Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Peeping on her Girl (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXVII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXIX): [LINK]

“Ahhhhmmmph!” Sakura Uchiha said as she bit down into a large corn dog, a semi-sweet spiciness filled her mouth as she chewed slowly. This little snack was rapidly becoming her favorite as she took another bite, taking a large portion of the foot into her mouth as she walked by a group of men, then slowly pulling it back. She loved the lecherous leers they sent her way in response. She then pulled the corndog from her mouth and made a show of licking it from the base to blunted tip. All the men let out low groans as their nether regions all reacted. Sakura loved seeing so many men get turned on by her luscious body!


“Yeah babe, I got what you want right here!” said one of the men, a dark skinned fellow with a cleanly shaven head that was covered in tattoos. He reached down and gripped his naked and fully erect cock, stroking it for Sakura as she took another bite of her snack. He wasn’t too bad, not up to Naruto or A, but still, something she’d enjoy feeling stuffed into her hungry cunt! Like the men she was about to beckon over, Sakura was walking around completely naked, something she’d rapidly gotten used to here on this island. Her only ‘clothes’ if they even counted were the flip flops she got from the hotel gift shop so that the soles of her feet wouldn’t burn from the hot sidewalks that baked in the afternoon sun.


“Jeez Sarada, enough already!” a familiar voice echoed nearby. Sakura felt her blood run cold as she turned to see her daughter dragging Boruto Uzumaki behind her as she walked along the beach. Her daughter was stark naked save for her Leaf Headband. Her flawless skin gleamed in the sunlight as her gigantic tits bounced up and down wildly with the brisk pace she was walking. Behind her, Boruto followed, looking like he was in pain, and Sakura understood why as she watched her daughter gripping his dick like a dog’s leash.


“Well then keep up!” Sarada said back to him as she let go of his cock. Sakura gulped as her daughter moved a few steps ahead of the young blonde and she got a good look at his half hard dick!


HOLY HELL!” Sakura gasped, then covered her mouth and quickly ducked behind a trash bin set against a railing that divided the boardwalk from the beach. ‘What the hell are they doing here!?’ she thought to herself, then peeked around the side of the bin. Apparently they didn’t hear her as Boruto followed behind Sarada. ‘What in the cockzilla fuck!?’ the pink haired woman thought to herself as she looked again at the monster dick hanging down between Boruto’s legs. She’d seen enough dicks recently to tell he wasn’t even half hard and already was putting his father to shame! Sakura could feel her pussy getting hot just thinking about how huge he had to be once fully erect! Even now she was picturing how much her belly might get stretched out if she took him balls deep. She could almost feel the friction of such a big thing scraping against her insides. It made her wet!


“Hmmmmmmmmh…” she moaned, chewing her lower lip as she watched Sarada lead him out to an empty spot on the beach.


“I’m bored sitting at the hotel, so we’re gonna have some fun out here!” Sarada said.


“I thought you didn’t like the beach, and you said you didn’t want to go to the waterpark again…” Boruto began.


“Yeah, well the slides got boring after a while, and after everything you told me, I’m still fucking horny!” Sarada said.


Sakura agreed with her there, the park only had three slides that you could even fuck on while riding, the rest were regular waterslides, more fun for kids that weren’t on the island. She continued to watch as the two of them set up a small beach camp near the edge of the water. The tide was currently at its highest, so it was a good spot to settle down since the water wouldn’t make them move back later.


“What are we even gonna do here, dattebasa?” asked Boruto.


Sarada rolled her dark colored eyes, “God, you’re such an idiot!” she grumbled as she took a few gulps from a bottle of cola they had with them. She then set it down on the beach towel after getting on her knees. “You’re lucky you have this!” she said, grabbing his cock in both hands now.


“Sarada!” Boruto said, looking this way and that as the dark haired girl began stroking him slowly. In seconds he was fully erect and Sakura let out a soft moan as she felt herself cumming a little just from the sight of him! Boruto was fucking HUGE! Bigger than A, bigger even than his own father! Sakura finally understood why Boruto had such poor posture, that monster had to be heavy.


“Mmmmmmmmmh…” Sarada moaned as she held his cock up with both hands then slowly licked at the skin between his balls, “Ahhh, yeaaah, this…. This is what I waaaant…” Sarada moaned, slowly licking all over Boruto’s heavy looking balls.


“Oh fuuuck…” Sakura whispered as she watched, completely unfazed at the sight of her daughter slobbering over Boruto’s balls. In fact, the pink haired woman felt a rush of pride at her daughter’s natural talent! She’d seen some of the other women on this island trying to do the same thing and going about it all wrong! “Yeah, now lick him up the underside of his dick baby…” Sakura whispered, then watched as Sarada did just that! Still standing above her, Boruto groaned at the feeling and Sarada grinned as she began kissing her way back down his length after reaching the tip.


“Ahhh, Sarada… That feels good, dattebasa…” Boruto groaned softly.


“Hmmmmmmmh…” Sakura moaned as she bent over the trash bin and began to finger herself slowly, watching as Sarada went back to licking and sucking at his balls. She could tell what her daughter really loved as the dark haired girl tried her hardest to fit one in her mouth but failed. She then licked her way up the left side of his cock slowly, moaning loudly before moving to rub her face against his dick like a cat in heat.


“That’s my girl, now, put those big heavy tits to work!” Sakura moaned, sliding three fingers into her own pussy and moving them back and forth furiously! Her pussy felt so tight now thanks to A having Samui deliver another dose of that drug from his village. It made her fingers feel so much better as she masturbated to the sight of her daughter having sex with such a big dick.


“Mmmmmmmh! Yeah, just like that you little slut!” she cheered quietly as Sarada wrapped her massive beach ball sized knockers around Boruto’s gigantic dick! As big as they were, she couldn’t hope to contain Boruto’s cock with them as she slowly began sliding them up and down, making sure to lick and kiss the exposed area of his cock every time she went back down.


“Ooooh… that feels amazing Sarada, dattebasa!” Boruto groaned. “Your boobs are so soft and smooth… Ahhh…”


“Hmmmhmmm, you like my big tits!?” she asked him. “Are they better than Hanabi’s?”


“Yeah, they’re the best!” Boruto groaned as he nodded.


“Good answer, here’s your reward!” Sarada said with a laugh as she began moving her body up and down faster now, licking his cock all over as she did so. When his dick was glistening with her saliva she moved even faster. Sakura could almost hear the wet slippery noise of her daughter’s tits rubbing against his cock as she began taking the tip into her hot little mouth. Sakura moved her own jaw up and down, wanting to feel that thick thing in her mouth as she pushed her fingers in and out of her sopping wet cunt.


Ahhhn, I need a cooock…’ she mentally moaned as she listened to the sloppy wet noises her fingers made with her pussy.


GWUAH, GUH, GUGH, GUH, GWUUUHH GUH GUH GUH GUH, GMMMMMPH MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH!!!!!” Sarada gagged, then moaned as she managed to get Boruto’s thick cock into her mouth and down her throat!


“Yesssssss!” Sakura hissed, watching her child’s throat being stretched out as Boruto’s cock moved through it and down into her stomach. “Oh god baby yes, just like that!!! I’m so proud of you…!” Sakura moaned, cumming hard from the sight of Sarada taking half of Boruto’s cock into her mouth. Long ropes of drool hung off of her lips as she bobbed nearly her entire body back and forth! Sakura pushed four fingers into herself, her pussy making wet squelching sounds around them as she smelled her own juices running down her creamy thighs.


“Mmmmmh, suck it baby, suck, that, huge, fucking, cock!” Sakura whispered more to herself than anyone else as she pushed her fingers in as deep as they could go as she rubbed at her clit with her thumb. “Mmmmmmh, you greedy little slut, keeping that dick all to yourself, you’re almost as bad as Hinata…!” Sakura hissed as she made herself cum several times as she watched while Boruto grabbed hold of Sarada’s head and pushed the rest of his cock down her throat!


HMMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Sarada gagged, her eyes going cross as Sakura moaned with her. Sarada’s stomach visibly bulged as Boruto’s dick pushed down into its depths.


“That’s a good boy.” she whispered at Boruto, “Now, fuck her face! Fuck her face like a pussy!” she whispered. ‘Ahhhnn, that should be me! I’m so jealous of my little girl sucking such a big hard dick!’ she thought.


AAWWWWW YEAHHH DATTEBASA!!!!” Boruto groaned as he pumped Sarada’s face up and down on his cock. Sakura moaned as she watched, her fingers pushing in and out of her wet hole faster now. She couldn’t tear her peridot colored eyes away from the sight of her daughter’s face getting fucked so hard by such a huge dick!


GUUUUURK HUGUH AGUG GUG GUG GUG GUG GUH GUH GUH GUH SHANNARRROOOOOOH!!!!!” Sakura heard Sarada moaning as she watched her daughter’s pussy gushing like a faucet! She was cumming! Sakura was watching her daughter cum! And with just her mouth-pussy no less. Pride battled with jealousy inside the pink haired woman as she continued to watch the spectacle before her.


HMMMMMMMMH!!!!!” Sakura moaned with them, her own pussy spraying around her fingers!


Sakura listened as Sarada gagged and moaned, her eyes almost completely white as they rolled back in her head. Long ropes of drool hung off her chin now and sparkled in the sun as a small crowd began to gather around them.


“Holy shit, how can she even breathe!?” asked one girl. A young woman with deep blue, nearly black hair and bright green eyes. She was dressed in a purple and silver bikini that was more dental floss than fabric.


“Babe, I don’t think she can,” answered the man with her. His features were indistinct to Sakura, all she could see was a pathetic dick that reminded her of her cuck husband.


“Doesn’t look like she minds, damn that girl’s good! Look at that huge thing!” said someone else in the crowd. Sakura couldn’t see who they were and she didn’t care as she watched her daughter get facefucked on the beach!


“Fuuuck, Saradaaaa… Your mouth feels so good!!!” Boruto groaned as he pumped Sarada’s face up and down on his giant fucking dick, “I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum!!”


NHOOOOOO! NHOT INSHIDE!!!!! PUHLL OUHT!!!! CUM ALL OVAH MEEEH!!!!! AYE WANNA BAVE IN CUUUUUM!!!!” Sarada slurred around his cock as she managed to pull herself free with a choking gag and hard cough, she then held her tits up with both hands like a dog begging, “DO IT, CUM ALL OVER ME BORUTO, I WANT IT!!! I WANT IT ALL!!!!” Sarada begged and moaned as Boruto continued stroking his cock with both hands.


“Ah, hahaahah…” Sarada panted, “Yessss, all over me!!!” she gasped just as Boruto began cumming hard! “SHANNAROOOOOO!!!!!” Sarada and Sakura moaned together as the dark haired girl was almost instantly bathed in white! Sakura came harder than she ever had with just her own fingers as she watched Boruto do a one man bukake all over her daughter! Sarada was completely covered in white from head to toe. The thick, sticky cum had the consistency of yogurt as it ran down over Sarada’s smooth skin. Jealousy nagged at Sakura as she watched, her fingers still toying with her own pussy!


SHAAAAAAA!!!” Sakura then moaned as she felt something short but thick sliding into her pussy!


“Hey beautiful, are you out here having fun without me?” her husband asked as he leaned his head over her shoulder. “Sorry if I surprised you, but your pussy looked so beautiful and hungry that I couldn’t resist!” he told her. “You were great in that booth the other night.


“Sasukeeeeee!!!” Sakura moaned as he began pumping his cock in and out of her hard, rocking the trash bin that she was leaning over. She was again thankful for that medicine that tightened her pussy back up, it made even getting fucked by her husband’s tiny dick feel good with as worked up as she was now. She bucked and rolled herself back into his thrusts, wanting to feel his cock going deeper! But it barely kissed her cervix, let alone reached into her womb.


“Mmmmmh, fuck, you’re pussy is on fire, what were you watching over there?” he asked, but Sakura pulled his head closer and turned her head to kiss him hard!


“Nothing!” she lied, “Just, shut up and fuck me…!” she moaned, “I’m so fucking horny right noooow…!” she whimpered as she began cumming again, “Even your shitty dick feels good…” she whispered to herself.


“What was that?” he asked.


“Nothing!” Sakura said before clenching her cunt muscles in a way that Tsunade had taught her, making her husband groan as she felt his cum already shooting inside her. ‘Two pump chump…’ Sakura thought bitterly as she looked over at Boruto and Sarada again. She moaned longingly as she watched him rubbing his dick all over Sarada’s panting, cum smeared face! Her dark haired daughter then quickly went back to sucking Boruto’s cock, moaning deeply around it.


HMMMMMMPH, AGUUUH, GYESH, MOAR, PHUG MUH PHASHE MOAR!!! AHHH, DISH PHEELSH SHO GOOD, SHAAANAAAROOO…!” Sarada begged needily. Sakura could help but feel a swell of pride in her girl as she clenched her pussy around Sasuke’s pencil dick.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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1 year ago

Hey I have a question, why did you start using Boruto and Sarada in stories again?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous358

I never stopped

1 year ago

Sorry I’m late but “Two-Pump Chump” lmao thanks that’s EXACLTY the stuff I was asking for. More of those insults on Sasuke xD

1 year ago

Yeeeeaaah my girl Sarada returns!

1 year ago

She came back a few chapters ago. 😛

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I cheer every time she appears

1 year ago

We’ll see more of her going forward. It’ll be a bit, but there are chapters I finished BEFORE the purge that never got published. They won’t be up for a while though.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I can and will gladly wait for them to come out!

1 year ago

Seeing that yo are re-taking the Sarada-Boruto thing I’m curious to see if Sakura will be the true horny slut she is for big cocks and will try to milk out Boruto’s balls

1 year ago
Reply to  xan

If you mean the scene with Sakura/Sarada/Boruto but where Sakura refraned, yes, I plan to change that. The only reason I had her holding back was time constraints at the time of original publication.

1 year ago

Two pump chump is one of those phrases that makes you giggle the more you say it out loud

1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Got it from the Lucifer TV series

1 year ago

Love seeing the slutty mom and daughter combo and how horny and turned on huge cocks makes them. Hopefully we’ll see both those Uchiha bitches cock worshipping Boruto in the future.

1 year ago
Reply to  souljamantwn


1 year ago

“A young woman with deep blue, nearly black hair and bright green eyes”

Are we supposed to know who this is or is it an OC?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

Oh her! She’s from a certain Ninja series with lots of tentacles and a sister with orange hair.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Real OG’ s understand the reference a certified hood classic

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

F*cking LOVE that bit with Sas-cuck-e at the end. The way Sakura made him cum so easily after watching Boruto and her daughter the entire time was thrilling to say the least! The overall chapter was quite the blast as well. I might not like Boruto, but seeing him absolutely own and destroy Sarada’s mind with his dick is certainly entertaining! And having Sakura as the POV of the chapter as she follows her daughter and watches her get fucked, instead of getting fucked by some nice Kumo-guys was an interesting dynamic and something we haven’t seen before.

Gladly more Sas-cuck-e humiliation in the future! I can only dream of him getting it on with another girl in a future chapter, only to lose to her in seconds…

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Yeah, when I first did this chapter a couple years ago, I wanted to change it up a bit. I remembered Sarada masturbating to seeing her mother having her ass destroyed on the TV, so I wanted to show where Sarada gets her pervy side from.

1 year ago

Aw Sakura must be so proud of her daughter being a horny little size queen like herself and she has found herself another monster cock for her to use. It was a really good day for Sakura.

1 year ago
Reply to  Corotone

As the old saying goes, like mother like daughter! Both are hopeless size queens who’ll do anything for a big fat dick!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

And both into boruto in a “certain” capacity, hehe.