Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Clean Up in Aisle Threesome

(Note: This story is part of an short series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part 0): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXIV): [LINK]

“Thanks for coming with me.” Noel said as she walked into the store flanked by Ichigo and Rangiku. “I don’t like walking around this place alone, and Ninny said she was busy with something.”


Ichigo Kurosaki nodded, “It’s no problem at all. I’m actually a little curious as to what all is sold in the clothing stores here.” he said as he looked around. Even after being in this crazy resort for a few days, it still felt odd walking around naked, even more so when walking around a clothing store. To his surprise, the place actually sold REGULAR clothes! Granted it seemed like all of them were in the on sale department, but still…


“Don’t take this the wrong way, but why are you and your partner still here, Noel? Shouldn’t you have gone back to the Western Branch by now?” asked Rangiku.


“We’re taking some time to make sure that curse thing doesn’t come back.” Noel explained. “Figured I might as well do some shopping for some souvenirs or something.”


“Makes sense. After all, you and Isane both got hit by it not long ago.” Ichigo said.


“I suppose you have a point, though I don’t think that was a persistent kind of Kido curse.” Rangiku said, “Kido might not be my strongest skill, but even I know enough to know that something like that can’t be compressed into a simple attack like that.” she commented idly as she looked through a rack of dresses. This was definitely the sale floor of the store, considering that very few of the dresses actually matched. Ichigo wondered if they were ever even on the regular sales floor at one point.


“That’s more than I know.” Ichigo admitted, “I can barely even do the simplest binding spell.” he told them as he looked at one dress, thinking how Orihime would look in it. It was a basic white sundress like he’d seen a million times drawn on anime characters. All that was missing was the wide brimmed white hat.


“That’s because your Reiatsu is just too potent. The more complicated spells require a ton of focus. At least that’s what the Captain always told me.” Rangiku said as they walked together through the aisles of the store.


“Toshiro or my dad?” Ichigo asked.


“Both,” Rangiku said, while winking and sticking her tongue out. “Speaking of, have you told him about us yet?” the strawberry blonde asked him.


“No, that’s more of a face to face conversation.” Ichigo told her, “Though I got a text from my sister, and it seems that Orihime already told them, so it’s likely he knows already. And knowing him, he’s just waiting for a chance to ambush me when I go back home.”


“Hmm, that sounds like something he’d do.” Rangiku said with a giggle, “Still hard to believe you’re his son even after this long.”


“About that,” Noel spoke up, “You don’t find it weird to be marrying a woman how many times your age?” Though Ichigo could tell she instantly regretted it from the deathly glare Rangiku was giving her. His new fiance then pressed her naked body up against his, making sure to press her huge tits against his chest while she did it.


“Age is just a number, isn’t it darling? Especially when I still look this good!” she said with a grin, leaning back to shake her huge tits from side to side.


“There’s some logic in that.” Ichigo conceded, it was just usually that argument was used by pervs who wanted to marry someone waaaaay too young for them. Usually some old man and a girl just barely even sixteen. Though in this instance, technically, Ichigo was the underaged one in the equation.


Yeah, not gonna bring THAT up.’ he thought to himself as he moved to put his arm around Rangiku’s slender waist and pulled her close until her huge tits mashed against his chest. He kissed her deeply, whilst shoving his tongue into her mouth as he moved his hand down to grab a fistful of her sexy ass.


“Nmmmmmmmmmmh!” Rangiku purred happily. She pushed her butt into his hand as she ran the fingers of her hand down his back.


Ichigo could practically HEAR Noel’s eyes rolling at the sight. He half expected her to clear her throat when Rangiku grabbed his dick in her hand, even as her dainty fingers were unable to close around it even when it was soft. She giggled into their kiss, while stroking his cock slowly, with her thumb rubbing over the tip.


Reluctantly, he broke the kiss when he felt his dick throbbing in the strawberry blonde woman’s grip and looked over to Noel. He WAS going to apologize, but instead of a mildly annoyed expression on the British woman’s face, she looked, aroused?


Rangiku seemed surprised by this as well and pulled away from Ichigo just enough so that Noel could slide in between them. She seemed hesitant, but Rangiku reached out to take the dark haired girl’s hand, pulling her closer until the three of them were pressed together in a triangle of naked bodies. Noel’s breath was coming in slow heavy gasps, and Ichigo could feel her body was warmer than it should have been, even if she weren’t naked and standing in an air conditioned building.


Ichigo was about to lean over to kiss her when Rangiku beat him to it! Covering the other woman’s mouth with her own and openly shoving her tongue past her lips. Noel’s dark colored eyes went wide for a split second, then seemed to mist over before closing slowly as she kissed the other woman back. He didn’t know why, but there was something just so very erotic about seeing two beautiful women kissing like that, all while his cock began growing thicker and longer as Rangiku continued to grasp its length.


In mere moments, the two women were forced apart by Ichigo’s gigantic erection pushing up between them! Neither of them hesitated even for a second before they both simultaneously leaned their heads down to kiss and lick the tip of his dick as he stood up between their breasts. Ichigo groaned softly at the feel of their soft lips and slippery tongues sliding over the sensitive tip of his dick. The two women then moved to kneel down slightly, pressing the shaft of his cock between their large breasts. They both felt so soft and warm, their skin was almost buttery smooth.


“Nmmmmh, ahhhh… Haaahmmmmph…!” Noel moaned, her voice thick with arousal as she took the tip of his cock in her mouth and moaned deeply. Rangiku hugged herself against his cock, rubbing her face against the side of his dick like a cat in heat as she practically purred! She dragged her tongue along the side of his cock, her breath feeling hot against his skin.


Meanwhile Noel began moving her head up and down, working to take his cock farther and farther into her mouth! “Ahhhhnmmmmmph, Aye cahn’t shtoooop… Dish cawk… Ahhnn… Aye whant id…” she moaned.


“Ahhhn, Aye know what you mean…” Rangiku gasped, still licking her tongue along his cock, “Juhst thish shmell… Aye’m ghetting disshy…”


Ichigo had no idea what Rangiku meant, since he’d showered before going out with them. But he was smart enough not to ruin the mood with needless commentary. He then watched as Noel moved out in front of him, her throat bulging from the sheer thickness of his cock as she bent forwards, taking it farther down her throat!


OH GAAAAAWD!!!! NMMMMMMMPH… IT’SH SHO PHIIIIICK, AHHH, AYE’M GONNA CUM! AYE’M GONNA CUM WIPH JUST MUH MOUPH!!! NMMMMMPH, SHO DHEEEP, CUMMINGH, AYE’M CUMMMINGGH…!” Noel moaned deeply as her pussy gushed so hard Ichigo could see it spraying out behind her rounded ass.


“Ahhhh, that’s so hot…” Rangiku said with a shuddery moan, “Cumming just from sucking a big, hard, thick dick…” she said as she licked her lips while she watched Noel begin rocking herself back and forth as she stood at a ninety degree angle. Ichigo then reached down to grab her arm. She gasped as he suddenly pulled her back up to her feet and kissed her again. As he felt her moaning into his mouth, Ichigo placed his other hand on top of Noel’s head before he began slowly moving his hips back and forth.


AHHK GUH, AGUH GUH GUH, HURK GUH…” Noel gagged as he felt his cock moving in and out of her stomach with every slow thrust. For a second, he worried he might be choking her, but when he broke the kiss and looked down at Noel, the look in her eyes not only said ‘Don’t stop,’ but also said; ‘Do it harder!


AHGUUUPH!!! GURK, GUG, HURGH, AGUH, GUH GUH GUH, NMMMMMMPH, YEAH, MOAR, AHHUGH GUH GUH GUH, AWWW PHUUUUUG!!! AGUH, GUH, GUG, GURK…!” Noel moaned around his cock, with her pussy gushing again and again as he swung his hips into her face harder.


“Nmmmmmh, yeah, fuck her face Ichigo…!” Rangiku breathed, whilst kissing his face all over as she grinded her entire body against his. She hooked her left leg over the tree trunk that was his dick and he could feel the heat and moisture coming off her pussy as she rubbed it against his hip.


Ichigo again grabbed Rangiku’s fat and sexy ass before he leaned her back, claiming her right tit for his mouth, sucking roughly on her nipple. Rangiku moaned at length, her pussy juices running down his leg in long dripping trails. He then felt Rangiku’s left hand grabbing the one on Noel’s head, moving it up to grope at her huge tit. He squeezed it forcefully, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see Rangiku’s hand holding Noel’s head steady as he continued fucking her mouth!


“Nmmmmmmmmmh…!” Ichigo groaned around Rangiku’s fat and hard nipple as he swirled his tongue around the stiff nub in his mouth. Noel’s hot and tight mouth felt so good, as her choking and gagging moans were turning him on so much, he couldn’t help himself as he began fucking her face even harder!


“Hmmmmh, hmmmh, hmmh…” he grunted again and again.




Ichigo groaned around Rangiku’s nipple, then lifted his head up and away and moved his hand from her ass to the back of her head, pulling her into another kiss. The two betrothed kissed passionately and Ichigo groaned into her mouth as he felt himself cumming inside Noel’s stomach with a wet squirting sound.


AGUUUUUUUPPH!!!” Noel moaned, her dark colored eyes rolling back in their sockets as twin streams of Ichigo’s hot cum shot out of her nostrils!


The dark haired Witch then slowly pulled herself off his cock, making a strangled gagging sound as she did. She then gasped and coughed several times once she was free and wiped at her mouth with her forearm. Rangiku moved to fully straddle Ichigo’s dick between her creamy smooth thighs, grinding her hot pussy over the still rock hard rod.


“I think I’m seeing why your wife wants some back-up.” Noel commented dryly.


“Nah, Orihime’s just a perverted woman.” Rangiku said, “Honestly I think that’s why I like her so much.” she told Noel with a grin.


Ichigo couldn’t refute that. Still, he didn’t like calling his wife a pervert, even if that was true. Noel then straddled the upper half of Ichigo’s cock behind Rangiku, reaching her arms around the other woman to grab both her huge tits. She squeezed them roughly as she leaned her head over her left shoulder. They kissed lewdly, with their tongues swirling around each other’s between their mouths.


Ichigo’s cock tensed between them as he held onto Rangiku’s hips, sliding his dick back and forth between the two women’s sets of thighs. He could feel the heat coming off their sopping wet holes and his cock practically was screaming to feel the inside of either of them!


This continued for several moments before the three of them moved to a nearby bench, and the two naked women then pushed Ichigo down onto the cushions. With a loud and slightly wet SMACK, Noel and Rangiku were back to back, or rather, ass to ass around his cock! He could still feel the heat coming off both their pussies as they began twerking their asses up and down, stroking his length with their combined butts!


“Ooohh…” groaned Ichigo at the feet of their asses sliding up and down his massive meat shaft.


“Nmmmmmmh, it’s so harrrrd…” Noel said.


“I knooooow… Ahhh, I’ll never get enough of this diiiick!!!” Rangiku moaned as both women sped up their movements, stroking his cock faster and faster. Ichigo groaned with them, thrusting his cock up between their assesas he reached out to grab both their breasts. He squeezed them tightly in his hands, with his fingers sinking deep into them as they both moaned erotically.


Then, moving as if they had planned it, the girls both raised their asses high into the air and pulled apart just slightly. Rangiku reached her hands between her own legs, grabbing Ichigo’s cock and pulling it to his left and into her waiting cunt. With a loud and wet SQUISH, Ichigo felt his dick sink inside Rangiku’s pussy. Her normally flat stomach stretched forward from the obscene size of his cock as she let out a low throaty moan like an animal.


OHH FUUUUUUUUUCK!” Rangiku moaned, bouncing herself back and forth quickly, repeatedly impaling her pussy on his length.


“Haaaaaah, ahhh yeeeaaah…” Ichigo groaned, while thrusting his hips with the strawberry blonde woman, driving his length in and out of her very womb.


YESSSS, AHHH, SO THIIIIICK!!! MY PUSSY IS BEING SPREAD SO WIIIIIDE!!! AHH, CUMMING, I’M ALREADY CUMMMMINGH!!!” Rangiku howled shamelessly in the middle of the store.


“Haaaah, don’t hog iiiit…” Noel panted, “Give it here, give it heeeere!!!” she whined, with her voice thick with raw lust now.


Ichigo watched as Rangiku pulled her pussy off his dick, the wet pink petals clinging tightly to his shaft until the last possible second when it came free with a wet sucking ‘pop’! Noel then pulled it towards her, equally shamelessly impaling her pussy on his dick! Ichigo groaned at the feel of her pussy, as this was only the second time he’d been inside her, but he could feel the differences from Rangiku, Nel, and his wife. Noel was tighter, whether that was just natural or because her entire body was tensing around his dick, he didn’t know or care as he slammed his hand down on her creamy white ass!


HAAAAAHAAAAAAAH, YES, AHHH, I NEEDED THIIIISSSS!!! MY PUSSY, IT’S SO FULL!!! I… I LOVE THIS FEELING!!! I’M GONNA GET ADDICTED TO THIIIIIS….!” Noel screamed as she began bouncing herself up and down on his cock several times as Ichigo matched her thrusts.


She then passed his cock back to Rangiku, who would take his cock in, ride it for several long moments, then switch with Noel. Before long, he couldn’t tell the difference between their cunts anymore, only that they both felt tight and good as he watched his cock moving in and out of them.


“Haaaah, I… I’m gonna cummm…!” Ichigo groaned. Both women pulled off him then and moved to press their tits around his cock, kissing one another lewdly just above the tip as he came with the force of a geyser!


NMMMMMMMMMH!!!” the two women moaned together as they were bathed in cum from below. When the flow finally stopped, the two were completely DRENCHED in cum! It clung to their naked bodies in thick white clumps and fell off with a soft and wet splat. Ichigo panted softly as his cock began softening, and the two women continued making out together over him.


He looked around and pulled a face, “Shit…” he said, “Rangiku, do you have my credit card with you?” he asked.


Rangiku pulled out of her sloppy cum soaked kiss with Noel, “Yes, why?” she asked.


“I think we just bought most of the dresses here.” Ichigo said as he looked at the awful mess around them!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
1 year ago

This is magnific history Ichigo tuvo la mejor follada con estas dos bellezas

1 year ago

Thank you, I’m very glad you enjoyed it. There’s a couple more pics of Noel I wanna recycle but it’ll be a bit before I use them as there a few other things I wanna do first.

1 year ago

If they’re something i love about these bleach stories it’s that orihime is the only one who can awaken and rile up the inner pervert in ichigo. All of this only started because orihime gave her blessing for it to happen.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kielian

I do love the perverted woman theme. It’s just a lot of fun to play around with.

Smiling Fiend
1 year ago

Noel submiting to Ichigo never gets old ! Same goes for Ninny.
That talk about telling Isshin that Rangiku will join their family makes me curious about how that would go. I feel like that’s a situation where the jokes kinda write themselves but you still want to handle it well, like, everyone is already expecting Rangiku and Isshin to look at each other for the fist time in years and going “whaaaaaa- ?!” but you don’t want that interaction to be just some low hanging fruit, but an actual funny and nice interaction.
Btw, sorry for the massive detour, it’s not like Sailor needs to address that.
I love the sex in this, Noel and Rangiku working together right off the bat moves the story along in a good pace, even though I really liked seeing Noel kinda giving her shit in the og story.

1 year ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

Actually, I figure by this point in time, Rangiku has already had a reunion with Isshin, so I can’t really make that gag work well.

Smiling Fiend
1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

It’s ok. It’s probably better to handle it this way.

1 year ago

Yo, are you ever planning on doing Jojo’s bizarre adventure art or fics? I feel like you could do a lot with the stands or characters such as maybe Jolyne using stone free to bind people or Foo fighters using her plankton to make people’s butts and boobs expand.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous358

Not a Jojo’s fan, sorry

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

What didn’t you like about it?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous358

I don’t care for the art style mostly.

1 year ago

“I quit.” The janitor probably

1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

“I need a raise.” would be my reply.