Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Chronicles of World City: The Kuudere

Next Story (Chapter 02): [LINK]

Stepping through the door, Amy Eiskalt looked around the large space that was the club her friends had been pestering her to visit. The place was called Studio 45, and it was pretty infamous for the things rumored to go on inside. Nothing illegal, though she was sure someone in here was likely doing some substance use that wasn’t entirely on the level. ‘It’s noisy,’ was her first thought when she walked through the door. Loud pulsing techno music blared over the massive speakers, making the very air seem to quake. The main floor area of the club was one large dancefloor where people were packed in together like sardines. A living mass of people swayed and moved to the music as multi-colored lights strobed over them. Almost as loud as the music was the din of people talking and yelling over one another.


The cover charge to enter wasn’t very bad, just fifteen bucks, and that covered two drinks or one meal entree. Amy walked down a short flight of steps into the club proper. The first club goers she encountered were a pair of twins with white hair that had been dyed red at the tips. One was dressed in a red leather micro-dress that hugged her impressive curves. She had her hair cut short with long bangs that covered one ice colored eye. Her sister who had longer hair tied up in a ponytail wore an identical dress but in a midnight black color. Neither of them were wearing panties, the edges of their pussies fully exposed.


She hadn’t expected that, she was wearing her school uniform, though she’d tightened the light powder blue skirt and lifted it up several inches higher so anyone looking could see the white thong panties she had on. The white top was also about one size too small, but that was because her breasts had gotten a lot bigger in the last few months. Her mother always said she’d be a late bloomer, but she didn’t expect to jump from a B to a Q-Cup in the space of just seven months! Her breasts seemed to just get a little bigger every day and she went through so many bras and uniform tops it wasn’t even funny. Even now, she didn’t have a bra on, since the last one she’d bought chaffed the undersides of her tits horribly.


The only upside to it was that the boys at her school paid a lot more attention to her. The bigger her tits got, the more they hit on her. Though for some reason, she still hadn’t landed a boyfriend before graduation. She figured it was because she didn’t have much of a range of emotional expressions.


She couldn’t help that!


She tried being expressive more than once, but it always felt unnatural to her to force a grin onto her face. Especially when she didn’t always know when the timing for it would be right. Walking farther into the club, Amy tried smiling a few times, but she got some awkward looks in response, so she let her face default back to her usual neutral expression.


She made her way over to the bar and ordered a juice drink as she sat down. The club didn’t have a minimum age for entry, but Amy figured they’d still card her if she tried to get anything with alcohol in it. There was a large mirrored wall behind the bar and Amy caught her own reflection. She wasn’t bad looking, at least she didn’t think so. Her hair was a two tone color that started out as a navy blue at the roots, then gradually lightened to a bright teal color as it lengthened. Currently she had her hair cut in a slight bob, though her bangs were brushed to either side of her face, bearing her forehead. Amy’s skin was something she was slightly proud of, a healthy cream color without any beauty or birthmarks. Her eyes were a ruby red color that like her hair, came from some merfolk heritage on her mothers side. She didn’t have any pictures, but her mother had always told her that her great-great-grandmother was a mermaid. Amy couldn’t really be sure, she sure as hell didn’t have any talent for swimming as a result.


She tried smiling at her own reflection, but stopped quickly, her face looked so unnatural that way, it was almost creepy. She really didn’t like that about herself, her lack of expressiveness, because she really wanted a boyfriend! Someone who would take her out places and spoil her in hopes of a blowjob.


The bartender handed her her drink and punched a hole in the ticket she’d gotten at the door, marking that she’d gotten one of the two drinks the door charge covered. One interesting thing about this place, the drink prices were all fixed, even the boozed up drinks were the same price as the regular ones. She took a cautious sip of her drink, it was sweet and fruity. Amy could distinctly taste apple, oranges, lemon, and a bit of mango among other flavors. The drink’s color was a crazy swirl of red and orange tones, how they managed that was beyond her, but it fit with the wash of colors around the club.




Amy jumped in her seat slightly as a woman was pressed up against the bar next to her by a man with deep red skin, bleach white hair, and black horns on either side of his head. He was a demonkin, Amy had a couple of them in her highschool, two girls that had graduated a couple years ahead of her. She couldn’t remember their names right now, only that one of them was really tiny with a big butt. This marked the first male one she’d seen personally though.


He had a nice build, like someone who lifted weights regularly. His long tail was actually coiled around his waist like a belt, with the fiery tip in front like some kind of belt buckle. The woman was one of the twins she’d seen at the entrance, the one with the long hair in a ponytail. She was in a total full porno-kiss style liplock with the demonkin man as he pressed her against the bar’s counter.


“Nmmmmh, hmmmmmh, ahhh…” the woman gasped, her voice low and soft as she grabbed the demonic man’s hand and instantly shoved it between her legs! He pulled her skirt up more, fully exposing her bald pussy and shoving three fingers inside her with a lewd wet noise that Amy could somehow hear over the loud music.


“Ahhhhhnnnn… Stick them in dheeperrr…” the girl moaned, “Yesssss…” she added when he did just that. Amy could feel her heart speeding up at the pornographic display going on right next to her. Her friends weren’t joking about what went on here!!! No one around them was even batting an eye at what was happening, even as the ponytailed girl reached a hand down to grab the demon man’s junk through his pants! Amy watched as his tail came uncoiled from around his waist as the girl opened the jet black slacks he wore, unleashing his thick cock from its confinement.


Amy felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of his big demon dick, blood red and as thick as her wrist. The blue haired girl clenched her thighs together as she watched while the demonkin man pulled his fingers out of the woman and quickly SHOVED his dick inside her!


OOOOOOOOHOOH!!!!” the woman moaned and Amy could see her stomach denting just slightly from the thickness of the demonic man’s penis. “HMMMMM YESSSS… FUCK MHEEEE…!” the woman begged in her soft voice, looking the demonkin man in his yellow eyes. She then moaned as he shoved his wet fingers in her mouth, making her taste her own juices as he began moving his hips back and forth.


Amy could only sit there and watch while the girl sucked on his fingers like they were the most delicious thing ever. The look of pleasure on her face made the tingling between Amy’s thighs get all the worse. Her ruby colored eyes were constantly drawn back to the sight of the demonkin’s huge dick moving in and out of the girl. The fabric of her uniform top began chafing against her nipples as they grew stiff under the material.


YES… AHHHH… MORE, MORE MORE MORE, DEEEEPER, HAAAARDERRR…” the woman gasped out, thrusting her hips against the red skinned man’s movements.


Amy felt her breathing getting heavier as she watched the man grab the top of the woman’s dress and yank it down, exposing her big and jiggling tits. Tits which he quickly grabbed in a tight grip, his deep red fingers standing out against the cream colored skin. Amy could only watch, breathless as the demonkin man leaned down to take one dusky pink nipple into his mouth and suck on it roughly. The blue haired young woman could feel her own nipples getting stiffer inside her shirt as she rubbed her thighs together.


“Nice show eh?” asked a man’s voice as a thick fingered hand reached around her from behind to grab her right tits. The smell of something like cologne washed over her like a wave and made her feel more than a little dizzy.


“Oh wow, these are natural, nice!” said the man as he continued fondling her tit. Amy turned her head to see a fat, bald headed man with a greasy looking scalp leering down at her. “Hey there,” he said, “Haven’t seen you here before.”


Amy nodded lightly, “It’s my first time here.” she said calmly. The man nodded back, his double chin becoming all the more apparent as he did. He then reached up with his other hand to grab her left breast, squeezing both of them roughly.


“Nice tits!” he told her.


“Thank you,” she answered calmly, turning her head to look at him. He seemed surprised at first and Amy figured it was the neutral expression on her face. She fully expected him to get creeped out next and walk away.


The man leered at her more, “Oh I love the icy chicks like you!” he said, leaning his head down and covering her mouth with his own. His tongue tasted like tobacco and booze as it forced itself into her mouth, and the smell coming off him was even stronger than before. Amy felt his hands gripping her tits painfully tight as she let out a soft moan.


She then felt his hands loosen from her tits, but only for a moment before he gripped the edges of her top and YANKED the sides apart, pulling the blouse of her school uniform open. She heard the buttons scattering everywhere with a clattering noise as he exposed her tits to the cooled air of the club.


“Nmmmmh, yeah, what a lewd pair of tits!” he said to her as he grabbed them directly, squeezing them HARD! Amy let out another soft sound and took a long sip of her drink as the man continued to fondle her tits roughly. The man then leaned his head down to lick the side of her neck, tasting her.


“Mmmmmh, so sweet…” he said, his alcohol smelling breath washing over her. He then pulled her into another kiss, his tongue pushing into her mouth without any resistance again. Amy turned her eyes so she could watch the demonkin man and the woman some more. He held onto the girl’s shapely hips tightly, thrusting his thick cock into her again and again with a wet SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH! Her pussy seemed to gush every time he thrusted in, and Amy watched the slight lump in her abdomen rising and falling with his movements.


“Nmmmh, ahhhh…” Amy moaned as the man sucked her tongue back into his mouth roughly. She could feel his crooked teeth with her tongue as he made it move around inside his mouth with his own. He then released her right tit from his grip and reached down to pull her skirt up even more, exposing her panties and the camel toe outline of her pussy. Amy gasped for breath when he broke the kiss and looked down at her crotch.


“Mmmmmh, you have a nice plump pussy! I love the way your panties are digging up into it like that!” he said, “But I think it’d look better if they were digging in even more!” he told her as he reached down to grab her panties and pull them up even tighter until the edges of her pussy were exposed. She could see the outline of her own clitoris now in the fabric as it began getting slightly darker with her own juices.


“Yeah, that’s better!” he said with a lecherous laugh, “Just look at how wet you are, I bet this meaty pussy is just ACHING for something fat and far to stuff it!” Amy couldn’t disagree with him and let out a surprised gasp as he pulled the crotch of her panties aside and stuffed one of his sausage thick fingers into her pussy!


“Ahhnnn…” Amy moaned softly, her pussy letting out a quick spray of heady smelling juices. His finger was so thick and hot, it felt good as he forced it deep inside.


“Oh yeah, nice and tight, I’m gonna enjoy plowing this hole!” he said as he worked his single digit in and out of her pussy, making it wetter and sloppier with every stroking motion. “Stand up and stick your ass out for me!”


“O… Okay…” Amy agreed, her breathing slightly heavy. The blue haired young woman did as told, standing up from the barstool and leaning over the counter to push her ass out towards the man. He pushed her skirt up all the way, exposing her ass and how her panties had a thong backing. Amy could hear him undoing his belt behind her and felt her knees shaking slightly. He was just gonna fuck her, right here against the bar! Oddly enough, she wasn’t nervous at all, but excited, though you wouldn’t have been able to tell from the expression on the face that stared back at her from the mirror.


A thick, musky stink then reached her nostrils as she saw the man pulling out the biggest dick she’d ever seen! It had to be as thick as the widest point of her thigh and as long as her entire arm! The smell coming off it was so strong it seemed to steam the air around his cock as he slapped it against her bare ass. It was a dirty, unwashed stink that made her dizzy every time she breathed it in. The demonkin and girl next to them were obviously offended by the smell and moved off to go and fuck somewhere else. Amy tried to look for them, but the crowd in the club was just too thick to spot them.


She quickly stopped looking when the man grabbed both her hips in his meaty hands before aligning his dick with her pussy. Amy stiffened and let out a sharp moan as she felt her pussy being spread wide by the man’s huge dick! Her entire body felt like it was throbbing from the moment his dick penetrated her. Amy could feel her cunt clamping down tightly on his thick thing. It felt good, really good, she liked it, a lot!


“Hmmmmnn…!” she moaned as her hands gripped the edge of the counter tightly, “It’s… Thick…” she gasped, then let out a tiny moan when the man slapped her ass with a loud SPANK!


“Ahhh yeah, nice and tight!” the man groaned as he pushed his cock in DEEP! It felt like her organs were being flattened by the size of his cock, but it also felt good! The fat man quickly began moving his cock in and out roughly, his hips slammed into her ass with a loud SMACK SMACK SMACK noise. Amy could feel her stomach being stretched out around his cock and she let out several small sharp gasps as her body rocked back and forth with his every thrust.


“Yo, Dio, take it easy on the girl.” said the man behind the bar. He was a middle aged man with hair the color of beach sand and plain brown eyes.


“Shut the fuck up, she don’t mind. Do you, honey?” Dio asked.


“No I… I’m fine… Ahh… Can… I… Get, another… Juice please…?” Amy asked as Dio turned his attention back to pounding her pussy with his massive dick. The wet squishing noise coming from her pussy got louder as she was rocked back and forth violently.


The bartender gave her an odd look, but she just stared back at him and after a few moments, he made the next drink for her. He then took her ticket and tore off part of it after handing her the drink. Amy picked up the glass, but it was hard to drink it properly with the way Dio was slamming his cock in and out of her so roughly. Her entire body bucked back and forth as she felt his dick reaching so far inside her every time it went inside. It felt good though, she couldn’t help but moan softly as her head hung over the surface of the bar.


“Ahhh…” Amy gasped softly, her voice barely above a whisper. “My pussy, feels full.” she said quietly.


“Yeah, you like that don’t you, you slut!?” Dio asked her. “Like my big, fat, dick stuffing your tight cunt!?” he asked as he began pounding into her even faster, her pussy making lewd wet squishing noises.


“Ah, ah, hah, ah…” Amy moaned softly, looking up at her reflection in the mirror again. Was she… smiling? And it wasn’t a creepy smile, but it wasn’t the erotic expression she’d seen on the other woman either. Instead, she just looked like a girl who might be smiling to have her picture taken.


“I… I… I do… I like it…” Amy gasped softly, “It feels… Really good… Oooohhhh…” Amy said, moaning softly then taking another sip of her drink, somehow managing not to spill any of it. Dio then leaned his big body over hers, his hands going for her tits again, gripping them tightly as he pistoned his cock in and out of her.


“Mmmmmh, your tits are so big and slutty, they just scream how much they wanna be fondled!” Dio told her.


“Mn, ahmmn…” Amy moaned softly as she found her hips moving almost on their own, rolling back against his thrusts. Her pussy kept gushing and gushing as she felt the pleasure inside her crotch growing more and more intense. Dio then let go of one of her tits and reached up to grab a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back and covering her mouth with his again.


“Ahhnnn, ahnmmmh, ahh…” Amy gasped as she slipped her tongue back along his. She could feel their mixed drool running down the side of her chin as she gasped for breath softly.


“Mmmmmmh, fuuuck thish ish some Grade A pusshy!” Dio groaned, “It’sh clinging to my dhick so tight, like it can’t git enough of it!” he told her, his words slurring slightly.


“Ah, id doesh, pheel good…” Amy slurred back calmly, “Aye’m… Sho phull…” she gasped, the moaned a little louder as Dio began pounding her even harder. “Ahmnn! So rough…” she said after he broke the kiss and began pulling at her clothes, taking her top off completely and tossing the ruined blouse behind the bar. Amy felt her big tits swaying back and forth wildly as she clung tightly to the bar for support. Her legs were starting to feel weak, her knees no longer wanting to stay straight. She could feel a pressure welling up inside her groin, it felt good, and she let out another quiet moan as her entire body moved back and forth with Dio’s thrusts.


She noticed a few people had begun watching them, and Amy felt her cheeks heating up. So many of the spectators were men, and their eyes were like needles poking at her exposed skin. Dio then pulled off her skirt and RIPPED her panties off, leaving her dressed in nothing but the slip-on shoes she had on when she came in.


“Would you look at those tits!?” said a voice.


“What about that ass!?” said another.


“Her mouth is pretty, I bet she gives good head.” commented yet another voice.


Their words made Amy feel excited as she turned to look at the men. She gave a gentle wave to them as she saw the multiple tents in their pants. Having so many men leering at her made Amy’s pussy quiver even with Dio’s massive dick thrusting in and out of her. She loved the attention as Dio groaned behind her and began pounding her cunt even harder. The blue haired girl could feel her butt jiggling from the force of his movements as he grunted again and again.


“Hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, yeah, yeah, yeeeeeaaah fuuuuuuuck!!!!” Dio roared like a beast as he buried his entire dick inside her and came!


“Ahha…” Amy gasped softly, feeling his cum flooding into her womb as his cock throbbed inside her. It was a thick, wet, sticky feeling as the viscous fluid oozed back out of her pussy even with his thick cock clogging the opening.


“Haaaaaah, that’s the stuff…” Dio groaned in satisfaction as he sparked up a thick and foul smelling cigar. He took two puffs on the thing before slowly pulling his cock out with a rude sucking sound. A sudden empty feeling overwhelmed Amy as she leaned against the bar with both arms, her legs still weak. Dio then grabbed her by her pussy, stuffing two of his thick fingers into her with a wet SQUISH. He then began moving the digits in and out of her cunt slowly as he helped her stay upright for the most part.


“You’re a prime piece of ass girl! Let’s go a little farther inside and have some real fun.” he told her.


“…Okay.” Amy agreed quietly.



A little farther inside in this case meant the other side of the bar. Amy wasn’t all that familiar with the layout of the place, but it seemed the bar was like a large island in the central floor area of the middle of the building. The side facing the entrance was where most of the regular socializing went. Dio walked Amy around the bar’s perimeter, to where a pair of large men guarded a roped off area beyond. A huge frog beast man was one such guard and looked at Amy with the same leering gaze as Dio and the other men.


“Hey Pog, still moonlighting here?” Dio asked.


[Sidd pays well, but I gotta few things I need to get. And asking him for a raise is like pulling teeth.] the huge beast man replied in his croaking language which Amy happened to understand.


“You don’t have teeth.” Dio said.


[Exactly!] he ribbited back.


“Anyway, she’s with me.” Dio said, slapping Amy’s ass as she stood naked in front of the frog.


[Nice milk sacks, I love that about mammals.] Pog replied as he pulled aside the velvet rope barring their path.


“Thank you…” Amy said quietly.


Pog seemed surprised she understood him, but didn’t say anything more as Dio took her around to the other side.


If the front end of the club was meant to be seen as a regular, if seedy nightclub, then the back half was definitely the REAL seedy area. Practically every woman back here was naked and engaged in some kind of sex act! There were a lot more beast maidens here as well, Amy saw dog eared girls, cat eared girls, a harpy, and what she thought might be an actual slime girl! She wasn’t certain about the last one, but the girl seemed to be somewhat transparent and was covered from head to toe in a thick purple substance that seemed to be coming from her own body.


The two of them were quickly greeted by a snake beast maiden, a lamia. She had to be over twenty feet long from the top of her head to the tip of her very long tail that she slithered up to them with. Amy had never seen a lamia before, she always wondered how they were able to have sex, and now she had her answer since this one was naked. From the head down to her hips she was mostly human aside from some scales on her cheeks and long pointed ears. At the area where her thighs would be was where her “legs” joined together into her tail, and right where they met was a fully formed human pussy. She was pretty limited in her positions, but she could still have sex with a human no problem.


The lamia woman had green hair and matching scales, and her eyes were a neon yellow that seemed to almost glow. Her iris’ were slitted like a snake’s and Amy could see her tongue was forked at the end when she spoke.


“Hello Dio, who’ssss thissss?” she asked, her s’s dragged out to a hissing sound.


Dio spanked Amy’s ass again, leaving a slight red handprint there, “Some horny bitch I found out front. Thought I’d show her where the real fun happens! Get her ready Ophidia, would you?”


“Annnnything for you Dio,” the lamia woman, Ophidia, said before taking Amy by the hand. Her grip was as cold as ice, but since lamias were cold blooded, that wasn’t a surprise. “Hmm, your a cute one, nicccce breasssstssss.” she told Amy as she led her through the full blown orgy in the back area. The smell of sex was so thick in the air it was cloying, like it was trying to permanently cling to the inside of her nose. She passed one young woman with auburn hair and powder blue eyes being double penetrated by two guys. The look on her face made the woman from out front seem as calm as her own by comparison.


There was another pair of girls kneeling in front of one guy, all three were naked and the girls were taking turns licking his cock like it was a huge fleshy lollipop. One was a tanned blonde with dark green eyes like jade, the other was a tanned brunette with long black hair that seemed to actually suck in the light around it. Her eyes were a bloody red like Amy’s, but were glassed over with lust.


Ophidia led Amy to a back room where she found her clothes from up front. An arachne woman was currently stitching back on the buttons for her. Her skirt and a fresh pair of panties still in a vacuum sealed back were sitting on a counter. When did they get brought back here? She’d left them behind at the bar like a minute ago!


“Take off your sssocksss and ssshoesss.” Ophidia told her.


“Okay,” said Amy as she found a chair and sat down, stripping off what remained of her clothes. The lamia woman picked them up and set them in a small box with a numbered tag on it along with her skirt and panties. The arachne woman finished reattaching the buttons of her uniform blouse and handed it over to Ophidia as well. The green haired snake woman added it to the box next and set the whole thing onto a slot on a shelf with a bunch of other numbered boxes. Ophidia then turned to look at Amy like she was eyeing the quality of a cut of beef.


“The lipssstick isss good, eyessshadow too, but sssomthing isss misssssing…” she said.


“Hmm…?” Amy wondered.


“I saw her from up above.” said the arachne woman with an amused expression, “She just stood there when Dio came up and began playing with her tits. Her expression didn’t even change.”


“Oh really…?” Ophidia asked, reaching out with her tail and coiling the tip around a pink colored magic marker. She brought it to her hands and uncapped it before extending the tail over to Amy as she sat down. “Lean back and ssspread your legsss for me.”


“Okay…” said Amy, doing as asked.


Using her tail, Ophidia quickly wrote ‘FREE USE’ just above her neatly shaved pussy with a pair of cute little hearts on either side.


“There, perfect!” she said with a grin, “Have fun out there!” she told Amy before helping her back to her feet and pushing her out the door back into the main club. “Your clothes are in box 54, I’ll have them dry cleaned and pressed before you leave.” she told her.


Amy walked out of the small room and back into the orgy outside. There she found Dio waiting, his fat lips twisted into a smug grin as he looked at her. He too had stripped naked, his big gut hanging over his half hard dick. He placed a fresh cigar in his mouth before beckoning her back to him. The blue haired girl walked over to him, the floor was oddly warm, and the surface felt strange, it wasn’t carpeted, nor was it hardwood or stone tile. No, it felt more like one of those thick rubber mats they used at gas stations behind the counter, only a lot smoother.


Her mind put it together quickly as she surveyed the orgy around her. It was so the floor could be cleaned quickly with just a hose and some bleach!


Dio continued to leer at her as his dick began getting hard again. Amy’s big tits jiggled and swayed from side to side slightly with her every step until she stopped in front of him. She was again assaulted by the smell of his thick cologne along with the stink of his cigar.


“Get down and suck it!” he told her.


Amy nodded and dropped down to her knees, lifting Dio’s cock with both hands. She’d only caught a brief look before, but now, up close and personal, Amy was in awe of the raw size of the man’s dick. She held out her arm to compare the size, and sure enough, it was the same length.


This was inside me?’ she thought to herself, still feeling astonished. She then turned her head up to look at Dio before she began kissing his cock all over. The teal colored lipstick she had on left a number of blue lip marks all along his cock. The smell coming off his dick was twice as strong as before, it made Amy feel dizzy, but she didn’t stop and eventually moved to lick and kiss the tip of his dick.


“Wait,” he told her.


“Hmm…?” Amy murmured, looking up at him. He gestured for her to get up and she did so. “Over here.” he said, leading her to a spot in front of the bar. He then turned her around to face the crowd.


“Hey, everybody! Have a look at this piece of meat!” he yelled in a voice loud enough to be heard all over the club. The thrusting bodies slowed and Amy felt dozens of eyes turning on her as she stood in front of Dio, one hand on his huge dick while he roughly fondled her right tit.


So many people are watching me…’ Amy thought as she felt her heart thudding in her chest. Her face remained completely neutral though as her hand idly moved up and down his huge dick. ‘It’s so hard already…’ she thought, feeling her pussy clenching at the memory of the huge thing having been inside her not ten minutes ago.


“Oh!?” she then gasped as Dio whirled her around to face him and pushed her back down onto her knees, his thick and stinking dick right in her face.


“Put those big tits to good use, girl.” he told her.


“Amy,” Amy said, “My name is Amy.”


“Cute, now get to sucking!” he told her.


“Okay.” she replied softly as she held his cock with both hands again, pressing her lips against the tip. She then parted them slowly, moving her face down his length inch by inch. Her jaw ached from the strain of opening it so wide, but she ignored it and moved her hands down to lift up her own tits. She pressed them around his thick cock, enjoying the feel of her smooth and soft tits pressing around the rigid flesh of his cock.


“Nmmhmmmh…” Amy moaned quietly as she felt his cock moving down her slender throat. Her ruby colored eyes then went wide as Dio pressed his hand against the back of her head and SHOVED his cock down farther!


GUBUH!” she gagged loudly in surprise. Dio then began roughly shoving his cock back and forth, his hands holding tightly onto the sides of her head.


“Ahhhh yeah, that feels great!” he groaned, pumping his cock into her face like it was her pussy. Amy couldn’t breathe, tears from the strain began running down her cheeks as she struggled to relax her throat. His cock was just so BIG! It felt like the tip was trying to turn her stomach inside out every time it pulled out.


“Agug, guk, nurg, guggle, wuck, gug, guh guh guh!!!” Amy choked around his cock as her eyes rolled back in her head. She could feel sweat beginning to bead on her naked and exposed skin, rolling down her back in long rivulets. Had she not known better, she would have thought she was outside. But she realized after a moment that the heat she felt in her body had nothing to do with the room temperature!


“Auk gurgh guh gubu huk gurg gurg gurg…!” she continued to choke as she felt his cock sliding between her tits and down her throat with his every thrust. He was being so rough with her, like he didn’t care at all how she felt, and only wanted to empty his big balls into her mouthcunt.


And that made her excited!


“Mhn! Guh guh guh hrmm guh mmn, ahmmmph gug, mmmmh!” Amy moaned as the mouth fucking became easier as her throat became more accustomed to it. She could finally breathe again, though it still wasn’t easy.


“Fuck, she’s actually blowing Dio!” one voice in the crowd around her.


“Girl’sss got more ssskill than me.” said a woman’s voice.


“I thought lamia didn’t have gag reflexes?” the first voice asked her.


Amy didn’t hear her response as Dio pumped his cock back and forth harder and harder as she let out a quiet moan around his cock while she knelt there on the floor. “Mn guh, mnn!” It felt good, her mouth and throat as she slipped out her tongue against the underside of his cock, the tip tasting his sweaty balls.


“Ohmph ahmmn hrmph guh nmmph ahmmmn gugh, hohph gooph…” Amy moaned repeatedly, her eyes rolling back in her head as she felt herself about to cum just from having her mouth fucked so roughly. It felt so good, the pleasure was making her dizzier than the stench of his unwashed dick.


“Ahhh yeah, look at that face! You love getting your mouth-pussy fucked, don’t you!?” Dio groaned.


“Mmn, hmmh, guck, huck, girl, nrmmmph…” was all Amy could respond. Dio’s dick was just too big for her to hope to form any words. She scanned the area around her within the range of her eyes. She could see the sister of the girl from before, the one with the shorter hair. She was completely naked as well, well, almost, her whole body was tied up in ropes in an intricate array of knots. She was leaning back against a big and burly man with a pig-like face. An orc! His cock was huge and nearly as thick as Dio’s. He jammed it into the girl roughly as he licked the side of her face, his breath actually steaming in the air.


MMMMMNH!!!” Amy moaned a little more sharply as Dio increased the pace of his thrusts again, slamming his giant dick down into her stomach again and again. Amy’s eyes watered even more, sending her mascara running down her cheeks as she moaned in pleasure, her pussy letting out a hot spray as she felt herself cumming from being mouth fucked!


“Hrmm, hrmmm, HRMN, HRMMM, HMM, HMMM, HMMMMMM YEAH!!!!” Dio groaned, shoving his cock all the way down into the very pit of Amy’s stomach as he came, hard! A wet squishing sound could be heard coming from inside her stomach as she felt his entire dick throbbing inside her. The cum rapidly overflowed and began oozing out around her lips with a gross squirting noise.


“Pwaaah, hah, ahh, hah, ahh…” Amy then gasped, her lungs screaming for air when he pulled his cock out of her mouth. Her jaw refused to close for a few long seconds, as though it had become unhinged, but she managed to close it after a few attempts with a lick popping sound.


The blue haired girl wasn’t given a chance to rest though as Dio lifted her up like she weighed almost nothing. For someone so fat, he was almost frighteningly strong.


“Huweeegh!!!” squealed Amy as he picked her body up in a full nelson with her feet up over her head before he brought her ass down on his cock and began fucking her very guts! “Ahhha, so bhiiiig…!” she moaned in her soft voice, “Ahhh, hah, ahhn… it’s filling up my whole ass… And spreading my asshole wiiiide…” she moaned, her voice sounding almost calm even as she continued moaning while Dio bounced her up and down on his cock.


“Hahaha, you’re talking like a whore, but you sound so calm, the contrast is great, I love it!” he told her as he fucked her up and down on his cock like she were a life sized fleshlight.


“Ahhnnm, mnn, ahhh…!” Amy moaned as she was bounced up and down again and again while facing the crowd. Some were still watching her, but most had gone back to their own acts of debauchery. She grit her teeth as she felt Dio’s dick reaching so far up inside her. It was like he was trying to rearrange her insides, but it felt good, all she could manage were a few quiet moans as her pussy let out a long spray into the air like a fountain.


“Nmmmmmh, it feels good, ahh, I feel good, gonna cummmmn…” Amy moaned quietly as Dio picked up his pace at her words. The pressure and pleasure in her lower body quickly began building on itself inside her until…


“Ahhh…!” Amy moaned, her voice drowned out easily by the cacophony of women moaning around her. She felt Dio’s cock throbbing inside her again as he came in her ass, filling her with a thick warm sensation. She then felt him pulling his cock out with a wet sucking ‘pop’!




The sound of all the cum rushing back out her asshole was gross as Dio set her down politely then turned back towards the bar. “Feel free to talk to the others, I’m done with you for now.” he said, taking a puff on his cigar as he walked away.


Amy walked unsteadily over to one of the tables near the bar. The man there already ordered her a drink as he continued fucking the cat eared beast maiden on his lap. The drink was strangely refreshing, and helped soothe her slightly sore throat. Ophidia came over briefly and stamped the back of her left hand with what looked like one of those big rubber stamp things. When she pulled it away though, there was no mark left behind on her hand. She then flipped the stamp around and turned on a blacklight built into the other end. When she shined it over the area she stamped, a big 45 was glowing in a soft pale blue color.


“That’ll get you back here for a few weeks at least, just lemme know if you wanna reapply it.” she told her.


“Oh, okay.” Amy said.


The next few minutes that went by were mostly a blur to Amy as she sat naked in the crowd. The orgy just went on around her as she watched with mild fascination. At least until a cock much smaller than Dio’s but still very large by normal standards, flopped down in front of her face. The man attached to it didn’t give her time to look up at him before he touched the back of her head and pushed his length into her mouth!


Compared to Dio, this cock was beyond easy to suck, so Amy closed her eyes and began moving her head back and forth slowly, listening to the man as she made him groan in pleasure. Before long, another man came up on the other side of where she sat, “Hey babe, I saw you over there with Dio, mind sucking mine next?” he asked her.


“Mmn, hmn, nmmh, ahh, okay, sure.” she replied calmly, moving from the first dick to the new one, closing her mouth around the next man’s cock. He quickly began fucking her mouth-pussy, though it was a lot easier this time. Amy let out a soft sound as the man’s dick pumped in and out of her mouth. Meanwhile, the one from just before pulled her up and leaned her over the table before shoving his cock into her pussy!


“Nmmmmh…” Amy moaned softly at the feeling, just letting herself relax as one man after the next came over to use her holes until they came inside her. She rapidly lost count of how many in total, but it was easily over ten!


By the time it finally stopped, someone announced last call for drinks and Amy felt a little exhausted. Ophidia found her and brought her to a place deeper in the club where she could take a quick shower. Once she was out, she found her clothes waiting for her on a chair.


Amy would come back to the club several more times that month, and before long, people began calling her “Free Use Amy!”




(Story by User: SailorIo)


Special Thanks

(An IMMENSE THANK YOU! to our Patrons)

💧 Bigevennibba 💧
💥 Leon Richards 💥
🎉 Luie 🎉
💎 Marorin 💎
💻 Matthew Lewin 💻
🍑 Prince Noctis 🍑
🍌 Rex 🍌
🍪 Strider 🍪
Tahj Mitchell
🍔 Zaz Mazaz 🍔
clinton nguyen
Henry Pinkerton
Joey Ellis
Jonathan Hernandez
Myku Nailenne
Peter Hyjek
Dani Ramos
Michael Bartone


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We have a discord where you can interact with the writer (Strider-Seiryu) and the artist (Rtenzo) and we are always on 👍

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6 months ago

First of all,Amy’s design is quite striking,despite it not being as “complex” as the previous ones,but her icy hair+lip colors paired with her red eyes does make her stand out,and really sells why people would assume her to be emotionless on the outside.

Quite like the more subtle worldbuilding of this chapter,from introducing new races in casual conversation/in the story’s setting,to her bringing up that demonkins go to the same school at her(thus helping the reader get that they are quite normalized in this setting).

the transition to an orgy at the end also sells the debauchery of this place,but it being quite short compared to the main scene insures that the main sex scene stays the main focus.