Chronicles of World City: Traveler Tales II
Previous Story (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 03): [LINK]
“WOHOOOOOOO!!!!” tears were blown away by the wind as an unlikely, bicycle riding duo rushed down a series of steep slopes along the shores of the Atlantic ocean, leading them to the buzzing metropolis that is World City!
The first thing that caught many new visitors of the city by surprise was how clean and green it is. Despite being one of the biggest cities on earth, World City was far from being a monotonous gray concrete jungle. Even if one were to ignore the many billboards and lights aimed at catching the attention of those who wander the streets, there were more green areas than in any other big city. From the “Green Glass Giant”, a skyscraper that effectively functioned as one big greenhouse that all kinds of exotic plant enthusiasts could visit whenever they liked, to a dozen or so parks that would put the Central Park in New York and even the Chugach State Park in Anchorage to shame, nowhere else on earth could you find a city with as many diverse trees and exotic plant life living in it! And with good reason! The mayor of World City thirty years ago came to the realization that humans could only flourish where nature and animals thrive. To make this notion a reality, while other cities simply built more and bigger streets, World City branched out and created the most efficient mass transit system in the entire US. Instead of building absurdly huge parking areas for hundreds of cars, the mayor built parks for both the young and elderly to enjoy. Additionally, more and more people are discovering that the natural outdoor areas are far more attractive to have sex in than on dirty streets and parking lots.
But trees and plants weren’t the only way to make a city green! Every government official building had a state-of-the-art solar panel system installed on their roofs and any person who built a house with one or got one installed on an already built house got a large portion of the cost subsidized by the city. This, along with a highly effective and efficient recycling program and sewage system led World City to be nominated as the “World’s Greenest City” for over twelve years in a row!
“Hehehe. You like it?!” Louis asked, almost shouted because of the strong winds that blew against his face.
“THIS IS SO COOL!!!!” Xcarra screamed back, her voice full of childlike glee. The blue skinned girl hugged herself closer against the young man in front of her. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!”
A shudder went down Louis’s back as he became all the more aware of her barely covered tits pressing against his back. The winds seemed to make her nipples even harder and stiffer, “Y-yeah. We’re pretty fast.” he commented lamely in an attempt to distract himself from the dark blue nubs of flesh poking against his spine. “You… you don’t have something like this back home?”
“Driving vehicles manually or with our muscles has come largely out of fashion six centuries ago!” The horned woman told him, “Nowadays we all use autopilot.”
Louis thought about her words for a second, “But when you have an autopilot… how did you manage to crash your ship like that?” He asked while taking a sharp turn to the left. “Also, are you sure your ship is safe up there? Wouldn’t it make more sense to store it someplace else?”
“Oh, first, from what I’ve seen in your memories, nobody ever goes up to that house thanks to its infamous reputation. So that means my ship is in the safest spot it can be at the moment. Especially with you working nearby and able to keep an eye on the area.” said Xcarra as they slowed down a bit as they entered the residential suburbs of World City. “Secondly, spaceships don’t have an autopilot. There are apparently too many variables out there that make traveling with one a one-way ticket to the afterlife!” Xcarra then took a deep breath of the suburban air that greeted them. Somehow, this edge of the city always smelled as if somebody had a barbeque. “Black holes, asteroid belts, supernovas and stuff like that!”
There weren’t any villas here like the oceanside in the west, or big skyscrapers, but rather smaller houses of families that did well enough to afford the real estate prices of World City. Luckily, the prices went down somewhat in recent years in order to make the city even more attractive for new residents and investors who want to start or expand their businesses here. The suburbs were made up of many smaller districts that would put larger towns to shame, while still offering a sense of closeness and familiarity that just isn’t possible if an individual lived deeper into the city, or in any other big city for that matter.
“And lastly, even if it worked, my government would have been able to track me down before I even left our system.” Xcarra shook her head. “And no way in hell would I let them stop me from finding my brother!”
“Waitwaitwait! You went out into space to find your brother? And your government would have stopped you if they found out?” in his mind, Louis tried to put the two individual puzzle pieces together, but was unable to make sense of it. “Why?”
The beautiful maiden’s hair fluttered in the wind as a car passed by them. “Because they’re stupid! Just because we Xenin are an all-female society, they think it’s completely justified to banish him just for being a male! Those idiots didn’t even have the guts to come up with a real excuse or to at least give him a hearing or anything! They just… pushed him into a spaceship and shot him into space!”
“That sounds horrible!!” commented Louis, empathizing with his new found friend’s plight. A thought then occurred to him, “But wait! If your Infinium Core is broken now, then you can’t go looking for your brother anymore!”
“Mhm exactly!” Xcarra nodded while clenching her fingers around his waist. Tears formed at the corner of her black and golden eyes. “Which is why I HAVE to get to this Xataria-place! Otherwise my brother might think that we’ve forgotten and abandoned hi-!”
“Yo! Nice ass ya got there, sweetcheeks!” a car driver, who had slowed down to the same pace as Louis riding his bike, called out after startling them both to death. It was a crimson red cabrio that looked as if it came straight out of the factory. Its driver sported a pair of sunglasses that rested on top of his golden hair, a grin that showed teeth that were so perfectly white, one could go blind just by looking at them for too long, a golden necklace, and a white muscle shirt that let everyone see the bulging muscles on his arms. “Why don’tcha hop in and I’ll show you around?! Let you take a ride on a real machine instead of, y’know… whatever that scrawny looking thing is!”
With a beet red blush on his face, Louis tried to ride his bike even faster, knowing full well that it’s best not to get into any arguments with those kinds of guys.
“That ‘scrawny looking thing’ is called a bike!” corrected Xcarra with a confidence that made Louis cringe.
The guy behind the wheel blinked one, two, three times, “Pffft! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” he laughed heartily and much to Xcarra’s confusion. In the time that he wasn’t paying attention to the road, he almost steered his car into Louis and Xcarra, “Ahahaha… haa, haa…! You’re a riot!” he told her while bringing his car back on course, “Tell ya what, come with me and I’ll show ya something much better to ride than this b-! SHIT!!” as he flirted with Xcarra, he barely noticed that he drifted closer and closer into the oncoming traffic. The driver of a Sahara delivery truck on the opposite lane honked its horn to get the reckless driver’s attention, “FUCK!!” he cursed as he turned his wheel in an attempt to not crash into the other vehicle. Using the brief commotion that ensued, Louis took the next intersection and turned right, whereas the man in the cabrio drove further on ahead.
“Phew!” Louis wiped some sweat from his forehead once he was sure that this guy wasn’t following them, “Erm… Xcarra, I… I should probably tell you that other people besides me own a bike and know what it is.” he then told his newfound alien friend.
Xcarra’s face turned a even brighter red than Louis’, “But, in the glimpses I got from your memories, you were the only one I’ve seen ride one of them!” she pointed out.
“That’s… that’s because, unlike me, most people can actually afford a car!” he explained as he drove into one of the emptier streets.
“Right!” Xcarra snapped with the fingers of her right hand. “You’re poor!”
Comically large tears rolled down his face, “You didn’t need to say that out loud!” he stated right as they finally reached their destination. The East Point Apartments!
“You’re home!” Xcarra pointed out as she hopped off her new friend’s bike. She rubbed her bare ass, which was sore from sitting too long on the unforgiving metal of the rear bike rack.
“Mhm! It’s not much…” Louis replied with a nod towards the front door which had a broken window that was ‘fixed’ by tape strapped over the frame. He pulled out a silver key and opened the door with a rusty screeching sound, “But it’s good enough!” Once Xcarra had followed him into the dirty looking building, Louis closed the door again and rolled his bike over to the end of the hallway.
The bikes of several other residents of the apartments were all lined up neatly against the wall, so Louis parked his there as well. He didn’t need to secure it though, since his was by far the most rundown and cheapest one of the lot. Even attempting to steal the bike would be more effort than it was actually worth!
As they made their way up the stairs towards the third floor where Louis’s apartment was, he became keenly aware of the building’s many deficiencies, causing him to regret bringing Xcarra here. At certain parts of the wall, the wallpaper already started to peel off, which gave the whole building an even more rundown look. There was even a dark stain, most likely due to a busted water pipe. Though, the landlord didn’t seem to care much, given that nothing about all of that had changed ever since Louis moved in here four months ago. On the bright side however, the rent was so low that he didn’t need to worry about never being able to pay rent.
“Here we are!” he said lamely as they came to a halt and entered his apartment, the inside of which looked not all that much different from the rest of the building. There were only three rooms. A bathroom, his bedroom, and the main room, which consisted of a small kitchen area, an old garden table with two chairs, and an armchair in front of an old school TV that he brought with him from back home, mostly because of nostalgia. What made his place stand out from the rest of the East Point Apartments, or dorms of other people his age, was that he actually made sure to keep his place clean. Which wasn’t that hard, considering that the whole thing wasn’t even 30 square meters.
Louis rubbed the back of his head, “Hehehehe… sorry for the mess!” He apologized in regard to the one stack of letters from the college he will be attending in a few months. “Erm. Why… why don’t you take a shower and I get things cleaned up here so we can look into the whole… y’know, Infinium and Xataria stuff?”
The blue skinned beauty nodded. “Sounds like a plan! I definitely could use a shower right about now!” Xcarra agreed as she stretched her arms. The sound of popping joints sent a shiver down the aspiring reporter’s spine, though he managed not to make a face.
“Good! It’s right this way!” with gradually more shaky legs, he led her over to one of the two other doors in the room. “Erm. It’s probably best if you wait a couple minutes before you get in the shower. It takes a while for it to get hot. Oh, you do know how a shower works, right?”
“Duh! I watched you shower! I think I can figure it out!” she told him with a beaming smile while softly boxing his shoulder. “And it’s not like we don’t have something very similar back on Xenon.”
“Oh… right!” Louis gulped as he rubbed his shoulder. His face was glowing in a bright red as he was reminded that this alien woman had seen him naked more than once by watching his memories. “W- well, if you need anything, just… y’know, just let me know!”
“I will. Thanks!” and just like that, Xcarra headed into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.
The moment he was alone, Louis fell back on the armchair, ‘An alien! Aliens actually exist!’ he thought whilst staring at the light above. Two of the four bulbs weren’t working anymore, but he’ll get around to replacing them eventually. The young man then lifted his shaking hands and held them in front of the dim light. ‘And I… I had sex with one of them!’
Merely thinking about how incredibly hot and wet her pussy had felt caused his dick to grow to full mast right away. The rushing of the shower next door didn’t help much in that regard, as it only reminded him that the exotic beauty was probably undressing or already naked in there.
‘No! Get a hold of yourself!’ Louis chided himself with a firm slap to the cheek, ‘You’re not some kind of perv and she trusts you to help her!’ he reached underneath the armchair and pulled out his laptop.
“Okay… First, Little Xataria!” he said out loud once he had typed in his password. “Mhmhmmn!” humming to himself, he skimmed over the official World City government website of the semi-isolated island-district, “Public access denied until… December 12th?! That’s about five months away!” he checked his calendar. “Nah! This won’t do!”
He left the official website and went back to the browser, ‘So visiting Little Xataria won’t work!’ he concluded. ‘At least not as the first option! But I’ll keep it in mind in case I don’t find anything else!’
He then went over numerous articles and any other information that could have been of some help to the silver haired maiden. The curly haired young man felt like kicking himself when he read about the “Infinium and what it could mean to our daily life”-Convention in Pittsburgh that occurred two weeks prior. The next best thing he found was there being a Xatarian exhibit in World City’s “Museum Historiae Internationalis” in two-and-a-half months.
“Guess we’re going there then!” Louis said to himself to break the silence that befell the room.
“Going where?” Xcarra’s voice behind him asked.
“AAAH!!!” jumping out from his armchair, Louis reflexively closed his laptop, just like he did back when he was younger and his mother entered his room without knocking first. He looked over his shoulder, only to see Xcarra standing there, dressed in nothing but a white towel over her chest. “Xcarra! I… I didn’t know you were already finished showering!”
“Mhm!” she nodded. Steam rose from her body as she leaned over his shoulder and looked at his laptop. “So, what did you find out?”
“Oh, well… you know…” Louis opened the laptop again and showed her the front page of the Museum Historiae Internationalis, “There’s this exhibit about Xataria in a few months, held by this spokesman of the Xatarian delegation here in World City.” he told her as they went over the article together. “Little Xataria itself is closed off for the time being, so this is our only real opportunity to meet with someone who might know more about Infinium.”
Xcarra blinked, “Two months, hm? And there really aren’t any other people who could help us out with this situation?” as she leaned more and more over his shoulder to read the information provided by the site, Louis became more and more aware of her tits being right next to his face on the armchair.
“N- nho… not really!” he gulped as he desperately tried his best to continue focusing on the screen in front of him, and not the outline of her dark blue nipple that poked out behind the towel.
“That’s not good!” Xcarra stated while crossing her hands. She turned her head towards Louis. “You think I can stay here until then?”
“HERE? I- in… with mEEEE??” his voice became several octaves higher as over a dozen scenarios and potential situations flooded his mind. He nervously brushed his hair back, readjusted his glasses, and pressed his index fingers together. “W- well… I mean, I wouldn’t mind if you’d stay here. I mean, I would be honored if you… I mean…!”
A smile grazed the exotic girl’s enchanting face, “What are you talking about?” she asked jokingly while boxing his shoulder lightly. “Of course I’d like to stay here if you let me!”
Rubbing his shoulder, Louis chuckled, “Oh, yeah! That… we can definitely do that!” he reaffirmed. The faint grin on his face quickly vanished as something occurred to him. “Crap! I… I don’t have any place for you to sleep!”
“Hm? What do you mean?” the golden eyed alien raised an eyebrow. “You do have a bed, don’t you? We can sleep there just fine!”
“S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-SLEEP???” Louis’s face became white as a sheet, “To-together? No!” he shook his head. “Nonononononono! That… we can’t do that! I’ll… I’ll simply sleep here on the armchair until I find something better to sleep on!”
“Why would you sleep anywhere other than your own bed? Or do you humans don’t sleep all in one bed together?” Xcarra went on to ask.
“We… we don’t. Not really.” putting his laptop back under the armchair, Louis then turned to look at Xcarra. “Wait! So, on your planet, you all sleep in one bed?”
She nodded, “Of course! Why wouldn’t we? It’s a great way to connect with other people, and strengthens the bond between you and another person you might not know well enough yet.” Xcarra told him. “Don’t you do that as well? In your memories, I saw you watch those clips of people sleeping with one another in the same bed or other places all the ti-!”
“AYEEE!!” In one swift move, Louis managed to cover his new friend’s mouth with his hand. “Y- you don’t need to go into more detail! I… I know what you mean!”
“Greaph! Sho nho phroblemsh then!” she stated, her words muffled by his hands over her mouth.
“O-oh. Sorry!” Louis apologized, quickly pulling his hand away from her face again. He wiped his hand off on his lap, “S- so… what do you wanna do then?” he asked in an attempt to change the subject. “It’ll take a while until we can go to the museum.”
The scantily clad beauty put a finger to her lip and thought for a moment, “Can’t we just, y’know, drive by Little Xataria and check things out?” Xcarra suggested.
“I dunno. Website said that the drawbridge to the island opens to the public in December. But we could always take a little tour around it. See if we can meet Xatarian or so.”
In a sudden display of affection that Louis would never have seen coming in a million years, his new roommate hugged him, “A city tour it is then!” she stated overly passionately. “I can’t wait to see what your world has to offer!” she declared with a look of pure childlike excitement on her face, “First things first though.” Almost as if to accentuate her words, Xcarra’s stomach rumbled like faraway thunder. “I’m starving!”
Completely overwhelmed by the alien’s energetic behavior, the ginger haired man could only nod, “Mhm! Yeah, okay! Let’s do that!” he said, mere seconds before the meaning of her words dawned on him. ‘Wait a minute! A city tour? Just me and her? She wants me to show her around town! That’s… that’s kinda a date, right?’
(One sleepless night later…)
Despite Xcarra having told him numerous times during their dinner that he didn’t need to worry about anything, Louis did in fact worry about EVERYTHING! Money was already relatively tight as it was, but with Xcarra now living with him as well, things might become even more tighter! And yet, he didn’t want to disappoint her whatsoever, so he spent the entire night searching for the best way to show her World City. Unfortunately, he himself never really explored the city more than a couple times. The only places of note that Louis knew were the Abraham State College (ASC), the biggest non-Adult Entertainment School in World City where he will be attending in a few months to study, and the supermarkets nearby his apartment. As someone who grew up in the countryside in a comparatively small city, World City was simply a class on its own!
He always told himself, “One day I’ll check out what World City has to offer!”
‘Well, seems like that day is today!’ Louis thought to himself while looking through the window to his right. They were currently driving on Washington Street, past the world famous theater district.
“Spy x Family – The Theater!” Xcarra red out loud. A huge billboard displayed the spinning images of the three lead characters, Loid, Yor, and Anya. The patriarch of the fake-family held a pistol in his left hand, with his wife mirroring the pose, but with two golden icepicks in her right hand. The girl that played the pinkette empath looked from one of her two foster parents with a look of awe and wonder in her big eyes to the next, while holding their free hands. The young Xenin woman was practically glued to the window as she stared at the many advertising signs with stars dancing in her mesmerizing golden-black eyes. “What’s that about?”
It had taken him some time, but Louis actually managed to talk Xcarra into wearing something that would make her look a bit less conspicuous than if she just wore the white loincloth from yesterday. Now she wore one of his black shorts that barely went over her big butt, a plain gray shirt with a v-neck that revealed her boobs a little bit, and one of his old ‘The Legend of Zelda’ snapback caps with the Triforce on it that he bought when the first movie came out. Her face was covered by a purple face mask like surgeons wore, that Louis bought after a quick trip to the market near his home. He didn’t know from what game or Anime it was, but the mask had a demonic grin with sparkling white teeth printed on it. Her dragon-like tail still stuck out though and waved through the stale air of the bus they were driving in as her excitement grew and grew. Due to her having hooves, she naturally couldn’t wear any of the shoes he had at home, which made her stand out even more when they walked to the empty pair of seats.
Louis meanwhile went with the same sneakers that he wore every day, along with a black shirt, and basic jeans, “Oh, I think that’s some kind of Anime. Season five or so will come out in a few weeks, so now they wanna promote it with this play.” he explained to her.
Xcarra nodded, her eyes still following the many signs as they drove past them, “And I assume you don’t wanna watch any of those.” she then guessed.
“Too expensive and not much of an Anime fan!” Louis replied while holding back a yawn.
The bus then left Washington Street, driving down closer towards the Midtown Area. Their journey slowed down significantly as they drove by Wong’s Chinese Theater and the World City Walk of Fame, where well over a hundred tourists were busy taking selfies next to the stars with the names of their favorite actors engraved on them.
“Your kind really likes celebrating and worshiping other people!” Xcarra pointed out, pointing at a large crowd of people that surrounded a person that Louis was able to identify as the actress of Princess Zelda from the new ‘Twilight Princess’ movie of the NCU (Nintendo Cinematic Universe).
“Oh, yeah. They’re really popular. The latest couple movies have been really big hits.” Louis told her. “Don’t you have something like this on Xenon?”
The captivating beauty shook her head, “Not really!” She turned away from the window as the bus brought them away from the Walk of Fame and past the many other cinemas, theaters, operas, stadiums, concert halls, and many parkhouses that made this part of the town stand out from the rest. “For example, in terms of entertainment or music, on Xenon, we have this thing… It’s basically Spirit Resonance, but on a much wider scale. One Xenin will essentially share their feelings or fantasies with everyone who wants to see or listen to them. It requires complete concentration on whatever you’re imagining, otherwise the experience won’t be the same. It takes a couple years to achieve that level of total control of your thoughts, where you blend out all other worries or things you might have, but it’s worth it! But things like your video games or movies simply don’t exist!”
“So… what you’re saying is, once an artist in your world has died… his art is gone for good?” Louis asked with a raised eyebrow, mixed feelings wallowing up inside of him upon hearing those news. “No recordings whatsoever?”
Shrugging her shoulders, Xcarra kept staring out of the windows of the bus as they made their way out of Midtown, “We can always share the memories we experienced from artists with others. But other than that, we generally live in the moment. Art, for most of us, is something that is only truly beautiful because it’s fleeting. If something can be looked at or listened to over and over and over again, one day it would lose meaning!”
“Don’t you think that’s a bit harsh? I mean, don’t your artists put their heart and mind into whatever they create? Don’t they want to be validated by people who like their art, even when they might be dead?” argued the upcoming reporter.
“Louis! I’ve experienced your memories! I know your people complain about how unimaginative the last few seasons of those Star Wars shows have been!” she replied to his question with a question of her own. “Forcefully stretching out art in order to get the most profit out of it isn’t art. On Xenon, we don’t have any big companies or people behind stuff like that. It’s one creative person, or perhaps a group of Xenin, who share what’s in their mind with whoever wants to experience it.”
“Huh! I… I guess you’re right.” Louis scratched the side of his face as he remembered the many articles and videos he watched the last couple days about the supposed ‘Fall of the Star Wars franchise’ and how some critics already declare that the NCU was about to suffer the same fate if the producers would continue with this pace of two movies and four seasons a year.
“Anyways, if you’d like, I can try to show you how us Xenin experience art one day.” she told him with a nudge to the shoulder. “I’m not all that good with that total concentration, but I should be able to pull it off at least a little bit.”
Louis nodded. “Y- yeah. I’d like that!”
The rest of the trip was mostly uneventful. They rode the bus for a couple more stops until they finally got off in front of a black checkpoint at the edge of Universe Lake. A woman with skin as dark as chocolate stood next to the currently closed drawbridge beside the checkpoint. Beyond the waves of the massive expanse of water, a series of unusual looking black skyscrapers, which contrasted the vastly different culture between Xataria and the rest of the world, stood tall and pierced the skies above. These Black towers seemed to glitter in a strange silvery light whenever the light shined down on them at the right angle. Any light that passes through these towers is refracted out the other end, creating a beautiful rainbow effect across the island, giving it a warm and comforting paradise-vibe.
A screen at the side of the checkpoint only confirmed what they already know, that the ferry is out of commission for the time being. Additionally, it said that swimming or getting closer to the island without permission will be judged not by American laws, but by Xatarian ones. “Looks like it really is impossible to get in there!”
“Maybe.” Louis said lamely and with a glance towards the woman standing next to the gates.
A pair of black sunglasses rested on top of her head. She kept her hair in a buzzcut that, along with her well-defined muscles, made her look more like an amazoness of legends than just a guard. She blew out a bubble of gum while seemingly leisurely observing the ongoings on the street around her. Her outfit consisted of black cargo shorts and a shirt with almost as many pockets that also left her cleavage exposed. Both of them looked almost two sizes too small as they were stretched over her muscular arms and legs. If Louis had to guess, then he’d say that her hobby had to be lifting cars as weights after running a full marathon as a warmup!
A much smaller girl with striking red hair and tits three times bigger than her head and lime green skin ran up to the dark skinned woman and talked with her. The Xatarian woman merely shrugged her shoulders and let the other girl take a picture of her, before squatting down a little bit so that both of them would fit on the selfie that the Wildling took next.
“Okay, I’ll give it a try. Wait for me here.” Louis then said. He took a deep breath and walked up to the intimidating woman. When he was only a few meters away from her, he turned around to Xcarra, who gave him two encouraging thumbs-up, “G- Good day to you, officer!” he greeted the busty woman.
“Mornin’!” the piercing steel gray eyes greeted Louis as he came closer towards the guardian. “You need somethin’?”
“Erm… I just wanted to ask you something, actually. If that’s okay, of course!” in response, the white haired woman once again simply shrugged her shoulders, so Louis just went on asking anyway after a brief look at the nametag on the woman’s shirt, “Sergeant Ubande, I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about Xataria and Infinium.”
Sgt. Ubande raised an eyebrow before blowing another bubble of gum, “No!” she answered in a tone that made it clear that she wouldn’t budge on this specific topic no matter what. “There’s a museum exhibit in a few months. And we open for tourists in December.”
“I know, it’s just… I’m really fascinated by your culture and would really love to learn more about it!” he told her.
Sensing the honesty in his words, Sgt. Ubande rolled her eyes, “If it’s so important to you, then waiting a few more months shouldn’t be too much of a problem.” She said in a stern tone. “There are still many visitor passes left at the moment. So if you want to visit Little Xataria, I suggest buying one before they’re sold out!”
“I see. Well, anyways, thanks for your help!” Louis said while quickly bowing his head. “I hope I didn’t bother you too much, officer. Sorry for the inconvenience! Have a nice day!”
“You too.” the sergeant replied as Louis walked back to Xcarra who had listened to their exchange from her place in the shadow of one of the many large trees all around them.
“And?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “How did it go?”
Louis simply shook his head. “Nothing more than what we already knew.”
“But you haven’t spoken with her for very long! Maybe if you ask her again…” suggested Xcarra, her voice laced with the hope that Louis might be able to find something out that would help them.
“It’s not that easy!” he put his hands in his pockets and walked down the street, prompting Xcarra to follow him. “Xatarians are isolationists. Continuing to bother them will only hurt our mission and make things more difficult. Asking too many questions will make us look suspicious. And if they consider us a nuisance, they might jail us! or worse!”
“Worse?” she echoed. “What are you talking about?”
Xcarra caught up to him and they continued walking next to each other, “I’ve heard rumors that they have technology that can wipe your memory. They just hold up a wand to your face and BOOM! Those who trespass have no recollection of the last couple of months!”
“The rumors could be fake though, maybe made up by some crazy conspiracy theorist or the Xatarian government to deter trespassers?” The alien girl hypothesized while walking beside Louis.
“Maybe… I’ve done enough research on these people to know that with their advanced technology, anything is possible. With that said, the best thing for us to do right now is be patient and wait for that exhibit coming soon.” Louis said as he passed a giant sign that advertised an upcoming porno.
Louis didn’t know the girls on screen, but one of them was a busty Mermaid with striking green hair and a lower body of the same color. The sign showed her lying on her back and with a cock in each hand, one with a tattoo of a broken chain all over the pale white length, and the other in a mocha brown tone. The title above her read, ‘Mermaid Miranda’s Deep Sea Explorations Volume 3’.
He couldn’t focus much on the advertisement though, as Xcarra’s rumbling stomach brought him back to the present. The silver haired maiden from beyond the stars gave him a sheepish smile as she rubbed her stomach. “Hehehe. Sorry!”
“Is it lunch time already?” looking at his smartphone, Louis confirmed his own worries. “What do you say we go to Downtown and grab something to eat there?”
She gave him a thumbs up. “Sounds like a plan!”
The Downtown district of World City was one where people truly could let loose. The nightclubs and day clubs were open everyday of the week and almost always filled to max capacity with young adults and college students looking to have a fun and memorable time.
“WOAH!!” Xcarra gasped in response to seeing one of the many street performers work their magic on the audience around them.
She was some kind of Demihuman, if the snake eyes and the split tongue were any indication. The audience around her went wild as she swallowed what seemed to be a baseball bat without any problem whatsoever. Her throat visibly distended as she slowly pushed the wooden bat further down her mouth until it was all the way inside. She closed her mouth, winked at the audience, and gulped. When she opened her mouth again, a pillar of fire and two pigeons flew out and into the clear blue sky above her, much to the applause of the people who watched her display of magic!
“Care to check this place out?” suggested Louis, to which Xcarra could only nod in fierce agreement.
In retrospect, it had been a mistake to invite her for the food. On top of the large party pizza he ordered yesterday evening, they now went to one of the many food trucks that were spotted around Downtown. From an elderly Taiwanese woman in her mid sixties that served the best Zongzi he ever ate, to a blue haired Japanese man with a goatee that made them a special offer for his “Premium Ramen To-Go”, to a woman, wearing nothing more than a star-and-stripes patterned bikini top and crop shorts that left half of her juicy ass exposed, who sold overpriced traditional American hotdogs… Xcarra wanted to eat them all. And in the process, she bled Louis’s wallet almost completely dry!
Xcarra had a clear course! Food truck, street performer, food truck, looking through a store’s window to see what they sold, food truck, street performer,… With each meter they took down the street, Louis lost more and more money as Xcarra eagerly tried out any and all food trucks they came across.
“DAMN!!! DISH ISH SHO GHUUUUUDD!!!!!!” she moaned blissfully while eagerly stuffing her mouth with some cotton candy that Louis had bought her. “ID MAKESH MUH HEAD PHEEL SHO TINGLY AND FLUFFY AND ALL!!!!!”
Chuckling nervously to himself, Louis put his now completely empty wallet back in his pockets. The only money he now had left was the one in his bank account. “W- well, I’d suggest you stop it with all the eating then. Eating too much isn’t good for your body!”
“Eh! Don’t worry!” Xcarra swallowed the rest of the cotton candy, “Some little snack like that is nothing! It actually surprises me that you humans can survive with so little food!” she told him, rubbing her stomach with her right hand while throwing the leftover stick where the cotton candy had been on into a nearby garbage can. “Your kind seems to take a much longer time to digest food than my people.”
“Huh. Sure seems that way.” he stated, already stressing about how he could feed her everyday if she had such an enormous appetite.
“But this stuff in this cotton candy… sugar, was it? It’s crazy cool. Not as good as your cum, but seriously better than anything back home!” she rubbed her stomach, a growling noise telling everyone nearby that she was far from being full. Her eyes wandered around the street when she saw something that not only piqued her interest, but also reminded her of something. “Hey, what do you think about heading to this Soap House there?”
“Soap House?” echoed Louis while following the direction where she pointed at. “Sure, why not? But what do you wanna do in a Soap House?”
“Great!” she instantly began pulling her new friend along with her as she marched towards the traditional Japanese looking building, “And you already know exactly what we’re gonna do here!” she told him with a beaming smile over her shoulder.
“Wait! What?” Louis struggled to keep up with the blue skinned girl’s fast pace. “And what was that about my c- c- cum?”
The Soap House resembled a feudal era pagoda. Atop of its only entrance, a giant pink and purple neon light sign with the kanji for orchid (“蘭”) written on it. Once inside, the two of them found out that not only the outside resembled traditional Japanese architecture. The doors were like those you’d find in any dojo, while the calligraphy and tapestries on the walls told about ancient heroes and stories of days long past. Louis knew a little bit about the paintings, given his interest in all kinds of stories. What made him not like Anime as much as other people his age was how they usually made these stories about fabled Ninja, Samurai, and Gods a whole lot more boring than they originally were.
Due to it being the middle of the day, the reception was relatively empty. The only ones inside at the moment was one beautiful brunette receptionist, dressed in a floral patterned kimono, a little family, consisting of a lion anthromorph, if the majestic red mane on top of his head and the tail that poked out above his khaki shorts were any indication, his busty wife that held the hands of both their children so that they wouldn’t run around too much, and Louis and Xcarra.
“Hello and welcome to Ran Soap House! How can I help you?” The receptionist greeted them once the family had gone further into the Soap House. To match the purple flowers on her kimono, she also had purple lipstick that made the warm smile she gave them seem even more welcoming.
“Oh, well… we…” Xcarra then turned towards Louis, all the eagerness in her eyes from earlier having been washed away as she came to the realization that she had NO idea what to do or how things worked in a Soap House.
A light layer of sweat formed on the nervous man’s forehead as he stepped forward, “Erm… I guess we just want to take a quick… bath.” he looked at Xcarra for any sign of reaffirmation. “Right?”
“A bath. I see…” the woman typed something in the computer in front of her. “Would that be a public bath with the other guests outside, a private bath with just the two of you, or a little R&R with two of our lovely girls in a room ab-?”
“We’ll take the private bath!” Xcarra told the other woman, much to Louis’s surprise.
“Thought so!” the receptionist winked at Xcarra before continuing to type on her computer. “Room 12! That’ll be 70$.”
“70$!??” Louis’s eyes popped out of their sockets at the sound of that. And yet he still paid the price with his credit card, a single tear rolling down his cheeks as he paid the exorbitant price.
The receptionist then handed them a single keycard to the room she told them about. “Have fun you two!”
“We will! Thank you!” After Xenin-bowing as a sign of gratitude, She snatched the keycard out of the other woman’s hand. Xcarra then grabbed Louis by his wrist again and pulled him along with her, the keycard to their room firm in her other hand.
“H- HEY!” Louis tried to protest as Xcarra led him to the door with the number 12 on it. Having had access to his memories, she knew exactly how to open the door, “Why… Why are we doing this whole private bath-thing? The public bath would have worked just fine!” he tried to reason as Xcarra already pushed him into the room.
Louis didn’t know what he had expected from the room, but even in his perplexed state he found that the room looked rather unspectacular. Which was exactly the intention behind it, he assumed. It was kept in the same traditional style as the rest of the establishment, with mostly white and brown colors to keep the room from looking anything special or fancy. The outside was kept mostly in the same rustic tone as it was a simple, 15 square meter big ‘garden’, surrounded by a large wooden fence to keep out all kinds of prying eyes. The air was hot and steamy, something that they both noticed all too soon as they began to sweat even more than they already did before. A spring, not much bigger than a pond, sat at the center of the garden, with several bushes and trees around it to make it look as if this all was natural. Louis immediately felt a bit more relaxed here.
“Oh, yeah! This should do just nicely!” declared Xcarra as she instantly began to strip out of her clothes.
“AWAWAWAWAWAWA!!!!” Louis desperately tried to shield his eyes from her naked beauty, “WHA- ahem, what are you doing?” he then asked, his face so burning red with shame that the temperature around them rose by another five degree.
There were two wardrobes, one left and one right of the entrance in which Xcarra then put her clothes inside, “What does it look like?” she asked, mischievously grinning at the red haired man. Her hips swung erotically from side to side as she stepped in front of him, “We’re gonna take a bath now, you and I!” Xcarra declared firmly and by putting a hand against his chest.
“A… ababababababababth??” the meek man stuttered as he found himself unable to stop Xcarra from undressing himself, something that made his cock instantly grow as hard as steel!
“Yes! A bath!” confirmed Xcarra with a hoarse whisper into his ear. “In your memories, I’ve seen just how much you liked watching pics of girls in hot springs all the time and how often you watched pornos that took place in them!”
“A- I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Louis tried to weasel himself out of the situation by backing away from Xcarra.
Licking her lips lasciviously, Xcarra followed him outside into the garden, “But you know exactly what I’m talking about!” Louis’s shoes, which were the only pieces of clothing that Xcarra hadn’t stripped him out of yet, filled with hot water as he stumbled backwards into the spring. Any further attempt to get away from the blue skinned predator was thwarted in an instant as she coiled her slick and tattooed tail around his waist. “So why not put that big hunk of meat of yours to good use, and give me that big load of protein that I so desperately crave!”
It wasn’t a suggestion! It was an order!
Before he had time to even think of something to say next, Xcarra dropped to her knees in the shallow water of the spring and pulled him closer towards her with her tail at the same time, “AUMPPH!!!” she moaned as she swallowed his entire erect dick in less than a second!
“Ohooooooooh~ GOD!!!!” Louis’s body went stiff. Like if he had shoved his dick into an open outlet, surges of pure lust coursed through his body!
“MMMMMMHH!!! SHO GHUUDDDDD AND HAWWWWD!!!!!!” saliva dripped down the young alien’s chin as she bathed his dick with her tongue.
“Fuck!” groaned Louis. ‘This feels like a vice! She’s gonna rip my dick off with her mouth!’ he thought as the pressure on his length doubled every time Xcarra bobbed her head back and forth. At the same time however, due to the limited blood flow towards his shaft, everything was twice as sensitive down there!
“HMMM!! GUGH, GUGH, GUGH!!! MMMMHH, HMMM, HMMM, HMMM, HMMMMMPH!!!!” Xcarra’s erotic moans bounced off of the wooden fence that surrounded them, “‘UMAN CAWK!!!! AYE CAN’D GHET ENOUPH OPH IDDDD!!!!!” howling in ecstasy, she then pushed her chest forwards and pressed what little tits she had around Louis’s balls.
“Hrrrrrgh… so soft!!” Louis moaned with Xcarra as she started to massage his ballsacks with her boobs. What they lacked in terms of size, her tits made up for greatly in terms of how squishy and warm they felt around his nuts!
“HRRRRRMPH… YESH!!!” she slurred wetly as they both felt a familiar pressure building up in his balls, “SHO CLOSHE!!! HMMM, HMMMM, HMMMMM…!!” putting her hands on his ass cheeks, Xcarra then hugged herself even closer against Louis, burying her nose deep in the bush of red pubic hair that greeted her at the very base of his length. “GIPHE ID TO MEH!!!! GIPH MEH YOUW CUMMMMM!!!!!”
‘Oh Fuck! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCK!!!’ The ginger haired man repeated in his mind over and over again as he felt himself close to erupting soon, ‘NO!’ he shook his head as he dug his fingernails into the palm of his hands in order to distract himself from the overwhelming pleasure he was experiencing at the moment. ‘I can’t cum just yet! She’d think of me as some kind of quickshot!’
“MMMMHH?” Xcarra raised his eyebrow at this sudden display of resilience. Whilst still swirling her tongue all over the five-inch-long schlong, Xcarra then smirked, “NOH NHEED TO HOWLD BACK!!” she gurgled against his cock, her voice vibrating through every single bone in Louis’s body. “‘OU CAN CUM WHENEVA ‘OU WAND!!! AYE NEED ‘OUW SHEED SHO BHAHAAAD!!!!!!”
As he was about to figure out the meaning behind her words, given that on Earth, most guys actively try to hold back from cumming too soon, Louis suddenly jumped up a little bit as he found Xcarra’s tail poke against his spine!
“AYEEEP!!” he yelped in surprise due to the pointy tip of the blue dragon-like tail moving down his spine and towards his ass. All signs of resistance melted away in an instant as Xcarra moved her tail between his cheeks and down between his legs in order to poke it against his family jewels. “OHAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!”
With his will to hold himself back from cumming vanished, and the assault on his privates from all sides, Louis had no other chance but to unload his seed!
“UGUUUUUUOPH!!!!” Xcarra’s eyes widened in pleasant surprise as sticky white jizz shot out of the young man’s length and straight into her mouth! What felt like a bucket-worth of cum flooded her mouth and went down her throat, “SHO… MUUUUUUUCH!!!! ULGH, UGUUHGH, OORHG!!!!!”
Sweat pearled down Louis’s body, “AAAAAAAAAAAHI’M SO SORRRRRY!!!!!!” he clenched his hands in even tighter fists. Warm blood dripped out between his fingers due to his nails digging so very deep into his own skin.
Seconds turned into minutes until finally Xcarra parted her lips around Louis’s cock, loosening the airtight seal she had put on it. As even more cum spurted out of the little slit at the bright red tip of his length, she eagerly lapped it away, “HAAAAAAAA!!!!! That was fun!” she gasped while licking her lips clean of every drop of cum she could find.
She then laid down on the warm and wet tiles in front of Louis, presenting him with her bouncy butt, “Ready for another round? the tattooed girl suggested while swaying her ass from side to side. “I’ve never tried taking something down there, but I’ve seen your fantasies! Show me if it really feels so good as in those clips you’ve been watching!”
“I… I’d really prefer if you stop talking about this…” Louis replied, but still came walking over to Xcarra. Dropping to his knees behind her, he then guided his still hard dick between her two buns. “A- are you really sure about this? We don’t have any lube and anything and…”
“Come on! Shove it in already, Lou-Lou!” she told him with a playful wink while using the nickname that he normally only associated with his annoying co-worker Trish. With Xcarra, however, the nickname didn’t seem belittling in the slightest. “Grab my tail real tight and push that snake up my ass! I’ve seen the girls in those clips take much bigger dicks without a problem!”
Obeying to her wishes, the bespectacled took hold of her wildly flailing tail, “But those were professionals!” he argued despite already seesawing his dick between her hot cheeks. “And even then… I assume they just applied the lube before the sex scene or cut the movies in such a way that the watcher doesn’t rea-!”
“Enough talking!” Xcarra interrupted his rambling as she coiled her tail around his hips. “MORE FUCKING!!!”
“OH! MY!!” Louis arched his back. Pleasure unlike anything he ever experienced before shook his very mind and soul as his cock was squeezed through a hole that was so tight, he felt his dick would break. “GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!!!!”
Precum oozed out of his cock and into the white haired girl’s ass. Out of pure instinct, Louis began swaying his hips back and forth, driving his cock deeper and deeper inside the hot hole!
“AAAAAAHAAAAYEEEE!!!!! THAT’S IT!!!!! THAT’S WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!” Xcarra screamed from the top of her mouth as her pussy drooled and sprayed its sweet nectar over the tiles. “I’M CUMMMMMMINNNNNGH!!!!!!! EARTH SEX IS THE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!”
“Fuck!! You’re so tight!” groaned Louis, his hand clenching even tighter around the tattooed alien’s tail as his balls kept slapping against her thighs in a rhythmic PLAP PLAP PLAP sound.
“THAT’S IT!!!! GIVE IT TO ME HAAAA~RD!!!!!” howled Xcarra, her tongue lolling out of the corner of her mouth. “AAAH, AHAAAA, HAAAA!!!!! I’M CUMMING AGAIN ALREADY!!!! HOW CAN THIS FEEL SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD?????”
“Hrrr, hufff, hufff, hufff… I… I don’t know, but…” Louis now squeezed her tail so hard that his fingers almost met around it. “AAAHH!!!!”
“OOOAAAH!!! YESSSSS!!! GRAB MY TAIL HARDER!!!!” Xcarra half ordered, half begged. The fluids of her lust mixed with the water beneath her as she came again. “SHOVE THAT DICK IN ME!!!! MAKE ME CUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!!!!”
“OAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!” roaring high into the sky, Louis rammed his dick all the way down her tight ass!
For the second time today, he came! His balls pumped out another enormous load of cum that almost instantly came shooting out of her stuffed ass, “AHAAAAYEEEEAA!!!!!” Xcarra moaned, her butt clenching tighter and tighter around Louis’s cock, almost as if her body was trying to keep his cum contained inside of it!
Water splashed in every direction as Louis, completely drained and out of stamina, fell on his back, “Haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa…!!” he panted, completely spent after cumming twice in such a short time.
The nasty sound of Xcarra pulling herself up, with his cock leaving her overflowing ass, made him look up. The alien stood on shaky feet and rubbed her stomach as cum gushed out of her gaping ass, painting her legs white with the sticky goo. “Haaaaa~! We should definitely do this more often! This is so much fun!”
Louis simply let himself fall back into the water, too exhausted to even think, much less say a single word more.
(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)
Special Thanks
(An IMMENSE THANK YOU! to our Patrons)
🔥 Akagami Fresh 🔥
🥦 BigBee 🥦
💧 Bigevennibba 💧
💎 Marorin 💎
💻 Matthew Lewin 💻
🦠 Max 🦠
🚀 Paragon 🚀
👻 Prince Noctis 👻
🥩 Racerx9 0 🥩
🍌 Rex 🍌
🦴 Ryan Claude 🦴
🐈 Sannin of Shadows 🐈
🍪 Strider 🍪
✨ Tahj Mitchell ✨
🌲 Velajuel 🌲
🍔 Zaz Mazaz 🍔
clinton nguyen
Daniel Gonzalez
Jack Benham
Joey Ellis
Myku Nailenne
Peter Hyjek
Lucas Chabanne
Dani Ramos
Michael Bartone
If you enjoy the series, please consider supporting it on the Welcome to BSU Patreon: [LINK]
We have a discord where you can interact with the writer (Strider-Seiryu) and the artist (Rtenzo) and we are always on 👍
I find the focus on much smaller assets in this series quite interesting given this site’s general… proclivities(?). Is there a specific reason you chose this series?
The guy in the story has an average sized dick so I try to make the art reflect that. Other than that, no particular reason? I am not a one trick pony, I can draw more than the usual body types lol
Was hoping for more Xavier or Mei tbh.
The writer is working on the next chapter, but you can enjoy these characters meanwhile
Having the story start in the middle of them doing an activity is a fun way to start it.
Do like how this story focuses more on building the relationship between Xcarra and Louis,giving us more insight on them both as characters.
It’s an interesting dynamic where the girl is the one who is in charge/is the one leading the sex. fits her personality too.
Happy to read that you enjoy them together. Writing original characters is surprisingly hard and was quite the challenge, but I’m happy with the result!