Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Chronicles of World City: Traveler Tales III

Previous Story (Chapter 02): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 04): [LINK]



“Y- yes!”


“Of courseâ€Ķ sorry!”


“No! I would never!”


“I’ll tryâ€Ķ I WILL do better from now on! I promise!”


Exiting the boss’ office of the Kwik Fill Gas Station, Tristana Davenport immediately retreated to her cushioned seat behind the sales counter. The black leather upholstery had seen better days, being covered in numerous scratch marks and ordinary wear-and-tear from years of daily use. Sitting down, the young woman wished she had some industrial lubricant oil to stop the loud and constant creak and squeaking of her chair whenever she spun around on it. The noise was so goddamn annoying!


Standing between 4′ and 4’5″, Trish was a bit shorter than the average woman in World City. If it weren’t for a couple of notable aspects about her that made her stand out from her female competition, many would have mistaken her for a preteen. The first was her long, multi-colored hair that caught the attention of everyone near her. And those that were not captivated by her hair were entranced by her impossibly huge, yet completely natural tits, which were oftentimes mistaken to be fake. Each individual flesh orb was three times bigger than her entire head and both of her large nipples sported a pair of golden ring piercings that just begged to be pulled on! Both of these things, the pink hair and enormous breasts, were traits she inherited from her mother. The creamy orange in her two-tone hair, however, came from her father, and it was the only thing from him she was thankful for!


“Uuuuurghâ€Ķ!! FUCK!!!” the well-endowed girl groaned, then kicked the counter with the white sneakers she wore.


“I assume your talk with Mr. Santiago didn’t go well?” asked the annoying voice of her equally annoying coworker, Louis Johanson. She was only able to make out the thick bush of his curly red locks above the shelves that separated the work counter and customer floor.


“You think so, smart ass!?” She shot back as she pushed herself off of the chair, “What gave it away?” Tristana, more commonly known by her nickname ‘Trish’, asked while strutting over towards the much taller guy. “The way I shouted ‘Fuck’ or my resigned groan? Or was there some other indication that your nosey ass picked up on?!”


“Hey! I’m sorry, okay? Relax…” Louis raised his hands in a placatory gesture. He put one last can of cola into the freezer to his left before rising to his feet. Even with his slouched back, he still stood a couple heads taller than her. “I just wanted to know. That’s all.”


“Well, genius, here’s a tip for you; instead of sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, why don’t you go do some “research” as an aspiring paparazzi or whatever it is you wanted to be!?” Trish pushed her index finger harder against his chest with each word, her pink painted nail digging deep enough into his skin that it would have drawn blood if it weren’t for his shirt.


“Knock it off already!” He pushed her hand to the side, “That hurts you know!” He told her as he straightened his shirt again.


“Oh, boohoo!” Trish mocked him and did as if she wiped away tears from both her eyes with the back of her hands, “Did I huwt you, Lou-lou? Ish da big boi gonna cwy now?” She asked, talking with him as if he was a baby.


“TRISTANA!!!” a thunderous voice startled both of them and made them jump almost high enough for their heads to hit the ceiling. Both of them turned around to see their boss, Mr. Santiago, standing in the doorframe to his office. Like always, he was dressed in a blue jumpsuit that had more oil stains on it than he had hair on his head.


He didn’t need to say more. Trish gulped and nodded slowly, “O- okay!” She managed to say before continuing with the work she started before her boss called her into his office.


Trish walked past her perplexed coworker and towards the workshop next to the little gas station where she had already started sorting and cleaning the different wrenches, nuts, bolts, and all other tools their boss used for car repairs. Trish would be lying if she told she knew what each tool was used for and in which box they went. Her knowledge of cars starts and ends with the stuff they taught her in Drivers Ed. Working at a gas station, she knew the difference between diesel and gasoline, and which one to use for her car, but that’s about it. For everything else, guys like Mr. Santiago exist!


Nonetheless, she did her job here. It paid rather well, removing her parent’s suspicion about where she got all the money to buy her expensive makeup and accessories. And that’s without even talking about all the other things she bought online! Things that would make her parents probably lose all hope in humanity and throw her out of the house immediately.


The time until lunch break moved at a snail’s pace! With no customers around to screw her, she had nothing to distract her from how dull and boring this job actually was!


‘Seriously! Who needs this many differently sized wrenches?! Why can’t they all just be one size?’ She asked in her mind while going through all the different tools. Aside from opening Spotify to play her type of music, and not the stupid mainstream stuff from the old radio on the workbench nearby, she actively forced herself to not touch her phone. ‘This is SOOOO boring!’


She pondered considerably how someone could do this kind of job their entire life. When he arrived for work earlier in the morning, Mr. Santiago appeared as if he didn’t bother showering! What is it with sweaty men and not caring about their hygiene?!


Trish herself wore working gloves practically every opportunity. She once had to carry a leaky drum of oil over towards the corner of the gas station where all their trash was stationed. Some of the oil had gotten onto her arms and shirt and she could have sworn that she reeked of that stuff for a week! Didn’t matter how often she showered, or how many kinds of bathing oils she used, her arms still felt sticky and yucky afterwards!


‘Pull yourself together, Trish!’ She chided herself, ‘Only a few more months! Then it’s off to college and you don’t have to come to this shithole again! You’ll become the best harlot this city has ever seen!’ She attempted to cheer herself up. Swinging her hips to the beat of the music, the short girl finally finished sorting all the tools and went on to clean the floor of the garage. ‘I just need to bide my time and get Mr. Santiago off my back until then! But how?


A soft knocking against the rusty door to the workshop startled her, taking her out of thoughts, “Ermâ€Ķ not sure if you’ve noticed, but we have lunch break nowâ€Ķ!” Louis informed her after sticking his head into the room. He then left the room as swiftly as he had shown up.


“Greatâ€Ķ spending another lunch break with the dork!” she muttered out loud. Usually, she’d simply eat her lunch outside to stay as far away from Louis as possible, but given the heat wave lately, she’d much rather stay inside, where it’s cooler, than being fried to a crisp outside.


She put the broom she had used to the side and went to follow Louis into the break room of the gas station building. By now, the room no longer smelled as stale as it did back when she first started working here. After the many times she brought a well hung customer back here to fuck, she made sure the room smelled decently!


‘Lou-lou!’ a thought crossed her mind as she looked at him from the other side of the cheap plastic table, “Hey! Iâ€Ķ umâ€Ķ just wanted to apologize for earlier! I didn’t mean to come off as rude and hurt your feelings!” She told him. Years of performing in the theater in her old school paid off as she managed to make her words sound sincere, even to herself.


“PFFFWR!!!!” much to her disgust, Louis choked on the bite he took from his sandwich when she started talking with him. He coughed loudly several times, nearly spitting out the food he swallowed. “Whatâ€Ķ what’s gotten into you? Are you alright?”


“Of course I am, silly!” she told him with her sweetest voice and an even sweeter smile on her plump, red painted bimbo-lips. “Why wouldn’t I be?!”


“Well, you just never struck me as particularly caring- wait a minute! Is this about your discussion with the boss earlier?!” Louis asked, “You want me to talk with Mr. Santiago about what made him so angry with you, don’t you?!” before she even had the chance to reply, he answered his own question.


Pushing herself up from her chair, Trish let out a low hissing sound, “Fine! Yes, you’re right! She admitted as she walked around the table. His eyes followed her every step as she began to mimic her boss. “He snapped and told me that I’m that close to getting fired due to my inappropriate behavior!” The aspiring harlot then draped her arms around Louis’ stiff shoulders. “So I just need you to talk with him and say that it wouldn’t hurt to have me around for a while longer, ‘kay?”


“A- and why should I do that?” The ginger haired man’s voice became several octaves higher as he grew all too aware of her MASSIVE boobs pressing against his spine. “Heck! Why do you even wanna continue working here? You hate this job!”


“C’mon! You’re a nice guy, aren’t you?!” She tried to butter him up, making sure that he felt the full weight of her tits against his back, “You wouldn’t leave me hanging, would ya? And it’ll only be for a few months more, then you won’t ever see me again!”


Trish could practically feel his temperature rising as his face turned as red as his hair, “Y- you still haven’t answered my second qu- question!” He stammered.


Behind him, Trish rolled her eyes and groaned, “Because this is one of the only places far enough away from my home to get my parents off my back! It’s not on any of their regular routes and too far away to quickly drive by to check in on me!” She told him honestly.


Betting everything on a last ditch effort, she then swiftly sat down on his lap. Louis’ eyes went wide as he found himself face to face with her boobs! Through the skin tight fabric of her shirt, he got a good look at her golden nipple ring piercings. The stacked vixen then batted her eyelashes at him and puckered her lips.


“Plea~se~??” Trish asked in her most cutesy voice possible, her sky blue eyes glowing with desire and hope. “I’ll even make it up to you!”


Leaving him no chance to ask what she meant, she fished her phone out of the back pocket of her tight pants. Before he could say anything, she then took a quick selfie of herself on his lap. She made sure that her tits against his chest were clearly visible, as well as his face, before writing, “Big thanks to this hung lad who helped me out and made sure that I can keep my job~âĪïļâĪïļâĪïļ” as a caption underneath it.


After putting a face filter on that managed to make Louis look remotely attractive, the pic was ready to be uploaded, “Andâ€Ķ sent!” She informed her coworker. She showed him the uploaded pic. “With how many female followers I have, you’ll be drowning in pussy in no time!”


“Ehâ€Ķ erm, thanks. I guess.” Louis sheepishly ran his hand through his tousled red hair when the first likes already began to appear under the pic she just took.


“You’re welcome!” Trish let her head rest on Louis’ shoulder. “Soâ€Ķ about you helping me deal with our boss nowâ€Ķ”



(Later that dayâ€Ķ)


“Aaaaaahhhâ€Ķ! Finally!” Trish sighed in relief.


The entire workshop sparkled and shined after she had cleaned it from top to bottom. Trish, however, was caked entirely in dirt and spiderwebs from places that hadn’t seen a broom in at least twenty years! But that didn’t matter (much). Given the camera at the corner of the workshop, her boss probably saw her work there the entire time, which would only make it more convincing when Louis talks with him. And, surprisingly enough, she felt kinda proud of herself after all that work was done. Not as much as when she took pics or filmed clips for her fans, but close enough.


Speaking of her fans, she pulled her phone out to see the reception of the pic she took earlier. She didn’t expect much, considering that Louis was in the pic with her, but it should have gotten at least 100 likes by now.


“Thought so!” She said out loud as she saw the notification that alerted her that she cracked 250 likes an hour ago. “Better than I expected though!”


Like most women that she knew, getting actual likes or comments under the pics she posted was relatively hard. Most watchers simply stuck toâ€Ķ watching. Actually going out of their way to tell her what she did great or, even more importantly in her opinion, telling her what she could do better was something that only a few people did. And those who did comment mostly stuck to things like, “Great ass!”, “Nice tits!”, or “You mind taking a ride on my dick next?”. She didn’t have much to complain about though!


Trish actually liked the attention she got from strangers online! The idea of complete random strangers stroking their cocks to naughty pictures of her being posted online was something that made her hot with lust! It was a thrill no normal person could understand! It gave her a feeling of power and control that she simply would never be able to have if she only did the things her parents ALLOWED her to do!


“What theâ€Ķ?” her eyes widened when she, amidst all the usual comments, found one from one of her first and most loyal supporters.


The man with the username ‘@BadeStan8008’ was one of her first 100 followers and had been consistently giving her the biggest donations amongst all her followers ever since. He was also the one who sent her the centaur dildo recently. So whenever he suggests she should do a certain cosplay, make a video with a specific premise, or literally anything else, she always tries her best to make it reality. Both to not let him down, and because his suggestions, more often than not, got her the most clicks and a steady increase in followers!


So seeing his new suggestion now actually made her sweat a little bit!


@BadeStan8008: Guy looks cool. Why don’t you show him how much you REALLY appreciate his help and ride his dick for a couple hours in front of a camera?


“No way!” Trish gasped loudly as she breezed through the replies to his comment, saying how great of an idea that was and that she should totally do it, ‘Why would anyone want to see that dork fuck ME?!’ She thought.


@TitanTitsTrish: Hahaha! Funny idea. I’ll see what I can do😘😘


His answer came not even a few seconds later, almost as if he had waited the entire time for her response!


@BadeStan8008: I’d be willing to pay $500 just to see you ride his schlong! That shits gonna blow up!!


The rookie sex-icon gulped audibly at seeing that number on her phone. And knowing how much he worships her, she KNEW that he was willing to pay that much! And always do!


‘Hmmm… since I don’t have a sex worker license, I don’t think I’m allowed to accept payment in exchange for shooting a porno… but who cares! no one’ll find out! I’ll just say his donation is going towards my Sahara Wishlist!’ Trish thought silently.


She put her phone back in her pocket as the first likes appeared under his reply. With a heavy heart, she walked towards the door of the workshop and considered her possibilities. She could always say that she asked Louis but that he declined or had other things to do. It’d be the easiest solution. To her, dealing with that guy during work was already enough; she didn’t need to see him after hours as well! Then again, she would disappoint and lie to her fans, something that she swore herself she’d NEVER do, back when she created her account a year ago. No! She would have to ask Louis for a favor again!


‘He’ll probably say “No.” anyways, so what’s the big deal?!’ Trish thought as she walked back into the refreshingly cool Kwik Fill gas station.


With the workday almost over, Louis had cleaned up everything inside here as well. Their boss stood behind the counter and counted through the cash he earned today, lifting an eyebrow when he saw her. “Oh. You done now?”


“Yes! Everything’s tidy and sorted out and stuff.” She told him with actual honest pride in her voice.


“Took ya long enough.” He put the money back in the register before checking the watch on his wrist. “Well, the day’s almost over anyways and there’s hardly anyone here so just buzz off you two.” the black haired, almost bald, gas station owner declared. “I can handle the rest alone!”


“Thank you!” both of them replied at the same time.


They silently went into the break room. They both picked up their stuff silently. They both left the gas station without saying a word. As she sat down in her red VW Cabrio, Trish watched silently as Louis started riding his bike down the hills that led into World City.


Above them, the burning orange early-evening sun bathed everything in its warm light. Behind them, on the mountainside, the Cursed Chateau remained hidden inside a natural cover of trees and a seemingly never ending cloud of mist that shrouded the entire mountain in mysteries. A flock of birds flew above their heads and sang their songs in the trees to the left and right, only briefly interrupted by the sound of the motor of her car as she turned on the ignition.


‘Crap! Why is this shit so hard? He’s just an idiot! Asking him out shouldn’t be different than with any other guy I slept with so far!’ Trish told herself as she started to drive her car away from the gas station, ‘But they weren’t your coworkers and they were the ones to ask for a chance to sleep with you, not the other way around!’ another voice inside her mind added. As she drove past him, she came to a conclusion. ‘Doesn’t matter! I have to at least ask!’


Before she could stop herself, Trish steered her car to the left, turning her car in such a way that it blocked the entire street, “What theâ€Ķ FUCK!!!” she heard Louis curse in surprise as he quickly hit the brakes of his bike. He came to a halt mere inches away from her car. “TRISH!!!! What the hell is wrong with you??!”


“Lou-lou, Iâ€Ķ just wanted to ask you somethingâ€Ķ” She said carefully while thinking about the best way to phrase what she was about to request, “Youâ€Ķ I just wanted to as- No.” She stuttered like a girl from one of those cliche romance books her mother liked to read whenever they talked with the boy they love. “You wouldn’t mind having sex with me, would you?”


Louis blinked once.









(Later that eveningâ€Ķ)


Standing in front of the EZ-Lay Suites, one of more popular love hotels in World City, Trish waited for her coworker to show up. She didn’t know how, but she actually managed to convince him into coming to meet her here. And luckily, due to her many sessions in the establishment, Trish didn’t even have to wait long until she got a room rented. One quick call and done!


Love hotels in World City, while similar to those in other countries like Japan, were done on a much larger and more extravagant scale, as “Doing it Big” was the American way. And when it comes to doing it big, no one does it bigger than Bob Truman! Bob is the CEO of Truman Enterprises, a major land developer and construction tycoon; who shifted his attention towards expanding his business into the hotel sector. Being a divorced, single father, Bob valued the companionship that sex workers provided him in exchange for his frequent patronage. This led him to establishing an enterprise that appealed to his personal tastes while also making him millions of dollars. Bob was also well known amongst the World City elite and those who held political office; and is a dedicated steward of community service. Along with opening the EZ-Lay Suites, Bob opened homeless shelters to service the large number of World City citizens without a place to call home. The goodwill that stemmed from Bob’s philanthropy, combined with the American style extravagance of his luxury hotels at affordable prices, garnered him a lot of positive word-of-mouth and media coverage, leading to the EZ-Lay Suites being one of the premiere hotel establishments in World City.


As previously mentioned, Bob Truman liked to “Do It Big” both in life and in business; and as a result he led the way in expanding the luxuries and comforts love hotels offered to their customers. The continued growth and stability of the Adult Entertainment industry meant that more and more young people, like Trish, would use the EZ-Lay and other love hotels to launch their careers. For that reason, most love hotels nowadays had state of the art cameras and other professional filming equipment like lights, greenscreens, microphones, and were actually made soundproof so that every scenario, no matter how loud, could be filmed without disturbing and interrupting other customers.


Some hotels, however, forgo greenscreen technology in favor of having a specific theme as their gimmick. Anime-themed love hotels are the rising trend among AE establishments in World City at the moment. Trish herself hadn’t been to one herself, due to its rather absurdly high prices, but from the pics she saw from the girls and men she followed online, she could see why everyone was talking about it so much. It even provided costumes, albeit low quality, for the customers to cosplay as any character from their favorite show!


Not that it mattered right now. Renting even one night in those kinds of hotels would cost too much, so she stuck with the lower tier love hotels for now. The greenscreens they provided were good enough and, combined with her quickly growing knowledge about editing softwares, she was able to create really convincing pics and videos!


“Why does this idiot take so damn long!?” She thought out loud, checking the time on her phone now for the sixth time. “Did he get lost or something?”


Right as she was about to call him, she heard a rhythmic and fast CLOP CLOP CLOP sound getting louder, as if a horse was approaching her. She turned to her right to see an oddly blue skinned woman running over to her, “P- put your shoes back on!” she heard the voice of Louis coming from somewhere behind the tall woman as she jogged towards her.


As she got closer, Trish realized just how tall that woman actually was and how odd her choice of clothes were! Her boss Mr. Santiago, who was just shy of six and a half feet tall, was already among the tallest people she knew personally. But this woman seemed even taller! A beanie rested on her head, which had some weird spikes on each side of her head, covering strands of beautiful silver hair that stood out here and there. Did she have horns that she’s trying to hide? The woman had some weirdly unique and exotic looking dark tattoos all over her body. Her long and slender limbs were too big for the pair of black jeans and tank top she wore, making it appear as if she was wearing shorts and a sports bra. Her clothes could not hide the pair of black hooves and incredibly smooth looking skin underneath it all!


“We’re almost there!” the silver haired girl said to Louis.


‘Is sheâ€Ķ is she carrying him?!’ Trish thought in disbelief as she spotted Louis’ curly red hair behind her while his arms draped over her shoulder and his legs on either side of her slim body.


Several other bystanders turned their direction as the woman came to a halt in front of Trish, who actually took a step back in response, “Andâ€Ķ we’re here!” She said with a beaming smile as she let Louis slide down her back.


“N- never do that again!” Louis said with a shaking voice. He readjusted his own clothes, which consisted of a gray hoodie and blue cargo shorts. “You attract way too much attention!”


“But we were already so late! What’s the problem with hurrying up a little?” the woman replied as she looked around and waved at the many people, who looked at them with confused faces.


“You must be the girl that Lou-lou lost his virginity to. Sarah, Kara or something, right?” asked Trish, her keen emerald eyes wandering up and down over the other girl’s curves.


Louis sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, “Oh, sorry! Yeah, this is Xcarra. Trish, my friend Xcarra. Xcarra, my coworker Trish.” He introduced the two women to one another. “Thanks again for letting me take her here!”


Trish whistled approvingly as she shook the exotic looking woman’s hand, “Seriously? Consider me impressed! I thought Lou-lou made up that entire story or that he paid some desperate old hooker.” She admitted.


“Trish! I’m already considering going home!” Louis said, his head glowing with the same shade of red as his hair. He rubbed the back of his head while adjusting his glasses a bit higher on his nose again. “This was such a stupid idea to begin with!”


“Come on now, this could be fun!” Xcarra said. As she stood next to him, Trish could see how much taller she truly was. There was a noticeable difference in height between them, even without counting the beanie and whatever remained hidden under there. She hugged herself around Louis’ arms, pressing her barely noticeable tits against it ever so slightly. “Also, didn’t you say you always wanted to have a threesoMMMMMPPPH!!!”


“AAAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Iâ€Ķ I NEVER said THAT!!!” Louis covered his new friend’s mouth before she finished her sentence.


Sweat streamed down his entire body as he looked at Trish, who now had an almost devilish grin creeping on her face, ‘So little Lou-lou wanted a threesomeâ€Ķ’ She thought inwardly. She didn’t say anything back though as she instead walked through the love hotel’s doors. “Sorry Lou-lou. Didn’t mean to offend you. Let’s just head in and get this over with!”


With very little other options, both Louis and the woman that accompanied him followed her into the love hotel. They breezed past the entrance since Trish had already rented a room in advance, back when Louis reluctantly agreed to help her out with this filming. His only conditions were that they would never mention this ever again and that he could take his friend with him. For whatever reason he didn’t want to leave her all alone at his place for too long. Trish didn’t care though. Another woman ALWAYS brought in more clicks and likes after all.


‘Especially one as stacked as her!’ Trish thought with a sideways glance towards the other woman’s round butt as they stepped into an elevator. The black jeans she wore barely managed to hide her biggest assets after all! ‘Tiny tits thoughâ€Ķ’


They took the elevator to the sixth floor of the hotel and went into one of the first rooms to the right. It wasn’t anything special, but it did the job! The entire room consisted only of a single HUGE bed in the center that could host orgies with up to ten people no problem. Several toys were stored in drawers underneath the bed, both to take up as little space as possible, but also because they added another layer of stability to the bed. Other than that, the room was painted in muted crimson colors to create a lustful atmosphere. All the filming and photography equipment was stored in a room to the left so it wouldn’t get in the way of any freaky action.


“So, here’s the deal;” Trish began as she casually started to undress. She had long since suspected that Louis followed her anonymously online, so she had no problem getting naked in front of him. “We’re just gonna take a few quick shots of your dicklet between my tits and film you fucking my pussy hard, then we’re done! Got it?!”


“Ummmâ€Ķ!” Like put under a spell, Louis and his female friend found themselves unable to pull their eyes away from Trish’s naturally humongous tits with their already stiff and pierced pink nipples. The blue skinned woman gulped audibly and, out of sheer reflex, hefted her own tits as she compared them with Trish’s. The difference couldn’t be any bigger! The exotic looking girl was a B-cup at best, while Trish boasted impressive L-cups that put anyone else’s to shame! Even women who got breast implants rarely had tits even remotely as big as hers were! And Trish LOVED it!


At least normally.


“HELLO?!?!” She asked sarcastically, waving her hand in front of their faces, “Stop gawking already and get your dicklet out! The sooner we can get fucking, the sooner we can all forget this ever happened!” Trish turned around and hopped on the bed. Laying down on it, she then rested her weight on her tits and squished them against one another with her elbows. “Jeez! Don’t be such a prude like my parents!”


“Okay, okay!” Louis nodded. From her place on the bed, she could see the little tent he was fetching as he pulled his hoodie over his head, “Ermâ€Ķ butâ€Ķ” He trailed off as he fumbled with his belt. “Are theâ€Ķ don’t you have to turn on the cameras first?”


“Don’t worry, Lou-lou. They’ve been filming the entire time.” She informed him with a smug grin as his pants dropped to his ankles and his body became stiff as a board. “But don’t worry! I’ll simply cut out any of your dorky antics and hesitation. I’ll even pixelate your face if you’re too much of a pussy to be seen on screen with me!”


“EEEEEEHH!!!!” an almost girlish yelp escaped his lips as he instantaneously covered his crotch from the camera to his side. “Why didn’t you say anything earlier?!”


“Oh, come on!” still laying on the bed, Trish leaned forward and grabbed Louis at his wrists. She then pulled him over to the bed, with his crotch and hands now pressing against the heavenly soft and squishy mass of flesh that were her enormous tits. “Don’t be such a pussy, Lou-lou! Be a man and get it over with!”


Though she sounded harsh, Trish also wanted to get out of this uncomfortable situation as soon as possible. Getting fucked by strangers or people she met online was one thing! Having sex with someone she actually knew was completely different!


“O- okayâ€Ķ!” somehow Louis managed to relax a bit. He got his hands out of Trish’s hands and put them awkwardly on both sides of his body. “Here we go!”


“There! Isn’t that much better?” mused the bewitching beauty with the multi-colored hair. She rested her hands on her tits again and looked at her coworker’s twitching and throbbing dick, “Mmmmmmmmh~!! And you’re SOOO big already!” Trish said with a voice thick with sarcasm. It was impossible for the sizequeen to hide her expected disappointment. Still, she had to play along for the camera. “Why don’t you shove it between my tits and we can see if your dick can grow even bigger, hm?”


Without saying a word, and with his lips firmly pressed against one another, Louis moved forward, “Hrrrmâ€Ķ!” like the needle of a compass, his already fully erect dick pointed straight at Trish’s cleavage and directed it into the invitingly hot opening. “HIMMMMMMâ€Ķ!!!”


“OOOOOOOOHHHH!!!!! That’s it!!” The short bimbo moaned overly loud and energetic as Louis’ cock disappeared in its entirety between the two mountains of titty flesh. She pressed her boobs even tighter around his pole, “There we go! Doesn’t it feel good to have your dicklâ€Ķ your cock be massaged by my big knockers?” She teased him.


Louis nodded, “…Mhmmmmmâ€Ķ” He just stood there silently as Trish grabbed her own tits.


Her fingers sunk into the soft and malleable flesh as she kneaded it like dough around his meatstick. One tit moved up, the other one down. Next to the bed, Xcarra watched as Trish did what she only could dream about doing with her tits! Up and down! Up, down, up, down! It was hypnotic and pulled Xcarra into a deep, trance-like state as she cupped her own tit by reaching under her shirt with her right hand. With the other hand she massaged her dripping pussy through the irritatingly confining fabric of her jeans!




And down!


“What the hell are you waiting for?!” Trish asked silently after a while, only barely able to keep herself from rolling her eyes in annoyance, “You have the biggest pair of tits you’ll ever see right in front of you, yet the only thing you’re doing is standing there! Doing absolutely nothing!” She told him a bit louder now for the camera. “You wanna stand there like a mummy in a museum or actually gonna fuck them like you mean it!?”


“Mmmmnhâ€Ķ!!” still unable to speak a single coherent word, Louis began swinging his hips back and forth! Soon, the rhythmic PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP of his balls against her soft boobs echoed through the entire room!


“AAAAAAHHH!!!! THAT’S BETTER!!!!” moaned Trish, acting as if she reveled in the sensation of his dick between her tits. In actuality, she didn’t really feel anything, his cock being too small for her to actually enjoy, “FUCK MY TITS!!! HARD!!!! HARDER!!!! MAKE ME CUM WITH YOUR DICK BETWEEN MY BOOBIES!!!! I KNOW YOU WANT TO!!!!! I WANT IT TOO!!!!!!!!” Trish demanded the impossible, putting on a show for her audience.


She moved her upper body back and forth in sync with the ginger haired man’s thrusts, “Hurr, hurr, hurr,…!!” Louis grunted lowly. “Soâ€Ķ tight!!!”


“YOU LIKE MY PERFECT TIT-PUSSY??! I DON’T EVEN HAVE TO SUCK YOUR DICK TO MAKE YOUR COCK GO PEW PEW PEW, DO I???” She asked with a confident smile on her lips. ‘Not that his dick would actually be able to poke out of my tits anyways!’


“HNNNNNNNNNGHâ€Ķ!!!” Xcarra moaned, the crotch of her jeans getting soaked as she fingered herself to the perverted paizuri happening in front of her. Her own boob felt painfully small in the palm of her other hand as she squeezed it tight!


“HEHEHEHE!!” Trish giggled, being able to smell the unmistakable sweet smells of another woman’s needy pussy, ‘Seems like someone’s enjoying the show!’ She thought, feeling pretty confident of herself. ‘But this is SO boring!’


“Oh godâ€Ķ!” groaned Louis. Precum oozed out of his cock and coated the insides of the aspiring pornstar’s tits, making everything feel even more slippery and hot!


“Oh? What’s that? ARE YOU ACTUALLY ABOUT TO CUM JUST FROM FUCKING MY TITS???” turning towards Xcarra and the camera, Trish smiled and stuck out her tongue. “SEE??! THIS IS WHAT BIG BOOBIES ARE CAPABLE OF!!!” She said both to her non-existent audience and to Xcarra, who quivered with jealousy and need. “COME ON, BIG BOY!!! CUM!!! SPURT YOUR LOAD BETWEEN MY TITTIES!!! CUUUUUUMM!!!!”


“OhaaAAAAAARGH!!!!!” Louis roared as he found himself unable to hold back any longer.


“HMMMMMM!!!!! THAT’S IT!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!! CUM IN MYâ€Ķ WOAH!!!!” her lewd howling came to an abrupt end when more and more cum shot out of her cleavage. Some of it even flew into her open mouth! “WHAT THEâ€Ķ IT’S SO MUUUUUUCH!!!!!!” She moaned as her boobs felt all sticky and slimy from the salty white jizz that covered every inch inside there! “TOO MUCH CUMMMMMMMMM!!! HUUUUAARRRRRH!!!!!”


Trish closed her eyes as yet even more cum shot out of her tits and blasted her face. The strong hold of her boobs on Louis’ dick held him in place there as he came harder than any firehose ever would be capable of! An actual puddle of jizz formed on her boobs as the last globs of cum rained down on Trish and the bed! Louis’ body went slack for a second, but he found himself unable to relax due to his coworker’s tits holding him up.


“FUCK!!! That was A LOT!!” gasped Trish. The buxom bimbo wiped off some large spatters of cum from her face and flung them against a nearby wall. “What the hell have your parents been feeding you?!”


“Aaaah, haaa, haaa, haaaâ€Ķ so- sorry!” was all Louis was able to mutter as he found himself slightly out of breath.


“No need to be sorry, Lou-lou!” Trish said with a genuine smile on her face as she hefted her own tits high in the air. She faced the camera and made sure to sway her chest from side to side, causing the cum on her tits to slosh around with the motion. She then hefted her tits upwards and drank the delicious, salty nectar that came running towards her face. “MMMMMMMHHHH!!!!!!”


Within a couple quick gulps, Trish was able to drink almost all of Louis’ seed, leaving her tits coated with only a very thin layer of cum. Said layer was then promptly spread evenly across her body by her own hands as she rubbed it over herself as if it was some kind of sun lotion!


“That went better than expected towards the end!” admitted Trish. Reaching for Xcarra’s hand, she pulled the blue skinned woman onto the bed as well. “Time for round two then! Mmmmmh!”


“NO!!” Trish was just about to kiss Xcarra in order to snowball what little cum she still had left in her mouth, when suddenly Louis jumped between them. “No kissing! Kissing’s bad!”


I can’t let them kiss or else they’ll exchange memories and she’ll find out that Xcarra is an alien!‘ Louis thought in a panic.


Taken aback, Trish swallowed the cum in her mouth reflexively to speak. “What? Why?” all the good energy Trish had a moment ago was gone as Louis slipped between the two girls to prevent them from kissing.


“Ehmâ€Ķ becauseâ€Ķ” He stuttered, unable to come up with any good excuse, “Becauseâ€Ķ that!”


“HMMMMMM????!!” Trish’s emerald green eyes widened in surprise and shock as she found her mouth covered by Louis’. In an unforeseen move, he pushed his tongue past her lips and began to crudely explore the insides of her mouth, “MMNNNNNHM!!!” Trish quickly relaxed though and began to retaliate the kiss, sucking on the red haired man’s tongue as if it was his dick!


“UNFAIR!!!” complained Xcarra as she rested her face on Louis’ shoulder, “I wanted to go next!” She said while breathing hotly into his ear. Stripping out of her clothes, she then pressed her naked body against his back and pushed Louis closer against Trish’s tits. “I’ll simply get to fuck you afterwards!”


With his eyes clenched shut, it took Louis a while to find Trish’s wet pussy with his dick alone, “YESH!! SHOVE ‘OUW DIGG IN ALWEADY!!!” demanded the buxom slut as the tiny red head of his dick poked into the deep folds of her hungry cunt! “NNNNMNH!!!!!”




A series of wet squishy noises filled the room of the love hotel as Louis immediately began thrusting his hips back and forth against Trish’s body, “Oh, fuck! THAT’S SO HOT!!!!!” Xcarra commented as she reached around Louis’ chest and clenched her hands into fists around Trish’s nipples. “I wanna be bred like this so baaa~dd!”


“YES, BREED ME!! BREED WITH ME HARDER!!! POUND MY PUSSY WITH THAT PENCIL COCK!!!” shouted Trish after breaking her kiss with Louis. For a part of her, this was still all simply something for her audience to enjoy once she edited the clip and uploaded it.


For another part of her thoughâ€Ķ


‘DAMNIT!! This actually feels good! Better than I imaginedâ€Ķ’ She thought. Matching the movement of her hips with Louis’, she could feel her pussy clench tighter than she could remember around his cock. ‘But how?! His dicklet isn’t even average size!’


“That looks so good! You’re fucking her so hard right now!” commented Xcarra while nibbling playfully on one of Louis’ earlobes. “You’re both getting closer again! I can feel it!”


“HOOOOOOOOOOOOOWW????” Trish asked as her entire body convulsed with pleasure. While he didn’t fuck her as hard or as good as some of her other partners before, he certainly did a MUCH better job than she would have ever thought, which automatically made each minor orgasm feel better than it would have if she had expected this kind of pleasure already. ‘I underestimated him! He’s better at this than I expected!’


“FUCK!!! Youâ€Ķ you’re right, Xcarra! Iâ€Ķ I’m gonna cum again!” grunted Louis. Unable to slow the movement of his hips down, he only accelerated and rammed his length again and again and again and again so very deep inside of her!


“DO IT INSIDE!!!! I WANT ALL OF THAT HOT BOILING SEED IN MY WOMB!!!! YOU HEAR ME??!” begged the pink-orange haired slut from the top of her lungs as she finally climaxed as well. “LOU-LOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!”




A warm sensation spread through her entire body as her belly was immediately filled to the brim by the bespectacled man’s seed! Just like before, he wouldn’t stop cumming for at least two full minutes, which gave his cum enough time to shoot out of the sides of his dick and onto the bed. She actually could feel his cum filling her insides. The hot white rush of seed caused her stomach to stretch out somewhat, making her feel all kinds of weirded out, yet aroused at the same time. Not one of her previous partners was able to make her feel THAT good!


“FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!” She moaned, her hands clenching and unclenching over and over as all that cum sloshed around inside of her, “I’M CUMMING AGAIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!! THIS FEELS GOOD!!! YOU’RE PUMPING ME SO FULL!!!!” She screamed, and actually meant it this time.


Still inside of her, Trish was able to feel his dick getting flaccid again before he ultimately pulled it out.




Both gas station employees rolled on their backs and stared at the ceiling above them. Xcarra nestled her face against Louis’ cheek and kissed him, “HMWAH!!” She moaned blissfully.


“Ahhhâ€Ķ this wasâ€Ķ surprisingly good!” Trish stated with a satisfied grin on her face as she rubbed her full stomach. “Probably will bring in a good number of clicks as well!”


“Hmmm, I wouldn’t mind doing this more often!” agreed Xcarra before looking Louis in his eyes. “Ready for round two with me?”


Panting and groaning as if he’d just ran a marathon, Louis only shook his head. “Give me a moment!”


“No!” declared the blue skinned vixen to his right with a pout. She rose to her knees and looked down on the two perplexed looking humans. “You’ve fucked her so good and hard, I want my turn now!”


‘This girl has moxy! I like her!’ Trish thought with a grin. She then dipped her index and ring finger into her pussy and spread the two puffy lips apart, causing even more cum to run out of her. “Come over here, you little slut! Maybe I can give you a taste of his cum until little Lou-Lou grows his balls back!”


“Mmmmmmhh~!! Gladly!” climbing over the ginger haired man, Xcarra licked her lips at the sight of the glistening, overflowing folds of the other woman’s pussy.

The moment Xcarra pushed her tongue deep into her cunt, Trish arched her back, “OAAAAH!!! Yesssssssâ€Ķ that’s it!!! TONGUE-FUCK MY PUSSY, YOU BITCH!!!!!!!” She shouted into the ceiling.


The other woman gladly obliged and pushed her nimble tongue even deeper into the wet hole. A mix of Louis’ cum and Trish’s orgasmic nectar ran down Xcarra’s chin as she kept on lapping at the much shorter girl’s insides. Simultaneously, she wrapped her prehensile tail around her friend’s dick and began stroking it!


“HMMMMMMPH!!!! GUMPH, GUGH, GUGH, HRRRM, MUUUUUUH!!!!” Xcarra moaned, into the other woman. She wagged her ass from side to side, subsequently tugging and pulling on Louis’ cock with her smooth tail which made him groan with her.


“HRRRRGHâ€Ķ!!! Alright, alright!” Louis rubbed his forehead as he pushed himself off of the bed. Though, considering Xcarra’s tight hold on his third leg, it appeared more as if she pulled him up with her tail alone. “Alright! Alright! One more round then!”


“That’s the spirit, Lou-Lou!” Trish cheered for him as Xcarra’s tongue probed deeper and deeper into her moist and stuffed cunt. Everytime the silver haired girl pulled her tongue back to swallow the salty load on it, she felt and saw her stomach deflating a bit. “Fuck that bitch hard! I wanna hear her scream in my pussy!”


“‘OUWE SHO WEIWD!!” moaned Xcarra, her words badly slurred by the other girl’s glistening womanhood. She then smiled brightly as she felt Louis’ dick growing bigger again in the grasp of her tail. “SHLLLLLLLLR, GLURRRRGH, HURRRRF!!!!! YAAAAAIEEE!!!!”


Xcarra ended up squealing with glee as Louis followed Trish’s wishes and shoved his cock into her tight ass! As a result, Trish bucked her hips while holding back the ecstatic moans dwelling within her.


“HNNNNNNNGH!!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!” the short bombshell let out a low and happy hissing sound. Her eyes were closed shut as she held onto Xcarra’s horns as if they were handles. “FUCK!!! EAT MY PUSSY!!!! DROWN IN IT!!!!!!” She commanded through clenched teeth, throwing her hips back and forth against the exotic maiden’s face.


“HRRRR, HRRRR, HRRRR!!!!!” Louis grunted, with his eyes shut tight, as he slammed his entire body against Xcarra’s. This time however, after having fucked Trish as best as he could, his motions became a lot less fluid. “Soâ€Ķ tightâ€Ķ!!! I don’t knowâ€Ķ haaa, haaaâ€Ķ how long I can keep this up!”


“AAAAAAAHHH!!!!! Don’t you DAAAAAAAARE give up already, Lou-LOOOOOOUUUU!!” shouted Trish as she fucked Xcarra even harder with her pussy. “Not when I’m so close to cumming again! Drive that dicklet harder into her! It makes her tongue act up real crazy!”


“AYE CAN’D HEWP IDDDDDDD!!!!!! HE’SH HIDDING AWW DA BESHD SHPODSH!!!!!” Xcarra gurgles as a never ending stream of cum and nectar flowed down her face. “HE’SH FUGGING MEH SHO GHUUUUUUUGH!!!!! AYE’M GONNA CUM ‘OOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!”


Trish rolled her eyebrows at that, ‘Kinda doubt it! Lou-Lou looks as if he’s gonna pass out any second now!’ She thought to herself with a barely noticeable smirk on her lips, ‘Whatever makes her tongue me harder, I guessâ€Ķ’ the buxom vixen arched her back again, pulling Xcarra even deeper into her cunt. “DON’T STOP!!!! DON’T STOP, DON’T STOP, DON’TSTOPDON’TSTOPDON’TSTOPDON’TSTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPP!!!!!!!”


Despite his best efforts, Louis’ couldn’t keep up any longer. His dick ached from all that friction, the soreness from cumming two times already, and pleasure from the otherworldly sensation of Xcarra’s asshole! His breathing became more and more ragged as the room around him began to disappear in a white haze!


“Aah, aha, haaa, I’M SORRRRRRRYY!!!!!” He ended up shouting while holding onto Xcarra’s hips for dear life as he slammed his dick harder and rougher against her plump and fat butt!






“CUMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!” all three of them ended up shouting at the same time!


The sweet, intoxicating juices that shot out of Trish’s pussy carried with them the last couple globs of Louis’ jizz. The mix of fluids rained down on Xcarra’s face, who eagerly tried to lap up as much of it as she could while shuddering and thrashing around as if she were having a seizure. Meanwhile, Louis’ fingers dug deep into Xcarra’s firm skin as he pumped his balls out and into her! Due to it being his third time today, he didn’t cum as much as the last two times, but still enough to fill Xcarra to the brim!


“HRRRRMMMPH!!!! YOAAAAAAH!!! SHO GHUUD!!!! SHO MUSH CUMMM!!!!!! AYE LUV IDDDDDDDD!!!!” the blue skinned girl screamed as her body seemed to forget how it worked! In an instant, her body went slack as if she was a marionette with its strings cut.


“ME TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” shouted Trish as she clamped her hands tight around Xcarra’s horns. She watched with spinning eyes how Xcarra licked first her lips clean of cum before swallowing it all down. Her wide open panting mouth afterwards showed that not a single drop of cum was left! Trish’s head fell back on the pillow behind her as she somehow found the strength to pull the other woman higher towards her face. “Come ‘ere!”


She had already puckered her lips for a kiss with the much taller woman, but was denied the sensation of her lips as Louis quickly managed to get his hands on Xcarra’s neck and turned her around towards him.


“HMMMMNN!!!!” he moaned into Xcarra’s mouth as he stole the kiss from her lips that was meant for Trish.


“Nnnnnnnhmâ€Ķ Unfair!” Trish groaned under her breath as she watched them duel tongues for a hot minute. She felt her pussy ache at the sight of it. ‘I wanted that one!’


Her coworker then finally broke the kiss and fell back on the bed, unable to move at all. Didn’t matter if a flood, a fire, or anything else would happen, neither of them found the strength to do anything with their bodies right now! The girls’ breathing got more and more even as they slowly started to fall asleep, leaving Louis all alone in the room with his thoughts.


“Maybe coming here wasn’t such a bad idea after all!” He thought out loud before starting to snore with the two girls on either side of his body!




(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)


Special Thanks

(An IMMENSE THANK YOU! to our Patrons)

ðŸĨĶ BigBee ðŸĨĶ
💧 Bigevennibba 💧
💎 Marorin 💎
ðŸ’ŧ Matthew Lewin ðŸ’ŧ
ðŸĶ  Max ðŸĶ 
🎉 Myku Nailenne 🎉
ðŸ‘ŧ Prince Noctis ðŸ‘ŧ
ðŸĨĐ Racerx9 0 ðŸĨĐ
🍌 Rex 🍌
ðŸĶī Ryan Claude ðŸĶī
🐈 Sannin of Shadows 🐈
🍊 Strider 🍊
âœĻ Tahj Mitchell âœĻ
ðŸŒē Velajuel ðŸŒē
🍔 Zaz Mazaz 🍔
clinton nguyen
Joey Ellis
Peter Hyjek
Lucas Chabanne
Dani Ramos
Michael Bartone


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1 year ago

*Sigh* still no Mei…

1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Oh yeah, I remember that, but I was hoping for a fic to go along with it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bougois
1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

How big of a presence exactly?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

I will, I hope we get some fanservice from her.

1 year ago

oh quite interesting having 2 chapters in a row focusing on the same couple of characters,but adding a third party to the mix. it does spice up the story,and shows different interactions by having a third character for both of them to bounce off of.

And having her be a relatively normal human (not accounting for the hair color nor the bust size) does make her contrast well with Xcarra,as does their personalities too.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Saga

Glad to read that you like Trish. Her interactions with her fan and Louis were fun to come up with.