Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Creating Memories with the Inlaws

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Part XXIV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXVI): [LINK]

(A random sea somewhere in the New World…)


“Another cup of tea, dear?” offered the young princess on the other side of the white garden table.


She was bathed in the golden sunlight that shone down all around them, which made it hard to make out her facial features. One thing was obvious though! She was stunning in every conceivable way! Her pink hair reached down to her shoulders and covered her right eye. A sleeveless, pink frilly dress of the same shade as her hair hugged and accentuated her body in all the right spots, showing plenty of her cleavage. Over the dress, she wore a fluffy and cozy pink coat that gave her an overall more regal and elegant flair that matched the rest of her attire perfectly! The two “6”, which were tattooed on her thighs, were discreetly hidden behind white stockings that ended in a pair of pink pumps.


“Gladly!” the brunette girl across the table replied and held her empty cup towards the other woman.


While dressed in a much more casual manner, the second girl was no less beautiful! Her long hair draped down her shoulders, kept in a pair of pigtails on either side of her head. The third eye on her forehead was hidden behind a thick veil of her brown hair as she waited for her cup to get refilled. She wore puffy red pants that hid her legs from any prying eyes, which there were plenty of around them, and a purple shirt that highlighted her natural huge boobs.


She held the cup to her nose and inhaled the strong sweet and flowery flavor, “Mmmh~!” the brunette moaned before taking a little sip from the porcelain cup. “Really interesting aroma. Can’t say I ever tasted anything similar back home.”


“Hahahaha!!” The pink haired girl laughed, with a warm and gentle laugh that matched her mature nature. “I can’t blame you. I doubt that even Big Mom, with all her connections to the underworld, managed to get her hands on Albinean Berry Blend. Especially when father destroyed the kingdom it came from during the Conquest of Four Nations.”


“No wonder it’s such an exquisite taste!” stated the three-eyed woman after another sip. She then sighed as she put the cup down on the little plate in front of her. “Haaa~! The rare things are always the best!”


“I couldn’t have said it better!” agreed the curvaceous princess. Drinking from her own cup, she took her time savoring the rich smell in her nose and the fruity taste in her mouth. “Though…” She put the cup down again. “I make sure to keep the plants who make these wonderful teas alive and well in a greenhouse. Unlike my father and my brothers, I do enjoy relaxing and unwinding every now and then. Life is so much more than conquering and fighting all day!”


The brunette nodded, “And nothing helps better in that area than good tea!” She finished the other woman’s statement before adding. “And good cake!”


“Indeed! To be completely honest though, after everything that has happened, I actually can live without cake in the foreseeable future. I got more than enough of that back at your place!” The other woman told her candidly, and with just a hint of playfulness in her voice. “Dealing with your family kinda soured the taste a bit for me.”


In an instant, the shorter woman felt uncomfortable in her place, “I… I see. That’s understandable…”


The two women drinking tea and chatting were former enemies; Charlotte Pudding and Vinsmoke Reiju! Not so long ago, Pudding held Reiju at gunpoint and told her in detail how she would assassinate Sanji and her entire family in order to gain the Germa 66’s infamous cloning technology. While she later got her memory wiped by Pudding’s Devil Fruit power, Sanji ultimately told her all about the assassination attempt and, with the help of the Straw Hats, other temporary allies, and tons of luck, they were actually able to escape from the arranged wedding and Big Mom’s clutches.


Ultimately, the two groups parted ways on bitter terms. Totland was still in disarray after the many battles all over it, and especially after its matriarch had gone missing after the raid on another Emperor’s stronghold in the land of the samurai. Meanwhile, the seafaring Kingdom of Science had been left on the brink of destruction, with most of its soldiers dead and big parts of its territory in ruins.


Bees buzzed through the air, flying from blooming bush to blooming bush. The sky above was a light and foreboding gray, announcing an upcoming storm with heavy north winds that caused the black flags on top of white ivory towers to flutter chaotically. All around, the waves got wilder and wilder, turning into weird spirals that shot several feet high into the air before dropping down with a thunderous SPLASH! Due to the Germa Kingdom’s unique properties, those waves actually rocked the entire swimming nation and its inhabitants back and forth every time.


The frequent bumping of the waves didn’t deter the inhabitants from their duties however. They were given a task and would carry them out no matter what! May that be the removal of debris which would take ordinary humans days, repairing broken walls of the castle and other buildings, or guarding their nation by keeping an eye on the highly advanced radar in the castle or by marching up and down on the once great defensive walls, the nation’s soldiers all fulfilled their roles accordingly and without complaint.


“But that’s all water under the bridge now. You were nothing but an actress who played the role assigned to you by your mother back then, I know that much.” Reiju said with a soft smile. The older woman then leaned forward on one elbow and rested her head in the palm of her hand as she looked the other woman in her blue eyes, while tilting her head to the left a little bit. “And I appreciate that you go out of your way to look out for my foolish little brother!


“I… I’m NoT lOoKiNg OuT fOr Sa- hIm!!” stuttered Pudding, her voice cracking comedically as her face turned red like a ripe tomato. She fidgeted her fingers. “Why would I?! He’s annoying, weak, and overly emotional! There’s no way in hell I’d have feelings for someone like him!”


“Hehehe! Nobody said anything about you having feelings for him, dear.” Reiju teased the other woman.


A vein popped on Pudding’s forehead while the blush on her face somehow managed to get even more red, “Then it’s good that I don’t have any feelings for him! She drank from her cup to cool her temper down a bit. “No! None whatsoever!”


“Mhm. Sure!” the pinkette nodded with a smile. “Then again, I would completely understand and support you if you had feelings for him. He’s the only good apple from a rotten tree, myself included!”


“Don’t say that!” argued Pudding. “Compared to most of your family, you’re really noble. Hell, you even wanted to die with them instead of running away once you found out about the assassination again!”


“Heh! Shallow words that mean nothing!” Reiju waved off the younger girl’s comment and emptied her cup of tea. She leaned back in her seat and let her eyes wander over a wrecked castle wall nearby. “I’m still as much of a cog in a machine like you were before. And unlike you, I did some even more wretched and heinous deeds under my father’s command! Things that people with actual morals and emotions would never do! Dying with my family for our sins during that wedding would have been somewhat of an atonement for what we did!”


Letting her shoulders hang, Pudding pouted, “Still… Don’t you think it’s a bit unfair towards yourself to feel that way?” She asked while staring into the rippling red beverage in her cup. “Like, your death wouldn’t have brought the people back that you or your ancestors killed. Not only that, but Sanji-san would have tried his absolute hardest to save you one way or the other. Your death would have meant that all his efforts would have gone to waste!”


“And we can’t have that, can we?!” mused Reiju with a soft smile on her face. The young princess waved her own comment off, “Not that it matters much now. Germa still exists, for better or worse, and my dear younger brother is still sailing across these waters with his friends.” She said before adding silently so only she could hear. “Enjoying his freedom and life far away from this cursed family!”


Right as Pudding wanted to add something, she was interrupted by a sudden thunder-like rumble, “You really are an imbecile! Why won’t you two believe that she said that I’m the biggest one of us!” a snarky voice asked from a cloud of dust that moved across the courtyard and towards the table where the two women enjoyed their tea.


“Are you stupid?! She clearly said that I’m bigger below the belt than both of you!” another voice shot back.


“You’re both wrong!” remarked the last of the three men. “It’s me!”


The three men fighting against one another were the three princes of the Germa Kingdom, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji. The sound of metal hitting metal grew louder and louder as the cloud came closer. Through the brown veil of dust, both women were able to see red, blue, and green fists and legs hitting one another. Beams of red light shot out of the cloud and off into the sky, hollowing out one of the dark clouds above them. Blue arks of electricity sparked up every now and then, illuminating the three figures at the center of the cloud as they punched and kicked one another. Yonji managed to grab Niji by the throat and slammed him to the ground, which cracked under the force behind it. The blue haired man on the ground clicked his tongue and kicked his younger brother in the chest, causing him to let go of the white buttoned shirt as he was sent flying away a couple feet. He rose to his feet again and drew his sword, ready to strike, when Ichiji stepped between them.


“That’s enough!” declared Judge’s oldest son. The authority in his voice made his two brothers begrudgingly stop with their fighting. Ichiji turned towards Pudding. His eyes remained hidden behind a pair of red shades he always wore, “Tell us; who of us three got the biggest penis?” He asked, sounding as serious as ever!



YONJI – Winch Green


“Hold it right there, Charlottes!” Judge Vinsmoke shouted at the two incoming women. The blonde king pointed his spear towards them while his clone soldiers readied their guns. “What are you doing here?”


“We could ask you the same thing!” replied Praline with a confident grin that showed her sharp teeth. Seemingly unbothered by all the weapons, she swam closer towards the seafaring kingdom’s port, “We were just looking for a place to spend the night and then you suddenly pop up out of nowhere!” She laughed into the back of her hand. “Shashashasha!! And here I thought Mama sank you lot to the bottom of the sea!”


“You little…!” Standing next to his father, Yonji clenched his hand into a fist. He took a step forward, “Show some respect! We made sure that you and your fishy friends had even remotely a chance of escape!” He said as he eyed the two sisters up and down, while thinking silently to himself. ‘Wow! They’re so SEXY!!!


Pudding put up her hands, showing to them that she meant them no ill, “We’re not here on behalf of Mama or anything. Nor do we want to attack or insult you!” She said.


“Hmph! I guessed that much, with that old hag all gone and whatnot!” the scientific mastermind grunted. “That still doesn’t explain why you are here all alone of all places! Nor does it give you any right to just come here, to MY kingdom, after everything your family did!”


“No longer my family!” commented Praline, unbothered by his harsh words as she swam all the way up to the metal bridges that worked as a port for small ships. “I cut ties with them the moment I married my dear Aladine and decided to help the Straw Hat escape.”


WOHOOO!!!!! She’s even sexier up close! And she’s got spunk! I like her!’ thought Yonji, using all his willpower to not spray blood from his nose in every direction as he watched the gigantic mermaid lean forward on the dock.


While not as tall as the fabled Mermaid Princess from Fish-Man Island, Praline was still tall enough to dwarf most men easily! The freckles on her face moved with her mouth as she laughed a playful laugh that actually made her plump tits bounce slightly in the flimsy excuse of a jacket that she wore. Blue waves washed against her back, causing drops of water to run down the crevice of her tits. The setting sun behind her bathed her in an orange light that made the sexy mermaid look even more angelic in the young prince’s eyes. Pudding continued clinging to her older sister’s shoulders as the brunette mermaid rested her arms on her natural round and full tits.


“We’ve been traveling through these waters for a while now and would simply like to find a place for the night.” explained Pudding, still trying to deescalate the situation between them. “Maybe you can point us to the next island, or we could stay for just one night? We wouldn’t want to be an inconvenience to you!”


Fuck! I wanna fuck her so bad! Sanji is really an idiot for ditching such a prime piece of fuckmeat like her!’ Yonji thought as his dick pressed against the black pants he wore. He drooled a bit at the visual images that flooded his mind as he thought what he would do with the two girls if he got the chance. ‘And that other slut! If she weren’t married… Fuck it! I’d plow her regardless!


Next to him, his father clicked his tongue, “Tsk! Fine! You can stay!” He told the two women, much to their surprise. Turning around, he ordered his soldiers to drop his weapons again and walked back towards his castle. “I don’t care for how long you stay as long as you don’t disturb me. I’ve got some work to do in the lab with an old colleague. Yonji, show them the quarters where they can stay!”


YES!!” Yonji replied in an overly energetic manner.


Together with the two Charlotte siblings he watched his father walk back into the castle while the soldiers wandered off to continue their work. The green haired man couldn’t believe his luck! He just needs to play his cards right and say the right things and he might be able to get to fuck both these sluts at the same time!



“Oh, Yonji-sama~❤!” Before he could even come up with anything to say, he found a pair of slender arms wrapped around his chest. Something warm and squishy pressed against his muscular back while a sweet flowery scent filled his nostrils. “I’ve longed to see you again! I’m finally able to see you again, my hero!”


“Eh?” the prince blinked in surprise as he looked over his shoulders, only to find Pudding hugging him from behind, dressed in nothing but her birthday suit!


BLURG!!! Blood spurted out of his nose at the sight of her bare skin. He could only see her shoulders, due to the way she now clung to his back, but the feeling of her rock hard nipples poking against his spine was more than enough to send his lust into overdrive!


SHASHASHASHASHA!!!! You’re so impatient!” Praline chided her sister after having freed herself of what little clothes she wore. Her tits alone were almost as big as both Yonji’s and Pudding’s entire bodies and were tipped off with beautifully erect pink nipples. “I’m the one who wanted to feel him between my boobs first!”


“No chance! My pussy… Ever since I first saw you, my pussy lusted for the sensation of your royal cock, Yonji-sama! When we captured you after the failed wedding, I wished to have you all for myself, so that you could fuck me day in and out! It ripped my heart in two hearing about your escape!” She moaned lustfully into his ear while caressing his muscular chest. “Please… I need you! I need your cock inside of me now!”


After wiping his nose clean of blood as fast as he could, Yonji then tore his white shirt and black pants off, “Ehehehe!! Gladly!” He chuckled pervertedly while turning around to face the two sisters directly.


“I- it’s so big…!” Pudding gasped at the sight of his erect cock. Her jaw dropped in response to seeing his thick piece of meat mere inches away from her already dripping wet pussy. “HNNNNGH!!!!” biting down on her lower lip, the three-eyed woman dragged her hands down his abs and towards his lively pulsating dick!


“That’s it… Take it!” Yonji groaned sardonically. He slowly started to swing his hips back and forth once he felt Pudding’s soft hands around his dick. “You know what to do, right?! Slut!”


Mhmmm!!” She nodded, eagerly rubbing his rock hard cock up and down.


“Say it!” demanded the green haired prince. His eyes remained closed as the young girl worked her hands faster and faster over his dick. “I want you to say exactly what you want me to do with my perfect fat cock!”


“Aaah, aaah… I… want this Germa-cock! I NEED it!” Pudding told him, her voice full of wanton desire and need. Pressing her ample bust against his chest, she put her head on his shoulder and kissed his neck, “I can’t wait much longer! I need you in me so bad! Please!”


“Hahahahahaha!!! You really are one horny slut!” Yonji laughed. He could feel his blood boiling in his veins in response to Pudding so close to his body. “Sanji is really a fool to ditch a girl like you!”


HAAA!!! Don’t mention that idiot ever again!” Pudding squealed as she felt his hands grabbing her fat ass. They sank into the soft flesh, grabbing it tight, “My heart and body belong only to you, Yonji-sama! Ahhh… please…” She nibbled on and whispered into his ear. “Fuck me already! I’m gonna die if you don’t fuck me soon!!”


Steam shot out of his nostrils, his dick leaking precum everywhere just by hearing her say those words, “With pleasure!” He stated. Then, without wasting any more time, he picked her off the ground. The brunette let go of his length long enough for him to then spear it into her desperately aching pussy!


AAAAAH!!!! MY PUSSY!!” She screamed in bliss the very moment her pussy’s lips got parted by the man’s dick. She threw her arms around his back and hugged herself against him, her nails failing to dig into his superhuman skin. “AAAH, HAAA, HAAA, HAAAAA!!!!


MNNNNNH!!!! You two look so sexy together!” moaned Praline from her place in the water just a few feet away from them. The giant mermaid watched with hungry eyes as her sister rode the mostly unknown man’s dick. “It’s making me so wet… Drill that Germa-cock harder into her! HARDER!!


“Trust me…” Yonji clenched his fingers, making them sink into Pudding’s bubble butt as he inhaled her rich and flowery scent as much as he could. “I’m gonna fuck her up so bad, she won’t be able to live without my dick in her cunt anymore!”


YES! DO IT!! LIFE WITHOUT YOUR FAT GERMA-COCK IS MEANINGLESS!!!” Pudding shouted from the top of her lungs, getting bounced up and down on Yonji’s member with such a pace her entire vision turned blurry due to all the shaking. “SO GOOD!! YOUR DICK FEELS SOOOO GOOD!!!! YOU’RE THE BIGGEST!! THE BIGGEST DICK OF YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!!!!


“Hehehehe! Of course I am!” the prideful man gloated, pumping the girl in his arms even faster. “Not a single one of my siblings has a bigger dick than I! And your tight little pussy is taking! IT! ALL!!!!


OH GOD!!! OOOOOOOOOHHH!!!!!” Pudding’s eyes rolled back in their sockets.




With each thundering thrust of his hips, Yonji intentionally stumbled a bit backwards, getting closer towards Praline who had begun to stroke and massage her own tits to the sight of her sister getting railed, “You said you wanted me between your tits, right?!” He asked, getting closer to the fleshy ravine of her humongous boobs.


“C’mere, little guy!” the older of the two sisters licked her ruby lips as she pulled her tits to both sides of her body. Once Yonji found his way between them, she pressed them together on either side of him once more. “You’re mine now! Let me show you pleasure unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before!”


“Fuck!! Damn… this feels hot!” grunted Yonji. He really felt like he was a dick now, trapped between those two fleshy orbs that rubbed all over his body! “You’re surprisingly good at this!”


“Of course I am!” replied Praline, with her lower half thrashing wildly through the water as she found herself unable to contain her lust for much longer. “You’d be surprised what I could do once I got your friend down there between my lips!”


“Eh! I’ll pass!” Yonji told her without a care, “Your tits are good enough and I got this little slut to fuck senseless!” He said right as he drove his cock all the way into Pudding’s cunt!


AAAAAAHH!!! YESSSS!! FORGET ABOUT MY SISTER!! I’M ALL YOU EVER NEED!!! JUST FUCK ME!!! TURN ME INTO YOUR MINDLESS COCK-ADDICTED CUMDUMP!!!!” Pudding screamed in response, bucking wildly on top of his dick. Her pussy gushed over and over around the thick spear of flesh. “PLEASE!!!! GIVE ME YOUR CUM!!!! GIVE ME A PURPOSE IN LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFEEE!!!!!!!


“You’re so trashy! The perfect slut to take care of my needs!” The emotionless superhuman slowed down his thrusts, feeling a brand new sensation in his body that he never felt in his life before. It started in his ballsacks and spread like a fever through his modified body. “TO TAKE CARE OF MY SEEDS!!!!!” He then roared!


He pulled Pudding down on his dick, somehow managing to bury it even deeper into her, “OHHH… YES!!! IT’S CUMMING!!!! I CAN FEEL IT!!!!” the brunette moaned in delight. “YOU’RE CUMMMMMMMIIIIIINGH!!!


“Knock her up! Give my sweet darling sister a baby!” purred Praline, clenching her tits so much around the two, she couldn’t even see them anymore. “Then you’re gonna do me next! I want a real man to take care of me! Someone big and strong! Not like my cuck husband Aladine!”


Yonji’s balls convulsed before spurting out their sticky white essence! The gooey substance flooded Pudding’s womb and left her with a feeling of complete and utter pleasure! For almost ten whole seconds, Yonji continued shooting out his cum, largely due to Pudding’s pussy clamping impossibly tight around his cock to milk out as much of it as possible!


AAAAH!! SO MUCH!!! ALL THAT CUM IN MY WOMB…” Pudding cried tears of joy, her body shaking frantically in Yonji’s strong but cold arms. “I’M CUMMING SO MUCH!!!! YOUR PERFECT BIG GERMA-COCK IS MAKING ME CUM MY BRAINS OUT!!! YOU’RE THE BIGGEST DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!



NIJI – Dengeki Blue


“So, my failure of a son is sailing around somewhere in those oceans?” asked Judge from his place on the throne.


Pudding had just brought the news of her recent encounter with Sanji on Supaima Island a couple days ago during dinner. Yonji had practically begged their father to let her eat with them after something that happened on the day she arrived here. Niji didn’t mind though! The brunette girl was some nice candy for the eyes and he appreciated every second that he was able to ogle at her!


The blonde king brought his fork down on the stuffed and rolled roast beef and cut himself a piece out of it before eating it. “To think that he’s able to stay alive for so long, despite being so weak…”


“Hahahahaha!! Don’t think so much about it, father!” Niji said while swirling around a glass of wine in his hand. “Most of that is probably due to your brilliant technology. Who knows, maybe his body finally got as hard and strong as ours after I slipped him his Raid Suit?”


Yonji nearly choked on his food as he slammed his hands down on the table, “PFWAHAHAHAHARG!!!” He laughed, with pieces of meat flying in every direction as he did so. “You really think he finally awakened his latent powers?! Sanji? That’s hilarious!”


The rest of the family, aside from Reiju, joined in on the laughter. The pink haired daughter quietly ate her food next to Pudding, who followed the family’s hijinks with an uneasy look in her two visible eyes. She was allowed to join the royal family during dinner after already spending three days on the seafaring kingdom. Praline has already left her, saying that she longed to see her husband again. It didn’t bother Pudding that much back then, as she still had her trusty homie Rabiyan to hitch a ride on if she wanted to leave and meet up with Sanji again. Now though, she grew more and more uncomfortable around the mostly emotionless family.


On her right, another guest of the kingdom cleared his throat before laughing, “SHURORORORORO!!! Still, exoskeleton or not, it’s pretty impressive that your son was able to defeat that fatso Queen! Queen’s scientific prowess might have never been on par with my own, of course, but still…!” Caesar Clown stated overly confident.


“Well, if that failure Sanji was able to beat your old buddy, then he couldn’t have been that much of a challenge.” said Niji, leaning back in his chair and putting his legs on the round dinner table that everyone, aside from Judge, sat around. “Anyone could have done it!”


“Hmph!” the patriarch and king of the family only grunted dismissively. “As much as I hate that guy, his inventions were decent, all things considered. Especially those biological weapons of his! If it weren’t for his ego, he might have been on par with us!”


“Maybe! Speaking of old times …” Caesar pushed his plate to the side and rose from his seat, “Isn’t it time we continue with our project?” He asked his old partner.


Judge nodded in agreement, “It is!” He wiped the corners of his mouth clean before standing up. His half-finished plate was left on the table as he walked down the stairs towards his former rival and his family. “Ichiji! Yonji! You’ll come with us! It’s time to push your genetic modifications even more! You’ll be reborn! Stronger! Faster! Tougher! Colder! More heartless than ever!”


“Of course!” the two brothers obeyed their father’s orders and answered with one voice.


They left their food behind as well and followed the two mad scientists into the still functional and undamaged laboratories in the basement, but not before telling Reiju and Niji that their enhancements would follow next. A silence fell over the throne room that felt different for each one of the three people inside.


Niji’s silence was one of stoic neutrality. The news about his impending improvements were something everyone of his siblings had anticipated for a long time after their less than satisfying stand against Big Mom’s forces back in Totland. Having been made completely emotionless and created to obey his father’s every command, he didn’t view those new enhancements as anything worth thinking about! Instead, he continued to eat his meal in silence, continuously looking over towards the brunette beauty on the other side of the round table.


Pudding seemed to notice his glances. Whenever she felt his eyes linger on her and turn his way, she quickly turned away again and continued eating, fidgeting on her seat. Her silence was one of uneasiness and uncertainty that stemmed from the unique situation she found herself in.


Hehe! She’s a shy little one!’ the blue haired prince thought, smiling as he impaled another piece of meat. He lifted the fork to his lips, ‘No way in hell did Yonji have his way with her already! And if he did…’ He licked his lips. ‘I’m not gonna let myself get outdone by any of my brothers! I’ll just have to prove to this slut that I’m the best of us!


Next to him, his older sister gave him a side-eyed glance, almost as if she could read his mind, but ultimately didn’t say anything. The only woman in the royal family slowly ate her meal, savoring each bite as if it would be her last. Unlike her three brothers, she actually had emotions, thus making it harder for her to accept the improvements her father had planned for her. She obviously couldn’t disobey his orders or change his mind, and thus all she could do was to accept her fate.


Niji knew of this weakness all too well. He, like his older brother Ichiji, viewed her as the weakest link of their current family, next to their father, because of those emotions. Instead of calling the clone soldiers as meat shields to protect her, she would go out of her way and take explosions and bullet shots herself, simply because she didn’t want them to die because of her orders. She obviously still survived all those encounters, but, as their run in with the Big Mom Pirates had shown, they couldn’t afford such carelessness and weakness much longer!


After a couple of minutes that felt like hours, Reiju pushed her finished plate to the side, “If you excuse me, I’ll be heading to my chambers!” She said to no one in particular.


Both Pudding and Niji watched as the older woman left the throne room. Niji didn’t pay much attention to her, only seeing this as an opportunity to have time with Sanji’s ex-fiancee all for himself!



“Oh, Niji-sama~❤!” The moment Pudding closed the doors, Pudding stood up and rushed over towards the emotionless man. Blood shot out of his nostrils as the slim beauty stripped out of each single piece of clothing on her way. When she dropped to her knees to his right, the only thing she still wore was a pair of hair ties that kept her locks in two pigtails on either side of her head.


“Eh? What’s going on?!” He asked, naturally suspicious of her sudden antics as she slipped under the table.


“I’m sorry, Niji-sama! I simply couldn’t wait much longer!” She told him, unbuckling his pants with frightening ease, “My body lusted for you every waking hour! Ever since I saw you fight on the Whole-Cake Chateau and on Cacao Island, I wanted to see you again!”


“Ooooooohhh?!!!!” He raised an eyebrow at that, but ultimately groaned in surprise and satisfaction once his dick was freed from its stretched confines. Already hard as steel, his cock stood proudly under the family table, open for Pudding to admire!


“It… it’s even bigger than I imagined!” the three-eyed girl gasped. For a moment, Niji thought as if he could hear her heart skip a beat at the sight of his cock. He felt her hot breath against his member as she leaned in closer. “I… I just have to… AUUUUUMPH!!!


HRRRRRRGH… Hehehehehe!! You surely don’t waste any time, do you?!” Niji’s fingers grabbed the edge of his seat, with his entire body becoming stiff and unmoving like a piece of iron.


One of his nuts had vanished entirely behind the young girl’s pillowy lips!


Swirling her tongue around the testicle, Pudding looked up to him with nothing but pure lust radiating in her two visible brown eyes, “SHO GHUUD AND SHWEET!!!! ‘OUW CAWK TASHTESH SHOOOO GHUUDDDDDD!!!!” She slurred in ecstasy, bobbing her head back and forth sensually to pull and tug on the round orb. “HMMM, MMMH, MMMH, MMMH, HMMMMMPH!!!!


“Damn! You’re good at this!” Niji arched his back a bit, enjoying the warmth of Pudding’s mouth covering his dick like a blanket. “What has gotten into you?”


MMMMMNH… AYE LUV IDDD!!! ‘OUW CAWK… IT’SH DA BIGGESHT CAWK AYE ‘AVE EVA SHEEN IN MUH LIPHE!!!” Pudding moaned ecstatically. Her voice vibrated through his nut as she caressed the fleshy orb with her tongue. She lifted her right hand and started to stroke the erect shaft inches away from her face, “NNNNNNGH, HMMMN, UMMMMM, GUAAAAAAH!!!!” Long drools of saliva connected her ruby lips with his ball even after she pulled away from it.


“Haaa…! You’re such a slut!” He groaned, already feeling himself getting close to orgasm at the gentle touch of her delicate fingers. “Yonji bragged that you said something eerily similar when he fucked you!”


HNNNNM… Forget about that idiot! Your dick… it’s so much bigger than his!” the brunette slut purred while rubbing her face against the side of his cock like a cat in heat. She dipped the index and middle finger of her left hand into the glistening folds of her twat, still stroking his cock with her right hand. “Aaaaaaahh… I can’t get enough of it…!!”


Lewd SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH sounds bounced off the walls of the throne room as Pudding continuously jammed her fingers deep into herself. Her eye contact with Niji never broke, even as she put his other nutsack between her lips. She bathed every inch of skin with her saliva, dragging her tongue in long, slow, and sensual strokes all over the pulsing ball.


SHO… SHO… HAWT!!! AYE LUV ID SHO MUSSSH!!” She howled in bliss, grinding her pelvis against her own two fingers while sucking on Niji’s manhood.


“Oh, yeah! Just like that…” Niji closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Putting a hand on the back of her head, he began throwing his hips back and forth. “Can’t believe that I thought marrying you wouldn’t bode well. Then again, you’re not exactly fit for marrying a real prince either, right? You’re way too much of a slut for that!”


MHMMM!!!!” Pudding spat out his ball and nodded in approval of his words. She kissed her way up the side of his cock before wrapping her lips around its tip, “AYE’M A SHLUUUUT!” She called out, deepthroating his entire length in one go!


A feeling like electricity coursed through Niji’s body. He grabbed her brown hair tight and, slowly at first, pushed her face back and forth on his dick. The experience was otherworldly! It was like the woman’s mouth had become a vacuum, sucking on his cock with the intent of getting every single drop of cum out of it, once that moment arises!


AYE’M A SHLUT WHO LIVESH TO SHERVE ‘OUR THICK AND PHAT SHERMA-CAWK!! GUG, GUG, GUG, HUUUURGH!!!” Pudding gagged, “THERE’SH NO GREADAAA PURPOSHE IN LIPHE DAN SHUGGING ‘OUR CAWK!!! AAAAH, AAAAH, GHAAA!! CAWK, CAWK!! PHUCK MUH MOUPH HAWDEW AND PHEED MEH ‘OUW CUM!!! DAT’SH ALL A SHLUT LIKE MEH NEEDSH!! CUM! CUMCUMCUMCUMCUMCUM!!!!!” She slurred wetly around his dick while shoving her fingers even faster into her own cunt. Her pussy sprayed its heady smelling juices over the carpeted floor as she fingerfucked herself to one minor orgasm after the other!


Unable to hold his bodily urges back for much longer, Niji looked down on her, “You want my seed so bad, you second-rate whore?” He asked her sarcastically, his chest heaving with every panting breath now as precum continued leaking out of his cock.


MHHHRRRRRM!!! PLEASHE!! THERE’SH NO BEDDAH PUWPOSHE IN LIPHE!!! HUMMMM, MMMMHH, NNNNMPH, GUUUH!!!” She begged with her nose pressed neatly against his bush of blue pubic hair. Some of it got loose and stuck to her lips as she pulled back again. If it bothered her though, she didn’t let it get noticed. “GERMA-CAWK!!! IT’SH SHTWETCHING MUH MOUPH-CUNT SHO MUUUUUSH!!! AYE LUV ID!! DUMP ‘OUW CUM IN MEH!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAASH!!!!!


“Alright! You asked for it!” He said. Still grabbing her by her hair, he now swung his hips even wilder and faster against her face! His balls smacked obscenely against her chin with every thrust. “You want my cum?”


YEGGGGH, GUGUH, HUUUG, HUUUG, GUGH!!! YEEEEEEEESSSH!!!!!” Pudding answered his question as loudly as possible. “DWOWN MEH IN ‘OUW PEWFECT GERMA-JIZZ!!!


“Hehehehe!! You would love that, wouldn’t you?!” Niji teased her.


Right as he was about to cum however, he pulled back! He stood up from his chair, his cock leaving Pudding’s mouth with a wet plopping sound that was accompanied by a plaintive whimper from the brunette pirate. Aiming his dick at his still unfinished plate, the young prince then shot his load over the food on his plate! The sticky white, somewhat clear, goo glazed sauce, meat, and vegetables alike!


A few seconds later, once he finished cumming, he reached under the table and pulled Pudding out from underneath it with her hair. “Here, that should be plenty enough for you!” Niji told her with a snark, roughly pressing her face down on the table next to the plate. “What are you waiting for?! Drink up, you dumb bitch! You wouldn’t want to waste good food, would you?!”


“Nmmmmmmh…” Pudding squirmed in his hands, clearly uncomfortable with this situation. Still, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue before lapping up the sauce like a dog!


“That’s a good little slut! You know, I never understood what Sanji’s deal was with wasting food, but now…” the blue haired prince held his still hard dick in his hands and guided it towards the bent-over Pudding’s asshole. “It’s good enough for a stupid cumdump like you!”


“Ye- YEEEEESS!! EATING YOUR CUM IS THE BEST THING EVER!!!” She screamed, bucking her hips back against him once she felt the heat emitting from his dick. She still lapped at the salty sauce, some of it running down the side of her cheek, as she felt herself close to cumming all over again. “FEED ME WITH YOUR COCK AND CUM!!! I WANNA EAT NOTHING MORE THAN YOUR BABYBATTER FOR THE REST OF MY LIIIIIIIIIIIFE!!!



ICHIJI – Sparking Red


Steaming hot water rained down on the two naked women after they stepped into the shower. Aside from a single shower curtain that depicted several exotic fish, the entire room was kept clinically sterile and devoid of any color or personality. The only thing that could be seen as decoration would be the two golden “6” which were printed on the huge teak wood doors that led into the bath.


“Aaaaahh… that’s so much better!” Reiju exclaimed as she put her head right underneath the shower head, letting the water rinse off all the dirt and blood from her body.


The young princess was covered in bruises. Not a single inch of her previously pristine and marvelous skin wasn’t a bloody mess at the moment. Despite being former enemies and not parting ways with her on good terms, Pudding was visibly uncomfortable by seeing the other woman like this.


“I… I take it your father’s enhancements didn’t work as he expected?” the younger girl asked carefully, with her eyes following the blood running down Reiju’s curvaceous body as it got carried away by the shower. The wounds underneath didn’t look like anything too dangerous. Yet, at the same time, it was weird seeing human skin dented like this!


Reiju’s skin looked more like when you hit with a solid hammer against a metal sheet, courtesy of her superhuman skin!


The pink haired beauty looked at Pudding silently for a moment, making her worry she might have said something wrong, before saying, “Oh, the enhancements seem to work alright, otherwise I wouldn’t look like this.” She said, knocking with her fist right underneath her big tits where her rips looked as if someone, or something, bent them inwards with great force.


Gulping, Pudding couldn’t bring herself to look away from the offputting sight, “Then… why do you look so… you know? Wasn’t the goal behind these enhancements to make you more invulnerable than before?” Pudding wanted to know as she emptied a bottle of a flowery smelling body wash over her shoulders.


“Father hasn’t tested the enhancements on me and Niji yet.” Reiju stated matter of factly. She reached for a pink bottle of body wash and put some of it on her hands. After applying a thick lather of foam on the inside of her hands, she rubbed it all over her dented body parts. “He called us down into the lab today to see how Ichiji’s and Yonji’s enhancements fared against us. The isolated tests he put them through yesterday didn’t give him the information he wanted.”


“So he made them fight against you? Even though he already knew that they have become much stronger than you?” Pudding added in shock. She moved her hands all over her body to spread the body wash all over herself. “That’s terrible!”


“Mnh.” Reiju shrugged her shoulders, “It was to be expected. Now I at least know what I can expect to happen to myself once my father got the results he wanted from experimenting on Ichiji and Yonji. And I will know what I will be capable of doing to whatever target I am sent to kill.”


Pudding couldn’t help but stare with an open mouth at the other woman. The indifference with what she just described this situation of herself left a sour taste in the young cook’s mouth. It actually made her wanna hug Reiju, though she suspected that the pink haired assassin didn’t take lightly to an act like this. Especially after what had happened between the two women before.


Instead, Pudding simply swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as her hands wandered over her shoulders and down her arms, applying a thick lather of the body wash there. “And you’re actually okay with this?”


“It doesn’t matter if I’m okay with it or not. If my father orders me to undergo those experiments, I will do so. If he orders Niji and me to act as sparring partners for our brothers, I will do so. My feelings don’t matter in that regard!” She explained plainly.


“I see…”


In many ways, Pudding could relate to Reiju’s predicament. As a child of Big Mom, she herself had been forced to do several things she didn’t want to do. But even then, she always did have the option and the free will to disobey if she wanted. From what she had seen from the Vinsmokes, they had none of it! They were, for the most part, weapons to be used by their father.


It didn’t help that the Vinsmoke siblings didn’t have anyone looking out for them. In her family, the younger Charlottes all had their older siblings to look up to. From Katakuri, to Smoothie, to Perospero, to Amande and Galette, all of them were able to spare a second or two to at least listen to their younger siblings’ problems. What you united the Charlottes was the respect and fear towards their matriarch, as well as the strong bond between each other.


Reiju didn’t have any such luxury with her family!


“Regardless of that, how much longer do you intend to stay with us? You’ve been here for almost an entire week now!” Reiju pointed out.


After applying the odd looking pink lather on every bump and dent she could find, she stepped underneath the large shower head and let the water rain down on her. Metallic popping and creaking sounds caused shivers to run up and down Pudding’s spine. She looked at Reiju and saw every damage on her body revert back to normal, similar to when you put a dented table-tennis ball in boiling water.


“W- well, to be honest, I don’t know for how much longer I want to stay. I’ve read the newspaper today and the Strawhats have apparently already left Supaima Island the other day.” Pudding stared out of a window to her right that overlooked the castle’s courtyard. “Maybe I’ll follow them in a few days. With the Vivre Card I made with Sanji’s help after… I ran into him, it shouldn’t be too hard!”


“Probably for the better!” Reiju said bluntly, now using regular body wash instead of the sterile one for the repairs to get the smell of dirt, sweat, and blood off of her. “I’ve heard some rumors about what you did with my brothers and they’re growing restless! Especially the one that you haven’t slept with yet. Isn’t that right, Ichiji?”


Pudding followed Reiju’s line of sight as the pink haired woman turned around. A person stepped through the steam that covered the entire room and closer towards the two naked women. When or how he had gotten into the bath, without the girls noticing, actually scared Pudding a bit. Even with her third eye open and looking around, she hadn’t noticed him whatsoever. It’s like he just materialized there out of thin air!


“You knew that I’ve been there the entire time and didn’t say anything? What a bad sister you are!” the oldest son of Vinsmoke Judge said. In stark contrast to his confident voice, his face was as red as the Raid Suit he wore in combat after ogling at them the entire time. He grinned lecherously, wiping his face clean as he got closer to them.


“I had a hunch.” Reiju replied calmly. Her reaction towards getting seen all naked by her younger brother couldn’t be any different from Pudding’s, who quickly tried to cover her pussy and tits from his hungry eyes. “The males of our family tend to have no sense of privacy or tact when it comes to women.”


“Hehehehehe!! You insult me, Reiju.” Ichiji grinned even more at Pudding’s attempts to keep her private parts out of his sight, “I’m just here to see if what Niji and Yonji bragged about are true. I was only interested in this slut here though.” He said with a nod towards Pudding. “Didn’t know that you two are so close that you share a bath though.”


“And yet you kept staring even when your sister was there as well. You disgust me.” Reiju said with a deadpan look in her eyes as she stepped between him and the younger girl.


“It’s alright.” Pudding decided to step in. Still covering herself with her arms, she stepped over towards the red haired man, with a bashful red blush on her face. “In fact, I was looking forward to having fun with you the entire time!”


A small trickle of blood ran down Ichiji’s nose as he saw her hips swing from side to side with each step, “Is that so?” He asked cooly.


“Of course! When your younger brothers were already so big, you obviously had to be even bigger!” She told him. Once she was close enough, she put her arms on his shoulders and stared longingly into his bespectacled eyes. Her tits pressed against his muscular chest as she felt the bulge in his wet pants.


“If you think my brothers had big dicks, you’re gonna love mine!” He told her with a gloat as he put his hands around her back. He didn’t even realize as her hand got closer towards the side of his head as he instead leered at her impressively huge tits and how they were squished against his abs.



Somehow, Pudding managed to slip out of his grasp. She walked back next to Reiju and smiled confidently over her shoulder towards him. Before Ichiji’s very eyes, he saw the boobs of both girls ballooning outwards all of a sudden. It felt like a dream, their tits doubling, tripling, and quadrupling in size until they were bigger than their entire upper bodies!


AGOOOO!!!!” Ichiji’s eyes nearly broke through his glasses as they transformed into hearts. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he practically floated over towards the two women.


Both of them smiled daringly at him, their still normal asses pressing invitingly against each other, almost as if they waited for something to get between them to sandwich. How they were still able to stand upright with such enormous tits now weighing down on them was something that Ichiji couldn’t even begin to understand. He ultimately didn’t care though as he ripped his clothes to threads.


AAAAAAHHH… COME HERE MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR!!!” Pudding exclaimed happily at the sight of his raging boner. All three eyes burned with passion as she watched him get closer with a wickedly fast beating heart!


Yuck! That eye is disgusting!’ Ichiji thought to himself, but didn’t let himself get distracted by it, ‘Those tits though… who knew that Reiju had such big knockers?!’ He came to a halt right behind the two women and instantly put his hands on their plump buttocks. ‘They’re so sooooooft!!!


AAAAAAHH~ ICHIJI-SAMAAAA~❤!” Sanji’s former fiancé squealed happily as she instinctively pushed her butt against his hand. “SQUEEZE MY ASS HARDER!!! IT FEELS SO GOOD!!!!


“Heh! My brothers weren’t joking! You are a slut!” He told her as he did exactly what she begged him to do! His fingers completely vanished in the brunette’s malleable butt as he squeezed and played with it.


YESSS!!! I’M A SLUT!!! A SLUT FOR BIG FAT GERMA-COCKS!!!!! THEY’RE THE BEST!!!!!” She told him loud and proud, squirming lovingly as he gave her ass a quick spank. Her butt rippled from the impact, causing her to lose balance for a quick second. “AHHH!! IT HURTS SO GOOD! DO IT AGAIN!!!!


Next to her, Reiju bit down on her lip as the quick spanks of Ichiji’s hands on the other woman’s ass echoed throughout the room, “Mmmmmnh… What a brute you are, hitting an innocent girl like that!” She teased her own brother while grinding her ass against his body.


“I’m only noble and do what she asked me to do. Isn’t that what the commoners want us royalty to do, big sis?” He asked, while his dick was throbbing wildly. Unlike with Pudding, his fingers were still clearly visible as he groped his sister’s fat butt. Both her rigorous training and her superhuman body made it nigh impossible to actually grab her tight! “Now then, which one of you two whores wants to feel my dick first?”


ME!! MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” the question hadn’t even fully left his mouth when Pudding already answered it. She put a hand on her other butt and pulled it to the side, giving Ichiji a clear view of her convulsing and dripping pussy, and her tight asshole. “FUCK WHICHEVER WHOLE YOU WANT!!! JUST BE QUICK!!! I’M GONNA DIE IF I DON’T HAVE YOUR DIVINE GERMA-COCK IN ME SOON!!!!


“Ahahahaha!! You’re such a whore! How could I say no to such pleas?!” He asked rhetorically, already shoving his dick up and into her ass. “Hope you like my royal dick!”


FUUUUUUUUCK!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!” Pudding hissed in raw pleasure, arching her back as her inner muscles clenched as hard as they could around his shaft. “YOUR COCK… IT’S SO DEEP INSIDE OF ME!!! FUCK!! I’M CUMMING!!! I’M ALREADY CUMMING FROM GETTING MY ASS FUCKED BY YOUR BIG GERMA-COCK!!!


Reiju grinned softly as her brother pushed his hips deeper and deeper into the former enemy’s tight hole, “Such a vulgar way to talk to a prince! It’s time you learn some manners, you slut!” She told Pudding, pulling away from Ichiji to instead stand in front of the smaller brunette.


Pudding’s three eyes widened as the other woman pulled her head down to her crotch, “HMM?? MMMMMMMMMPPPH!!!” her muffled moan vibrated through Reiju’s cunt. Without even thinking twice, Pudding shoved her tongue deep into the princess’ pussy, lapping away at the sweet nectar that had started to trickle out of there.


“Ahh… Ain’t that a sight worth seeing?!” Ichiji licked his lips.


Resting on Pudding’s back were his sister’s two enlarged tits, teasing him with their painfully stiff looking pink nipples. Reiju used Pudding’s pig tails like handles and held her close to her smoothly shaved twat, grinding her pelvis against the younger girl’s face. Pudding’s own tits swung back and forth like a pair of cow udders as she was used by the two siblings like their own personal sex toy.


“And? Am I now better than my brothers or not?” The ginger haired man gave her ass another quick spank for emphasis.


YEEEEPH!!!! ‘OUW SHO MUSH BIGGAH!!!!” She moaned into Reiju’s pussy, “‘OUW PEWFECT SHERMA-CAAAAAWK ISH MESSHING UP MUH INSHIDESH!!!! AYE’M CUMMING AGAIIIIIIIIN!!!!!” She howled like possessed. Her entire body shuddered and trembled as if she was in the epicenter of an earthquake. “GUUUUMPH, GUUUUGH, GUUUUGH!!!! MAKE MEH ‘OUW PERSHONAL ROYAL PLAYPHING!!!! AYE WANNA GET PHUGGED BY ‘OUW PHOR THE RESHT OPH MUH LIPHE!!!!!!!


“Mmmmmh~ what an eager little slut we found for ourselves, brother!” purred Reiju. The older sister tied both of Pudding’s pig tails together behind her back to keep her face bound to her dripping vagina. “So eager to please. So eager to get her holes filled by your royal cock!”


“Hrrrrg… Who wouldn’t be?!” Ichiji grunted in pleasure. He gripped both of Pudding’s tight buttocks now for better leverage and started to swing his hips against hers.




The repeated sounds of flesh hitting against flesh echoed across the bath. Water and soap flew off in every direction as Ichiji piston fucked Pudding’s tight ass harder and harder, causing her to scream in maniac ecstasy, “OH GAWD!! OOOOOOOOHHH, PHUUUUCK!!!! HOW ISH DISH POSHIBLE???!!” Pudding’s eyes rolled back in their sockets, dazed with lust. “‘OUWE HITTING MEH SHO DHEEP!!! ‘OUWE GONNA SPHLIT MEH IN HAPH WIPH THAT PHAT GERMA-CAAAAAAAWK!!!!! AYE’M LOOSHING MUH MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND!!!!!!


“That’s it!” Reiju moaned, now grabbing and squeezing her own nipples as she got closer and closer to her own orgasm. “Cum in her already, brother! Flood her insides with your cum and make her your bitch!”


“Huff, huff, huff, huff… You… aaaaaah, you bet your sweet ass I will!” declared the emotionless man. His thrusts became even wilder, causing Pudding’s ass to wiggle and jiggle like jello every time he slammed into her. “Here it comes, you dumb whore! HERE! IT!! CUUUMS!!!


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!” Pudding wailed her arms around uncontrollably. Cum blasted into her insides with the force of a mortar! Within a mere second, she found herself stuffed to the brim by sticky white semen. Her muscles clenched tighter like a vice around Ichiji’s dick, keeping every single droplet of cum sealed within herself!


Arching her back, Reiju tugged on her own nipples and twisted them into opposing directions, “Take it, you treacherous whore! Feel the might of Germa!” She hissed as she came as well, her pussy spurting its delicious ichor all over Pudding’s face!


CUMAAAAAARK!! AYEKUUUUUUGH!!! AYE… AAAAAAAHH… AYE’M CUMMING SHO MUSH!!!!! PHICK SHERMA-CAAAAWK… IT’SH AWW AYE LIPHE PHOR NOOOOOOW!!!” Pudding cried out in orgasmic madness. Tears streamed down her cheeks and mixed with the nectar there before running down and dropping onto her tits. “ISHITSCHI-SHAMAAA!!!! ‘OUW CAWK… IT’SH DA BIGGESHD ONE!!!! MAKE MEH ‘OUW SHLUT PHOR AWW ETERNITIIIIIEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!



(Back in the present, one week after Pudding arrived in the Germa Kingdom…)


Before Pudding could give them a clear answer, the three princes of the Germa Kingdom already continued bickering and fighting amongst each other. The two women sighed and refilled their cups of tea.


“Do you really think it was such a good idea to mess with their memories like that?” Reiju asked as she looked at the cloud of dust that her brothers kicked up during their scuffle. She took a quick sip of her tea. “They were already so full of themselves and arrogant before you showed up, but now…?”


“I thought it would be a fun idea, even though it proved to be a difficult challenge to create all these fake memories out of nowhere. This was way beyond simply editing memories and aligning them together to make them fit.” answered Pudding with a shrug of her shoulders. “Luckily, your brothers already are a pretty perverted bunch with some pretty dirty and visual minds that made it much easier for me to get some reference material.”


“Hm, quite the difficult Devil Fruit to use.” commented Reiju. Putting her cup down, she reached for one of the biscuits on the silver tray between them.


Both women fell back into silently enjoying the darker atmosphere now. Strong winds caused the rose bushes around them to rustle and lose their leaves and blossoms. The waves crashed harder down against the giant Snails that carried the kingdom on their backs. The weird upwards swirling currents of this part of the ocean flew up higher and higher, only to drop down with even more deafening crashes than before.


Pudding finally found the courage again to continue their discussion from before they were interrupted. “And there’s really no way for you to get out of here? Away from your family?”


“I’m afraid not. As long as my father lives, I will be forced to obey his commands. The human mind and will is only so strong against scientific advancements, after all.” She explained with a deep sigh. “The only way for me to get my freedom, and for Germa to atone for their sins, is with our dea-!”


ALERT! ALERT! ENEMIES IN THE WATER! THIS IS NO DRILL! ALERT! ALERT!” a metallic voice from a nearby Transponder Snail interrupted her. Other Transponder Snails all over the kingdom continued saying the exact same words, alerting every soldier and ordering them to get ready for combat.


In front of Pudding, Reiju stood up and pulled a pink cylinder with the number “0” on it out of the pockets of her pink coat. It flashed with an artificial golden light that covered Reiju like a blanket. One second later, and gone was the dress and coat she wore earlier. Instead, Reiju now stood there in her own Raid Suit! Her legs were still exposed for the most part, but now were inside a pair of weird looking boots that allowed her to hover and fly through the air for short periods of time. A cape, similar in design to the wings of a butterfly, fluttered in the wind behind her. The Raid Suit failed to cover her midriff, leaving her belly button and cleavage completely free, while the rest of the skin tight suit stretched over arms.


“What… What’s going on? Is there really an enemy in the water?” Pudding rose up from her seat as well.


“The radars don’t pick up on fish or other living creatures. So there has to be a ship of some sorts down there.” Reiju said in an even tone. Her younger brothers, all dressed in their Raid Suits as well, joined her as she walked over to the part of the kingdom closest to where the ship was spotted.


“And the only person we know of with the technology to pull that off would be Vegapunk!” added Ichiji, “So it’s either one of his Sea Beast Weapons or some other new invention he came up with for the Government. Fire the torpedoes!” He then ordered without a second thought




An explosion shook the island as, underneath the waves, the torpedoes found their target. Water rained down on the gathered forces of the seafaring Kingdom of Science, “Status report!” Niji wanted to know.


“They’re rising up!” said a clone with a portable radar system attached to his wrist.


Reiju turned around towards Pudding, who had followed the professional interchange, “It’s probably best if you leave now.” She told the younger girl in a tone that left no room for disobedience. “If you ever run into Sanji again, say ‘Hi’ to him from me, okay?”


Pudding only nodded as she hopped onto Rabiyan, her trusted flying carpet that had rushed over to her back when the Transponder Snails first started with their alerts. Reiju didn’t watch as the brunette woman flew off with a bag full of provisions that should get her an entire week, that she had prepared earlier that day. The princess faced the ocean again as a yellow submarine rose from the dark blue depths of the water.


A man wearing a black coat and with a huge sword on his shoulders stepped out of the submarine and grinned, “And here I just wanted to swim quietly past you and ignore you… But if it’s a battle you want, we’re more than happy to give it to you!” said Trafalgar Law as his crewmates ran onto the deck of their submarine. The tattooed captain drew his sword and pointed it towards the Germa 66. “Especially if it’s Germa we’re talking about!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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7 months ago

So happy to see Reiju again, and to see the asshole brothers get messed with, now I just hope we get to see Reiju get freed!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
7 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Happy to see that you like the chapter. For a second I was worried you wouldn’t like the chapter because Usopp wasn’t in it XD.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym


But I do hope she gets freed. And oddly enough, I feel that (although being bisexual fits Reiju like a glove) Jimbei would be a fitting “partner” for Reiju since both know the feeling of slavery and both wish to fix their past mistakes.

7 months ago

Despite Sanji obviously being wayyyyy better than his brothers it was still interesting to see how Pudding would pair up with each of them, and especially her interactions with Reiju were probably my favorite bits.

I just hope we get more frequent update when the next arc starts with all the amount of waifus Oda introduces to us

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
7 months ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Yeah, it simply wasn’t Sanji’s time to be with Pudding again just yet. Much less for him to meet Reiju. Instead, I wanted to focus on the inner demons that Reiju has to deal with, as well as the stuff that Pudding and Germa 66 are up to currently.

As for the waifus, I don’t know, mate. I’d love to do some stuff with the marine girls, once I have some Tashigi pics to work with.

7 months ago

It’s been a while since the last OP chapter! Good to see it back!
Very good chapter with a cool twist at the end, it’s nice to see different POVs whether it’s Boa/Kidd or Pudding’s little adventures to get back to Sanji, hope we can see them together soon as I enjoyed their last chapter together. Now I wonder if Law will free Reiju from Judge’s claws? Anyway keep up the good work!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
7 months ago
Reply to  Yukiooo

YO! Incredibly thrilled to see that this chapter resonated so well with you! This one, and the last one with Hancock, are the longest stories I have ever written with a big focus on the character’s personality and mindset. I’m actually quite proud of them, so seeing you guys like them so much is a serious motivation for me! Thank you!

Actually, the next chapter, the one I’m currently working on, will be similarly long, if not longer and will focus on… well, you’re on the right track, but I don’t wanna spoil anything. Hope you’re looking forward to it.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Definetely looking forward to it!
Btw there is a link in the story that links to this same story, I guess it’s an error, it’s on this line:  “And I appreciate that you go out of your way to look out for my foolish little brother!

7 months ago

Not too big of a fan of Sanji brothers but I am a big fan of Pudding, and having it all being fabricated by pudding devil fruit is pretty hilarious. We all know Sanji is the biggest and best man for Pudding. Good job on the story.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
7 months ago
Reply to  Blank

Little spoiler, I want to have a moment later down the line where either Pudding or Reiju confirm that, while Sanji is more genetically close to his parents, somehow his brothers ended up with a 1:1 copy of their dad’s micro dick. Sanji meanwhile ended up with a true monster of a cock.

Happy to see that you like this chapter and the way Sanji’s brothers ended up “fucking” Pudding and the other girls.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

That’s truly exciting news to hear! Really excited to read about it in the future.

7 months ago

I wonder if Reiju will join Luffy’s harem?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
7 months ago
Reply to  DDP

You’ll have to wonder for a while longer.