Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

A Night Worth Remembering

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Part X): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XII): [LINK]

(New Marineford, Marine HQ…)


WHAT DO YOU MEAN STRAW HAT AND TRAFALGAR HAD A BATTLE FOUR DAYS AGO?!?!” Fleet Admiral Sakazuki’s voice echoed throughout the entire building, scaring off the many Navy soldiers who tried their absolute best to stay as far away from the magma-user’s office as possible, “WHY AM I ONLY GETTING NOTIFIED OF THIS NOW?!” he asked as he bit down on the cigar in his mouth.


“W- well…” Vice Admiral Mozambia, who had the questionable honor of informing his superior about the recent events, gulped nervously as he played with the collar of his suit. “It was a rather remote and isolated island, so…” sweat ran down the gray haired man’s face as the temperature in the room kept rising. “Getting information about anything was pretty hard.”


THAT’S WHY WE HAVE SURVEILLANCE UNITS!” shouted the scarred Navy Officer whilst slamming his fist down on his desk, causing it to crack.


Putting his cigar into the ashtray on the desk, Sakazuki clicked his tongue and pushed himself off of his office chair to walk over to a large window that let him admire the crystalline ocean outside. In the horizon however, dark clouds were forming, bringing with them the rumble of thunder and the advent of another big storm. Under normal circumstances, looking out of the ocean would help him to calm his raging mind a bit. Not today though, as the upcoming storm simply reminded him of the turbulent times he lived in.


After taking a couple deep breaths, Sakazuki finally felt ready to continue the conversation without shouting, “Anything else I should know about?” he then asked, with his brown eyes wandering over the outskirts of New Marineford, where eager men were preparing and loading Battleships for their departure.


“Erm…” Mozambia stuttered.


“Say it!” ordered Sakazuki. He turned around to look the trembling Vice Admiral in the eyes, only to raise an eyebrow at the incoming man.


As if he sensed his colleagues’ fear, another Vice Admiral stepped into the office. The Director of the Marine Investigative Service, Tensei (Kurouma), cleared his throat after briefly checking the reports in his hands. “It seems that the Straw Hats were also responsible for the kidnapping of Dressrosa’s Princess.”





(A random ocean somewhere in the New World…)


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! So Straw Hat and Trafalgar are already at each other’s throats again?!” Eustass “Captain” Kid laughed heartily after hearing the news from his partner in crime, Killer.


“Sure seems like that.” the masked soldier agreed in his usual calm and collected voice. He put the report into his pockets again before stepping to his captain’s right side. “What are you gonna do about it?”


“Do about it?” Kid echoed. Putting his foot on the railing in front of him, he watched as lights lit up in the darkness in front of them as their enemies finally noticed them. “We won’t do anything! If those two idiots want to kill each other, then just let them. They will just make it easier for me to become the Pirate King!”


The sound of a siren disrupted the otherwise peaceful silence of the night around them as the defenders of the island finally got ready for combat. Kid felt more than a bit excited about finally getting his turf back after having lost it to Kaido several months ago. His blood began to boil just thinking about Hawkins’ and Apoo’s betrayal back then, causing his lust for battle to rise even more. Whether he would raze the entire island to the ground, simply to blow some steam, or make it his turf again, he wasn’t sure yet. He would come to a decision once he slaughtered any and all of those wannabe protectors there, regardless of if they’re now the Marines or any other pirate crew who seized the island after Kaido’s defeat.


He opened and clenched his metallic hand a few times, testing if his repairs after his battle against Boa Hancock were good enough, “Tell the crew to get ready!” he told Killer. “And tell that bitch that if she wants some loot, then she better get in on the action as well! No exceptions!”


“Got it, Kid!” Killer replied before leaving his partner’s side, walking down the staircase to the rest of the crew.


“Just you wait, Straw Hat! Trafalgar!” purple sparks of electricity cracked in the air as he used his Devil Fruit powers to attract some nearby junks of metal. “We’ll meet again soon enough and then… AHAHAHAHAHA!!!



(A few days later, Supaima Island, the New World…)


“Hmhmhm~𝅘𝅥𝅮” Sanji hummed to himself as he strolled through the busy marketplace of a densely populated city. His eyes wandered from the store window of a shop that sold some really expensive, yet comfortable and elegant looking, suits, to the very prominent cleavage of a white haired girl that walked through the streets in the arms of her boyfriend. From this quick glance alone, Sanji calculated that she must have a natural B92. Quite a bit smaller than Nami’s marvelous breasts, yet marginally bigger than Carrot’s.


The blonde cook shook his head as he focused on the much more important task at hand, getting ingredients and new silverware. Ever since their Captain decided to let Vivi, and Rebecca travel with them, they all realized just how crowded the Thousand Sunny really had become. Franky and Jinbe together were taking up what seemed to be half of the male sleeping quarters and Sanji could only dream and fantasize about how the girls must have to sleep in their room. Two beds for six girls… While the mere thought was certainly arousing, Sanji could definitely see as to why they came to the conclusion to reconstruct the ship. And that was without even addressing the elephant, or rather, the duck named Karoo, in the room that accompanied them as well since he didn’t want to leave Vivi’s side.


Their eccentric shipwright had promised them to rebuild the Sunny in a way that kept it almost identical to the way it was before, just more fitting for the crew of a newly dubbed Emperor of the Sea. For this endeavor, Nami had even gone so far as to grant him access to half of the spoils from their attack on the Celestial Dragon Convoy a while back!


With Usopp and Franky redesigning their beloved ship, it was up to the other crew members to get the supplies needed. Or, in Sanji’s case, to restock their cutlery and other kitchen utensils, now that they had quite a few more people to feed.


He looked for a store that sold either one or both of the things he was searching for, but instead ended up falling in love with the amount of ass he saw from a way too small mini-skirt wearing milf as she bent over to pick up something from the ground. Blood started running down his face as he got a good glimpse of the woman’s pink panties and the bountiful ass that it tried to cover!


“No! Control yourself!” he chided himself, turning his head to look anywhere else but the beautiful woman’s large butt, “I have a duty to fulfill!” he remembered in his head. “I can’t let myself be distracted by any woman!”


“Sanji-san?” a female voice called out to him through the crowd of people in the marketplace.


A female voice that he was all too familiar with, “Pudding-chan?” he gasped. Turning around, he spotted the kind and beautiful face of his ex-fiance in an instant!


Hazelnut colored hair framed her angelic face while hiding the third eye that rested at the center of her forehead. Her cream colored top accentuated her ample sized tits while leaving her midriff completely exposed, allowing him a clear view at her naturally flat stomach and shapely hips. Black lipstick adorned her perfect, pillowy lips, making them glow like the purest darkness in the bright sunlight. White frills along the hemline of her top matched those found on her puffy yellow pants.


Sanji started to shake a bit. On one hand, he was incredibly happy to see Pudding alive and well again, given how rushed their departure was back when he and his friends escaped Big Mom’s clutches. On the other hand however, he didn’t exactly have the best memories of his and Pudding’s last interactions, only vaguely remembering that he ended up standing alone in an alley. And while he was certain that he could never have said something hurtful, he knew that there had to be a reason as to why there were tears streaming down her face when she ran away from him.


“What… what are you doing here?” he asked her cautiously, nervous of both her answer and the possibility that her siblings could be on the island as well.


“What?!” her brown eyes lit up as a wicked grin spread across her beautiful face, “You think that I’m only here because I worried about your well-being when you left?! That I asked my sister, Praline, to help me with tracking you down so that I can make sure that you’re alright?!” she laughed maniacally, causing many of the other people on the market place to turn her direction. “Don’t be ridiculous, Sanji… -san!”


“I… didn’t think that.” Sanji replied while a small drop of sweat ran down the side of his face. A bit more confident now, he took a step forward to the younger woman, “Regardless of that…” he dropped to his knees in front of her and took her delicate hand, “I’m beyond happy to see you again, Pudding-chan! I know that our last time together wasn’t exactly pleasant, so…” Teardrops fell down on her shaking hand. Afraid that he said or did something wrong again, he looked up and into her immaculate face. “P- Pudding-chan? Is everything alright?”


“Jerk!” she spat out with tears streaming down her face. “Why… Why would you be happy to see me again!? I did… I almost… Jerk!”


Standing up again, Sanji shook his head, “It doesn’t matter that you attempted to kill me back then. Everything worked out fine.” he continued to hold on to her hand while wiping her tears away with the thumb of his other hand, caressing her cheek with it. “I’m just glad that you’re alive and well!”


The three-eyed woman sniffed, fighting the tears that threatened to burst out of her again, “Sanji-san, do you… do you remember anything about our last time together?” she asked him.


“Only that you were running away from me. If I insulted or hurt you in any kind of way, then I am truly sorry!” he let go of her hand and bowed down in front of her. “I could never forgive myself if something like that happened! Please, tell me what happened back then. I will give it my absolute all to right the wrongs I did!”


After having fully fought back the tears, Pudding laughed, “HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You really think someone like you could insult me?! Pathetic!” She turned to the side and looked into the crystalline sky above. “Well, if you insist on giving your all, then I guess you could growl at my feet and beg me for forgiveness!”


Without a shred of hesitation, Sanji dropped to his knees, his face as serious as can be, “My beloved Pudding-chan, I am deeply sorry for my abrupt departure on that day. If the circumstances had been different, I would have loved to spend more time with you. Even now my heart still hurts, thinking about our shortcut time tog-!”


GAH!! What are you doing!?” Pudding interrupted him. She turned around in all directions, seeing the many bewildered looks of the people on the marketplace around them, “Stop immediately and get on your knees again! What kind of fool do you think you are?!” Her words hurt him a bit, though the deep red blush on her face showed Sanji that she was deeply embarrassed about this whole situation. “Just… if you really want to show that you’re sorry, then…”



AHUMMMMMMMMMMMPHH!!!!!” Pudding moaned as she wrapped her mouth around the towering shaft in front of her.


“Grrrrrr…!!” Sanji groaned in pleasure, his fingers digging deep into the mattress beneath him in response. Black lipstick marks adorned his upper body from his neck all the way down to his groin, evidence of her foreplay from earlier. The warmth of his ex-fiance’s tits against the base of his cock and his balls only added to the heavenly feeling he was experiencing. “Oh, Pudding-chan… that feels incredible!”


HA! AYE BHET ID DOESH ‘OUH SHIGG PERPH!!!!” she slurred around his cock, all while her three eyes locked on his face, “‘OUH BEDDAH ENSHOY DISH!!!! ‘OU HEAW MEH?!?” Her muffled moans echoed in the spacious hotel room as she began taking more and more of his dick between her lips. “UGH GUH MMMH MMMH MMMH GLUUGH HMMMMMPH MOOOOOH!!! SHO GHUUUUD!!!!


“Hmmmmmmmm!!!” Sanji grunted as more than half of his cock disappeared behind her black painted lips. “Oarrrrgh!”


Even with her lips wrapped around the unbelievably thick meat stick, the 35th daughter of Big Mom managed to smile, “HNGHNGHNGHNG!!!!“ she giggled before spitting his cock out. Rubbing her face against the side of the hot rod, Pudding licked the underside of it with her tongue, “You like having your dirty cock sucked by my tongue, don’t you?” she asked, the words basically steaming out of her mouth.


Pulling her face away from his cock, she instead put both her hands on her breasts and squeezed them around his length. The hot sensation that swept over them caused both of them to squirm in wanton lust and anticipation. “Hrrrrrrrrrm…!”


“Ooooooohhh… your cock is so hard~!” Pudding moaned, while moving her tits back and forth in slow, rhythmic motions. Jolts of raw pleasure raced from her tits through her entire body and back again, simply by Sanji’s cock rubbing against the highly sensitive skin of her breasts. “Nnnnnngh… SANJI-SANNNNNNN!!!!!!!


“Hurr… hurr… hurr…!” panted the blonde. His fingers clenched around the pink mattress as the pleasure in his balls kept rising and rising, “So… tight…!” he groaned through gritted teeth, bucking his hips in rhythm with Pudding’s own motion.


With a large grin on her face, Pudding kissed the very tip of her lover’s dick, leaving a perfect black mark behind, “Oh, do you perhaps love this? And this? How about this? THIS?” she continued asking, accentuating each question with another kiss. “MWAH!!! SAY IT!!! SAY THAT YOU LOVE MY PERFECT TITS AROUND YOUR COCK!!!!


Smiling at her sudden outburst, Sanji nodded, “With pleasure!” he obeyed as hearts replaced his eyes, “I LOVE THEM!!!! THEY’RE INCREDIBLE MELORINE!!!!!!” he bellowed out from the deepest part of his soul!


HAHAHAHAHA!!! YES!!! ADMIT IT YOU DAMN PERVERT!!!!!” the brunette shouted before putting his cock back into her tight and hot little mouth. “OOOOMPH, GLUGGGGH SHUGGGH HMMMMMPH GLUGGGH!!!!!! SHO BHIGGGGGGG!!!! AYE CAN PHEEL YOUW FUGGING CAWK IN MUH SHTOMASH!!!!!!!!


Her tits still firmly pressed around the base of his cock, Pudding once again started to swallow his dick. All three of her eyes started rolling back into her sockets as her beloved’s cock filled her entire mouth and throat. Fighting back her gag reflex, she forced herself to push forward!


HMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!! GULLLLLLGH HUUUUUGUGH MWEEEEEH!!!!!!” she moaned in a mix of pleasure and dull pain as her jaw began aching as if it was about to get unhinged. Still, the rush of adrenalin and ecstasy that coursed through her veins forced her to continue. ‘Sanji-san… you will be mine!!!


As the world around her started to disappear in a pink mist, she focused on her ex-fiance’s completely contorted face. Though the manly smell of his manhood and the sensation of his cock rubbing against her tits and throat made it hard for her to stay focused, she managed to keep her sanity!


For now!


His slow thrusts, however, made it quite hard for her to stay focused for long as his cock got shoved even further down her throat, “HRRRRRGH… Pudding-channnn!!!!”


YEPPPPPH!!!!!” Pudding screamed around his cock, ‘Say my name more you idiot! Call me your slut, cumdump, whore,… whatever!’ she demanded in her mind, unable to put it into real words due to the thick cock making it nigh impossible for her to talk at all and because she would be way too ashamed of his potential reaction, “MMMMMMMH ‘ATSH THA MADDAH?!” she asked instead.


Once again, she pulled her head away from her lover’s crotch until it popped out of her lips with a loud and wet ‘PLOP’ sound. Strings of saliva connected her black lips with his cock for a long while before ultimately snapping. Sanji moaned in visible dissatisfaction as he got robbed of the pleasurable sensation of her mouth, “Grrrrrrh…!” instead he groaned as Pudding stroked his length with both her hands at once!


The abundance of saliva on his dick made it easy for her to move her hands up and down in rapid and fluid motions, “About to empty your pathetic little balls!?” she asked teasingly and with a sinister smile on her face as she kissed his two family jewels. “Bet you would love to shoot your load all inside my mouth, don’t you!?”


YES!!!” Sanji answered without even a single shred of hesitation, arching his back and thrusting his rock hard erection high into the air.


“Too bad then!” the three-eyed woman declared, “What woman would actually want to swallow your disgusting load?!” she asked while at the same time answering the question herself in her mind. ‘I would! It’s mine! And mine alone! No way in hell would I ever let another woman have a taste of my dear Sanji-san!


Before Sanji could even attempt to say something in response, Pudding rolled him off of the bed, causing him to lay on his back on the oddly black-and-white colored carpet that covered the ground of the hotel room. His massive erection pointed straight into the air, standing easily over fifteen inches tall! Keeping her three eyes locked both on his surprised looking face and eagerly twitching dick, Pudding climbed down from the bed and moved to stand directly in front of the blonde cock. Heady smelling scents filled the air as long rivulets of pussy juices kept oozing out of her desperately dripping snatch and down her thicc and creamy thighs!


“No!” she shook her head as she bit down on her lower lip, the burning need and urge to FUCK within her body becoming too unbearable to fight back any longer. “But if you’re really desperate to empty your balls, then I guess I could do you a favor and… RIDE YOUR DICK UNTIL YOUR BALLS ARE DRY!!!!


As Pudding screamed that last part, she squatted down on Sanji’s cock, causing both of them to moan in raw pleasure at the sensation of his dick plunging deep into her tight ass, “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!” the windows of the room shook as they screamed in unison.


SOOOOOOH… THICK!!!!!” Pudding’s eyes crossed as she came immediately. A spray of hot juices rained down on the cook’s chest as she panted for breath, ‘How can… how can this… this feels so…’ even in her mind she was unable to put the experience into words as the blonde began thrusting his hips up and down.


Everytime this veiny behemoth moved inside of her, she felt herself getting closer to losing her mind. Her third eye in the center of her forehead spun around in its socket, whereas her other two were rolled so far back that only the white part was visible. “GOOOOOOOODD!!!


OWAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!” Sanji roared with her as her ass clamped tighter and tighter around his dick with every heartbeat. Almost as if she wanted to keep his cock inside of her for all eternity!


Getting a hold of herself, Pudding looked over her shoulder and at Sanji’s massive cock, “YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!” she hissed, “MINE! MOOOOORE!!! HARDERRRRRR!!!!!!” the brunette screamed as a wicked smile curled around her lips once again. “FUCK! FUCK! AND FUCK ME SOME MORE!!!!!! YOU’RE NOT LEAVING THIS ROOM UNTIL EVERY LAST DROP OF CUM IS INSIDE ME, YOU HEAR MEEEEEEE?!?!?!?!


“With pleasure, my dear!” Sanji responded, a similar big grin on his face. Putting his hands on the younger girl’s hips, he gently lowered her down on his cock. Her usually flat stomach tented upwards a bit as more and more of his cock got pushed deep inside her ass.




In an instant, the grin on Sanji’s face was gone, instead replaced by a worried look, “My apologies!” he lessened the grip on her hips and began lifting her off of his cock again. “I didn’t mean to hurt you! I’ll stop imm-!”


DON’T YOU DARE!!!!!” Pudding interrupted him mid-sentence while forcing herself down on his dick again. “YOU’RE NOT STOPPING UNTIL I’M BROKEN!!!” she said with a determination and energy in her voice that rivaled that of her mother!


“A- Are you sure? I don’t want you to-”


DO I LOOK LIKE I’M UNSURE?!?!?!?” she interrupted him again. A continuous shower of pussy juices splattered Sanji’s abs, further supporting her words as she came over and over and over again!


Gulping, Sanji took hold of her hips once again and started moving his own hips again, slamming and stirring his cock inside her tight little asshole around, “If you… say so…!” he groaned as he felt himself on the verge of climaxing again.


Pudding simply nodded as her tongue lolled out of her open mouth, “MHMMMMMMM!!!” she moaned as she kept riding his cock. After just a few short minutes, she noticed him clawing at the carpet as his entire body stiffened up. “YES!! CUM!!! CUM FOR ME!!!!! GIVE ME YOUR BABIIIIIIIIIIEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!


Sweat pearled down Sanji’s body as he felt himself unable to hold back any longer, “OAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!


CUMMMMMMMMMINGGGGH!!!!!” Pudding screamed with him as his balls emptied themselves. Gallons after gallons of thick jizz got released straight into her ass, only to immediately squeeze out around his cock again, dripping onto the carpet in gooey white globs. “I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!



Sitting at the edge of the water, Pudding watched her declaration of love for Sanji a few more times before putting the memory strip back into her pockets, “Ahhhhhhh!” she sighed as she watched some clouds move across the dark night sky while waves gently lapped against the shore. In the distance, she watched her older sister Praline’s fin break through the dark waves. The hammerhead shark mermaid came closer with breakneck speed, ready to pick her up again. Standing up, Pudding dusted herself off before turning to the bright lights of the city one last time. ‘If only it were so simple!



(In another part of the town…)


“Ugh…!” Sanji groaned weakly as he slowly regained consciousness. The moon shined down on him as he pushed himself up from the blue trash bags that he lay on. Rubbing his head, he tried to remember where he was or what he did. He stood in the middle of a marketplace just a few seconds ago. And then… “What… what happened?”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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1 year ago

Grammar error here she wanted to keep his cock inside of him for all eternity!

1 year ago
Reply to  Lancer

Fixed! thank you

Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

oh por dios sucedio de nuevo pobre sanji aunque la follada que le dio a pudding estuvo rico

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Sanji definitely hase some… questionable luck when it comes to ladies, that’s for sure XD.

2 years ago

An idea I have could be that Pudding puts in and take out Sanji’s memories and makes an alternate personality Sanji to break and degrade her called Chad Sanji as she wants

edit story reasons: Pudding wants Sanji to break her and won’t so she makes Chad Sanji to do it because he is a gentleman

Gag: Dick gets bigger because he knows how to use it better now

Last edited 2 years ago by Ash796
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Ash796

Seems interesting. Don’t know if I can include it but I’ll keep it in mind nonetheless. Thanks for the input.

2 years ago

The ultimate tsundere Pudding returns! I honestly loved her back during whole cake island her character is very fun. The way she tries to be all evil towards Sanji and insulting him, while also servicing his cock like a bitch in heat and expertely draining his balls dry is so damn hot. To bad he won’t be able to remember any of it afterwards but I suppose the memories will give Pudding something to masturbate to in the future tho lol. Hope we get to see more of Big Mom’s kids especially Smoothie she’s wayyyy overdue for some sexy time

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Writing Pudding was actually quite the tough challenge. I always dreaded the prospect of having her interact with Sanji, due to how complex their relationship actually is, which is why I put her with two marines in the one story I wrote with her back in ye olden days before starting this new series. And now, after writing this story, I can safely say that my worries were indeed justified.

Still, I hope I did a decent enough job here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I think you did a really good job with it, really enjoyed hearing puddings tsundere speak and her compliments.

2 years ago

Excellent chapter!

I hope the appearance of Pudding means we’ll see Reiju soon!

And I feel bad for Sanji, gets laid and can’t do even remember it.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

So far I sadly don’t have any Reiju pics to work with. Hope you stick around regardless.

2 years ago

I really like the detail of her room

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Make sure to tell that to Rtenzo under the artwork itself. He’s the mastermind behind it.

2 years ago

Nice chapter. Any interest in the others Big Mom’s daughters? I know there was a chapter with Sanji fucking Smoothie and others girls, but it wasn’t the focus of the chapter.
No need yo have them in a pic, it just they appear and have a bit of focus in a chapter.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mirag

I might be able to include them in future chapters. Smoothie is actually one of my favorite girls, based on design alone and I still believe that she would absolutely rock it during sex scenes and in artworks (hell, her powers make those over-the-top proportions that we see from time to time honestly quite believable and easy to implement in a story). Don’t know how to implement them yet though. Probably gonna focus on other girls first.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

For whatever reason I could see katakuri the prized son of big mom going wild with Yamato the prized daughter of kaido. And after considering that I noticed a pattern of sorts pairing up yamato with sons of powerful pirates, first ace now katakuri.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirag

Which chapter are you talking about ,with smoothie ?