Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Flare’s Flowery Fantasy

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part VII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part IX): [LINK]

Flare Corona woke to the smell of bacon cooking along with the familiar and welcoming smell of hot coffee. Sitting up in the bed of the inn where she’d been staying, she stretched and slowly got up. Her long auburn hair hung in messy clumps all the way down to her waist. Her eyes narrowed the second they made contact with the mirror. In the blink of an eye, her hair both righted itself then wrapped into a pair of braided twintails that came down either side of her head. Her magic was rather convenient for that, though her hair did require a lot of care regularly. If only she had Lucy’s Cancer friend on call, that would make things much easier!


“Hmmmm…!” she moaned, remembering the feel of the Celestial Spirits hands working her scalp during that one battle. Her hair had been so malleable and loose for weeks after that!


“Hmm, I wonder how blondie is doing.” Flare muttered out loud as she went over to the dresser where she’d stored her clothes for this long term quest. She was in a small town called Busteez, which was located on the shores of Fiore that connected to the Fishy Fish Sea. Before taking the job, Flare had never even heard of the place. She even had difficulty finding it on a map of the kingdom. Apparently, the town was almost entirely self-sufficient, doing very little trade with other towns and villages in Fiore. The town they traded with most was a small one located in the mountains to the north, past a huge forest that had taken her a week to navigate through. Some of the villagers in Busteez didn’t even know about a lot of recent events in the world, the ugliness with Face, or the invasion from Alvarez, not to mention a ton of other things.


In fact, putting up a quest for guild assistance was the first major interaction with the world outside their village in nearly three hundred years! Flare found that difficult to believe, but sure enough, when she spoke to some of the townspeople, some didn’t even know the Dragons had gone extinct! In her time here, she’d heard several stories about Atlas, the dragon who’d been the guardian deity of her hometown of the giants for many centuries. People spoke of a great beast of living fire that had once burned down the forest that kept the town so isolated. In that time, the village grew, having had more contact with the towns and villages outside. But the forest rapidly grew back, cutting them off again.



Some were hoping the dragon would come back and burn the forest back down, but it never had. Flare didn’t have the heart to tell them that Atlas had died, instead, she just listened to the tales people told. Memorizing them as best she could so she could tell her family the giants when she returned home.


Flare went to the bathroom connected to her room at the inn and washed her face before getting dressed. The job she’d been hired for was to deal with some bandits that had begun raiding the town on a semi-regular basis, coming in twice a year to steal crops and other valuables. The isolation of the village made it a perfect target for extortion since the Kingdom might not even know the place existed!


Dealing with the bandits themselves was a trifle matter. There wasn’t a single magic user among the entire lot. Just a bunch of thugs with clubs and knives. Flare didn’t even need to burn any of them, she had just used her hair to bind the first wave of men. She did have to break a few legs, but she didn’t do anything permanently damaging before they men ran away in terror. Flare then followed the group back to their hideout and chased them off from there. Most of them fled blindly into the forest, and unless they had decent survival skills, they’d meet their fates in due time.


After she’d taken care of them, the village offered her more to stay another few weeks to make certain they wouldn’t return. Flare had made a few trips to the hideout since, but it showed no signs of their returning. She’d burned the shacks to the ground just to be certain, and one of the villagers had guided her through the forest on daily searches for any stragglers. They’d found a few of the bandits then, or rather, what was left after the wolves that lived there were finished with them.


Today would be her last day here, tomorrow, Flare would begin the long trek back through the forest to the roads that bordered the mountains. Getting back thankfully shouldn’t take as long as getting here did. The villagers showed her a well hidden, but also well traveled path that wound through the forest a little, but will get her out in three days rather than a week.


Once she was dressed in a sexy red bikini, Flare decided to spend her last day here enjoying the beaches. The Village was able to be almost self-sustaining thanks to abundant fish in the sea, and a massive amount of wild growing fruits and vegetables in the forest itself. So long as one knew where to look. Taking a beach towel and some sunscreen with her, Flare went to the main area of the inn. The communal area was where the few travelers who stayed here could get a meal and speak with the locals as the owner also served them as well.


She waved to the innkeeper on her way out, but stopped just short of the door, “Hmmn, what are those?” she asked when she saw a bouquet of indigo colored flowers sitting at the bar. She’d never seen anything quite like them. The petals were a vibrant indigo blue that bordered on purple, and the way they were arranged… Flare smirked, they looked like a woman’s pussy, complete with the stigma looking like a big clitorus.


The innkeeper, an elderly woman named Baba, who barely came up to Flare’s knees, sat behind the bar. For her age and size, she was surprisingly swift on her feet, and one HELL of a cook. Baba glanced at the vase and said, “Oh these, they’re some new kind of flower that started cropping up in the forest a few nights ago.” she explained, “Never seen their like before, but I liked the color and decided to bring some home.”


Flare walked over to the bar and leaned down to inhale their scent. It wasn’t like any flower she’d smelled before, not that she had much experience to go on. The scent was moist, heady, and sweet all at the same time. Flare felt a little rush of dizziness hit her as she took a second, then third whiff of them.


“Hmm, well, these are nice,” she told the old lady, “I’ll be down at the beach if anyone needs me.”


“Have fun, and thank you again for all of your help!” Baba told her.


Flare nodded and left the inn for the beach a few dozen meters away. Honestly it surprised her how unknown this village was, with a beach like this, she would have thought it’d be famous. The waters were almost crystal clear, she could even see fish swimming out in the distance. The sand was really finely ground, almost like the stuff they used in hourglasses. There were a few seashells scattered about the area. She even spotted a completely intact conch shell she thought of taking back with her as she set up a spot to begin sunning herself.


Laying out a large towel to rest on, Flare quickly applied some sunscreen to keep herself from burning. She spent a little longer than she meant to on her tits, finding her nipples oddly sensitive.


The auburn haired woman adjusted the top half of her bikini as she knelt on her towel. Odd, she didn’t remember tying it so tight, but it was definitely digging into the flesh of her tits a bit. ‘Heh, like if blondie tried wearing this.’ Flare thought, picturing Lucy trying to wear something like this and not fitting her big juicy tits inside. They’d pop out and be jiggling about for all to see! Flare would have loved to see that, she’d grab onto them and suck on her nipples until they were nice and stiff before rubbing them against her own tits…


WAH!” Flare yelped, slapping her cheeks with both hands. Where did THAT image come from!? Flare wasn’t really into girls, she liked big strong guys who were just a little on the stupid side. Like that Natsu guy Lucy hung around with. Wow he was dumb, she bet he had a big fat dick where all of his brain power went, something that’d stretch her pussy out so side it’d never go back to normal and she’d be a slave to it forever. Just thinking about it was making her wet as she felt her bikini bottoms digging into the folds of her pussy.


Flare idly moved a hand down between her thighs, rubbing her fingers over her crotch. It felt sooo good, she was already moaning and licking her lips as she idly pulled the crotch aside and began fingering herself.


“Huh, nnnngh, what… What am I…?” Flare muttered as she suddenly realized what she was doing, but she couldn’t stop! Flare fell back on her towel, letting out an erotic moan as her bikini top snapped off, her breasts suddenly much too big for it!


“Huh, whaaat… What’s happeninnnnggh…” Flare moaned as she impulsively ripped off her bikini bottoms as well when they became painfully tight. Naked now on the beach, Flare couldn’t stop the flood of erotic images and scenario’s that bombarded her brain as she grabbed her tits which had suddenly swelled even bigger than her head, and were STILL growing!


“Nmmmmmh, so bhiiiig…!” she moaned, “And sensitiiive…” moaned Flare as she began pinching and tugging on her pink nipples, which only seemed to make her tits grow even bigger and heavier as she felt her entire body tingle. She wanted to be touched and fondled by someone all over so badly right now! She didn’t even care who it would be as she struggled to get up and suddenly fell forwards due to the weight of her tits, which were now bigger than her entire body had been.


The rational part of her mind was trying to figure out what was going on, what was happening as she suddenly found herself on her knees. She was barely able to move now thanks to a monstrously huge pair of tits with an ass to match!


“Here, let us help with those,” said a friendly voice.


Flare looked up and smiled as she saw her friend Lucy standing over her. She was likewise naked, her entire sexy body out for all to see. With her big creamy looking tits, each capped with a perfectly pink nipple that screamed to be suckled. Her pussy was entirely devoid of hair and already dripping wet, the heady smelling juices running down her thighs as she stepped closer to Flare.


“Lu~cy…?” Flare managed to say. She wanted to ask where she’d come from, how she’d even got her, but Lucy didn’t bother waiting as she shoved her tit in Flare’s face. The auburn haired girl instantly wrapped her lips around one delicious pink nipple, it was already firm and felt almost like a rock against her tongue as she licked it.


“Mmmmmmh, yeah, that feels so good Flare! Ahhh, suck it harder!!!” Lucy begged her.


“Nmmmmmmh…!” Flare moaned around the blonde’s nipple, loving the feel and taste of it in her mouth while Lucy knelt next to her, her hand reaching down to grip and tug one giant nipple. Her touch sent a powerful thrill through Flare as she began suckling harder, trying to pull more of Lucy’s fat tit into her mouth.




NMMMHMMMMH!!!” moaned Flare, trying to fit one huge tit into her mouth. She couldn’t of course, but that didn’t stop her from trying.


“Hey Lucy, can I play with your friend too?” asked a new voice. Flare turned to see that Natsu guy, he was standing a few feet away, as naked as Lucy and with a dick that would make giants jealous! It was as big as her entire body, well, before her tits had ballooned out like this. Just looking at it made Flare cum! Her pussy let out a forceful squirt as she lifted her ass up high in the air.


NMMMMH, HMMMNMMMMMH!!!” she moaned around Lucy’s nipple in her mouth. She was trying to tell him to hurry, to shove that big fat dick into her hungry pussy!!! But she couldn’t bring herself to stop sucking on Lucy’s tit, it was as if it was the only thing keeping her alive!


“I think that means, “Yeah, go ahead big boy!”” Lucy translated for Flare.


Flare would never use “big boy”, but then, he was such a big boy… If she weren’t already on her knees, she would have been as her legs suddenly felt like jelly. She felt more than seeing Natsu moving in behind her, rubbing the bottom side of that giant dick against her fat ass.


“Hmmm, nice butt!” Natsu said, spanking her hard, a tiny burst of fire gently scalding her rump.


HMMMMMMMMNH!!!!” Flare moaned, cumming again.


“Don’t tease Natsu, can’t you see how horny she is?” Lucy scolded her boyfriend, “Hurry up and fuck her, give her a fire dragon flaming dick!”


It was like Lucy was reading the perverse thoughts right out of her brain as an aura of flames surrounded Natsu’s massive man meat before he ramrodded it into her cunt! The flaming dick tore painlessly through her virgin pussy, making her cum instantly as Natsu roared loudly. Flare could feel her belly stretching out from the absurd size as she began cumming again and again. She suckled Lucy’s tit as hard as she could as Natsu began piston fucking her instantly. She could feel the heat coming off his cock, but it didn’t hurt at all.


“Yeah, yeah, yeeeaaaahh, nice and tiiiight!!” Natsu said as he pounded his cock in and out of Flare from behind. He slapped her giant ass several times, making the huge jiggly rump wobble and ripple. “You’d made a great cock warmer!!!” he told Flare.


HMMMMNMMMMMPH!!!” Flare moaned, just picuturing being the pink haired youth’s personal cocksleeve. A place for him to slide his giant dick into to keep it nice and warm at night. Flare’s vision blurred as her eyes rolled back in her head, cumming at the mental image.


“No way Natsu, she’s MY toy!” said Lucy, pulling her tit away, long ropes of saliva stretching away from Flare’s lips as she whined plaintively. She needed to suck on that! She’d die without it! It was the only thought that was clear in her hazy mind. Lucy then grabbed her braids and used them like handlebars to yank her head between her legs, pushing Flare’s face into her hot crotch!


Flare needed no instruction as she opened her mouth wide and began licking and sucking the blonde’s cunt. Sweet, hot, and delicious juices washed over her tongue. Their flavor made Flare cum all over again as Natsu continued pounding into her from behind. Lucy’s pussy was a thousand times better than her tit, such a depth of flavor and feel as she slipped her tongue between the wet folds. She quickly found her stiff little clit and began sucking it next, making Lucy moan even louder.


HMMMMMMH!!! YEAH, EAT MY PUSSY YOU FLAME HAIRED LITTLE SLUT!!!” Lucy berated her. Flare was more than happy to do just that as she rocked her ass back against Natsu’s thrusts, trying to get even more of that big hard dragon dick into her! She wanted him to burn the shape of his dick into her pussy so it would never cum for any other dick. Ahh, she was becoming their property, a fuck toy for them to use on a whim. She’d never wear clothes again and live as their pet. The image of her wandering around their guild hall naked but for a collar was making her cum and cum and cum!!! Flare screamed in utter bliss as Natsu and Lucy both claimed her as their slave and Flare happily submitted! She began cumming even harder as Natsu suddenly used his powers to brand the Fairy Tail emblem onto her lower back, marking her as property!


NMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMH!!!” Flare screamed in ecstasy into Lucy’s pussy as the blonde moaned in pleasure with her.


“Flare!!! Miss Flare, are you alright!?!? Please, say something!” said a distant voice. Flare didn’t want to hear it, she was so happy right now, she just wanted to be used and fucked like this forever…


“Guys, I think she’s coming around, help me get her in the house!” called that voice. Who was it, and why were they ruining her fun? She was fucking and sucking, that’s what she wanted most!


Wait, was it?


Flare’s head began to hurt, like someone was hammering a white hot spike into her brain. “It’s okay Miss Flare, you’re gonna be okay!” shouted the voice, and when Flare opened her reddish brown eyes, she saw the village chief standing over her. It was the same man that greeted her when she arrived and told her about her quest.


“Lucy, Natsuuu…” she whimpered weakly, her pussy still twinging with the memory of being stretched so wide by a burning dick.


“She’s still out of it, let’s get her into a bed, and call the doctor, hurry!” said the chief.


Flare felt herself being laid back in a big soft bed as her mind slowly faded to black where her master and mistress were waiting to use her more…


(Story by User: SailorIo)

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Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
2 years ago

Damn! Just a dream! After getting heat play and a forceful squirting orgasm just from seeing the oncoming fuck.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Yeah, the image didn’t allow for an easy link to the other characters, so I did a dream for now.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Very nice addition to the story. I liked how the sex this time around was only in Flare’s mind and not like the other times when a real guy was around, showing just how crazy the effects of those flowers are. The excuse with her being in this far-away village was pretty nice and explained why she hadn’t heard about the flowers before while also showing how quick they spread across the entire continent. Her perverted dream with Lucy and Natsu was pretty hot. I liked her personality from the previous Fairy Tail story a bit more, where she was more dominant, but this one here is nice as well. I wonder if she truly ends up as Natsu’s and Lucy’s slave or if there will be some twist…

Either way, I hope she will play a more prominent role later on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Don’t know what you mean there, I never used her before now. But glad you liked it!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I was talking about the story that S22132 started and that I later continued. In it, Flare had a more… menacing?, direct approach and basically blackmailed Natsu into having sex.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Ahh, never read it, sorry.

2 years ago

Wait I am confused isn’t this supposed to be chapter 8

2 years ago
Reply to  Soulhunter


2 years ago

Flare is the prefect kind of crazy. Not to stabby stabby, not to loving either. Her blank expressions are cool as hell to.

2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

She does give off a yandere vibe normally, doesn’t she? Well, most yandere’s are just waiting to be dominated anyway.

2 years ago

Besides everything I previous mentioned,10/10!

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis


2 years ago

Since the town is named busteez how will it play into the story like will everyone be somehow ending up here or will be somewhere else?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jorge

That was just a minor shoutout. This town won’t have anything to do with the story other than to introduce Flare.

2 years ago

How is Natsu’s dick in real life compared to how Flare imagined it? Did Flare get it right and is his true full size that big or is it bigger or smaller than she imagined?

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

You’ll have to wait and find out. 😛

2 years ago

Nice how about you draw more Rei Todoroki next

2 years ago
Reply to  Cris

I don’t do the drawings