Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Bigger Means Better

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXXIX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part LI): [LINK]

“Hmmmph, you sure about this?” asked A as he stood in the corner of the room of the shop.


“Completely.” said Sakura with a grin, “Bigger,” she told the blue haired man who ran the place. Sakura had already been here once before. It was a shop where they did varying types of body modifications. Mostly tattoos and piercings, but they had another kind that could vastly increase the size of a woman’s bust and butt. Though, it was only temporary.


The man who ran the place was a slender man with long pale blue hair and deep gray eyes. He always seemed to be smoking a peculiar kind of cigarette. Whatever was being burned inside it smelled like incense rather than tobacco. This was her second time in his chair with her tits out. If he enjoyed seeing Sakura’s naked flesh, then he hid it well.


She had already had a pair of special piercings put through her nipples. They were dull silver dumbbells with 125 lbs written on the spheres. Obviously they didn’t actually weigh that much. At least not yet…


The blue haired man had his hands on Sakura’s tits. They were wreathed in a pale blue, just shy of white, aura. She could feel him manipulating his chakra and her own through them. The energy was very similar to the Akimichi clan’s technique, but it wasn’t exactly the same. Whatever technique he was using was purely cosmetic and had zero combative potential. If anything, it was detrimental to combat ability.


Sakura made a mental note to ask Choji about it if she ran into him again.


Her breasts were already triple their normal size, making them several times bigger than her head, but she wanted more! “Keep going! Don’t stop until they’re as big as my entire body!” she said excitedly.


“Your ryo…” the man said as he stepped up the chakra usage.


“Oh yeeeeah, bigger… Biiigggeerrrr!!!” Sakura moaned, feeling the sensitivity in her tits growing in tandem with their size! Her tits were now each as big as her entire torso and were still growing. From where he stood, A nodding approvingly.


“Big juggs like that are fitting for a cock whore like you!” he told her. The former Raikage was dressed only in a colorful short sleeved button up shirt that hung open, exposing his broad chest and muscles. He didn’t bother with any other clothes aside from flip flops for his feet, which is something that was a common sight here.


Sakura held her hands up in a double peace sign, “Flattery will get you everywhere!” she told him. She herself was completely naked. In fact, since shedding that oddly colored outfit she’d bought on impulse, she hadn’t bothered wearing anything at all.


“After this, we need to go see the Hokage’s brat. I want to see what’s become of Kaguya with my own eyes. And maybe we can grab your daughter again, and have the little poptart be my cock warmer again.” A told her.


“No!” Sakura said firmly, “That big dick is all mine until this wears off!” she said, gesturing to her tits.


“That’ll be a little over a day at this size.” the owner said, “You sure you’ll be able to move? They almost actually weigh a hundred pounds already.”


“She’ll be fine. Keep going.” A said in a gruff tone.



“Hmmph, so this is where your daughter is staying?” A asked as the two of them walked through the lobby of the hotel. It wasn’t nearly as posh as the place where Sakura was staying with her husband, but then, luxury was the point of that place. This hotel had more of a “Just a place to sleep” kind of feel to it. There was a restaurant in the lobby though, and the place even had a pool. It didn’t seem very crowded though, not with the beach being such a short walk away.


Her team got stuck here, so I’m guessing Moegi went with the cheapest place she could find.” Sakura told him as she led the way towards the elevators. The weight of her tits constantly threatened to tip her forward. Though if she fell, the only injury she was at risk for was to her pride. Her newly gigantified tits were so big that if she tripped, she’d have a soft landing on the massive flesh balloons.


“Mmmn,” A grunted, “Now that weird feeling I got a few days ago makes sense.


“Hmmmn? What weird feeling?” she asked as they came to the elevators and she pressed the call button.


“I sensed an odd shift in the electrical field of the entire island a while back. With everything you’ve told me, now it makes sense. A door to the other side being opened and the dead coming back. It would make sense that something like that would have a few warning signs.” he explained.


“Huh, is that so?” Sakura asked, her tone completely disinterested.


“Hmmmph, yeah, it is!” A said, moving to stand flush against her back and reaching his big arms around her to grab the sides of her mega-sized tits. The pink haired woman let out a whorish moan, her pussy instantly wet as she felt an electric tingle flowing through her breasts. Her already stiff nipples got even harder as she leaned her body back against A’s. The skin of his bare chest felt almost feverishly hot as she reached a hand behind her, feeling for his big, fat. throbbing dick! She found it easily enough, it was hard to miss after all. It wasn’t even hard yet, and she still couldn’t close her hand around its girth.


“Hmmmmmmmmmn, so biiiiig…” Sakura mewled in a needy voice.


“Take me to see Kaguya, then I’ll plow that whore hole of yours.” A promised.


Sakura felt her pussy squirting a bit at that and nodded as one of the elevators finally opened. She actually had to squish her tits together in order to fit herself through the door and into the car. A came in behind her and she pressed the button for the floor where Sarada and her team’s room was.


The ride was brief, with no other stops between the lobby and the floor they wanted. She squished her tits together again to exit the elevator and walked down the hall to the correct room. The hall was like any other hotel, drab colors and a somewhat thick carpet that muffled footsteps. Like everywhere else on this island, the decorative art hanging on the walls was blatantly pornographic. The painting just outside the elevator itself showed a woman with long dark hair being fucked on the beach in the wheelbarrow position. The detail was fairly impressive, since at first Sakura thought it was a photograph. When she looked closer however, she could see it was actually a painting with brushstrokes and everything. Another painting farther down the hall showed point of view image of a man fucking a ginger haired woman with big tits and brown eyes in the ass on top of a bed.


“Do you hear something?” A asked as they neared the correct door.


“Hmm?” Sakura asked as she raised a hand to knock on the door. She then tilted her head to listen. It was very faint, but she could hear something. It was almost like an animal braying loudly along with a loud creaking and cracking sound.


“Aarrgh, …dattebasaaah!!” the two of them heard a young man groaning in pain.


“I knew it!” A said, pushing in front of Sakura and grabbing the handle to the door. Arcs of electricity sparked from his hand, shorting out the locking mechanism. He then turned the handle and barged into the room. Sakura followed close behind, a trickle of worry for Sarada’s safety at the back of her throat.


That tinge of concern proved unwarranted by the sight that greeted the pair. On one of the beds in the room, Boruto lay on his back with his legs pushed up over his head. Squatting down on top of him with his gigantic cock buried in her cunt was Kaguya, using her legs like springs to bounce herself up and down on Boruto’s dick. The ivory skinned woman was moaning and howling like some wild animal. It was a deep, throaty noise that went well with the expression on her face as her stomach stretched up and down from the size of his cock. The giant lump easily reached up between her cream colored tits every time her ass slapped against Boruto’s balls.


HOOOOOOH, WOOOOOOOH, I’M GONNA CUM… I’M GONNA CUM MASTERRR!! MY WOMB HAS BEEN FOREVER CONFORMED TO YOUR GOD COOOOOCK!!!” Kaguya moaned, slamming herself up and down on Boruto’s cock as the young blonde lay practically helpless beneath her. His huge balls slapped wetly against her ass again and again. Hot juices continually gushed out of her widely stretched cunt as her body made a wet SMACK SMACK SMACK as she pounded herself up and down.


IT FEELS SO GOOD! I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M… CUUUMMMINNNGHH…!!!” Kaguya wailed as she slammed herself down on Boruto’s cock hard.


From his position locked beneath her, Boruto groaned again, his balls twitching on their own as Sakura and A both heard a wet pulsing sound from within Kaguya. Sakura could actually see the cum shooting up into Kaguya through the small bit of Boruto’s cock that was still exposed. The white haired former Shinobi Goddess let out another long wailing moan as she gripped her own tits, her face locked in an expression of madness and ecstasy!


MASTER’S CUMMMMM! I CAN FEEL IT BATHING MY WOOOOMB, FILLING IT UUUUUUP!!! I’M CUMMING SO MUUUUUUCH!!!” she moaned. A and Sakura both watched in a mix of shock and awe as Kaguya shook and moaned from the sheer volume of cum pouring into her!


Kaguya rubbed her hands over her distended belly, moaning in a raw satisfaction that made Sakura jealous. The snow colored woman then slipped from a squatting position to a kneeling one, leaning back slowly, showing off her tented stomach. She then seemed to finally notice the two intruders even though her eyes were glassy and unfocused.


“Ahhhn, we have guests… Masterrrrrr…” Kaguya moaned weakly as she fell back completely and Boruto’s giant dick slipped out of her with a disgusting sucking sound.


What looked like gallons of cum poured out of Kaguya’s gaping pussy with a sound like when you tried to empty a bottle too quickly. Boruto’s cock was already shrinking quickly, completely spent from who knew how long that session had gone on before they arrived. Without Kaguya’s weight holding his legs up, the blonde’s limbs flopped back down, making a wet splat against the cum soaked sheets. He sat up a moment later. He looked tired, but otherwise fine.


When he saw Sakura and the Raikage, his face flushed slightly, “Ummmm, I…” he began, but quickly trailed off.


“Hmmmph! Impressive, boy!” A said approvingly. “You’ve got your father beaten by a good margin!” he told Boruto, sounding amused. “I don’t know what you did to Kaguya, but keep it up. I’m in no mood to fight any apocalyptic battles right now.”


“Huh, what’s that about my old man?” Boruto asked.


“Your dick,” A answered in a matter-of-fact tone. “You outclass him easily.” A said.


“That’s true.” Sakura said, nodding.


Boruto still seemed a bit confused, but a smug expression spread over his face as he pumped his fist in the air, “ALRIGHT, DATTEBASA!!!!


“I’ve seen what I needed to, come, Sakura.” A said, turning to leave.


“I will be soon, I hope.” she replied with a cheeky grin as she followed him out, leaving a still mildly confused Boruto and semi-conscious Kaguya behind.


“Have the hotel bill me for the door lock.” A called back once they were out of the room.


Sakura followed A back to the elevators and waited as he pressed the call button again, “So, you’re not gonna do anything?” she asked.


“For now, no, it seems contained. And I’m on vacation.” A told her.


She thought he was here for a Kage Summit as a stand-in for the current Raikage Darui because he was otherwise occupied. Ultimately she didn’t really care though as she pressed herself up against him, sandwiching his body in the vast cleavage of her gigantic tits. The pink haired woman was a bit surprised Boruto had shown no reaction, but then, he seemed fairly spent.


The look on Kaguya’s face though as all that hot cum was pumped into her… Sakura could feel her pussy tingle at the memory. Such pleasure, the kind that took one over the edge into madness. She wanted that! The pink haired woman could feel her own juices running down her thighs now as the elevator arrived and they used it to return to the lobby before exiting the cheap hotel.


It was drifting into late evening now and Sakura wondered where the day had gone. It seemed like only a few short hours ago they were watching a feed of Hinata fucking Sasuke as a favor to Sakura. But that was late last night. Everything between then and when she had her tits upgraded was a haze in her mind. A haze full of big dicks and orgasms!


“What’s so funny?” A asked when she giggled.


“Nothing important, let’s fuck!” Sakura replied once they reached a park a short distance from the hotel. The whole area was a sea of pink with a number of cherry trees in bloom. Which was odd since it wasn’t the right season, but this island was already weird, so she didn’t care.


“Seeing Kaguya like that has my pussy fucking drooling and I need something in it now!” she told him.


A gave her a lopsided grin as one meaty hand grabbed a fistful of her ass, “Whore!” he told her.


YES!” Sakura agreed wholeheartedly as she dropped to her knees, her gigantic tits resting on the ground now. It was actually a relief as they were fucking heavy as hell. Each one weighed as much as her entire body without the enhancements. She’d been using a muscle enhancing Jutsu this whole time just to stand.


“I’m a fucking whore! And whores get DICKS!!! Big, throbbing, stinking, hard, manly cocks!” she said, grabbing A’s cock in both her hands. She loved how thick and long it was without even being hard! And the smell. The SMELL! A thick, manly stink that liked to cling to the inside of her nostrils, making her dizzy and horny. Sakura inhaled that stink deeply before she peppered A’s cock with kisses. The ruby colored lipstick she had on leaving a number of lip marks all over his length.


AHHHHAAAH!!” Sakura gasped joyfully as A seemed to just tense a muscle and his cock shot up to full erection in an instant! “Now there’s a man, able to get it up on a moment’s notice!”


“Bet that pencil dicked husband of yours couldn’t do that, huh?” A asked, still grinning down at her as he crossed his arms over his chest.


“Nope, nope, nope!” Sakura replied, shaking her head in the negative before she gripped his cock around the sides. ‘Soooo thiiiiiiick!!!’ she thought as her entire body shuddered. It was easily thicker than her entire thigh, Sakura was almost cumming just imagining this beast stretching her hole! She let out a deep throaty moan as she began licking his cock all over, relishing the flavor as her pussy let out a steady trickle of fluids.


“Ahhhhn, lay down, lay down for me, I wanna jerk you off with my tits! They’re finally big enough to do a proper job of it!” Sakura pleaded. She would have just hefted them normally on her own, but their new size made that impractical. Not that she couldn’t do it, but they were so soft and squishy, she’d never get them to press around his dick correctly.


He smirked at her and led the pink haired woman over to a spot near one of the trees. Soft pink petals fell like snow over them as he laid back on the soft grass. His cock was as tall as Sarada was! The sight of it made Sakura so weak kneed that she almost couldn’t get up again. She managed it though and walked over to straddle A’s thick muscular legs. Sakura then pressed her mammoth tits around A’s cock, laughing joyfully at how much of his cock still stood out between them.


AHHHHNNNN, YESSSS!!!!” she moaned in pleasure as she pressed her tits around his cock even harder. Her sensitive tits could feel the raw heat coming off his cock, and the way it throbbed between them. She immediately began rubbing them up and down A’s huge chocolate colored meat rod. The walk from the body modding shop to Boruto’s hotel had worked up a bit of a sweat, making everything feel slick and stocky at the same time.


Beneath her, A groaned approvingly, “Hmmmh, slutty tits like that were made for tit jobs!” he told her.


Sakura completely agreed as she brushed her tongue along the underside of his cock, loving the taste and feel of it as she moaned. “AHHHHHAH, AHHHH, MMMMMMMH, SHO BHIIIIG!!!” she slurred as she used her entire body to rub the length of his dick.


“Put that cock sucker to good use!” A commanded her. He then leaned his head back and groaned as Sakura swallowed his entire cockhead, swirling her tongue around it.


HMMMMMMMPH!!! YESH, CAWK, LUV CAAAAWK!!! MMMMMPH, AHHMMMPH, HMMMMPH, MUH MOUPH PUSSHY PHEELSH GUUUUUD!!!!” she moaned in utter bliss as her pussy sprayed all on its own as her jaw ached from the strain.


“I said, put it to good use!” A told her, reaching up to grab her head with both hands and SHOVING her face down on his cock! He groaned as his cock pushed through her tight esophagus and towards her stomach. She could actually feel her throat bulging from the thickness as her peridot eyes rolled back in her head.


GUUUUUUUPH!!! GUG, GUH, HUUUURGH!!! AGUIH, IHIIIIHGH, GUH GUH GUH!!!” she choked loudly, cumming every time another foot of cock pushed into her mouth-cunt. Her huge tits were at her sides like a huge pair of flesh colored yoga balls. Sakura’s arms rested helplessly on top of them as she struggled just to breathe.


“Yeaaah, that’s more like it, you Konoha whore! MMMMMMH, fuck your mouth-cunt feels great!” A groaned, managing to get up on his knees now, holding her head fast as he began fucking her face roughly. Sakura could feel the gigantic cock deep inside her stomach, stirring her insides up as it moved in and out. Long ropes of drool hung from her plump ruby colored lips as she felt herself cumming again and again from the movement!




“Stupid fucking cow! Cumming just from having your face fucked! You’re nothing but a dumb whore now! A lump of flesh for cocks to use!” A berated her.


Sakura agreed with every word. Because it was true! Women like her existed only to make cocks feel good! And for her, the bigger the better! She couldn’t get enough. No matter how many times she came, her body craved more, no, her very soul craved to be used and abused. All she wanted now was to be a cumdumpster for big dicks!




A laughed, reaching out to slap one of her huge tits, “Now if only that Hokage bitch was this easy! No matter, I’ll use you as a training dummy and get ready to break her smug ass!” he said, fucking her mouth-pussy even harder.


HWEEEEEEEEEEGH GUH GUG GURG!!! YESH! PHUG MEH MOAR!!! USHE MEH MOAR, JUSHT MAGGE MEH GUUUUUUMMMMPH!!!” begged Sakura. Tears of utter joy rolled down her cheeks as she gagged and moaned again and again.


“Hrmmh, hrmmh, cumming, HURRGH!!!” he groaned after several long moments before stuffing every inch of his cock down her throat. Sakura could then feel his cum spurting through his cock and emptying right into her stomach. The pink haired woman suddenly felt very FULL, like she’d just drank a full gallon of warm milk all at once.


AGUGH, GUG, GUG, GUH…” Sakura gagged with every spurt of cum dumped into her belly. “MMMMMMMMMMMMPH…!” she moaned in delight, “SHO PHULLLL…


A grunted again, pulling his cock back. Sakura felt like she were being pulled inside out as she let out a retching gagging cough. Her jaw hung open wide as A’s cock exited, trailing long glistening ropes of her own drool. It took her some actual effort to close her mouth again, but she managed. The former Raikage then stood up, his cock still rock hard and throbbing in the air. The surface sparkled with a thick coating of her own drool that began dribbling down over his melon sized balls.


WAH!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!” Sakura yelped and laughed when A bent over, grabbing her by her gigantic tits and lifting her up like she weighed nothing at all. The pink haired whore of a woman found herself flipped onto her back suddenly with her waist pulled up into the air as A gripped her by her cream colored thighs.


GYAAAH! AGAAAH!” Sakura screamed as A buried his gigantic dick in her pussy with a squelching noise. Her belly stretched up dramatically from the raw size as she came instantly. A powerful, mind shattering orgasm, the kind she’d become completely addicted to.


IGHII! SO ROOOOOUGH!!! AAAAH! I’M CUMMING!!!” she screamed as A pushed her legs up as high as her giant tits would let them. He then began pounding his cock into her like a jackhammer! “HAA… AAH… DHEEP! SO DHEEEEEP! MY WOMB IS BEING STUFFED WITH COOOOOCK!! YESSSSS!! MORE! FUCK ME MORE! DON’T STOP UNTIL MY PUSSY BREEEAAAAKS!!!


A laughed heartily, “Cock hungry whore!” he shouted at her, “You want THIS!?” he asked, jamming his cock into her hard, making her pussy spray like a fountain, “AND THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS, AND THIIIIIISSSSS!!!!” he grunted, pounding his cock into her harder and harder.


AH… AAAH! HAAA! YES! HNN!! IIGH… I’M CUMMING!! I’M CUMMING, CUMMUNG, CUMMING! YOUR GIANT DICK IS MAKING MY PUSSY CUM BETTER THAN SASUKE EVER COOOOOULD! MOOOOORE! IT FEELS SO GOOD! YES YES YES, DO WITH ME AS YOU PLEASE! DEEPER, HARDER, ROUGHER! FUCK UP MY INSIDES WITH YOUR COCK A-SAMAAAAH! MAKE ME INTO YOUR COCKSLEEVE CUMDUMP WHOOOOOORE!!!!” Sakura wailed as loudly as her lungs would let her. She could hear her voice echoing out over the park as she came over and over. Her toes curled inward as her legs twitched in the air. Her hands clawed at the grass and dirt beneath her.


She was dimly aware of a crowd around her now, they’d seemed to have just materialized into her awareness. Men and women alike were watching, cheering. Faces she didn’t recognize were all looking at her with lewd grins. She grinned back at them, lifting her arms up high and making another double peace gesture with a stupefied expression on her face.


Yes, this feels so good! I’ll never get enough… I just wanna be fucked like this forever!’ thought Sakura as the next wave of orgasms shattered her ability to even think of anything other than cock!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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8 months ago

I wonder if Naruto knows any uzumaki sex arts and not just only hyuga sex arts?

8 months ago
Reply to  Wanderwut

I’ll detail it more as the story progresses

8 months ago

We’ve been blessed with peak fiction once again🙏 The Boruto/Kaguya stuff is pretty fun dont get me wrong but man I’m obsessed with the idea of Sakura being such a shamless size queen cock whore its legit impressive how extreme her addiction has gotten. Her mental state is a complete lost cause at this point and im all here for it 👍

8 months ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

That’s the point! She’s in a bottomless free fall of depravity now

8 months ago

I have a feeling about what might happen, A ends up breaking Hinata and Naruto, while still being way more impressive than Sasuke is defeated by A, leading to a competition between A and Boruto for Hinata where Boruto emerges victorious.

8 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd


8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I’d like to see Boruto or A actually fuck Hinata soon.

8 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd


8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io


8 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

Have patience

8 months ago

For me the most interesting part of this chapter was A saying Boruto had a much bigger dick than Naruto, when’s Boruto gonna start bragging about it, lol. The way he said it though seems to imply that A thinks he’s bigger than Naruto too.

8 months ago
Reply to  Gii

The difference is in millimeters

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Between all three of them?

8 months ago
Reply to  Gii


8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Between who then?

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

But between Boruto it’s feet 😼

8 months ago
Reply to  Gii

Which he isn’t

8 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

I’m not giving the numbers, ever. Because I don’t want to hear appeals, arguments, or anything for whose favorite character should have the biggest dick.

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

The only thing we seem to know for sure is Boruto >>> Naruto

8 months ago
Reply to  Gii

Well we don’t even know that I had asked a similar question about sizes. And I got the answer that Natuto can make his dicm bigger/smaller supposedly bd can controll it. Idk if this was from this story but that’s what remembered being mentioned about naruto.

8 months ago
Reply to  Unknown

Not from this series.