Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Balls in Sakura’s Court

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part III): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part V): [LINK]

“HNNNNNGH!!!!” Sakura moaned through gritted teeth. Sweat ran down her naked body as she clung to the bar above her head with shaking hands, “SO… HARD!!!!!”


“Yes, feel the burn! You’re doing great!” encouraged the instructor. She was an athletic looking, dark skinned girl with a piercing through her nose. Her outfit consisted of a pair of white gym clothes that seemed several sizes too small for her shapely ass and head-sized tits that clung to her well-trained and athletic body.


Drops of sweat fell from Sasuke’s body and landed on the floor of the gym. Just like his wife, he also was naked and hung from a bar. He tried his hardest to keep himself up with his cock buried in her massive butt. “OOOOOOORGH!!!!” he groaned as his face became redder and redder by the second.


“Good job Sasuke!” complimented Kakashi who overlooked the entire training routine. Just like the instructor, he also was dressed in white gym clothes and watched as his two former students struggled on the pull-up bar. One could be the strongest and most athletic person on the planet but mixing it with sex still proved to be a hurdle for many. “And out!”


It was their second day on the beautiful archipelago in the Land of Waves. Kakashi, whom they met just short after their first sex session on the island’s beach, met them in front of their hotel and they almost immediately went to this Sports Center at the edge of the city. And like almost everything on the island, this Sports Center also served very specific purposes; to enhance the sexual prowess of the people inside and to have some naughty fun whilst doing the different sports outside.


“Hrrrrrrgh!!!” Sasuke relaxed, while Sakura pulled herself up on her bar. His cock slid out of her ass with a silent pop!


“Okay. Girl, take a deep breath in and you…” her eyes wandered to Sasuke, lingering for a moment on his cock with an almost sorrowful expression “breathe out! Take a moment… and move together again!”


It took Kakashi a LOT of convincing for them to try out at least one of the many exercises this Sports Center had to offer. But in the end they agreed to at least give the duo-pull-up bars a try. It’s intended to further a couples’ harmony and strengthen their stamina during sex, even in unusual situations or positions. When Sasuke struggled to get his cock back inside his wife’s ass, the instructor moved in to help. With a gloved hand, she guided his dick back in, making the dark haired Ninja wince slightly.


“MMMHH!!!” moaned the pink haired milf as his cock moved into her again. Due to her tensed muscles, she could actually feel Sasuke’s cock better than their previous times. Her ass clenched hard around his cock, squeezing it tighter than any vice ever could as he moved up and down.


In. And out. In. And out. In. And out.


With the guidance of the instructor, the married couple managed to do a few more pull-ups until Sasuke suddenly came to a stop. Sakura couldn’t see his expression but his groan and the convulsing of his dick inside of her indicated what was about to happen next. Warm and sticky cum shot out of his cock and directly inside her stomach. Both of them let go of the bar above their heads as the pleasure ruptured through their bodies. They landed on the matted floor beneath and panted for breath, waiting for the world around them to stop spinning.


Wow!‘ Sakura thought and watched as a small trickle of her husband’s sperm flowed out of her ass, unashamed by the looks she got from the instructor, Kakashi and a group of onlookers ‘I didn’t know sex could be that taxing on the body… but it felt good! Gotta try this with Sasuke later again. I actually felt his cock!



(Sometime later…)


They left the pull-up bar area and continued their way through the building. To their left, Sakura could see a door that led to a sauna and the showers. The wall on their right was made out of glass where the two outside tennis courts and basketball field were visible


“And Naruto is really here on the island?” asked Sasuke, eager to change the topic after the sex exercise in front of his former mentor and a complete stranger. His face was still glowing red and dark stains of his sweat were visible on his white gym clothes.


Kakashi simply nodded “He’s here to investigate an issue on the island that has me concerned. In the meantime, a Shadow Clone remains in the village to carry on his daily duties as Hokage.”


“Yeah, I met him before Sakura and I went on board the cruise ship that brought us here. He briefly went over his mission with me, I just didn’t know it was on this island of all places.” Sasuke said and let his eyes wander through the gym until they came to a halt on a group of nude women who were all working out on a pair of indoor bikes.


They walked past the group of women who were idly chatting with one another while something inside their bodies moved up and down with the rhythm in which they pedaled. The bikes behind them showed that a dildo was built into the saddle that moved in accordance to the tempo in which the women pedaled.The shelf on the left also displayed other options to choose from, ranging between eight inches all the way up to a ridiculous thirty inches. Sakura was skeptical that someone could handle that much though.


“Yeah, I told him to keep it a secret because… There’s something brewing on this island–” he turned around immediately, on high alert.


“Is something the matter, Kakashi-sensei?” Sakura and Sasuke wondered, looking around and seeing no one of note nearby.


Kakashi stared at a certain direction and then shook his head “…. It’s nothing, I thought I heard someone call my name.”


The trio continued walking and exited the gym, stepping into the outside areas of the Sports Center.


A fresh breeze from the nearby ocean greeted them, along with the sight of a large golf course, two football fields, the tennis courts and basketball field they saw earlier, a racing track and a swimming pool the size of the arena in which Sasuke and Naruto fought during the Chunin Exams. In the swimming pool, Sakura spotted four couples fucking while being watched over by an instructor from the poolside. The impact of the guys’ hips slamming against their female partners’ asses rippled through the water. Together with their moans it mixed into a symphony that made Sakura eager for more sex.


“Sasuke-kun, do you think we cou-?”


“Yo, Kakashi!” a familiar voice interrupted her. They turned towards where it came from and found a dark skinned man sitting alone on the blue ground of the tennis court. Around him were one other naked guy and two nude women laying in a puddle of their own sweat. D took another breath from his pipe and stood up to greet the trio of Ninjas “What a nice coincidence to see you here.”


Bumping fists with the other guy, Kakashi nodded towards the three people on the ground “It sure is. Won another round of tennis, I see.”


“You know me. I can’t hold back when it comes to youngsters that underestimate us older folk,” the muscular man walked over towards his passed out partners and picked up their rackets before throwing them towards the trio “So, what do you say? Wanna go a round or two against me? I still have a couple of hours before I open the club.”


Sakura and Sasuke looked at each other and nodded silently, positioning themselves naturally on one side of the net while Kakashi went on the other side to D. The white haired man picked up a nearby ball and bounced it a few times on the ground before throwing it in the air “Oh, by the way, I found Tsunade and Mei. Tsunade’s still a bit exhausted after an… incident with A. However, she’s more than ready to serve at your club. Only if you fuck them really rough afterwards though!”




“Hahahahahaha! That can be arranged!” said D and observed as Sakura jumped towards where the ball landed and returned the ball back towards the two men with a swift swing of her racket. Her tits swayed from side to side with her movement, capturing the club owner’s interest as he tried to return the ball. When the ball connected with his racket he actually was pushed back a few inches due to the power behind the pink haired girl’s swing “Damn girl! You pack some nasty strength in those arms of yours!”




Sakura playfully stuck out her tongue and winked at the older man as Sasuke hit the ball back. The game continued for a long while, turning into a real tug of war with both sides unwilling to back down. After playing for almost an hour, their bodies were once again drenched in sweat. Several skid marks were on the ground on Kakashi’s side of the net, proof of when either Kakashi or D blocked Sakura’s powerful shots. While not as powerful as his wife’s, Sasuke’s returns had much more finesse put into them. This allowed him to curve the ball at bizarre angles, making predicting the ball’s trajectory impossible. However, both D and Kakashi proved to be more than capable to keep up with the married couple and returned the ball with lightning speed.




At long last, D’s racket broke in two as he tried to counter another one of Sakura’s mighty returns, granting her and Sasuke the first point of the game. “YEAH!” yelled an excited and sweaty Sakura happily, high-fiving her equally sweating husband “We did it!”


While the game technically wasn’t over yet, they only managed to make one point after all this time and neither of the four felt the need to continue, “Whew!” D sighed as he fell to the ground, the muscles on his forearm glistening in the warm summer sun. He wiped off the sweat on his forehead with his arm and watched as Kakashi did the same. A large grin appeared on his face as he immediately stood up again and shook the hands of the two winners “Great teamwork from you two! Taking on a married couple is really something else! The love! The passion! The complete trust in the other’s abilities!”


“Ha! Thanks D.” replied Sasuke slightly out of breath.


“No! I have to thank you two! Taking on two Ninjas, married ones at that, really showed that I still have much room to grow. Even with the legendary Copy Ninja at my side!” said D as he put his hand around Kakashi’s shoulder.


Chuckling lightly, the white haired man pulled his mask aside for a brief moment to get some more fresh air “No need for the false modesty. Whew!” he covered up his face with the mask again “But I’m getting old, I think I need something to drink or a quick stop at the sauna. Whatever comes first!”


“Me too.” Sasuke chimed in and stretched his now aching arms “I think a quick break is in order. And the sauna does sound nice.”


D arched his back and laughed “Hahahahaha. Fine by me! Fetch me something to drink when you’re coming back, please. I think I’ll simply wait here and prepare for round two.”


Both of the two men turned to leave with Sasuke reaching out for his wife’s hand who was still standing triumphantly in the middle of the court “Don’t you wanna come?”


“Hmmm… no. Preparing for the next round sounds like a good idea, Sasuke-kun!” she smiled brightly at him and flexed her well defined muscles on her arm “I’m getting all fired up now!”


A concerned look appeared on Sasuke’s face as his eyes wandered briefly between his wife and the still somewhat unknown man. He then smiled back and squeezed her hand lightly and kissed her. His tongue slid between her lips and dueled with hers for a moment before he pulled away again “Okay. I’ll get something for you to drink as well after checking out the sauna. Afterwards, we will wipe the floor with those two again, okay?”


“Ha! You bet!”” answered Sakura and watched as both her husband and Kakashi headed back into the building. A silence fell on the tennis court as D stripped out of his shirt to wipe off more sweat with it and started doing some stretching after the intense game they just had ‘Those muscles…‘ Sakura’s thoughts trailed off as she couldn’t help but admire the sweaty mountains of pure muscles on his biceps.


While her husband definitely wasn’t weak in the slightest, his body didn’t really show the enormous strength hidden inside him. D’s body on the other hand looked like he could be a clone from the former Raikage of Kumogakure, A, if it weren’t for the much longer goatee, the fact that he was completely bald and that he doesn’t have tattoos on his shoulders. A single scar ran diagonally across his back. On his dark skin the damaged area seemed almost white and further increased Sakura’s interest in the club owner.


“Like what you see?” D’s question snapped her out of her trance. He looked over his shoulder and smirked at her, making her blush and stare ashamed at the ground “Hey, no reason to get all embarrassed. What do you say to you and me having a little sparring match, hm? To better know each other.”


“Ehm, sure! Why not.” replied Sakura, gladly taking the opportunity to do something different than just standing around with the bald man. She picked up her racket again and watched as D pulled his shirt back on and grabbed the racket that moments earlier Kakashi used.


He spun the racket in his hand around three times to get a feel of it before balancing a ball on it “But what do you think about making things a bit more interesting? On this island there’s this… you could call it a tradition or initiation for newcomers who still have issues living this island’s way of life. Instead of making points like any other game, the loser has to strip out of one piece of clothing they’re wearing until they’re completely naked. Shoes and socks count as one!” upon seeing her doubtful expression, D raised his arms in a placatory gesture “You obviously don’t have to strip down entirely if you don’t want to. We can stop whenever you want or you and I can come up with a compensation IF you lose.” he laid the racket to rest on his shoulder and swirled the tennis ball between his fingers, making Sakura dizzy just by looking at it “You’re still a Ninja, trained by Kakashi Hatake no less. My sole intention is to see how great the gap between just you and me is.”


Leaning her head on one side, Sakura thought about it for a while before nodding “Okay! But we’ll make it quick!”


“Hahahahahaha! With your training and strength that shouldn’t be a problem.” D replied with a grin on his face, showing his perfectly white teeth. He threw the ball in the air and swung his racket.




The ball landed on the other side of the net and Sakura returned it right away. For a while the two remained evenly matched as they tried to get an understanding of the other’s play style, now that their partners are gone. The three people who were playing with D earlier that day now sat on a bench at the edge of the court and watched as the two passed the ball between one another.




“I have to admit…” began D and managed to hit one of Sakura’s shots back that would have made him lose a point or piece of clothing in this case “I might have underestimated you and your husband at first. You’re actually pretty good!”


A smile appeared on Sakura’s face as she readied herself for her next shot “Save your flattery for later when I’ve won… THIS!”




Unable to get to the ball in time, D watched as Sakura made her first point of the game “I’ll try to keep that in mind.” replied the dark skinned man and stripped out of his shirt again, revealing his hard pecs for the pink haired milf to admire once again. A thin layer of sweat coated them and reflected the sunlight in an almost hypnotizing way.


He picked up the ball again and they continued with their match, while Sakura tried her best to ignore the itch between her legs that came from seeing his muscles in action “It’s probably just some false assumption but I couldn’t help but notice that there was something off between you and your husband’s teamwork.” he said, readying himself for an incoming shot from his opponent “Something happened between you two since our meeting with Kakashi yesterday?”


“It’s nothing.” grunted Sakura through gritted teeth, cursing inwardly as D was able to counter the ball ‘Nothing big at least.’ she thought and tried to focus on the game, dubbing his talk to be nothing more than a cheap trick to get under her skin. And the worst part was that it worked! During the match earlier with Sasuke at her side, she played a lot more aggressively than normal and took the balls that Sasuke would have been able to handle without a problem.




“HA!” D exclaimed loudly and jumped towards where the ball was, sending it flying back in the last second “Really?! To me it seems that something happened. Something that disrupted the harmony between you and your husband.


A vein popped on the medical ninja’s forehead “It’s…” she grabbed the handle of the racket with both hands, anticipating where the ball would fly “NOTHING!!!”




D didn’t even try to block the ball that came flying towards him like a miniature cannonball! It hit the court once before bouncing off against the chain-link fence behind the bald club owner. Their three spectators jumped up and ran away, frightened because of the pink haired girl’s powerful shots!


“Guess I must have imagined things then. My apologies!” replied D and pulled his shorts down, revealing not only his legs who were just as muscular and well trained as the rest of his body but also a speedo that tried its absolutely hardest to hold back his cock.


What the…?!‘ Sakura gulped as she saw the massive bulge tucked behind the thin fabric of the blue speedo even from the other side of the net. The tent seemed to be already three times the size of her clenched fist! Biting her lower lips, Sakura clenched her thighs as the twitching between her legs grew ever stronger ‘Is he even bigger than Kakashi?? I wonder…’ a shudder ran down her spine as she noticed that D was quite aware of her lecherous stare.


The muscular man grinned from ear to ear as he turned around to pick up the ball, “I hope I don’t make you uncomfortable by dropping my shorts first.”


“N- No! Of course not!” said Sakura and looked away, her face glowing like a tomato. She then put the racket in her other hand and pointed at her opponent with it “I’m gonna beat you either way!” she declared proudly ‘and confirm if what’s hidden behind this speedo truly is so massive…‘ she added in her mind.


“Hahahaha! Fine by me!” laughed the muscular man heartily and threw the ball in the air before hitting it with his racket across the field “There are worse things than losing to such a beautiful and skilled Kunoichi!”


“Flattery won’t work on me!” proclaimed the pink haired milf and returned the ball back to where it came from, her eyes drawn towards her opponent’s crotch “I will definitely win this match!”


Their match continued relatively unchanged. Sakura continued performing powerful shot after powerful shot, hoping that they would be enough to disrupt D’s playing style. D on the other hand grew accustomed to her fast flying balls and managed to block and return them with just a bit of effort. His grin turned even bigger as he noticed her stares at his bulge, disrupting her from playing at 100% ‘My assumption from the other day was correct after all! The girl is longing for more than what her husband can offer!


God… Is it really so big?‘ Sakura thought, barely managing to return the ball back at her opponent. She then shook her head ‘Why am I thinking this? Sasuke-kun is still the only one for me!‘ and chided herself for her unfaithful thoughts ‘I’m not some floozy who just runs after the next biggest cock! I have to win this! I have to-‘ a breeze of air at her cheek brought her back to reality “Huh?” she turned around and saw the yellow tennis ball fall to the ground after it hit the chain-link fence behind her.


“Looks like I got a lucky shot!” mused the older man, trying to hold back a laughter upon seeing his opponent’s surprised expression “You know the rules. Either you strip or we can find some sort of-”


“Yes, yes!” Sakura hissed back at him, already slipping out of her shoes and picking the ball back up “I’ll promise you though, this is the last time you will see me strip!” she threw the ball a few times in the air ‘It’s not my fault that he prances around with such a big cock tugged behind this silly speedo!


In rapid succession, Sakura was forced to strip out of her socks, gym shirt and shorts as well. Leaving her standing only in her underwear in front of her grinning opponent. In an almost hypnotized way her eyes always wandered down towards D’s crotch, in the hopes to at least catch a glimpse of his cock or balls to satiate her growing curiosity and lust! And now she was even forced to strip out of her sports bra as well after missing another good opportunity to return one of his shots. A second before she could throw her tennis racket to the ground out of frustration, she managed to stop herself and simply stared at the brightly shining sun “FUCK!!!”


“Now now. No need to get all frustrated.” D tried to calm her down, forcing himself to not laugh at her behavior and because of the stares she threw at him in retaliation “It’s just a game. We can always stop if you don’t want to continue.”


“I know!” A vein popped on the pinkette’s forehead as she reluctantly opened her bra, letting her huge tits out of their confinement. After the many minutes of intense sport and because of her burning lust, both her painfully stiff nipples pointed straight at her opponent. She crossed her arms underneath the heavy mounds and tried to ignore the strange sensation that spread through her body as D’s golden eyes wandered all over her ‘Am I seriously getting turned on by this?! God, this is embarrassing! Why am I even doing this?!


“So…” he began and licked his lips slightly “do you want to continue or call it a game?” he asked her.


“No way! I’m gonna make you choke on your sassy remarks once I made you strip completely naked!” she declared proudly, clenching her thighs even more than before as she added in her mind ‘…and finally get a glimpse of that cock!



(One minute later…)


Behind Sakura’s back the tennis ball fell to the ground after it hit the chain-link fence behind her. Letting go of her tennis racket, Sakura fell to her knees, once again screwing up a perfect opportunity to counter one of his shots ‘How? WHY???‘ she screamed in her mind.


“Well, looks like you’re not gonna make me choke on anything.” said D as he put his racket back into a bag that laid on one of the benches at the side of the field “So, are you gonna strip naked or not? I wouldn’t hold it against you if you don’t wanna. Especially not with your husband so close.”


“Hnnnnnngh!!!!” Sakura swayed unsure from side to side. There was something enticing behind his offer, ‘Stripping naked in front of a stranger...’ her pussy gushed a bit more just by thinking about it ‘But Sasuke-kun… God, why isn’t he here right now. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be in this situation right now!


Already putting his shorts and shirt back on, D turned around “I tell you what, you let me blow a load on your back and we’ll call it your victory. I even let you and your husband come for free in my club if you want.”


“Blow a load… on my back…?” echoed the milf. After a long minute of thinking about his offer, the growing need in her pussy won and she nodded “Okay, deal!” she squatted down at the edge of the field, hoping that he didn’t notice the trickle of her juices that ran down her legs ‘Sasuke-kun, forgive me for what I’m about to do! I just have to know…’


Laughing, D positioned himself behind her “Hahahahaha! That was a quick decision.” he said as he pulled his cock out “Well, I’m not gonna complain. Oh! And one last thing, you can’t turn around or take a look at my cock!”


“What? Why???” asked Sakura, unintentionally yelling a bit louder than wanted. The heat and musky smell coming from behind her already started to make her head spin.


Slowly starting to pick up more speed, D put both hands around his hulking meat. And even then he didn’t manage to make his fingertips meet “Now, that would be a bit too much like cheating, wouldn’t you say? You’re a good and faithful wife, are you not? Do you really want to betray your sweet hubby like that?”


“Nnnnnnnnnnngh!!!!!” groaned Sakura as she chided herself once more for her feelings. She forced herself to look straight ahead ‘I love Sasuke-kun! He just won the game, that is all!


Several excruciatingly long minutes passed where Sakura could hear nothing but his hands moving over his shaft. With every passing second the fear in her grew that Sasuke and Kakashi would step through the doors again and see what was happening between her and the club owner. Strangely enough, the image made her pussy gush even more! Finally, at long last, something happened! She was just about to turn around and ask if D was still there when…




A nasty sound behind her warned her about the incoming load. Globs of thick white spunk landed on her back, her hair, her ass and her legs “AAAAYEEEEEEK!!!!” She nearly jumped up at the sudden warm sensation that came with it “It’s so hot and sticky!!!” she remarked, unsure what to do with her hands as they hovered a mere centimeter above the globs on her legs.


“Hahahahahaha!” D laughed heartily as he continued cumming and put a hand on the woman’s head to prevent her from standing up or turning around. Despite not being a Ninja himself or not knowing any form of martial art, he still possessed some considerable strength “Of course! That’s how REAL alpha cum feels like!”


Like lava his hot load began running down her back and disappeared between her butt cheeks. A shudder ran down her spine ‘What would that load feel like inside me???‘ she thought as more and more cum continued raining down on her, painting her back white ‘It feels so different than Sasuke-kun’s…‘ chewing on her lower lips, she arched her back as her pussy released another spray of her juices as she came just because he showered her with his seed!


After a solid two minutes, D let go of her head and wiped his cock clean of any remaining cum by rubbing it through her pink hair “Ah… that was something I haven’t done in a long while!” he said and pulled his shorts back on before she had the chance to turn around “Well, I better leave now. If you want to go for a second round or just check out my club, you know where to find me. Girls like you always end up coming back for more!”


“Wait!” Sakura tried to stand back up but couldn’t due to her shaking legs “You’re leaving already?!!


Pointing behind his shoulder and through the glass walls of the gym, D made her aware of Sasuke and Kakashi who stood with their backs to them. They were in front of some vending machines and picked up some drinks after their sauna session. “Don’t really feel like explaining to them what happened between us when they come back. I’d advise you to come up with an excuse quickly. Otherwise it will get a bit strange.”


With that said, he simply picked up his bag and left her behind on still trembling legs “Wait! Come back! You can’t just leave me back like this! This isn’t over yet, you hear me!? This isn’t over!!!!”


(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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2 years ago

quand hinata est-il arrivĂ© sur l’Ă®le ?

2 years ago
Reply to  lcs9191

She came with Naruto

2 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

last questions after I don’t bother you anymore promise 🙂 will she have something between Hinata and the Raikage?

2 years ago
Reply to  lcs9191

Sure why not?

2 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

oh yes i like when hinata and Raikage fuck

2 years ago

Is Sakura or Tsunade better at sex?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Tsunade most likely

3 years ago

Espero que Naruto no sufra mucho NTR como Sasuke, se que habra pero ojala tanto como Sakura hacia su marido

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Mishifu

So far there are no real plans about how much NTR Naruto has to suffer through… if at all. We will get to it when we get to it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

What do you mean that Naruto has to suffer through ntr? Doesn’t Naruto have a big Dick and you said that he is not one of the biggest Dick but he can make it bigger right?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

I just answered his question. There aren’t any concrete plans for Naruto in terms of how sex with him will be.

3 years ago

Ojala veamos pronto a Naruto en accion… sinceramente me alegra que ya no pongan a Boruto.. no me gusto para nada… pero es mi opnion personal… mientras que Naruto tenga una polla gigante no importa si es el mas grande solo quiero verlo follar a muchas mujeres…. ojala veamos mas historias de Naruto

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Soldadorayan

More Naruto stories will definitely come and Boruto will (hopefully) only play a minor role. Glad you like the series.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
3 years ago

Interesting workout routine.

Curious how desperate Sakura will get for a full frontal bukakke.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

If every workout would be like that, I might go to a gym as well lol.

Sakura’s descend into depravity will be slow but inevitable.

3 years ago

Wow! This definitely wasn’t the ending Sakura initially envisioned. But it still serves its purpose.

More on this in a second, though. This was a very good chapter.

To start with, we get a serious sex exercise with Sakura and Sasuke with some help from Kakashi and a dark skinned female instructor at the island’s sports club. This was a interesting way to kick things off.

Then we got to the real meat of the story. The tennis court and the nightclub owner we know as D, who may or may not be the splitting image of former Raikage A. This not only showed off more of his character, it also gave us readers an idea of what he’s capable of.

But I really liked the strip tennis game D and Sakura had. And what happens after it. Through that we see not only Sakura making her gradual fall to big dick craving more apparent than ever, but also see D’s mindset even more intriguing. Especially when he sprayed her at the end.

I wonder if she’ll accept his club invitation later on. 🤔

Anyway, I really enjoyed the story of the chapter. Can’t wait for the next part.

Keep up the good work, Mr Akronoym. 🙂

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thanks for your kind words. They mean a lot to me, man!

Naruto might not be my favorite series (or at least not anymore) but I really like writing (and reading) NTR, which makes this series a nice change for once.

3 years ago

Just throwing it out there,i will miss the boruto stories.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

I personally don’t mind it one bit. I never liked the dude and this gives me the opportunity to write new stories. So it’s a win-win situation for me.

He obviously will appear though (his very distinct looking pubic hair might be visible in certain artworks)

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Personally I always liked Boruto more than his father. I find his backstory more relatable than Naruto.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

Eh. To each their own. I never said that I liked Naruto as well but I lost interest towards everything regarding the series almost as soon as the war began.

3 years ago

Hoo boy, what a high stakes game!

He may not have the victory on record, but after pulling out that BBC and blowing that hot, sticky, thick load – D’s the true winner. And now Sakura knows how it feels to be showered with alpha cum. She’s right when she said it isn’t over.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

Let’s see how their rematch will end then. Bets can be made now.

3 years ago

What is that issue that Naruto’s going to check, if you can’t tell me can you at least give me a hint?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

I can’t tell too much because of spoilers. Let’s just say that there will come some stuff revolving around the previous Ranko Island series.

3 years ago

I can’t wait for Sakura to meet Naruto, especially if he has the biggest dick in the series which I hope he does. Making Sakura realize the boy who was constantly pining for her while she chased Sasuke has one of the biggest dicks she has ever seen and when she didn’t return his feeling he traded up for a woman that’s far better than her. Which will be hilarious. So great job 10/10.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Flinchin

Sorry to burst your bubble but Naruto won’t have the biggest cock. At least not naturally. He can use different techniques (Sage Mode and stuff) to get bigger though.

Glad you like the story though. I appreciate it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

No that’s cool, so long as naruto has one of the biggest dicks in series naturally and he can make it bigger with the sage mode and stuff that is more than fine.

3 years ago
Reply to  Flinchin

Despite the fact how the writer may have stated otherwise when it comes to naruto and boruto, I suppose I understand if you feel that way