Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Triple Yuri Trouble

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part XXVI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXVIII): [LINK]

The hotel had a very Oriental vibe to it. Especially the bedroom Lucy was renting with Brandish and Flare. The three girls were all in the town of Acalypha for a job that was posted to the guild just a couple of days ago. Natsu had stayed behind in Magnolia in case Happy came home from his trip to see the Exceeds. The job itself wasn’t difficult, since it was basically just guard duty for a warehouse in the town. The client was someone Lucy had saved when she single handedly took on an entire Dark Guild at Love and Lucky Merchant’s Guild. He’s seen Lucy’s skill and wanted to hire her to keep the place safe at night for a few days until the train came to take it to the destination.


The job itself was fairly uneventful. Maybe the thieves that the client was worried about saw Lucy, Flare, and Brandish hanging around and thought better of trying to steal anything. Whatever the case, the job was done, the train came this morning, the cargo was loaded, and was now on its way elsewhere. Lucy and Brandish decided to stay the day, rest up, and head back to Magnolia tomorrow. The young blonde was glad they had decided that, because the baths in their hotel were AMAZING!


Lucy had just finished a nice long and relaxing soak in the bath of their room. Loosely covering herself with a towel held in front of her impressive tits, the blond exited the bathroom and looked around the single hotel room the three of them shared. She didn’t see Brandish or Flare anywhere. But then again, they did part from her earlier to go to a local shop to buy some sweets, they just hadn’t gotten back yet.


The blonde woman was surprised by how lonely she suddenly felt without one of them around to play with her pussy! She could always go back in the bath and call Aquarius. But the blue haired mermaid said she was busy with Scorpio for the next week, and not to call on her unless it was life or death. There was always Aries or Virgo, but she didn’t feel like doing anything rough right now.


Taurus was always up for some fun though! And his dick was SOOOO big! Lucy began feeling wet just thinking about it. She headed over to the dresser where she’d placed her keys when she heard the doorknob rattle. She heard the key turning in the lock and muffled voices from outside.


“…I just happen to like dark chocolate, that’s all.” said Brandish’s voice. The lock clicked and the door opened as the green haired woman entered followed by Lucy’s sex slave, Flare. Brandish was wearing her usual bikini under a long coat, This one was a white leopard print one that barely covered her nipples and the bottoms were so tight that Lucy could see the outline of her lovers pussy in the fabric.


“That stuff is so bitter though…” said Flare as she stepped into view.


“Only if it’s not made right.” Brandish said before she noticed Lucy standing in front of the bed, barely concealing her naked body with the towel held in front of her. The green haired girl smiled at the sight and set down a large bag with the bakery logo on the side. She sauntered over to Lucy, swaying her hips with every step. When they were less than arm’s length apart, Brandish reached out and snatched the towel away with one hand and grabbed Lucy’s waist with the other.


“Oh!” Lucy giggled as Brandish pulled her close so that their tits were mashing together before covering Lucy’s mouth with her own. “Nmmmmh…!” Lucy moaned happily as Brandish pushed her tongue between her lips and into Lucy’s mouth. Lucy didn’t hesitate, sliding her tongue back along Brandish’s and returning the kiss.


The two women dueled tongues fiercely, each one slipping theirs along the other’s. Brandish let out a soft cooing moan when Lucy began sucking on her tongue gently. The blonde then slipped her arms around Brandish’s shoulders, hugging her naked body against the green haired woman.


“Mmmmmmh…” Brandish moaned into their kiss, sliding her right leg between Lucy’s thighs. The blonde immediately began humping her pussy against the woman’s naked thigh. Her leg was perfectly smooth and warm and felt so nice against her cunt! Lucy then grinded her pussy against Brandish’s leg faster when the other girl broke the kiss and immediately moved to kiss and suck on Lucy’s slender neck.


“You smell good…” Brandish whispered hotly, while moving one hand to cup around Lucy’s heavy tit, hefting and squeezing it gently.


“Ahhh…” Lucy moaned, humping herself against Brandish harder, her love juices now running down the other girl’s leg. The blonde woman then slipped her arms under Brandish’s coat, finding the back of her bikini top and untying the knot that held it on. It came loose easily and Lucy moved her hands up to get the knot behind the green haired girl’s neck. When that one came undone, Brandish’s top fell away from her big soft tits.


The two girls locked lips again, wrestling tongues as they pressed their breasts against one anothers. Brandish shrugged out of her coat, standing only in her bikini bottoms as she and Lucy kissed passionately.


“Nmmmh, ahhh…” Lucy moaned into Brandish’s mouth softly as she felt something warm pressing against her back.


“Don’t forget about me, Princess…” Flare cooed into her ear. The self-proclaimed sex slave had already stripped herself completely naked, her long auburn red hair hanging loosely down her back as she smiled at Lucy. Her huge tits looked so delicious as they heaved ever so slightly with her every breath. The sign of the Sun Village was prominently displayed on her right breast. She also had the mark for Fairy Tail on her body now, tramp stamped just above her butt, but it was only visible when she used her magic. She grabbed her own tits and bounced them in her hands before spooning herself against Lucy.


Lucy giggled, whilst breaking her kiss with Brandish and turning her head to lock lips with the auburn haired girl. Flare shivered and moaned happily as Lucy sucked on her tongue, with her hair spreading out and wrapping all three of them in a warm embrace.


The trio of women moved together over to the large bed they had been sharing the last few nights. Lucy let herself fall back onto the cushiony mattress. The sheets felt smooth and cool against her naked skin as she spread her legs wide. Flare immediately buried her head between Lucy’s thighs, her mouth covering her dripping pussy!


“Ahhhh… Nmmmmmh…!” Lucy moaned when she felt the other girl’s tongue slipping between the hot moist folds of her pussy. “Ahhh, yessss… I love when you eat my pussy Flare, ahhh, don’t stop…!” Lucy panted softly as she looked over at Brandish. The green haired girl was stripping out of her remaining clothes before getting into bed with the other girls.


“Mmmmmh, lemme suck your tits Brandi…” she said in a husky tone, “I wanna suck on your nipples!” she told her as Brandish giggled and crawled into bed naked. She positioned herself over Lucy, letting her big tits hang down over the blonde’s head. Reaching her hands up, Lucy grabbed Brandish’s breasts with both hands, then leaning her head up to wrap her lips around one already stiff nipple, sucking it roughly.


“Ahhhhh, yesss… Lucyyy…” Brandish gasped, letting her breasts fall a little lower, pressing them against Lucy more.


“Mmmmh, nmmmmh, ahmmmmh…” Lucy moaned, sucking on the other girl’s nipple, slowly swirling her tongue around it.


“Nmmmmmh… Pwinshesh…” Flare moaned as she slowly darted her tongue in and out of Lucy’s pussy.


“Hmmmmmmmh, dhon’t stop… Ahhhhh… God I’m so horny right nowww…” Lucy moaned back, sucking on Brandish’s nipple more as she continued to squeeze the green haired woman’s huge breasts.


“Mmmmmmh, nmmmmh, nmmmmmmmh…” Flare moaned, while her head nodded up and down rapidly as she licked and sucked at Lucy’s pussy harder. The young blonde rocked her hips against the redhead’s face, loving the sensation of her nimble tongue moving against her cunt.


“Mmmh, ahhhh…. Hmmmmmmmh!” Brandish moaned, while pulling her breasts away from Lucy and moving to kiss the other girl harder. Lucy then moved her hands to grab the green haired womans rounded ass, squeezing it tightly as she kissed her back. The two women dueled tongues fiercely, each sucking on the others with ever increasing passion. Brandish then moved to straddle Lucy’s slender waist, leaning her body down so that their huge breasts pressed into one another’s. Lucy could feel Brandish’s stiff nipples poking against her own as she broke the kiss and moved to gently bite and suck on the green haired girl’s neck.


“Haaaaah… Ahhh, Lucyyyy…” Brandish sighed happily as the blonde sucked on the side of her neck.


“Nmmmmh, I want your pussy, ahh, I want it now…” Lucy gasped out as she laid back on the bed. Brandish immediately moved to sit on the blonde’s face, her hot pink pussy just centimeters above her face. Lucy reached up with both arms, grabbing Brandish by her thighs and burying her face in her crotch. She covered Brandish’s cunt with her mouth, moaning loudly into it as she tasted her hot overflowing love juices. Like Flare beneath her, Lucy began licking and sucking on her pussy hard, loving the way it made her lover moan in pleasure.


“Yessss… Ahhh, more, lick my cunt harderrr…” Brandish moaned out, humping her crotch against Lucy’s face.


“Mmmmmmn hmmmmmn hmmmmmmh…” Flare moaned, with her mouth never pulling away from Lucy’s pussy even for a second. Her long auburn red hair moved about in the air as though it had a mind of its own. Multiple strands them coiled around both Brandish and Lucy’s tits, squeezing them firmly.


HMMMMMMMMMMH!” Lucy moaned into Brandish’s cunt, licking her harder as Flare massaged her tits with her hair. “YESSSSH, AHHHMMMMMH, GONNA CUMMMM!!!


“Nmmmmh, I live to make you cum, Princess…” Flare moaned, sliding her tongue into Lucy’s pussy as far as it could go.


AHHHHN!!! CUM… CUMMING!!!!” Lucy screamed into Brandish’s pussy, with her own cunt gushing all over Flare’s beautiful face. The redhead moaned in utter bliss, rubbing Lucy’s juices into her skin as she got up onto her knees. She reached around Brandish’s body, grabbing her breasts and pulling her back. Lucy gasped softly as she looked at both naked girls. Flare’s hands squeezed Brandish’s big tits so hard her fingers almost vanished into the pliant flesh. Her long prehensile hair waved around in the air like a halo.


Both girls then gasped as Flare moved her hair to form two huge phallic clumps that then took on the exact size and shape of Natsu’s giant dragon dick! Lucy felt her pussy gushing just at the sight of them as she and Brandish both moved to kneel on all fours on top of the bed side by side. Flare didn’t waste any time, standing on her knees behind the two women, she quickly SHOVED both gigantic dildo’s of hair into their respective pussies!


YESSSSSS!!!!!” Lucy screamed as she felt her cunt being spread wider than wide as her stomach stretched forward visibly. She immediately began rocking herself back and forth on the huge hair dildo, “HMMMMMMMMM, FUCK MEEEEEE!!!” she screamed through clenched teeth.


OOOOOOOOH, SO THIIIIIIICK!!!” Brandish moaned from deep in her throat as Flare began moving the dildo’s back and forth quickly with a lewd SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH sound.


“I don’t know why I didn’t try this sooner…” Flare said, “Master Natsu can only fuck one of us at a time, after all.” she told them as she brought her hands down on both their naked asses with a loud SLAP!




“Dragon boy is a long ways off, that’s your fuck pet!” Brandish moaned, “HMMMMMMM!!! BUT IT STILL FEELS AMAZZZZINGH!!! I MIGHT LET YOU FUCK ME MORE OFTEN WITH THIS, YOU SLUTTY LITTLE REDHEEEEEAD!!!! OOOOH YESSSS… SHOVE IT IN HARDER, DEEPER, STRETCH MY PUSSY WIDE!!!” the green haired woman screamed as she bucked back and forth, her huge tits swaying under her widely. Lucy turned her head back and saw Flare’s own pussy being spread wide by a third dildo made from her hair.


AHHH, AHHHH, AHHHHH, PRINCESS, MASTERRRRR!!! I’M CUMMMINGGGH!!!” she howled as her stomach was stretched up by the sheer size of the false Natsu dick. All three women screamed and howled in ecstasy as they brought one another to one orgasm after the next until all three lay in a tangled pile of limbs. The room reeked of sex, all of them covered in sweat and other fluids as they panted softly.


Lucy lay between Brandish and Flare, loving the heat of their bodies and the feel of their smooth soft skin rubbing against her own. She idly traced her fingers over the curve of Brandish’s hip, making her giggle softly as she tickled her. They kissed softly and Lucy felt Flare’s lips on her neck, reaching her arm behind her to grab a fistful of the woman’s ass.


“Nmmmmh, we should get back to Master Natsu soon…” Flare purred.


“She’s right. Who knows what he might do without the three of us to keep his dick in check.” Brandish joked.


Lucy sighed contentedly, “Yeah, but can we stay like this until morning at least? You both feel so nice…” she cooed, then snuggling her body between theirs more.


All three women giggled and began making out all over again.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Sorry for the late comment. Now, this chapter was definitely the definition of “good things come in small packages”. It was basically one never-ending sex scene with Natsu’s personal harem sluts, and it was quite hot from start to finish. The idea of Flare using her hair in such a way was certainly arousing, while also oddly hilarious how the two of us thought of it at roughly the same time.

I think I slowly start to get used to this version of Flare.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Yeah, I love writing Flare as a self-designated sex slave, and how Natsu and Lucy just accepted her without question.

1 year ago

Could you possibly use Rtenzo’s art work of Irene to include her in the story?

It’s the one where she is in black underwear/bra.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

I can try

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

I found the image you’re referring to, I’ll ask enzo for an updated version and see about using it later

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Sounds good!

1 year ago

Love Rtenzo yuri!

1 year ago

Yuri, second best categaory i seen in amine porn, next to kissing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew

Yuri is fun to do.

1 year ago

*happy degenerate noises*

1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Hehehe, yuri is very fun to watch.