Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Alice’s Appetite for Cocks

Previous Story (Chapter 16): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 18): To be continued…



Alice Nakari had to admit, for a fantasy room like out of some Love Hotel, this place was pretty nice! It looked like Erina really went all out on the room decoration. If she didn’t know better, Alice would have sworn she was actually in a hot spring resort of some kind. All that was missing was the mild sulfur smell. The walls of the room itself were one of those ultra-high definition screens, the kind that cast an illusion of three dimensions for some advertisements. Right now, it gave the impression of being in a forested mountain outdoor setting, complete with moving clouds and the sound of animals playing at random. Hanging from the ceiling were some surprisingly realistic looking, but still fake hanging vines with pink leaves. Alice couldn’t remember what they were called exactly, but she’d seen them before.


The bathroom wasn’t any different. Well, there was ONE difference! Since the main room was where the “hot spring” was, there was no actual bath in the bathroom, just a basic shower, toilet, and sink. But given that fucking in a hot spring was pretty much the entire theme for this room, it was a fair trade-off.


“Oiy, what’s taking that guy so long!” Alice asked no one, her cheeks puffed out in annoyance.


‘That guy’ was in reference to one of their first official customers here at Busteez. This wasn’t some test case, or a well known food critic. This was a serious customer who made a reservation, came in, ate, and now was looking to get lucky after his meal! He’d paid good money for a little fun with Alice, and she was gonna make sure he left with a big smile on his face. One of those goofy grins like out of a porno anime!


“Come on, hurry up already! I’m gonna dry out at this rate!” she muttered to herself crassly. ‘Jeez, I’ve been hanging around Leda too much!’ she then thought to herself as she shook her head vigorously to try and dislodge those vulgar thoughts.


And it wasn’t like she wasn’t looking forward to this. The guy who’d asked for a special service from her was fucking HOT! Short brown hair like the color of a quality milk chocolate. Unblemished skin that had just the right amount of tan, not too dark but not overly pale. She’d never admit it to anyone out loud, but Alice was a bit self conscious about overly pale skin. She got it from her mother’s side, and while some said it looked beautiful, like a classical Geisha, it also came with the downside of her getting burned VERY easily. Which wouldn’t have been so bad if not for the fact that when it healed, she was right back to her regular pale tones.


The guy was also tall, and she really liked that. There were so many short guys in Japan, and most of the tall ones tended to be either jerks or pick-up artists. Jerks she could handle, but pick-up artists were the worst! Honestly, how could girls fall for that crap!?


A knock at the door to the room broke Alice out of her thoughts. Moving to lean back in a seat in front of the big bath that dominated the main floor of the room, Alice spread her legs wide and pasted on a grin. She was already buck naked, which gave whomever came in a solid look at her pretty pink pussy.


“It’s open!” she called out. There was then an immediate “click” as the voice activated lock undid itself. All anyone in the room had to do was call out the trigger phrase and the door would unlock until it had been opened and closed again. At which point, the lock would reengage. She didn’t understand entirely how it worked, but it was set up so only a voice from inside the room would work.


The door opened and in walked the guy from earlier. He was dressed for a night of fine dining in a white and gray business suit. His face was handsome, with short cut dark colored hair, soft features but sharp looking eyes. He walked into the room with a silent kind of confidence that Alice liked. When he looked at her, a smile spread over his face.


“Like what you see?” she asked with a grin.


“I do.” he answered plainly. Alice felt a bit of a thrill at that, none of that stupid romcom beta male nonsense where the guy walks in, sees the girl naked, and freaks out. Still keeping her legs spread wide, Alice held out her arms in a welcoming gesture. The man, who Alice never bothered to get his name, grinned back at her before taking off his jacket, followed by his tie and an expensive looking smartwatch.


Alice watched as the man meticulously stripped himself down little by little, setting his clothes on a chair by the door. She felt more than a little bit of a thrill as he bared his chest. Much to her delight, he was fairly cut, but not bulky. Alice hated the Beefcake type, all those hard muscles were just such a turn-off for her! Namely because those kinds of people usually had ZERO respect for her craft, they were all about huge portions instead of tantalizing the senses.


Once striped down completely naked, the man stood up straight and looked at her. Alice continued to grin at him as he approached her, his eyes glancing up and down her naked body. He really did like what he saw, if going off how big his dick had gotten was any indicator. She’d heard in the girls locker room chatter about how most guys didn’t have real, actual, mental control over their junk. So a guy popping wood while looking at you was in a way, a compliment. A pervy compliment, but still a compliment nonetheless.


Alice wasn’t foolish, she knew her incredibly pale skin was something that put some guys off. She wasn’t self-conscious about it or anything, but it did give her a welcome ego boost to see a hot guy getting stiff looking at her hot bod! His own body was completely devoid of body hair, and by complete, she meant it! Aside from what was on his head, he didn’t have a single other hair to speak of. Alice had heard about guys shaving their entire bodies below the neck and such. She herself regularly shaved her crotch. It was just a common thing with most girls these days. The hairy bush look was just OUT. And, she admitted, it did look good on a guy as she felt her own natural arousal kindling as she stared at his dick.


The dark haired young man closed the distance between them and reached out, pulling Alice into his arms. His skin felt hot against her own, and firm. She instinctively rubbed her entire body against his, loving the feel of naked flesh against naked flesh. It was a sensation she’d come to enjoy quite a bit.


Alice slipped her arms around the man’s shoulders, hugging herself against him before they kissed. She moaned into it, not from any serious arousal, but she could still taste Soma’s cooking on his tongue. It was some kind of bar-b-que dish, and the sauce had a kind of sweetness and spiciness to it that each complemented the other. Alice couldn’t help herself from sliding her tongue all around the inside of the man’s mouth, making him groan from the sudden intensity of the kiss.


She only stopped when she couldn’t taste any more of the lingering sauce and broke away gently. “Ohh!?” she squeaked in surprise when his hands grabbed her butt in a firm grip and lifted her up. Remembering all of the things Leda told her from that time in the glory hole room, Alice put her legs around the man’s slim waist. She then reached underneath herself with one hand, easily finding his big dick, stroking it slowly a few times to get a proper idea of the length. He wasn’t nearly as big as Soma or Ryo, but that didn’t matter.


[Remember,] Leda had told her, [A guy’s junk size doesn’t really matter in this line of work, though it helps. If the guy isn’t up to snuff for you, just imagine someone who is while you’re working. If you don’t cum, that’s fine. It’s easy to fake it if you know how!]


Leda then told her and Ikumi to watch some anime porn and listen closely to the lines and tones of the voice actresses. [Stuff where the chick is being fucked into submission works best! The kinkier the better. You can even borrow the lines sometimes. Fuck knows I have. My main point is, so long as you can make the guy THINK he’s fucking you stupid, he should leave with a smile.]


Alice had done just that, having found some series about a kunoichi woman dressed in purple who was constantly getting boned by tentacles and big disgusting looking monster guys. There was this twisted chick in it with purple hair who really got off watching the main girl suffer, if you could call being forced to cum your brains out suffering.


Still, Leda was right about one thing, it showed her just how to moan!


OOOOOOHHHMMM!!!” Alice moaned, bringing the sound up from deep in her throat as she felt his cock sliding inside her. She loosened her grip on his waist and shoulders just a little, letting her own weight push her down on his dick! “AHHHHN! DHEEEEP!” she moaned, meaning it this time, he could feel the tip of his cock pressing at the entrance to her womb!


The man groaned, a low sound that reminded Alice of a dog almost. He then moved to push her up against the wall by the bath, using it to offset her weight by letting her rest against it. He then began thrusting into her quickly, his length pushing in and out of her pussy easily as she held on tight. A loud SLAP SLAP SLAP noise filled the air under her high pitched moans as he pistoned his cock in and out of her pussy!


AHHHHN, MY PUSSY, IT’S GONNA SPLIT APAAARRRT!!!” she screamed, remembering a line from one of the movies she watched, “HWEEEEGH! DON’T STOP! KEEP POUNDING MY HUNGRY LITTLE PUSSY! FEED IT WITH YOUR DIIIIICK!!!” she screamed, while rocking her hips into his thrusts.


THAT seemed to encourage him, as he growled like a beast and began fucking her even harder. Alice moaned in real pleasure, not trying to hide her voice at all as she felt her pussy clenching and unclenching around his cock.


“Aww yeah, that’s it! Your cunt’s coiling around my cock!” he groaned, pulling away from the wall, keeping her aloft with his hands on her ass like a kind of seat. “Hmmmn, it’s tight!” he told her.


AHHHN, REALLY!?” Alice panted, “MMMMMN, THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!” she told him, then leaned herself back a little more, letting her head fall back as she let out another moan. “AAAHHHN, KEEP GHOINGH!!! FUCK MY PUSSY HARDER! DRILL YOUR DICK INTO MY CORE!!! AHH, AHHH, AHHHHHHN!!! MORE! HARDER! POUND MY HOOOOOLE!” she wailed in pleasure.


Hearing him groaning again, Alice tilted her head back up, looking him in the eyes, panting heavily as she held onto his shoulders with both arms. “SO GOOD! FUCK MY PUSSY!!” she begged, “KEEP GOING UNTIL I’M A SLOPPY MESS!!! AHHMMMH! AHHH, YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME CUM!!!


He grinned back at her, redoubling his movements and seating her on the edge of the tub. Alice felt more secure now that she was resting on something solid, moving her body with his, not even trying to hold back as her pussy gushed and sprayed.


AHHH FUUUUCK, YOU’RE A BEEEEEAST!!!!” she moaned in that same throaty voice from earlier.


He grinned and grunted at her, “HURR, HURRR, HUURRR, HUURRRRGH!!!” he grunted and groaned, slamming his length deep inside her, the tip of his cock kissing the entrance to her womb! She then felt his cock twitching as he began cumming inside her, a light, warm liquid-y feeling shooting inside.


Huh, that’s it?’ she thought even as she moaned and screamed, “AHHHHH, I’M CUMMING!!! I’M CUMMING FROM YOUR CUM SHOOTING INSIDE MEEEEEEE!!!!


What happened next left Alice feeling more than a little annoyed as the man let her fall back into the tub with a light splash. He pulled her back out quickly enough and apologized, but she was still miffed! Somehow she managed to hold her tongue and not snap at him for being an idiot. What kind of man dumps a girl into water right after nutting in her!?


The next hour saw Alice scrubbing the man’s back before the two of them rinsed off and got into the tub together. The pale skinned girl rather enjoyed that part, a nice, relaxing bath after sex was actually very pleasant.


“Come back soon…!” she said while still in the tub, waving to the man as he left.


He wasn’t even gone three seconds before Leda came in, a big grin on her face, “Not bad Himedere-chan!” she told her.


Alice managed not to wince at the annoying nickname she’d managed to get. ‘Still, it’s better than Erina’s,’ she thought, then verbally replied, “Thanks.”


“So,” said Leda as she walked over to the edge of the tub and leaned down, resting her elbows against the rim, “Scale of 1-10, how was he?”


“As far as looks go? A solid 7 or 8 even. The sex was… Eh, I’d give it a 5!” she told her honestly. “Say, do you know what Soma made him by chance?” she asked, changing the subject.


“Buffalo wings, Yukihira Style.” Leda said.


Alice blinked her red eyes, “Huh, do buffalo have wings?”


Leda snorted, then snickered, then outright laughed hard, “Seriously? You don’t know what buffalo wings are!? That’s like, the most basic of bar foods! They serve them even in Japanese clubs!”


Alice puffed out her cheeks, “Basic Bar Food isn’t exactly considered fine dining!” she said.


“Of course it is! Especially the way Soma made them. When that guy took his first bite, I swear he must have jizzed his pants!” Leda said, still laughing. She got her mirth under control after a few more minutes, “Buffalo Wings are chicken wings served in a variety of different sauces. Normally they are grilled, but they can come fried as well. Soma used that pressure cooker thing and cooked them in one sauce, then strained them out, before adding another sauce he made separately. Whole kitchen smelled like those hot spices that Akira guy brought in for a minute.”


Alice tapped her chin in thought, “Hmmmmmn… Chicken wings served in a sauce, that I get, but why call them buffalo then…?” It just didn’t make sense to her.


“Really, THAT’S what you’re worried about?” Leda asked dryly.


“Well yeah. I’m not worried about that guy, whatever his name was. He left grinning…” Alice trailed off, “What?” she asked, while seeing Leda looking at her with an expression like a proud mother. It was honestly creepy.


“Good job!” she said, giving her a thumbs up!


“Okay, you’re weirding me out here. And I thought Erina’s stalker chick was creepy!” said Alice.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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1 day ago

Been quite a long time since we had anything done for this series. And well, it was a pretty interesting chapter. 👀

To quickly get into it, I enjoyed this for what it was, with and without the sex. Not just because it’s Food Wars/SNS, but also because it’s a chapter that eases the reader back into it. It being centered around Alice is a nice bonus.👌

But seriously, well done with this. 👏

Hope to see more down the line. 😎

– Hiryu

1 day ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thanks, yeah, I wanted to make this chapter a more simple one for new readers. Alice is a fun girl and a decent example of a Himedere, though she doesn’t fit that definition to a T, it’s close enough.

2 days ago


1 day ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Glad you enjoyed it

2 days ago

Oh thank god. Something else that isn’t fucking Fairy Tail.

1 day ago
Reply to  Anon

I got 0 say on the art done, sorry.

2 days ago

Yoooo. Been a LOOOONG time since we’ve seen these

2 days ago
Reply to  Random

Loosely a year, yep!

2 days ago

Muy bien buena historia la de hoy pero me da gusto que hayan traído de vuelta a Shokugeki no soma a la página después de tanto tiempo casi un año de la última historia.

En fin buen seguimiento a la historia de Restaurante/Burdel con el tema de los primeros clientes y ver cómo funciona el establecimiento además fue buena la introducción de Alice al verla a ella y noa otra chica que estábamos más acostumbrados como Erina o Ikumi y el resto de la historia salió bien en líneas generales.
8.9/ 10🌟

PD: Hagan lo que pueda para traer más historia de la serie no estaría mal darle un descanso a MHA o Bleach para ver más capítulos de Food Wars o de Dragón Ball

2 days ago
Reply to  AL-720

Glad you liked it! Yeah, nearly a year, last one was late October last year. I’d be happy to do more Dragon Ball if there was more art.