Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

The Law of the North

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 25): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 27): [LINK]

(Penguin VS Yonji)


β€œHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I can’t believe it!” A large grin crept over Shachi’s face as he blocked an incoming sword strike from Vinsmoke Niji. Blue electricity crossed the two blades and struck Shachi, β€œWe’re actually fighting Germa 66!” He said, while being completely indifferent towards the arcs of lightning that now coursed through his body. β€œThat’s so COOL!!!”


β€œI know, right?” Penguin added while he blocked a frontal punch from Yonji with an odd-looking staff. With a swift spin of the long weapon, he was able to bring the green clad man back to the ground next to him, β€œIt feels like we’re actually Sora, Warrior of the Sea!” He said, following his successful block with a quick strike at Yonji’s exposed back.


Before the attack could land however, Yonji managed to grab the end of the staff with the temperature scales all over it, β€œTsk! Don’t tell me you’re fans of that propaganda comic!” the green haired son grunted. He then flexed his muscles and began to spin around, still holding on to Penguin’s weapon. β€œI’ll show you the true horrors of messing with Germa’s overwhelming scientific advancement, just wait! Winch Guillotine!”


Penguin was spun around through the air as Yonji’s mechanical arm extended. The young prince didn’t care that his attack hit some of the many fighting clone soldiers and parts of the castle around him. In fact, the more he hit with his attack, the more he would hurt his opponent! He started to fly again, thanks to his boots, and spun his arms in all kinds of directions. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal,… Yonji became the center of what looked like a giant ball of destruction that tore everything in its wake to pieces! Penguin’s body crashed through cobblestone streets and buildings and trees with ease, tearing it all down as the Yonji only accelerated the speed of each swing!


β€œHow do you like that?! My new Winch Centrifuge!” He teased through the roaring winds that his attack caused. Enemies and allies alike were hit by the debris he blew away with his reckless attack, β€œI hope fighting against me is just as cool as you imagined it to be, otherwise you’ll end up dying disappointed! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Yonji said at the very same moment that he slammed Penguin’s body into the ground!


For a moment, only smoke and dust rose from the ground. Clone soldiers all around the prince celebrated and cheered for their commander as he stood proudly in the air above them, raising his other fist triumphantly into the air.


β€œHuh?” Yonji then raised an eyebrow as he felt an odd sensation spread through the extended arm, β€œWhat are you… AAAAAAAARGH!!!!” the prince screamed out in pain as a thcik sheet of ice quick spread from his hand all over the mechanical limb, making it impossible for him to move it.


The metal got so frail due to the sudden cold, it actually shattered into a million pieces as Penguin swung his blue glowing staff, β€œYou like it, my Thermo-Staff? You’re not the only ones using science, y’know?” After getting slammed face first into the ground, Penguin was covered from head to toe in dirt, but looked otherwise just as upbeat as ever.


β€œHRRRG!!! You fool!” a vein throbbed on Yonji’s forehead as he shot down, flexing his other arm. β€œYou think that little staff will save you?! Think again! Since you’re so big fans of our comics, you should know that no one can beat us!”


β€œWell, it’s a good thing we’re not in a comic then!” Penguin smiled as he lifted the staff over his shoulder, almost like he wanted to throw it at the incoming prince, β€œNow… how did Sora call his attacks again?” He leaned his head to the side, lost in thought, until he remembered. β€œOh, I know! 1,000Β°C Red Thrust… of JUSTICE!”


β€œWa-!” before he could even give the order for the soldiers to act as a shield for him, a red bubble-like projectile shot out of the Thermo-Staff and hit Yonji straight in the chest, β€œHNNNNNNNGH!!!” Unlike with Ichiji’s attacks, it wasn’t some kind of laser, but more like a condensed and focused burst of raw heat that burnt through the Raid Suit and Yonji’s body before bursting out through his back again and into the sky! Yonji’s eyes rolled back in their sockets as he lost consciousness and crashed down to the ground, creating a giant crater and resulting in a shockwave that knocked down several of Germa’s clones that had followed the spectacle with disbelief on their faces!



(Shachi VS Ichiji)


Unaware of his brother’s defeat, at another part of the plaza, Niji activated the hover boots of his Raid Suit and flew around his opponent a couple times, rising high into the cold air until he could look down on his foe. His sword flashed in a dangerous blue light as more and more electricity ran up and down the cold steel. β€œLightspeed Sword: Henry Blazer!”


Vinsmoke Judge’s second son shot down and towards Shachi. The pirate was left with only a split second to raise his own katana in defense before he ended up getting carried away by the sheer force and speed of the attack! They rocketed off the ground and flew through the sky in a zigzag pattern across the heads of Germa’s clone army and other members of the Heart Pirates who fought all over the kingdom. Despite being at a severe numerical disadvantage of at least 100:1, the pirate crew from the North Blue actually managed to stand their ground against their adversaries.


On the plaza, Jean Bart easily overpowered several of the Type-MH clones, catching them off-guard with surprising speed and agility that one wouldn’t come to expect from a man his size. His fighting style specialized around dislocating his opponents’ arms and legs, with the intention of rendering them completely helpless before targeting their vulnerable muscles and inner pressure points with his fingers or karate-like chops! Even the clones of Germa couldn’t help but cry out in pain as their bodies were stretched and twisted in all kinds of unnatural directions with their muscles cramping!


And at another place still, Uni went on to slice and dice all kinds of clones with his knives. As a cook who specialized in the preparation of puffer fish from an early age, he was no slouch when it came to targeting the organs of his targets, cutting them out and removing them before they even had the chance to process what was happening to them. Once they finally noticed what they were missing, he had already put the organs into a cooler he carried like a backpack, looking for his next victim, and leaving the previous one to die!


Below the waves, the crew’s helmsman, Hakugan, and five other members of the Heart Pirates steered the yellow submarine around the seafaring nation. Whenever one or more of the giant slugs tried to break away from the others in order to encircle them and block the pirate’s any potential route of escape, the submarine bombarded them with torpedoes and everything else it got. Hakugan unleashed the full potential of their nautical advantage and kept the entire kingdom’s forces distracted, using the Polar Tang’s much smaller size to their advantage as they evaded any and all forms of counterfire!


Neither Niji, nor Shachi, had much time to see what was going on as they flew over the entire snow covered kingdom. More and more snow fell down from the skies, courtesy of Monet’s Devil Fruit powers as she fought against the only princess of the kingdom somewhere. Each sharp turn was caused by another strike of Niji’s sword. They long since had left the plaza where their fight started and instead rocketed towards the harbor on the starboard side of the seafaring kingdom. They crashed through one last building before finding themselves over the unpredictable waves of the New World.


β€œLet’s give these new powers a test, shall we?! You lot should be the perfect training dummies to see how good they work on ordinary fools who are stupid enough to think they stand a chance against Germa’s might!” With a swing of his sword, Niji sent Shachi flying into the dark gray waves of the ocean. Before the boiler suit wearing man even hit the water with a deafening SPLASH, Niji jumped after him, carrying a trail of electricity behind him. He came to a halt a mere centimeter above the waves, plunging his sword into the wet abyss. β€œWhat’s coming next is enough to kill every Sea King in a five mile radius! Henry Circuit!”


All around him, the electricity from his blade rushed over and underneath the water like a hundred starving snakes. Starting from the point where his sword met the waves, the water started to boil and steam. All the while, dead cooked fish began to float with their bellies upwards as more and more arcs of lightning rushed through the gray depths.


Niji grinned, β€œHave fun swimming with the fishes!” He turned back towards the burning castle. β€œIn the meanwhile, I’m gonna chop up yo- hm?” Just as he wanted to fly back to the plaza, Niji stopped in his tracks and turned around after hearing something splashing through the water.


Swimming idly on his back, Shachi looked up at the blue haired man. Aside from a slightly red skin color, he seemed completely unfaced after the electrical outburst. Strangely enough, his body was several times thicker and rounder than it was before β€œMan, that attack definitely packed a punch! You guys really are no joke!”


β€œYou’re still alive, huh? Hahahaha! You sure have guts, I give you that much!” He pointed his sword at Shachi. β€œVery well, I shall reward your stupidity with a fitting death at the hands of my blade!”


β€œNah, I’m good! I don’t intend to die here against the likes of you!” Penguin replied before spitting at the prince!


β€œWHAAAAAPH!!!” a bubble of water, the size of a house, shot faster and with way more force than the ball of a cannon, hit him straight in the chest, causing him to spin around in the air. Once he came to a halt and turned around to face Shachi again, he saw several other balls of water flying towards him again.


They weren’t as big as the first one, only as big as he was tall, but they weren’t meant as a direct means of attack. Instead, Shachi used them to get towards the flying prince, swimming and jumping from bubble to bubble with a speed that rivaled that of Fish-Men, getting higher and higher, closer towards his opponent! The prince was too stunned to even do anything as Shachi came out of the bubble right in front of him!


β€œNautilus Flash… of JUSTICE!” Shachi called out as he moved his katana through the air in one fluid move. Due to his sword being covered in Armament Haki, the attack actually sliced through the Raid Suit and Niji’s skin, causing him to bleed. Niji’s motionless body fell into the water and disappeared beneath the waves, leaving only a trail of blood behind.



(Bepo VS Ichiji)


Back on the mainland, atop one of the castle’s many high towers, Ichiji blocked an incoming punch from Bepo. For someone of his stature, the polar bear Mink moved with surprising agility, fast enough to force Ichiji on the defensive as he narrowly avoided a roundhouse kick that almost hit his chin.


β€œYou lot are actually serious about fighting us, are you?” Ichiji teased his opponent while ducking underneath another punch. Using this brief opportunity, the redhead retaliated with an uppercut against Bepo’s chin that sent him flying over to the next roof with an explosion of red light. β€œSparking Figure! If even a walking-talking polar bear thinks he stands a chance, we just have to make an example out of you and remind the whole world of Germa’s might again!”


β€œI’m sorry.” Bepo lowered his face and guard in resignation. As Ichiji closed the distance between them again, he shook his head and clenched his hands into fists, β€œB- But I ain’t gonna lose! Even if I’m fighting against someone so scary! The captain trusts me!”


β€œThen your captain is the biggest fool of them all, and will join you in the afterlife! Sparking Valkyrie!” shouted Ichiji!


β€œNGH!!” crossing his arms in front of his chest, Bepo winced as the myriad of red laser beams from Ichiji’s eyes rained down on him. The many scattered beams of light completely destroyed the tower they were standing on and the one behind it. β€œOuch! Ouch! Ouch! That’s so hot! It hurts!”


Ichiji grinned, β€œOf course it hurts! We didn’t undergo improvements for nothing!” He turned around and grabbed the Mink by his ears to prevent him from falling down the now hollowed out tower. The prince’s hands and eyes began glowing in a menacing red light again. β€œYou should be proud though! Your loss here will go down in history as the first stepping stone in Germa’s return to glory! Sparking Nova!”


An explosion shook the kingdom as the entire tower blew up in a gigantic ball of fire! Red light illuminated the cloudy sky and the debris that was blasted away in every direction. Ichiji’s eyes glowed with the intensity of a miniature sun as he shot a never ending beam of light out of them and against Bepo’s face while his arms triggered one explosion after the other. They didn’t fall down to the ground though, the boots of Ichiji’s Raid Suit ensured that they were floating a hundred feet above the ground as he kept shooting a ray of potent light out of his eyes without ever stopping.


β€œNO! I won’t lose here! My friends need me!” Bepo declared. He grabbed Ichiji by his wrists and pulled his hands away from his head. β€œHIYAAA!!!”


β€œUFF!!!” A quick kick to Ichiji’s solar plexus made him stop with his attack and bent over in sudden pain!


Still holding on to Ichiji’s wrists, Bepo spun around with a rapid speed that disorientated the arrogant prince who soon lost all sense of direction, the world around him turning into a blur of gray and pink colors. Then, after careful timing, Bepo let go of Ichiji and let his body shoot down towards the ground, accelerated even more by a powerful kick to his head with the heel of his right foot.


β€œI think it’s time to end this! I can see why Sanji wanted to leave you guys! You’re only cool in the comics!” stated Bepo as he let himself fall down after Ichiji. He stretched his arms behind his back, channeling his innate ability to create electricity at will and covered them with it. β€œPolar Lightning!”


He hurled his arms forward again, the snow that clung to his fur caused some of the white strands to rip off and shoot towards the red haired prince. Like shrapnel fire, the bullets of fur, snow, and electricity rained down upon Ichiji and the soldiers in the kingdom below. Ichiji raised his arms instinctively as he tried to protect himself from the hail of projectiles. Each one of them hit harder than anything that hit him before! They tore through cobblestone roads, buildings, and the skin and bones of the clone soldiers alike with ease. Each impact also caused the Electro to run through the target’s body, stunning them if the attack itself didn’t already kill them on the spot!


β€œStupid beast!!” Ichiji grunted. Blood gushed out of several open wounds all over his body. Beneath the surface of the steel-like layer of skin, one could see the electricity running wild. β€œYou think this is enough to defeat me!? Then you’re even more foolish than I thought!”


β€œI’m sorry to disappoint you like this!” apologized Bepo. The Mink clenched his hands into fists and put them above his head as he dropped towards Ichiji. Spinning around himself, Bepo’s entire body lit up like a meteor when it crashed down on earth. Electricity sparked all around him as he aimed for Ichiji’s chest. β€œPolar Punch!”


β€œAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!” Ichiji’s scream of pain echoed across the entire kingdom as Bepo’s fists hit their intended target. His own body began to spin with Bepo’s. They accelerated, falling faster and faster until Ichiji’s back hit the hard road beneath with a thunderous crash! He spit out a gallon worth of blood as he found his innards crushed by the Mink’s overwhelming force!



(Monet and Ikkaku VS Reiju)


In the skies above the kingdom, Monet flew as fast as she could, followed closely by Vinsmoke Reiju. Somewhere to her right, she saw Ikkaku riding on a giant empty needle like witches do on broomsticks in old children’s books. The needle itself had jet thrusts similar to the hoover boots of Germa 66’s Raid Suits, which allowed her to fly in the air and follow the two other women. The curly haired woman held several needles filled with various liquids in them between the fingers of each hand, waiting for an opportunity to throw them at her opponent. Earlier attempts, that led to several broken needles at the hands of Reiju’s steel-like skin, had left Ikkaku a bit wary about throwing them willy-nilly.


β€œSnow Sheet!” Monet turned around mid-air, trying to slice Reiju with snow-covered wings, but to no avail. The hardened snow scraped over the superhuman skin, resulting in nasty scratch sounds, but nothing more.


β€œMmh~! You have to try better if you actually want to kill me!” chided Reiju, disappointed with how little the attack affected her. β€œLike this!”


She then delivered a swift kick right into Monet’s side, β€œAGH!!” The added poison coming out of her foot made it impossible for Monet to evade the attack by turning into snow as it instead turned into an unidentifiable mush. The force behind the kick sent Monet crashing into a nearby tower, leaving Ikkaku all alone.


β€œGreat! Just great!” Rolling her eyes, Ikkaku took a quick glance towards the tower. Upon seeing that Monet was still laying in the rubble, she accelerated and shot towards Reiju, who managed to avoid getting hit by the gigantic needle with the grace of a ballerina. β€œNow this!”


As she passed by Reiju, the seasoned Heart pirate threw the three needles in her right hand at Reiju. All of them had pierced her only visible eye if it weren’t for her superhuman skin. As is, they simply bounced off of the eyeball, their tips bent and broken, and fell down.


β€œIs this all the best you’re capable of?” the buxom aristocrat asked with a raised curly eyebrow. β€œAnd here I thought you could be the ones to end this charade of a kingdom!” She sighed and puckered her lips. β€œBut, alas, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Even though your friends did such a good job dealing with my brothers. Haaa~ Pink Hornet!”


A plume of purple smoke came out of Reiju’s mouth and shot towards Ikkaku, β€œHa! Save the pleasantries for after this is over, princess!” She said as she flew away from the poisonous attack as fast as she could. β€œI wouldn’t want to feel bad for killing you!”


β€œPlease don’t.” More and more poison came out of Reiju’s mouth and spread out in all directions like the tentacles of a squid, all with the intent to cover as much ground as possible and to hit Ikkaku β€œDeath is the only thing my family and I deserve!”


Ikkaku blinked, sweating profusely as she almost flew into one of the tendril-like clouds that blocked her path, β€œYou serious? Then why do you make this so hard on us and don’t simply drop dead?” asked the curly haired woman. A quick look over her shoulder confirmed that Reiju was actually following her as she flew towards the ocean on the port side of the Kingdom of Science.


Sighing, Reiju shook her head, β€œI wish it was that simple. As it stands, this is the best I can do!” Her entire body glowed in a menacing pink light, her cape fluttering in the wind as if it had a will on its own. The previously thin streams of poison began to expand. In just a few seconds, the streams have merged into one gigantic cloud that blocked out even the snow from the clouds above it. β€œPink Shower!”


β€œOh fuck!” Monet’s eyes widened as she looked up from the rubble and into the now bright pink sky. She was too far away to do anything directly against Reiju, but that didn’t stop her from protecting her new friends! Standing up, the harpy waved her wings through the air as she created a giant amount of snow at all corners of the plaza. β€œIgloo!”


As the first drops of poisonous rain touched her bare shoulders, snow rose all around the plaza in the shape of a perfect dome. Standing higher than most of her friends, she felt the first drops of the acidic rain hit her skin. It bubbled and turned an unhealthy red color where the acidic rain landed on, burning like hell as she continued trying to create the igloo as fast as possible, even if it meant that Germa’s army was also left untouched by the wide-ranged attack. The boiler suits that every member of the Heart Pirates, aside from Law, Monet, and Shyarly, wore protected them from the rain a bit better, giving them a bit more time to find better places to hide from the rain. Even Ikkaku, who was even higher than Monet, seemed only mildly bothered by it as she raised her hands above her face to protect herself from it.


The walls of the igloo weren’t even halfway up when the rain already caused them to melt again faster than Monet could summon more snow, β€œSuch a futile attempt!” lamented the pink haired woman, watching Monet’s valiant efforts from afar. β€œWhy won’t you let us all die here in peace!”


β€œYou wish!” Rising to her feet, or rather, her talons, Monet flew towards the two women again, forcing herself to ignore the burning sensation of the rain, β€œAs a matter of fact, I know a thing or two about self sacrifices for the greater good like this and it’s not something I would suggest to anyone!” As she got closer, Monet flapped her wings and shot a series of vaguely rabbit looking snowballs at the princess. β€œYuki Rabi!”


Reiju easily blocked all of them with her cape, some of them even melting before they even hit her because of the rain. Her head sank for a second, β€œYou know nothing!” She whispered to herself as she found herself standing mid-air between the two female pirates. Spreading her arms to either side, Reiju looked up into the sky, as if she enjoyed the prickling sensation of the poisonous drops on her skin. β€œLet’s end this!”


β€œYou speak… right out of my mind!” a weak smile spread across Monet’s face as she also spread out her large wings, before flying towards Reiju, who promptly countered the attack with a kick to Monet’s stomach. β€œUGH!!” The greenette spat out blood as the poison from Reiju’s foot spread through her body. Instead of backing off however, she moved in closer. β€œPerma… frost!”


β€œWhat’s… this?” asked Reiju, intrigued by Monet’s sudden change of appearance.


Monet turned into snow again. The snow quickly surrounded Reiju’s entire body, rendering her unable to move as Monet herself grew bigger and more monstrous. Her teeth grew longer and pointier until they were bigger than Reiju’s entire head! The feathers on her wings were tipped off with hardened snow that were sharp and sturdy enough to clash with swords.


β€œSomething that… is too weak to defeat you directly! But… it’s good enough to weaken you…!” Her smile grew bigger and more optimistic when she saw the questioning look on the pink haired girl’s face. β€œNOW, IKKAKU!!”


β€œYou don’t give orders to me, new girl! I use an opportunity when I see it!” Ikkaku said in response, though her words were lost in the sharp winds as she shot towards the two women. β€œBloody Nation!”


Monet created an opening for Ikkaku’s giant needle a split second before it pierced Reiju’s body, β€œAAAAH!!” gasped Reiju as the needle actually penetrated her hardened and cold skin.


β€œThey don’t call me β€˜the Vampire’ for nothing, you know?!” Ikkaku said proudly and through gritted teeth. She then used the needle to suck out the first of many liters of Reiju’s blood!


The princess’ skin became more and more pale as seemingly every last drop of blood left her body and went into the previously empty needle. Once five liters had been sucked out of her, Ikkaku pulled the needle out again and Monet turned back into her normal form. As she fell down, Reiju saw the sky turn normal again as she found herself unable to use her powers anymore. Her body hit the ocean and sunk down in the sweet and cold embrace of the waves. The last thing she saw as she sunk deeper and deeper and as all energy left her body was the silhouette of a mermaid. Instead of sinking deeper, she found her head pressing against something hot and soft as the mermaid appeared behind her and took her in her arms.



(Trafalgar Law VS Judge and Caesar Clown)


β€œWHAT IS THIS??? SOME KIND OF TWISTED JOKE?!?!” the king of the Germa kingdom roared outraged as the last of his beloved children had lost its fight. Standing on the balcony attached to his throne room, he slammed his fist hard enough against the wall to make it crack. β€œIchiji! Niji! Yonji! Reiju! My scientific advancements… the hours upon hours I devoted into making them the perfect emotionless soldiers… This can’t be! TRAFALGAR!!!” He spun around, tears streamed down his face after witnessing the defeats of his creations. The king pointed his spear at Law. β€œI will take your Devil Fruit! I will use it to make my children even stronger! Into immortal soldiers that can’t die! And I will make Germa once again the rightful ruler of the North Blue!”


β€œY’know, I read the comic strips and all… but I never would have thought the real β€˜Garuda’ would say such corny things in real life as well.” the tattooed captain replied coolly, sitting casually on the stone reiling of the balcony, with his sword resting on his shoulders.


A vein throbbed on the king’s forehead, visible even underneath the golden helmet he wore, β€œUnderestimating my scientific might will be the last grave mistake you’ll ever make! I WILL AVENGE MY CHILDREN!” Judge promised as he spun his spear around while charging towards Law. Yellow electricity crackled around his leg as he pulled it back for a kick. β€œE.M. Crack!”


Law waited until the last possible second before leisurely pushing himself up and jumping out of the way of Judge’s kick. He landed a couple feet away and promptly evaded a wild swing of the electrical charged spear by squatting down. Mid-swing, Judge brought the spear to a halt and instead pushed it downwards with the intent of impaling Law through his spine. Having anticipated this move, Law jumped back and into the throne room before the spear could even do so much as grace him.


β€œHeh. So far it seems to work out just fine for me. You two can’t even hit me.” Law said with a smug grin on his face.


β€œSHURORORORORO!!! We don’t need to land a hit on you!” Caesar laughed from Law’s right. The gaseous robe the horned man wore billowed gently as he pointed at Law. β€œIn case you haven’t noticed, you’re in my Land of Nothing! There is no air around for you to breathe! In just a couple of seconds, you will pass out and we won’t even need to dirty our hands to get you! You’ve fallen right into our brilliant trap, you fool! SHURORORORORORORORO!!!!”


Law only raised an eyebrow at the mad scientist. β€œ…!”








β€œHuh? Why isn’t my gas working?” Caesar leaned his head to the side, the confusion clearly visible on his heavily made up face. β€œYou should at least feel nauseous by now!”


β€œUnlike certain other captains I know, I read the newspaper. You really think I’m so stupid to face Germa without a plan when I know you’ve teamed up with them?!” Law asked, while holding back the urge to laugh out loud at the dumbfounded look on the two older men’s faces. He unbuttoned the yellow shirt he was wearing underneath his black coat to reveal a massive hole on his upper body. β€œI removed my lungs before this whole thing began!”


β€œWHAAAAAAAAAAAAA?????” Caesar’s eyes and tongue popped out of his face. β€œYou… you cut out your own lungs as a countermeasure to my gas?? You’re insane!”


β€œIf you got the Devil Fruit for it…” Law stated casually, while walking past the still flabbergasted and towards Judge’s throne. β€œSo, unless you have any other brilliant strategies to defeat me, I think we can wrap this whole thing up.”


β€œNot so fast!” both scientists called out at the same time. Caesar drew an unassuming looking sword hilt while Judge electrocuted the tip of his spear. Oxidized flames then shot out of the sword hilt as Caesar pushed a button the moment the two men jumped at Law. β€œE.M. Shaft! / Blue Sword!”


Law grinned. In response to the incoming attack, he merely readied his sword, still in its sheath, and waited for the right moment. Then, a split second before the two weapons hit him, he raised Kikoku and effortlessly blocked the fierce attack. The force behind it caused the dining table and the chairs around it to fly away in every direction. The banners all throughout the throne room fluttered in the wind before being torn and flying off somewhere.


β€œGRRRR!!!” Judge groaned through gritted teeth as he came to a standstill in front of Law, unable to push the pirate captain back even a millimeter, β€œDon’t think… don’t think that my children were the only ones to undergo scientific advancements.” Activating the jets at the end of his boots, he tried to push forward, even if it tore up the floor of his throne room. β€œI’m the β€˜Garuda’! I’m not gonna lose to some random brat!”


Using his free hand, Law put it against the cold steel blade of Judge’s spear. A trickle of blood ran down his arm and dropped to the ground as he pushed against the weapon, completely indifferent towards the electricity that now surged through him and the pain it brought with it.


β€œA random brat that did what you couldn’t; defeat Big Mom!” Law corrected his opponent with a hint of pride in his voice. With a swing of his still sheathed sword, he threw both scientists back a couple feet, β€œAnd you will find neither me, nor my crew, losing against you!” Putting his sword back on his shoulder, he lifted his uninjured hand before channeling his Devil Fruit powers through it. β€œRoom!”


β€œYes! Show me your powers!” demanded Judge, while a blue translucent dome grew bigger inside the throne room. β€œThe more you will show me, the easier it will be to use it later!”


β€œBe careful what you wish for, Judge!” Caesar warned his colleague. He put the sword hilt back and, in its stead, pulled out a castanet from his pocket. β€œYou know what this fruit is capable of! Cutting, moving things around at will, teleporting them, removing organs… Don’t let your guard down even for a second!”


Judge clicked his tongue. β€œI don’t need you to tell me that!”


Law grinned, β€œYou remembered quite a lot of the things I told you about when we first met. I’m impressed!” the black haired captain complimented his opponent in a mocking tone. β€œBut those are only the uninteresting basics. There is so much more to it! Lock!”


The translucent walls of the Room changed their colors from blue and, instead, lit up in a yellow light after Law’s last words. He didn’t give his opponents time to ponder about what happened as he instead stretched out his injured hand. Law let both scientists watch as the blood from the wound stopped dropping to the floor as it rose up from his palm, like smoke from a fire, and formed a perfect ball a couple centimeters in the air above his hand instead.


β€œBlood? You want to attack us with your own blood?” Judge asked, while walking slowly in circles around Law. Like a wolf that preyed on an injured deer in the forest, he observed as more and more blood left the Surgeon of Death’s hand and went into the ball.


β€œAgainst those monsters, Kaidou and Big Mom, I had Ikkaku collect way more than this little amount from their subordinates. And it still didn’t work! For you two though, half a liter of my own blood should be enough to grant you a surgical death!” the captain claimed. He looked over his shoulder towards Judge. β€œYou wanted to see my powers? Here, have a taste! Transfusion!”


β€œHMPH!” Judge’s eyes went wide as the ball of blood suddenly shot towards him.


He jumped over it at the last possible second before it hit him. The ball splattered against the walls of the room where it then ran down as if it was a solid surface. With just a thought, the blood rose up, turned into a ball, and went after Judge again, who spun his spear through the air to block the incoming projectile. Blood splashed in all directions but, instead of dropping to the floor, Law made it fly around the range of Judge’s spear with the intent to hit him from the sides and his back.


The blonde king swirled his weapon around him, slashing and stabbing at the different small streaks of blood that were after him. The smaller streaks all connected with one another again and turned back into a perfect sphere that went after Judge once more. All the while, Law walked over towards the throne again, barely paying attention towards what was going on. Seeing this brief opportunity, Caesar raised his arm with which he held the castanets and pointed them at Law. Before he could use them though, the ball of blood shot towards the horned man.


β€œAhh?” Caesar gasped as the blood hit him in the chest faster than he even had the chance to turn into gas. That, and a little bit of Haki on Law’s end, ensured that the blood actually hit its target. The red liquid seeped through his striped shirt and disappeared in his chest without leaving any wound behind, β€œHuh? It didn’t hurt?” He asked, blinking in surprise.


Law laid down on the throne, with his legs over one of the armrests and his head resting in the palm of his hand, β€œOf course it doesn’t. It would be a pretty messed up blood transfusion if I needed to cut open your body to make it work.” The black haired captain explained matter-of-factly, β€œThe real dangerous thing is when your doctor is a hack and gives you blood with a type that isn’t yours.” He said with a devilish grin that, along with the revelation of what was going on, sent shivers down Caesar’s spine. β€œYour blood will clump. Fever, intravascular hemolysis, and multiorgan failure will follow if you get injected with enough of the wrong type as the antibodies in you wage war against the blood! Your death will follow soon afterwards!”


β€œAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!!!!” shouted Caesar. He rubbed his hands through his long hair as he squirmed where he was standing, β€œI’M TOO YOUNG TO-UUUURK!!!!” Tears streamed down his face, ruining the makeup he had on, as he bent over to puke blood.


Just as Law described, it had already started to clump. The blood wasn’t nearly as liquid as it normally should be. Instead, it was more viscous, clinging to the mad scientist’s gloved hands as he looked at it through teary eyes. He was shaking so much though, it was hard to even register what he was looking at.


β€œGet a hold of yourself, Caesar!” shouted Judge, β€œWe’re men of science! I have more than enough resources to heal you once we have killed him!” The king stepped forward, pointing his spear once again at Law. β€œYou’re a Logia! Figure something out!”


Through teary eyes, the purple haired man looked up at his colleague, β€œH- Ha! You’re right!” shaking his head, he forced himself to focus on their objective again. Turning into a completely gaseous form, he managed to, at least partially, ignore the effects of Law’s transfusion. The gassy body floated towards the open doors of the throne room and the edge of Law’s yellow shimmering room, β€œStall him for a bit, Judge! I’ll get my KX Launchers and then… SHURORORORO!!!! You weren’t around when we wanted to use them, but they were designed to kill that old bag Big Mom for good! A normal human like you will die fifty times over before your body will hit the floOOOOMPH!!”


Instead of being able to fly through the yellow sphere that surrounded them, Caesar’s gaseous form smacked against it like it was a solid wall, β€œWhat the…? What is this?!” asked Judge, looking just as stunned as Caesar as he massaged his bloody nose.


β€œA little something I used earlier to make sure you wouldn’t try anything like this! Nobody will interrupt or leave this operation until the surgeon says it’s over, simple as that!” Law explained. β€œPeople are always so eager to get out of the Room, but with β€˜Lock’ I can keep them inside for as long as I want!” He sighed as he pulled Kikoku out of its sheath. β€œLet’s end this, shall we?!”


Both his opponents watched as he threw the cursed sword high up in the air. The long Odachi spun around itself several times until it came to a sudden halt at the highest point of the room. Its blade pointed downwards, like the fictional sword of Damocles, and began to glow in a mysterious and foreboding green light.


β€œAntibacterial Curtain!” moving his hands as if he pulled something over himself. Subsequently, a translucent veil covered him from head to toe right as the light of the blade became even more intense. Judge and Caesar shielded their eyes from the bright light, unsure what to do with it. “RΓΆntgen!



(Three days later…)


Reiju wandered over the sandy shores of an isolated summer island. So far, she hadn’t found any indication of civilization, leaving her to assume that it was either a pretty big island, with the only human settlements further inland or on the other side of the island, or that it was simply uninhabited. If it was the latter, she could completely understand why. Aside from a couple of palms along the shoreline, not a single plant grew on the otherwise rocky terrain of the mountainous island.


She had woken up a couple hours prior in the hospital of her kingdom. In the beds next to her were her brothers, father, and Caesar Clown, all of whom were in an equally bad shape as her. Yonji was still missing an arm and still suffered from internal burns. Niji, despite the massive scar across his chest now, had already left the infirmary in order to talk with the victors of their fight about their demands. Most of Ichiji’s ribs were still broken, and his organs were crushed after Bepo’s last punch. The doctors were still busy trying to stop the internal bleeding.


But the worst were her father and Caesar. Both of them have turned into husks of their former selves. They were nothing more than skin and bones, having lost every single strand of hair on their body due to Law’s last attack. Both of them were covered in burn marks and continued coughing up blood in the oxygen masks the doctors had them wear. Whatever attack Law used on them, it left an impact on them; even the scientifically advanced doctors of Germa questioned if they were able to make it!


The Heart Pirates flag on the highest tower of the castle moved in the wind above her head as Reiju continued with her journey over the beach. From a couple of overly enthusiastic pirates, who explored the castle like children on a vacation, she had found out that their captain spent the entire day somewhere on the beach. So, still weak from the low amount of blood she had left and dressed only in the loose sitting hospital dress that showed plenty of her cleavage, she picked up a pair of crutches and went on her way to see the pirate captain.


Wet slurping sounds told her that she was getting closer, β€œMMMMMMH, HRRRRM… AHHHH!!! AYE LUV IDDD!!!!” a woman moaned in a sultry tone not so far away from her. Indifferent towards what the sounds meant, Reiju walked onward. β€œHRRRRMPH, GUUUH!! HUUUMM, HMMPH, HMMPH, HMMPH!!!!”


β€œWho knew you could make such lewd sounds?! And here I thought a woman of your caliber knows how to take any kind of dick.” teased the voice of another, more familiar woman.


β€œAYE CAN’T HEWP IDDD!!! HISH CAWK ISH SHO HAWD AND BHIGGG!!” slurred the first woman again, with her words barely understandable.


Rounding a large boulder, Reiju found the source of all that noise. Law leaned against a palm tree, with his odd looking hat over his eyes, shielding him from the golden rays of the late afternoon sun as it disappeared on the western horizon. It looked as if he was sleeping, which couldn’t be the case, considering what the two women in front of him were doing. One of them, a giant mermaid that Reiju felt as if she had seen her before, laid on the sand in front of him, bobbing her head up and down on his cock while pressing her boobs around its base. Despite her standing well over five meters tall, Law’s cock still stretched out her cheeks as she moved her head slowly and sensually from side to side and back and forth.


The other woman, sitting on Law’s hand and eagerly squirming there, was one of the women Reiju fought against, Monet. She lacked all her avian features though, looking just like a normal, INCREDIBLY sexy girl with tits as big as her head and an ass juicy enough to bounce quarters off. With her human hands, the greenette grabbed and played with her own tits, kneading them like dough, while watching the mermaid devour inch after inch of the northern pirate captain’s length.


β€œOf course his cock is big! That doesn’t give you the right to hog it all for yourself, you slut!” argued Monet, with her body glistening with sweat as she bit down on her lip. β€œHmnnngh… hurry it up already! Don’t you have your friend to look after? That other mermaid? My pussy needs this cock way more than your mouth!”


β€œCAMIE’SH SHDILL IN DA SHUBMAWINE!!! SHE DOESHN’T NEED MEH!!! BUD DISH…” pulling her head back, the mermaid spat out Law’s cock and looked it up and down with a longing shimmer in her dark eyes. Her tits rubbed even more over the slick piece of meat as the dark haired woman licked the side of it upwards. β€œThis deserves my full attention! This isn’t something that just any basic woman can handle!”


Monet’s eyes narrowed down to slits, β€œWho are you calling β€˜basic’? Just because I’m not a professional whore like you, that doesn’t mean I can’t make my darling feel good!” she hissed.


β€œIf you think so… HMMMMMM!!!!” the mermaid purred. She pressed her face against the hot pole of man-meat while massaging it with her tits. β€œOne look at his reaction should tell you how much your darling loves my services! Mmmh~ it feels like he’s going to burst any second now!”


β€œDarling!” Monet leaned forward, resting her own boobs on Law’s muscular and tattooed chest while kissing him gently on the neck, β€œTell me she’s wrong! Tell me you like me more than this overgrown bimbo!” She demanded in a sultry, bordering on whiny, tone.


β€œMonet! Shyarly! Could you shut up for a second?!” Law said, while managing to make the request sound more like an order. β€œWe have a visitor!”


β€œHm?” Both women stopped with what they were doing to look over their shoulders and at Reiju.


β€œOh, you’re awake.” stated Shyarly. β€œAre you feeling better already?”


Ignoring the mermaid’s question, Reiju instead walked closer towards the pirate captain who hadn’t even looked her way when he made the others aware of her presence, β€œWhy did you let us live?” She asked bluntly. When Law didn’t do anything, she continued. β€œWe lost! You had every right to kill us after we decided to attack you first! But you didn’t. Why?”


For a moment, Law kept on laying there. Then, he pulled his hat away from his eyes and looked up at the young princess. β€œYou’re weak! And the weak do not get to decide how they die!” He answered simply before shrugging with his shoulders. β€œAnd because I didn’t feel like it.”


β€œDo you have any idea what my father would have done if he had gotten his hands on your Devil Fruit? Or what kinds of things he did… what he made us do in order to further his own ambitions?” Reiju kept asking. Her fingernails dug into the palms of her hands as she clenched them tight around the handles of her crutches to stop them from shaking.


β€œThere is no β€˜if’. You guys lost, and that’s it.” Law replied after a moment of silence where the only sound was the crashing of the waves against the shore. β€œI have a pretty good hunch about the stuff Germa 66 did to gain its reputation. And you really think your deaths would have made up for them? How naive!”


β€˜You’re not the first person to tell me this!’ Reiju thought, remembering the chat she had with Pudding before the battle against the Heart Pirates began, β€œBut our deaths would have ensured that Germa’s atrocities would come to an end for good!” She argued, even though she could already tell that her words were lost on the captain.


In front of him, Shyarly snickered into the back of her hand, β€œWho would have guessed that the princess would be a selfish martyr at heart?!” She said in a teasing tone before leaving a kiss on the tip of Law’s cock.


β€œSelfish!?” echoed Reiju a bit more shrill than she wanted. It was the first time in a looong while that she actually got heated up about something. She took another step forward, with her entire body shaking like a leaf in the wind due to the strain it put on her. β€œYou call me selfish?”


β€œBe honest, you just want to get away from your family!” Law said in Shyarly’s stead, who already continued sucking his dick. β€œYou’re doing this and that for your father because he orders you to. And because you can’t disobey and leave, the next best thing is death! At least in your mind.”


β€œAdmit it, you just want to be free!” Monet added, β€œBut, let me tell you, death, much less self sacrifice, won’t bring you the freedom and relief you seek! I should know! If it weren’t for my darling, I wouldn’t be here at the moment. I would have wasted my life out of a blind devotion and desire to be useful.” the former harpy finished.




For a long while, the only sounds one could hear were Shyarly’s lustful moans. Reiju watched the huge mermaid deepthroat Law’s entire cock several times. Her tongue licked over every inch of the hard and throbbing piece of meat whenever she pulled her head back again for a couple seconds to take breath again. The pink haired princess couldn’t bring herself to look away; her pussy getting pleasantly hot and wet at the sight of the three pirates enjoying each other like that, even if Law didn’t show it.


She shook her head, β€œSo… what if I want to be free? There’s nothing I could do about it!” She argued.


β€œIs there?!” Law asked rhetorically over Shyarly’s loud and wet noises. β€œYou might be artificially enhanced, but at your heart, you still strike me as human. And every living being on this world has a will of its own! A desire and dreams! As long as you have one of those, you should have the strength to do whatever the hell you want to do!”


β€œI… I do?” Reiju asked, while being no longer able to stop her body from shaking. Inadvertently, she let go of the crutches and dropped to her knees on the soft and warm sand.


β€œTell you what, try to find the will and strength to do whatever you feel like.” suggested Law. β€œIf it works, good. You have one thing less to worry about, and you can stop bothering me. If it doesn’t and you still wanna die, I’ll just kill you.”


β€œHMMMMMPH!!! PLEASHE NOT!!” Shyarly chimed in. Saliva ran down her chin and Law’s cock as she pulled up again. β€œAaaah~! I would hate it if I saved such a beautiful girl like you from drowning over nothing!”


With that said, the trio of pirates promptly seemed to forget all about Reiju’s existence. Without wasting any more time, Monet pushed Shyarly away from their captain’s cock and sat down on his knees. Reiju watched as the green haired woman grinded her sopping pussy against the hard and throbbing length, mewling erotically in response as her juices dripped onto the sand.


β€œMmmmmmmh…!! Yes, I’ve waited far too long for this!” She cooed softly. Putting her hands on her hips, she then moved them up, from her waist to her ample chest and grabbed it tight, β€œYou’re so mean for letting her go first, darling! Letting her hog all this cock for herself like this… it’s unfair!” Monet chided him in a playful tone, while squeezing her nipples between her fingers.


β€œIf you have problems, discuss it with Shyarly!” Law grunted, trying to keep his cool as his dick only got harder and bigger.


β€œHmmmm~! I love it when you try to play the cold and unmoving man!” purred Shyarly. The giant mermaid crawled a bit more away from the ocean and put her head on Law’s chest, circling her finger around his nipple. β€œIt’s so adorable! It makes me wanna eat you up and never let you go!”


A vein popped on Law’s forehead, β€œI’m NOT adorable!” He snapped at her, only to get his mouth promptly covered by that of the mermaid!


β€œAAAAAMPH!!!” Shyarly moaned in satisfaction.


With their lips pressed tightly against each other, Reiju could only assume how the black haired mistress pushed her tongue into Law’s mouth, moving it against Law’s own and savoring his taste! It… made her wet?


β€˜What is this?’ She asked in her mind. Her knees trembled uncontrollably as a strange sensation, unlike anything she ever felt before, started to rise up from within her. β€œAhhhh!!”


If they heard the plaintive sound she just made, they all ignored it, β€œDarling, I can’t wait anymore!” Monet said firmly. Reiju watched her rise from Law’s thighs to instead squat over his cock. β€œI need you inside of me NOW!!!”


β€œHMMMPH!! Yeph! Rhide himm!” Shyarly moaned into Law’s mouth. With a pale hand, she held the base of Law’s cock in place as Monet lowered herself down on it.


β€œHurrrrrrrr!!” Law groaned. His body tensed up more and more with each inch of his cock disappearing in the older woman’s tight cunt!


β€˜Oh god! Is she… she’s taking it all!’ Reiju realized.


The hospital dress she wore suddenly irked her, how it covered so much of her and how oppressive it felt. So she threw it away, exposing her body to the wet and slowly cooling air of the sea. Not that it was cold! There was a heat burning inside of her that kept her warm now. A heat that was accompanied by a tingle that spread through her every nerve and vein, making her want to touch herself.


β€œAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! IT’S SO BIG… BIGGER THAN I REMEMBERED!!!” Monet howled in raw pleasure. The greenette woman arched her back, her tongue hanging out of her open mouth as she screamed to the heavens. β€œFUCK!!!! I LOVE IT!!! I THINK… I THINK… I THINK… HNNNNNGH!!!! I CAN’T THINK!!! THIS COCK… IT’S TOO GOOD!!!!!”


β€œHRRRMPH!!!” growling like a wild beast in a cage, Law rocked his hips against Monet’s. He found the right pace practically immediately and soon had her howling even louder.


β€œOOOH!!! AAAH, AAAH, AAAAAHHH!!!!!” there was a noticeable distention moving up and down in Monet’s stomach. With each upwards thrust, her amber eyes rolled further back in their sockets, while her eyelids fluttered like she had a hard time keeping them open. β€œDARLING!!! YOUR COCK IS CHURNING UP MY INSIDES!!! IT’S SO BIIIHIIIIIG!!!! MORE!! POUND ME MORE!!!! PUNISH MY PUSSY!!!!”


Long ropes of saliva connected the lips of the two dark haired adults after they broke their kiss. Wet squish squish squish sounds that Reiju had never heard before like this filled the air. With each thrust and each bounce, Monet got closer to the base of Law’s cock. There were only a handful inches separating the spotless lips of her pussy from the neatly trimmed bush of black pubic hair on the captain’s crotch.


Shyarly licked her lips, β€œMmmmnh~ just look at her go!” she moaned into the tattooed man’s ear. With a snicker, she let go of the base of his dick and instead reached for his hand, guiding it towards her oversized tits. β€œThere you go! Go on, cop a feel of them! I know you want to!”


β€œYou two really are sluts!” Law groaned. Though, he didn’t pull his hand away and instead squeezed Shyarly’s pale boobs hard, causing her to moan softly.


β€œI’M A SLUT, YES!!!! YOUR SLUT!!!! I’M YOUR SLUUUUUUUUTTT!!!!” Monet replied instantly. With every passing second, her fingers sunk deeper into the pliant and warm flesh of her tits. β€œOOOOOAAH!!!! I’M GONNA CUM!!! GONNA CUM!!! GONNA CUM!!! GONNAAAAAAAH… I’M CUMMING!!!! FUUUUUUUCK!!!!!”


As if her body moved on autopilot, Reiju had hefted her left tit and begun to suckle on it gently, β€˜Why does this feel so different? It’s so… animalistic! So primal!’ the young princess thought while licking on her uncomfortable stiff nipple.


This wasn’t like when she acted flirtatious to make her opponents drop their guard. Or when she kissed someone to suck poison out of them. There was no reason behind any of it. They did it because they wanted to and because they COULD!


β€œHaaa!!” Reiju breathed hoarsely against her own tit. Her eyes remained glued to the wild and mesmerizing sex scene in front of her as she spread her legs a little. A cloud of steam rose from her pussy, filling her head with sweet scents she had never smelled before in her life. β€˜This… this feels so strange, but SO good!’


Monet still spasmed on top of Law, with her juices and Law’s precum running out of her pussy and dropping onto the sand, β€œAHAAAAAHHH!!! CUMMING!!!! I’M CUMMING SO MUCH AND HARD!!! I’M LOSING MY MIIIEEEEEK!!!!” She ended up squealing as Law pulled his dick out of her cunt without a warning. β€œWHYYYYY??”


β€œYou like my cock that much?!” He asked in a foreboding tone that made Reiju eager to see what he was talking about. Using Shyarly’s tit as leverage, he pulled himself up, throwing Monet off of him and onto the sand. β€œThen why don’t you take it for real?!”


The Surgeon of Death then put his hands on her hips and spun her around until she was kneeling on all fours in front of him like a dog, β€œAAAH!!!!” Monet already bit down on her lip as she glanced over her shoulder and wagged her rear end from side to side. β€œYESSS!!! FUCK MY ASS!!!! DESTROY ME!! PLEASE, I NEED ITT!!!!”


β€˜Do it! I wanna hear her squeal!’ Reiju thought, and Shyarly said it out loud. A trickle of blood ran out of Reiju’s nose and into her mouth, β€˜How? How is it possible that this turns me on so much? I… I’m not perverted like my brothers, am I?!’ the princess bit down on her nipple, tasting her own blood on her tongue as she sucked on the stiff nub of flesh.


β€œAYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Monet screamed as her entire body was shoved forward a couple paces due to the force behind Law’s thrust. His cock had all but vanished into her asshole, his balls smacking wetly against her thighs as he held her there for a couple seconds to let her grow accustomed to his size.


Shortly after, he pulled back, only to ram deeper into her ass again! Monet’s euphoric sounds overshadowed every other noise on the beach, aside from maybe the wet PLAP PLAP PLAP of Law’s hips against hers. Reiju had never heard something so beautiful before!


β€œHaaa, haaa, haaa!!!” She switched from her left to her right tit, sucking on it like it was filled with the most delicious poison in the entire world! Her entire body was soaking wet, if from sweat, the spray of the ocean, or something else, she didn’t know, β€œHMMMMMMPH!!!!” She moaned erotically, while her own saliva ran down her nipples.


β€œMY ASSSSSSS!!!!!! YOU’RE TOO BIG!!!! IT FEELS TOO GOOD!!!!! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT!!!!” Monet howled, climaxing over and over and over and over again. Her fingers clawed at the gritty sand beneath. β€œDARLING… DARLING!!! DARLINNNNNNNNGH!!!!!”


Shyarly pressed her tits against Law’s back and hugged him tight. She kissed him on the neck as she put her head on his shoulder, β€œThat’s it! Fill her up good! You know she needs it!” She purred suggestively.


β€œHaargh…! Don’t tell me what… I have… to do!!” Law grunted, even though he already emptied his balls inside of his former enemy!


β€œOOOOOOOOHH!!!! CUM… THERE’S SO MUCH OF IT!!!! IT’S FLOODING MY INSIDES!!!!” the sexy greenette screamed in orgasmic madness. Her eyes went cross and her tongue lolled even more out of her mouth. β€œIT’S MAKING ME CUM SO MUCH!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! LOVE IT!!! LOVE IIIIIIIIIIIIITT!!!!”


As the first drops of cum already shot out of Monet’s asshole again, Reiju came to a realization! Still sucking on her nipple, she looked at the hand she didn’t hold her tit in place and opened and closed it a couple times. β€˜This isn’t enough! I wanna get fucked and held like this too!’


β€œAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Monet let out a sigh of relief as her body went limp. Far quicker than Reiju thought possible, Shyarly put her large fishtail underneath the other woman to cushion her fall. β€œThank… you…”


β€œYou’re welcome!” Shyarly replied with a warm smile and laugh.


Wiping away a little bit of sweat from his forehead, Law pulled his cock out of Monet’s ass, resulting in a nasty PLORG sound and even more cum to rush out of the tight and convulsing hole. The black haired captain then turned Reiju’s way again. β€œHave you come to a decision now?”


Reiju nodded, β€œMhm!” She rose to her feet, ignoring the burning need between her legs and how they ached for the crutches for support. β€œWill you let me join your crew? I want to sail with you!”


Heart Pirates TRIVIA:
Bepo 1,122,000 Belly
Shachi 470,000,000 Belly
Penguin 425,000,000 Belly
Jean Bart 406,000,000 Belly
Ikkaku 127,000,000 Belly
Monet 278,000,000 Belly



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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6 months ago

I have no idea how to word this, but I’m going to give it my best shot…! 🀯

Both this chapter and the previous one before it were both incredibly long, to say the very least. But they both served a primary purpose: The focus on Reiju and her mind set. And honestly, I think it’s a very different take that worked out really well. Not only that it really displayed just how corrupted and cruel the Vinsmoke family {and by extension Germa 66} really is. And this was done masterfully. πŸ€“

That’s not all, either. This chapter really showed off some good fight choreography, as well as the multiple viewpoints during the story, which is how much of the chapter this structured. This also factors into the aftermath of it as well. I know it’s annoying and off putting for some people, but to me it’s a key aspect. 😊

Also, while we’re on that topic, that was a very decisive victory on the Heart Pirates’s part. And I also liked how the threesome was written and set up, including the philosophical talk Law, Monet and Shyarly had with Reiju during it, including calling her out on trying to be a selfish martyr. Though the bickering the ladies had was a nice touch too. 😁

Overall, it looks like Reiju is now rolling with the Heart Pirates! Not the freedom she envisioned, but it’s one she’s gonna accept! I look forward to seeing how it works out. πŸ‘€

Overall, nicely done. πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

I know that not everyone might be on board or hooked with the idea of giving the individual Heart Pirates a time to shine. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if I would be the only one who cares about fleshing them out and letting them do something like this. I just felt it necessary to expand on them a little bit to make any further interactions with the Strawhats or the Kid Pirates not feel completely unbalanced and boring.

I’m happy that you liked the action scene at the beginning. I tried to focus a bit more on surgical stuff with Law’s techniques that I think would have made sense for him to have.

Also, while it may seem as though the freedom Reiju now has isn’t the one she envisioned, I kinda don’t see it that way. For her, freedom is doing what she wants to do, not blindly being forced to follow her father’s orders. So, the fact that she herself decided to join Law is, in fact, her being 100% free. Anyways, I’m happy to read that you enjoyed the dynamic between the different girls and Law!

As always, waiting for your indepth thoughts is well worth the wait! Thank you!

6 months ago

I always imagined Judge as Oda’s interpretation of Dr. Doom. The whole corny dialogue, genius scientist who is also a dictator and also really strong, and even Germa 66 are sort of a knock-off of the Fantastic Four, what with them being a super-powered family.

That being said, no way does Judge even hold a candle to Doom. He’s actually a good leader and would never bow to anyone, unlike Judge.

Good chapter, especially with the action (pun intended). Hope you use Reiju and Pudding more since Reiju is underrated and you’re pretty good at writing Pudding.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  way2dumb2live

Not sure about your Dr. Doom comparison there. Germa 66 always struck me more as a German (Kaiser-) Reich X Super Sentai hybrid than anything else. Also, I care too little about comics and/or Dr. Doom to say anything more about that matter.

I’d be more than happy to write more with either of those two girls. I have quite a lot of fun things in mind when it comes to interactions between Law and his harem. Was there anything you found particularly good about the action/fights in this chapter?

6 months ago

@Mr. Akrononym

  2. Yay, Best Girl Reiju is getting freed! (Aka what Oda should have done in canon)
  3. I never realized how fitting it was to have Law (the Germa fanboy who was forced to be a killer by Doflamingo) free a Germa princess forced to be a killer.
  4. OOF, that Bepo bounty. Doing him dirty.
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Dan
  1. You exaggerate XD. But I’ll gladly take the compliment.
  2. In retrospect, I find it kinda weird how Judge was able to come up with perfectly obedients living weapons, whereas Vegapunk claims that there’s always some form of free will (or something like this) left, like in the Mecha-Shark. So I wanted to address it at least a little bit here.
  3. Incredibly happy to like their dynamic! I actually was able to come up pretty fast with what kind of girls I want for each captains’ harem. Reiju is no exception! Always found the idea of potential interactions between her and Law to be really interesting.
  4. Lol. In case you haven’t noticed, every of these bounties is based on their birthdays (with Bepo getting the Chopper treatment, for obvious reasons) XD
6 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym
  1. Excuses, my man Bepo was wronged
  2. I do like Reiju nosebleeding as well, shows that she really is a Vinsmoke XD
Roger Goga
Roger Goga
6 months ago

Great chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and it’s been a long time since you did one piece and I got the feeling that Reiju will join law harem and keep up the good work

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Yeah, if the ending didn’t make it clear enough, Reiju is meant to join Law’s crew/harem.

Writing this chapter was… challenging. I went through several different ideas for the fighting section until I finally settled on the one you see here.