Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Bitch Tamer Hana

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XVII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XIX): [LINK]

It’s hot.


That was the main thing Ino Yamanaka could think about as she stood naked at the edge of the water. She was still in the woods, only now on the return trip from visiting a mountain hermit who was a master of mixing herbs that only grew in that area. She and Hana, who went on the trip along with her, never actually met the hermit himself. When they reached the hut in the middle of fucking nowhere, he wasn’t anywhere to be found. What was there though was a neatly wrapped bundle of fabric with a sheet of rough paper over it where the hermit had drawn the sign for Konoha.


Ino remembered Shizune mentioning the hermit was a little on the anti-social side. Ino figured he was hiding somewhere nearby. Likely waiting for the two of them to take what they came there for and leave. Respecting his wishes to be left alone, Ino and Hana picked up the bundle and left. This really was Genin work, simple, quick, and unbelievably BORING!


“Haaaah…” Ino sighed as she waded out into the water. It felt so cool against her skin. A flock of birds flew overhead. It was those birds that had gotten her and Hana’s attention. The way they were circling over an area of the forest. When they reached the area, the two women were greeted by an unexpected sight. A large pond that was just shy of being a lake sat in the middle of the forest. What was even stranger was there were a bunch of palm trees growing around the pond.


“A sexy little bitch like you shouldn’t sigh like that!” said Hana as she came up behind Ino and reached around her to grab her big soft tits.


“Ahhhnn…!” Ino moaned, melting into the other woman’s embrace, her pussy instantly leaking down her thighs. Hana squeezed and kneaded Ino’s big soft tits slowly as the blonde felt the other woman’s naked breasts pressing against her back.


“Hmmmmmh, that’s better…” Hana said as she used her head to gently push Ino’s head to one side before softly biting her neck. At the same time, she moved her hand down between the blonde woman’s legs. Ino heard her growling softly as her fingers began toying with her sopping wet cunt.


“Hrmmmmmh, you smell good…!” Hana said, while pushing three fingers inside, “My bitch in heat!”


“Haaaaah, ahh, a… Arf!” Ino barked as her pussy let out a quick burst of juices around the woman’s fingers. Hana knew EXACTLY what she was doing, including knowing all the right places to touch to drive Ino wild. Immediately, Ino began humping her crotch into the other woman’s hand.


“Nmmmmh, someone’s eager!” Hana teased, “Like a little pup who always wants to play! Hahr!” said Hana, biting Ino’s neck a little harder and making her cum instantly! The brown haired woman then pulled away, moving to turn Ino around and kissing her fiercely. She shoved her tongue into Ino’s mouth and the blonde eagerly accepted it. Her entire body felt like putty for Hana to play with as she pushed her thigh between Ino’s legs. Ino instantly began grinding her pussy against Hana’s leg, moaning into the kiss as the two of them mashed their tits together.


“Nmmmmh, mmmmmh, haaaah!!! Woof woof!!!” Ino barked as Hana broke the kiss and pushed her down into the shallow water. “AHHHH, YESSS!!!” she then called out as Hana grabbed her legs and spread them wide before leaning her head down between Ino’s creamy thighs. The brunette’s mouth covered her pussy, with her tongue delving deep between the hot and wet folds.




Ino yelped as Hana spanked her, a punishment for speaking like a human. She’d told her plainly, as her bitch, Ino wasn’t allowed to speak in anything but barks, to which she had agreed.


ARF!! ARF ARF!!! AHHHHHHH!” Ino barked and moaned as she was quickly rewarded for proper behavior. Hana used both hands to pull open Ino’s pussy, exposing the soft pink insides. She then began flicking Ino’s clit with her tongue, making the blonde shake in pleasure as she grabbed at her own tits now. Ino pulled her left tit to her mouth, sucking her own nipple as her fingers toyed with the nipple of her right breast. She moaned around her nipple as Hana began sucking on her clit now, sending powerful waves of pleasure through her entire body


“Hmmmmmmh nmmmh nmmmmh…” Hana growled into Ino’s pussy, licking and sucking on her clit while her fingers dipped in and out of her faster and faster. Her digits made a wet sucking noise as they moved and Ino squirmed as she came again and again!


NMMMMH, AHHHH, WOOF WOOF!!! AHHHOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Ino howled as she felt herself cumming hard again, her pussy gushing all over Hana’s face. The dark haired woman kept her face between Ino’s legs, heedless of the juices gushing all over her.


HMMMMMMH, SUCH A WONDERFUL SMELLLL!!!” Hana growled before licking her pussy even harder. Ino could only moan and bark like the horny bitch she was as the two women moved back onto the shore. The two women then positioned themselves with their legs scissoring one another, their pussies pressed tightly against each other’s.


AHHH, AHHHH, AHHHHH…!!!” Ino moaned, bucking her crotch against Hana’s, loving the feel of the heat coming off of her pussy as their clits flicked and rubbed together.


HMMMMMM, YEEEESSSSS, AHHH, GOOD GIRL, GOOD GIRRRRL…!!” Hana growled, moaning with Ino as the two of them worked each other into one orgasm after the next.


AHHHH, AHWOOF WOOF!! AAAARRRF!!! ARF ARF ARF!!!!” Ino barked again and again as she came, getting more and more turned on by how natural making the sound was becoming. It felt so GOOD! To be so submissive to the other woman. Sai was a decent enough lover, but true PASSION was still something he didn’t have a lot of. Ino craved passion, hungered for it even as she panted and moaned, all while her tongue was hanging out of her mouth as she poured herself into her role


Yesss!’ she thought, ‘I’m Hana’s doggy biiiitch!! And it feels so goooood!


WOOF WOOF!!! WOOF!!” she barked as she felt herself cumming even more.


HAAH, AHH, HAAAAAAH, YEAAAAH, YEAH, YEEEEAAAHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!” Hana howled as she came hard with Ino. The blonde could feel her pussy gushing against her own. Hana’s powerful heady juices still made her feel dizzy and horny as the other woman climbed on top of her, kissing her again. Ino kissed back, while rubbing her naked body against Hana’s as the dark haired woman moved her hands to caress her neck.




“Hah…?” Ino gasped as Hana broke the kiss and pulled away. She felt something fastened tightly around her neck, but not enough to choke her. Moving her hands up, Ino felt the familiar sensation of leather under her fingers, and the cool hardness of a buckle.


It was a collar!


“It’s one of the spares I keep for my boys.” Hana said.


By boys, Hana was referring to her trio of dogs that had been with them the entire journey, but were almost constantly out of sight. They maintained a wide perimeter around the two women, constantly on the lookout for any trouble. At night, they would come back to their camp with freshly killed game, usually squirrels. Ino had never eaten squirrel before this trip, but she had to admit, when cooked right(something Hana knew how to do), it wasn’t too bad.


“I’ll buy you a proper one when we get home. I want you to wear it at all times while we’re together, understand?”


“Ahh, ye… Yes, I mean, ARF!” Ino gasped, still shaky from cumming so hard. Hana patted her on top of her head.


“Good girl. Now, let’s get a proper bath before we set up camp.” Hana told her.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

Excellent History 10/10

2 years ago

Thank you.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Aaaaaaaahh… I’ll probably never grow tired of reading Ino as this kind of bitch in heat! Between her and Sakura, it’s actually kind of hard to say which one I’ll like more as the cheating housewife that seeks more carnal pleasures over what little their hubbie’s have to offer. Sakura has the BBC/much more open NTR stuff, sure, but Ino has petplay and some sweet lesbian action… hmmm! Actually depends on how future Ino stories deliver, since it’s kinda hard to come to a conclusion just yet with only 1.5 chapters with her in them. Yes, 1.5 chapters! I actually find it kinda hard to see this as a standalone chapter given its short length and how similar it is to the first one. It actually feels more like something that could have been part of the chapter before this. The most noticeable difference I could see was how it focused more on the petplay-aspect, with Ino being not allowed to talk and instead is only allowed to bark like the bitch she is. It’s a really hot concept that I think could have been explored a bit more in greater detail.

As it stands, this chapter feels perhaps a bit too short for how much I enjoy the topic it covers. I hope we’ll get more of it in future chapters.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, this chapter was a MASSIVE rush job, I had only a day to do it, so I did what I could. Still, I think it turned out fairly well.

2 years ago

just wanted to say two things

First, this story is really good.

and second, I’d like to write some fanfics, even if it’s just for testing, if you want, give me your instagram.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaio

Thank you, and I’m sorry, I don’t have an Instagram

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

doesn’t ero have instagram?

2 years ago

For whatever reason I want to see sai fight back for ino. He may lack passion and feelings but I feel like unlike sasuke in this story he wouldn’t roll over and take this but stand up for himself for who he loves. What he lacks in passion he can make up for in commitment, all he needs is some direction.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

In a few more chapters

2 years ago

Ino getting beat like a doggo is just *chefs kiss* magnifique

2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior


2 years ago

Wow es increíble que apenas ayer puse en los comentarios sobre querer ver esta fotografía de Ino y no me lo esperaba me tomo por sorpresa ahora la de Temari y el moño rojo jejeje pero en fin otro buen capitulo me guata esta dinámica de Ino siendo dominada aunque si no mal recuerdo hay una foto de Si y Naruto teniendo un trio con Ino eso podría cambiarlo todo en estos últimos tres capítulos y me da gusto que no sea otro capitulo de Sakura ya sé que están remasterizando algunos capítulos por seguridad pero es bueno que veamos mas chicas ojalá y la próxima sea Temari o Hinata.


2 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

I haven’t forgotten about that one.

2 years ago

Ino could take the Raikage as well in some future of the story? I would like to see that so bad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Can’t promise that

2 years ago

Glad to see the other Naruto girls getting the spotlight