Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Sucking Out A

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXIII): [LINK]



“So after that, I took her back to my hotel to let her sleep it off! BWAHAHAHA!!!” A said with a bellowing laugh after downing a glass of some local drink. They were sitting at a small outdoor bar just a few meters away from the beach. It was late and raining pretty hard. Hinata Uzumaki was out with her husband Naruto when the downpour came out of nowhere. Thankfully, both of them were dressed for the beach. Hinata wore yet another kinky swimsuit that was basically a large pink “V”. Not the usually V-sling suit, no, it was a “V” of fabric with no back. It held itself to her body with some strong adhesive over her nipples, and just her nipples. Her areola were still fully exposed, and the bottom of the “V” was connected to an anal plug that held everything in place. The two of them ran for the nearest cover and found A sitting at the bar already. He invited them to drink with him. In fact he even paid for the first round as he told them about his latest conquest with Sakura.


We saw the feed,” Naruto said, while taking another gulp of the ale he was drinking, and his cheeks were already flush from the alcohol, although he wasn’t quite drunk yet.


“Sakura’s a lost cause at this point,” Hinata said with a sigh as she shook her head. Was it really so much better having a big dick? Though with her husband, maybe she was already jaded. Naruto’s dick was so big, it made Sasuke’s look like a pencil by comparison. Even with all the training Hinata had done with her family, sucking Naruto’s cock was quite a challenge. It was why she rather enjoyed sucking Sasuke’s dick a few days ago. It was so easy!


HAH! You don’t know the half of it.” A said, gesturing to the bartender to refill his drink.


“Oh I think we do dattebayo,” Naruto said, as he began telling A about the time she and Sakura swapped husbands, which was then followed by Sakura coming to seduce him not once, but twice!


“Hmmph, I’m surprised you didn’t take the slut’s head off.” A said as he was handed another drink.


Like I told Sakura, I know where my darling’s heart is.” Hinata said, “We’ve been wanting to experiment more.” she then told him, “We did a little exploring back when we first got married, but I got pregnant with Boruto and it all really got put on hold after that.”


“Huh, wait, you mean that thing with Hanabi?” Naruto asked, “I thought that was just a one time thing dattebayo, like a wedding gift.”


Hinata smiled at her husband. He could be so dense sometimes. It was why she showed him that article on open marriages in the first place. So when Sakura came begging to let her fuck her husband, Hinata agreed.


“Sounds like there’s a story there,” A said with a smirk.


“Not really. I just had a threesome with Naruto and my sister a couple nights before we got married.” Hinata said plainly.


HAH! You don’t seem like the type.” A told her, while taking a sip of his drink, “I always thought of you as one of those virgins until the wedding night kind of women.”


“I’ll have you know that Hyuga women are very rarely virgins past sixteen.” Hinata said, “Our Kunoichi training just doesn’t allow for it if we’re to master all of the clan’s seduction techniques.”


“Oh, I didn’t know your clan had any real seduction training. The women of my village begin training the moment their cycles start. Samui is very well trained, which is why I brought her here with me.” A said.


“It was a lot more intense than what we were taught in the academy.” Hinata said, “That’s why I’d never fall like Sakura.”


A gave her a lecherous grin, “Hoh? That sounds like a challenge! Hey, Hokage Brat, mind if I see what your wife is capable of?” A asked, “Since your marriage is all “open” and shit.”


Naruto downed the remainder of his ale, thudding the empty mug on the table as he did it, “I wouldn’t do that dattebayo, hic…” he said, with his cheeks turning a brighter red.


“Aww, worried I might fall, darling?” Hinata asked teasingly, while leaning over to kiss his lips softly, “You know my heart belongs to you.”


“Oh I don’t doubt that,” Naruto said as he handed his mug to the bartender for a refill, then drank another swig of ale from the new mug almost immediately afterward, “I just don’t know if you can handle her, dattebayo.” he said to A.


“Hmmmph! Now THAT’S a challenge!” A said, now sounding mildly insulted as he stood up and made an expression like he was straining his muscles. Almost instantly, his gigantic dick ripped through the deep blue and black striped speedo he had on. Hinata watched it swell to an impressive size that was close to, if not matching her husband’s, though she didn’t have any tape measure to find out for sure.


“Nice trick!” Naruto said.


“Pah, it’s all in the mind. Honestly I know jutsu that are much more difficult than this.” A told him.


“Show off,” Hinata said, though she knew how he did it. While not directly a part of her training, it was certainly part of Neji’s, and they had been trained together back then. Though for the boys, they didn’t exactly call it “Seduction” training. Hinata turned to look at her husband and saw him grinning back at her.


“Show him dattebayo.” he said.


With his permission now given to her, Hinata stood up from her seat and hooked her thumbs through the sides of her v-suit. She then gave a firm tug, peeling the adhesive away from her nipples, exposing her huge tits. She then reached behind her, pulling out the anal plug that held the bottom half in place. Balling up her swimsuit, she handed it to Naruto before stepping out from under the awning over the bar.


The rain felt just cool enough to be refreshing after having walked around under a blazing sun all day as she moved to stand in front of A. He smirked at her, his huge cock twitching in the air.


“Impressive.” he said, eyeing her body openly.


“Flattery won’t get you anywhere.” Hinata told him as she got down on her knees and reached a hand up to grab A’s fat dick. She slowly licked her purple painted lips before she began kissing his bowling ball sized nuts. She then moved to lick the underside of his cock, tracing his urethra with her tongue before planting another kiss around the tip. She then began kissing her way down the length of A’s penis. His girth was easily equal to her husbands, Hinata was finding herself looking forward to this!


HAAAAAAMMMMMMPH!” Hinata gasped, opening her mouth wide and wrapping her lips around the tip of A’s cock. She fit the entire tip in her mouth with no difficulty, moving her lips down several inches before pulling back and looking up at A while making a “V” sign with her finger.


“Hmmph, not bad, the Uchiha slut struggled with just that much at first.” A commented, “In fact… Uh… Uhhhh…” he began to say something, but Hinata made him forget his words as she easily took half his cock down her throat like it was nothing!


HMMMMMMMMPH, AHMMMMMPH, NMMMMMMMPH…” Hinata moaned from deep in her throat as she took his length down into her stomach one third at a time until her nose was buried in his pubic hairs.


HUUUUGUUUH…” she then gagged softly as she pulled her head back slowly, making wet slurping noises with her lips as they slipped along his length. She then began moving her head quickly, sliding it up and down A’s length, making all kinds of lewd sounds with her mouth as she moved.


HMMMMMMMPH, GUH, NRMMMMMPH, GUG, HAAHMMMMMMPH, AGUG, HRMMMMMMPH…” Hinata moaned and gagged loudly. She wasn’t really having any difficulty, but she knew most men like hearing that wet choking sound when getting a blowjob.


“Hooooh…” groaned A, his cock throbbing in her mouth. “Yeah, that’s a good look on your woman, Hokage!” A said as he looked down at her.


NRMMMMMPH, GUG, MMMMMPH, GUG, AHMMMMMMPH, NISHE UND PHIIIIICK…” Hinata slurred loudly around his cock, “ID’SH PHILLING MUH PHROAD LIKE URS NAHWUDOOOO!! HMMMMMPH GUG AGUHMMMMMMPH NMMMMMPH HURG, NMMMMPH…” she moaned as she began feeling her pussy heating up. Hinata did love the feel of a thick, hard, dick moving in and out of her mouth and throat. The ache in her jaw was what she loved most as she moved her head up and down faster, making herself drool more openly to make his cock more slick and slippery.


“Hmmmmmmn…” she heard A groaning as she throated his cock all the way down again, holding it in her stomach before pulling back again.


HUUUGUPH! AGUH, GUG, GUH, GURK, GUG, HUGUH, GUH, GUH, GUH…!” Hinata choked loudly, moving her head back and forth faster now as she sucked and slurped at A’s huge dick. The dark skinned man groaned again as he looked down at her before he smirked and grabbed the sides of her head with his meaty hands.


URGUUUUPH!” Hinata gagged loudly as he began pounding his cock in and out of her mouth and throat. “GURK GUK HURG GUGLE GWEH GUG GUG GUUUUGH!!!” she choked, her eyes rolling back in their sockets as she let out a strangled gagging moan.




“Cheeky Hyuga slut!” A snapped at her, “Alright, I won’t hold back then!!!” he yelled, slamming his cock in and out of her mouth without mercy, grunting loudly with every swing of his hips.


HUR, HUURR, HUUURRR…” he grunted, his cock sliding in and out of her throat smoothly. Hinata could feel her neck bulging from the girth of his dick as it fucked her very stomach.


AGUGH GUH GUG GURK GUG GUH HURGLE GUG HURK…” she gagged for show. This was nothing for her! She’d been sucking her husband’s dick for years now, and she wasn’t about to lose to some arrogant ass in front of him.


YEEEEAH, TAKE IT YOU GHOST EYED SLUT!” he yelled at her, groaning in pleasure, “How’s that Hokage, how you like seeing your woman choke on my dick!?”


“I’m not Sasuke,” Naruto replied calmly, then hiccuped lightly, “Also, I wouldn’t get too cocky…” he said with a chuckle.


Taking that as a cue, Hinata closed her lips tight around A’s cock when he had it all the way down her throat. When he tried to pull back, he suddenly found his dick locked inside the dark haired woman’s mouth.


“What the…?” A said in confusion.


“Muh durn!” Hinata slurred as she began working her mouth, throat, chest, and abdominal muscles together. A groaned as he no doubt felt his whole cock being stroked up and down without her moving an inch!


“Ah, what… What is thisss… Ooohhh…!” groaned A as Hinata began stroking his cock faster while moaning from deep in her diaphragm, making it feel as if her whole body had become a vibrating onnahole! A groaned again in pleasure, trying to pull his cock out, but Hinata locked her body around him like a vice, not letting him withdraw even an inch.


“Haaaah… St… Stop thaaaat… Oooohhhhh…!” groaned A, though not in pleasure, he was clearly in some bit of pain as she locked her lips around the base of his dick like a cockring. She’d already felt him trying to cum several times, but she wouldn’t let him. This was a Hyuga Clan Seduction Technique that was used also as a form of torture!


HMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH…!” Hinata continued to moan deeply, at the same time she used the inner muscles of her entire body to stroke his length up and down quickly. His cock throbbed in her throat, trying hard to ejaculate, but the seal of her lips around the base of his dick locked his cum inside.


“Haaaaaahaaaaaaaaa, nho, stoooop, it’s too muuuuch!!!” A groaned in pain as Hinata smirked up at him.


“Ahhhh, I yield, I yiiiieeld!!!” A groaned in pain, slapping the top of her head in a tapping out gesture. Hinata then released the lock of her lips and A’s eyes rolled back in his head as his cock surged in her stomach like a fire hose! What felt like gallons of cum gushed into her belly and Hinata continued using her technique to milk his cock roughly, until A looked ready to pass out. She then released her hold, letting his cock pull out of her stomach. Long sticky ropes of cum and drool stretched away from her lips until Hinata used the back of her arm to wipe her lips clean.


The dark haired woman then clapped her hands together and bowed at A, “Thanks for the meal.” she said, returning the smirk he’d given her earlier.


“Hyuga witch!” A cursed her, “What the hell was that!?”


“A family technique. Though I have to admit, my little sister does it better.” Hinata said as she moved to sit with her husband again.


Naruto chuckled, “I did warn you.” he said, “She did the same thing to me when we were fighting once. Thought I was gonna die, dattebayo.”


“What were we fighting about then dear?” Hinata asked, as she remembered using the technique on him, but not why.


“Don’t remember, something stupid knowing me.” Naruto admitted.


Hinata giggled and A moved back to his seat, his dick hanging limp from his crotch as he sat down again. “I won’t stand for this humiliation!” he said gruffly before pointing the finger of his good hand at Hinata, “Mark my words Hinata Uzumaki! I’ll make you beg for my dick just like that Uchiha whore!”


Hinata smirked back at him slyly, “Oh yeah?” she asked, “I’d actually like to see you try!” she said confidently, knowing she’d only used one minor technique.


“Hmmph! I’ll make you regret those words! Nothing personal Hokage, but I have to stand on my pride as the former Raikage!” said A.


“Your funeral dattebayo.” Naruto said, drinking his ale again.


“I love you dear.” Hinata said, moved that her husband had such confidence in her. She then looked back at A with a grin, “Come at me any time!” she said, accepting his challenge.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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1 year ago

To everyone Asking for Spoilers, if you want them that badly, consider joining my Patreon!


All tiers gain access to my Discord server where I give spoilers to those who ask.

11 months ago

Hinata is so sexy

Mr. Nefario
Mr. Nefario
1 year ago

Very good chapter, I liked that they didn’t do naruto and that hinata beat the raikage, so to speak, I saw the other comments that you said that hinata would eventually become addicted to the raikage’s cock and my question is why? I mean Naruto is the same size so why would she get addicted to A’s cock and also she said she knows where his heart is, but when she gets addicted will she still be in love with Naruto or not?
Personally I wouldn’t like hinata to become addicted to A’s dick but hey I’ll be looking forward to the next chapter

1 year ago

will Hinata become addicted to Ay’s cock?

1 year ago
Reply to  Psa


Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

So Hinata will eventually be like Sakura or she will be addicted to the raikaige but not act like Sakura for being addicted to big cocks because Naruto also has a big dick and I don’t think that Naruto will be a cuck in this and I wonder how Naruto will feel about that but I will see it in the later chapters but I hope you make Naruto use his sage mode to make his dick bigger like in your old stories where he did that on samui

1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

No spoilers!!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

And that’s why I don’t enjoy half your content. Dude why do that? This style is fine good even, so why do that shit?

1 year ago

Have to say, this is by far is my favorite chapter of the series thus far. I’ve always loved the hinata and A pairing in images in the past naruto series’ but unfortunately the NTR aspects have always gotten in the way of me being able to enjoy the stories that accompanied them. So to be able to have the pairing without having see a broken naruhina relationship is perfect. Not to mention I do love seeing the open relationship theme from not only naruto’s side but also hinata’s. 9/10

1 year ago
Reply to  sgje

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

1 year ago

Idea: A, hanabi, hinata and tsunade, it would be great to see the 3 with 1 man and it would be the first time we would have something like this

1 year ago
Reply to  Kaio

You’ll need to talk to Enzo about that

1 year ago

Well then, I actually like A being on the receiving end for a change, and for the first time in a long while. 😆

Not only that, I really liked how things are explained in regards to seduction training in more detail. More so in the case of the Hyuga clan Kunoichi, such as Hinata and Hanabi.

Anyway, this wasn’t a bad chapter overall. As it really highlighted Hinata’s BJ skills and her marriage and dynamic with Naruto, who did try to tell A he was in over his head. XD

Makes me wonder how he’ll try to retaliate. 🤔

Well, looking forward to what’s next. 😉

P.S I do hope you’re doing well, by the way.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, I’ve decided to incorporate some aspects of my first Naruto series into this one, with key changes. As to how everything unfolds with A and Hinata, a lot will depend on the images. Though I got the ending worked out already.

And thank you, it’s rough, but we’re managing. The funeral is sometime next week.

1 year ago

Will you post a chapter about the threesome of Naruto, Hinata and Hanabi or at least one with Hanabi and Naruto?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If I get such a pic, yes

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Quite the unique story. You used the pic in a rather interesting way, as I thought a pic like that was destined to make Hinata one of the most slutty women around (given how proudly she sucks A’s cock with her wedding ring still on and all). On that note, I actually don’t know how to feel about the story. For once, I like the change of pace and how A wasn’t as much of an alpha-bull in this story than with Sakura, but on the other hand, I seriously anticipated some rough cucking and BBC worship from the art alone! Seeing her all in control of the situation and without a sign of worry or so from her or Naruto just kinda… exists. I do admit though, her skill in the sexual arts is quite fascinating and I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her tricks in future chapters. Heck, the entire series now seems to focus more on the Ninja’s seduction techniques in general.

So… yeah. Quite conflicted about the way the sex was handled. Still, lovely spin to A constantly topping the girls.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I wasn’t gonna have Hinata fall like Sakura, never intended to. If every single woman falls to his dick like her, it gets boring fast. Also, I did point out WHY Naruto wasn’t worried. Not everyone is a cuck next to the Raikage.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I like that not all of them are going to be lovers for big dick. I don’t mind it but having all of them is repetitive in some cases and I am glad Hinata won’t be one of them.

Last edited 1 year ago by Unknown
1 year ago

Nice to see a different outcome, my mind was already writing this off at cliche at go.

Also for whatever reason this chapter made me think of whatever kinks hinata’s teammates could have and my mind went to shino using his bugs to fill body caress his partner while using their parasitic nature to leave his partner in a sedate like almost euphoric state. Maybe even have them vibrate on command.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kielian

Ewwww, bugs.

1 year ago

It is perfect! Art and history go hand in hand! I always love to see short-haired Hinata in action. And more with the Raikage. But I’m confused. Isn’t that the same Hinata who ended up giving in to the Raikage after he fucked her in the forest and she got addicted to it? Or was that a different fanfiction?

1 year ago
Reply to  giiian

That wad my other Naruto series

1 year ago

Hooe to see some others guys. Feel like it only A fucking girls.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mirag


1 year ago
Reply to  Mirag

More are coming, pardon the pun.

1 year ago

Sorta conflicted because its honestly refreshing to see A not being the one in control for once underestimating Hinata’s sucking skills with how she managed to make him tap out like that. Although the degenerate inside me is still secretely rooting for him at the end of day, hoping that he turns these married Konoha sluts into his personal bitches.

1 year ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

One for sure

1 year ago

Question, you posted other chapter in the same day of this one in your Patreon. Will post it in the site in the future?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hmm? What do you mean?

1 year ago


Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago
Reply to  bdgsdg

I don’t think that Naruto will be a cuck in this story because he has big cock and I’m pretty sure he can use sage mode to make his dick bigger

1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

I’ve already worked out the dick sizes. And I won’t hear any arguements for who should be bigger than who. And the thing with Naruto will be amended to something else. You’ll have to wait and see.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

He literally let his wife suck another man in front of him and furthermore he said “show him” this has been the cuckiest thing I’ve ever read

1 year ago
Reply to  bdgsdg

Naruto knew what she was gonna do. Also, he’s already fucked Sakura a couple times, fair is fair

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

That only makes it much, much worse and it doesn’t take away from the cuck

1 year ago
Reply to  bdgsdg


1 year ago

The only time I dislike Raikage is when he’s with Hinata, every other time I find him the most hilarious entity there is.

Regardless story and ART slaps (art more so). Gonna have a field day with this one

1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Just wait and see where I go with it.

1 year ago

We gonna have more with Sarada? Really wanna see her as Size Queen

1 year ago
Reply to  Chopro

Stay tuned!!!

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago

Will Hinata also be slut for the raikaige like Sakura being a size queen slut or not? Will she be addicted to the raikaige like Sakura? And how will naruto react to it?

1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

No spoilers!

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Will you do a story of fate stay night with Shirou and saber and tohsaka and archer?

1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Never. I hate the Fate series.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Why do you hate the fate series?

1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga


Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

How is depressing?

1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

I watched Fate Zero, and the ending disgusted me. I hate nihilism

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

This was a great chapter and I am pretty sure even if Hinata becomes a slut for the raikaige like Sakura that Naruto will do something that Hinata will return to him or the raikaige and Hinata will be fuck buddies and keep up the good work and I hope to see more of this and when will you continue with bleach?

1 year ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

No idea when the next Bleach is.

A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
1 year ago

I know the usual trope with A is already panning out with Sakura, and that may or may not have contributed to how things went for him this time around…but honestly, I’m really glad to see him get worked over for once- and by Hinata no less, who’s usually the target of “Broken by Kumo-cock” while Naruto just runs the mental countdown till she made him blow, not worried in the slightest. That said, I do wonder how things’re gonna pan out for Sasuke, given he seems to have been thrown the bone of “Actually cares about his family” while Sakura’s already given him the bird aplenty and Sarada’s…not quite set up to do the same, but definitely shares her mother’s tastes in sex partners.
Also didn’t notice that he uses a technique to increase his size till I reread. Interesting detail.

Last edited 1 year ago by A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
1 year ago

No spoilers! Other than like mother like daughter for Sakura and Sarada.