Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Museum of Sex (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXXII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXIV): [LINK]

“Wow,” said Naruto as he stepped through the door, “This really does look just like my office!” He was at a local museum in the main city of Ranko Island. After everything with Sai, Ino, and Hana in the forest, Naruto had excused himself to go for a walk through the city. In the time he’d been on the island, he hadn’t really done much touring. He would have liked to go with Hinata, but after the night before she told him she’d made plans to go hang out with Sakura for a “Girls Day” or something to that effect. He could always go back to the hotel and pick up the girl who was now his own pet. Samui had been staying in their room since he “broke” her with his own special technique the other day.


Honestly, Naruto wasn’t sure what to do with the blonde. She actually wanted to stay with him and serve as his own personal cock sleeve! He knew that Chakra technique with his dick was powerful, but he had no idea it could literally mindbreak a woman like that! Part of him was worried about what A would say, but then, there was the exchange program. And Hinata said she had some ideas on what to do with Samui…


As he wandered the city area of the island, Naruto found himself growing more and more accustomed to the sight of men and women just fucking in the open. Now, as he got a coffee, he barely even noticed the woman with long navy blue hair being fucked by a bulky man at the table next to him.


It was then that he ran into Kurotsuchi, the current Tsuchikage, having a latte in the same cafe. The two of them got to talking, mainly about the Shinobi Exchange program they had discussed during the summit. When they finally had their coffee, the two of them sat down by the door to the cafe. Naruto had ordered a slice of the Toffee Cake to go with his coffee while Kurotsuchi had some kind of oddly shaped cookie called a biscotti to go with hers.


As they spoke, Naruto tried hard (and failed) not to look too much at what Kurotsuchi had on, or rather didn’t have on. She may as well have been naked like most of the other women on this crazy island. Her nipples were covered by a pair of red heart shaped pads called pasties, while her crotch was covered only by a single strip of matching red fabric. Naruto had seen this style of swimsuit when he first arrived. It was called a c-string bikini. He wasn’t entirely sure how the bottom part was held in place, though he could clearly see there was a bit of firm wire inside of the fabric. Though he wouldn’t be surprised in the least if it was held in by an anal buttplug!


With their coffee finished, Naruto got up to leave when he saw a display showing a bunch of those pamphlets advertising various attractions on the island. One in particular caught his attention, the cover read “Kage Museum”. The place was a museum dedicated to showcasing the cultures of the various shinobi villages. He grabbed that pamphlet and opened it to see photos of some of the offices. His own office was one of them, and it looked pretty accurate! Naruto found this amusing as a place like that would have been impossible when he was a kid. Things really were peaceful now.


The Tsuchikage looked over his shoulder at the pamphlet, “See the offices of all the Kage. Really?” Kurotsuchi said before deciding to accompany him.


Naruto agreed, wondering just how accurate they had gotten, he was willing to bet that one or two of them were WAY off. There was a fairly amusing movie about a fictional war where the “Kamikage” had this insane office full of technical equipment. He later learned that the people in the movie had used an advisor from the Ninja Tech facility instead of an actual Ninja who’d been in his office.


The museum wasn’t far, barely a block away from the cafe. To his surprise, Kurotsuchi covered the entry fee and the two of them took the tour. The museum was amazingly accurate. The exhibits had details on all the Kage’s going back several generations. Included were replicas of their combat gear, along with depictions of their signature Jutsu’s. The statue of himself in his full Kyuubi Mode was a bit off, since he didn’t take on a fox-like face when he did that. Kurama found that hilarious and Naruto made a mental note to speak with whomever was in charge. The stuff covering his father was dead on though, Naruto had to wonder who had helped build the place. They eventually reached the replicas of the office’s and Naruto found it eerie how detailed the room was.


“It’s like I just got teleported back home.” he said as Kurotsuchi walked around behind his desk. “Though it smells a bit different.” The air in here was much more filtered than the office he actually used.


“Not surprising,” said Kurotsuchi with a smirk, “Have a look.” she told him as she pointed to a stain on the floor next to his desk. Naruto walked over and saw the wood flooring was slightly discolored in spots.


“Well, nice to see they got something wrong.” he said.


Kurotsuchi snickered, “Really, you have no stains like that in your office? That’s kinda sad.”


“What do you mean?” he asked her. Kurotsuchi shook her head and moved over to the front of the desk and leaned her nearly naked body against the edge of the surface.


“You CAN’T tell me you’ve never fucked your wife in your office at least once.” she said bluntly. “Those stains are clearly from a girl creaming herself all over the place, probably more than one.”


“I… Uh…” Naruto stammered.


“Seriously?!” Kurotsuchi said with a laugh. “I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve fucked in my office!”


“Really?” he asked, the thought honestly never occurred to him, he’d always seen the office itself as a sacred place. A spot that should be respected.


“It’s a great way to relieve the stress of the job.” Kurotsuchi said as she pushed herself up onto the desk and sat with one leg propped up on the edge, giving him a clear look at the strip of fabric that barely covered her pussy. Naruto couldn’t help but stare at the bright red fabric and the way it clung to the folds of her pussy. He also noticed that the fabric was slightly reflective, shimmering in the bright overhead lights of the room. And from the way she was smirking at him, Naruto knew that was her exact intention.


“You know, I’ve never been plowed in another Kage’s office before…” she said with a grin. She then reached her hands up and peeled the pasties off her nipples and tossed them aside. Naruto gulped as he felt his dick stirring in his orange colored shorts at the sight of her naked breasts. Kurotsuchi’s nipples were already stiff as she cupped her left hand under her breast and squeezed it softly, her finger tracing around the areola.


And I saw that little video you did with Lady Tsunade, gotta say, it’s been on my mind for a bit. Never thought you were packing such a massive tree trunk in your pants.” she told him before reaching her other hand down and pulling off the fabric covering her pussy. Naruto heard a soft ‘pop’ and his blue eyes went wide as he saw a thick red plastic anal plug popping out of Kurotsuchi’s asshole.


Well, that answers that question,’ he thought to himself. He figured if it wasn’t an anal plug then an adhesive was the next best possible option. Though that would likely have been seriously uncomfortable.


Kurotsuchi tossed the bikini bottom aside and slipped her butt off the top of the desk. Her fat tits bounced enticingly with the motion as she walked over to him and draped her arms around his shoulders. “And I already know you got a free pass from your wife on this pervy little island, so let’s have some fun!” she said before dropping down onto her knees, grabbing the waistband of his shorts and yanking them down.


“H… Hey!” Naruto protested as his cock sprung up, already hard.


“At least this part of you is honest.” Kurotsuchi said as she leaned her head forward and licked the underside of his cock from the base to tip.


“Isn’t that a line from a pornooooh that feels good…” Naruto groaned as Kurotsuchi engulfed his cock between her soft lips. Wow she was GOOD! Naruto couldn’t even feel her teeth at all as she slowly took his dick deeper and deeper into her mouth and down her throat. Her slender neck bulged visibly from the girth of his dick as it moved down toward her stomach.


“Mmmmmmmmph…!” Kurotsuchi purred happily, “Sho phiiiick…” she slurred lewdly as she bobbed her head back and forth. Her lips made wet smacking noises as she gagged around his thickness. “MMMMMMPH, GUGH, HURK, GUG, MMMMUGH, GUH, GUG…!


“Oooooh… That feels amazing dattebayo…” Naruto groaned as he looked down at the way Kurotsuchi’s lips dragged along his cock every time she pulled her head back. She began moving her head back and forth faster, her lips making loud slurping noises over his dick.


MMMMMMPH, YESH, SHO GUUD!!! TASHTES SHO GUUD!!!!” Kurotsuchi moaned, moving her head faster now as she took his thick dick all the way down her throat. “GUGH GUH GUK HURK GMMMMMMPH!!!” she choked and gagged as her head moved almost like a blur. Her neck bulged repeatedly with the effort and Naruto could feel her choking around his cock even as she moaned. She then pulled her face back with a loud slurping noise. Kurotsuchi gasped for breath before moving to take one of his balls in her mouth.


Naruto groaned loudly at the feel of her rolling it around in her mouth with her nimble tongue. He could feel her sucking on his large nut, pulling on it ever so gently before letting go and moving on to the other. She then let it go before rubbing her face against them like a cat in heat.


“Hmmmmmmmmh, god I love this smell… Such a manly sceeeent! Nmmmmh, it makes me so fucking wet!” Kurotsuchi moaned as she moved to lick his cock again before standing up. She then grabbed his hands and moved them to her plump round ass. Naruto’s fingers squeezed out of reflex and she let out a soft moan. The dark haired woman then moved her hand down to grab his dick, stroking it slowly, her drool making for a perfect lube.


“Mmmmmmmh, yeah, stuff this fat fuckmeat into me!” she breathed as she lifted her leg up high, doing a standing split as Naruto’s cock rubbed against the folds of her pussy. Groaning again, Naruto hugged her body against his own as he jammed his cock into her pussy with a wet squishing sound. His length slipped inside her with ease, and instantly he could feel her tight cunt hugging his cock in a warm and wet embrace.


OOOOHHH FUUUCK!!!” she howled as his cock sank deep inside her. He could feel her pussy clenching around his cock as he began rocking his hips. Her pussy made a loud SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK sound as he plunged his cock in and out of her.


“Fuuck, so tight…” Naruto groaned as she rocked her hips back against him. Kurotsuchi grinned at him and pulled his face against her own, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth and sucking his own back out.


“Shut up and phuck meh…!” she moaned as her tongue swirled against his own. Naruto grunted and began pumping into her harder, making the dark haired woman moan even louder. “PHUUUUUCK, SHO BHIIIIG, AYE WUV DISH BHIG DHIIIIICK!!! SHTUFF DHAT CAWK INDO MEH HAWDER!!! NMMMMMMMMMH YESSSH…


Naruto groaned, his hands gripping her ass tighter as he slammed his cock into her roughly, making her moan even louder. “Hurr, hurr, hurr…” Naruto grunted as he sped up his motions, loving the feel of her pussy clinging to his dick every time he pulled back. He then moved her over to his desk and laid her back on it, scattering the mountain of paperwork piled on top of it. He then hooked his arms under her knees, lifting her legs up high as he buried his cock all the way inside her. His intense size made her belly rise up visibly, showing a near perfect outline of his dick that moved up and down with his movements.




Naruto groaned as he felt her pussy squeezing him like a vice as it sprayed hot heady smelling juices all over his groin. He then pushed her legs up over her head and pounded his cock into her, the wet SLAP SLAP SLAP of their bodies colliding echoed in the office as he leaned his head down to suck on one fat nipple. The replica of his desk creaked and groaned in protest at the rough treatment as he pounded her against it.


Kurotsuchi screamed in pleasure, her toes curling in orgasm as she rocked herself against him. “MMMMMH, SO GOOD, SO BIG!!! AH FUCK I’M CUMMING FROM THIS TREE TRUNK DIIIIICK!!!! MORE, SLAM IT IN MORE, FLOOD MY PUSSY WITH YOUR HOT CUUUUM!!!” she begged.


Naruto could only groan as he pushed his cock all the way inside her, feeling her stomach tenting upwards from his length as he felt his balls constricting as he came inside her. There was a lewd squirting sound as her womb was instantly filled and his cum began leaking back out of her around his cock.


YESSSS, CUM, THICK HOT CUM IS FILLING MY HOOOOLE, YESSSSS, I’M CUMMINGGGGGG!!!!” she screamed as her entire body tensed and Naruto groaned in pain as her pussy tightened even more! He didn’t know how that was even possible, it felt almost like there was a hand inside him jerking him off at the same time.


“Ah fuck, your milking my diiiick dattebayoooo…!” he groaned as he felt his cock surging in her again and again.


Kurotsuchi only moaned in ecstasy as she moved her legs to wrap around his waist, holding him inside her tightly. Naruto then felt his entire body going slack as he fell in a heap on top of her. The two of them lay like that for several minutes as Naruto caught his breath.


When he finally got up, he groaned as he actually had to put effort into pulling his cock free. “Damn, how did you do that?” he asked her.


“Yoga,” she answered simply, “Seems all new age-y, but showed me how to use muscles that my training never did. You should try it.” she explained as she bent down to grab her ‘bikini’. Naruto gulped as she easily shoved the butt plug back up her ass with a light ‘pop’. As she reapplied her pasties to her nipples, Naruto recovered his shorts and pulled them back on.


“I see,” he said as he felt an odd sensation all around him. The air felt, charged, that was the only he could put it. Across from him, Kurotsuchi stiffened as she stood up straighter. “You feel it too?” he asked.


“Yeah, reminds me of one of the last Tsuchikage’s Jutsu’s, only a lot more powerful.” she said.


The two of them cleaned the room as quickly as they could before heading back outside. The sight that greeted them sent an odd chill down Naruto’s spine. The sky was red, and not a sunset red, but an odd blood red color. The sun seemed almost black overhead as the charge in the air seemed to crawl all over his skin!


“What’s going on?” Kurotsuchi asked as a loud trumpeting sound reverberated through the air. “What the hell was that?”


“Oh, it started early this year.” said a local that had overheard them. He was a huge man who looked like he spent every waking moment in the gym lifting weights.


“What’s started?” Naruto asked him.


“The Festival! Usually it starts at sundown.” he answered before walking off.


“Nanadime-sama!” called a voice to the right. Naruto turned to see Tenten running towards them accompanied by Choji’s wife Karui. Naruto nodded at her as she and her friend came up to the two Kage. “What is this?” Tenten asked.


“Apparently, this is how this local festival starts.” he told her.


“Really?” Karui said dryly, “You know, I read a scene like this in a book once, and this was how the end of the world started…”



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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9 months ago

he barely even noticed the woman with long navy blue hair being fucked by a bulky man at the table next to him.”

This is Hinata right? But who is having sex with her, A?

9 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

No, I think that was meant to be Asagi

9 months ago

oh the festival of the dead has begun! who will arrive first?! Who will they meet? What will happen during?! and will Naruto find out what Hinata is planning to do with Samui aka the pet? And will someone of the dead leave the island during the festival?! who say to its all guess for us readers

9 months ago
Reply to  anonymous

Stay tuned!

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

on dragon ball z!…wait

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
9 months ago

Great chapter and I was kinda hoping that it would be a chapter about the raikaige and Hinata but I will be patient about because you also have other stories to worry about

9 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

I’ll get to it eventually, however, it’s not my primary focus.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Take your time and I will be patient and you have more stories to worry about right

9 months ago

Anyone else getting dejavu?

9 months ago
Reply to  Kielian

How so?

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

This story has been made before in the pre-site purge period. Naruto fucking kurotsuchi in a replica kage office. Even the image feels like the same one if it’s not the exact same one.

9 months ago
Reply to  Kielian

It is the same story, though I made some improvements

9 months ago

Great chapter have always liked Kurotsuchi as a character hopefully we see her more with the festival starting I hope we’ll see Kushina with Hinata Hanabi or possibly Naruto or Boruto looking forward to seeing more I’m curious on how the next Ay and Hinata chapter will go

9 months ago
Reply to  Narufan

Can’t make any promises, but there is some stuff with Hanabi coming soon

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Alright looking forward to seeing what’s next for Hanabi hopefully we’ll get more stuff with Hinata and Kushina they’re my two top favorite female characters then it’s Ino and Sakura