters of the North Blue, led by the cunning ‘Surgeon of Death’ TRAFALGAR LAW??!” She asked rhetorically, causing the boiler suit wearing members of his crew to jump up and shout in approval. “The ruthless upstart punks from the south led by none other than EUSTASS ‘Captain’ KID??!” members of the Kid Pirates jumped up from their seats and cheered, one of them even spat out a pillar of flames. “Or the newly dubbed Emperor crew from the East Blue, captained by ‘Straw Hat’ MONKEY D. LUFFY, the Straw Hat Pirates??!” Although smaller in numbers, the roaring applause from the colorful ragtag group of pirates still managed to be just as loud as that of the other two crews.


“Y’know, I still don’t get this whole thing!” Kid grumbled in his place, crossing his hands as he listened to Nami’s passionate speech. “What the hell’s a Davy Back Fight? And why are we playing such a childish game in the first place? I can demonstrate how much better I am than you two clowns without all of this!”


Law let out an exasperated sigh, “Seems about right that YOU wouldn’t know anything about it. And you call yourself a pirate… pfft, don’t make me laugh!” He said with a dry chuckle.


“Yeah! Don’t tell me you’ve never had a Davy Back Fight before, Jaggy.” Luffy said with his mouth full of meat. “What kinda pirate are you?!”


“Shut up, you two! Some of us had more important things to do on our journeys than to goof off and play along with this ridiculous nonsense!” Kid responded aggressively, almost jumping up from his chair.


“Oh, yeah! Because raiding villages is sooo much more important.” Law replied wryly, rolling his eyes at the red haired captain.


As the three men continued with their childish banter, Nami waited patiently until the three pirate crews had calmed down. Once they were more quiet again, she spoke into the Transponder Snail once more, “So, what challenges will our teams face during those three rounds? I’m glad you asked! Well, since we have something unusual going on here, with three crews competing against one another, we (mostly I) decided to tweak the rules a teeny-tiny bit in order to make it more fun (and lucrative for me). Since one crew would normally gain nothing in each round, due to coming second, we came up with other ways to reward each team! As I speak, and as our teams prepare themselves for their first challenge, the combined treasures of all three crews will wait for them at the bottom of the ocean!


This alone caused murmur to erupt on the spectator stands. After all, no pirate worth their money would ever ignore the chance of getting their hands on some treasure, even though some of it belonged to them in the first place anyways. But that only encouraged them to get back what rightfully belonged to them!


Whoever gets the most treasure out of the ocean and to their own ship by the time the timer runs out will win. Furthermore, each crew will be allowed to keep the treasure they got, no take backs from the other crews!” Nami explained joyfully into the Transponder Snail, which broadcasted her words for everyone to hear.


“Heh! Good thing we’ve spent so much money on the renovations for the Sunny!” Usopp nudged Franky in the ribs. He grinned gleefully and rubbed his hands together. “We hardly have anything to lose, even if we don’t come up in first place!”


Bepo, having easily heard the small exchange of words from a few rows behind Usopp, suddenly jumped up. “Wait a second! Isn’t this a bit unfair? We have so much more money after our encounter with Germa 66…


“Yeah! What gives?! We’ve got twice as much treasure as you wannabe pirates after getting our turf back!” Heat chimed in, but with a much more aggressive tone than Bepo. “You barely have any stakes in this!”


“Stop complaining!” Kid ordered from his place above Heat’s head. He crossed his arms and stared out into the ocean. “Just means that we have to show them how much better we are to get back what’s rightfully ours!”


“If the Straw Hats think they need to stoop that low in order to get some cash, let them!” Law ended up agreeing with the rival captain. “All the more reason for us to put them in their place!”


“Oh, you’re right. I’m sorry.” Bepo quickly lowered his head and sat back down on the wooden bench again.


Now, with that all out of the way, it’s time to start with the first round! It’s time for the TREASURE CHEST CHASE!!! So let’s take a look at the three teams who will fight for honor and booty for their crew!!” Nami announced, having anticipated exactly that reaction from Kid and Law. She stretched out her right hand towards a rowing boat that made its way towards the Straw Hat’s submarine. “Representing the Heart Pirates, we have a trio with an impressive combined bounty of 895 million Belly! A big round of applause for … Shachi, Penguin, and Madam Shyarly!!!


Standing at the tip of the small rowing boat, Penguin [BOUNTY: 425,000,000 Belly], wearing snowflake patterned navy blue swimming trunks and a black tank top, raised his signature Thermo-Staff above his head and flourished it. “YEAH!! Time to give those part-time pirates a taste of North Blue medicine!”


Unlike his friend, Shachi [BOUNTY: 470,000,000 Belly] still wore the boiler suits that almost every member of the Heart Pirates wore. He did however strip out of the upper half of the suit, revealing a lean, muscular upper body with a tribal-like tattoo of a whale above his heart. “Ha! With the Madam on our side, this should be a breeze! The others won’t know what hit ‘em!”


“Careful now, boys! After all, this is the first time I’m taking part in those kinds of games.” the black haired owner of the Mermaid Café told them. Shyarly [No Bounty] swam gracefully next to the rowing boat and blew out a couple bubbles from her pipe. She only wore a triangular shaped bikini with amethyst rhinestones dangling off of each corner. “And we’re up against Jinbe no less. This won’t be easy!”


It took five whole minutes for the other Heart Pirates members to stop with their applause for their fellow crewmates. Once they quieted down enough, Nami continued, “The Kid Pirates’ team is led by one of their captain’s oldest comrades and features two completely new members. Make room for Wire, Page One, and Marguerite!” Nami turned to her left, where yet another rowing boat, with a metal plating, crossed the waves.


“Hmph!” Wire [BOUNTY: 718,000,000 Belly] huffed and let his pitch black eyes disinterestedly wander over his competition. He leaned his weight against his red trident. “Don’t make me regret taking you on the team! The boss trusts us to win this thing!”


“Don’t worry! I won’t let Kid down, I promise!” Marguerite [BOUNTY: 49,000,000 Belly] replied energetically. The sexy blonde girl wore the same leopard skin bikini top from the day before, as well as a fitting bottom that showed a perfect cameltoe as she stretched her arms. Her own personal snake, a green-black venomous one by the name of Naga, was coiled around her leg.


“I still can’t believe that Wire actually picked this lovesick newbie over me! He knows that I’m the best swimmer in the entire crew!” Dive said from her place on the stand. The green haired shortstack with the dumptruck butt crossed her arms underneath her barely noticeable chest and pouted. “It’s unfair!”


“Faffaffaffaffa! Calm down.” Killer patted the small girl’s head. “She wants to prove her worth to us, so let’s just give her this chance.”


“Hehe. Right. And if we end up losing, we know who to blame for it!” Heat agreed with a dry laugh.


“We can’t lose! They have Pay-Pay on the team!” Ulti said confidently. The horned girl pumped her fists in the air and shouted, “GO PAY-PAY!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! WIN THIS THING FOR KID-SAMA!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!


“Ugh… why can’t she just shut up for one second?!” The last teammate of the Kid Pirates pulled the bucket hat he wore down to hide his blushing face from the spectators. But even with a spiked mask cowering the lower half of his face, the others could still clearly see his embarrassment, as it was projected on the sails of the three pirate ships by some visual Transponder Snails. Page One [BOUNTY: 290,000,000 Belly] shouldered his fishing rod and sighed. “Let’s just get this over with!”


“Hah! Have you gotten completely nuts now, Eustass-ya?!” Law teased the other captain with a smug grin as he pointed at Page One. “Or did you actually think it’s a good idea to put a Devil Fruit user in this nautical challenge!”


“Who cares, Trafalgar!?” Kid snapped back at him, with a vein throbbing prominently on his forehead. “Why dontcha hope that you losers make it through this alive?! Wire thinks he’d fit right in the team, and that’s good enough for me!”


And last, but certainly not least, we have the representatives of the Straw Hat Pirates!” Nami announced as a third rowing boat closed in on her from the front. “Jinbe, the ‘First Son of the Sea’, ‘Black Leg’ Sanji, and ‘Moon Rabbit’ Carrot!


WOOHOOO!!! NAMI-SWAAAAN~~❤!!!” Saniji [BOUNTY: 1,032,000,000 Belly] greeted Nami with wide open arms. The only thing he wore was a tight black speedo that revealed his already pretty impressive throbbing bulge, a sign of his open desire for Nami’s and the other girls’ bodies. “Just trust me! Your gallant knight will win this round for you!” He claimed proudly and with a bright pink pounding heart instead of his eye. He then jumped around and blew kisses towards the spectator stands. “All you beautiful ladies, watch me!”


“Heheheh. You guys sure get worked up in this whole thing.” awkwardly rubbing the back of his head with one hand, Jinbe [BOUNTY: 1,100,000,000 Belly] waved with the other. “Well, I hope I don’t slow you down. Let’s make sure that Luffy-kun’s trust in us isn’t misplaced!”


Wearing only a flimsy pink slingkini that left next to nothing open for interpretation, Carrot [BOUNTY: 245,000,000 Belly] jumped up and down giddily, her huge tits threatening to escape their confinement with every bounce. “Oh, I can’t wait much longer! This game will be so much fun!”


Alright teams! It’s time to put those claims of yours to the test! Get on your marks!” Nami raised her hand in the air, prompting everyone on board of the boats to finish their gloating and preparations. “Ready…” sweat rolled down competitors’ bodies as they all tried to figure out what each other’s next move would be. “GOOOOOO!!!!



(Seven hours later…)


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I can’t believe this went so well!” Nami exclaimed as she finished counting all the money from the treasures they had won today.


Sure, they hadn’t won the first round exactly, but the silver medal was still good enough. Especially since they more than quadrupled the money they had previously with this. Though they had gotten out of the first round with the first place, the Heart Pirates’ net worth only went up by 10% or so, Nami surmised. Which was in turn still leagues better than the Kid Pirates, who not only lost the first round, but also around 200 million Belly in the process.


Nami instantly felt herself brought back in time to a month or so ago. Last time she was able to swim in gold and jewels like this, throwing them into the air and letting them rain down on her again, they had just robbed some Celestial Dragon blind on the open sea. It wasn’t as much treasure as from back then, though. For that to be the case, they would have needed to get every single treasure chest. Which is something that could have been possible if Sanji wasn’t so distracted most of the time.


Speaking of which…


The orangette reluctantly rose from her throne of coins and jewelry and left the storage room. After locking the door and storing the key to it in her cleavage, she went up on board again. Usopp and Franky were idly humming a tune to themselves as they repaired the damages caused by Page One, with Franky changing the burnt railing for a completely new one, while Usopp stitched up the completely ruined sail. Who could have guessed that spinosaurus could create such big waves with their tails alone, much less secrete flammable oil that could set the entire ocean on fire?


On the topic of Page One though, the former Tobiroppo currently laid on deck of the Victoria Punk and was forced to lay his head on his sister’s lap as she gently brushed through his hair with her fingers. Nami found out that Ulti could be surprisingly caring like this, if she didn’t just slap children around or had it out for her life. There was a thick layer of bandages covering the upper half of his body, hiding a nasty third degree burn scar in the shape of Sanji’s foot underneath. Even though he was somewhat resistant to flames due to the nature of his Devil Fruit, Sanji’s blazing kicks and Penguin’s own temperature based attacks proved too much for the purple haired man.


Page One wasn’t the only one who got beaten up during the first round however. Chopper had ordered Jinbe to rest in the infirmary for the rest of the day after taking the full front of a sword strike from Shachi that split the ocean in half! The resulting gap was around 200m long and thirty meter wide, and even impressed Zoro to a point that, once the round was over, he asked Shachi all about it. The orange haired man bragged about it for a bit, but ultimately didn’t tell Zoro how it worked, which now resulted in Zoro trying to learn it by himself at the edge of the ocean with minimal success so far.


As for the Heart Pirates, as the winners of the first round, they fared overall a bit better. Even when up against Jinbe, one of the best Fish-Man Karate experts of modern times and a former member of the Seven Warlords, they were able to hold their own and keep up with him. Though that didn’t mean they came out completely unscathed. Penguin was noticeably paler than usual and had to support himself with a crutch after Wire quite literally backstabbed him, only narrowly missing his heart and lungs!


“Tsk! How hard can this be?! It shouldn’t be all that different from Kin’emon’s Foxfire Style!” Zoro grumbled to himself after once again not getting the desired outcome. The ocean’s water reached his hips and sweat ran down his naked muscular body in large rivers as he repeatedly swung his sword at the water. “So why doesn’t it work!?”


“There’s an entire fair going on and all you do is hit the ocean?” a voice behind him called out with a mocking tone. The voice belonged to Monet, who sat on one of the many benches that were quickly set up when the preparations for the Davy Back Fight began. The former harpy girl licked lasciviously on her ice cream cone and grinned at Zoro. “Don’t you wanna hang out with your friends and relax a bit?”


“Don’t you have anything better to do than to bother me?!” Zoro snapped back. He didn’t even turn around, but instead continued swinging his sword. “Why dontcha get back to Law and get all lovey dovey with him again!?”


“He got roped up into some kind of donut eating contest by your captain.” Monet explained with a sigh. “And before I watch that, I’d rather see more of the fair.”


“Good for you. Then just get lost and leave me alone.” Zoro told her rudely. “I need to concentrate!”


“Oh? You can’t do that with me around?” Monet kept on teasing Zoro. She wrapped her lips around the red cherry scoop on top of the cone. She idly swayed her legs back and forth as she watched Zoro continue with his session. “Am I really distracting you that much?”


Zoro rolled his eyes. “Just… be quiet.”


She didn’t plan to initially, but Nami ended up staying at the railing a bit longer. She wasn’t so much interested in Zoro’s training exercise, that was pretty boring all things considered, but rather by the number of women he ended up attracting. The first one was Ikkaku, another woman in Law’s crew, who seemed to have been looking for Monet to show her something, but ended up resting her arms on the back rest of the bench as she joined Monet. For a woman who was directly responsible for causing Law so much pain back on Punk Hazzard, Monet was surprisingly quickly accepted by the other Heart Pirates.


Two tanned girls from the Kid Pirates were next. Both had blonde hair, which, along with their identical complexion, made Nami assume they were sisters. They both also dressed rather provocatively, with the one with the longer hair wearing an open jeans jacket with nothing but black X-shaped pasties covering her nipples. A red pearl chain dangled off of the short skirt she wore and matched the color of her stilettos. The other of the two girls wore a tight fitting shirt that left her midriff exposed, as well as a metal Ring of O collar around her neck. She didn’t wear any pants though, instead opting to go with just a bikini thong.


After both of them sat down next to Monet on the bench, Carrot and Marguerite walked by as well and wanted to know what they all were watching. Despite having fiercely fought against one another only an hour ago, both Marguerite and Carrot were able to leave things in the past. They were still covered in bruises and wounds from their earlier encounter, but that didn’t really matter much now as they instead engaged in idle small talk with the other rival pirate women.


For a moment Nami considered putting up a Surveillance Transponder Snail in order to catch any potential lewd act ensuing, but none of the girls seemed all that much interested in Zoro. Instead Nami went on with what she initially wanted to do anyways. While everyone went on to enjoy the rest of the day, she headed back into the Thousand Sunny, the library this time, to take a look at all the footage she was able to capture underwater.


While it was a dangerous conflict, it wasn’t without its fair share of other moments as well, just like Nami anticipated when she came up with the idea of a Davy Back Fight. Three underwater Transponder Snails managed to record everything that was going on during the first round and record it for her to now look at. Skipping past the original smaller exchanges of blows, Nami instead focused on Sanji’s encounter with Madam Shyarly.



“And where do you think you’re going, cook-chan~?” Shyarly asked sultrily after intercepting Sanji and catching him between her tits, licking her lips as she hugged her arms around the much smaller man. “Leaving so soon??! You could break a woman’s heart like that, you know!”


HMMMMPH??” Sanji groaned against Shyarly’s tits as she pressed them harder against his face. He didn’t even try to fight her embrace though! His morals and lust for the female touch were stronger than his desire to keep fighting!


Sanji! What the hell are you doing??! You’re supposed to get us all their loot, not fool around like some moron!!” present-day Nami heard her old self complaining inside the submarine as she made her way around the other people in the water, her words broadcasted for all the people on the spectator stands to hear. Present-day Nami couldn’t help but cringe after hearing her own voice. Was that really what she sounded like? Why was it so much different compared to how she heard herself in her head? Noticing the faux pas and clear impartial comment, her old self quickly cleared her throat. “Ahem! I mean, it sure seems as if things start to heat up here! The Heart Pirates make good use of their underwater advantage, but is that enough for them to claim victory!!?


“Oh my! You’re looking a bit red here.” She pointed out, rubbing her body against him with all the grace and elegance of a dancer. “Am I really leaving you that breathless?” Shyarly teased with a playful giggle that made Sanji’s cock grow even bigger inside his speedo. The black haired mermaid could feel his throbbing erection against her stomach. “Ara ara~!! What an eager little boy you are~! Here, let me help you with that!”


MMH?” Sanji’s eye widened as the shark mermaid blew into her pipe, prompting a bubble with a weird gas inside to come out of the other end. The bubble quickly enveloped Sanji’s head, similarly to the bubbles around Shachi and Penguin’s heads. “What is this? Feels… weird…!”


“Mmmh~! You will find out soon enough!” purred Shyarly. She smiled as his eye got glazed with lust as he inhaled the breathable gas inside. “Just take deep breaths and succumb to my Dream Fog for me!”


“Dream… Fog…?” Sanji echoed drunkenly. A silly grin spread across his face as his erection suddenly RIPPED his speedo into pieces. “Aaaaahh…!!!”


“There you are~!” Shyarly hungrily licked her lips again at the feeling of his massive meat now rubbing against her stomach. “Just ease your mind, relax, and let me handle everything! Close your eyes and give in to the pleasure!” She whispered hoarsely as she moved downwards, dragging her tits over his shoulders and chest until his dick was firmly nestled between them. “There you go~! You’re doing so well for me, I think you deserve a little treat. You would like that, wouldn’t you?!”


With his breathing now completely even and all thoughts of his actual mission vanishing from his mind, Sanji only nodded. “Crap! Need… to fight…! But feels…” his lecherous grin only got wider as the pale woman began squeezing her big tits around his cock. She knew exactly what she was doing, massaging his entire length without actually moving her tits up and down, her boobs were that big! “Feels… GOOD!!


As the fighting around them continued, Shyarly’s smile only widened. “Mmmh, such a good boy! Come on, start humping my tits like you mean it. I know you want to~!” She cooed before licking the tip of Sanji’s dick, drawing circles on the sensitive shaft. “I can sense how stressed you are. Don’t you just want to… release all that… pent up pressure?”


HRRRGH!!! N- nhooo… I…!” Sanji groaned defiantly. “Nami-swan trusts me! My team needs me!” His body betrayed his words though as he started to throw his hips against her.


“Aaaaahh!! That’s the spirit! Fuck my tits like the good and obedient boy you are! Feels good, doesn’t it?” She asked while applying more pressure on the blonde’s cock with her hands. Like a vice, her boobs pressed down on his dick from all sides. No lube was needed as the water around them provided them with more than enough lubrication. “Just… forget about your friends for now. They can handle themselves just fine without you.”


Her eyes narrowed down into thin slits as Sanji ended up falling more and more into a trance-like state. His breathing became even and his dick turned a bright red as his inner temperature rose with each beat of his heart. Every breath he took only further transported Shyarly’s concoction further through his body, making it even more impossible for him to fight his desires and her every wish. Without him even noticing, Shyarly began to swim away from all the fighting in an attempt to separate him from his friends.


“So good… your cock between my tits… MMMMMMNHH!!! It feels wonderful, doesn’t it?” Shyarly asked, further leading his mind astray. She opened her mouth wide and took in the top five inches of his dick. “HMMMMPH!!!! MMMH, MMMUGH, HRRRRRMPH!!!


I… I… I’M IN HEAVEEEEEEN!!!!” Sanji exclaimed from the top of his lungs, no longer able to resist now that he felt her lips wrapped around his dick. His hips turned into a blur of motions as he pistonfucked her tits with unmatched speed.


OOOOOHM, SHO WUFFFF!!!” Shyarly’s words vibrated dully through Sanji’s body as he shoved more of his length down her throat. He didn’t have the biggest dick she ever had to deal with, but he still hit all the right spots and made up for his lack of size with a speed that made it feel as if her mouth was on fire. “SHO HAAAWD!!! HRRRM, HMMMPH, HMMM, HMMM… KHEEP FUGGING MUH MOUPH ‘IKE DA GUUD BOI ‘OU AWWE!!!!




The sound of Sanji’s balls slapping against Shyarly’s tits echoed lowly through the dark water. Each thrust brought them further and further away from the others. But Sanji no longer cared about that. Drool ran down the corner of his mouth as he kept fucking her tits with reckless abandon. “So good! Your tits feel so divine, Shyarly-samAAAAAAHH!!!


CHECHECHECHE!!!” She giggled victoriously around his cock. Her mouth was positively on fire right now as he drove her closer to the edge every second. Spitting out his cock, she rubbed her face against the top inches, her sharp teeth flashing dangerously in the dark light of the ocean. “You wanna cum for me, don’t you? I can feel it in your balls… all that cum, waiting to be released all over my tits. You want that! You need it!!”


“Yes. YES!!!!” Sanji nodded approvingly. Blood and saliva began mixing inside the bubble around his head as it quickly filled up. “Please! Let me cum for you! I’ll do anything for you!!” He begged in desperation.


Nami didn’t hear them, of course, but she knew that all their other crewmates, who were watching this encounter on the main sails of the three pirate ships at the time of this recording, collectively rolled their eyes at that. Members of the Heart and Kid Pirates were probably laughing their asses off due to how easily Sanji ended up getting distracted.


Shyarly didn’t share the same sentiment though. Her grin widened as she hardened the grip she had on her tits, pressing them even tighter around Sanji’s dick. “Hahahaha! Really? You would do anything for a chance to cum? Well, then~ why don’t we-!”


Sea Drum!” a voice from underneath them called out.


Next thing both Sanji and Shyarly knew was something akin to an explosion ripping the two of them apart! A shockwave vibrated through her very being as Shyarly’s ears began to ring from the loud noise that separated her from Sanji. She wasn’t injured, luckily, but was still disorientated from the attack.


When she regained her senses, she saw Jinbe floating right above the seafloor with a treasure chest in one hand while fending off Wire’s trident strikes with the other. “Get a hold of yourself, Sanji!” the blue skinned Fish-Man shouted, while using the treasure chest as a shield to block the trident for a second before pulling Wire in with it and delivering a quick blow to the lean man’s stomach. “The others are depending on us!”


After delivering another quick kick that Wire was able to block with his trident, but still forced him back, he swam up towards Sanji. The blonde shook his head as if he was just getting sober again. Through the haze that still clouded his mind, he saw Jinbe holding the treasure chest in front of him and grabbing the water around it. “Get that on board the ship! Water Heart: Ocean Current Shoulder Throw!


“J- Jinbe… waaAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIHHHH!!!!!” Sanji ended up screaming in a mix of shock and pain as Jinbe launched the treasure chest directly into his stomach. Still completely dizzy from Shyarly’s Dream Fog, he was completely unprepared for the sheer force behind Jinbe’s throw as it catapulted him along with the chest out of the water and high into the sky.


“Hmmm, what a waste.” Shyarly commented after Sanj disappeared in the distance. “And here I thought we had something special going on.”


“Color me impressed, Madam! I never would have thought that you would be able to hold your own in such a situation.” Jinbe commented with open respect in his voice.


“Oh, don’t make a fool out of yourself. I’m still leagues away from actually competing with you.” She replied while swimming up to Jinbe. She pressed her tits against his chest and brought her face so close to his, their noses almost touched. “But a woman does need tricks of her own to survive in this crazy world.”


BWAHAHAHAHA!!! I don’t doubt that.” Jinbe wiped a tear from the corner of his eye after a bellowing laugh. “But please forgive me for not falling for any of them. I’ve got a responsibility towards my crew and captain!”


“What a coincidence. Me too.” Shyarly said. “Doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun of our own.”


Having already sensed that she was up to something, Jinbe struck first and delivered a swift and powerful punch at her chest. Even though another shockwave once again echoed through the dark waters with a loud, ‘DON!’, his attack missed its mark as Shyarly simply evaded it. The speed and agility her mermaid heritage granted her simply outclassed Jinbe’s! She appeared right behind him and blew softly in his ear, causing him to turn around and deliver a quick chop with his elbow, though that one also hit nothing but water.


He next felt her hands on his pants and, before he could even do anything, she pulled them down to his ankles. “E-EEEHH?? Madam, wha- what are you doing??” He asked embarrassed, desperately trying to cover his now exposed two dicks. Not that he actually managed to hide anything.


His dicks were simply too long and big for that! And what beautiful dicks they were! Exactly how Shyarly wanted them! Each one of them was twice as thick as her arms and just as long, hanging down way past his knees. Even underwater Shyarly was able to smell that wonderful manly musky stench. It crept into her nose, clogged her mind, and got her into the mood for an hour-long rutting session!


“What does it look like? I’m using my skills, just as I said!” Before Jinbe could object any further, she nestled her nose against the underside of his balls and inhaled deeply. She whimpered lewdly as a shudder went down her spine, caused by a strong ache in her pussy. “HNNNNNGH!!! You… haven’t cum in quite a while. One week? No, closer to two weeks ago!


“H- how do you know?” somehow Jinbe managed to sweat underwater as he felt caught completely red-handed.


His blush deepend as Shyarly licked the underside of one dick all the way up to its tip, only to lick the underside of the other dick down. Shyarly’s gamble paid off as Jinbe’s honor and chivalry prevented him from retaliating against her as much as he would do normally. It allowed her to be as direct as she wanted to be, distracting him from the ongoing conflict around him so that her teammates could take care of the rest.


“Your balls… they don’t lie! All that cum, it wants to get out! Let me help you with that!” and just like that, Shyarly opened her mouth as wide as possible. It looked almost as if she had unhinged her jaw to get both of Jinbe’s fat dicks between her lips. “AAAAHHMMMMMMMMPHH!!!


“Oh good GOD!!!” Jinbe grunted. He clenched his hands into fists as inch after inch of his dicks disappeared inside her mouth. It felt almost painful as the two cocks stretched out her usually thin neck.


PHEEWING GHUUD??” Shyarly asked, sounding almost unbothered by the two dicks that now invaded the very pits of her stomach. “DOESHN’D IDD?? MUH SHLUDDY MOUPH-PUSSHY… ISHN’D ID DA BESHD PHING ‘OU EVA PHELD? NNNNGH, HRRRM, URRRGLE!!!


Her lips sealed airtight around his shafts as she began sucking with a vengeance. Her tongue danced around the mushroom shaped heads, caressing and teasing them like only an experienced woman could. After just a couple seconds, Shyarly was actually able to suck out the first couple drops of cum directly from Jinbe’s balls.


“Wha- huff, huff, huff… how are you doing this?” He asked in shock. Despite her practically milking his cock, he didn’t feel any pleasure out of it. “Aaaaaaarrgh!!!”


HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!” her mouth stretched to look like that of a duck as she just kept on sucking. Like a vacuum she forced his cum out of the deepest parts of his balls, while her tongue kept lashing at his dicks, dragging over the bumps that covered them. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHH!!!


Starting from his balls, Jinbe’s body actually began to wither, making him look like a victim of Sir Crocodile’s Devil Fruit. It was as if Shyarly sucked out more than just his cum, she took his entire life force with it as well! With each passing second of her lips blocking the blood supply, his dicks became even more sensitive, thus leading to even more cum being forcefully milked out of his balls by her talented mouth! If he didn’t have blue skin beforehand already, now his dick would have for sure.


“Splendid… technique!” He managed to grunt with a dry throat. “I hope you don’t mind that I stop holding back against you now!”


HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????” Shyarly raised an eyebrow as he grabbed her tits with both hands. The sensation of her stiff nipples poking against the palms of his hands felt electrical and sent waves of energy through her entire body, to the tip of her fin and back up her spine. His hands completely vanished in the soft and malleable flesh of her tits as he covered them with Armament Haki. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHH???!!!!


Shark Grip!” without wasting another second, the blue skinned man twisted both tits in opposite directions!


ARRRRRRRRRRYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!!” Shyarly’s following banshee scream could be heard by the spectators even without the Transponder Snails recording everything. Having her vocal cords vibrate directly against his dicks resulted in even more of his cum rushing through them and directly into Shyarly’s stomach. Before long however, the flood of jizz became too much for her stomach to hold and instead leaked out of the corners of her mouth.


Sensing a moment of weakness in her previously stranglehold of his cocks, Jinbe pulled his members out of her mouth with one swift ‘PLORG!’ sound. Another gallon of cum hit Shyarly directly in her face! Her mouth, eyes, nose, and hair got covered by the viscous white man cream that already filled her entire stomach.


HAAAAA!!! HAAA!!! HAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Shyarly took ragged breaths, struggling with each one of them as she tried to make the world around her stop spinning. Applying so much pressure on not just one, but two so massive dicks had taken a toll on her that now needed to be paid.


Before either of them could resume with where they left off though, they were interrupted by Marguerite rushing past them. The young blonde was covered in bruises and lost every single piece of clothing she wore earlier. With one arm she held onto her green snake who carried her through the water, while she herself carried a treasure chest under the other arm to get to the Victoria Punk. Marguerite was closely followed by an equally beaten up and naked Carrot who demanded her to stop and to give her the treasure.



It was then that Nami stopped watching the footage. Everything afterwards was relatively basic fighting and bloodshed that nobody would care about. She didn’t even know when she began masturbating, but if other people felt similarly aroused by the sex seen on-screen, then she could make MILLIONS out of them!


“Hehehe… HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!” Nami laughed diabolically as she rubbed her hands together mischievously. Not only did they get serious money out of winning this first round, but if she was able to sell those pornos to the right person, she would get even MORE out of it. “Let’s hope the Cavalry Battle tomorrow will be as good!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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6 months ago

Interesting plot!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Glad to read that you enjoy it. Unfortunately, I found myself forced to cut out large parts of what I originally planned to do with this story. It’s a far cry from how I wanted it to be, but I’m happy you guys like it!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Nah. It’s for the better. It’s not like most people would care about what certain members of the Kid or Heart Pirates are up to in the first place.

6 months ago

Shyarly is always a lovely surprise!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Random

She’s one of my personal favorite girls. I appreciate any opportunity to work her into a story.

6 months ago

A fun chapter to watch friend, the competition has started and the Kid Pirates hace already lost some beris…. let´s see how this goes, the winner will take something specific or is it just a competition to see who is better?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Soldadorayan

Incredibly happy to see that you liked this chapter. There’s nothing really to be won during this event, it’s really just a dick measuring contest for the captains, quite literally.

6 months ago

So just to be sure, the winners win what after the challenges? Like will it be like in the Foxy arc and the winners will be able to choose so eone from the loser crews and add them to the winning crew.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Mirag

There will be no exchange between crewmates in this Davy Back fight. First, I doubt anyone would care about it as most readers, I think, are more interested in the sexy parts of the story, but also because it would get a bit too complicated with three crews involved. In this Davy Back Fight, only the pride of each crew/captain is at stake.