Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Hancock’s Big Dick Blowout

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Part III): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part V): [LINK]

(One week ago, the Mushroom Kingdom somewhere in the New World…)


Yes!!! I finally get to suck my beloved’s cock!’ Boa Hancock moaned as she eagerly licked the tip of her lover’s cock. She felt her pussy getting more wet, simply by tasting his meat on her tongue. Water kept raining down on them, washing away the soap that she applied so generously earlier.


The former Warlord managed to track her beloved down after reading about his exploits on Kaido’s castle and his later attack on the convoy of a Celestial Dragon. Knowing that this island was the closest to where the maritime battle took place, she seized the opportunity and sailed there as well. Despite that one really persistent marine, who had tried to capture her several times by now, followed her to the shores as well but somehow got distracted with something in a small port town. A day later, she finally found Luffy walking down the street with a large chunk of meat in both hands, followed by a strange, cotton candy eating raccoon dog and a man with a really long nose. She hadn’t even bothered remembering their names and simply scared them away with a stern look. As long as there weren’t any of the women in his crew around, they didn’t need to fear anything.


MMMMMMMHHH!!!!” just thinking about the women that her beloved spent time with on his ship caused her pussy to clamp in envy, ‘It’s not fair…!’ opening her mouth as wide as she could, Hancock then started to swallow more of his cock. ‘Can’t you see that I’m good enough for you Luffy?! You don’t need any of those sluts!


Luffy, completely indifferent to the woman currently sucking his cock or of the near constant stream of precum, ran his fingers through his messy black hair. “Shishishishi. You were right Hammock! This place is really nice!”


Hearing him call her almost by her real name felt like an orgasm all on its own, “MHMMMM!!!” she nodded her head, stirring around his cock inside her mouth while slurping down the precum that kept oozing out of his dick.


The place she found for herself and Luffy was a public bath house in the capital of the Mushroom Kingdom. By now they were the only ones inside as every other person fled as soon as they saw them walk in. Being one of the world’s most feared pirates certainly made things easier from time to time!


MMMMMMMMPHH!!” the black haired beauty clenched her hands into fists as she bobbed her head back and forth, coating large parts of her partner’s cock in her saliva, ‘My god! It’s only the tip but it’s filling my whole mouth!’ she thought as her pussy clenched around the empty space within, silently begging for attention. ‘I can’t stop! I must show him I can take his entire cock!


Her own words echoed through her mind as she slurped away at the underside of his dick. The fist sized tip pulsated against her tongue and teeth as ounces of precum dripped into her mouth which she instantly swallowed.


“Are you okay?” he asked.


For a moment Hancock was completely taken aback by the sudden question, ‘Did I do something wrong? Doesn’t he like my blowjob? Are the girls in his crew better than me? No, please let them be!!’ her heart pounded like crazy as she slowly pulled her head away from his cock, “Y- yes. Everything’s alright.” despite dreading the answer, she then asked. “Why?”


Luffy shrugged his shoulders, “You were licking and swallowing so much of my dick, I thought you were hungry.” He then resumed washing his muscular stomach with the rest of the soap bar. “But if you say that everything is okay, then I believe you!”


NNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH!!!!” Hancock bit on her lower lip as she came just by hearing the honest concern and sincerity in his voice, “OOOOOOOH, LUFFY!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! LET US MARRY ALREADY!!!!” Even with all the water pouring down around them, her scream still echoed through the shower.


“I told you already, I won’t marry you.” he replied without an ounce of hesitation.


MMMMOHH, LUFFYYYY!!!!” she then moaned as she put his cock back in her mouth, “THEN JUSHT LHET MEH SHUCK YOU PHOR EPHA!!!!” her words vibrated around the black haired man’s cock. “AYE WHANT YOU TO PHUCK MEH PHOR ETERNITY!!!!


Unfazed by any of her comments nor her attempts at deepthroating his length, Luffy let the water wash away his soaped body. As far as Hancock knew, he only showered once a week which would explain the musky, manly smell that clogged her nostrils even now that he cleaned himself.


Spurred on by her own words, she managed to swallow almost his entire cock. “HUGHEE, MEEEPH, SHOOOOOG…!!” she choked and gagged, her throat visibly bulged due to his unbelievable thickness.


“Woah!!!” Luffy crossed his arms in front of his scarred chest and looked down on her with the usual carefree look in his eyes. “Ehm, Hammock…”


Oh no! He doesn’t like my service! I’m not good enough!!!’ her mind ran wild as she came up with one assumption after the other. She lifted a hand, gesturing to him to give her a moment, “MMMMMMHMPH!!! JUSHT… JUSHT GIPH MEH A MOMENT!!!” she begged as she tried one last ditch effort to deepthroat his cock. But to no avail!


Choking and gagging noises filled both their ears as she came dangerously close to his black pubic hair. Luffy groaned silently at her attempts and bucked his hips forward ever so slightly. “Shishishishsi. This feels really good now, Hammock!!”


His words however were lost on her as she became lost in her own thoughts, ‘It’s too big! I can’t take all of it!’ her hands sunk into the soft skin of her breasts as she desperately tried to swallow even more of his cock. Viscous love juices gushed out of her pussy, the result of her cumming countless times from her many attempts. ‘I can’t give up though! I’ll practice everyday until I can handle this dick! I must become the perfect slut for his perfect cock!’


No matter the costs!


After being unable to make her beloved cum, the two left the bath house. Hancock apologized numerous times for her failure, which only seemed to confuse Luffy as he didn’t understand what she was talking about. At a local goldsmith called ‘WARIO and sons’ she acquired a dildo with her beloved one’s as the mold. Together with her crew, who by now finished stocking up her ship, Hancock left the island, promising to herself and her beloved that she would become better. He wouldn’t need the other women in his crew by the time she learned to service his cock!



(Present day, a random ocean somewhere in the New World…)




A deafening explosion echoed across the ocean as the Perfume Yuda’s front mast went up in a blaze of fire. Two figures were jumping from the falling debris while the battle on the ship below them came to a halt.


“Don’t think that this is over just yet!” Boa Hancock growled through gritted teeth while picking up speed as she fell towards her opponent. She stretched out her right leg and aimed at the red haired captain below her. “Perfume Femur!


Raising his metal arm in defense, Eustass “Captain” Kid blocked the former Warlord’s incoming attack. Black and red lightning cracked through the air as their Conqueror’s Haki clashed. The metal that touched her heel turned into stone and cracked under the sheer force of her kick, “HAH HAHA! I wouldn’t have it any other way!” declared the young pirate as he spun around midair, throwing her off of him. He then reached around and grabbed the black haired Pirate Empress at the back of her head while more and more metal was drawn to his metallic arm. “But it seems like this is the end of the line for you! Punk Gibson!


HEBIHIME-SAMA!!!” Hancock’s crew shouted out as they watched helplessly as their captain crashed head-first into the deck of the ship. Pieces of metal scattered in every direction due to the impact and a cloud of dust rose from where the two captains hit the ground. Fire continued burning around them as they anxiously awaited who would be the one to rise back to their feet first.


“G- Get off… of me already, you…!!” groaned the Pirate Empress as the dust around them began to settle. Laying on her stomach, she had her head pressed against the dark wood of the deck by Kid’s prosthetic arm while he sat on her incredibly soft butt, preventing her from moving away. She kicked the air as she desperately tried to escape his hold but to no avail! “Who do you think you are?!”


“No… sister…” muttered Boa Marigold weakly. She and her older sister, Sandersonia, sat on the ground with their backs leaning against the ship’s central cabin. In front of them stood Killer, his Punishers were already back in their holsters after defeating the two sisters just a few minutes ago without even breaking a sweat.


The blonde combatant crossed his muscular arms in front of his chest and watched silently, waiting for his captain’s next move. Around him the rest of the Kid Pirates bursted into cheerful laughter, “YEAH!!! CAPTAIN!!!” They high-fived one another, not caring one bit that they were still on an active battlefield with some of the Kuja Pirates still in fighting condition. Most of the all-female crew however were defeated; one of their newest members, the blonde Marguerite, was pinned against the now destroyed front mast of the Perfume Yuda. Her hands were clenched around the prongs of Wire’s trident with which he kept her suspended several inches above the floor, one of the red prongs on both sides of her slender throat.


With a victorious grin on his face, Kid looked down at the bested former Warlord. “Well, time to discuss the terms of your su-”


UWAH!!! KID-SAMA!!!!” a woman’s voice interrupted him mid-sentence. Rushing towards the scarred captain were the two most recent additions to his crew, the siblings and former Tobiroppo Ulti and Page One, “That was like, totes awesome!!” the older sister then went on to say.


“Stop it big sis! Can’t you see that he doesn’t have time for your antics right now?!” her younger brother asked. He tried to hold her back but was simply dragged by her as she got closer towards her new captain. “And what’s with that strange language of yours now?”


HAH?!?!” Halting in her tracks, Ulti turned around and stared at the purple haired man, a vein popping on her head, “It’s not strange!!! It’s da shit and super cute!!!” she explained to him while continuously bonking him on the head with her fists.


H- HEY! OUCH!” Page One shouted out in pain as he tried to block his sister’s punches. “Stop it! You’re making a scene!”


“I’m sooooo not making a scene! I, like, just wanna show Kid-sama hOWW!!!




Both of the quarreling siblings were silenced as Killer punched them both on the head before ordering Gig and Heat to bring them back to the Victoria Punk. He would have to talk with both of them later about their behavior.


“Ugh. Those two…” Kid groaned in annoyance. He massaged his temples while continuing to press Hancock’s face against the wooden floor.


At times like that he was second-guessing his decision to take them with him when he left Wano. Ulti basically threw herself at him the moment she found out that he was the one who was responsible for beating Big Mom, thereby avenging her brother in her stead. Naturally, Page One quickly followed his sister and together the two were now just sticking around the Kid Pirates, trying to fit in with their former enemies.


“Anyways…” he grabbed the former Warlord’s silky black hair with his prosthetic arm and rose to his feet, lifting her slightly off the ground as he did so, “Let’s discuss our next course of actions, shall we?!” he asked with a confident grin on his red painted lips.


Several minutes later they found themselves inside the dining hall on board the Victoria Punk. Crimson red curtains that were torn at the lower end hung in front of large, dark tinted windows, giving the room an eery, dark aesthetic vibe. Weapons were mounted on the wall, swords, daggers, axes and many more. A single long table took over more than half of the entire room with Kid sitting on a throne-like chair at one end and Hancock on her trusted snake, Salome, on the other end. The purple makeup she had on matched her long, equally purple dress with the golden vine pattern. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, a sour look on her beautiful face. The Empress’ two sisters stood behind her, both of them had bandages and band aids on various places all over their bodies.


The red haired captain casually reached for a plate with meat on it in front of him and took a bite out of a large, bloody steak, “Shtop shulking already. Jusht admit that you’ve losht, sho that we can move on!” he swallowed the piece of raw meat, its red juices ran down his chin and dropped from his fingers.


“I didn’t lose! How often do I have to explain it to you, stupid man?! The only reason I’ve agreed to talk with you is because I didn’t want to put my crew through more fighting than was needed!” Hancock explained, barely holding back her anger and frustration. “Otherwise I would have beaten you until you begged for mercy!”


“Mhm. Sure thing!” Kid replied sarcastically. Wiping the bloody red juices from his mouth with the back of his scarred right arm, he leaned forward on his prosthetic limb. “I’ve beaten that old hag, Big Mom! You think a mere former Warlord like you would pose any threat whatsoever to me?! Get over yourself!”


Slamming her hands down on the table, Hancock rose to her feet and glared with the intensity of a thousand suns. “Only because my beloved led that raid! If he wouldn’t have been there you would be dead by now!”


Kid rose to his feet again, his damaged metallic hand creaking and cracking in protest as he pushed himself off the table. He would need to repair it soon, “Your ‘beloved’ should consider himself lucky that I just so happened to attack Kaido’s castle at the same time as he did!” black and red lightning coursed between the two captains as they readied themselves to fight once again. “I’d like to see him beat those two monsters and their forces all on his own!”


“Calm down! Both of you!” Killer shouted as he entered the room through the door behind the three Gorgon Sisters. The blonde pirate’s shoulders hung strangely low after he was first forced to listen to the siblings’ constant bickering and now seemingly had to do the same with his long-time friend and Hancock. “You’re both adults! Act like one!”


“Tsk.” Kid clicked his tongue in annoyance but forced himself to calm down. “Fine.”


Sinking back on Salome, Hancock crossed her legs and swiped away a strain of her pitch black hair, “Point is, you haven’t won! I would never lose to any man who’s not even half the caliber of my beloved!” she pointed out confidently and without a shred of hesitation in her voice.


A vein snapped on the scarred man’s forehead, “Big talk for someone who’s face I’ve bashed into the floor not even half an hour ago!” he crossed his arms and tapped with his fingers on the metallic limb. “That stupid Strawhat stands no chance, whatsoever, against me!”


“Oh, yeah?! Prove it!” the Pirate Empress demanded, already getting heated up again. “You couldn’t make me admit defeat or beg for mercy in a hundred years, foolish man!”


“Ha! Bring it on, bitch! Strawhat is NOTHING compared to me!” he rose to his feet and walked towards the door, leaving his half-eaten steak behind.


Killer stepped to the side to let his captain through, “Kid…” he put a hand on the redhead’s shoulder, trying to hold him back but to no avail. The younger man just shrugged him off as he stormed out of the room and into the broad daylight, closely followed by Boa Hancock, “What are you two doing now?” he asked in disbelief as he and the other two Gorgon Sisters watched their captains walk away.


Both captains looked over their shoulders. Kid grinned maniacally while Hancock’s face was completely unmoved, “Showing this punk what it means to mess with me!” they both said in perfect unison.


“Ugh…!” Killer groaned in annoyance as he watched the two of them walk over towards the damaged Perfume Yuda. “Well, as long as they’re not seriously fighting, everything should be alright.”


Marigold and Sandersonia watched as the two captains stepped into Hancock’s, their faces full of concern for their sister. “Big sister… What’s going on? She never acted like this before. What happened?”


A life-sized statue of Monkey D. Luffy greeted the red haired Pirate after he stepped into the spacious private quarters of the Pirate Empress. Pink curtains fluttered softly in the gentle breeze that came through the open windows behind them. Heart-shaped cushions and a Luffy-body pillow laid all across the bed. A single, absurdly huge golden dildo laid on her bed, covered in lipstick marks of the same color that currently adorned her lips.


“You’re really sleeping in a place like this?!” he asked her, going with the first thing that came to his mind. He put his real hand on the marble statue of his rival, examining it with a mix of disgust and admiration in his eyes. Some might look at him and see nothing more than a brutish pirate who murders people for looking at him the wrong way, which isn’t that far off from the truth, but he also knew a great deal about the world at large and noticed art or something valuable when he looked at it.


Stopping in the middle of her room, Hancock turned around on her heels, “Get! Your fingers! Off of my beloved!” she hissed through gritted teeth. “And what’s it to you anyways?! This room alone has more class and style than your entire ship!”


His blood started to boil again but he managed to calm himself down, remembering his partner’s words, “Hey, if you wanna lose with the home advantage on your side, then fine by me!” he told her while putting his hand back into his pocket.


“Still so high and mighty, hm?” Hancock asked him teasingly. She waited until his eyes were glued on her then started stripping out of her dress, letting it slide down her shoulders while she raised her arms up in the air. Her hips swung erotically from side to side as she slowly walked towards him. “Well, let this image be forever burned into your mind and remind you of the body that solely belongs to my beloved!”


Instead of looking even a little bit aroused at seeing the most beautiful woman of the whole world naked before him, Kid simply grinned confidently, “You sound pretty full of yourself. Hearing you scream for more will be a delight!” he stated before undressing as well.


The dark red coat that he wore loosely over his shoulders was the first piece of clothing to fall to the ground and was quickly followed by the rest. In under a minute he stood completely naked in front of the Pirate Empress, safe for the goggles that he still kept resting on top of his head. Metal studs were pierced through the underside of his penis at regular intervals. And despite not even being remotely hard, his cock still hung down well past his knees!


“Tsk! The only sounds you’re going to hear will be your own begs for mercy!” declared Hancock, suppressing the urge to compare his cock with her beloved’s.


“If that tiny excuse of a dildo on your bed is anything to go by, then things will definitely play out differently from how you expect!” he said while nodding towards the golden artificial cock that she had modeled after Luffy’s very own penis. “So, what are you waiting for?! Prove me wrong already! I don’t have all day!”


Getting down on her hands and knees, Hancock restrained herself from trying to use her Devil Fruit powers on him again. Their fight earlier had already shown that her powers didn’t work directly on him. If that’s due to him not being attracted to her or his powerful Haki, she didn’t know but it irritated her nonetheless. Even with a five feet distance separating the two, Hancock could still smell the musky smell that emitted from his groin.


“Well, I would love to prove you otherwise but with a dick that limp…” she flicked her finger against his manhood for emphasis while talking to him with a mocking voice. “I assume that will be a little hard!”


He promptly ignored her smug face and mocking comments, rather his laugh echoed through the room, “AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You really think I’ll get hard just like that?! Bitch, you have to do a bit more than being dolled up and naked to get me in the mood. I’m not like that simpleminded Straw Hat or any of the other guys who go nuts just by seeing you!” he grabbed his dick with both hands and lifted it up, nearly hitting her in the face with its tip. “You actually have to put in some effort if you wanna prove anything here!”


“Ugh. Fine!” her groans of annoyance didn’t match the eagerness with which she then started to stroke his cock. The metal studs on the underside felt strange and cold against her fingers, making stroking him a lot more different than what she had trained on the dildo so far. She looked at him, her eyes filled with raw determination. “You should consider yourself lucky that I have to prepare myself for the next time I will meet my beloved! Otherwise I wouldn’t even lay my eyes upon your sorry excuse of a-”


“Yeah, yeah… you love the Straw Hat! Get yourself some new lines and start working already!” the scar on his face twitched as he grinned down on her. “Over thirty and still so bad at working a dick!? Shit! The girls in my crew could serve that monkey-brain’s dick better than you!” he snarled.


Her hand reflexively clenched around the semi-flaccid dick upon only hearing him bringing up other women and her beloved in the same sentence, “You!!!” her eyes lit up as she brought her other hand to his balls and started cupping them, ‘Fuck! They’re heavier than I expected! And hot!’ she thought, ignoring how her pussy began aching.


“Finally got into the spirit, huh?!” he groaned. Her fingers sunk into the soft skin of his balls, causing him to grow at a slow and steady pace. “Took you long enough!”


Instead of answering instantly, Hancock then simply moved forward and kissed the tip of his bulging length, leaving a perfect purple imprint of her lipstick on it, “You should consider yourself lucky that I even grant you this pleasure!” she moaned angrily before planting several more kisses all over his length, all the while continuing to stroke him.


One hand proved to be not enough however and she was forced to let go of his balls if she wanted to keep holding his cock in her hands without it slipping out. The veins all over his manhood grew in size and girth as gallons of blood were pumped through it, like oil through a well-functioning machine. Her lipstick marks on it seemed to be growing smaller with every passing second!


She left a last few kisses on his groin and balls, whose size now resembled that of melons. The metal studs that adorned the underside of his length rubbed against her head as she inadvertently inhaled a great deal of his bodilys scent. He smelled like a mix of sweat, blood, oil, and lust. All those different odors came together as one and clogged her nose, making it hard for her to breath and think.


“Damn! You actually did it in under five minutes.” he said, pulling her out of the delirium she was about to get into. “I’m impressed!”


Moving away from his crotch, Hancock wiped a strain of her from her shoulder, honestly proud of herself, “You better be! Those skills are for when… when…” her voice cracked as she became aware of just how long his cock truly was. The throbbing piece of man-meat was easily longer than her entire arm and twice as thick as her thighs, ‘He’s so much bigger than Luffy…’ she thought in horror.


“Like what you see?!” he asked sarcastically, pushing his hips forwards so that the tip of his length was pressed against her oh-so-soft lips. She then started licking the red shining top of his dick, almost as if in trance. “Now… Eat up bitch! Taste a real cock!!!”


The audacity…!’ Despite her hate for the man, she opened her mouth and took down the first few inches, “HMMMM!” she moaned softly while she felt the cold studs rub against her tongue and teeth. “MMMMPH, MMMH, HMMM!!!


Once she almost managed to get half of his length between her lips, she started moving her head back and forth. A purple ring of her lipstick around his girth marked the furthest she had him in her mouth while her saliva washed away the lipstick marks she plastered all over his dick earlier. Her black hair waved to the rhythm of her head as she picked up speed.


NMMMMHH, GUG, HMMMM!!!” she slurred, desperately trying to move her tongue over his length without gagging too much, “HUGGGH, MMMMPH, GLUG, GUGH!!!” her moans became even lewder as the aches of her pussy became more and more intense.


Arching his head back, Kid groaned approvingly, “Seems like someone is finally getting in the mood for it…!” he said, slowly pulling his hips back, forcing her to follow if she wanted to keep his cock in her mouth.


DHON’T GHET TO PHULL OPH YOUPHELPH!!!” Hancock choked around his length, already feeling her jaw starting to ache due to the sheer size, “AYE’M ONLY DOING THISH ASH PRACTISHE!!” her words sounded awfully slurred, even to her own ears, as she struggled to breath. “GUGH, GHWEEE, HMMMPH, GULG, MMMOGH!!!


A menacing light flashed in the red haired pirate’s eyes, “Too much for you to handle?!” he asked her teasingly, visibly enjoying her struggle. The thick veins along his cock pulsated at a rapid rhythm, stirring around the many metal studs at a frantic pace, “Is that all you can take?!” he then asked, tracing his finger over the purple line of her lipstick that she hadn’t managed to get past, no matter her efforts. “HAH HAHA!


The blush on her face turned several shades redder as she inhaled deeply through her nose. A shiver ran through her body as his musky stench flooded her nostrils, ‘Fool! I am the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock! No dick is too much for me to handle!’ she declared in her mind before opening her mouth as wide as she could to swallow more of his cock, “GULPH, MUPPPHGE, AAAGH, GLUGHH, PHUUUUUUCK!!!!!” she then moaned as she felt his length invading her throat!


Small drops of sweat rolled down the Rookie pirate’s forehead as inch after inch of cock disappeared behind her purple lips, “Aaaaaah!!! So you do know how to please a man right!” He then started to move his hips in sync with her head, ramming his dick even deeper into her tight and hot little throat.


PHUUUUCK!! IT’SH SHO BHIGGGG!!!!” the Pirate Empress howled out in a mix of pleasure and embarrassment. A fog started to cover her mind, making it harder and harder for her to think. ‘How can a dick, other than that of my beloved, feel so… so good??


“Grr!” Kid groaned approvingly as she continued bobbing her head back and forth. By now his entire length was covered in the former Warlord’s saliva, making it a little easier for her to swallow the throbbing meat.


GULPHEG, MAOGH, GOOOPH!!” her moans turned even more desperate when her partner started pumping his hips back and forth now. At this point she didn’t even care about how much she choked and gagged at his sheer girth as it only brought her closer to orgasm!


The many studs rubbed all over the insides of her throat as he shoved his cock deeper than ever before. He continued fucking her face for more than twenty minutes. His red pubic hair tickled her nose every time she nearly deepthroated his cock. Her own saliva ran down the length of his erection only to drop down on her tits, disappearing in the canyon between them.


Too… Too much!’ she thought without even stopping sucking his cock, “YOU’WE CAWKSH IN MUH SHTOMASH!!!!” she then howled out in pleasure as she finally managed to get his cock all the way to his base down her throat.


Instead of saying anything nice however, Kid simply looked down on her with the same menacing eyes as always, “Took you long enough, bitch!” he lifted his scarred right hand and purple electricity began coursing through his fingers. At the same time she felt the studs in her throat starting to spin around at a rapid pace, causing her to gag and cough loudly. “Now, time to make this a bit more interesting!”


OOOOOH GAWD!!!!!” she screamed around his cock before he pushed his hips forward again. His balls slapped wetly against her chin while the studs spun around wildly, bringing her closer towards an orgasm than before as they stirred around the walls of her throat and stomach. “SHO BHIGGGGG!!! SHTOPPPP!!! IT’SH TOO PHUCKING MUSH!!!!!


Her pleas only seemed to make him fuck her harder as he stopped spinning the studs, seemingly having gotten the reaction from her that he wanted. He simply picked up speed as he thrusted his cock even harder and rougher down her throat, “ADMIT IT!! YOU LIKE HAVING YOUR MOUTH FUCKED BY A REAL MAN!!!” he then roared.


UUUGHWE, PHLLLLL, OOOOHWAAAAGH… N- NOOMPH!!!!” she choked and coughed unceremoniously as she tried to push herself away from his cock by pressing against her tits that were pressed against his knees, ‘His dick is too fucking big!‘ the edges of the room started to disappear from her vision as she felt the biggest orgasm of her life cumming. ‘I can’t think straight… I’m at my limit…


CHOKING ON A COCK LIKE A DEPRAVED SLUT?!” Kid asked rhetorically. Sensing that she was about to cum, he stopped down fucking her throat and pulled back. Her lips dragged over his enormous length as inch after inch of it left her mouth again. “Pathetic!”


Feeling herself robbed of the climax that she so greatly anticipated, Hancock only moaned pathetically, “NHOOOOOO…!” her words vibrated around his rock hard cock as she finally could breathe normally again. ‘Not when I was so close!




His cock popped out of her mouth, leaving it wide open as she couldn’t find the strength to close it again. The Pirate Empress gasped desperately for air while Kid continued looking down on her with a wicked smile on his face. Even with his dick now out of her mouth, she still could taste it on her tongue and feel the places where the studs spun against her throat.


“So…” Kid began, stroking his cock with both his real and his artificial hand. “You finally admit that I beat you?”


“Nepha!” she answered without hesitation, ignoring the quiet voice at the back of her mind that begged to differ. She leaned forward on her arms as she continued breathing in the oppressive air of her quarters. If it weren’t for the fact that she could be heard by his or her own crew members, she would have opened the windows already.


Kid simply threw his head back and laughed, “AHAHAHAHA!!! Damn, bitch! I hoped you would say that!” he then walked forward and grabbed her pitch black hair with his metallic arm.


In one simple motion, before she even had the time to say anything, he pulled her to her feet only to then instantly lift her into a Full Nelson. A rush of pure adrenaline coursed through Hancock’s body as she felt his cock press against her soaking wet pussy. “N- NOOO!!! This is meant for Luffy onLYYYYYYYYY!!!!!


Her words turned into a shrill scream that threatened to burst the windows and the large mirror at the wall as he simply ignored her and shoved his dick in deep! His metallic and real hand took hold of her head as he gave her a minute to breath.


“You’re awfully tight for a slut!” he groaned through gritted teeth. “Are you a virgin or is the Straw Hat just that small below the belt?!”


NHOOOO!!!” Hancock answered, a deep blush on her face as she felt her pussy stretched to its limit.


Both his guesses couldn’t be farther from the truth. Neither was she new to sex and neither was her beloved’s penis small! But he also wasn’t the one who took her virginity. That ‘honor’ belonged to a limpdicked monster whose name she had forgotten a long time ago but whose face was burned into her and her sisters’ mind forever!


“Fair enough…” the ginger pirate grunted as he began pumping her up and down. A perfect outline of his cock moved through her stomach as he drove it deeper and deeper. “Just tell me when it’s too much for you. I just might show some mercy if you beg nice enough!”


GOOOOOOOOOODDD!!!!” she howled out ecstatically as the studs rubbed over the puffy pink folds of her pussy, driving her nuts with pure pleasure surging through her. Despite the teasing tone in his voice earlier, she had the feeling that he actually meant what he said. But at this point… “SOO GOOD!! YOUR DICK FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD IN MY PUSSY!!!


Her scream echoed across the room and became even louder as the studs started spinning again. She saw her partner smile in the mirror in front of her. “That’s what I wanted to hear, slut!”


Sweat ran down both their bodies as they kept fucking like this for what felt like hours. The wet SLAP SLAP SLAP of his balls clapping against her creamy cheeks was like a rapid beat that accompanied them the whole time, further enhancing the pleasure they both experienced.


Hancock’s tongue hung out of her open mouth, his dick probing deeper every time he pulled her down on it, ‘He’s so fucking deep!!! How can this feel so good??’ she wondered, her eyes crossed with each slam. “HNNNNNGH, MMMMMMHH, YESSSSS!!!!


YEAH!! Take it deep you whore!” Kid groaned. “I know you love it!”


With just a little flick of his fingers the studs, that to this point spun all in the same direction, became even faster and unpredictable. Every time she thought she had gotten used to their rhythm, they would switch and spin in the other direction or a lot slower or faster. She could even feel the electricity that he used to manipulate the studs coursing through her gushing pussy.


Yes! I love this dick!!!’ Hancock admitted in her mind, “This… this is nothing!” she moaned, not wanting to confess her true feelings openly. “NNNNNGH, HMMMMMM!!!!


The grip of his hands on the back of her head became tighter, “You sure about this?!” he asked her, “I want you to say that again when! You! Take! THIS!!!” the young pirate lifted her off his cock with each word before slamming her down on it with the last!




In an instant her stomach became filled with a gallon of his seed while a rush of her pussy juices gushed out of her pussy and around his cock and balls. The many veins along his length swelled as he kept blasting his load deep into her! Both captains came for several minutes straight before falling back on the Pirate Empress’ bed.


“Haaa… haaa… haaa…!!” Kid panted as he stared at the ceiling above. Wiping sweat from his forehead with his scarred arm, he pushed his partner off of him. His cock plopped out of her pussy which was followed by a nasty gurgling sound as all his cum oozed out of her and onto the checkered sheets. He stood up and looked down on her beautiful and sweaty body, “Finally ready to admit that I beat you?” he asked her once again.


And just like last time, Hancock answered the same after taking several deep breaths, “Never!” it would take a lot more than a good fucking to break her will!


Having already anticipated such an answer, Kid only grinned. “Bitch, I really like you! Join my crew!”


(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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1 year ago
1 year ago
Reply to  popart

Which part specifically?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

“his later attack on the convoy of a Celestial Dragon” for the first

“somehow got distracted with something in a small port town” I think for the second

1 year ago
Reply to  popart

Updated, thanks man. Do you wanna join my discord?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Nah man, unless it’d make it way easier for you. I want to keep this kind of stuff off my main, and making an alt would be too much of a hassle for me right now.

2 years ago

good story, although if we are realistic no one is going to beat luffy in size, since he can make his dick as thick as he wants thanks to his fruit and rubber power

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Alejo20

In this story, Kid has a natural bigger cock than Luffy. As you said however, Luffy can make his cock bigger with his different Gears.

2 years ago

very nice

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  ehurhaea

Glad to see that you like it. I appreciate the support.

2 years ago

nice one

2 years ago


2 years ago

Um, Luffy can literally make can literally make his dick several times bigger than his own body if he wanted to…

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Splorneshk

Yes… But he didn’t.

2 years ago

While I can get why some people aren’t big on the pairing, at the end of the day I see that Luffy and Hancock aren’t really a couple given how Luffy is, so I’m not particularly bothered with whether or not it’s ntr or whatnot.

Still, I appreciate seeing how she went out of her to train for Luffy just to come across someone bigger. The classic “there’s always someone bigger” trope is something that I appreciate.

Seeing how Hancock refused to admit defeat in the face of something out of her league was great. Ending it off with a full nelson and being pumped full of cum was also good. Looking forward to seeing what else you have in mind going forward!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Fei

Hey! Thanks a lot for your comment. Given the fact that Hancock also has Conqueror’s Haki, I always assumed that she wouldn’t be “broken” so easily. I definitely plan to expand more on that in later chapters. Hope that you will stick around!

2 years ago

I wonder what will happen when Luffy finds out what happened to Hancock, maybe fuck her until she breaks using his stretchy powers in order to teach her some Loyalty BUT not for the reasons you think, not because he loves her but because Kidd offered her to join his crew and Luffy has made it clear he might be a nice guy but he is actually selfish and doesn’t like sharing. It’s one of the reasons why he became a pirate besides becoming the pirate king in order to have the most freedom.

Last edited 2 years ago by Whitis
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

The first actually (in my mind) reasonable excuse as to why Luffy should react in any kinda way towards the whole Hancock-Kid-thing.

Still, I think that Luffy is actually quite chill about it since he has no feelings for Hancock whatsoever and probably thinks that she can handle this situation herself. There’s actually quite some stuff planned with this situation, so I hope you stay around to find out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

Warning of a lot of text: well luffy is far superior to kid, in strength, speed, haki, fruit power, fighting style etc. and he has a better crew, if we are being realistic, luffy disappears the kid and his entire crew easily, with just that attack he made to kaido in his final fight (fist of the monkey god) he destroys the kid and his entire ship, that attack destroys and disintegrates an island in seconds, that’s why momonosuke had to move the entire island of onigashima to another side, because otherwise luffy would kill them all with that attack, that’s why I don’t think they’ll fight, because luffy wins. but since this is not that kind of story, then, the most likely thing is that they will have a sex competition of who is better (where luffy also wins because his fruit is more useful for sex since he can stretch, expand and adapt his cock to taste , if you want you can be longer and fatter than kid, and with gear 5 you can do better things since you could make hancock out of rubber just like he did with kaido in their fight but, the difference is that making hancock out of rubber makes him more resistant and flexible and so I could fuck her even in gear 3) I mean, literally there is nothing in which kid beats luffy, that’s why I don’t think they are going to compete, more credible I see that raylight found out what kid did and wow and he killed him for messing with his adoptive daughter and if not he calls luffy and well luffy still wants hancock (as a friend) so if this were canon, kid would already be dead or at least in a clinic like rob lucci after enies loby when he made luffy angry.

2 years ago

Fue un buen capitul.. no me molesta muycho con quien se quede Hancock….. pero seria interesante ver a Luffy interesado en el sexo y despertar su lado lujurioso… no se si cuente pero una pareja q me gusta el el luffy y nami….

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Evildark

Glad to hear that you like it despite the rather unusual pairing. As for Luffy, he’s rather indifferent towards the whole sex thing, so I doubt that he’ll do anything wild or over the top for the time being.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
2 years ago

While not a particular fan of the Kid pairing, loved seeing Hancock back and getting fucked so much.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Yeah, it’s probably a weird pairing but after writing this one chapter in the old One Piece story with the two of them I thought that there more can be done with them.

2 years ago

This chapter ROCKED!

I really wanna see more of Kid in the future chapters!

Preferably with someone like Vivi or Reiju, or Domino!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Hahaha. Happy to see that you liked it. I definitely plan to make more use of Kid (could be pretty hard though when there are more artworks that have Hancock with a dude with black pubic hair or whatnot).

Vivi and Reiju are kinda reserved for other guys but I wouldn’t mind testing out some stuff. Domino is probably a bit impossible though, due to her not being a girl that Rtenzo seems willing to draw.

2 years ago

Hancock and Kid work is bad Hancock must be with Luffy.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mihail

To bad then. I plan to have Hancock be prominently around with Kid in this series.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I would love that also please do more. Luffy x nami stuff love that and I get that kid might naturally be bigger but luffy is really competitive so if he saw anything bigger than his he would probably make it bigger and he can do it normally don’t have to be gears anyway love the chapter please more one piece in my favourite

2 years ago

I cannot be convinced that Chad Kidd is bigger then Giga Chad Luffy

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Kid’s dick is bigger than Luffy’s (at least when we’re talking about natural size). I mean, Luffy is 1,74m tall while Kid is 2,05m. Makes only sense to me that Kid would be a bit bigger in other areas as well.

But fear not, Luffy can always expand his cock with his Gears. And given how okay Rtenzo recently seems to be with cumthrough/cumflation kinda stuff, I plan to put it to good use with the newest form in Luffy’s arsenal.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

No, luffy is bigger both naturally and with fruit, this is because it’s a fic and since it’s hentai they put kid bigger but it’s not, besides kid doesn’t have a strong haki so he must have lost against hancock because of his fruit even kurohige himself He admitted that Hancock could beat him with his fruit and that’s why he attacks her only when she’s distracted, but let’s be honest this is a fic kid, he has an advantage, in the canon he would never have been able to do this, Hancock defeats him and if she doesn’t defeat him, rayligth who is protecting her too vebcey luffy also willing to help her, kid has no chance

2 years ago

One piece restarted and we got a new chapter of this One Piece, that nice. Just a question for Rtenzo and the author: Would you do anything with Ulti? Honestly, I don’t really like her, but Oda reveal that Ulti got a really long tongue, so I’m guessing that she could give some serious sexy blowjob.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mirag

I’m not sure if Rtenzo knows about the whole Ulti-tongue-thing, given that it was only revealed in form of an old concept art. I for one would love to work more with it, given that we haven’t seen her “true” ancient dinosaur powers yet. I think there is some nice stuff to be done with that.

2 years ago

To see fair they both seem pretty comparable (maybe Kid has a big more girth) but we all know Luffy with Gear 4 could easily be the biggest in the entire story, maybe even on this entire site too.

I definitely wouldn’t call this “ntr” Luffy not the type to get jealous or envious or anything like that, plus I like seeing super confident characters like Hancock being put into their place. I said this before but it’s nice to get something not considered “vanilla” content every once in a while I think it helps brings variety to these stories imo.

Last edited 2 years ago by souljamantwn
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Glad to see that you like it. I started to like a potential dynamic between Kid and Hancock more after I wrote that first chapter in the previous One Piece story. And sex between Kid and Hancock will definitely not be vanilla, I can promise that much!

2 years ago

Damn, those blowjob scenes were hot, kinda disappointed that Kidd should have let cum in her mouth first, it was amazing, nice art of the blowjob as well

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Ted

Just goes to show how strong Kid’s Haki is. The dude just doesn’t blast his cum willy-nilly.

2 years ago

Imagine a running gag of Hancock running across different supernovas and ends up fucking them each with their own style of fucking. Like law having a more slender longer dick that he uses with surgical precision, uroge getting nearly impossibly thick after some masochistic action done to him, Capone having a small stubby dick but can use his fruit to have the more depraved members of his family join in in various ways to multiply the pleasure, x drake just having a dinosaurs dick, etc.

Also is their a reason why one piece stories have took so long compared to others? Just curious.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielian
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

Interesting idea. Unfortunately, no. I mean, sure, Hancock might end up fucking with one of them or so when the artwork allows it but she’s not actively search for them.

As for why there are so rather long gaps… I have no idea. I assume it has to do because of a lack of artwork requests or something. Because I’m more than willing to write much more One Piece.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

The running gag is not that she’s looking for them, more-so she just ends up bumping into or running across them.

And if she is looking for more experience for luffy and sees the other supernovas to be on par with luffy in terms of status she may see this as training more or less.

2 years ago

NTR? mmm i’m starting to think you guys only do NTR plotlines at this point haha

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

NTR? Since when are Hancock and Luffy a (married) couple? The only people who think that they should be a couple are certain fans and Hancock herself, so I don’t really think that this here qualifies as NTR.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

oh that’s right, I misunderstood! sometimes i forget about that, given how boa is crazy for Luffy! XD sorry my B!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

No problem. I can see why some people think of it as NTR despite them not being a couple or anything.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago

I thought that luffy Dick would be bigger or is he holding back his true size of his dick? And when will luffy use his gears on Hancock or nami or Robin or Yamato? I may not be into ntr but I hope you get the chance that Hancock be addicted to luffy dick when he shows her what he can really do and is Hancock still in love with luffy? Because I get the feeling she will be addicted to kid or am I wrong?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

1. That’s both (Kid and Luffy) in their natural, fully erect size. Luffy can alter the size and girth of his dick with his different Gears.
2. Dunno. The next story will be about two complete different characters and I don’t have an artwork with Luffy and/or any of those girls yet.
3. It’s planned that Hancock will stay with Kid.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Okay and when will you know when Sakura fucks a big dick? And is Hancock going to be addicted to kid dick or will she addicted to kid for some time and then when she sees that luffy can alter the size of his dick will Hancock be addicted to luffy? What’s the next story about and who is in it? Why is it planned that Hancock stays with kid? Did Hancock agreed to join his crew? Sorry for the questions because I am really curious about the story of one piece and about Naruto and I really want to know more about Sakura

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

1. Dunno. The next two Naruto stories focus on other girls.
2. I wouldn’t say that Hancock will get addicted to anyone (well, she’s already mad in love with Luffy, don’t know how much more addicted she could get) but I really want a pairing that could have some potentially rough sex and Kid and Hancock seem like a fitting pair for that.
3. I’ll tell you that much: one of the characters in the next story had green hair.
4. Guess you’ll have to wait and see…

You can ask however many questions you want. If it’s not the same question over and over again or if it’s something that’s gonna be revealed later, I don’t mind answering them all.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

But do you know when Sakura is going to fuck a big dick and those 2 naruto series is it Hanabi going to be next or tenten or Hinata? I really want to know when Sakura going to show up

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

I don’t know. The only series I (really) plan ahead is One Piece. The plot for most other stories happens once I get the artwork. I can’t give you a satisfying answer, sorry. If I get three Hinata artworks in a row, then it’s obviously kinda hard to make the story about Sakura and vice versa.

As for what girls are next, both were already mentioned in previous chapters and one of them is one of my favorites.

2 years ago

Not really a big fan of “NTR” (I guess it’s not technically but you get me) but if I was I think this is a great chapter, good to see Ulti too, hope we get to see her get some action soon.

One thing I didn’t like is the mention of Luffy showering once per week, I know Oda said that him and Zoro do that but I’d prefer if it wasn’t mentioned in the stories, it reminds me of your story with Erza and an ugly bastard that smelled really bad.

Overall keep it up, I hope the serie can become consistent because the wait between each chapter is deadly :L

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Anono

Happy to hear that you liked it despite some hiccups here and there. I never counted Hancock and Luffy as a couple, so I never saw her having sex with someone else as NTR. I know, for most people this is probably different but for me Hancock and Kid work just fine.

And yeah, I want to stay as close to what Oda mentioned in SBS and the such, which is why the part with Luffy only shorting once is in here.

I already have the pic for the next story and really, REALLY hope that I can write it more consistently in the future if that’s possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anono

I feel as though luffy wouldn’t care unless kid really mistreats her which would likely not happen with killer around and even kid here appears very cordial. Heck they may get into a threesome just for the heck of it as a completion that luffy may not care less about while kid would take it seriously (unless competing with kid would drive luffy to take it more seriously)

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

THANK YOU XD. My thoughts exactly. Kid might be your basic, metal-punk themed pirate but he does respect Hancock. His sex style is loosely based on how SailorIo writes Bakugo.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

If anything kid is someone who respects only the strong. If he were to encounter someone truly weak or weak willed he will treat that one more roughly. Likely not an abusive sort of way if killer has a say, more so like a dominant or master/servant “role play” dynamic kind of like how Margaret was treated at the end of the fight.

Let’s not forget that at shebondy he had no qualms buying a slave that caught his eye.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielian
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

Definitely. Hancock I would say could absolutely be considered as strong in his opinion though. Sure, she’s no Big Mom or Kaidou or anything but that doesn’t mean she’s weak.

And I definitely plan to expand more on his crule and ruthless nature in future chapters if they allow it.