Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai
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Recent Site Performance Issues

Update: Delaying the upgrade til mid-late January as I explore my options regarding new servers

Update2: Found a server package I like but the cost is a bit more than I anticipated so I need to wait til I get paid in February until I have enough to get it. Please bare with me, thanks!

Update3: Trying to get the server migrated so until then no updates for the next 3-4 days while that process is underway

Hey everyone,

Lately the site has been having issues and been periodically going down numerous times a week from anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour. This is an issue on the server end and I hope to resolve it soon. I plan to upgrade the servers in early January in order to improve site performance. I don’t know if this will result in the website being down for a few days while there is server migration but we will see.

But ya… I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience!

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4 years ago

The most recent update got burried in the “click to read more” feature, and it’s impossible to tell when the update was made since the only date is the innitial posting date not the “updated on xx/yy”

4 years ago

Descuida Rtenzo-sama, te entiendo y gracias por avisar, lo bueno que no eres como no eres como otros que se hace perder por 84 años y cuando re-aparecen dicen que tuver problemasion , al menos tu si avisas que estaras ya por problemas varios, con eso ya podemos prepararnos a un tiempo sin tu arte :c.

Pero igualmente si cada vez que escribo me cambian las letras Rtenzo-sama, espero que puedas solucionar tu problema o encontrar a alguien que te pueda ayudar.