Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Demons on Delivery

Next Story (Part II): To Be Continued…???

“Fuuuuuck it’s hot!” Cassielmara, or simply ‘Cassie’ to everyone else, cursed as she turned on the tiny fan mounted on the upper corner of the driver’s side of the massive delivery truck. The thing sprung to life quickly, buzzing annoyingly as it blew a small but steady stream of air over her face. Her entire body, from her long legs to the bangs of her platinum blonde, nearly completely white hair, were plastered with sweat. She grabbed one of those so-called cooling towels from the dashboard and wiped the worst of it from her face, neck and enormous breasts.


“Shit, these things don’t do diddly-squat!” she cursed before tossing the rag back onto the dash with a PLOP sound.


“It’s too humid for them to work right.” said a soft spoken voice next to her, “They work on evaporation or something… Ooooo, this looks tasty…! Look Cassiel!” the voice’s owner said.


The truck pulled up to a traffic light, Cassie knew from their daily route it would take no less than seven minutes before it turned. Holding her foot on the break, she turned to see what her shortstack partner wanted to show her. Lilithmary held up her smartphone, one of those new model ones that looked like a plate of glass until you turned it on. The screen’s resolution was so high that even in this bright sunlight, Cassie could make out every detail.


“What about it, Lilith? It’s just a steak.” she replied.


Lilithmary, nicknamed “Lily”, pulled the phone back with a dour expression, “It’s not just a steak!” she said, her voice so soft even when she was angry she sounded like she was completely chill. The only way anyone could know what she might be feeling was from her overly expressive face.


“This is Moon Beef! It comes from cows raised up on the moon!” Lily told her. “The low gravity makes the cows grow fatter and their muscles are more tender, it’s like veal without the guilt!” the tiny demon girl said, quoting directly from the advertisement.


“Veal is cheaper.” Cassie said, “No way we can even afford an ounce of that on the Wage Slave earning’s we’re stuck with.” The two demonkin girls, commonly just thought of as demons by the general populace, were a pair of delivery workers for the World City chapter of the international Sahara online shopping service. The pay seemed so good online when she applied, but that was thinking of it in her old home town. In World City however? She and Lily were just BARELY over the poverty line! Seriously, without the fuel expense account, both of them would starve!


Lily gave her a pouty expression, her cheeks puffed out like a squirrel’s. “I know, but still…”


“Does anyone in town even sell that?” Cassie asked.


“World-Mart has it.” her partner replied instantly.


“Ugh, even with their discounted prices, everything is SO DAMN expensive!!!” Cassie cursed.


“You worry about money too much.” Lily said lackadaisically.


“And YOU don’t worry enough!” Cassie shot back. She then shook her head, “Where’s our first stop?” she then asked, wanting to change the subject.


“Residential area, we got two stops.” Lily said, looking at the monitor mounted on her side of the cab. On it was a birds eye display of World City, with a red line snaking through it and several green dots along the path. Cassie suppressed another curse, their path took them over nearly the entire city! And they didn’t even have that much! Their route was selected by some stupid A.I. based on how their truck was loaded, with the small stuff at the back being delivered first, and the bigger, heavier stuff last. Supposedly it was more efficient, but Cassie couldn’t see how. At least she didn’t have to pay for the gas.


The light finally turned green and Cassie began moving the truck along the street again. Some sweat dripped down into her yellow tinted eyes, stinging terribly, but she managed to keep watch on the road and still dab the worst of it away with the “cooling” towel.


“Stupid heatwave.” she muttered.


“Aren’t we supposed to be demons?” Lily asked.


“That’s got nothing to do with it! Besides, this is wet heat, way worse.” Cassie said, remembering how Lily explained why the towel wasn’t working as advertised. She continued along the path highlighted by the GPS, grateful for the brief stretch that they were on the highway, as the increased speed at least brought some welcome cooling wind.


The residential section of town they went to was in one of the nicer areas, where the houses had more than three feet of space between them. Pools became a more common sight, along with nicer cars. Every single house had central air, not a window unit in sight!


“It’s up ahead, I’ll get the package.” Lily said.


“Thanks, Lilith.” Cassie replied as the home in question came into view. The icon that represented their truck lined up with the green destination dot on the screen as Cassie pulled over next to the home.


“808 Victory, this is it.” Cassie confirmed as she unbuckled herself and got up. Her butt hurt from sitting too long and she swished her tail from side to side as she stood up slightly in the cab and looked back into the cargo hold.


“Got it,” Lily said, holding up a normal-sized package. She tossed it over to Cassie who caught it with ease. She then grabbed a scanner from the glovebox, scanning in the barcode to note the delivery was complete before stepping out of the truck. She hopped down from the door, catching her own reflection in the side view mirror.


Not too shabby!’ she thought as she smirked at the image of her tomato red skin, yellow gold eyes, and short, curved black horns. For a demonkin, Cassie knew she was hot! And not just because of the flaming tip of her long serpentine tail. Well, it wasn’t actually on fire, but it looked like it was to most who didn’t know demonkin biology. Pasting on a smile, Cassie began walking up towards the house.


The house was beige mallin color with dark blue stucco style roofing. The front area’s exterior was lined with fancy looking pillars. Up in front there was a small set of concrete steps which seemed a little overly dramatic to her. The steps lead to the front door which wasn’t the usual type most houses had. The owner had chosen to have a set of double doors installed, but unlike standard doors they were rounded instead of squared off at the top. The doors had a gold colored door knocker shaped like a crown, complete with some gemstones embedded in it. The second floor of the house possessed a balcony that went around its entire exterior, going all the way to the backyard area. The driveway to the house was massive in size, triple that of a standard driveway. Cassie wondered just how many cars did the owner have to need that much space.


The instant Cassie began walking up to the house she could hear a dog barking. Her tail swished irritatedly. She hated dogs, they were loud, messy, and all around annoying.


Ignoring the noisy beast, Cassie checked the name and address one last time just to be sure. Meilani Williams, 808 Victory Drive, World City. She ascended the steps to the front doors and was thankful that there was a regular doorbell there as well. She pressed the button and the dog barking got worse as she heard the unmistakable sound of paws running on the floor up to the door.


She almost hoped no one was home, at least then she could just leave the package by the door and be done with it.


“Jett, down already!” Cassie heard a woman’s voice yelling at the dog from the inside. She could hear the sound of a lock being turned before the left hand door swung open. Cassie leapt back with a yelp as a tiny black dog jumped up at her, looking as though it were trying to knock the box from her hands while yapping loudly.


“Jett, chill out!” the woman who opened the door yelled, catching the dog in mid-air.


ARF ARF ARF ARF!” the dog barked repeatedly.


“I am SO sorry, he REALLY wants to bring the box in.” the woman apologized as she held the dog tightly.


“It’s fine, I don’t really take it personally.” Cassie said, giving a well rehearsed speech.


“Well still, I’m sorry, one second.” The woman apologized before placing the dog back inside the house and handing him the package. The dog trotted back inside as the young lady closed the door. She had long pink hair that reminded the demon woman of cotton candy, a pretty face and a sexy figure that would make a succubus jealous. The woman was dressed for the heat in a salacious pair of workout shorts in a shade of pink that nearly matched her hair. They were trimmed at the edges with white and might have been a half size too small. Though from the way they accentuated her curves, that was probably on purpose. She wore a high cut t-shirt that was a powder blue color and showed off just enough underboob to be enticing without risking nipple slippage. Well, so long as she didn’t run anywhere.


Her big blue eyes were sincerely apologetic, which was refreshing. Cassie had lost count of how many people unconsciously got on edge when they met her for the first time. Demonkins just have that effect on people. Stupid old religions had given them a bad reputation.


“Anyway, how can I help you?” the woman asked.


“Package for Meilani Williams, is that you, miss?” Cassie asked.


The woman shook her head in the negative, “No, that’s my mom, I’m Xaria, her daughter, I can sign for it.” Xaria told her as she approached. Cassie nodded and tapped a few controls on her scanner, bringing up a blank screen on the surface.


She then held it out to Xaria, “You can sign with your finger,” she told her. The pink haired did just that while humming to herself.


“Wow, you have some crazy good handwriting!” Cassie said, most people made the sloppiest signatures on the screen, but Xaria’s was not only legible, but neat and practically beautiful.


“Meh, chicken scratch.” Xaria said with a smile, “Thanks.” she said.


“Please shop with us again.” Cassie said, the line again sounding very rehearsed, before nodding and turning away. Xaria waited until she was more than half way back to the truck before turning to head back inside. She could hear the dog barking again.


“That’s enough, no treats for you tonight!” she overheard Xaria tell the unruly mutt.


“Is it safe?” Lily said from inside the truck as Cassie returned. The girl had a deeply rooted phobia of dogs. Something from her childhood.


“Yeah, wild little beast is locked inside the house.” Cassie told her. “Where to next?”



Their next stop turned out to be an advantageous one, as their truck was low on gas. Whomever had taken it out last had failed to top off the tank before returning to the Sahara Fulfillment Warehouse. Cassie pulled their truck up to one of the pumps at the Kwik Fill gas station as her partner hopped out and went to work refueling.


“Nab me a bokobar in there.” Lily requested as Cassie pulled out a small rectangular box that was heavier than it looked. It felt as though there were a couple of old phone books inside. She nodded to her partner and spared a glance at the cost on the display, again thankful she wasn’t paying for the fuel as they were already over a hundred bucks. Using both arms to carry the package, Cassie walked into the Kwik Fill.


It was like stepping into heaven! Crisp, cool, dry air filled her lungs and washed over her skin like a wave. She didn’t even mind the smell of overcooked hotdogs and stale donuts that filled the air. The interior was brightly lit, and a wash of colorful advertisements meant to draw attention. But when all packed in close like they were here, it only gave the impression of a child’s drawing when the kid tried to use every color in the box.


A cashier greeted her from behind the counter, a short young man just a little under two meters tall, with curly red hair and dark colored eyes. She walked up to him, bypassing the small line in front of the counter and setting the parcel down on the end of the counter. She patiently waited for the line to be dealt with before speaking to him.


“Got a package for someone named,” she checked the box, “It just says Trish.”


She could tell he wanted to roll his eyes as he stepped out from behind the counter and went over to one of the cooler doors. “Trish, whatever you’re doing with the customer you brought back there, could you PLEASE stop and come out? You know the boss hates it when you have your junk delivered here.” he called back into the storage area of the cooler.


He then closed the door and went back behind the counter, “Sorry, she’ll be out in a minute or so.”


“No skin off my tail, it’s comfortable in here.” she replied, “Oh right, you got any bokobars?” she asked.


“Candy aisle,” he replied. She nodded her thanks and went towards the spot he pointed. She found the bars easily enough and grabbed two of them. When she walked back, she noticed he was looking down at her feet.


“What?” she asked. “I know these boots are fugly, but they make us wear them.” she said, referring to her uniform boots.


“Oh, sorry, you remind me of a friend I made recently, but she had hooves though.” the man replied. He gave a brief description and it didn’t sound like anyone Cassie knew. In fact, going off the details, she didn’t sound like any kind of Demihuman she knew. Then again, there were so many different kinds, even she couldn’t keep track of them all.


“Fuck, you’ve been on my ass ever since you lost your virginity Lou-lou! Did getting some easy tail cause you to grow a pair???” said a high pitched girl’s voice as she came back from around the back of the store. She had long pink hair that turned blonde at the tips and was pulled into a long ponytail at the back of her head. Her lips were WAY too plump and painted a matching neon pink. Her bright blue eyeshadow brought Cassie’s attention to her ice colored eyes every time she blinked. Which was a nice trick, as it was hard not to notice the clearly fake huge tits she had barely contained in her top. Her name tag was clearly on display over her left nipple outline in the fabric as TRISH. The young man from before also had a name tag, but it was obscured by the collar of his shirt.


He ignored his rude co-worker and Trish turned to look at Cassie, “I’m Trish.” she said.


“Sign here.” Cassie told the blonde bimbo as she held out the scanner with the signature display called up. Unlike the previous delivery, Trish’s handwriting, if you could call it writing at all, was a complete mess. A simple “X” would have been neater.


“What’d you get this time?” Cassie heard Louis ask as he rang up the candy bars for Cassie.


“I dunno, one of my loyal fans must have ordered me something off of my Sahara wishlist!” Trish said excitedly as she tore off the tape holding the box closed. Some foam packing peanuts were scattered all over the floor as she lifted out a thick looking dildo.


“Ooooo, I’ve been wanting this one!!!” she said excitedly.


“What the heck is that?” Louis asked.


“A centaur dick.” Cassie answered, recognizing the shape. A wide flat circular head, and a sheathing ring near the back. It looked oddly realistic, complete with veins and everything, though it was a metallic color.


“A tungsten carbide centaur dick!” Trish said gloatingly.


That explained why it was so heavy.’ thought Cassie.


“Ooooo, this is gonna be fun!” Trish said, taking out her phone and snapping a selfie of her licking the side of the man-horse dick. She then shoved it up between her tits from beneath her shirt and snapped some more images. “Nmmmmmmh, it’s so thick and haaaaard!!!”


“Just don’t confuse it with the real thing. A centaur that small would be laughed at by the lady centaurs.” Cassie said as she paid Louis for the candy bars. She couldn’t help but stare at Trish as she took several more images from different angles with that huge dick between her big fake tits. Cassie then looked down at her own tits, they were around the same size as Trish’s, but hers weren’t fake!


“Whoa, like seriously?!” Trish asked.


“They are horses below the waist, what do you think?” Cassie asked. She knew a few centaurs personally, most were just noisy brutes, though the centaur women could be fairly agreeable. They also had this weird love of root beer.


“Fuuuuuuck, I gotta screw a centaur now!” Trish said, shuddering in arousal, “Well, I’ll just use this for practice until then.” she said with a smug expression.


“Yeah, good luck with that.” Cassie said, “Don’t expect her at work the next day if she does.” she whispered to Louis.


“She hardly comes in half the time anyway, nothing new there.” he responded, handing over her change.


“Hey, I heard that!” Trish snapped at him.


“That’s the point!” he shot back.


As the two employee’s began to bicker, Cassie left the station. Walking outside was like walking into a wall of muggy heat! If she didn’t know better, she’d think she stepped right into some biblical Hell. She tore open her bokobar and chomped down half of it in one bite. The delicious taste of chocolate, peanut butter, and caramel filled her mouth as she chewed it quickly before it could melt from the heat.


Lily was waiting for her and Cassie tossed her the other bar when she was close enough. She then downed the other half of her own bar before jumping back in their truck.


“What’s next?” she asked.


“World’s Edge,” Lily told her.


Cassie rolled her eyes, “We WOULD get the slums on a day like this!” she muttered. “How many cans we got?”


Lily munched on her bar as she opened the glove box and several small cylinders rolled around inside. “Plenty.”


“Hand me one, and get one yourself, I’m in no mood to get stuck up in the ghettos…. again.” Cassie said.


The cans in question were a self-defense weapon. They held an active ingredient that was like pepper spray but was a great deal more effective and efficient. Meaning it wore off entirely after about two minutes instead of lingering and potentially damaging the target’s eyesight. It also hurt a fuckton more. The ad for it described the pain as a full 10 out of 10 for anyone sprayed with it. So even two minutes would feel like two days for the victim. Allowing ample time for the user to run to safety.


Cassie sat back in the driver’s seat and started the truck up, carefully pulling out of the crowded parking lot and back onto the highway.



District 86, also known as “The Nameless Borough“, was the worst district of World City. Although the cost of housing was extremely low, the crime rate was extremely high. At any given hour, a person would hear a sudden cacophony of sirens and gunshots. Nearly every shop here had bars across the windows, those that didn’t had windows that were reinforced with wire mesh. The combination of gang violence, organized crime and an ineffective police force led to this land becoming a gritty metropolis of scum and villainy. To the inhabitants of District 86, this place was called “World’s Edge”.


For Cassie, the streets were a nightmare to navigate, not because they were confusing. They were actually fairly straight forward, no, the nightmare came from the sheer number of potholes in the road!


Cassie cursed as her truck jolted up and down from yet another basketball sized hole in the street. The remaining cargo jostled around in the back, but nothing fell thankfully.


“I hate this part of town,” Lily muttered, “It’s messy and smells like a toilet.”


“Like your last boyfriend?” Cassie jabbed.


“Hey! He was a nice guy on the inside!!!” Lily yelled back.


“Whatever you say, Lilith,” Cassie replied.


Her partner grumbled quietly and said, “Next left, place called ‘The Oddjobs Pawn Shop’,”


“Weird name for a pawn shop.” Cassie replied, taking the turn and spotting their destination quickly. She saw the usual sign for a pawn shop, three golden balls hanging down from a pole. Cassie often wondered what the meaning was behind that sign, since every pawnshop used it. Like how barber shops all used that spinning red, white, and blue striped pole. Though there weren’t that many actual barber shops these days. Chain salons were slowly rendering them extinct.


To her surprise, the windows to the shop weren’t barred. She quickly figured out why though when she saw the sun reflecting off the glass at a certain angle. A nearly invisible grid was inside the glass. Infinium fibers! She’d heard of glass like this, that’d mean the glass was damned near unbreakable, unless you hit it with a missile or something like that. What was something like that doing here in the slums?! It had to be CRAZY expensive, especially since the stuff had to be ordered on the black market and imported from overseas. The country where the stuff was found, Xataria, is known for not sharing their Infinium with the rest of the world.


“This guy must do pretty good business.” Cassie said, “What’s coming here?”


“We got almost a dozen, all big ones.” Lily replied.


“Greeeaaat.” Cassie said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.


“We’ll, let’s get this one over with quick, you got your canister?” Lily replied.


“I was gonna ask you the same.” Cassie said back as she pulled up in front of the shop and turned on the hazard lights for the truck. They were technically illegally parked, but some exceptions could be made for delivery vehicles.


“Hellooooo beefcake!” Cassie said when she saw two well built men come out of the building to greet them. Both were dressed in pawn shop ‘uniforms’, which in this case were military green muscle shirts that showed off their pecks and bowling ball sized biceps. Followed by tight fitting slack that looked like they were being stretched over their muscular legs that clearly were used to running for long stretches. The man on the left had skin like chocolate milk and not a hair to be seen on him. Cassie couldn’t help but see the impressive lump traveling down his right thigh and felt her nethers getting all gooey just looking.


The one on the right was heavily tanned and his skin looked leathery, showing he’d spent A LOT of time in the sun. He had a dark brown buzz cut that was beginning to gray in some areas and a matching beard, but he was built just as solidly as his counterpart. Both screamed ex-military. The right one even still wore his dog tags.


The two men seemed alert as they scanned the streets while Cassie and her partner went to work. ‘Well, I feel a lot safer all of a sudden,’ she thought.


“Cassiel, you’re drooling.” Lily said as she handed over a large box.


Whipping her chin, the demonkin girl glared at her partner, “What, I’m allowed to stare!!!” she said before she noticed the box Lily was carrying was bigger than she was! “Hey, how are you even lifting that?”


Her answer came the moment she accepted the parcel.


“Whoa, is there even anything in this? It’s so light!” she commented.


“I was thinking the same thing, I was gonna get a box next to it when I bumped into it and it moved so easily.” Lily explained.


By ‘bumped into’ she obviously meant hit it with her enormous butt! Cassie refrained from commenting as much and took the box over towards the shop entrance. The man on the left got the door for her and she smiled at him as she walked past.


On the other side of the door however, she was stopped by a hulking tub of green lard! The tub was a tall frog anthromorph with a wide face and an even wider mouth. Anthromorphs are intelligent, anthropomorphic animals. This particular one wore only a dark fur collared vest and matching shorts. On his hands he had on a pair of fingerless gloves that revealed green sausage fingers. His arms were crazy thick, like the trunks of some small trees. His green skin was almost translucent in places like his overly fat stomach.


“Woah!” she yelped, jumping slightly as the huge frogman let out a deep and loud croaking sound. He quickly took the box from her and set it aside before he went to work patting her down all over.


“Hey, watch the hands pal!” she snapped at him as he used the chance to grab her huge tits and give them a firm squeeze. Normally Cassie didn’t mind a guy feeling up her tits, like if it were one of the guys outside, she’d have asked him to squeeze a bit harder!


“Pog, ease up, I’m expecting them!” called a voice from the back.


The frogman, Pog, let out another deep bellowing croak and handed Cassie’s box back.


“Don’t you sass me!” the same voice said warningly.


Cassie was impressed that whoever spoke could understand the big toad. She carried the box farther back into the store. The place was more like a museum than a pawn shop. All kinds of weird looking things were on display. Not that Cassie had been to many, but most of the time the displays were a mix of rings, watches, and other bling, with a few vintage toys as well.


One display housed a properly sized equine phallus dildo that was encrusted with jewels. Cassie had to look twice, the damned thing was solid gold! And the gems looked like they were properly cut diamonds made to simulate cum leaking out the tip. The veins along the side of the shaft were made of very clear topaz, and the base was a darker, muddier colored gold, meaning it had been alloyed with something.


On a small card in front of the huge dildo was a brief description.




“Or so the story goes,” said the same voice from earlier when he noticed her reading the card. “But I think it has about as much merit as the story of Catherine the Great.”


“Who?” Cassie asked.


“Russian queen.” the man answered, “Probably not well liked since that story emerged after she died. Same thing could have been the case with this. The horse penis was also a sign of power and virility around her time in Egypt. Likely she had it made just as something she could brag about. But you know what they say, truth lies somewhere between fact and fiction.” he told her. “Name’s Sidd, I think that’s for me.”


Sidd had most of his face hidden behind a dark pair of sunglasses that were like those old biker goggles along with a cloth mask hiding his face from the nose down. He also wore a dark baseball cap over his dark brown hair. The white haired demonkin girl couldn’t get a good read on him because of this. She figured maybe it was some kind of dealer’s strategy, so no one could read his face when they were dealing with him.


Cassie walked over to where he stood behind a counter that held a number of odd looking items. There were a few of the standard fare items, some rings and bracelets and the like. But when she looked closer, they seemed more like antiques.


“This a pawn shop or an antiques shop?” she asked.


“The two aren’t mutually exclusive.” Sidd replied as Cassie placed the box on the counter. She wasn’t worried about it breaking the glass display since it was so light. And she could also see that the displays were the same Infinium fiber reinforced glass as the main windows.


“We got a few more for you in the truck, be right back.” she told him as she turned to leave. When she did, she saw that the fat frog was gone, in his place was another frog guy with a much slimmer build and his clothes hanging more loosely around his body.


“What the…?” she said, startled by the change.


Pog the frog croaked again and Sidd translated, “Pog’s species can bulk up on command. When he’s all puffed up he’s damned near bullet proof. Even when he’s not, he’s still tough as hell.”


Pog stood up straighter and gave a smug nod as he crossed his arms over his chest.


“He said all that?” Cassie asked.


“I paraphrased.” Sidd replied.


Cassie just nodded and began walking back towards the entrance when the door opened again and Pog puffed up to the hulking bucket of lard from before. Lily was coming in carrying two more boxes, her wide butt barely fitting through the door. Pog stepped in front of Lily to give her a pat down as well, though Cassie noticed he was less “thorough” with her.


“There’s just one left,” her partner reported, “The guys outside are watching the truck.”


“Gotcha,” Cassie said, returning to the truck and quickly locating the final package. It was pretty big, but nothing she couldn’t handle alone. Whatever was in it was heavy, and the outside of the package felt cool to the touch. The side of the box was marked perishable, which meant there were ice packs inside keeping whatever was in there frozen.


Lifting the box, Cassie headed back inside, grateful for the brief exposure to air conditioning again. Lily had set up the boxes she carried with the others, but Sidd was nowhere to be seen in her immediate line of sight.


As she came up to the counter again, she quickly spotted Sidd farther inside the store behind another counter. That section of the store was wider and actually had more people that she thought were in here before. One wall had a set of interactive computer displays, and Cassie could read some of them as job listings. Seemed this place handed out day labor work, which finally made sense of the “Oddjobs” title.


At the counter where Sidd now stood, he was speaking with a customer. Sitting on the counter between them was some kind of statue. It looked like a statue of a satyr, one of those half goat Demihumans with the out of control libido.


“This is an authentic representation of the Satyr God Pan! At least a few thousand years old!” the customer said. A greasy looking man who had WAY too much gel in his hair. The heat outside had made it mix with his sweat and run down the back of his neck.


“Hmmn, lemme take a look.” Sidd said as he put on a pair of expensive looking leather gloves before picking the statue up. The thing looked heavy, like it was carved from granite or something. The satyr’s horns though looked like they were made from gold or some gold colored metal. His satyr dick was fucking huge! Even Cassie might be tempted to go a romp with a guy that fucking hung.


Sidd looked the statue over for about a minute before setting it back down respectfully. “It’s fake,” he said plainly.


“What!?” asked the owner, looking offended. “My grandfather left this to me, he got it when he was moving around Greece back in the day.”


“And he got it from a souvenir shop,” Sidd informed him, he then picked up the statue again and turned it so the owner could see the bottom, “See this seal here? It is the sign for the Greece Tourism Committee. They designed it to look like an artist’s mark, but the symbol is easily recognizable by anyone in the art trade.”


To drive his point home, Sidd pulled out a three ring binder with a bunch of laminated pages and flipped through them. When he turned it so the customer could see, Cassie saw the same mark on the page along with an explanation similar to what Sidd had given.


“Now, I’m not saying this is worthless,” Sidd told him, “But you’re looking at maybe fifty bucks here. I’ll be lucky if I get twice that back, and it could be a while since stuff like this sits on my shelves collecting dust for a good while.”


The customer left with his junk item looking dejected.


Before Cassie could go up to Sidd for him to sign for the packages though, another customer jumped in. This one was a woman with… Well, Cassie didn’t know what it was. It looked kind of like a big wedge of cheese as far as its shape went, with a handle built into one side of it. It was made from a dull gray metal that looked like aluminum that hadn’t been polished in quite some time. The woman herself was a long haired blonde with bright brown eyes. She was a natural blonde too, Cassie could tell. You couldn’t get that color out of a bottle without some slight variance in shading around the roots. Unless you went to some SUPER expensive salon, not the kind of thing you’d find in this town.


“Is this…?” Sidd began, then the two began speaking rapidly and Cassie became totally lost. She caught bits like archeologist, and old civilization. The woman produced some papers of some kind and Cassie understood the part about her having the item legally. To the demonkin woman, it just looked like some scrap metal she’d drop off to be recycled for a few bucks.


People bought and sold weird stuff.


“I can offer you fifty.” Sidd said.


Huh, not worth all that much. Wonder why he got so interested then.


“It’s worth five times that and you know it.” the woman replied. “A hundred fifty.” she counter offered, “The market for this stuff is red hot right now, so you won’t hold onto it long.” she told him. “The only reason I don’t sell it myself is I don’t have the time to meet with serious collectors.”


Sidd’s body language looked torn, like he REALLY wanted the odd looking thing. If it was just a hundred and fifty dollars, just buy it! Not like that was all that much money.


Sidd sighed, “Alright, I can go as high as a hundred, but not a penny more.” he said, making a final offer. “Cash money,” he added.


The woman looked at her oddity and considered, “Deal, can you have one of those big guys walk me back to my car?”


“Naturally.” Sidd said, holding his hand out to shake on the deal. The woman took it and they shook hands firmly. Sidd then called someone over to help the woman fill out a form for the sale. The owner himself went into the back of the store and returned with a FAT stack of hundred dollar bills.


“Wait, what…?” Cassie asked quietly as she watched Sidd count out ten stacks of ten one hundred dollar bills. One hundred THOUSAND dollars!? They were talking THAT much!?


“Pog, walk the lady back to her car please.” Sidd called out to the frog anthromorph. Pog let out a bellowing croak and came up behind the woman with his arms crossed over his broad chest.


“Pog here will walk you back to your car, trust me when I say he’s way tougher than he looks.” he told her as he double counted the money for her before wrapping it in one of those paper bindings that banks used. He then placed the money inside a big envelope, folded it over twice, and bound it with a thick rubber band.


“Pleasure doing business with you.” Sidd said as he held his hand out to her again.


“Likewise.” the woman replied.


Cassie stepped aside for Pog and the woman as he escorted her out. Suddenly the anthropomorphic security frog seemed a hundred times more intimidating than before. His skin seemed tighter over his muscles, so tight it sounded like the sound too tight leather pants made when they rubbed against your skin.


“Hmm, someone getting tossed out?” Lily asked as she came up to her.


Cassie shook her head, “No, big deal went down, the owner just shelled out more money than either of us would see in several YEARS!” she explained before giving her partner the number.


“Really? I could eat moon beef every night for a month with that.” she said, sounding shocked.


“Eh, you’d get bored fast if we did that.” Cassie told her. She then looked back to Sidd again and rolled her eyes when she discovered him with yet ANOTHER customer! Seriously, all they needed was a quick signature. She moved closer to the counter so that they could get to Sidd quickly once he was done.


“How can I help you?” Sidd asked the new guy. He was an odd looking one, he gave Cassie that Survivalist/Conspiracy Theorist vibe.


The man had dark colored messy hair and looked like he spent a lot of time outdoors. His skin was an unhealthy tanned color, and Cassie was grateful demonkin didn’t get sunburned. The man looked around as if paranoid someone might be watching him. When his gaze fell on Cassie she just held up her hands in a non-threatening manner, “Hey guy, I just need a signature for deliveries.” she told him.


“This fell out of the sky a couple days ago.” he said quickly to Sidd and he reached inside the padded vest he wore and brought out a spherical object. The thing was about the size of a cue ball. It was silvery in color and looked heavy, though from how he held it, it must have been crazy light.


“No lie, this came off an honest-to-god alien spaceship!” he said in a hushed tone. Cassie stifled a laugh, yeah, this guy was one of THOSE people alright. The thing was probably a chunk of aluminum off one of those new drone things. Sidd looked like he was thinking the same thing, until he picked up the odd looking sphere. He stiffened, Cassie couldn’t see his face, but from his body language he seemed shocked. He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a tuning fork.


“I was thinking it’s gotta be worth a few hundred, maybe a thousand!” he said.


Sidd tapped the tuning fork against the top of the ball.




The steady tone of the fork against the sphere surprised Cassie.


“Fifty thousand.” Sidd said quickly.


Cassie’s jaw dropped to the floor.


50 grand.


Seriously!? For a ball of metal that looked like something from a fancy billiards table!?


The man accepted instantly and Sidd filled out the paperwork himself before hurriedly paying him with another fat stack of hundred dollar bills. The man quickly took his money and hurriedly left the place. Cassie figured he thought he’d best get out before Sidd realized he’d been had.


“If you’ll bring all that to the back, I’ll sign for it there.” Sidd told them as he looked at the sphere he held in his hand. Cassie and her partner both nodded and moved the packages to the back of the store. If the front of the place was like a museum, then the back was a warehouse. Rows and rows of shelves all piled high with all manner of stuff. There were a few display cases loaded up with jewelry, but the miscellaneous stuff far outnumbered it.


“Wow, that’s worth fifty thousand?” Lily asked as she walked alongside Cassie.


“Actually I might have underpaid the man… by quite a bit actually.” Sidd admitted without a shred of guilt.


“What, seriously, the thing’s just a metal pool ball isn’t it?” Cassie asked.


“If they made pool balls out of Infinium, then yes.” Sidd told them, “I don’t know if this actually came off of a spaceship, but there’s no doubt this is pure 100% Infinium.” he explained as he brought them to a large safe with a hand and eye scanner along with a keypad. Sidd placed his hand on the scanner and looked into the eye reader while his other hand moved in a practiced dance over the keypad.




The safe pinged, opening to reveal a number of random looking items all made from the same material as the sphere. Lily let out a soft whistle, “Is all that?” she asked.


“Yep.” Sidd said, adding the sphere to the collection and closing the safe.


The girls set down the packages they’d brought him and Sidd pulled out a small box cutter to open the strangely cold one. Inside was molded packing foam that steamed slightly. Sidd lifted off the top half of the foam to inspect the contents. Cassie instantly forgot about the massive fortune she’s seen in the safe as she saw the vacuum sealed contents of the package.


“Ooooooh…” Lily cooed in awe.


“Woah, that’s that beef you were going on about before, Lilith.” Cassie said.


Inside were several large prime cut steaks with some really fine marbling throughout them. Packed around them were some bags of a frozen gel substance that she’d seen before. The stuff stayed frozen solid for weeks even in the kind of blistering heat currently outside. That was in part why ordering the stuff was so expensive. The company guaranteed the freshness with a double your money back promise. According to the website, no one to date had collected on that promise.




“Ooops, sorry…” Lily said as her stomach rumbled loudly. They’d been waiting a bit inside the store, and it was past lunch time now. “Is that really Moon Beef?” she asked after a moment.


“The best kind, it’s for my niece’s birthday later this month.” he answered in the affirmative. He picked one steak up out of the package and looked it over. Lily’s stomach growled again and Sidd’s body language shifted to one of mild amusement.


Sidd chuckled softly and went over to one section of the storage area to get something.


As they waited, Cassie looked around the room and saw a huge seven by ten foot tall portrait of a young woman with red hair on the wall. She looked like a cheerful young girl, smiling happily at the person holding the camera. Perhaps she was the shopowner’s daughter?


The owner returned with a small portable grill, the kind used for camping with one of those small propane tanks. He set it on a large table and fired it up. He then opened three of the vacuum sealed steaks. There was a soft hiss as the air quickly flowed into the broken seal.


“You girls hungry?” he asked, “I’ve been meaning to test this thing out, and I gotta see if I got my money’s worth, so how about you taste test with me?” he offered.


YES!” Both girls agreed readily.



“Mmmmmmmmmmh, that was soooooo yummy!” Lily said contentedly, patting her stomach as she sat next to Cassie in the truck.


“Yeah, I agree, I’ve never tasted anything like that.” Cassie agreed.


After taking his time to cook a few of the steaks they had just delivered, Sidd took the girls to another part of his store that was set up like a small restaurant. There, he treated them to some drinks and some side snacks to go with their meal.


The steak was divine! Cassie had never smelled anything so good! And that was nothing next to the taste!


From the moment the first bite touched her tongue Cassie felt like there was a full blown orgy going on in her mouth. Sweet, savory, spicy, salt, it was like every kind of flavor was hitting her tongue all at once. Tastes that were never meant to go together were meeting in her mouth, ripping each others clothes off, and fucking like wild beasts in heat on top of her taste buds.


“Haaaah, okay, what’s next?” Cassie asked.


“We got one last stop, awww boo…” Lily said.


“What?” Cassie asked.


“It’s a Sahara Prime delivery, and it’s almost five now.” her partner answered.


“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!” Cassie cursed, “Why, why, why can’t they put those at the top of the delivery queue!? The guy’s gonna be pissed we didn’t get there on time, I don’t need any more points off my report if he complains.”


“Because they want us to offload the smaller stuff first.” Lily said plainly.


“Don’t be a smart ass.” Cassie said, “Come on, let’s get this over with.”


The final stop was a place in Timber Ridge. It was one of the more affluent areas, not quite a 1%er district, but fairly close. It was a large modern style home, not quite a mansion, but damned close. The last box was heavy, requiring both of them to carry it up to the door. Once there, Cassie pressed the doorbell and waited. Being Sahara Prime, they HAD to get this signed for. Part of the service for this particular delivery was making sure it wasn’t what had come to be called ‘Porch Pirated’. Though she highly doubted that was any kind of risk for this part of town.


A few moments passed before the door opened. The smell of WAAAAAY too much cologne and cigarette smoke washed over the two of them like a wave. The cigarette smoke she could handle, but the cologne was making her eyes water. Seriously, what kind of asshole wears that much of the stuff!?


“About time! The delivery estimate said you’d be here three hours ago.” a gruff voice said. Blinking away the tears in her eyes, Cassie was greeted by the sight of an overweight and very tall man who looked to be in his forties or so. He was shirtless, with no hair to speak of, though Cassie didn’t know if it was natural hair loss or he was trying the bald look. If it was the latter, then it didn’t work for him as his shiny scalp looked horribly greasy. His gut protruded over the loose fitting shorts he had on and he had messy looking hair all over his chest like an out of shape ape beast man.


“Apologies sir, some unforeseen delays.” Cassie replied.


“Eh, whatever, bring it inside.” he ordered as he put what turned out to be a cigar back in his mouth full of yellowed teeth. He stepped aside for the two demonkin as they picked up the heavy box again and carried it inside. The smell inside the house was even worse. What did the ugly bastard do, spray his cologne around like it was air freshener or something?


The inside of the house was air conditioned, the neighborhood was too upscale for it not to be, but somehow, Cassie felt even hotter inside than she did outside. It had to be the cologne, it was starting to make her feel dizzy as well, like she had been twirling around in place for way too long. As they entered the house interior proper, Cassie discovered that it wasn’t cologne she was smelling, it was incense. The living room had a gaudy looking incense burner sitting on a coffee table. The burner was shaped like a succubus woman, with a voluptuous figure that Cassie was jealous of. Not the tits, she had the statue beat there, but the hips had a lot more curve to them than her own. The burner was designed so that when in use, the smoke coming out of it looked like the succubus’ hair and waved about on unfelt winds.


The living room itself was like any bachelor pad, just without peeling wallpaper and mystery stains on the floor. There was plenty of random clutter, an empty pizza box, some laundry like underwear and socks, and a lot of empty beer bottles.


“Hey, finally!” said a new voice.


On the couch in front of the table with the gaudy statue was another overweight man. He looked almost identical to the one who answered the door, like the other man, he was missing all his hair on top of his head and his chest wasn’t nearly as hairy. Possibly a brother?


The new one sat in his underwear that had sweat stains around the waistband. In his hand he held a half emptied beer that he set down on the table next to the smoking statue. He then stood up with a grunt, and Cassie tried to NOT look at his crotch which had a rather sizable bulge in between his legs.


“We, apologize… Sirs.” Cassie said haltingly. “Is there any…thing…. We can do… To make up…” she said softly as the dizziness from the incense got even worse.


“Heh, I can think of something!” the first man said as he reached over to grab Cassie’s fat tit in a tight grip, giving it a kneading squeeze. Normally, Cassie would have turned on the man and smacked him so hard his eyes would bug out of their sockets. But the feel of his hand squeezing her tit sent tingles across her skin as she let out a moan.


“Haaahhnnn…” Lily moaned softly as she leaned against one side of the box and began rubbing her entire short body against it, “Hot…” she gasped.


“What? Ser…ious…ly…?” Cassie said before falling forward onto the box. Her entire body suddenly felt hot inside, her skin was tingling like a million ants were crawling all over her. “Ahhhn…” she moaned as the fabric of her clothes suddenly felt like sandpaper on her skin. The dizziness she’d been feeling suddenly got even worse as she began tearing off all of her clothes without even thinking about it. All she wanted was to get naked for relief from the feeling of sandpaper on her cherry red skin.


“Ahhhhnnn, I can’t stand it anymore!” Lily moaned, stripping out of her clothes even faster. The moment she’d gotten completely naked she laid back on the clutter strewn floor and began masturbating, “I’M SO HORNY I’M GONNA EXPLODE!!!


“Holy shit, this shit works!” the man who answered the door said.


“I thought you had to bathe in the incense before you went out?” the other one said.


“Ahhhn, what, are you… Ahhmmmmh, fuuuuck, my pussy’s on fire~” Cassie began to ask as she grabbed her own huge tits and began squeezing them roughly. Her nipples had become so hard they ached as her pussy dripped down her thighs non-stop.


She fell forward onto her hands and knees, her heavy tits dangling just inches above the floor. Her left hand shot between her legs, grabbing her crotch before slipping her middle and ring fingers inside herself with a soft and wet squish!


AHHHHHHHN…!!” Cassie moaned loudly as her pussy came instantly, gushing like a burst water balloon. But it wasn’t enough, she needed more, her pussy was screaming for a dick, any dick, she just needed a dick so bad right now she couldn’t think!


“Here, you wanna make it up to us, why not start with this then?” the man who answered the door said as he pulled his shorts down, shoving a thick, hard, and foul smelling cock in her face!


How had he known what she was thinking? Had she just said all that? She couldn’t remember anymore. All she could do was stare at the man’s cock. It was so big, and the smell seemed to cling to the inside of her nose, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of it.


“Looks nice, doesn’t it? My dick.” the man asked, rubbing his stinking cock against her face.


“Ahhhmmmmh, it does!” Cassie moaned, “It really does!!! My chest… It feels like it’s gonna exploooode…” moaned Cassie as she slowly rubbed her face against it like a cat in heat. The stink coming off it was stronger than the smell of the incense, but rather than disgusting her, it was making her WET! “Say, I know how we can make it up to you guyssss… How about I… AGUUUUUPH!!!???” Cassie began to say, but was cut off when the fat man grabbed her by her horns and shoved his cock down her throat! “HUUGUUUUPH AHGRPH GUH GUG GUH GURG HUCK GUCK GLEEEERGH…” Cassie began gagging and choking as the man began fucking her throat roughly. Her eyes rolled back instantly as she relaxed her throat as best she could.


Ah fuck, why does this taste so good…!?’ she wondered.


“Fuck Dio, you don’t waste any time do you?” The other man said as he went over to Lily and picked her up by her huge ass, “Guess I’ll use this little onnahole bitch then!” he said before lifting Lily up and plunging her down onto his own huge dick. The thick length speared up into the diminutive woman with a wet squishing down.


HWEEEEEEEEEGH!!!” Lily squealed, “WHAT’S GOING ONNNNN!!!??? IT FEELS WAY TOO GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!” she screamed in utter pleasure. “AHHH YES, PUMP YOUR DICK INTO ME, USE ME LIKE A COCKSLEEEEVE!!!” she moaned as she was moved up and down with her legs dangling listlessly.


“That would be the Asmodeus’ Root incense.” Dio replied as he pumped Cassie’s head back and forth on his cock. The huge length reached so far down her throat she felt like he was actually fucking her stomach! She could feel his thick pubic hairs sticking out her mouth as she looked up at him. The smell was so bad, but his cock felt so good in her mouth, she couldn’t get enough!


“I bought it from some shady pawnshop in World’s Edge. I didn’t believe the owner when he told me it made supernatural bitches like you super horny! HAH!” Dio explained as he yanked on Cassie’s horns roughly, forcing his cock in and out of her mouth hard.




AHHHH YES, DO ME HARDER, USE ME LIKE A COCK SLEEEEEVE!!!!” Lily screamed across from them as the other man bounced her up and down on his cock. “SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOOOOD!!! CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SO HAAAAAARD!!!!


“Mmmmmh fuck yeah, nice and tight, you might be all ass, but this pussy is fucking grade A!” the other man groaned as he held onto Lily by her thick ass, gripping it tightly so that his fingers sank deep into the tiny girl’s red flesh. Cassie could only watch out of the corner of her eye as her partner was slammed up and down on some fat man’s dick with a goofy expression of pleasure on her face.


“Guess this shit’s a ton more effective if the ladies are right in the thick of it!” said Dio as he groaned while fucking Cassie’s stomach. “Ahhhh yeah, fucking greeeeaat!!!”


This fucking ass!!!’ Cassie managed to think, ‘Ugly fucks like you would need a cheap tactic like thiiiiisssss…. Oh fuuuuck, why does it feel so good!? My brain feels like it’s being churned into butterrrr…. His cock is so thick, I can’t breathe, but it feels so good, like my mouth has been turned into my pussy! Ah fuck, just cum already asshole, dump that stinking cum into my stomach!’ she thought as her pussy seemed to gush with every thrust. Her horns hurt from his vice-like grip as her eyes rolled back in her head.


UUGURK GUH GURK HERG GUPH GUH GUH GUH…! PWAAAAH!!!” Cassie gasped as Dio yanked her face off his dick, a number of pubic hairs still clinging to her lips as she took in several deep breaths. She then yelped as Dio whirled her around like she were nothing but a sack of potatoes. Next she felt him grabbing the base of her tail like it were some kind of handle before stuffing his cock into her pussy!


YOU ASSHOOOOOOLE, FAT, UGLY, STINKING BASTAAAARDSSSS!!! AHHH FUUUUCK, IT’S SO THIIIIIIICK!!!!!” Cassie screamed as Dio slammed his hand down on her ass painfully hard.


“Ha! You say that, but your cunt is gushing like a broken pipe!!! Fucking demon slut, you’re aching for it aren’t you!?” Dio asked her.




“Bitches don’t need to think!” the other man said, “Women are just holes to be stuffed full of dicks!”


AHHHHA I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING!!!! CUM INSIDE ME, HOSE DOWN MY INSIDES WITH HOT STICKY CUMMMMMMMMM!” Lily screamed as she continued to be bounced up and down, her head rocking back and forth like a ragdoll.


AHH HAA AHHH… IT’S TOO MUCH!!! I’M CUMMING!!! AHH NOOO, I DON’T WANNA CUM FROM SOME ASSHOLE’S DIIIICK!!! BUT I CAN’T STOOOOOP!! OH FUUUCK YESSSSSSS!!! I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING!!! IT’S TOO MUCH, MY PUSSY!!! MY POOR PUSSY IS GONNA BREEEEAAAAAK!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!” Cassie screamed as her entire body shook with unwanted pleasure. Her pussy had been made so sensitive by the incense’s smoke. Every time she felt Dio’s cock driving into her pussy, she was forced to cum again and again.


His thrusts were so rough, they hurt, but they also felt good. Cassie felt her tits jerking back and forth beneath her as Dio gripped her tail tightly. He continued thrusting into her roughly, making Cassie cum repeatedly. The unbearably pleasurable sensation of his cock going in and out was eroding at her very sanity. The entire room seemed to be spinning in circles as he pounded into her again and again.


AHHHH… THIS IS MESSING ME UUUUP… IF THIS GOES ON…” Cassie couldn’t finish her sentence as she felt herself cumming even more when Dio reached a hand under her and GRABBED her tit in a tight grip. She could feel his dirty fingernails digging into her skin as she let out a long howl.




Under the influence of the incense, the two demonkin women shuddered constantly, bombarded by unending pleasure as the men groaned while using them like sex toys. Cassie tried desperately to endure the orgasmic hell, but she couldn’t. In a few minutes, her face was like Lily’s, a mask of maddened pleasure with her mouth hanging open and her tongue shamefully dripping with drool as it hung out of her mouth.


AAHN!!! CUMMING AGAAAAAIN!!! OOOHN, I’M CUMMMING!!!!” Lily screamed as the other man switched to fucking her asshole.


HUU… HHUUU… CAME AGAINNNN… SHTOP, JUSHT SSHTOOOOB… AAN, OOOH…” Cassie moaned, unable to muster the will to really even try and resist the pleasure. “AHHUUU, UHHH… AHNNN….” she slurred as Dio pulled her up on her knees, leaning over her shoulder and forcing his tongue into her mouth. He tasted like cigarettes and booze, and his breath stank, but she was still cumming so hard, it didn’t matter.


The men didn’t allow the girls a moment’s rest as they traded them back and forth several times. Time seemed to just stop, there was only this mind numbing pleasure as Cassie lost count of how many times she came. She could do nothing, only accept the pleasure that was forced on her.


After an eternity, the constant thrusting finally stopped, and she felt something warm and thick shooting all over her face and tits. The itching, tingling dizziness finally subsided and everything seemed to fade to white.


When her awareness finally came back, Cassie found herself laying in the back of her truck. Lily was there as well. Both of them were naked save for a couple of towels casually tossed over their sweaty bodies. They were still parked outside of Dio’s house and the sun had long since set.


Cassie pushed herself upright when she heard her phone beeping with a notification. It was a message from Sahara Shipping:




Cassie rolled her eyes, “Yeah, he better have…” she muttered as she tried to get dressed again. “Lilith, you still alive?” she asked her partner.


“Aheheh…” was her partners only response as she gave a weak thumbs up.


“Good enough, let’s go home…” she said as she started the truck once she had what was left of her uniform back on.




Story by User: SailorIo


Special Thanks

(An IMMENSE THANK YOU! to our Patrons)

💧 Bigevennibba 💧
🎉 Luie 🎉
💎 Marorin 💎
💻 Matthew Lewin 💻
🍑 Prince Noctis 🍑
🍌 Rex 🍌
🍪 Strider 🍪
🍔 Zaz Mazaz 🍔
Cesar Alejandro
clinton nguyen
Joey Ellis
Myku Nailenne
Peter Hyjek
Caleb Draper
Dani Ramos
Michael Bartone


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8 months ago

Damn,Cassie and Lilith sure are hard workers…but it seems they can’t catch a break financially.

Although it does seem Cassie is the more “experienced” or i guess has more sexual stamina of the two,considering how quick she bounced back at the end there.

also some nice worldbuilding here and there this chapter. since mooncows were mentioned,makes me wonder if the ones raising them on the moon are humans,or a different species. also makes me wonder if Centaurs are a thing what other creatures exist in this world….

Also for their designs,fantastic work on both! great job of adding more contrast between the two despite them being from the same race/specie. both in term of their proportions and also their overall looks/accessories.