Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Chronicles of World City: Traveler Tales

Next Story (Chapter 02): [LINK]

An early summer sun slowly started to rise over the horizon, bathing the splendorous city in a vibrant glow of orange and yellow. In the ocean that lies beyond the wall of skyscrapers, nearly a dozen ships made their way across the shimmering and sparkling waves. Seagulls flew through the amber tinted sky, hungrily waiting for one of the fishermen on the dock to get careless, so that they could steal away a fresh fish from their buckets. In the downtown area of the buzzing metropolis, the last drunken customers are forcefully ushered out of the casinos and bars. In stark contrast to the, somewhat, clear air in the city below, the numerous mountains nearby were covered in a thick, eerie mist that prevented anyone from seeing more than fifty feet within.


β€œHaaaaaa…!!” Louis Johanson let out a long sigh as he continued with the task his boss assigned him when work began, β€œFinal countdown… dubi~dubi~du…!” he sang along with the song he listened to through his earbuds while restocking the different snacks his gas station offered.


The β€œKwik Fill” resided at the very edge of World City, being one of the first buildings many people would see when they travel to the city from the countryside. Aside from offering everything your standard gas station would offer, it also had a car wash and workshop next to it, to cater to every car enthusiast’s needs and desires. Unfortunately due to its location, the amount of customers that passed by was relatively low. At least when compared to the gas stations in the city.




The automatic sound of the door being opened alerted Louis of the new customer. He looked up from his spot behind the counter to see a bull-man (made visibly clear by the pair of horns on either side of his head, a skin that was so dark, it would be more easily to describe as pitch black, as well as a golden ring piercing in his nose) step into the shop. He was dressed in a black leather vest that left his muscular arms completely exposed, torn jeans, and tall brown leather boots. His white horns were further decorated with several golden studs and rings pierced through them. He lifted a pair of black sunglasses and rested it on his forehead as he looked around while groping and fondling the breast of the woman beside him.


She wore a skintight pink biker suit that accentuated her curvaceous physique. Her suit was zipped open just low enough so that Louis could make out the outlines of her areolas, β€˜WOAH! She’s not wearing a bra!’ he thought to himself in shock as the woman giggled in response to her partner’s fondling. A tongue stud briefly revealed itself as she opened her mouth to coo out louder as a response to her partner’s hand sinking deeper into her firm tits. Her blonde hair was rather short and spiky, with the right side shaved so neatly, it revealed the tattoo of a snake, made of several interlinked spades at the side of her head.


Louis shook his head, trying to ignore the couple’s open display of lust and instead focusing on his job. β€œW-welcome to Kwik Fill, where you can get a-”


β€œSup dude!” The biker interrupted his practiced speech with a raised hand, β€œNumber 4.” he said in reference to the gas pump he had used to fill his bike. β€œAnything you want, babe?”


β€œAside from your fat dick?” she responded, barely able to hold back from moaning as she cupped his cock through his pants. Even limp, the outline of his massive member was clearly visible through the fabric of his jeans. β€œYou know that I’m hungry for something big and hard for breakfast!”


β€œHAHAHAHA!! Later!” he continued squeezing the blonde’s tit while waiting for Louis to tell him how much he had to pay.


β€œThat’ll be $73.69,” the curly haired gas station employee said in an attempt to distract himself from his own growing arousal at the way the woman reacted to her boyfriend roughly massaging her tit. β€œAnything else I can do for you?”


β€œNah. Not really.” the man reached into his pocket to pull out a few wads of cash. He put the money on the counter before locking lips with the blonde woman, forcing his tongue past her soft lips.


β€œHMMMMMMMM!!!!!” her moan of sheer happiness and lust echoed through the shop.


More than anything, it distracted Louis from counting the amount of money he received, which made him take twice as long as usual to hand out the change. That however allowed the couple to kiss more lasciviously and louder with each passing second. If he didn’t know any better, the woman seemed to get off from being watched by him as the dark skinned beastman thoroughly explored the insides of her mouth. Luckily, her partner didn’t seem to mind as a smug grin curled around his own lips as they exchanged saliva, even going so far as to separate their lips a couple of inches so that Louis got a better look at their lewd tongue wrestling! By now, the woman was throwing not only her hips, but her entire body, in a rhythmic motion, as if she was already riding his dick!


β€œMmmmh… seems like someone’s already in the mood!” the Demihuman groaned after breaking the kiss. He picked up everything but the $5 of change, β€œRest is for you.” he said. Then, with everything said and done, he led his girlfriend back to the door.




The bell of the door rang once more as the young couple left the store. Through the large glass window that allowed him to look at the different gas pumps, he saw them sit down in a sidecar motorcycle. Without putting on a helmet first, the man started his vehicle and drove off in the distance, leaving behind him a large cloud of smoke and dust.


β€œTsk.” Louis clicked with his tongue, not knowing how else to react to what had just happened.


On one hand, he was just an ordinary guy in his late teens with certain urges. So getting to see such a perverted display of lust up-close was something that definitely riled him up! On the other hand, it also reminded him of his current relationship status, SINGLE, and that he never even had gotten to the point of holding hands with a girl. Let alone kiss one or have sex, something that his coworker, a young, popular and ravishingly beautiful girl by the name of Trish, was always more than happy to remind him about!


β€˜Trish!’ just thinking about the girl and how she called in sick for the fourth time this month quickly soured his mood again. By now, he theorized that she sends their boss premium pics from her fanclub website to get away with all the BS she pulls, though, he had no proof of this.


What he DID know however, was that Trish was far from being actually sick. The pics on her Instagram account posted this morning, which she took in bed with a white rabbit girl who was tagged as @BimboBunny resting her head over Trish’s otherwise naked crotch, seemed to indicate as much! Either Trish was just really tuckered out after a long night with the rabbit girl, which he found hard to believe. Or she stayed home to take even more pics to post on the many websites where her fans would pay all their life savings for even the most tame lewd photos of herself.


And if leaving him to run the shop and doing all the work wasn’t enough, on the few rare days that she actually was willing to show up, she always got to do the easy chores, simply by flashing their boss a bit of her cleavage and wearing the most inappropriate clothes ever, regardless of how much they went against the actual dress code here at the gas station. The few times she wasn’t looking at her phone or putting on a show for the customers to earn some extra money or for their boss to get on his good side, she made fun of him for never having gone to first base with a single girl before! In World City, the bimbo capital of the world, no less! It was frustrating!


Then again, the lack of any distractions allowed him to focus on his job and true passion in life! Becoming a reporter! Or investigative journalist, to be more precise! The job he took at Kwik Fill not only got him the opportunity to get the money he so desperately needed for college, but also placed him in close proximity to one of World City’s most famous and mysterious landmarks; the infamous β€œCursed Chateau”!


Long before he started working here in Kwik Fill, he heard and read about the rumors that surrounded the strange estate at the very top of the local mountain that loomed over the gas station and the World City in general. How nobody knew who it belonged to and how nobody, who ever set foot behind the golden gates, ever returned! And yet, no one deemed it worthy enough to investigate. Not even the police! The best one could hope for was a headline, along the lines of β€œYoung man gone missing while hiking in the mountains of World City!”, whenever another reckless adventurer or naive youth went missing there.


He would change that however! The whole thing was too juicy of a peach to miss out on! Ripe for the taking by any investigator who wasn’t scared off by the local rumors and willing to take the risk!


Before he could stop himself, Louis already booted up his laptop and began surfing the internet in search for more hints and clues about the Cursed Chateau. Aside from being built sometime between 1650 and 1720, surprisingly little was known about the building that sat at the highest point of the mountains around World City. Even the person who built it is unknown!


The rest of the day went by in a flash. Only two or so other people came by to get their cars filled. Other than that, Louis had the shop all to himself and could work on his project regarding the haunted estate in peace. By the time he closed his laptop again, only two hours of work were left.


β€œWhat to do now?” he thought out loud. His boss was undoubtedly still in the workshop in the next building over, tinkering with the cars there. By now, he knew the old man enough to NOT disturb him when he was in the middle of work. More than once, he ended up with a wrench getting thrown his way back when he first started working here.




The bell announced the arrival of yet another customer, β€˜Weird! I haven’t heard a car…’, he thought to himself before turning his attention to the approaching customer. β€œWelcome to Kwik Fill, where you can get aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…!”


In an instant, all reasonable thoughts vanished as he laid eyes on one of the most scantily clad women he had ever seen. And that was saying something! He did live in World City, after all! β€œDressed” in nothing but a pair of golden bands on her arms and tail, and a similar golden choker around her neck, the woman made no effort in hiding her erotic body! Her tits were open for him to look at, save for her nipples, which were concealed by golden metal plates that were connected with a small chain. Her only piece of β€œreal” clothing was a tiny, white loincloth that fluttered loosely in front of her privates. Strange tribal tattoos covered her creamy skin, making her all the more alluring and mesmerizing to look at! The horns on the top of her head, the blue skin, as well as the oddly-shaped tail, seemed to indicate that she was some kind of Demihuman.


β€œYou! Man!” the woman said sharply, snapping him out of his lecherous gaze. β€œWhere Infinium here?” she asked with a thick accent that ended up making her even more intriguing to him.


β€œErm… wha- what do you mean?” he stuttered meekly as the woman walked closer towards him, the chain between her tits rattling with each step as they bounced up and down.


The exotic looking maiden furled her brow in annoyance, β€œWhere I find Infinium here?!” she asked again. β€œComputer say that Infinium here somewhere!”


β€œYou… you want Infinium? For what? You know that’s an extremely rare and expensive metal, right?!” Louis asked.


β€œNo matter to you!” the exotic beauty said harshly. β€œJust tell me where Infinium!”


β€œErm… you could try and go ask the people in β€˜Little Xataria’. They should have some Infinium there…” he said submissively, intimidated and strangely aroused by her direct approach and straightforward demeanor.


β€œβ€˜Little Xataria’, you say? Where this place?!”


Gulping, Louis grew more and more uncomfortable by the woman. Meanwhile, he just couldn’t help himself but be intrigued by what her deal was, β€œYou’re not from around here, are ya? Once you’re in World City, you just need to follow the signs until you’re at a place that looks like a futuristic city with all black buildings; like something straight out of a science fiction movie. Though, it’s highly unlikely, if not impossible, to get Infinium from them. Xatarians do not share their Infinium, and guard even the tiniest amount with their life! Or so I’ve heard.”


β€œYou know a lot about this, man!” In a strange turn of events, the woman walked around the counter, her plump hips swinging naturally from side to side with each step closer towards him. β€œTell more! Now!”


Sweat ran down Louis’s face as he struggled with a rapidly growing erection. It was his first time being so close to a woman! Most women he knew up to this point always made fun of his freckles, his braces, the glasses he had to wear due to reacting allergic to contact lenses, or his poor posture. Trish even joked about letting him join her fan club website for half the price because she pitied him so much!


β€œUm, wha- what do you want me to tell you more a- about?” he asked with his back against the wall.


Undeterred by his uneasiness, she put his hands on his shoulders. β€œEverything!” her gaze met his, β€œYou say citizens of Little Xataria be able to help. And you show me how get there!” she puckered her lips and drew closer!


β€œErr… Wha- what are you doing!?” Louis’s face turned red as he tried to push her away from him as she got closer while pulling him in for a kiss. Despite her rather petite stature, the woman was ridiculously strong!


β€œOh, you try resistance?!” the woman asked with a raised eyebrow in bad English, β€œIt’s futile, man! Surrender!” she ordered in a firm voice that sent rushes of adrenaline down his spine. β€œYour knowledge… Give it to me!” her words echoed in his mind as she put both hands on his hips.


Louis’s eyes went wide as dinner plates as, before he could even blink, the woman locked lips with him! His heart skipped several beats as he felt her lips press against his. In contrast to the rest of her body, her lips were quite warm, hot even! When he felt her tongue pressing against his lips, he reflexively parted them to grant her access into his mouth.


β€œMMMMHH!!!!!” the two of them moaned at the same time as electricity ran down his spine.


β€˜A kiss… I’m having my first kiss!’ the young man exclaimed in his mind as he clumsily let his tongue rub against hers. It felt as if his brain shut off, overwhelmed by the plethora of feelings he now experienced. Her soft, perfectly smooth skin… her cute moans as she kept staring at him with a clear purpose in her eyes… her scent, which reminded him of the caves he explored in his childhood together with his best friend… everything just made his mind go blank as he let her explore his mouth!


Then, something else happened! Something strange! Her eyes began to roll back into her head and, for a brief second, her hold of his hips became even tighter. Before he had the chance to ask what was happening, his own eyes rolled back in their sockets! The world around him disappeared as he instead saw…



Xcarra Sorellyon!


That was the woman’s name! And through her eyes, he saw her memories.


As they kissed, he saw four other Xenins standing in front of Xcarra. They were a group of female dragon-like humanoids that all shared Xcarra’s sense of fashion, as they were practically naked. The smallest of them was roughly half as tall as Xcarra, but with pink skin and tits so big that it puts hers to shame. Tears ran down her tattooed cheeks as she held onto the doll reminiscent of an alien teddy bear. The other two were her mother and mom, with her mom holding a sleeping infant daughter in her hands. Both of the older women had assets that were easily double the size of Xcarra’s with hips so wide, they seemed as if they wouldn’t be able to step through most doors here on Earth. Xcarra’s mother stepped forward, hugged her daughter tightly and kissed her on her forehead before wishing her good luck on her journey. With tears in her eyes and a heavy voice, Xcarra said her goodbyes to her family and stepped into the ship that she and her family spent almost a decade building and flew off, leaving her homeworld Xenon behind her to traverse the cold and empty nothingness of space!



β€˜What in the world was that?!’ the young man thought with panic.


β€œYessh… show meh mowe!” Xcarra slurred into his mouth. She switched from holding him by his hips, to reaching for his face, pressing her lips even tighter against his as they continued to exchange saliva. In the few seconds that passed since she started doing this, her voice had lost her foreign accent as she talked with good enough English, like someone who was a native to World City. For a split second she broke the kiss, ropes of saliva connecting their lips. β€œGive me all you got! I want to see EVERYTHING!”


Then, just as he got used to breathing freely again, she took hold of his chin and covered his mouth with her own once more!



Among the ocean stars at the heart of the Andromeda galaxy, Xcarra followed the path charted by her ship’s navigation system. This path led her right into a highly dense asteroid field. In order to accomplish her mission, she had no other choice but to press forward and go through the maze of death.




While avoiding the countless colossal space boulders was easy, avoiding the sea of rock fragments that broke off from these asteroids proved to be very difficult. As if caught in a thunderstorm, the relentless impact of all the rocks raining down on her ship damaged the engine severely. Losing control of her ship, she spiraled through a nearby wormhole and ended up in the Solar System of the Milky Way Galaxy upon exiting. Trying several more times to regain control of her ship proved to be useless as she was caught within Earth’s gravitational pull.




Xcarra had only a couple seconds to brace herself for the inevitable crash into the alien land mass below her. Since Louis was in her memories, or rather, essentially in her body, he heard and felt everything exactly how she experienced it! The entire spaceship trembled and shook as it collided through the tops of the many trees that populated the forest below her. The long elongated screeching sounds that followed caused the hair on his actual hands to stand up whereas Xcarra gritted her teeth as she tried her best to hold the ship up for as long as she could. Ultimately though, all her efforts proved to be futile as the ship was too damaged to remain stable. As a result, Xcarra collided bow-first into the soft and fertile Earth soil.




β€œUgh…!!” Xcarra groaned inside the cockpit. Rainbow colored smoke rose from the control panel in front of her. A weird smell, something between incense and sulfur, filled the air, making it quite clear to Xcarra what had happened, β€œNo! Not the Core!” she yelled out in Xenxo, the home tongue of the Xenins, as she waved her hand through the smoke to get a better look at the damage.


Arcs of electricity crackled across the now powerless panel. All lights in the cockpit, and most likely everywhere else on the ship as well, were out, courtesy of the Infinium Core having broken apart after too many collisions. Fortunately, the wrist computer installed in the golden bracelet around her left arm was still operational; and handedly able to inform her about this planet’s atmosphere and environment. It also notified her about a pretty sizable source of Infinium somewhere on the planet, but failed to give her the exact location.




This world was pre-FTL (faster than lightspeed), meaning they have yet to invent lightspeed travel and likely still believed they were the only sentient life in the universe. Furthermore, being classified as Class 2 meant that this world was the most primitive world her people have on record. Based on data collected from probes, every other inhabited world she has learned about in school was at least Class 3 or above. Her wrist computer continued to display more and more data for Xcarra to read. The information went on and on, letting her know about anything from the gravitational pressure to the oxygen level in the air. “Earth? The inhabitants of this world call their planet ‘dirt’?” She commented to herself out loud. To her people, this planet was known as ‘Severus 3’, named after this system’s star.


The computer went on to give her a couple more data clusters about her new environment, like a sub-species of native humanoid beings called β€œDemihumans”. These people come in a wide variety of variants, and there were even unique ones called β€œChimeras.” Xcarra figured she could call herself one of these chimera beings if asked, it would help hide the fact she was an alien.


Far more interesting to her, however, was that the people of Earth had far more males than she would have thought possible. An image of one such male appeared on her screen. It was her first time ever seeing one of them, aside from the fleeting images of her brother she saw in her dreams every once in a while. As such, she was more than just a little bit intrigued by their appearance. They didn’t look all too different from the females of their species, albeit in general a bit bigger and more muscular. To her biggest surprise though, their seeding organs were external. And the seeding tube it seemed, varied widely in size and shape from one male to the next. Despite such huge seeding tubes in some cases, though, they seemed to lack any tail to balance it out, so how did they stay upright then?


Due to her wrist computer lacking any more information relevant to fixing her ship, and due to it being unable to accurately pinpoint the location of Infinium on the planet, Xcarra had no other options than to go outside to assess her current predicament. Leaping out of the cockpit and onto the damaged hull, the dragon woman inspected the vessel. As suspected, the Infinium Core was beyond repair, having broken into the several pieces that now emitted the rainbow colored smoke. Said smoke rose a dozen meters high above her before dissipating over the treelines. “It’s hopeless! I need Infinium if I’m going to repair this ship and get off this ugly green rock!” She said disheartedly. After her moment of dejection, she began looking around, planning on what to do next.


Using the surrounding shrubbery to further conceal her craft, Xcarra began making her way east towards the city she had flown over as she plummeted from space. To her surprise, she’d not even walked a full meter before she encountered a manmade structure. It was a large building, or rather a collection of buildings all placed close together. The exterior seemed very old, having seen a lot of seasonal cycles. Local plant life was crawling up the walls in several places. Xcarra didn’t know why, but she just got a very bad feeling about the place. Her species didn’t exactly have a pre-cognitive ability, but she knew to trust her digestive instincts and stay away.



β€œEEEP!!!” Louis squealed into the alien girl’s mouth as he instantly recognized the building, β€˜The Cursed Chateau! She crash landed there?!’ he thought as sweat began running down his spine. His eyes were instantly drawn to the mysterious mountain top that he could see through the windows of the gas station.


β€œMMMMMPPPH!!!! Shtop shtrugglinnngh!!” Xcarra moaned as she made him turn his attention back on her, instead of the misty mountain peak, β€œCan’t conshentwate iph β€˜ou phink β€˜oo mush!” she began swaying her hips slowly back and forth; the chain that hung between her tits rattled enticingly whenever it brushed against his chest.


Louis gulped, his cock growing harder than a brick inside his pants in response to Xcarra’s erotic physical contact, as her tongue moved against his, β€œM-mmmhm…!” he closed his eyes, savoring this exotic girl’s saliva in his mouth as he breathed in deeply. She smelled good! It calmed him down, while somehow causing his heart to feel like it could burst any second now!


β€œThat’sh beddah… gudd man!” she cooed softly as his body went a bit more slack again.



She made her way around the large estate, finding a slightly overgrown, but still well defined road leading eastward in front of the main building. As she stepped onto the road itself, Xcarra felt a tingling at the back of her neck and turned around. She gasped when she saw a shadowy figure looking out one of the second floor windows at her. The sense of imminent danger intensified and she took off at a high speed run down the road. The planet’s gravity was lower than what she was used to, making running away fast very very easy! Even the giant stone wall that encircled the entire estate was no problem for her as she jumped over it with ease. Xcarra kept the pace for a good mile, running past all the luscious green trees she had crashed through, until she finally reached the edge of the forest.


β€œWOW! That’s a lot of water…” said Xcarra as the first thing she saw out in the open was the glistening waves of the ocean lapping against the rocky cliffs below. Back when she descended, just a few minutes ago, she didn’t have the chance to admire it. Now however, she couldn’t bring her eyes away from the blue-greenish water, β€œSuch beautiful water… and so much of it!” she muttered as she took her first steps out of the forest and onto the only paved road that led up to the mountains towards the Cursed Chateau.


The wind felt odd against her skin. As a Xenin, she wasn’t all too familiar with so much open water, which made this planet, Earth, feel even more unfamiliar and exotic to her. Nonetheless, she wouldn’t allow herself to get distracted as she followed the road down the mountain. After about twenty meters, she spotted a sign in a foreign language. Luckily, her wrist computer contained basic information about the languages of the planets the Xenins knew about. However, since Earth’s most advanced species, for whatever reason, decided to speak with over 6,000 different languages instead of a single one, communication was going to be a serious pain in the ass! Despite this, she was able to pick up the very basics of English rather quickly, Xcarra was able to read what was written on the sign.




β€œMiles… miles… What are miles again?” Xcarra asked out loud as she pondered the meaning of the alien word. After wandering the street for a little more than half an hour, she reached a crossroad. There, two signs pointed her either further on ahead, or to the east. The sign that pointed eastward had [SAPPHIRE FALLS – 12 MILES] written on it, with the one pointing straight ahead informing her that she had gotten three miles closer to World City. She went straight!


β€œIt’s so HOT!!!” she complained after a while. Even in the shadows of the treeline along the road, it felt roughly three times hotter than at any place back on her home planet. β€œHow do the inhabitants of this world live like this!?”




Her thought process was cut short by a strange noise startling her. She turned around to see a strange yellow machine coming closer. Black smoke, that smelled like processed petroleum, trailed from behind; leading the blue beauty to correctly suspect that the metal contraption ran on fossil fuels. On her world, the use of such primitive fuel sources fell out of common practice long ago, deeming it as inefficient and environmentally harmful.


Xcarra stepped further back into the coverings, deeper into the shadows of the nearby trees, not knowing what the humans of Earth would do when they saw her. When the vehicle came to a halt next to her, the entryway hissed open and a feline eared young woman smiled at her, β€œHey, your car broke down somewhere?” she asked pleasantly.


Xcarra mimicked the demeanor of the woman and smiled back, β€œYes?” she answered with a similar friendly tone, only with a rough understanding of what the earthly woman had asked of her.


β€œHop in, there are better ways to get back to the big city than to walk, you know!?” invited the cordial bus driver. Louis recognized the bus driver as the last woman to pay for getting her tank filled back before Xcarra entered the gas station, β€œI’d hate to leave someone walking in this humidity.” she told her. β€œDon’t worry about the cost, it’s on me.”


β€œThank you,” said Xcarra as she did as told and hopped up onto the civilian transport before stumbling a bit.


β€œCareful now!” The feline eared woman smiled before cocking her head towards the passenger compartment, β€œJust grab an empty seat. I hope you don’t mind spending some time with a bunch of office ladies!”


Xcarra thanked her again and looked back into the compartment. Louis of course knew what office ladies were, but back then, Xcarra felt more than just a little nervous as she walked through the two rows of padded seats. In her mind, Louis assumed that it had to be some kind of business trip as they all seemed familiar with one another. All of them were women, which made Xcarra feel more at ease, while simultaneously freaking Louis out. If he had been in her situation, he would have jumped out of the window or simply walked the entire way to World City. Everything was better for him when being the only man in any given scenario!


β€œHeya, never seen one of your kind before!” said one woman as Xcarra walked by.


β€œNice horns.” said another, β€œThey look like they’re made of silver.”


They were, was that uncommon on this planet? Xcarra found a seat near the middle of the transport and sat down, all the while answering or evading as many questions as she could. Many had very large mammary glands, and Xcarra often found her eyes drawn to them. Even the most well endowed Xenins, her mothers for example, lacked anything that came even close to the glands she saw here on Earth! The alien woman instantly felt more than a little jealous. If she had glands half the size of some of the women here, she’d have found a life-mate already!


The various women all began to include her in their different topics, about how beautiful it was in Sapphire Falls, where Xcarra came from, what kind of Demihuman she was, etc. But since Xcarra’s English was limited, to say the least, the best she could do was to nod and say, β€œYes!” every so often.


β€œAlright! Ladies and gentle-ladies, it’s time for our last quick stop before we’re heading back to Coral Springs.” the bus driver called out after another five minutes of driving. The bus came to a halt in front of the very gas station that Louis and Xcarra were inside of right now. β€œFive minutes break for anyone needing to stretch their legs and use the bathroom!”


β€œYou heard her, girls!” the boss of the group said as she rose from her seat and clapped her hands. The lizard woman licked her lips with an absurdly long tongue while briefly looking over her gathered employees. β€œIt’s now or when we’re back home! No more stops until then!”


Most of the women began rising from their seats and headed towards the now open bus doors, β€œSo, where did you want to go anyways?” asked the pink haired woman across the aisle. β€œDo you want to go with us to Coral Springs? You don’t seem to be from around here.”


β€œDon’t know.” Xcarra answered briefly, β€œWill… take… long to go… Coral Springs?” she then asked.


β€œAnother one hundred miles, give or take.” assessed the other woman before stretching her arms. Her joints all popped loudly after the way too long drive. β€œAnywho, where are you headed to anyways? Since you were by foot and only had so little with you, I suppose you didn’t plan to go to Coral Springs, right?”


β€œN- no!” Xcarra looked out of the window. β€œMe… looking for something.”


β€œOOH!! Then you’re definitely at the right place! If there’s anything you desire, you can find it in World City. This place has EVERYTHING!” the cheerful woman said. β€œI’m personally not all too familiar with this town, country bumpkin and all y’know, but you can always ask the locals!”


Having understood most of what was said to her, Xcarra nodded, β€œMany thanks.” Through the window of the bus, she looked towards the gas station where she spotted Louis sitting behind the counter.


Xcarra waited until the bus driver finished refueling her vehicle to express her thoughts. As Xenin etiquette dictated, she crossed her hands in front of her chest like an β€˜X’ with the knuckles of her index fingers extended outwards before bowing her head as deeply as possible to show her gratitude to the kind woman who gave her a ride. In response, the bus driver was more than just a little bit flustered and went on to say that this wasn’t necessary and that it wasn’t a big deal. Xcarra then waited until the bus disappeared behind the next turn before she walked towards the gas station. As she approached, the doors inside opened automatically and she stepped into an artificially cooled and dehumidified environment. From there, she spotted the attendant sitting behind the cash register counter.


β€œYou! Man!”



β€œMWAAAAAH!!!!” gasped Xcarra, effectively ending the vision Louis had received merely by breaking their kiss.


Long ropes of saliva connected their lips for a while but ultimately snapped as the young man’s trembling legs became too weak to support his weight much longer, β€œHaaaaaa…!” he sighed as he dropped to the floor, his back sliding against the wall as he struggled for every breath. β€œWhat… what just happened?!”


β€œSpirit Resonance. Explaining it to you in detail would take too long. Just imagine it as the most intimate sensation two Xenins, or a Xenin and a human in this case, can share. For a moment, when you and your partner are at their most vulnerable and intimate, you will share everything, from their true feelings, to their life’s story… there won’t be any secrets between you anymore.”


β€œAhaa…” Louis nodded weakly. Then something dawned on him, β€œYou… you’re an alien! …from outer space?!” he gasped in a mix of shock and awe as he jumped up from the ground.


β€œI am. But from my point of view, YOU are the alien.” the young pilot clarified in a factual tone. β€œThough, after going through your memories, you’re not so alien to me anymore!”


β€œYou… you got a point there…” the red haired employee agreed. He rubbed his head. β€œUrgh… so… you were inside my head right now?”


Xcarra chuckled, β€œFrankly, I’m actually surprised! I wouldn’t have thought that a human would be able to have access to my own memories through Spirit Resonance, but it is what it is!”


β€œSo, what are you gonna do now?” Louis looked her up and down, unsure what to make of her, β€œYour English is pretty good now and the people here probably won’t think too much of you, given how you look strangely similar to a Demihuman.”


She crossed her arms underneath her almost bare tits, β€œWell, after going through your mind, I’m actually kinda curious about something!” Xcarra said in an ominous tone as she eyed him up and down, β€œBut first I require sustenance!” almost as if on cue, her stomach rumbled louder than thunder, β€œLike… right now!” she then added with a slight blush on her tattooed cheeks.


β€œHehehe. No problem.” He raised his hands towards the assortment of food at the center of the room. β€œPick whatever you want. It’s on me. You should know where the break room is since you read my mind, so just head there. I’ll just make sure nobody interrupts us.




Louis left the not-so-alien-anymore girl to her own devices as he went to check on his boss. He left the shop and walked over to the workshop. Very slowly, so that the rusty door wouldn’t creak, he looked inside the workshop to see his boss’ legs still poking out from underneath the black limousine that he had been working on for the last couple days. If the large puddle of oil on the ground and his constant swearing were any indication, then Louis guessed that he wouldn’t be done for another couple of hours.


With his boss occupied, Louis carefully closed the door again and walked back the way he came. On his way to the shop, he made a small detour along the road and looked it up and down. As he suspected, he couldn’t see a car for miles on end. Neither coming from World City, nor down the long, curvy mountain road. Due to no potential customers anywhere near, he went back into the shop and hung up a sign that read β€œCLOSED”.


Xcarra was nowhere to be seen, so she was probably already eating in the break room. The room wasn’t much, to be honest. It was a glorified storage room with a single plastic table and two plastic chairs for the employees to spend their lunch break in. That is, if they wanted to be surrounded by mops, buckets, disinfectants, and different items to fill the shelves in the shop. As he went into the break room, however, the table in its center was filled to the brim with all kinds of food from the main store, keeping Xcarra completely out of sight as she had already begun eating, as indicated by the many chewing noises that filled the room!


β€œOH! YEPH! DATSH EGSHAGTWY WHA’ AYE NEEDED!!!” she moaned, blissfully unaware of Louis’s presence as he saw her reach for one of the many breakfast corn dogs on the very top of the pile of food. He audibly heard her bite down on the corndog, followed by the sound of someone who annihilated her dinner within seconds. β€œSHO GHUUUUUUUUDDDD!!!!!”


β€œErm… I… I take it, you like it?” Louis asked meekly, already calculating in his head just how much he needs to pay to cover her meal!


β€œOh! Definitely! You don’t know just how long I’ve longed for a decent meal instead of those just-add-water meals we get for space travel!” she answered his question in the most satisfied tone imaginable.


As Louis walked around the table, she already reached for one of the dozen hotdogs and swallowed it in its entirety without any problems whatsoever, β€œAhhhh… a good 2-3 Earth days, I assume…” he gulped as he actually saw the outline of the hotdog squeeze through her narrow throat.


β€œRight, you do actually know!” Xcarra remembered, β€œI hope you don’t mind all that.” she then said in response to the mountain of food in front of her. β€œI just couldn’t hold back anymore! After so many days in space, I simply needed something solid down my throat for once! And I couldn’t decide! All of it looked so goo~d!!!”


β€œWell, you’re welcome.” Louis leaned against the wall next to Xcarra as he watched her eat away his monthly income, β€œIt’s not like I needed it for a new computer or something…” he then whispered silently to himself so that she didn’t hear it.


Despite his effort of staying silent however, Xcarra must have heard him since she immediately stopped feasting and instead looked at him with a worried expression on her face, β€œAll this stuff shouldn’t cost too much, right!? Or am I being a financial burden?” the silver haired girl asked with a raised eyebrow.


Louis quickly waved his hands in front of his body to calm down the young alien girl, β€œNo, not at all! Everything’s alright. It’s just…” he paused for a moment, trying his best to come up with something to say next. β€œI never thought you would pick so much food… are you sure you can even eat this much?”


β€œPffff!!” Xcarra waved his question off, β€œSomething like this is just a light snack! You probably haven’t seen as much of my memories as I did of yours, but back home I’d eat three times as much daily!” she explained with an oddly proud look on her face. Said look quickly vanished though as she pushed herself off the chair and strolled over towards Louis. β€œBut before I continue, there is something we need to talk about!”


Her hooves made several loud CLOP CLOP CLOP sounds on the floor as she crossed the distance between them, β€œA- and what would that be!?” he asked nervously, actively staring at the ceiling so as to not get entranced by her slim, well-toned figure.


β€œWhile the information you provided for Little Xataria was limited, you did show me that it would be impossible for me to go there myself! I need someone to help me out in this situation!” she said in a direct tone as she came to a halt right in front of him.


He could actually smell her scent with how close she was to him now. An entire day in the sun and crashing down on a, to her, previously unfamiliar planet hadn’t diminished her enticing and foreign aroma in the slightest. Like a mix of strawberry and lavender, her sweet scent laid down on his brain like a thick blanket, making him feel empty-headed and dizzy.


β€œYou… you want to stay with… with me??” Louis managed to ask, barely able to process the meaning behind her words.


β€œOf course!” tipping against his nose with the index finger of her right hand, Xcarra giggled and leaned her head to the side, β€œYou’re an honorable and reliable guy. The Spirit Link showed that to me quite clearly!” she then pressed her left hand against his chest. As if on cue, his heart began pumping faster than a jackhammer as every ounce of blood rushed towards his erection. β€œSo, I want to make a deal with you! Let me stay at your place and help me acquire the Infinium I need.”


Sweat streamed down Louis’s entire body as his cock grew to full size in his pants, β€œAnd… in return…?” he gulped as the crash landed pilot moved her left hand further down his chest and towards his buckle.


β€œIn return~…” she purred into his ear, causing the hair on his neck to stand at edge instantaneously. β€œI’ll do exactly what the girls in the videos you watch almost every evening do! And as a nice little bonus, I’ll tell you about the mysteries of the universe…”


β€œWHA-!?” Louis was about to freak out but just as soon composed himself somewhat by shaking his head from side to side, β€œI… I don’t watch pornos everyday!” was the first excuse that he came up with, and at the same time cursed himself for it. β€˜FUCK! What am I saying!?’


Xcarra chuckled, β€œAnd yet you do like watching them and imagining how your first time with a girl would be!” she countered with the knowledge that it was 100% true, due to having experienced his memories earlier.


β€œB- But… NO! I can’t just ask something like this from you!” gathering all his willpower, Louis found himself able to push the blue skinned alien a bit away from him to get a bit of distance between them. β€œYou… you can stay at my place if you want, but I’d never ask you to do something like offering your body as a bargaining tool!”


β€œHmmm… you surprise me!” the tattooed girl mused as she used her right hand to put both his hands above his head, effectively pinning him against the wall as she edged closer once again. β€œYou’re too insecure! You want to uncover the secrets of your world with your journalism, but are too afraid to leave your comfort zone! If it helps, I don’t want to have sex with you just so that I can stay at your place.”


β€œHuh?” the young gas station employee gasped as he found Xcarra’s hand against his still throbbing and rock hard dick.


β€œYou humans are a fascinating species! You see, Xenins are a (nearly) all female species. I’ve never encountered a man before until I met you. I want to learn more about your kind! And to do so, I have to experience you!”




β€œX- Xcarra?” Louis asked after a whole minute of silence, during which the white haired girl continuously cupped his balls through his pants.


Xcarra looked him in the eyes, her own golden eyes beaming with determination, excitement, and lust. β€œYes?”


β€œAre you saying you want to see and feel how my co- a penis feels?” Although a question, Louis was already pretty sure what the answer would be, even before Xcarra opened her mouth again.


YES! For research of course!” her eyes lit up even more as she nodded with enthusiasm. β€œI have never seen one before with my own eyes!” she muttered softly as she opened his belt with some effort. Xcarra eventually managed to undo the fastener and the one beneath it. She then reached her hand inside his pants, her fingers closing around his cock. Xcarra took that moment to squat down, taking her first look at the male genitalia. The thing that surprised her most was the way everything hung outside of his body. β€œIt looks so weird…! I like it!”


β€œOh god!” was the only thing that came to his mind as the white haired alien slowly began stroking his cock.


Standing at just a little bit taller than five inches, his erection throbbed against Xcarra’s palm as she moved her hand up and down, β€œI’ve been in your mind! I know just how much you dreamed about such a situation!” she whispered in a hoarse tone, her voice loaded with lust. β€œAnd while I’m not too familiar with your kind’s mating rituals, this does feel like something that I should be able to do without a problem!”


β€œAhhh~haaa…!” the future reporter groaned as he found himself unable to stop his hips from pumping in sync with the young blue skinned woman’s hand, β€˜How…?’ he gritted his teeth as Xcarra reached for his balls with her other hand, cupping and squeezing them lightly to maximize the pleasure he experienced. β€˜How can this feel better than when I do it?’


β€œI hope I’m doing this right.” said Xcarra. β€œI’ve never done anything like this before… It feels interesting!” she said as she brought her face closer towards his crotch.


Louis felt her breath against his length as she went on to increase the speed of her strokes, β€œYes… you’re… oOOOH!!!” he grunted lowly, Xcarra now having taken one of his balls into her hot little mouth. β€œFUUUCK!!!”


β€œHeheheh. Aye’phe sheen dish in deshe pownosh β€˜ou watched…!” she slurred around his ballsack, her words vibrating through Louis’s body and soul. β€œβ€˜ou wike dish phantashy!”


β€œMMHMMM!!!” he couldn’t help but agree. The experience of having his balls and dick sucked by a beautiful woman had been something that has always been on the back of his mind. Never would he have thought that he actually would get his wish fulfilled however!


Until today!


β€œHMMNPH!!!! I wike id ash well!” she moaned. Her golden eyes widened as she looked past his cock and met his eyes. β€œId tashtesh weiwd… bud ghuud! Unwike anyphingh aye’phe eva ade bephowe!!”


She spat out his ball and moved to the other. For a single second, saliva connected her lips with his first nutsack, but quickly vanished out of Louis’s sight as she began caressing his other scrotum with her tongue, β€˜H- holy… mother!!’ he arched his back slightly.


β€œMMMH, MMMH, MMMH!!!” Xcarra slurred as she sucked and blew his ball while massaging the other. His cock felt ready to burst any moment now, with her hand moving up and down at a rapid pace.


For a girl who never had sex with a human before, or a male, or sex in general, Xcarra was able to make him harder than he had ever been before. The experience she gathered while going through his mind had given her a good enough understanding of his deepest desires, which she now used to great effect to bring him to the brink of orgasm just from her oral onslaught!


Before he could finally cum, however, Xcarra let go of his cock and balls and went to squat in front of him, β€œAhhh… you call this β€˜foreplay’, right?” she asked, panting just a little bit for breath as she watched the bulging veins on his cock throb. β€œHow was I?”


β€œIt… it was amazing!” gasped Louis, unable to find any other, more fitting words. He never felt more desperate to blow his load than ever before!


β€œThat’s good to hear! Cause next I wanna try something else!” she reached for his hands and put them on her horns, β€œDon’t worry, you can’t break them!” she instantly calmed some of his worries as she put her hands down again. β€œYou know what to do!”


She went to wrap her lips around the very tip of his precum-leaking dick, leaving him all alone with his decision, β€˜Can I really do something like this!?’ he tightened his grip around her horns as nervousness got the better of him, β€˜Isn’t this like me taking advantage of her?!’ more and more questions like this flooded his mind.


Xcarra noticed his apprehension, due to his cock now trembling and shaking in her mouth. Instead of pulling her head back though, she began bobbing her head slightly back and forth, only so far that the mushroom-shaped tip went in. ”HUUM, UUUM, MMMMPH!!!”


β€œAhaaaaa…!!!” Louis grunted as he instinctively pulled her closer into his crotch!


β€œHNMMMMMPH!” she moaned, β€œYEAPH, DATSH IDD, NMMMPH HMMMPH NMMMMPH HRMMMPH…” Xcarra slurred as her partner slowly began pushing his penis in and out of her mouth.


As a Xenin, she naturally had never dealt with a penis before. So having one now so very deep in her throat… It wasn’t uncomfortable really, she just found the act odd was all. From what she had seen in his memories, taking a man’s dick in their mouth wasn’t how human women got pregnant, which made this act all the more interesting to her! There had to be another reason! Either that, or it just felt really good!


This second possibility seemed even more plausible to her, now that he began moving her head for her. Her lips dragged over the rough exterior of his cock as it poked against the back of her throat with each successful thrust, the odd mushroom shaped tip dragging against the inside of her esophagus every time it pulled back.


β€œOhhh…” he groaned while closing his eyes in absolute pleasure. β€œSo good… this feels SO GOOD!!!!!” Louis ended up shouting as he held his cock balls deep in her mouth for a few seconds. β€œIt feels like you don’t have a gag reflex at all!” he groaned.


β€œWATSH A GUG WEPHLEX?” Xcarra slurred again, closing her lips around his rod tighter and moving her throat muscles to tighten around it as well.


The reaction that followed rewarded her efforts immediately as he groaned louder while gripping her horns harder, β€œFUCK!!!! I CAN’T STOP ITTTTT!!!!!” he gritted his teeth as he began pumping her face up and down on his length even faster than before!


Though she still found this act of oral copulation strange, Xcarra was beginning to enjoy it! The heady scent of his crotch made her dizziness stronger as she moaned softly. It smelled so good! Better than she would have guessed when she started doing this! She inhaled deeply through her nose, feeling herself getting hotter all over as her skin felt like it was tingling just below the surface.


β€œNMMMMMMPH, DHON’D SHTOOOOP… AGUH GUH, DISH PHEELSH WEALLY NISHE… HMMMMMPH NMMMPH, MMMMMPH…” moaned Xcarra, moving her head with him now. Her vaginal secretions began flowing heavily, and the nipples of her mammary glands stiffened almost painfully from her heightened arousal. She pulled off the gold coverings and squeezed her glands roughly as she let out a long and deep moan.


PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP!!! His balls smacked wetly against her chin in a steady rhythm that both of them never heard before!


β€œNMMMMHMMMMMPH, YESH, DISH PHEELSH SHO NISHE!! AYE’M GONNA HAVE AN ORGGASHM…!” Xcarra moaned as she felt her entire body getting hotter and hotter all over. She moaned again when he suddenly pushed his length all the way into her mouth again.


β€˜Oh god! This feels too good! I can’t stop myself…’ Louis thought to himself as sweat began pearling down his entire body in long rivers, β€˜But… I can’t cum either… not so soon! Not when I finally have sex!’ he let out a conflicted groan. β€œOaaaaaaaaargh!!!!”


In one last act of defiance, he let go and let her pull her face back, a mere millisecond before he blew his load. Precum dropped from the slit of his cock and onto the floor beneath. Xcarra rose to her feet again and wiped the corners of her mouth from the precum that had landed! CLOP! The sound of Xcarra slamming one of her hooved legs next to his face against the wall startled him. The intoxicating smell of her privates, mixed with her natural odor, relaxed him more than he ever thought possible. It was like taking a drug! A drug that he wouldn’t mind getting addicted to!


β€œNow, mate with me properly!” she told him, her words glazed with lust and burning passion!


Standing on only one leg, she gave him no time to answer as she simply threw her entire body against his hips with practiced ease. Squish! His dick slid into her absolutely soaking wet pussy without a problem!


β€œAAAAHAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAGH!!!!!” Louis ended up squealing at, for the first time in his life, experiencing how the insides of a woman’s pussy felt like. His entire body went stiff as a board as he found himself unable to move, think, and even breathe!


β€œHNMMMMMMMMM!!!!” Xcarra then moaned as she felt Louis’s length spread the slick blue folds of her vagina, β€œAHNNN, IT’S SO THIIIIIICK!!!!!!” she moaned, climaxing instantly from the raw thickness. She hadn’t expected it to feel so GOOD! Xcarra couldn’t hold back the moans as Louis began moving quickly, thrusting his thick, hard, throbbing seeding rod in and out of her. β€œTHIS… IT’S SO MUCH BETTER THAN IN MY MOUTH BEFOOOOOORE!!!!!”


β€œF- fuck…!!” Louis heard himself grunt as he put his shaking hands on the blue skinned maiden’s wide hips, β€œAaaaah… god! HRRRRGH!!!” Even though he found himself thoroughly outmatched, Louis still tried to match his thrusts with the circulating motion of her hips. β€œSo tight… it feels too good!”


Xcarra went on to moan in her native language, which sounds not unlike an actual language here on Earth, while continuously slamming her entire body against his! Her inner muscles clenched tighter around his cock with every orgasm she experienced! And despite all that, not a single drop of sweat was visible on her immaculate skin, making it seem as if this was nothing for her!






The sound of flesh hitting flesh was a cacophony in the student’s ears as she rode him hard against the wall. Precum oozed out of his dick in a steady stream, making her insides feel even more sloppy and slippery! β€œAAHAOOO!!! FUUUUUCK!!!!” he roared from the top of his lungs as he rammed his dick with as much force as he could muster into her pussy. β€œCUM!!! CUMMMM!!!! OH, GODDDD!!!!!” Louis screamed shamelessly as his face turned into a mask of twisted desire and pleasure!


Just as he felt his balls pump their seed, Xcarra pulled away and dropped to the floor one last time!




With a truly nasty sound, Louis unloaded his balls all over the alien woman’s face, hair, and tits! Not a single inch of her immaculate body went untouched as the sticky white seed painted EVERYTHING! Xcarra closed her eyes just in the nick of time before getting hosed. β€œAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” For what felt like five entire minutes, Louis’s cock continued blasting his cum over Xcarra!


Once it finally stopped, he fell back on his ass and just looked into nothingness with a blank expression on his face, β€œUuuuuuuugh…!” he groaned as his face swayed from side to side. β€œI’m… so… soooooorry…”



β€œSTUPID! Stupidstupidstupidstupidstupid!!” Louis berated himself as he cleaned up after the mess that he created. The entire break room reeked of cum, and something told him that he will probably never be able to get the stench out entirely. No matter how much he would wipe the floor, the smell would always remind him of his failure today! β€œI’m so stupid!”


β€œDon’t say that!” Xcarra’s voice behind him startled him out of his own self pity.


β€œWhy do you worry so much? Wasn’t this… bukkake-thing, or however it’s called, one of your secret fantasies?! Shouldn’t you feel way more ecstatic about this whole situation!?” she asked with a raised eyebrow from her place behind the mountain of food, already resuming eating her turkey burgers and breakfast corn dogs, as Louis cleaned up after his mess. Some of the food had his cum on it, which didn’t bother her as she munched on her meal just the same.


Louis stepped from one foot to the next, β€œI… I guess…!” he answered meekly. β€œI just would have never guessed that it would turn into such a mess! If I had known, I would have…!”


β€œNO! Stop worrying about all this β€˜If I did or didn’t do this or that’ kind of stuff!” She then told him something in her own native language before repeating herself in English again, β€œLive in the here and now! Worrying about things that have already happened won’t get you anywhere!” she then smiled at him. β€œAlso, I actually quite enjoyed it! Something like this… with all that sperm… it’s completely impossible back home!”


β€œYou’re not mad?” he asked in bewilderment as put the mop and bucket to the side. Cum sloshed around inside of it, but he would throw it away some other time.


β€œOf course not!” she said with a cute giggle. Xcarra then bit down on a beef jerky. β€œNow, why don’t we get out of here and you can show me your place!? Partner!”


Louis stared at her and then smiled, β€œRight!….”






Story by Mr. Akrononym and SailorIo


Special Thanks

(An IMMENSE THANK YOU! to our Patrons)

🧁 Bigbee 🧁
πŸ’§ Bigevennibba πŸ’§
πŸ’₯ Dani Ramos πŸ’₯
🦷 Fard Muhammad 🦷
🧁 Jonathan Hernandez 🧁
πŸ† Khris Morgan πŸ†
πŸŽ‰ Luie πŸŽ‰
πŸ’Ž Marorin πŸ’Ž
πŸ’» Matthew Lewin πŸ’»
πŸ“ Nezuko Kamado πŸ“
🍌 Rex 🍌
πŸ₯© Roger Goga πŸ₯©
πŸ– Sannin of Shadows πŸ–
🌸 Sara Cook 🌸
πŸͺ Strider πŸͺ
✨ Tahj Mitchell ✨
πŸ₯§ tomodachi πŸ₯§
🍊 Zaz Mazaz 🍊
πŸš€ Zerutti
Alex Melton
Cesar Alejandro
clinton nguyen
Joey Ellis
Myku Nailenne
Peter Hyjek
Robert Sellers
The Canadian Archives


If you enjoy the series, please consider supporting it on the Welcome to BSU Patreon: [LINK]

We have a discord where you can interact with the writer (Strider-Seiryu) and the artist (Rtenzo) and we are always on πŸ‘

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9 months ago

Oh,quite the interesting direction to take the story! Xcarra has quite the refreshing personality. very straight forward and to the point,which might make her come off as somewhat abrasive at first,but as you get to know her you realize that it’s more so because she doesn’t beat around the bush.

Also her design is fantastic! stands out a lot compared to every other character,while not feeling so out of place as to break any immersion.

But yeah,quite the nice chapter that does a great job of kickstarting their partnership!

I also like how after the kiss/the shared vision she starts speaking more eloquently,showing how much more she learned from it.

10 months ago

Very fun story!The inclusion of aliens into the world is a very interesting concept. Also very solid writing, it flows very well and doesn’t lull at all. The psychic thing Xcarra has going on is pretty dope. I look forward to seeing more of Xcarra’s adventures in the story. Nice work.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
10 months ago
Reply to  Strider_Seiryu

Glad you like it. The story consists of aspects from Sailor and me, so I’m happy to see that it worked so nicely, despite our different approaches when it comes to writing. Xcarra is explored some more in the next chapter, so I hope you like that as well.

10 months ago

Was hoping for more Mei and Xavier tbh.

10 months ago

About time this came out publicly. And more importantly, about time some of you commented on it here. 😎

For those who don’t know, I already reacted to this chapter on the official BSU Discord, which you can access through the BSU Patreon. So if you want my in-depth analysis and opinion on the chapter in full detail as well as the newer chapter after this one, I highly recommend you try heading there. But just for you guys here on the site, I’ll give you the summarized version. πŸ˜‰ Let’s dive right into it:

This was a really great chapter, as well as a fitting start to the Chronicles of World City side-story. This not only further expanded upon and fleshed out the greater megapolis that is World City, it also does the same for the overall world of BSU itself. Naturally, this also includes the demi-human side of the world. In addition, it also presents some very unique situations all on their own, all the while seamlessly fitting the same familiar setting. All that was done nicely. πŸ‘

Which brings me to the lead focus characters in the Human male Louise and the dragon like alien Xcarra. I really loved their personalities and traits, as well as their dynamic together. Plus we also got some intriguing insight on them and they’re where they are. And sure, they’re both very inexperienced sexually, but it was intentional since they both just begun doing it. Not to mention getting to know each other. Still, they were by and far the highest point of the story. At least in my opinion. ☺️

Well, that’s about all for the chapter. And before I go, if you guys haven’t subscribed to the Patreon already yet, I will share one hint with you: There is in fact more of this duo, as well as them having another chapter follow-up, but I’m not saying what happens here. 🀐 However, I will tell you that I think it’s a nice follow-up to this one. So please consider subscribing to the Patreon if you really want to see how it goes! Trust me, you won’t regret it. 😁

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter of Chronicles of World City, the official side-story to Welcome to BSU. I know for a fact I did. 😏

Can’t wait for what’s coming up next. πŸ˜ƒ

P.S. Hope to see more of you on the BSU Discord! πŸ‘€

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
10 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Definitely! And thanks again for your added comment and thoughts on this chapter. It was an interesting experience to write this series together with SailorIO!

Last edited 10 months ago by Mr. Akrononym
10 months ago

The hell man, I want to be horny, not happy! *sniff*

(Seriously though, these two are actually really great and it would be a damn shame if this was their only appearance)

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
10 months ago
Reply to  way2dumb2live

Don’t you worry. They will appear in the future as well.

9 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Sure! Thanks for asking!

A Smort Person
A Smort Person
10 months ago

Please writers, give these two a happy ending together! They deserve it!

I’m actually impressed. Tbh I would rather read this than any other storyline on here. Xcarra and Louise have great chemistry together and they feel like they’re their own unique characters and not just two halves of a ship.

Excited for more, and I hope we see these two again soon. If you ask me, there isn’t nearly enough alien x human smut on the internet!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
10 months ago
Reply to  A Smort Person

Hahaha. Happy to read that the two resonated with you. Louise was innitially just some guy that I came up with for Xcarra to interact with. So seeing you guys enjoy him and Xcarra like this does make me genuinely happy. Thanks!

Last edited 10 months ago by Mr. Akrononym