Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Gifted to Go Wild (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXXVI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXVIII): [LINK]

Sitting in his hotel, Sasuke Uchiha rested his head on the table situated across from the large bed, a half eaten meal long since gone cold sat on its tray. Next to that, a three quarters empty bottle of some clear drink called vodka stood next to an empty glass. At first, he thought it was like sake, only this went down so much smoother. It was practically like drinking water, until it hit like a freight train a few minutes later.


Probably what happened to Tsunade,’ he thought, ‘One sip of that and she’d be plastered for days…


Sasuke replaced the cap on the bottle before dumping the melting ice in his glass into the bathroom sink. He then took his tray of uneaten food and set it outside the room for the maid service to collect. On his way back into the suite he noticed something odd. The TV was on, which was strange as he hadn’t turned it on in several days, not since seeing A fucking his wife on a live broadcast. Was hard to unsee something like that.


Sasuke looked around for the remote to turn it off as there was only a staticy display on the screen. He was in no mood to channel surf given there was nothing to watch here but porn. He found the remote by the coffee table in front of the TV and picked it up.


“Put that down!” yelled his wife’s voice.


Sasuke dropped the remote with a startled jolt and looked around, “Sakura?” he asked.


“On the TV dahhling.” Sakura’s voice purred, drawing out the word darling in a way that she had whenever they were alone together before Sarada was born.


Sasuke looked up at the TV and felt his jaw drop at the sight that greeted him. “Hiii…” Sakura said with a little wave as she stood next to Hinata on the screen. That alone wasn’t all that surprising, but what REALLY dropped his jaw was what the two buxom women were wearing, or rather, not!


Both Sakura and Hinata were completely nude save for some red and green ribbon that was intricately tied around their otherwise naked bodies. Only a little was left to the imagination as Hinata shifted, looking slightly uncomfortable. Sasuke couldn’t blame her, the way that ribbon was digging into her pussy could NOT have been comfortable!


“Sakura, how, what…?” Sasuke said as he stared at the screen.


“Does it really matter?” she replied as she moved over to Hinata, “Did you know, they have a custom here for this little festival of theirs?” she asked, “You give a gift to the ones you love in celebration. I liked the thought of that, so here’s my gift to you, a little apology for my behavior as of late.” explained Sakura as she moved to stand behind Hinata, pulling the dark haired woman back against her and reaching her arms around her slender waist and reaching up between her huge breasts to grab at the bow holding the ribbon on her body tied.


“Haaa…. Happy Festival… Sasuke-san…” Hinata panted hotly as Sakura tugged at the ribbon, untying the bow and causing the entire ‘outfit’ to come undone. Hinata’s huge tits spilled out of their minimal confines as she let out a low moan. Sasuke could then see just what had Naruto’s wife so flustered, the ribbon had been holding in a thick dildo that he could now see buzzing away inside her pussy! Sakura grabbed one fat tit, hefting it with her hand as she pinched the nipple with her fingers. She then moved her opposite hand down between Hinata’s quivering legs to tug at the dildo inside her, pulling the dark purple item out slowly.


AHHHAAAA…!! D… Don’t jostle it…” Hinata whimpered, “I… I can’t take much mooore…”


Sakura giggled, “Much more of what?” she asked as she moved her face in close and began nibbling on her ear, “THIS!?” she said as she shoved the dildo back inside Hinata, making her pussy gush like a broken water pipe.


I’M CUMMING!!!!!” Hinata moaned as she slackened in Sakura’s arms a bit. The pink haired woman held her up easily though as she began moving the dildo in and out of Hinata’s leaky pussy. Sasuke could hear the device humming away every time Sakura pulled it out of Hinata, then jammed it back inside her. “SAKUUURAAAAAHHH!!!” Hinata moaned, “SO GOOD!!! AHHH… I’M CUMMING AGAAAAIN!!!!” Hinata howled while Sakura laughed and continued playing with her fat tits.


“This is a special dildo I found,” she explained as she looked at Sasuke through the TV, “It uses harmonic vibrations to drive the user crazy. Hinata here has been going nuts ever since I put it in her hot little cunt!”


NHOOO… SAKURAAAA… NOT SO HARD!!! I… I CAN’T… CUMMMMINGGGGG!!!” Hinata moaned, “AHHHHH, IT FEELS SO GOOD, I’M GOING INSANE!!!” Hinata squealed, panting heavily not as she openly began drooling down one side of her chin.


“Mmmmmmh, you just love it though.” Sakura teased, “I bet Sasuke is rock hard right now.”


She wasn’t wrong. Sasuke could feel his dick straining against his pants as he sat down to watch the show. They had discussed something like this a few times, but Sakura never could work up the courage to ask one of their female friends. It looked like that was no longer an issue. He watched as Sakura pulled away from Hinata just long enough to untie herself as well, exposing her naked flesh for him to see. Sasuke felt a smile creep across his lips. Even after all this time, the sight of his wife’s body still excited him. Her wide sexy hips, and the way her ass jiggled in just the right way when she moved.


“You like this Dahling?” Sakura asked, “You wanna jerk off that cock of yours while watching us ladies get all nasty together?” She then pulled Hinata back onto the bed behind them, the camera following them as she hooked Hinata’s long legs over her shoulders and looked down at her pussy.


“Mmmmmh, such a pretty shade of pink…” she cooed, “Makes me wanna do THIS!!” Sakura said as she covered Hinata’s pussy with her mouth, making the other woman buck beneath her as she cried out in orgasm. She grabbed the base of the dildo with her teeth, moving her head back and forth to push the thing in and out of Hinata’s hot cunt with a wet sound. Clear juices washed over Sakura’s face as Hinata continued doing her broken water pipe impression.


AHHH, AHHHH, AHHHHH!!!” Hinata panted, “SO GOOD, MORE, AH, MAKE ME CUM MORE SAKURA!!!!” Hinata screamed as her hands clawed at the bedsheets, “OH FUUUUCK!!! TOO MUCH!!! I’M CUMMING SO MUUUCH!!!” she screamed again as her head shook from side to side, “I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING!!! AHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Hinata screamed as Sakura pulled her head up, tugging the dildo out of Hinata with her teeth. It slipped out with a soft wet noise and Hinata screamed again, her pussy spraying like a fountain as it gushed into the air. The hot juices rained down over both naked women.


The dark haired woman went slack again, like a puppet with its strings cut. She gasped for breath as Sakura took the dildo out of her mouth and held it in one hand. It was about as big as Sasuke’s own dick which he was now stroking as Sakura pressed her thumb against the flat end. With an odd sliding noise like a long balloon being rapidly filled, the dildo turned into a double ended dildo!


“Oh, I’m not done with you yet.” Sakura told her as the double dong began squirming in her hands like some mutated worm.


“Ahhhn, not again…!” Hinata whimpered.


Sakura only snickered as she stood up on the bed and pushed one end into her pussy, moaning loudly as her pussy began gushing instantly, juices running down her thighs like a leaky bucket. Her big peridot colored eyes went wide with surprise as her pussy began spraying in the same way Hinata’s had.


WHAT THE FUUUCK!?” Sakura screamed, cumming instantly as she had to suddenly struggle to keep a hold of the double dong as she fell to her knees. “AHHHH IT’S SO GOOD!!! TOO GOOD!!! I… I CAN’T HOLD IT BAAAACK! CUMMING!! I’M ALREADY CUMMING SO HAAAAARD AND I CAN’T MAKE IT STOOOOP!!! I CAN’T STOP CUMMING!!!!!


“I told you…” Hinata panted, “NO WAIT!!!” she then panicked as Sakura scissored their legs together and pushed the other half back into her! “NHOOOOOOOH!!!!” Hinata moaned, her pussy and Sakura’s gushing against one anothers, bathing one another in each other’s juices.




I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING!!!” Hinata moaned with her, both women’s pussies grinding against the others as they bucked their hips. Hinata’s tongue hung out of her mouth as she moaned, her opal colored eyes crossed and rolling back in their sockets. Sakura’s face was just as crazed as she writhed on the bed, screaming with an obscene pleasure as both women begged for it to stop!


You’re the ones holding it in you,’ Sasuke thought wryly as he watched their breasts jiggle and wobble like pudding molds as they bucked and grinded against one another. Beads of sweat rolled over their naked bodies as they both howled like animals. His wife’s head shook from side to side as she too gripped at the sheet and let out a long scream of maddening ecstasy.


Even with everything he’d been through in recent days, the sight of Sakura’s face in such an expression still aroused him to no end as he grunted in pleasure! His cock throbbed in his hand as he came, his cum splattering all over the TV screen!


CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, I’M CUMMMINNGGGG!!!” both women screamed together as they finally pulled away from each other enough that the dildo went shooting out of both of them! Sasuke heard it landing somewhere off the screen as both of them lay in a heap of tangled legs and sweaty bodies.


“Ha… Happy Festival, Sasuke…” Hinata gasped as Sakura managed to get herself up again.


“Come to room 505 when you’re ready, Hinata has another present for you.” Sakura said, “This time I’ll watch!” she told him with a wink before the screen went back to a static snow.



In room 505 of the hotel where she was staying with Sasuke, Sakura got up almost as if nothing had happened. The only signs of her earlier display being her sweaty body and the way she still shook lightly. Fuck she was glad to have that thing out of her! It felt great yeah, but cumming so much so fast was nearly too much even for her. More than once she’d come close to forgetting what she had planned and just losing herself in the pleasure.


“What the fuck is that thing?” asked A as he set the camera down on the table. He’d been the one holding the device this entire time. Sakura didn’t know if it was discipline, or he just wasn’t into girl-on-girl action, but his dick didn’t seem the least bit excited as his pants were completely slack.


“Aside from the obvious?” Sakura asked as she got off the bed and stood on still shaky legs. She walked over to the box the dildo had come inside and read the side. “Uses a Compressed Gravity Jutsu to create a time dilation field, hours of stimulation in seconds.” she read aloud, then looked at the box and saw the logo for the Konoha Company that made Ninja Tech. “Okay, that explains a lot.”


“That thing should be illegal…” Hinata panted, still unable to move on the bed.


“Yeah, I’ll write a letter.” Sakura said dismissively as she tossed the box in the trash and moved to grab her sandals from under the couch in the room, “You’re still good to take care of Sasuke right?” she asked as A set the camera up on a tripod.


Hinata gave a weak thumbs up, “You remember the deal right, stay away from Naruto without my permission.” she said, “I already had to teach that blonde bimbo a lesson earlier. And now I have to deal with the fallout from that.”


“Yeah, yeah,” Sakura lied, as if she’d turn down a cock THAT big. “This ought to buy me a little more goodwill with Sasuke for a while so that I can enjoy myself some more.”


“Hmm, you know, this thing might make for a good interrogation tool.” A mused as he picked the dildo up off the floor. It folded itself back into its original shape in his grip as Sakura moved to link arms with him.


“Bring it, I’ll let you shove it up my ass next.” she purred happily as the two got ready to leave. Sakura could see Hinata shaking her head slowly at something. Whatever, she didn’t care anymore!


“As for Samui, I don’t know what that Hokage punk did to her… But she begged me on her hands and knees and had her head pressed into the floor so hard it left a dent to let her transfer to Konoha for the exchange program. I’ve never seen her act that way before.” said A.


“My husband did what you couldn’t.” Hinata said with a smug expression, “Made her into his sex slave. This turns out to be good timing though, my son is gonna need a proper training dummy for his own Sexcraft Training.”


Sakura felt A stiffen in her grip, and not in the good way! He let out a low growling sound before barking back at Hinata, “JUST YOU WAIT YOU KONOHA WHORE! I WON’T LOSE AGAIN!! NEXT TIME I’LL BREAK YOU SO BAD YOU’LL MAKE THIS WHORE LOOK LIKE A NUN IN FRONT OF THAT HUSBAND OF YOURS!!!” he shouted before pulling Sakura against him. She didn’t mind it so much, being called a whore. After all, it was true.


Hinata licked her lips, “I await your next challenge, though I’d hurry up, I do have my own things to do here.”


HURRRGH!” growled A as the two of them finally left.


“What was that all about?” Sakura asked.


“Nothing you need to worry about. Come on, I need my own training dummy!” A told her, pulling Sakura along with him, making her giggle excitedly. He was mad! Meaning he’d be even rougher than normal.


She couldn’t wait!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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8 months ago

Are we gonna see Hinata get plowed by A in the next chapter?

8 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

Nope, though Hinata is in it.

8 months ago

Hoping next chapter isn’t the chapter I’m afraid it is. Or hoping it isn’t the two I’m expecting Sailor lol

8 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

Next chapter is already to go.

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io


8 months ago

Love that it was a fake for Sakura and Raikage to get it on lol Sascuke

8 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

Glad you enjoyed it.

8 months ago

I hope Konan when she is introduced becomes like Samui. Kind of like how she was gonna before the purge happened.

8 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

I’ll see what I can do, I plan to completely redo her chapter later.

8 months ago

Sasuke after going through all 5 steps of grief could maybe finally be coming towards acceptance! As fun (and sorta sanctifying) as it is to see he get ntr’d I wouldnt mind if he got atlease one W maybe if the Kushina plotline makes a return. Either that or bro better learn how to use Choji’s expansion jutsu

8 months ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

All of the original Ranko story will return

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Awesome can’t wait despite and honestly I don’t mind Hinata being with other dudes besides the raikage he is simply not one of my favorite characters in the show

8 months ago
Reply to  Fluffy.1898

I understand that.

8 months ago

You know what could really twist a knife in sasuke. If itachi became one of the souls brought back for this festival and got sakura’s attention.

8 months ago
Reply to  Kielian


8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

nah thats crazy

8 months ago

Loved the chapter looking forward to the next Ay and Hinata chapter got me curious on it now I know no spoilers still curious though just like I’m curious on if Kushina will make a appearance and look for Naruto

8 months ago
Reply to  Narufan

Stay tuned!!!

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

That’s the plan the Hinata chapters are honestly my favorite looking forward to what you’ll do with Kushina though that is if she gets revived

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Oh God hoping it isn’t what I think is coming lol

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
8 months ago

I can’t wait to see next part of Hinata and raikage and great chapter

8 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Thanks, I’ll get to it in due time.