Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Itsuka’s Horny Insistence

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part IV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part VI): [LINK]

Itsuka Kendo stretched her arms as she stood under the hot spray of the locker room style shower in the Employee Dressing Room at Busteez Hero Agency. The water felt great as it rinsed away the top layer of sweat from her body. She turned several times under the spray, soaking her body before she grabbed a bottle of the scented body soap from the cubby built into the wall. Flipping the cap up, she caught the rose scent of the soap and poured a generous amount into her palm. The stuff began turning to a thick foam almost instantly as she closed the cap.


Slowly, Itsuka began smearing the soap over her huge naked breasts, “Mmmmmmh…” she cooed lightly as she ran her hands over the massive mounds in slow circles. Rie really outdid herself. Itsuka had said big, though she only imagined maybe close to the size of her head, not the size of her upper body! Not only that, but they were sensitive as hell too! Her nipples were already achingly stiff just from the feel of her hands moving around her tits.


Spreading the soap over more of her body, Itsuka turned to look at the space next to her and sighed, “Honestly girl, are you still moping about that?” she asked Momo Yaoyorozu. “You should have just told him that wasn’t just some comfort duty job.


Momo sighed again, hanging her head lightly, her long dark hair obscuring her face. “I know, I know…” she said.


“Seriously, you’ve had a crush on Deku since what, freshman year? But you never even said anything, even Ochaco was more forward, hanging around with him all the time like that.” Itsuka said. She’d known for nearly three years now how the dark haired girl felt about Midoriya. When and how she fell for him Itsuka had no idea, but she had it BAD.


“I know!” Momo said, “I just hoped, oh I don’t know…” the dark haired girl muttered.


“Hoped he’d fall for you after you rocked his world at least once?” Itsuka asked in a dry tone as she gave the girl a sidelong glance.


“Yeah… Something like that.” Momo confessed.


Itsuka shook her head, the girl was hopeless. Sharp as a tack on the battlefield, but when it came to men… The other girls in Momo’s class didn’t have a clue, but then she was good at keeping her emotions in check in a public setting. Itsuka only figured it out during a conversation after class A and B’s first joint training session. She moved to spread the soap over the rest of her body, enjoying the feeling of getting clean again. The dance routine Mina had come up with for her was erotic as hell, but it was also an intense workout. If she weren’t naked by the time she finished each set, her clothes would be soaked with sweat!


Though Itsuka supposed if she hadn’t asked Rie to make her tits so big, then the routine might not be so intense. Moving with these tits was hard! Especially on her back and shoulders, but it was worth it. Itsuka loved the way guys looked at her on stage, there was something empowering about it. Though if she were asked what, she wouldn’t be able to put it into words.


After moving to rinse herself off, Itsuka moved over to the space next to hers. Sneaking up behind Momo, she reached her arms around the other girl and grabbed her massive tits while pressing her own into her back.


WAH!” Momo yelped in shock.


“Jeez these are big, you and Nejire must’ve been thinking the same thing. Big tits get all the boys hard.” Itsuka said with a grin as she began hefting and squeezing Momo’s massive breasts. They were so big that she had to enhance her hands just to hold them both. Momo moaned softly as she began kneading her tits softly. Giggling, Itsuka pinched her nipples and tugged on them gently.


“While that’s normally the case, guys like Midoriya are a little on the dense side. I’ve seen it before, you wanna get his heart, you’re gonna need to be a little more direct.” Itsuka explained.


“Haaah, but I… I….!” Momo said, her voice getting high as she moaned.


“Wrong kind of direct, girl.” Itsuka told her, “Just throwing yourself at him like that won’t do it. You gotta TELL him how you feel!” she said while bouncing Momo’s tit up and down in her left hand. Itsuka could feel Momo tensing at that, “Granted, I haven’t spent as much time with him as your class, but with a guy like him, words speak more than actions.”


“Uhhnnn, you, you think so…?” Momo said, her entire body shaking like a leaf as Itsuka gave both her tits a squeeze as she rubbed her own breasts against her back.


“Mmmmhmmm…” Itsuka told her as she leaned her head over Momo’s left shoulder. Still gripping her massive breasts, Itsuka pulled the left one up and drew the nipple into her mouth!


“Haaaaah… Nh… Nhooo, my breasts… Ahhh, they’re so sensitiiiive…!” Momo moaned as her entire body shook with pleasure in Itsuka’s arms. The orange haired girl laughed lightly, swirling her tongue around the stiff nub of flesh as she squeezed both Momo’s breasts. The dark haired girl began panting lightly as Itsuka felt Momo’s weight lean into her more. Itsuka supported her weight easily, sucking on her nipple harder for a moment as she enjoyed the way the dark haired girl shivered.


“Haaah, ahhhh… I… Itsu…kaaaah…!” Momo moaned as Itsuka felt her shuddering in orgasm. The orange haired girl released Momo’s nipple from her lips, licking around the areola with her tongue once and smiling.


“See, you gotta be forward like that, but in words. Just tell him how you feel already. We graduate in a few more months, this could be your last chance.” Itsuka told her.


“I know, but…” she trailed off. Itsuka had seen this before, Momo was terrified of being rejected. So much she couldn’t even try the old giving chocolates on valentines day or even the old cliched confession under the Sakura Tree move.


“Alright,” Itsuka said with a sigh, “Tell you what, I’ll go feel out the situation for you, see if he’s even open to a girlfriend. Then, if he’s up for it, I’ll go with you when you confess, alright?” Itsuka offered.


Momo began standing on her own again and turned to look at her, “You’d do that?” she asked.


“Yeah, I can’t stand seeing my rival all love sick like out of a bad shojo manga!” Itsuka said with a grin. “Just leave it to me!”



“So like, how’s this?” Camie Utsushimi asked as she altered the landscape around them with her illusions. Itsuka still couldn’t believe how real it all looked. With the exception of a door standing seemingly in the middle of nowhere, it looked like she was outside in some canyon region. The bubbly speaking blonde was damned good with landscapes. There was even a camera drone moving silently around in the distance.


“So, ‘sup? Why’d you want a big open space like this?” Camie asked as she blew out a soft breath, a rainbow of colors coming away from her lips as she added some finer details to the setting.


“Guys like Midoriya get nervous in open spaces like this with a naked girl.” Itsuka said.


“Yeah, speaking of that, doesn’t that like, totally hurt? Those are sooo digging into your cunny, it can’t feel good.” said Camie.


Itsuka looked down at the one article of clothes she did have on. A black thong bottom with a crotch so narrow that it was pressing deep into the folds of her pussy. She shrugged, “You get used to it honestly. I mean, doesn’t your outfit do the same?”


“Oh that’s like, totes different. My suit is like a second skin, I so don’t even feel it.” Camie said with a grin. “So can I ask, how’s you gonna get Deku-deku in here?”


“Oh, that was easy, I just asked him to come see me.” Itsuka said.


“Wow, for realsies? And he didn’t like, think you were up to something?”


“Nah, I just said I wanted to get some VIP services on my paystub, and that he didn’t have to do anything once he got here.” Itsuka said.


“But you SO are gonna get freaky, right? I mean, I heard Pinky say she couldn’t walk right for a couple days after. I gots ta say, I wanna get a taste o that myself.” said Camie.


Itsuka grinned, “Yeah, maybe, but I’m doing this for a friend really,”


Camie nodded, like Itsuka, she had a good way of reading other girls. When she told her what she had planned, she immediately agreed to customize a room for her.


“Okaies, all set!” Camie said after she finished, “This’ll last about three hours, that enough time?”


“More than, thanks Camie-chan!” Itsuka said.


“Like no probs, it’s way easier to do something like this when it doesn’t gotta last a full day.” Camie told her as she got ready to leave. “Deku-deku should be here soon, want me to have Tetsy-chan send him up?”


“Nah, he knows what room to come to, but thanks.” Itsuka told the blonde.


“Rodger dodger! Good luck!” Camie said before she walked out through the door standing in the middle of the rocky plane.


Itsuka nodded as the girl left and moved to kneel on the “rocky” ground. The one thing that gave away Camie’s illusions was that while the ground looked unmistakably like hard bedrock, it felt like a common carpeted floor. Sitting in a seiza position with her back to the door, Itsuka went over everything she had prepared. Some special tea Momo had provided inside a thermos, a giant sized condom she had no intention of using. Not because she liked going bareback, though that did feel very nice, but because if Momo was right, it’d be useless anyway! There were also some simple snacks and such to finish things out. The odd little drone thing floated silently through the air, strange seeing one of those without the distinctive hum they made.


“Yah!” yelped a voice behind her as she heard the door opening.


“Heya Midoriya, come on in!” Itsuka said, turning to look at him with a smile.


“Uuuh, um, ah, did I get here too early?!” he asked in a panic.


Itsuka stood up and turned around, loving the way her tits felt as they swayed with the motion. While not cold, the room was fairly cool, making her nipples already stiff as she moved over to him. She got a tiny thrill from how his eyes kept glancing down at her tits and a distinctive lump formed down one leg of his pants. He must’ve come here off a patrol, as he was still in his hero costume. Hatsume and that American girl were a frightening pair. She heard both of them were working on his gear, and it showed. While still looking outwardly simple, Itsuka could see all the little things they’d done to improve his suit. Including the durability to contain such a massive dick!


Still smiling, Itsuka said, “Not at all, you’re right on time!” she told him.


The green haired youth was shaking like a leaf in autumn as she approached, “I told you, I needed to get some VIP hours in, and this,” she said while raising her arms and shaking her hips, “Is standard attire for such work. Don’t worry, we don’t have to do anything kinky. Just take off your clothes and lay down on your stomach, I’ll give you a back massage.” she said as she grew both hands to immense size.


“With these, I can work out all the knots easily.” she said with a grin. It wasn’t a lie, she had trained in massage technique when she was a kid, and not to brag, but she was pretty good at it too. But furthermore, she could feel out when someone was being honest as she worked their muscles. Especially when she had her hands this big.


Midoriya let out a long sigh and lifted his left arm up. Reaching a hand down to touch the wristband of his full armed gauntlet, he tapped a hidden button. Hidden because until it lit up red, she couldn’t tell it was even there! His entire suit glowed a bright red color, then a series of fine seams formed along it, as though he were wrapped up like a mummy. Those seams then split apart and whipped around him in a flurry of motion as they retracted into a small slap-on wristband around his left wrist.


Itsuka’s shock at the size of his dick was actually outdone by her amazement at what she’d just seen. Not that she wasn’t impressed, far from it, that thing wasn’t even fully hard yet and it already reached past his knee! But his hero costume just retracted itself into a slap-on band like you get at a cheap night club.


“How…?” Itsuka said.


“Oh, I think it’s part of carrying One for All, it happened to several of the users before me.” Izuku said.


“Not your dick, still very impressed by the way, how’d your costume do that!?” Itsuka asked.


Midoriya looked at his wrist and brightened a bit, “Oh that, it’s a new technology Melissa and Hatsumei invented. It’s called a Quickband, it stores a full hero costume and some gear using some kind of compression technology Melissa invented and Hatsumei helped improve.” he explained, “It’s gonna revolutionize hero work, allowing heros who are off duty when something happens to switch to their costumes in a flash! While some heroes don’t really need something like that, ones who need support gear will be able to respond quicker instead of waiting for other heroes to arrive since without their support it’s dangerous for them to act.”


“Neat, who do I see about getting one of those?” Itsuka asked, forcing herself not to laugh at how relaxed he got when talking heroes and such. Here he was, standing naked with a nearly naked pretty girl and he was happier to talk about hero stuff than anything else. His priorities were mixed up something bad!


“I can put in a good word with Melissa for you, or you can go see Hatsume, but I’d be careful as she’d want to add all kinds of extra features to yours.” Midoriya told her.


“Yeah, that sounds like her,” Itsuka said with a chuckle, she then clapped her giant hands together, making a small pressure wave and a very loud CLAP sound, “So, go ahead and lay down,” she told him, “We’ll start on your back.”


“R… Right!” Midoriya said, suddenly nervous again, his dick now fully erect. Momo and Mina weren’t joking! That thing was huge! Only her giant hand was big enough to even grasp it, if her hands were normal sized, even using both she wouldn’t be able to make her fingertips meet.


“Anyone ever tell you that you should relax more?” Itsuka asked him as he moved over to lay on top of a stone altar that was actually a massage table. Itsuka was glad she thought to bring it in, as this one was special in that there was a hole in the bottom for a mans dick to hang through.


“Yeah, I get that alot.” Midoriya told her.


“You should,” Itsuka said as she helped him fit his dick through the opening and watched him lay flat on his stomach. Flexing her fingers, she touched the tips to his shoulders and back, “Jeez, you really are nervous!” she said as she felt the raw tension in his muscles.


“S… Sorry!” Midoriya said.


“Just relax, I’m not gonna do anything you don’t ask me to,” Itsuka said.


“R… Right…” he replied and she felt some of the tension go out of his shoulders as she began working his muscles gently. “Oh… Ohh…” he groaned softly as she began kneading his muscles into relaxation.


“Yeah, there we go.” Itsuka said with a smile. “Mind if I ask, why do you get so nervous around girls? I mean, you’re easy on the eyes, and you’re very brave, selfless, kind, a lot of those are qualities girls look for.” she said as she continued.


He sighed again, “I guess, though I don’t really see myself like that.” he told her.


“Humble too.” she said with a grin.


“I just, never really had much of a relationship with any girl except my mom until I came to UA. You know I was quirkless before, right?” Midoriya said to her.


Itsuka nodded, “Yeah, everyone knows that now, but you still wanted to be a hero in spite of that. That’s really admirable.” she said as she began working her hands lower, finding a particularly knotted area at the small of his back. “So what, were the girls in middle school mean to you or something?” she asked, remembering a few mean girls from her own middle school days. They liked picking on quirkless girls then.


“Well, I wouldn’t say that really, Kacchan was a bit of a nightmare though.” he told her.


“So I’ve heard, he’s gotten better though, doesn’t yell so much and tell everyone to die all the time.” Itsuka said, isolating the knot in his back, “This’ll pinch,” she warned.


“Okay.” he said.


“So, why not use that gold card more?” she asked, “I’d think most guys with a license to fuck would go nuts here.” she asked, pressing on the knot just as he began to answer.


“Iiiieeee…! Don’t, WANNA, treat GIRLS, like they’re, THINGS!!!” Midoriya yelped several times as the knotted muscle snapped, cracked, and popped before finally relaxing, “Ooooooh, that feels better…” he groaned as more tension melted out of him.


“Ooooooh, so that’s why you’re holding back?” she asked.


He nodded, “I still feel bad about taking advantage of Momo like that, she only did that with me because I won that card…”


SERIOUSLY!?’ Itsuka thought, ‘Is THAT what he thinks!?’ She began moving her hands back up, reducing them back to normal to begin kneading the smaller muscles now.


“So then,” she asked, clearing her throat, “What do you think of Momo then?” Being direct like that was a risk, but Midoriya wasn’t as guarded as most men, so he might not pick up on it.


“She’s a great friend, and a capable hero.” he answered.


“Pretty?” she pressed.


“Well yeah, but that shouldn’t matter.” he told her.


Itsuka rolled her eyes, ‘What are you, a saint!?’ she asked mentally.


“So, what, you just feel like you’d be taking advantage of her in this agency?” she asked, “Or me? Or Mina?”


“Pretty much, girls shouldn’t have to do that kind of thing with GRAAAH!!!” Midoriya yelped as Itsuka pressed on a particular pressure point that would cause a sharp pain down his lower back.


“Oh come on!” Itsuka told him, “No one here is doing ANYTHING against their will. I mean it’s right in our contracts. Wow, I didn’t think old fashioned thinking like that was even still around.” she said as she climbed onto the table with him, straddling his thighs and leaning down to press her heavy naked tits against his bare back. She felt him tensing again, but ignored it.


“Ke… Kendo-san…!” he said.


“Itsuka is fine.” she told him, rubbing her breasts against him and feeling him shudder lightly “And before you get any funny ideas, I’m not doing thiiis…” she said as she enlarged her right hand, reaching it under the table and through the illusion to grab his dick which was still rock hard, “Because I’m feeling obligated to,” she said as she began stroking his length slowly. She then leaned her face close to his ear, “I’m doing it because I want to…” she whispered hotly, then lightly bit the edge of his ear, loving the way he reacted as his cock began throbbing in her grip.


“If you want me to stop, just ask…” she said in that same low breathy voice.


“I… I… I uh… Haaahhhhh…” he shivered against her and Itsuka grinned, stroking his cock faster. She could feel his pulse racing through his cock as he began breathing heavily.


“You’re not taking advantage of me…” she whispered, stroking him faster again, the side of her hand lightly slapping against his thick and heavy balls. “We girls like sex too you know, we think about it, we crave it… Stroking this big, hot, hard cock is making me so wet right now, I can barely stand it!” she moaned softly, grinding her crotch against his add, her panties making a soft shlick shlick sound with her motions. Truth be told, she’d been dripping through the thong since seeing the huge honking cock she was now gripping. Just imagining the friction of it moving in and out of her was making her breathe hard.


“Bu… Bu… Buuuut… Ahhhh…” he tried to say, and Itsuka silenced him by licking the edge of his ear. “There is such a thing as sex with no strings you know. Or, do you want strings?” she asked, still moving her hand along his cock.


“I… I want….” he shuddered and groaned, “Oooooh…”


Itsuka giggled, she’d had him right, he WAS open to a relationship. He wanted one even, he was just too nervous to say it like she’d said. Meaning if Momo wanted any kind of meaningful thing with him, she’d have to make the first move.


“You don’t need to answer that,” she told him, “But at least answer this for me, should I stop?” she asked.


“N, no…” he gasped out.


Itsuka giggled, “Good, I won’t then. But just using my hand like this isn’t enough for me…” she said, getting up and helping pull his cock free and roll over onto his back. She then moved to lay on top of him in a sixty-nine position.


Holy fuck this is big!’ Itsuka thought as she took an up close look at the green haired youth’s massive erection. It was still standing proudly and easily over a meter long! The orange haired girl gulped lightly at the sight of the veins throbbing along the shaft as she enlarged her left hand again and gripped the huge thing. Izuku groaned beneath her as she hovered her crotch over his face.


Stroking his cock slowly, Itsuka sat up on her knees, leaning her head forward to slowly drag her tongue along his cock. She moaned at the taste, loving the strong manly flavor as she took the very tip into her mouth. Her jaw ached immediately as she began swirling her tongue around the head of his cock while her hand continued moving up and down.


She then moaned again as she felt Midoriya’s hands on her ass. She smiled inwardly as she moved her hand down, allowing herself to take his cock deeper down her throat. “Hmmmmmmph, mmmmmph mmmmmmph…” she moaned around his cock as Midoriya pulled the crotch of her thong aside, exposing her hot and dripping pussy.


HMMMMMMMPH!!” Itsuka moaned again as she felt his tongue tentatively brushing through the folds of her pussy, sending shivers of pleasure through her.


YESH, MOAR, WICK MEH MOAR!!!” she moaned, shrinking her hand again and taking his cock even deeper! “MMMMMMMMPH, AGUUUGH, MMMMMMPH, AGUUH, MMMMMMMMMPH…!” she moaned and gagged loudly as she bobbed her head up and down, taking his dick deeper every time. Her throat felt so stuffed, she could barely breathe, but she didn’t want to stop! She moved both her hands to gently grab his balls, squeezing them softly as she took his cock all the way down into the pit of her stomach.


“Ahh, ooh, ooohhh…” Midoriya groaned as she felt his cock there. She then felt his mouth covering her pussy, his tongue moving between the soft pink lips of her labia as she moaned deep in her throat.


HMMMMMMPH, MMMMMMPH, AGUG, MMMMMPH GUG, MMMMMPH GUH…” Itsuka gagged softly. Rolling her crotch against Midoriya’s face, she felt him reaching up and grabbing her ass with both hands as he pulled his head against her.


YEEESH, MOAR, WICK MUH PUSSHY MOAR, AHHHHNN, SHO GUUD… GONNA CUUUM…!” she moaned around his cock and began bobbing her head up and down faster. The feel of the wide tip moving in and out of her stomach was driving her crazy, she could barely even think as she took his cock in again and again. She then slowly lifted her face up, making sure to envelope his cock with her huge tits as she lifted her head free.


“Ahhhhh, yeah, right there, right, fucking, theeeere…!!!” Itsuka moaned as Midoriya found her clit and began sucking on it gently. She rubbed her face against his wet cock like a cat in heat, licking the side slowly as she moaned.


“Oooooh, hahhh…!” Midoriya groaned into her pussy and she felt his cock throbbing between her breasts. She quickly moved to take the tip back into her mouth just as he began cumming, hard! Her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunks as her mouth was instantly filled with thick, hot, and very sticky cum. She could feel it clinging to the inside of her throat as she tried and failed to swallow it all! Twin streams of hot cum shot out of her nostrils as she let out a gagging moan. She lifted her head free, gasping sharply as she was blasted with hot cum that sprayed all over her face, hair, and tits!


“Ahhhhnnn!!!” Itsuka moaned with him, cumming hard as she lifted her hand up, rubbing the viscous liquid into her skin. It was so hot, she felt like it might burn her as she shuddered on top of him. And there was so much, she didn’t know how Mina or Momo could’ve handled it all! She’d heard of bukake, but never with just one guy doing it on his own!


Sitting up on her knees again, Itsuka turned her head and grinned at him, “See, not taking advantage at all!” she told him, “Though, learn to hold back a little, jeez…” she said jokingly as his cum slowly dripped off of her.


“S… Sorry!” he yelped.


This time Itsuka did roll her eyes as she enlarged one hand and flicked his forehead, “And learn to take a joke too!” she berated him with a smile. “Come on, we’ll continue in the shower.” she told him as she climbed off the table and smiled. ‘Momo’s gonna be happy to hear about this.’ she thought to herself.

Story by Sailor Io

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1 year ago

Can you please get this sentence fixed. please! mouth h]just as he began cumming

1 year ago
Reply to  Lancer

fixed, thank you

3 years ago

Nice lightly paced chapter, fun read. Was nice to see Itsuka get some time with Izuku, looking forward to Camie.

3 years ago

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

3 years ago

Y aun falta Asui por entrar en la ecuacion junto a Ura y Momo

3 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

In time, I can’t snap it all back into place. I’m rushing enough as it is, some stuff has gotta be built up to.

3 years ago

Love it but when is it Tsu’s turn with Izuku?

3 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

Soon enough, gonna take a bit to get everything back into place.

3 years ago

So I can’t tell if Izuku is already dating Ochako and/or Tsuyu yet or if Momo gonna be the first girl to go after him. Kinda interesting to have her already in love with him though personally don’t really care for the pairing (or just shipping in general) Though I do kinda feel bad for Jirou lol

Funny how Izuku feels using the gold card and having VIP service is him taking “advantage” of the girls… If anything its the girls who’ll be taking advantage of HIM. Not like he’s the type to make the first move or even turn down any of the girls advancements. I guess it makes sense due to his personality so unless he gains more confidence after having sex with different girls or the inevitable harem that he’ll have maybe he’ll be the agressive one.

But regardless, liked seeing Kendo helping out Momo this chapter. The 69 scene and her getting one man bukkake was probably my favorite scenes so overall. Really good chapter

3 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Thanks! And Yeah, I’m going with the idea that Izuku lacks confidence and such right now, and is too much of a gentleman when it comes to sex. Part of my inspiration this time is the works of Mizuryu Kei, where the women are completely unashamed of sex and such. Minor spoiler, Izuku will become more confident as the story progresses.

Michael H McFadden
Michael H McFadden
3 years ago

Another great story my dude, cant wait to see Camie and Izuku next lol.

3 years ago

In time, in time, and I don’t meant that shitty Bonnie and Clyde scifi Movie, LOL

3 years ago

Muy buen capitulo amigo… habra continuacion de ellos dos follando en el siguiente? ojala se pueda….. y me alegra saber que Momo quiere tener una relacion con Izuku… talvez Kendo pueda ayudarla con eso

3 years ago
Reply to  126jojo

Kendo IS in the next one. You can read it now at my Patreon!

3 years ago

Nice work with this chapter! Good to have a Itsuka focused chapter.

Not only that, the motivation of this impromptu hookup with Izuku makes some sense, especially considering that she was doing this for Momo. Not to mention, her massage and 69 position work was really something.

Plus it’s nice to see Camie and her ditzy self for a bit too. XD

Overall this was fun to read and enjoy. Looking forward to the next one.

Good work. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Camie is fun to write! I look forward to doing a chapter with her later.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

Very sexy and beautiful shower scene between Kendo and Momo. Their dynamic is very enjoyable, although it just is Momo being lovey-dovey because of Midoriya. It does lead to a really nice moment with Kendo agreeing to help her out and to see if Midoriya is available. Glad to have Camie included in this by her being responsible for creating this background. Midoriya’s reaction when he saw Kendo was as expected and yeah, him saying that what Momo did was just because he won the Gold Card was also there. It seems to be in character and all and I do relate to it quite a bit but I just can’t help but Midoriya just feels like a Mary Sue in this story. Kendo says that he’s too soft but still continues fucking him afterwards. Every girl adores him because he’s just so pure and nice and heroic and ughhhhh… nothing against your writing or anything, you’re an objectively better writer than me and all but Midoriya is just… No matter what he does, the girls will swoon because of his cock. He’s the perfect pretty boy who gets all the bitches and everyone loves him. It doesn’t help that this seems to be one of the very few MHA artworks where Midoriya isn’t directly in it and yet he still manages to be the one doing the fucking in the end. I mean, it fits the story and all but Midoriya shows up in almost 85% of all MHA artworks, so giving the spotlight in those rare instances where he isn’t there to some of the more lesser used characters would sit a bit better with me. Sorry for the rant! The sex with Kendo was obviously pretty enjoyable and very nicely executed.

Not the biggest fan of Midoriya being once again adored by every girl and I seriously hope that there’s at least one girl in this series who doesn’t revere him like some kind of demigod of lust but overall a pretty great chapter. Just my own personal feelings that sour the enjoyment of it for me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, for the time being, Midoriya is the focus of things, there will be a couple chapters without him soon though, I promise. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter still though.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Not very reassuring but I’ll take you by your word. Just hope that the women this time around will be a bit more nuanced and not complete sluts only for Midoriya’s big dick.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I know what you mean dude Izuku is easily the most OP male character on the entire site. Not only having the biggest schlong in his story (possibly every story too) but also winning the extremely rare golden vip card, multiple quirks to fuck any girl into submission, and of course the inevitable harem he’ll have later on. Im not sure if any other male character is as lucky or blessed as he is.

But I think thats because Deku has a very strong fanbase who expect nothing but the best for him. I don’t really have a problem with the character but ive had plenty of run ins with toxic Deku fanboys which does sorta ruin my enjoyment outta these MHA chapters featuring him. I try not to and just enjoy it for the story but it is what it is I suppose.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

I mean, I get why people like him. To me he just seems like nothing special and I don’t get how he manages to appear in almost every MHA artwork. It is what it is and I can’t change anything about it. Just a bit disappointing, given that MHA has much more interesting male characters.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

My boy Mirio needs more fun, and yes I know he had a chapter recently. I do agree though we need more male variety, especially since in the three storylines of MHA we’ve gotten Deku has never changed and all the girls fall for him for literally the same reason each time. Its that horrible cliche where its just, “He’s so nice.” The end that we see in anime time and time again. Hahahaha

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

I mean, I can change nothing about it but overall, yes. Mirio, Kirishima, Kaminari, (best boy) Tamaki Amajiki,… There are so many interesting characters to use but Midoriya ends up as the one who appears nearly every artwork, which makes it especially sad that he even appears in the stories that don’t have him in the artwork. So yeah, I really hope that at least some of the girls don’t end up falling for Midoriya.

3 years ago

Will momo have her action in the next chapter?

3 years ago
Reply to  Han

Maaaaybe… *evil grin*