Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Homecumming Party

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part XXVII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXIX): [LINK]

As their small trio approached the house, Flare Corona squeezed her thighs together to try and slow the hot flow of juices coming from her pussy. Her clothes felt itchy, as all she wanted right now was to rip them off so Princess Lucy could play with her cunt! It didn’t help that the blonde in question kept massaging her tit as she walked between Flare and her other lover Brandish.


“Well, the house hasn’t burned down. That’s a good sign.” Brandish said in a half-joking voice.


“Didn’t you say the house was fire-proofed?” Princess Lucy asked, her arm around the green haired woman’s slender waist with her hand in her bikini bottom panties. Flare could see the blonde girl’s fingers moving back and forth under the stretchy fabric as she stroked her pussy idly.


“It is, but you know even better than I do how good Natsu is at destroying things.” Brandish said before leaning against Lucy more, “Nmmmmmh, put your fingers in deeper… Ahhhhh…!” Brandish moaned erotically. She then put her face closer to Lucy’s. Flare, now becoming increasingly jealous, watched as the two of them began kissing. Lucy swirled her tongue against Brandish’s, letting out her own erotic moan. As the two women kissed, Flare cooed as she felt Lucy’s hand playing with her tit, with her middle and index fingers pinching Flare’s stiff nipple and twisting it lightly.


“Ahnnn, let’s hurry inside,” Flare said as her pussy gushed lightly beneath the traveling gown she was wearing. It looked similar to the more relaxed gown she commonly wore, but was made of a tougher fabric that could stand up to long walks on dirt roads. “Master’s balls must be ready to burst by now!” she said, with her pussy gushing again at the mere thought of Master Natsu’s giant dragon dick.


Even now, Flare’s pussy was screaming to be stuffed with that thick, rigid pole of flesh, to feel the heat coming off it. Heat so hot it felt as if it might sear her insides with pleasure! Flare wanted to feel it stretching her pussy again! Barring that, she wanted Princess Lucy to toy with her pussy until she gushed all over her pretty face.


“Oh, I’m sure he found someplace else to dip his dick while we were gone. Probably one of the sluts at the guild.” Brandish said, whilst breaking her kiss with Lucy and pulling away from the other two girls. She reached a hand into the pocket of the long overcoat she wore and produced a ring of keys. Regular keys, not the gold and silver ones Lucy used. Flare watched as Brandish selected a bronze colored key and used it to unlock the front door of their home, then opening it for the other two women.


“You know, that should make me jealous or angry, but it doesn’t.” said Lucy, “Is that weird?”


“Yes,” said Brandish, “Likely another side effect of the Manko flowers.” she surmised, “But without it, do you think we’d be living together like this?”


Flare didn’t like that idea. She was HAPPY being a sex toy for her Princess and Master! Just thinking about how her life was before then made her sad.


The interior of the large house was markedly cooler than the outside. Brandish had used money from a job she did to buy them a magic air cooler. It was a large crystal point lacrima that worked by drawing the excess humidity out of the air, cooling it and converting it into drinkable water. After walking through the humid summer streets of Magnolia, walking into the cooled house was a bit of a relief.


“Haah, good to be home.” Brandish said, while stripping off the long coat she wore and hanging it on a rack near the main door. “I’m looking forward to sleeping in our real bed tonight.”


“I thought you liked the bed at the hotel we stayed in.” Lucy said as she set her travel bag by the stairs leading up to the second floor.


The green haired woman smirked and moved closer to Lucy, placing her hands on the blonde girl’s hips, “Only because you were there to help keep it warm.” she said, with her voice almost purring. Lucy cooed happily as Brandish nuzzled her neck softly, planting small kisses from her shoulder all the way up to the edge of her ear. Flare tilted her head as she watched, bringing a finger to her lips and biting the tip gently. She could feel her own juices running down her legs even more now as she quickly began stripping off her clothes!


Being naked felt more natural for Flare now. A sex toy didn’t need clothes, after all. Lucy and Brandish both smiled at her and Flare extended her hair out to wrap lovingly around both women, pulling the three of them into an erotic embrace. She felt both pairs of their hands grabbing her shapely ass and squeezing as the three of them moved into a three-way french kiss. All of them moaned softly and Flare split her hair into several tentacles to help relieve both of them of their clothes.


She had Lucy down to just her panties when Natsu appeared at the top of the stairs. “Hey guys!” he said with a grin and a wave, “I thought I smelled you three coming in.”


Natsu’s Dragon Slayer nose was as keen as any dog’s, and when he said he had smelled them, Flare knew it meant he could smell their wet pussies! Tilting her head back, Flare gave her a regular, if slightly demented, smile. Most guys were put off by her smile, but not the Princess and Master. Both of them only ever genuinely smiled back at her. Natsu was dressed in his usual fare of a pair of pantaloon style white pants, a black vest, and his usual scarf that was made from dragon scales.


“We’re home, Master.” Flare said.


“Hey Natsu,” said Lucy as she looked around a bit, not even bothering to try and hide her naked tits, “Is Happy still not back yet?” she asked with a slightly sad expression.


“No,” Natsu said solemnly, “But the guild hall got a letter for us from Carla to me, Wendy, and Gajeel. She said everyone is doing fine, and that the debate is still ongoing, or something like that.”


“Must be a pretty heated debate.” Brandish said.


“Carla’s likely doing a lot of arguing for them to stay, with Happy and Panther Lilly supporting her.” Lucy suggested. Flare didn’t know either of the cats very well from the couple of times they’d met, so she didn’t know if that sounded accurate or not, but Natsu seemed to agree. He finished coming down the stairs and Flare pulled away from the other two women gently before moving closer to her master and embracing him with her naked body. She could feel the waves of heat coming off him, It was like stepping up to an open oven.


“Ooooh…” Flare moaned as Natsu returned her embrace, with his hands grabbing her butt and squeezing tightly. He then kissed her hotly, pushing his wet tongue into her mouth where she adoringly sucked on it. All the while, Flare’s hair moved on its own, finishing stripping the other two women before moving to caress her master’s hard body all over. She cooed against his lips as she slipped a hand inside his pants to grab his dick.


“Ahhmmmmmh…” she moaned around his tongue as they continued to kiss. He was already so hard, and it wasn’t even fully erect yet. The heat coming off his dick was almost stifling, Flare NEEDED to feel it inside her, she’d missed it so much!


“Mmmmmmh, ahh… Haahmmmmmmh!” Natsu groaned, holding the kiss for another few seconds before breaking it and leaning Flare back to take her right nipple between his lips and sucking it roughly!


“Oh yessssss!! Ahhh, suck on my titties master…!” Flare moaned, “Hmmmmmmh, they’re all yours and the Princess’! Ooohh…” she moaned as she felt his tongue swirling around her nipple, making it even harder than it already was. She then felt him biting it, making her cum right there in his arms! She held his head to her breast, leaning her head back to see Lucy and Brandish in a full lesbian liplock. The two naked women were rubbing their curvy bodies together erotically. Flare couldn’t help but admire her Princess’ naked body. It was so beautiful, with her alabaster skin, huge breasts with their perfectly pink nipples, and an ass that begged to be spanked.


Brandish broke her kiss with Lucy to begin kissing and sucking on her neck and the Princess turned her brown eyes to look at Flare. She smiled at her and the Master approvingly, and Flare could feel her pussy now DRIPPING down her legs! Natsu then moved from her right to her left tit, sucking roughly as he moved one hand from her ass to her now unoccupied tit. The entire house was filled with the sounds of three moaning women and one groaning man.


“Ahhnmmmmh, wa… Wait…!” Lucy panted. “Let’s go outside. It’s been a while since I fucked outdoors. I wanna enjoy it like I did my first time.”


“Hmhmhm, perv…” Brandish teased.


“Nmmmmh, I don’t mind.” Flare said, “As long as it’s with you or Master, Princess, I’ll do it anywhere. Even in the middle of the street!” she admitted honestly.


Everyone laughed softly as the four of them headed out the back door of their house after putting shoes on. Luckily, their home was on one of the outer edges of Magnolia, with a short section of forest just out behind the building. Lucy ran out ahead of everyone, with her big tits bouncing enticingly. Just looking at her Princess’ naked body running through the woods made Flare even hornier.


“Slow down, Lucy!” Brandish called ahead of them as she followed at a more relaxed pace.


“Come on, this is gonna be so funUUUUAH!!!” Lucy began to say, then yelped as her tits suddenly quadrupled in size, looking like a pair of large beach balls. The sudden shift in weight made her topple forward slightly, her new giant tits jiggling and bouncing from the sudden motion.


“Brandi, don’t do that without warning me!” Lucy snapped back, even though she was giggling and smiling.


“Why, it’s fun watching you react.” Brandish said with a sly grin.


Giggling as well, Flare pulled away from Natsu, while her hair was retying itself into a pair of braided twintails as she moved. Walking with the grace of a ballerina, Flare moved up behind Lucy and pulled the naked blonde against her. Pressing her own big tits against Lucy’s bare back, Flare reached around to grab Lucy’s enlarged ones, gripping them tightly and holding them up like a present to her Master and Brandish. The two of them looked at each other before they came running over, each claiming one of Lucy’s nipples and taking it into their mouths.


“Ahhhhoooohh… Yessssss…” Princess Lucy moaned, with her voice sounding like sweet music in Flare’s ears. The auburn haired woman squeezed and kneaded each of Lucy’s tits in her hands, watching with growing arousal as the other two both hungrily sucked on her nipples. Flare smiled down at Brandish and her Master, watching as the two of them looked up at Lucy as she moaned.


“Nmmmmmh, don’t stoooooop… Ahh, my nipples, my nipples feel so gooooood!!!!” she moaned as she began rocking her ass back against Flare’s crotch.


“Hmmhmmhmm, Masterrrrr, I think the Princess really needs that big hard Dragon Dick.” Flare cooed.


“Ahhnnmmmmh, I do!!! I neeeeeed it! My pussy, it’s sooooo hungryyyy…” Lucy whined. Natsu and Brandish both relinquished Lucy’s nipples and Flare squeezed her gigantic tits roughly as the two of them both smiled at the other pair. “Ahhmmmmmmh, hurry… Take me, right here in the woods! Stuff that big, thick, hard dragon cock into meeeee!!!!” she begged.


Flare’s Master stepped forward, his enormous dick throbbing in the air, now fully hard. Nearly as long as her leg and thicker than her thigh, Natsu’s cock radiated heat like a furnace. The air around it almost rippled from the heat coming off his dick as the pink haired Dragon Slayer grabbed the Princess’ legs and lifted them up as he spread them wide. Flare supported Lucy’s weight from behind as Natsu pressed the tip of his cock against Lucy’s dripping cunt!


With a single thrust and a wet SQUISH, Natsu’s cock sank into Lucy’s pussy. The sheer length and size of it stretched her stomach up visibly as she leaned her head back and let out a loud moan through gritted teeth. Her big brown eyes went cross as they rolled back in her sockets and a trickle of drool ran down the side of her chin.


OH GAAAAAWD!!!!” she hissed through clenched teeth, “IT’S SO THIIIIIICK!!! SO HAAAWT!! HMMMMMMMMH, MY PUSSY, IT’S BEING SPREAD SO WIIIIIIDE!!! OH YESSSSSSS!!!” Lucy screamed in utter bliss.


“Ohhhh yeah, you feel so good Lucy, your pussy is gripping my dick so tiiiight…” Natsu groaned as he immediately began thrusting his cock back and forth with a SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK sound. It was such a beautiful sight, the way Natsu’s dick moved in and out of Lucy’s pussy, making her moan louder and louder. Flare couldn’t get enough of the way Lucy’s pussy lips clung to Natsu’s length whenever he pulled out, and the sound it made when it slammed in made her own pussy even wetter!


“Nmmmmmh, fuck her harder Master…” Flare cooed, “Make the Princess cum!”


YES PLEASE!!! AHHHHH!!! MORE, AHHH, I’M SO FULL INSIIIIDE!!!!” Lucy screamed as she bucked back and forth between Flare and Natsu.


“Mmmmmh, fuck you look so sexy when you’re cumming.” Brandish said as she moved up beside Lucy, grabbing one of her bouncing tits and moving to suck on her nipple again.


AHHHHOOOOOOH….!!! SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOOOOOOOD!!! CUMMING, YOU THREE ARE MAKING ME CUMMMMMMM!!!!!” Lucy screamed loudly, her voice echoing through the woods.


Flare giggled, grabbing Lucy’s free tit and pulling it up as she leaned over her shoulder to suck on it roughly. The young blonde woman writhed in pleasure between Flare and Natsu as the pink haired man sped up the pace of his thrusts. A loud SMACK SMACK SMACK could be heard echoing through the woods along with Lucy’s howling screams.


OH YES!!! HARDER, MORE, HARDERRRRR!!! OH YES YES YES YES!!! CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SO MUCH NATSU!!! YOU HUGE DICK IS STRETCHING MY INSIDES SO MUUUUUCH!!!! OHHHHHHH!!! FEELS SO GOOOOOOD!!!!” Lucy moaned in utter pleasure as her toes curled inward. The lump in her abdomen moved up and down, up and down, up and down with Natsu’s never ending motions. All around the group, the air rippled with the heat coming off him. Had any of them been wearing clothes, they surely would have melted off!


“Hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr…” Natsu grunted repeatedly, thrusting his cock into Lucy more forcefully. The blonde’s big tits rippled from the force of his thrusts even as Brandish and Flare sucked on them. He leaned forward kissing Lucy hard, their tongue swirling together as she panted and moaned.




“Hrmmmmmh, ahhh, Lushy… Ur pusshy, ahh, it pheels sho guud und tiiiiight… Muh dhick pheelsh sho guuud…!!!” Natsu slurred back, still slamming his cock into her widely spread cunt. Flare couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. It had been several days since she last felt that huge dragon dick searing her insides, and her hole was all but screaming for it now.


AHHHHGH GYESSSSSH… PUND MUH PUSSHY, PUND MUH PUSSHY PUND MUH PUSSHHHYYYYYYY….!!!” Lucy begged, then broke their kiss and leaning her head back on Flare’s shoulder!!! “OH FUCK YESSSSS!!! I’M CUMMMMINGH!!!! NMMMMMH, KISS ME GIRLS, BOTH OF YOU, KISS ME WHILE NATSU FUCKS MEEEEEEEE!!!!!” Lucy howled.


Flare and Brandish both smiled to one another, moving into a sloppy threeway kiss with Lucy. The princess’ tongue tasted so good as the three of them tried to wrestle them against each other’s. Natsu groaned as he watched and began pumping his hips faster. The loud and wet SLAP SLAP SLAP was the only thing Flare could hear until her Master leaned his head back and roared like a beast!


FIRE DRAGON….. ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!” he bellowed as he shot a column of fire so high up in the sky Flare was certain it could be seen all the way over in Hargeon.


Flare could hear a wet, squishing sound from within Lucy as Natsu came inside her. Her distended stomach throbbed as his cock twitched inside her womb. Lucy shuddered and moaned in Flare’s arms as she came with Natsu.




“Ooooohhh…” Lucy moaned in a deep throaty tone as her beautiful brown eyes rolled back in their sockets as she continued shaking with pleasure.


“So… Much… Cummmmm…” Lucy groaned softly, rubbing her hands over her belly.


“Nmmmmmh, your O-Face is so beautiful…” Brandish cooed, moving to kiss Lucy deeply, her tongue swirling around the blonde girl’s.


“Nmmmmahhh…” Lucy cooed back, dueling tongues with the green haired girl, their combined drool running down Lucy’s chin. Natsu let go of Lucy’s legs, but the blonde didn’t have the strength to stand on her own yet. He helped Flare and Brandish lay her down on the ground. She rested with her head in Brandish’s lap while the green haired woman lovingly stroked her long blonde hair.


Next, Lucy pulled Flare into a passionate kiss, making the redhead swoon, “Natsu’s still hard,” she whispered after breaking the kiss, and Flare turned to see Natsu standing over them. His giant dragon dick pulsed in the air, the heat coming off it making the air ripple. “Milk the rest of his cum out with that tight cunt of yours!” Lucy ordered Flare.


“Yes, Princess!” Flare said eagerly. Lucy kissed her again before Flare got up and moved over to kiss her master, “Come on Master, I wanna feel your dragon dick stirring me up next!” she told him, grabbing his hand and running out of the woods while pulling him along. There was a small hill just outside the forest that looked out at the mountains in the distance. Flare let go of Natsu’s hand and ran ahead. Once at the top of the hill, she dropped her naked body down into a squatting position and began twerking her ass.


“Come and get it Masterrrr!!!” she called out to Natsu, “This pussy is all yours!!!” she said, slapping her ass as she jiggled it enticingly.


Natsu grinned and ran up behind Flare, “Guess I don’t gotta hold back then!” he said.


“Please, don’t ever hold back with me!” Flare begged, “Ravage and savage my body with your mighty dragon cock!!!!” she called out.


ALRIIIIGHT!!!!” Natsu yelled, grabbing hold of Flare’s twin braids, testing them around his wrists and gripping them like handlebars on a bike before JAMMING his giant cock into her pussy!


HWEEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!! YES MASTERRRRR!!!!” Flare screamed in joy, cumming instantly as her belly was stretched out just like Lucy’s as Natsu wasted no time before pounding his cock in and out of her!




“Huuurrrrrraahhh!!!!” Natsu roared as he continued pounding his cock in and out of her with a loud SLAP SLAP SLAP as his huge balls smacked against her thighs. He yanked back hard on her twin braids, pulling her upright. Flare moaned in pleasure, her hands grabbing at her own tits, pinching and twisting her nipples roughly as she bucked and bounced her body back against his.




HAH, HAH, HAH, HAAAAAAH…. YEAH, AHHH, YOU AND LUCY, AHHH, YOUR PUSSIES FEEL SO GOOOOOD…” Natsu groaned between gritted teeth as the ground around them began to turn black and charred. Flare’s hair burst into flames that spread all over Natsu. She wasn’t worried though, his body was immune to most fire, in fact it thrived off the heat and flames. He let go of her hair. Moving to grab her tits now, squeezing them hard as he pounded her from behind. Her feet dangled uselessly in the air as she was held up by practically his dick alone, the distention in her belly moving up and down with his thrusts.


Flare felt like a complete sex toy, AND LOVED IT!!! She panted and howled in pleasure, her pussy gushing all over his balls. Her juices quickly turned to steam from the heat coming off of their bodies and she leaned her head back to lock lips with her Master, their tongues dancing a fiery dance as Flare felt her entire body shaking in pleasure.


All around them, the green grass of the hill was now a dark blackened wasteland that was billowing smoke into the air. The wet SMACK SMACK SMACK of his cock slamming up into her was the only thing Flare could hear over her own cries of pleasure. She quickly lost count of how many times Natsu had made her cum, and could only moan as he brought her to even more orgasms.




Natsu nodded and broke the kiss, bending Flare forward again and grabbing her wrists tightly. She moved her still flaming hair to wrap around his body to further support as he began piston fucking her from behind again. Flare felt a sensation like water being run over her hair as Natsu began slurping up her fire, consuming it for energy. His thrusts then became even harder and rougher as he filled his belly with fire!


AHHHHH, MASTERRRRRR!!! YESSSSSS!!!! FUCK MEEEEE!!! FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, OH GAAAAAAAAWD!!!!” Flare screamed as she bucked back and forth, her tongue hanging out her mouth and a nearly insane look on her face as she came with every stroke of his cock inside her.


SO GOOOOOOD!!! CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SO MUCH I’M GOING INSAAAAANE!!! YES! I LOVE THIS!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! PLEASE MASTER, KEEP ME AS YOUR FUCK TOY FOREVERRRRRRRRR!!!!!” Flare screamed in ecstasy as Natsu let off another volcanic roar into the sky as his cock began pulsing inside her! The sensation was like someone had stuffed a water hose up her cunt and turned the faucet on full blast!


Thick, hot, sticky dragon cum poured into Flare’s very womb, blasting it full just like it had with Princess Lucy! Flare welcomed every drop inside her, loving the feel of her master’s cum painting the inside of her womb.


“Ooooohhhhhh…” she moaned weakly, feeling as though she might pass out from pleasure at any moment. Time became a fuzzy haze as she was dimly aware of her master pulling his cock out and helping her lay back on the charred ground. Lucy and Brandish joined them a few minutes later, and Flare could hear their conversation as though she were underwater while listening.


“Huh, you’re heading home! Why!?” Princess Lucy asked when Brandish announced she was heading back to Alvarez for a while.


“I just want to pick up some personal things, that’s all.” Brandish said, “I’ve already decided to stay here in Ishgar with all of you. So I wanna tie up a few loose ends back home.” the green haired woman explained.


“Then, we’ll come with you!” Lucy said.


“No, trust me, it’ll be a boring trip. I’m just going there and back. Besides, I wouldn’t wanna torture poor Natsu. You know how long it takes to get there by boat. I might be able to snag a flight back though. I’ll be gone a few days at worst.” Brandish said. Flare turned and looked to see the green haired woman leaning close to Princess Lucy, “Besides, I’m looking forward to how you’ll rip my clothes off when I get back.” she said to her in a seductive tone.


“Nmmmmmh, and I will too!” Lucy promised before the two of them kissed erotically.


They waited for Flare to fully recover before heading home to make dinner as the sun had begun to set now. The four of them ate together with dinner turning into another orgy halfway through. Brandish then left the following morning for Alvarez, and she could tell her Princess missed her already.


Luckily for Flare, Princess Lucy decided to take her frustration out on her by making her eat her pussy practically all day!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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10 months ago

Love this!

Minor, minor request, could you include cumflation in more of your stories?

Also, how come we haven’t seen good ol’ Gajeel?

10 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Head to my patreon for more cumflation versions

10 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Any chance of seeing cumflation being described in some of your stories on this site?

Also, will Gajeel appear and bang some chicks?

10 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Very rarely, only when it serves the story. And I’ll bring Gajeel in when o have a good opening for him.

Ichigo Kurosaki
10 months ago

Flare is totalmente a pervert xD

10 months ago

That’s the point!

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
10 months ago

Mira and Erza aside, I forget; what happened to the time babes? They seemed like they were also craving the dragon dick.

10 months ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

They went off on their own for now

10 months ago


10 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Lol, Flare is SO much fun to write as a super submissive slut for Lucy and Natsu.