Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Secret Meet and Cheat

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 43): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 45): [LINK]

“Natsu-san!” Juvia moaned as the pink-haired dragon slayer kissed and sucked on her neck, giving her the first of several hickies. “Did you really invite Juvia out here just for this?!” Despite her words, Juvia’s hands were roaming all over Natsu’s body, at times curling into his clothes as though wanting to rip them off.


‘Here’ was a secluded clearing a few miles from Magnolia, with a lovely view of the rolling hills. Juvia had received a note to meet Natsu here just before sunset. Arriving early, the bluenette had been admiring the setting sun against the hills when Natsu had playfully grabbed her from behind.


Then he had spun her around and kissed her, and Juvia had rapidly melted in his arms. It was only when he began to kiss down to her neck that she was able to speak.


“Not the only reason,” Natsu told her with a grin, lifting his head to meet her wide blue eyes.


Feeling his hardening cock against her stomach, Juvia gave him a mildly exasperated glare, even as her pussy responded to her arousal. “Natsu-san, we don’t have to sneak around and do this in secret anymore! We’re both in the same guild now.”


“Yeah…but it’s more fun this way, don’t you think?” Natsu asked eagerly, his strong hands going around to cup Juvia’s round bottom. He paused before going further, wanting to hear her response.


“…Juvia cannot deny that it adds a level of spiciness to our rendezvous,” Juvia admitted with a blush, her hands rising to gently pull Natsu’s vest off his shoulders and then stroking his muscled chest.


“I know, right?!” Natsu said excitedly, hurriedly removing Juvia’s dress, though he was careful not to tear it. Juvia had given him an earful the last time he had gotten too carried away and ripped her clothes; Natsu wasn’t eager to give her an excuse to do it again and spoil the mood.


Soon they were both naked as they continued making out, Natsu’s erection rubbing against Juvia’s stomach while her tits with their stiff nipples rubbed against his chest. Breaking off the kiss, Juvia smiled at the pinkette as she sank to her knees, wrapping her tits around his cock and lowering her head to lick and suck the head of it.


“Ahhh yeah,” Natsu sighed in contentment, hands on his hips as he watched Juvia with a pleased grin on his face. “You give the best blowjobs, Juvia!” A glint appeared in his eyes. “Whose cock tastes better, mine or Gray’s?”


Juvia pouted up at him, which made her lips stretch even more around his dick. She could already taste his sweat and pre-cum. Pulling her head back and licking her lips, Juvia debated for a minute before admitting, “Yours does, Natsu-san.”


“Hell yeah!” Putting a hand on Juvia’s head, Natsu helped as she started sucking again, pumping her head back and forth, up and down. She deepthroated it with ease, making Natsu moan happily. “Gray has nothing on my dragon dick! Now swallow my huge load!”


Juvia’s cheeks ballooned as her mouth was filled with Natsu’s cum; she swallowed rapidly, her experience with Fairy Tail’s jobs helped ensure she didn’t miss a drop. Pushing herself back, Juvia licked her lips as she fell on her back, legs spread wide. “Fuck Juvia’s hot, wet pussy, Natsu-san! Please?”


With a cheerful growl, Natsu did just that, his already hard cock plunging deep into Juvia’s pussy. Squealing happily, Juvia wrapped her arms around his head, pulling into her deep cleavage. She could immediately feel Natsu start sucking, licking, and kissing her breasts as his hips began to buck.


“Oh yes, Natsu-san! Juvia’s body is getting so hot and ready for you!” she told him, starting to pant. By now, she knew Natsu’s rhythm almost by heart and was able to match his thrusts immediately, biting her lower lip as his balls slammed into her ass.


Pulling his head free with some difficulty, Natsu gave her a sharp-toothed smirk. “Whose dick makes you feel better, mine or Gray’s?!”


Biting her lip harder, Juvia tried to keep quiet…just as a small orgasm hit her, making her gasp out loud. “Oooohh! Yours, Natsu-san! I’ve never felt anything like this except when you’re fucking me!”


“Then I better not disappoint!” Natsu declared enthusiastically, diving back into her cleavage as he dug his toes into the grass, the better to get leverage for his fucking. It was made even better by Juvia wrapping her legs around his body, pulling his dick even deeper into her.


“Fuck Juvia’s slutty pussy!” the water mage panted, starting to claw at Natsu’s back. “Harder, Natsu-san, harder!”


Inspired, Natsu sped up his thrusts even more, but even his draconic stamina had it’s limits; with a muffled roar, he came again, filling Juvia with his seed as she screamed her pleasure.


Her arms and legs fell away. Staggering a little, Natsu scooped her up in arms, spun Juvia around, and put her in a full nelson.


“Oooh…” Juvia moaned happily, before shrieking with pleasure when Natsu’s cock plunged into her still tight ass. “AAAAAHHHHH!


YOU LOVE MY THICK DICK IN YOUR ASS, DON’T YOU?!” Natsu shouted, his ball slapping against her pussy and Juvia’s boobs bouncing around wildly as he bounced her up and down. “IT’S SO MUCH BETTER THAN GRAY’S, ISN’T IT?!




Natsu roared with laughter, getting even more inspired by Juvia’s words.





UGH~! Natsu-saaaaan…” Juvia moaned up at the lightening sky, trying to make herself heard over Natsu’s very enthusiastic sucking of her left nipple. He was also fucking her pussy again; how many time did this make?


“It’s almost morning…AUGH~!” Juvia’s body quivered as another orgasm rolled through it, almost making her pass out. “We’ve been fucking all night, Natsu-san…NGH~!


Yes, she had asked for it, but she hadn’t expected him to really do it! Juvia wasn’t sure how much more she could take, while at the same wanting their fucking to never stop.




But they did have responsibilities at the guild; they needed to be getting back soon.


Freezing in place, Natsu let her nipple pop out of his mouth as he looked to the east; blinking at the sun’s first rays, he sat back with a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his head. “Damn, it’s that late…or early? Eh, whatever; I guess I got caught up in everything. Sorry.”


“No need to apologize,” Juvia told him with a soft smile, very slowly pulling herself into a sitting position. “Juvia is glad to see you look so happy, Natsu-san.”


“Yeah…” Natsu agreed, his smile brightening. “Being in the guild again…it makes me feel really happy, and complete. In fact, I have a new goal!” Jumping to his feet, he thrust his fist into the air, heedless of his nudity. “I’m gonna recruit all the old members of Fairy Tail, so we can all be a family again! And I’m going to make sure our other friends aren’t left out either!”


Juvia giggled lightly. “Juvia thinks that Natsu-san wants more sexy women to fuck,” she teased. Her giggling got louder when Natsu’s face turned the same shade as his hair.


“Well…that’s part of it,” he admitted, before thrusting his other fist into the air. “But really, I just want to make all my family and friends as happy as I am!”


Juvia’s smile turned more genuine. “A wonderful sentiment, Natsu-san. Now, will you please help Juvia find her clothes and help her get dressed?”


As Natsu happily set out to help Juvia, neither were aware of a pair of red eyes peering at them with sharp interest from behind a small copse of trees. “Ooooh…so Pinky is cheating on Blondie with Navy? Isn’t that interesting?~”


Flare’s near constant smile got even wider.


“I wonder what will happen if Blondie finds out…”

(Story by User: S22132)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
5 months ago

hehehehehe what a mess Natzzzzzzzzzu is going to get into

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
6 months ago

I really wish Natsu actually did go around recruiting the FT ladies back into the new guild.

Bahamut Omega
Bahamut Omega
6 months ago

So haven’t kept up with this one much. How long has Natsu been two-timing Lucy?

6 months ago

Hopefully this time Natsu doesn’t screw over his own guild just to keep his affair secret.

Or better yet Flare just tells Lucy