Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Videl’s Hunger for Tiny Dicks

Previous Story (Part XVI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XVIII): To Be Continued

Planet Busteez was an almost idyllic world. The climate ranged from tropical to mild throughout most of the planet. Though the poles could get cold, and there was one desert area. Videl figured that those places were made specifically with training in mind. Still, she was getting used to living on this planet. The South Quadrant of Universe 7 had a somewhat bad reputation for being boring. Though to Videl, that wasn’t really a bad thing.


She figured that both Lord Beerus and the Supreme Kai chose this area so that the next generation of fighters and warriors could be raised in peace. It wouldn’t be very productive if people like Frieza came around and started tearing the place up before they were ready.


These thoughts were what was running through Videl Satan’s head as she stood naked in the forest near South City looking up at a series of waterfalls. Videl had begun embracing a full on nudist/hedonistic lifestyle as of late. Afterall, the only people living on this planet were people that she knew well, and given that the entire point of being here to begin with was to fuck and get knocked up as often as possible…


Well, it seemed like the natural thing to do.


Videl’s only minor worry was acclimating back to the world when she went back to Earth. Then again, the Supreme Kai and Lord Beerus both told her she was free to spend the rest of her life here. She could help raise all her children, both the ones she had with her husband, and the others. She currently had four children growing inside those nursing capsule things. Those being three sons and a daughter. Oddly enough, none of them were Pan’s complete sibling. Though it wasn’t for lack of trying when they first came here. Maybe that was why those weird marks were wished onto the women living here.


No sooner than she started thinking about those marks did she feel the one of her own body begin to activate! It started as a pressure in her crotch, and then it was followed by a heat. It wasn’t really painful, at least not in the general sense. But it was so intense that Videl couldn’t help but gasp as her pussy let out a hot spray of juices as she found herself suddenly soaking wet between her legs!


“Haaah…” she gasped again, while bending over slightly, with her hands pressing against her pussy. The mild contact sent a wave of pleasure through her as her body became a dozen times more sensitive. Her skin felt tingly all over and her cunt was screaming for stimulation! She wanted, no, she NEEDED to cum, BAD! The arousal was so insanely intense, it made it hard for her to even hold onto a coherent thought. Like a pink haze of desire had settled over her brain, blocking everything but the need to be fucked out.


“Huh, Videl?” a man’s voice said behind her.


Still shaking, Videl turned to see one of Goku and Gohan’s old friends. His name was Yamcha, if she remembered correctly. He was dressed in the usual training clothes she’d seen Goku wearing from time to time. He’d clearly been watching her, judging from the noticeable tent in the loose fitting orange pants he had on!


HAHAAH!!!” Videl moaned, as she started moving over to the dark haired man with a look in her eyes so fierce, it actually made Yamcha flinch.


“Look, uh, um, I’m SORRY!!!” Yamcha said in a panic, as Videl closed in on him. “I only just got here! I was wandering around looking for Bulma or Goku when I…” he prattled as the dark haired girl reached him. Videl reached out to grab the front of his training gi, gripping on the orange fabric tight. Videl looked him up and down as she clenched her thighs together. The longer she waited, the worse it got.


“You’ll have to do…” she muttered as she got down on her knees, while yanking down Yamcha’s pants. He yelped in surprise as his cock sprung up from its confinement. Videl tried to hide her disappointment, because he was so…




As a woman who got used to dicks that stretched out her womb, this was more than a bit of a let down. But then again, Yamcha was just an ordinary human. Krillin didn’t count as his size went straight into his dick. And Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks weren’t human, or at least not entirely human. This was honestly the first time Videl had ever seen a normal human’s dick before. And it fell in line with what she’d seen in textbooks back when she was in school.


Fuck it, I can’t take this any longer!’ thought Videl as she felt her pussy twinge again. Opening her mouth, she easily swallowed down the scarred man’s cock. It fit so easily in her mouth and throat, she didn’t even gag at all!


AHMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Videl moaned loudly around his cock. It felt so GOOD in her mouth. Her body was so turned on right now, it was making her cum just from the feel of it rubbing against her tongue alone.


“Ahh, oohhh…” Yamcha groaned as Videl began moving her head back and forth faster.


AHMMMPH HMMMPH NMMMPH HRMMMMPH AHMMMMMPH MMMMPH MMMMPH!!!” Videl moaned, moving her head in quick successive bobs. ‘Ahhh, this feels so good! What’s going on, why does sucking this dick feel so good!? Dick, ahh, DICK!!!’ she thought as her pussy screamed to be fucked. But she couldn’t make her head stop moving. It just felt so good!


“Haah, ahh, yeah… Don’t stop… Wowww… King Kai wasn’t kiddinnngh…” groaned Yamcha as he looked down at her, “Mmmmmh, yeah, keep sucking it, babe!” he told Videl. Normally, the dark haired girl would have punched him just for calling her that, but she was so horny right now, she didn’t care!


HMMMMMMMPH!!! AHMMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH, NMMMMMPH!!!” she moaned repeatedly, as she continued sucking the man’s small dick again and again as both her hands pawed at her cunt. She could feel her juices overflowing from her hole, running down her thighs almost constantly now. Although she couldn’t see it, she could feel the inmon mark over her womb glowing hotly as she dug three fingers inside herself.


“Ohhhh, yeeeeaaah, that feels amazingh…” he groaned as he grabbed her head and began pumping his cock in and out of her mouth, and as he did it, he was actually managing to hit her gag point now.


HUGUH, AGUH NMMMMPH GUH GUH GUG…!” Videl choked lightly as she felt herself cumming again from the mildly rough treatment. “NMMMMPH, HAWDER… DEW ID HAWDERRRR, AGUH GUG GUH…” she moaned around his cock.


“Hmmm, yeah, you like that? Then have THIS!!!” Yamcha groaned, as he began pushing his cock into her mouth HARD. Videl could feel his balls pressing against her chin as she moaned loudly, with her pussy gushing hard again.


AGURGH GUH GUG HURG GUPH…” she choked lightly, while moving her head with him as she slurped and sucked on his tiny dick loudly.


PWAAAH!!!” Videl gasped as she suddenly pulled her head free when Yamcha let go for just a second. She quickly got to her feet and turned around, and as she did it, she presented her shapely ass to him as she looked back at the surprised man.


“Well!? Don’t just stand there like an idiot! Take that thing and fuck me before I go insane already!!!” she shouted at him.


“Yes ma’am!” Yamcha said, then immediately began jumping into the air and stripping off his remaining clothes before landing behind her and grabbing Videl’s hips before shoving his dick into her hot pussy with a soft wet sound.


HAAAAAAAH, IT’S INNNN!!! YESSSS!!! IT’S INSIDE MEEEE!!! YEEEEAH, RIGHT THERE!!!!” Videl screamed, while cumming instantly, “MORE, FASTER, SLAM THAT THING INTO ME MORE!” she panted.


“Hrmm, hrmm, hrmm, hrmmmm, yeeeeah, nice and tiiiiight!!!!” Yamcha groaned as he began pounding his cock back and forth rapidly with a loud SLAP SLAP SLAP.


AHHHH, DON’T STOOOOP!!! AH FUUUUCK, I’M CUMMING!!! I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING!!! SO GOOOOOOD!!!” Videl moaned, with her pussy gushing with every thrust of Yamcha’s cock. Her entire body was so sensitive right now, that even his tiny dick felt incredible!


AHHHH, MORE, FUCK ME MORE, POUND MY PUSSY MORE, YES, JUST LIKE THAAAAT!!! AHHHH, SO GOOD, MY PUSSY KEEPS CUMMING AND CUMMMMING!!!” Videl wailed in pleasure as her entire body shuddered in orgasm. She felt like her entire body was burning, and every thrust of that dick inside her was a bucket of water being splashed on her, bringing what could best be described as sweet relief!


“Hmmm, yeah, this is great, ahhh, this is great, this is great, this is great, this is great!!!!” Yamcha groaned, while shoving his cock into her again and again.


AHHHHH, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, CUMMING CUMMING!!! DON’T STOOOOOP!!! MORE, MAKE ME CUM MORE, FUCK MY PUSSY MORE!!! YES, RIGHT THERE, RIGHT, FUCKING, THEEEEERE!!!” Videl panted, while rocking herself back and forth into Yamcha’s thrusts, with her big tits bouncing back and forth as he reached around her body to grab them.




Ahh… I can feel my pussy tingling… It feels so good, my body keeps wanting more even though I keep cumming and cumming! I feel like I’m gonna lose my mind!’ Videl thought through the pink haze in her brain. She could feel a sensation swelling up from deep inside her as Yamcha groaned, with his thrusts slowing, but at the same time growing harder. It only made the sensation well up inside her even faster as she let out a long howling moan like an animal. Her womb felt hot, like it was on fire.




Her womb was screaming for hot cum! Her entire body was so aroused, even Yamcha’s tiny cock felt like it was scraping her insides out as she screamed in ectsasy.


“Ahhh, gonna… Gonna cummm…!” he groaned.


YES! CUM!! HURRY!!! DO IT INSIIIIIDE!!!! MY WOMB NEEDS CUM!!! IT NEEDS IT NOOOOOOW!!!!” Videl screamed, then moaned, as Yamcha pounded his cock as far as it would go inside her as he came. Sweet relief washed over Videl like a massive wave crashing against the beach as a powerful orgasm surged through her with the force of a lightning bolt!


I’M CUUUMMMMING!!!!” Videl cried as the burning lust reached its peak and then finally broke like a fever as the two of them fell forward in a panting heap. Yamcha rolled off her, gasping as if he was winded, while Videl lay face down in the dirt with her ass in the air. She could feel his cum leaking back out of her pussy, running down her thighs in sticky lines. The dark haired woman rolled over onto her side and glanced down at her crotch just in time to see the inmon mark fading away.


“Hah, ahh, hah, thanks. I needed that.” Videl said as she managed to pick herself up off the ground. “I really need to talk to Lord Beerus about these mark things. Their timing can be really annoying sometimes!”


“Hah, glad I could help… Wow, this place rocks!” said Yamcha, “Haven’t had it that good in a long time! Not since I was dating Bulma.”


“Yeah? Well, if you wanna keep getting it like that, you might wanna find the local Dragon Ball and wish for a bigger dick. Cause that thing you got won’t compete with the other guys here if that weird mark isn’t active. No offense, but you’re too small.” Videl said as she began heading out of the forest. She had a capsule back at her apartment in the city with a hovercraft inside. She could use that to fly up north to the barn where the children were being grown.


I hope Whis is there. Vados will pester me for details on how I got pregnant this time.’ she thought as she heard Yamcha calling after her.


“Huh, what mark? And whaddya mean small!? I got a full ten inches here!!!” he shouted.


Videl turned back to look at him, “Wow, only inches?” she asked with a smirk, then stifled out a laugh at how the naked man turned white as his mouth opened and his soul leaked out.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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1 year ago

Sailor, do you know when we get get another chapter for this series?

1 year ago
Reply to  Guest


1 year ago

Great job on this and it looks like it’s Yamcha’s turn now! I do feel really sorry for him and I like him, because in my opinion, he deserves more credit and love.

He’s just so underrated.

Funny ending from this fanfic story too.

2 years ago

This was cool to see Yamcha coming in, even if it’s him just getting owned like he normally does in the series.

Maybe it would be cool for him to find the local Dragon and use it for what Videl said, but it’s only really big enough for the Dragon itself, meaning we can see some art of the Dragon.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarcoBun

Well, Yamcha lost a lot of his cool factor after Bulma gave up on him for Vegeta. You know the saying about behind every great man. Well, without a great woman behind him, Yamcha became a card carrying member of the losers club. 😛

2 years ago

ya know what good for yamcha, he deserves it after all the years of bashing on him

2 years ago

With yamacha here I just thought is piccolo just on earth babysitting pan until further notice or something.

That and what would it take for piccolo to be seduced/compelled/persuaded/forced to participate in this little reproduction project and contribute his namekian genes in this figurative hotpot of offspring development.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielian
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

Sadly, namekians reproduce asexually.

2 years ago

that waterfall is majestic not gon lie

Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

i hope android 21 this girls is uff tambien a Vomi

2 years ago

I have a story plan to bring 21 into the series, but I won’t use it unless Enzo does any art of her. So ask him.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

First time having Yamcha in a sex scene. Didn’t expect him to make Videl cum that much, given how tiny he seems to be. Well, tiny in terms of what the sluts here are used to anyways. Though, most of that credit should go to the inmon mark to be honest. Still, I like it. He was pretty enjoyable in early Dragon Ball (the one part I actually watched). All that powercreep didn’t serve him well however.

I really enjoyed this chapter. I like how Videl still managed to find pleasure in getitng fucked by such a tiny dick (something that a certain pink haired slut from Konoha could try for herself once, if her hubby wasn’t such a wimp that is XD)

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, I tried to point out that because of the inmon mark, she was much more sensitive. Going off of commonly used lore for the mark, they put a woman is such a state of arousal, that in the most extreme cases, the lightest touch, say a finger to the shoulder, can send the victim into orgasm.

As for Sakura, nah, she’s too far gone. If she’d had some real experience before marrying Sasuke instead of being a virgin (in the timeline I’m using anyway) then she’d have known what was what and would have married him knowing that and her love would have been strong enough to endure.

Some of the longer lasting marriages stem from the fact that both parties have sexual experience beforehand, with someone OTHER than who they are marrying. A way of avoiding the “Grass is always greener” arguement.

2 years ago

How the hell is ten inches “small?” I get that it’s not a hyper size like a lot of the dicks in these stories, but seriously.

2 years ago
Reply to  Emperor-k9

That’s the joke. 😛

2 years ago

Were at the point where we get freakin Yamcha into the story getting laid before Goku or Vegeta does lol. Not complaining or anything I just think it’s funny. Also I’m not sure if this can be considered a rare W or another common L for Yamcha if 10 inches can be considered average for these size queens.

2 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Been waiting for Califla and or Kale before I cover those two.

2 years ago

Finally I was waiting for this

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Hope you liked the story.