Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Starmaiden Struck with Lust

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part XXIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXV): [LINK]

“Hey, I think she’s waking up!” said an unfamiliar voice to Elsie Crimson as painful consciousness returned to her. Her skull throbbed and she felt like her brain was so swollen that it might burst out of it.


Where was she?


How did she get here?


These were the first questions to enter her mind as it slowly cleared.


Then there was another question that came up: Who was she?


Elsie knew her name, and she knew how to speak. But in regards to her past, she could only remember fragments of it at best. A ship among the stars, a handful of other names, Shiki, Rebecca, Witch, Hermit, Ivry… They were important somehow, but she couldn’t put faces to the names. There was also fear, fire, alarms. She recalled someone, a man, shoving her through a door and a loud hissing sound, followed by a sensation of falling.


Then there was more fire, an explosion, and falling again. Her memory ended there. Opening one ruby colored eye, Elsie found two men standing over her. She was in some kind of tent and could hear a loud wind blowing against the canvas material it was made from. The air was so dry, she instantly felt thirsty as she began coughing hard.


“Take it easy,” said one of the two men standing over her. He placed a gentle hand on her collarbone, pushing her back onto the cot she found herself laying on. “Aziz, get some water for the lady.” he said to the other man, who was a portly fellow with light, leathery skin weathered by too much sun.


“Yes, Hamir.” Aziz said back, moving away. Hamir was a dark haired man in his late thirties. Flecks of gray were just beginning to tint his hair. He was slightly heavy set, but not as much as his companion Aziz. He was dressed in loose fitting beige robes and some kind of head wrap.


Desert clothing.


That explained why the air was so dry, and the tent, and even the wind. Was it a sandstorm? Aziz returned a moment later. Unlike Hamir, he was completely bald, not just from his head, but from the looks of it, his entire body as well. He held a clay cup in his hands with clear, cool looking water sloshing around inside it. Hamir helped Elsie sit up and Aziz gave her the cup. Elsie drank the entire thing down in a few gulps. Almost instantly she felt better, now that her parched throat had been quenched.


“Haahhh… Thank you.” she said, with her voice sounding weaker than she wanted.


“Just rest for now. You’ve been unconscious for two days, since my party found you in that crater left by the starfall.” Hamir said.


“Huh?” Elsie asked.


“Two nights ago,” Aziz said, “There was a loud thunder in the sky, but no storm. We saw what we thought was a shooting star, but it came closer, a huge fireball that impacted where our group was camped.”


Hamir nodded, “Aziz and I found you in the middle of a large crater of glass, completely naked save for the patch over your eye. We brought you back to our caravan and have been looking after you since.”




Elsie checked her body after being brought up to speed. The cot she rested in had a light linen sheet draped over her. She lifted the sheet and was relieved to find she was wearing a beige robe like her caretakers were.


“One of my employees’ daughters dressed you. We are a civilized group of traders.” Hamir said. He then smacked his own face and bowed his head, “Speaking of civilized, where are my manners!? I am called Hamir. I am the leader of this trade caravan, and we are with the Trade Guild of the Desert Fox. My friend here is Aziz, my second.”


“A pleasure,” said Aziz, bowing his head as well. “May you grace us with your name, Beautiful Maiden who fell from the sky?”


“Elsie. Elsie Crimson. But, that’s all I can remember really.” Elsie said honestly. For some reason, she felt she could trust these two for now. She didn’t sense any ill intent coming from either of them anyway.


“Ah, might you be a Fallen Starmaiden then?” Aziz queried.


“Aziz, enough with that!” Hamir chided him.


“Fallen Starmaiden?” asked Elsie.


“An old wives tale around these parts. The story says when a star is lonely, it falls to Earth Land in search of love. They are called the Fallen Starmaidens, and are said to be very beautiful, and bring great prosperity to the one they fall in love with.” Hamir explained.


Elsie smirked at the way Aziz blushed when Hamir explained it.


The dark haired man spoke again, “I told you, she’s probably a Wizard. I’ve heard some magics can put on quite the show, and the more powerful ones exact a heavy toll on the users. I would imagine a spell probably got away from you. You really don’t remember anything?”


Elsie nodded, “I remember my name, and a few other things, but none of it makes any sense to me.” She then told the two men what she did remember, and when she was finished, they looked more confused than she did.


“A ship among the stars. Sounds like you were with the Military of the old empire. But I heard they disbanded after Emperor Spriggan’s death. As for the rest, well, I don’t know what to make of it.” Hamir said.


“Rebecca sounds Ishgarian, and she does look foreign, maybe you’re from across the ocean? I’ve heard some of the Magic Guilds there have airships as well.” Aziz said.


“I don’t know.” Elsie said. None of that sounded familiar to her in any way.


“Well, we are headed east, as we’ll reach a port city in about a week. More trade with Ishgar has been happening these days, so maybe you’ll find someone who knows you there. Until then, you are welcome in my caravan as my guest.” said Hamir, as he bowed his head again. “Now, you must be famished. Aziz, see if there is anything left from dinner for…” he stopped talking when a scream sounded from outside the tent.


“Not again!” Aziz said, while saying a word Elsie didn’t recognize, but the venom with which he spoke it told her it was a curse of some kind.


Hamir and Aziz both stood and exited the tent. After a moment’s hesitation, Elsie got out of bed and followed. She felt somewhat weak, but pushed through it as she stepped outside. She was indeed in a desert area, with golden sand dunes spread out as far as she could see. The caravan had set up their camp at an oasis in the desert, along with a large pond of fresh water surrounded by some palm trees and sparse grass. A quick look around found the source of the scream to be a young woman with dark brown, nearly black hair being attacked by some creature she’d never seen before. It was vaguely human in shape, but the upper body was massive with bulging muscles and overly long arms. Its legs were much shorter, making the lumbering beast lean forward. Most of its body was covered in tan fur aside from the face, chest, and crotch. Elsie felt her cheeks heat up slightly at the sight of the massive dick jutting up between its legs.


“Desert Vulcans again!” Aziz said to Hamir.


“Get the women to safety!” Hamir called out as he ran over to a large camel, “I’m ending it this time!” he said as he drew a long curved blade from a sheath at the beast’s side. He then ran towards the lumbering beast as he yelled wordlessly.


“Get back in the tent, Lady Elsie! The beasts want women!” Aziz warned her, “Ever since those odd flowers appeared, magical beasts everywhere have been in a wild mating rut!”


“What!?” Elsie asked.


Before Aziz could explain further though, a shadow fell over Elsie from above. She looked up to see another of the beast standing on top of the large tent, using one of the support poles to hold himself up.


HMM HMM!!” the beast grunted, steam shooting out his nostrils, “WO-MAN! OOH OOH AHAAH!!!


“-ady Elsie, RUN!” she heard Aziz shouting, but his voice sounded far away for some reason as Elsie felt her body moving almost on its own. Just as the beast called a vulcan jumped down at her, Elsie back flipped away and out of its path. Her entire body felt so light, like it weighed nothing at all!


Star Drain!” shouted Elsie and she felt energy pouring into her as the robes around her began glowing, then vanished, leaving her standing naked for a split second.


OOOH OOOH, WO-MAN, WO-MAN!!!” the vulcan cheered as it saw her naked figure for a few seconds before her body glowed from within and a new outfit appeared around her! Her right eye felt hot, but not painfully so, as her clothes stopped glowing. A set of white and gold armor that was more revealing than she would have liked now adorned her body, but it was easy to move around in. Elsie dropped into a fighting stance and held out her hand. Wisps of energy rose up from the ground and into her hand, coalescing into a dark-colored polearm, with a cross-shaped spearhead with four diamonds adorning the tip.


Antares!” shouted Elsie, while gripping the polearm in both hands and spinning it around overhead with a practiced ease. She then moved like a bolt of lightning, closing the distance between herself and the vulcan monster, burying the tip of the weapon in its chest!


OOOHAAAAAH!!!” the vulcan screamed in pain as its body dissolved into smoke that was instantly carried off by the winds.


“One hit!?” she heard Aziz exclaim in shock.


“Help meeee!!!” shouted the girl who screamed before.


“Marika!!!” Hamir shouted, while swinging his sword with all the skill of a D-Rank novice. The vulcan carrying the girl he’d called Marika over one shoulder easily side-stepped every swing, grunting and laughing. It was toying with him.


Meteor!” Elsie shouted, with her entire body becoming wreathed in energy, and in a flash, she had closed the distance from the tent to where the vulcan was kidnapping the girl. Elsie slashed with her polearm, then slicing off the vulcan’s arm at the shoulder, forcing it to drop Marika to the ground.


The huge beast roared in pain, “BAD WO-MAN!!! ME PUNISH YOUUUU!!!” it shouted, raising its remaining arm to deliver a powerful smashing blow, but Elsie’s body moved again on its own, jumping back and away, effectively avoiding the strike entirely. Elsie tossed her weapon aside and placed both her hands on top of each other, with the top hand having only the index and middle fingers spread out. Seven beams erupted from the ground in front of her in a line towards the vulcan.


Grand Chariot!!!” she shouted as the beans of light struck the monster, dispatching it instantly. The beast didn’t even have time to scream before its body was smoke being carried off by the desert wind, just like the one before it.


Just as quickly as everything had started, it was over. Elsie dropped to her knees, with the energy that had filled her before draining away, leaving her feeling very weak as a result. The armor that had appeared around her glowed, vanished, leaving her naked for a split second before the robes she had on before returned.


“Marika, are you okay!?” Hamir called, while running over to the girl and hugging her tightly.


“Yes, I… I’m fine…” Marika replied, still in a state of shock.


Hamir turned to look at Elsie, with an expression of gratitude and amazement on his face. “Thank you,” he said with a bow, “Thank you so much!”


Elsie nodded, “It’s fine, I…” she trained off as her entire body suddenly felt hot. “Iiii…” she stammered, with the heat moving to focus on her groin as she felt her pussy gushing wildly as she let out a low moan.


“Aaaahhhaaah!!!” Elsie moaned louder, pressing one hand against her crotch, the fabric of her robes instantly becoming soaked through. “What… Ahhh, what is thiiiiis…?” she gasped, while rubbing her hand against her crotch furiously. Her pussy felt like it was burning! It was screaming to be touched, and every movement of her hand was sending tsunamis of pleasure through her. She rolled onto her back, her hands grabbing the sides of the robe and ripping it off, exposing her naked body beneath. Her skin felt like ants were crawling all over it. A tingling feeling in her pussy only grew worse and began spreading as she grabbed her own large breasts and moaned. Bucking her hips into the air, she moaned again as her pussy let out a hot spray!


AHHHHHAAAAAAAH!!! IT… IT’S TOO MUUUUCH!!! MY BODY, AHHH, MY BODY’S SO HOOOOT!!! AH, AHH, AHHH!!!” Elsie moaned, moving her hand to stroke her now exposed pussy again. She wanted, NEEDED something inside her, something to scratch the maddening itch that had come over her!


She barely even felt hands grabbing her and taking back inside the tent. Distantly she heard people talking, but their words were indistinct. All she heard was “…flowers…” followed by, “…none here…” and finally “Help her!” The last words were from a woman’s voice.


AHHH, I… I CAN’T… I CAN’T STAND IIIIT!!!” Elsie moaned, her hand rubbing furiously at her crotch. It felt incredible, she could feel herself cumming and cumming with every stroke of her fingers, but it wasn’t enough, not nearly so… Her body was craving stimulation, pleasure, orgasm! She was sucking on her own bare tit when something appeared in front of her. It was long, hard, thick, and stunk like cheese! The tip was wide and an almost plum color.


A man’s penis!


WAHAAAH!!! HAAHMMMMMMPH!!!!” Elsie gasped, finally able to pull her hands away from her crotch to grab the thick and hard cock, pulling it into her mouth and down her throat!




Elsie couldn’t get enough of the strong flavor as it rubbed against her tongue while she stroked the length with her mouth.


HMMMMMPH, AHMMMMMPH, AGUH, MMMMMMMMPH!!! AHHHMMMMMPH, YESSH, AHHH, CAWK!!! CAAAAAWK!!!!” she gagged loudly around the penis, feeling sweet relief flooding through her with every bob of her head. This was what she needed, what her body craved more than life itself right now. She heard a muffled noise, like a man groaning as he spoke, but his voice sounded like she was hearing it from underwater. None of the words made any sense.


AAAAAAGUUUUGH… GUUUUMMMMINGH AYE’M GUUUUMMMMINGH!!!” Elsie shrieked around the cock in her throat as she felt hands grabbing her legs as another, slightly slimmer dick pushed into her starving cunt! The sensation was almost like water being poured over a raging fire, quenching it.


“Ooooohhh…” she heard Hamir groaning as the dick in her pussy began moving in and out. Further quenching the fire within her as pleasure, the likes of which she never felt before, assaulted her very being. She heard a wet SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH sound that echoed the movement of the cock inside her pussy as she sucked on the fat dick harder! She loved the feel of it in her mouth and throat, her single red eye rolling back in her head as she let out a strangled moan.


AAHHGUUUUMMMPH, YESH!!! MOAR! AHHH MOOOOAR!!! AGUH GUH GUG GUH…!” gagged Elsie as she found herself roiling between the two cocks. It felt so GOOD! Her body surged with pleasure again and again as she moaned at length.


GYEEESSSH, MOAR, AHHH MOOOOAR!!! AGUG GUG GUG GUH GUUUUGH!!!” she gagged loudly as she bucked her hips into the cock thrusting into her pussy. It felt like it was going so DEEP, deep enough to pierce her very soul!




The two cocks seemed to understand and began thrusting into her harder, faster! Elsie howled around the one in her throat as her pussy gushed with pleasure. The heady stink of sex filled her every breath, but she couldn’t imagine a better smell right now as she felt her brain spinning inside her skull!


She could hear the men the two cocks were attached to grunting and groaning as they thrusted into her, making her cum again and again. She moved a hand to her throat, feeling the thick cock moving in and out of it.


GMMMMMMMMPH!!! HAHGUH AGUH GUG GUH GUH GUH!!!” gagged the redhead as she lay on her back, the huge cock fucking her mouth and throat as sweaty balls smacked against her face. At the same time, the slimmer cock pumped in and out more, its owner holding her by her hips as he pounded into her. Her pussy SUNG with pleasure with every thrust of his cock into her!


AGUUUGH, GYESH GUG GUH GUG, GYEEESSSH!!! GUUMING GUUMMING GUUUUUMMMING!!! AYE’M GUUUMMMINGH!!!” Elsie screamed as she bucked and rolled her entire body, her huge tits wobbling on top of her chest until the cock in her mouth grabbed them and squeezed roughly.


GUHMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Elsie gagged loudly as her body shook with pleasure. She then felt the cock in her mouth pulsating in her throat as thick liquid gushed into her stomach.


AGUH, AGUH, AGUH…” Elsie gagged as she gulped down the cock’s thick cum. “GWAH…!” the redhead gasped as the delicious dick was withdrawn from her throat and mouth. She saw long sticky strands of her own saliva stretching away from her mouth, keeping it connected to the thick cock for just a few seconds longer.


“Hah, ahh, hah, ahh… Mo… More!” Elsie moaned, looking up to see Aziz standing over her, his cock still throbbing and hard. “Please, more… I feel like I’ll go insane without more!” she pleaded.


HWEEEEEEEEGH!!!” Elsie screamed as she suddenly found herself lying on her side with Aziz and Hamir’s long, thick, and very hard cocks plowing in and out of her ass and cunt! She lay on top of the cot she first woke up on, with the two men kneeling to the side of it as they plunged their dicks in and out of her again and again. She looked back at them with her good eye, all while moaning in utter pleasure as she felt both her ass and cunt getting stuffed at once.


HAAAAHHHH, YES!! YEEESSSS!!! MY ASS!!! MY PUSSYYY!!! THEY BOTH FEEL SO GOOOOOOD!!!” she wailed in shameless pleasure as she watched their fat stomachs slapping against her butt and thighs.




“Ahhh, Lady Elsie… I… I can’t hold out much longer…” Hamir said, as his voice was finally clear in Elsie’s ears.


AHHH, THEN DON’T!!! CUUUUM!!! DO IT INSIIIIIDE!!! AHHHHAAAAH YES!!! YESSSSS!!!” screamed Elsie as both men began pounding their cock into her faster, making her cum again and again before they both pushed all the way inside her at once.


I’M… CUUM~MIIIINNGGH!!!!” Elsie screamed, her entire body seizing with pleasure before everything went white and she passed out completely, sending everything black.



Elsie woke again to an even worse headache, but her body wasn’t going insane with lust anymore. She was again laying on a cot, with a thin linen sheet draped over her. She’d been dressed in another robe, this one made of a thicker fabric. Her skin felt freshly washed and scrubbed. As she sat up, she found herself in another tent. Only this one was less ornate than the first one she woke up in, though it was still nice. It was either late or very early, as there wasn’t much light outside.


“Oh, you’re finally awake!” said a woman’s voice next to her. “I was beginning to worry.”


Elsie turned to see the woman from the other day, Marika, kneeling next to her on a small rug. There was a plate of steaming food sitting on a small table that smelled of heavy spices. When Marika noticed Elsie staring she giggled and gave her the plate.


“Here, eat up! You must be starving by now!” she told her.


Elsie was, she began eating the food almost faster than she could chew. Manners were secondary as her stomach rumbled lightly. As she ate, Marika bowed and formally introduced herself as Marika Dariel. She was Hamir’s cousin and had been living with him and his trade caravan after her family was killed by raiders many years ago.


Elsie nodded as she listened to Marika’s story while she ate. The food was incredibly spicy, almost so much she couldn’t eat it. But she was so hungry she couldn’t stop.


When she finally finished eating, Marika took her plate away and bowed, “Thank you for saving me.”


“You’re welcome. Did those beasts attack regularly?” Elsie asked.


“For the last few weeks, yes. The desert vulcans usually avoided big groups like the caravan, but lately, they’ve been much more aggressive.” Marika explained. “It happened sometime after a number of odd flowers appeared almost overnight. They have the strangest effect on wizards, which you’ve just learned for yourself.”


“I don’t remember any flowers being around.” Elsie said.


“The magic you used pulled in a lot of Ethernano, which confirms my theory that they’re connected to something that contaminated the atmosphere around the same time.” Marika said. When Elsie gave her a confused look, Marika elaborated, “I study magic, though I don’t practice it. And from the way you reacted after using empowerment magic, that confirmed my theory.”


“Ether Gear.” Elsie corrected her, “It’s called Ether Gear.”


“I’ve never heard of magic called Ether Gear.” Marika said.


“It’s not magic, it’s… Ahhh…!” Elsie began to say before she felt like someone had driven a spike through her skull. She pressed a hand to her forehead and winced in pain.


“Take it easy. I’m sure your memory will recover in time, you can explain it to me then!” Marika said. “The fact you can remember bits of your past means your memory is still there, so just give it time.”


“Ahh, r… Right…” Elsie said, then bowed her head to Marika like she’d seen Hamir do, “Thank you for your hospitality.”


“Of course! Please rest for a little longer, we don’t break camp until tomorrow.” Marika said.


“Thank you.” Elsie said again, “Um, by the way, where’s Hamir and Aziz?” she asked.


“Oh, your fiancees are discussing our route through the desert tomorrow.” Marika said as she gathered the dishes and got up to leave.


“Wait, fiancees, HUUUUUH…?!” Elsie exclaimed.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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1 year ago


Here’s hoping Witch is next!

Where did Elsie end up, though?

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

She’s on Earthland, in Alvarez

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Alvarez, huh? Interesting.

Will she meet an Irene who happened to resurrect from the dead?

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

No spoilers!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Also, that fiancee bit is gonna be awkward for sure.

Will there be any impregnation with either the EZ characters (like Shiki knocking up Rebecca) or with the FT people (like Gajeel knocking up Levy)? Or maybe Elsie’s “fiancees” can knock her up?

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan


1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

BTW, do you know what happens to Elsie in the final arc?

If you want, I can spoil it for you so you can put it in the story.

If you don’t want me to spoil it, I understand.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

I heard

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Ok so maybe in the next chapter with Elsie you can just say she died but reappeared on the planet of FT.


1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

The story isn’t set in the current Era of the manga

1 year ago

Nice to see a new part of the Eden Zero/Fairy Tail. Now it could happen a strange meeting of Elsie with Erza or giving a headache to Irene as she won’t remember to have two daughters. It was good to see the flowers didn’t miss their effect in the poor souls that crosses it path with them

1 year ago
Reply to  shadowdragon

If possible, I do want to do a meeting of all three, Elsie, and both Erza’s. Currently, Irene is still asleep in Wendy. I have a means of separating her from Wendy too.

1 year ago

YAY! A new part to the story. It’s been far too long, good job as usual.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanks, glad you liked it.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Lovely chapter. I quite like the little action/battle scene after the exposition. Strangely enough, we don’t get much of those in those Shonen fanfics, so it’s really nice to see them every now and then. Then again, most people here are probably simply interested in reading about the girls getting fucked in every possible way. Still, I’ll always appreciate moments like that! The sex that followed right afterwards was nice as always, though it lacked any really memorable scenes. Elsie’s two partners here just didn’t leave as much impact as the last couple random/one-off characters you created. Though, the fact that they’re now her fiancees is quite funny. Makes me wonder if we’ll see them some more in future chapters with her.

Loved the battle and the nomadic/desert culture you explored in the chapter.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, I had the idea from other amnesia stories. What her mind has forgotten, her body remembers. Also, I needed an excuse for her to use Star Drain so she could be exposed.

As for the two UB guys, I didn’t have enough time to build on them. They are Technically UB characters, though they don’t have UB personalities.

I’m dealing with some heavy IRL stuff at the moment as well.

1 year ago

Oh wow an Eden zero story! Didn’t expect that! A pleasant surprise! and even more with Elise here! As an Erza-face enjoyer, I’m happy to see a little bit of a show with her! Personally I think the story would’ve improved by seeing some focus on heat in the descriptions from the beasts. and maybe a bit of a description from them. A bit to add to the savagery of them taking on Miss Crimson here! All in all though nice job on that and hope to see more Elise/Erza art~

1 year ago
Reply to  Marorin

Well, I gotta admit, I haven’t read Edens Zero, I HAVE seen the first season of the anime, so I had to hit up the Wiki to see what Elsie could do. The vulcan’s are a basic monster seen in the Fairy Tail anime series. Mostly I did all of that just to have her do at least one fight in the story. And have her exposed to the Manko Flower’s energy. The dust Rebecca unintentionally contaminated Earth Land with is in the very planet itself now.