Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Threesome in the Sky

Previous Story (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 03): [LINK]

“Princess!” Riju called out, running over to hug Zelda as she and Link walked into Lookout Landing, the fort that had been built in front of the Hyrule Castle Town ruins. The young Gerudo leader squeezed the princess tightly as she returned the hug.


“Hey, Princess! Great to see the real you again!” said Yonobo with a wave of his big hand. The young Goron looked so much more confident of himself than the last time she saw him, more mature.


“Hi Princess!” said Tulin of the Rito, gliding over to her, his wings kicking up a strong gust as he landed.


“Princess Zelda, I am pleased to see you safe!” said the last of the new generation of Sages, King Sidon of the Zora.


Purah had found her and Link early this morning, still naked from a strong bout of love making. Her personal Knight still looked shocked from having learned that being named as her Knight meant that he was also her fiance. Truly, she was more shocked that he didn’t know! Why did he think they were living together in his home in Hateno Village the last few years? The house only had one bed, though they never shared it at the same time in five years. Link would sleep on a small sleeping mat on the floor he would roll up when he wasn’t using it.


Zelda had always figured he never touched her because he was waiting for their wedding night. And that hadn’t happened because they were both so busy with bringing together the survivors of the Calamity and rebuilding. The days were so busy in fact she hadn’t realized those five years had passed until her time in the Past with the first King and Queen.


She felt a little sad when she thought of Rauru and Sonia. In her time with them, they had become like parents to her. Rauru praised Zelda for her interests in learning all she could about Hyrule’s history. Something Rhoam, her father, had never done. In fact, he found it very amusing how excited she got with every new thing she learned.


And Sonia…


Sonia too was like the mother she never had, patient and understanding. Encouraging her at every turn as Zelda learned to use her powers over Time. Zelda’s memories of her real mother were fleeting and faint. She’d passed away from an illness when Zelda was only five years old.


At least now Zelda understood WHY she’d had so much difficulty unlocking her Sacred Sealing power. The powers of both Rauru’s Light and Sonia’s Time coursed through her veins, but Zelda was more attuned to the manipulation of Time than the Light. It wasn’t a question of competence, it was just natural talent. One she didn’t know she even had. Powers over Time weren’t something the Royal Family was known for. Though there were legends about an ocarina that manipulated Time. Though the artifact itself was long since lost to the pages of history. How Zelda would have loved to see such an object and study it! Perhaps the princess or queen who made it was like her? One who could manipulate Time itself, and she’d made the Ocarina to help focus her powers!


“Princess…? Hello, Hyrule to Zelda?” said Purah’s voice, shocking her out of her thoughts.


“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Zelda said with a start.


“Yeah, it’s her, she’s real.” Purah said with a smug smile.


Everyone laughed.


“And what’s that supposed to mean!?” Zelda asked indignantly, puffing her cheeks in irritation.


“Ganondorf sent a fake you out to cause trouble all over the kingdom.” said Yonobo, “She gave me a mask that manipulated me into doing all kinds of terrible things to my people, goro.”


Zelda was horrified, “Oh my! Was anyone hurt? Oh I feel awful!” she replied. People trusted her, and the idea that that trust was used to cause harm…


“Not really,” Yonobo said.


“I had to rough Yonobo up a little though when he went a bit too crazy.” Link said.


“Eh, it’s nothing! I kinda had it coming anyway, I was being a real jerk!” Yonobo said, “I look at it more as having some sense knocked into me, goro!”


“Well, that’s a small relief. Still, I promise to make up for the trouble my fake caused!” Zelda swore.


“That’s not necessary, Princess.” Riju said, “Everything is alright now.”


“Indeed.” said a familiar voice followed by some heavy clodding steps. Zelda looked past everyone and saw a hulking Construct walking in from the entrance facing the castle town ruins. Zelda recognized it instantly and ran over to the machine.


“Mineru!” she said.


“It’s good to see you safe again, Zelda.” Mineru’s voice came from the construct. The big glowing machine then knelt down and a ghostly figure emerged from within. This form she recognized even more. The Last Zonai, and sister to King Rauru, Mineru. Her features were like a goat’s, though more refined. The velvety fine fur that covered her was a deep green, though it looked almost blue with how her spirit glowed.


“Woah, is that a g-g-ghost!?” Yonobo panicked.


“Technically yes, I suppose that would be what you’d call me. This form is a visual manifestation of my spirit. My physical body turned to dust a long, long time ago.” Mineru explained with a weak smile.


“Don’t be rude!” Riju admonished the Goron.


“It’s fine, no offense taken.” Mineru said. “I suppose we have a lot to discuss.” she said.



They spent the rest of the day going over everything Zelda went through when she fell down that chasm and her Secret Stone sent her back in time. Everything from when she arrived in the past and met with Rauru and Sonia, the day Zelda met Mineru, Gandondorf’s attempted invasion of Hyrule, and his false vow of fealty.


“Queen Sonia taught me much about my powers over Time.” Zelda explained. She walked over to a rack where a handful of roughly made weapons using monster parts held several short swords. She grabbed one that had a Bokoblin’s horn for a blade and picked it up. She then tossed it into the air, making it spin twice before catching it by the hilt. Next, she placed it back in the spot where she’d gotten it and stepped back.


The blonde haired princess then reached into her shirt. She’d changed into a set of clothes like the ones she had on when she went exploring under the castle with Link. She pulled out her Secret Stone, which had once been Rauru’s and took a step back. The small stone glowed a golden color and there was a sound like a musical tone being played in reverse as a golden aura enveloped the blade. The weapon then floated up into the air, following the movements Zelda had down with it, but in reverse! When it was done, the blade sat in the exact same position as it had before she picked it up.


“That’s incredible!” Purah said.


“Yes, though I still need practice.” Zelda admitted, “Right now something small like that is the best I can manage. Link, you said you were able to move whole boulders back in time?” she asked her Knight. She had to force herself NOT to look at his crotch. Her pussy still twinged at the memory of the feeling of his cock inside her last night. Her jaw ached deliciously at that same memory, and she found herself wanting to feel that big, hard, strong smelling cock back in her mouth!


“Mmmh.” he said with a quiet nod in the affirmative. “Though, I don’t know if I still can, my arm seems to be back to normal.” he told everyone, while holding up his right hand, “I haven’t really tried to use any of the magic Rauru had given me since the end of the fight with the Demon King.”


There hadn’t been any need for him to, and Link wasn’t the type to use magic frivolously. Zelda made a note to ask him to try later. If he couldn’t, then that was fine. He didn’t really need that power now.


“Zelda, if you’re willing, I’d like to study this power more later.” Purah said.


“Of course.” Zelda agreed. She was curious as well after all. She then continued her story, while Link and Mineru both listened quietly. The two of them both knew this story already, so neither of them asked any questions.


“How awful!” Riju said when Zelda reached the point where Ganondorf assassinated Queen Sonia for her Secret Stone and became the Demon King. “I am ashamed to know that man was the king of my people!” the redhead said, shaking with barely contained rage.


“It’s not your fault Riju!” Zelda assured her.


“Zelda is right,” Mineru agreed, “Ganondorf’s sins are his own, and no Gerudo is responsible for them.”


Everyone else agreed as well.


“Thank you, everyone.” Riju said, looking ready to cry.


“After her funeral, things got chaotic for a time.” Zelda said.


“Yes,” Mineru said, picking up the story now, “My brother’s army struggled to keep the monsters contained. The Gerudo lands were the first to fall under the Demon king’s influence. The women who refused to submit were killed, and those that managed to escape were taken in by the Kingdom.”


“Your brother was a kind and just ruler.” Riju said, “On behalf of my people, I thank him for that.”


Mineru only smiled, and Zelda began again, “After that, Rauru gave Secret Stones to the leaders of the other four races, and they became the first Sages. Naboris of the Gerudo, Ruta of the Zora, Medoh of the Rito, and Rudania of the Goron.”


“Hey, those names!” Yonobo said excitedly, “They’re the same as the Divine Beasts, goro!”


“Yes, I would guess they were named in honor of those legendary heroes.” Zelda surmised. “It’s a shame most of the Ancient Sheikah technology vanished, I would have loved to show them to you, Mineru.”


“From what I can tell, this Sheikah technology is a derivative of Zonai technology. And Zonai technology will vanish after so much use, when the magic that drives it is fully exhausted. That it all lasted over ten thousand years is to be commended.”


“I’m working on fixing that!” Purah said, “Near as I can figure out, so long as magic is supplied to the Zonai technology, it will remain intact, even if it’s only a small amount. My Purah Pad draws in magic from the air to charge itself, so in theory, it won’t ever vanish like everything else. Though that was something of a fluke on my part.”


“My ancestors would have been impressed.” Mineru said to her.


Zelda went on to tell them about their battle with Ganondorf, and Rauru’s sacrifice for his people. “Harder than seeing Rauru do that, was telling his daughter that her father would never come home.”


“Oh!” Purah said, “That’s right, Zelda, you’re a direct descendant of Rauru and Sonia, aren’t you? It confused me how that could be if both of them died in the Imprisoning War.”


“Sonia had a child not long after Zelda came to us. My brother and her named her Zelda, after the princess who came from the future and told us the kingdom would endure for so long.” Mineru said.


“I was rather embarrassed, but honored as well.” Zelda admitted. “She was barely over a year old, and didn’t really understand when I told her.” she explained. “I left her in the care of the Sages and the first generation of the Sheikah. I was ready to raise her myself if I had to, but then, while I was in the original Temple of Time, the Master Sword came to me, and I knew what I had to do.”


Zelda told them of how she made the choice to hold the Master Sword for what seemed like an eternity, bathing it in her Sacred Light and helping it heal from the damage done by the Gloom. When she told them that, everyone just looked at her, their faces a mixture of shock, sorrow, and admiration.


“Princess Zelda…” Riju said.


“You did what a true monarch would.” Sidon said, “Your father would be proud.”


The others all nodded.


From where she “stood”, Mineru spoke up, “And on that note, there’s somewhere I’d like to take all of you.” she said.



As it turned out, Mineru wanted to take everyone to the Great Sky Island as it had become known. It had been part of the original Hyrule palace once, and was located high in the sky over the Great Plateau. It was no wonder she could find much in the way of ruins of the old palace there. A large portion of what had been there was now here!


The guard constructs had tried to attack them at first, but Mineru was able to shut them all down with a simple verbal command. Link commented on how Rauru told him he couldn’t do anything about them when he woke up on the island and had to fight his fair share of them.


“My brother was never good at remembering the command codes.” Mineru had said as she led them to the Temple of Time and to the altar behind it where Zelda had retrieved the Master Sword. She’d left her Construct body outside and was floating ahead of them in her spiritual form. Riju, Sidon, Yonobo, and Purah all seemed awed by the sight. Only Tulin seemed completely calm. As a Rito, he was used to lofty heights.


“I can’t believe such an impressive landmass can float in the sky.” said Purah, looking around in wonder. “Just when I thought I’d started to figure the Zonai out…” she trailed off.


Zelda walked behind Mineru with Link just a step or so behind her. She still heard sounds of awe and amazement from everyone as the ghostly woman floated to the edge of the circular platform and turned to face the group.


“Everyone…” she said, “I am glad I was able to bring you all here. I wanted, to share this view of Hyrule with all of you.”


“Whoa… I’ve never been this far up before, goro.” said Yonobo.


Standing next to him, Riju nodded in agreement, “Wow… What a sight it is.” she said, still awed. Zelda too was awed, after all, all of this was still on the ground when she last saw it. Now they were so high up that even Death Mountain looked small in the distance. Riju turned to look at Zelda and spoke again.


“And, Zelda, you were roaming the skies all along?” she asked.


“Yes.” Zelda admitted, “Although, I don’t really remember.” she told her, then turned to look back at the altar in the center of the platform. “I never thought I would actually stand here again.” she said solemnly.


Mineru seemed to think for a moment, “This is only a theory, but…” she began, “Rauru’s Power of Light, and Sonia’s Time Power… For Zelda to transform back, they both must have channeled their powers through you, Link.” she explained, but she didn’t seem entirely sure of that.


Zelda turned to look at Link and smiled, “Oh,” she said, blushing a little. “I see.” she said, turning back to Mineru.


Mineru closed her eyes and nodded as suddenly small motes of light began peeling away from her ghostly body. She looked down at her hand as the number of lights seemed to increase. The little motes drifted away on the wind, vanishing out into the skies beyond. Her expression seemed almost sad, but accepting.


“Now it seems… it is my time.” she told everyone.


Zelda took a step forward, “Mineru!” she said, feeling a profound sense of loss at the declaration! Mineru was truly the last Zonai, when she was gone, they would be truly extinct! Tears heated her eyes as she sniffled, but Mineru shook her head.


“Do not worry. You have overcome the burden my era left to you. You have proven yourself, and you no longer need me.” she told her. “I know I can move on–join Rauru and the others–and the world will be safe.”


Behind Zelda, the others all looked solemn, not knowing what to say. But then Tulin gasped and quickly turned to look at everyone else. When he locked eyes with Sidon, the Zora King nodded, “Hmm.” he grunted in affirmation. Yonobo and Riju both nodded in a silent agreement as well as everyone moved to stand by the gateway that led back into the temple. Link stood in the center, with Tulin and Sidon to his right, and Riju and Yonobo to his left. Purah just stood quietly within the gateway as everyone stood together.


“Ahh…?” Zelda gasped, not sure what was happening.


Everyone then spoke as one, “Those of us, gathered here, swear on our lives, to support Princess Zelda and…” they faltered for a moment, everyone looking to Link when they realized he was with them. Link was likely still not realizing his place was at her side. He was more than her Knight now, after all.


Riju cleared her throat and everyone continued, “To support Princess Zelda, and safeguard the land of Hyrule!” they all swore together without reservation.


Zelda gasped, she’d heard this oath before, given to Rauru when the first four sages were given their Secret Stones. She smiled and gave a gentle laugh, she hadn’t expected something like this! Zelda then turned back to Mineru, the Sage of Spirit smiled proudly.


“Rauru and Sonia will be happy to hear of this.” she stated. Her form began fading faster, more of her body turning into motes of light that were carried away by the wind. Hot tears welled in Zelda’s eyes as she stepped forward.


“But Mineru…” she said as the tears began to fall down her cheeks.


Mineru smiled sadly, “And I’ll let them know… just how much you care.”


Still crying, Zelda nodded and looked up at the woman who had become like a big sister to her. Mineru then took one last look at the gathering around her, smiling gently as her body faded away more and more.


“Thank you, all…” she said in a final farewell, her body becoming nothing but motes of glowing blue-green lights that the wind carried away into the next life.


Zelda reached out for her, but she was already gone.


There was a distant clattering sound as Mineru’s construct body fell apart without her spiritual power to hold it together.


Zelda stood there quietly for a moment, stifling the last of her tears. Mineru was gone, and the world felt just a little poorer for it. Her heart ached at the loss, but she took solace in the fact that Mineru left this world in peace, and hope. She clenched a fist beneath her breasts and forced herself to stand up straighter as she spoke.


“King Rauru… Queen Sonia… Mineru… The ancient sages… They wished not only to save Hyrule from the Demon King, but for it to see eternal peace.” she told them, “I would dedicate myself to that goal.” she swore as she walked out to the edge of the platform.


“Now, and for all time.” she said, then turned to look at everyone, “My friends… with all of your strength… stand with me!” she said, giving them all a gentle smile.


Everyone nodded and began walking over to her quietly. She could feel all of their strength as if it were her own as they joined her in admiring the view from the Great Sky Island’s edge.



After using the Purah Pad to send Riju, Sidon, and Yonobo back home (Tulin flew there on his own), Zelda, Link, and Purah walked back out to the area just outside the temple. The soldier constructs all waited silently on standby, while the steward and ranger ones went about their business. She’d had Link take Mineru’s Secret Stone from her construct body which she’d left behind. The moment he touched it, the color changed from purple to a deep emerald color. More green than Tulin’s Wind Secret Stone. The ancient Zonai sigil for “Courage” carved itself into the side of the stone.


The stone then flew out of his hand, orbited Link once, then slapped against his right wrist, creating a Zonai style Bracelet there to which it was affixed! Zelda saw that as the stone recognizing Link as its new owner, so she told him to keep it.


Earlier, Mineru had turned off the soldier constructs, and had given Zelda authority to command them through the Purah Pad. There were a few scattered squads of them on the surface now, and Zelda could now have them stand down, and later give them new purpose. It was too sad to just shut them down and let them fall into disrepair like the ‘dead’ ones scattered around the islands. They were built to serve others, that was their reason for being, and Zelda would let them fulfill that purpose again.


“Say Linky, have you tried using that Ultrahand thing again yet?” Purah asked, “Mineru said that the first king and queen used Light and Time magic channeled through you to return Zelda to normal, but do you think that maybe they just made your arm LOOK normal again instead of restoring it to how it was before?” she theorized, “I meant, you did say Rauru replaced your original arm after it was so badly damaged by the Gloom.”


Zelda shivered, remembering the state she’d seen Link’s arm in after that initial attack. That Link could stand at all after that was a testament to his own strength. He had to have been in so much pain! His arm looked, well, charred was the only word that described it.


Link shook his head, “I haven’t.” he answered simply, “There was no need.”


“Try it now,” Purah suggested, “You could build us a shelter for the night so we don’t have to head back down to the surface right away. I’d like to examine these ruins a little more. And Zelda, you spent a lot of time here, so your knowledge would also be invaluable.”


“Yes!” Zelda agreed excitedly, “I know most of the layout around here, though it might be more secure to build a temporary shelter rather than risk a building collapsing on us in the night.”


“Alright,” said Link, “I’ll try.” he told them, extending his right arm and closing his eyes. With a flash of green magical energies from his Secret Stone, Link’s arm was suddenly covered in the traditional Zonai ornamentation that Rauru wore. The jewelry was no longer made of a reddish brown mystery alloy though, but instead made entirely of glowing green light! Zelda could see that same light coming from his arm in geometric patterns as glowing energy shot out from his open palm and lifted a nearby log like it weighed nothing!


“Well, I guess that answers that question.” said Purah.


“Maybe not,” said Zelda, “Link, please continue holding up that log for a moment.”


He nodded and Zelda looked at his arm more closely. The ornaments adorning it weren’t physical objects. She learned that when she tried to touch them. They were more of a projection, like illusion magic. She saw the source of the glowing illusion was the bracelet to which his Secret Stone was secured!


“I see,” said Zelda, “These are the powers granted to you by the Secret Stone, Link.”


“Well, that’ll be useful still.” Purah said. “Think it copied all of the abilities you were granted?” she asked.


“We can experiment with it later, Purah.” Zelda said, then asked Link to put together a shelter for them for the night.


She’d expected just a simple leaning roof to provide shielding from the wind and rain, but Link actually made an entire cabin from fallen logs and stone tablets that littered the area. He even made a small outhouse for them!


“It’s a little sloppy, but…” he said, leaving Zelda and Purah standing there with their mouths agape.


“You have a funny idea of sloppiness.” Purah said.


“Agreed!” said Zelda. All this cabin was missing was glass windows and a hard floor and it would be on par with a proper house!


“Aheh heh…” he chuckled, embarrassed, “I had a lot of practice building a new house outside Terry Town.”


“Hold on, a new house?” Zelda asked, “When did you have time to do that?”


Link explained he’d built it while in the Akkala region while waiting on news of any new sightings of Zelda’s doppelganger. Hudson was grateful for Link helping him with something and had given him a plot of land as a thanks. So Link built a new, modern home for Zelda there!


Zelda felt her face heating up, touched by the gesture. The home they shared in Hateno was fine, if a little old, and she had mentioned liking the Hudson Construction Companies style of house once when they were talking idly.


“You’ll have to take me there soon!” Zelda said.


“Yep,” Purah agreed, “For now though, how about we…?” She trailed off and held up a hand, forming a circle with her thumb and forefinger, then thrusted the index finger of her other hand through it.


Both Zelda and Link went wide eyed at the crass suggestion!


“Purah!?” Zelda exclaimed.


“What? I have my twenty year old body back finally, and this time around, I want to put it to use making some babies! Don’t forget, I AM over a hundred and twenty years old, I don’t want to waste precious time on complicated romance and courtship rituals!” Purah stated.


“Still…!” Zelda said, still blushing.


“Come on, Princess, you can’t tell me you don’t want to as well. I saw you sneaking glances at Link’s crotch the entire time you were telling us everything that happened!” Purah shot back.


Zelda felt her entire face turning red! She covered it with her hands and could almost FEEL Purah smirking.


“A threesome sounds like fun to me!” Purah said with a smile. “Besides, Impa told me about some of the things you talked about when you were both in your teens!”


EEEHHHH!?!?” Zelda whined.


“Come on, it was over 30 years ago and we weren’t even sure if you were still alive or not while you were holding back Calamity Ganon. Stuff comes out after a few Noble Pursuits.” Purah explained.


Zelda wanted to crawl into a cave somewhere and hide! Back then, Impa was the only girl her own age she could discuss things like that with. She would have spoken to Purah about them as well, but she was always holed up in her lab doing research.


Now though, Impa was far too old for things like that. Purah wanted to use her rejuvenation Rune on both her and Robbie. But the Sheikah Slate had vanished along with most of the other ancient technology. Now she had to start again with her Purah Pad, though she mentioned she’d have it working in a year or so. The Sheikah were longer lived than regular Hylian men and women, with the Zora being the only ones who outdid them in longevity. So Zelda was certain she’d see her best friend’s youthful face again someday.


Pulling her hands away from her face, Zelda looked at Purah, who only smiled at her. Like last time, Zelda steeled her resolve, “Alright!” she agreed.


“Uhhahh!?” Link grunted in confusion as both women turned to him. “HAAAHHHH!” he then shouted as they fell on him like a pair of hungry wolves!



“Oh my, it’s even larger than I thought it’d be!” Purah said, staring in awe at Link’s throbbing erection as Zelda dragged her tongue along its length. The three of them were in the cabin Link had built with his Sage of Courage powers as Zelda had dubbed them. They’d spread out the same blanket she and Link had made love on the other night to cover the bare dirt floor before stripping themselves and Link down to nothing.


“Ahhhmmmmmh, I still can’t believe you took advantage of Link like that.” Zelda said.


It seemed that before the Calamity over a hundred years ago, Purah was experimenting with a strong kind of wine she discovered the recipe for during her research into the Sheikah technology. The drink was called tequeur and Link had volunteered to taste test it for her, and wound up passed out drunk after just a single small cup! While he was out, Purah had stripped off his clothes and most of her own in case he wound up vomiting.


At least, that was her excuse. Zelda had her doubts.


The blonde haired princess smiled as she put her attention back to Link’s massive erection! She’d only been able to view it in the light of the fire last night. Seeing it even in waning daylight, the sight made her feel so warm and wet between her legs! ‘This huge thing was inside me! And soon, it will be again!’ she thought, giddy just remembering the feeling.


“The smell is very strong.” Purah said as Zelda licked Link’s cock again, loving the way it made him groan.


“I know, isn’t it wonderful!?” Zelda said excitedly, “It feels like it sticks inside my nose, and it makes me dizzy, but I can’t get enough of it!” she told Purah, reaching over to pull her friend in close. Purah’s crimson red eyes seemed to mist over as she took in his manly scent, and both of them began kissing and licking Link’s cock slowly.


“Ahhh, you’re right, Zelda… This smell is making me so wet right now! Nmmmmmh, I rather like it!” Purah stated.


“Yes!” Zelda agreed before opening her mouth wide and swallowing the tip of Link’s cock. Her jaw ached from the effort, but she loved the way it made her feel as she knelt next to Link and pressed her tits around his cock. Purah knelt opposite her and did the same. Zelda could feel her stiff nipples pressing and rubbing against her own as they moved together, stroking his cock with their tits.


NMMMMMPH, MMMMMMPH, AHMMMMMPH…!” Zelda moaned, working to take Link’s dick even deeper into her mouth.


“Ahmmmmh, you look so erotic like that Princess.” Purah said, “Let me have a taste too!” she moaned, with her breathing getting heavier as she watched.


NMMMMH, HMMMMMH, MMMMWAH…” Zelda moaned, then gasped as she forced herself to take her mouth off his cock. She hadn’t even managed to get it down her throat yet. When she did that before, it had felt so good, she didn’t want to stop! And she knew if she got that far right now, she wouldn’t be able to stop until one or both of them came.


Zelda felt a pang of jealousy as she watched Purah put her lips to Link’s cock and began sucking. But like Purah had said, this WAS one of Zelda’s own fantasies. She’d read in books of how two women and one man could copulate together, or even how two men could both take the same woman. She remembered how hot reading those stories had made her, and how Impa had teased her about enjoying them at first, until she read them herself. The two of them then discussed such things often in private settings.


Now, as she watched Purah slowly swallow Link’s cock down, it was every bit as arousing as when she first read about it in those pages! Her pussy was almost burning with open lust as she panted softly, with her mouth hanging open slightly as she continued to watch.


“Nmmmmh, hurry and give it back!” Zelda moaned when she couldn’t wait anymore! She wanted to feel this massive rod down her throat and pushing into her stomach again!


Purah gasped, lifting her head free and Zelda pounced, taking his cock back into her mouth with a “HAAHHMMMMPH!” as she moved to kneel over Link’s legs. “AGUMMMMMPH!” she gagged loudly, taking his cock down her throat.


AHHHHGUH, DISH PHEELSH SHO GUUUUUD!!!” she moaned, moving her body to rock back and forth slowly, forcing his cock deeper and deeper into her throat with every down stroke. “MUH MOUPH PHEELSH GUUUUD!! AGUMPH, HMMMMPH, AGUH, NMMMPH, HURGH, GUHMMMMMMPH!!!” she moaned and gagged.


“Wow, you’re really good at that, Zelda! And this is only your second time!?” Purah asked excitedly.


DAH VOOKSH WER BERY BEDAILED…! NMMMMPH, AHMMMMPH… HUCK AGUH GUUUGH, MMMMMMMMPH!” Zelda said, barely able to speak properly with her mouth and throat so fully obstructed. Her vision turned blurry as her eyes rolled back in her head at the feeling of Link’s massive dick throbbing in her mouth as she moaned at length.


“Mmmmmh, can you take it deeper?” Purah asked as she moved to squat down over Link’s head, “And Linky, lick my pussy, please.” she said casually.


NMMMPH!!” Link called out, with his voice muffled by Purah’s crotch, and his arms flailing for several seconds in surprise before his hands grabbed at Purah’s ass with a SLAP!


“Ooooooooh…!” Purah then moaned and Zelda could see Link’s tongue brushing over her clitoris as he began licking at her pussy. Purah grabbed her own large breasts, squeezing them tightly as she rocked her hips against his face. The young blonde then closed her emerald green eyes and took Link’s cock even farther down her throat, moaning as she felt the wide tip pushing into her stomach!


NMMMMMH! YEAH LINKY!!! MORE, LICK ME MORE! AHHHN, YOUR TONGUE FEELS SO GOOOOD!!!” Zelda heard Purah moan loudly. Her voice was so sexy and erotic, it made Zelda wonder if she sounded like that.


Not about to be outdone, Zelda began moving her body back and forth, moaning deeply as she felt Link cock moving through her throat and stomach. ‘Ahhhn, why does this feel so good!?’ she wondered, ‘This feeling, my mouth, it hurts, but, my pussy just keeps getting hotter and hotter, my jaw feels like it’s about to pop off, but I don’t want to stop! I just want to feel Link’s cock moving in and out of me!




“Mmmmmh, yeah, keep going Zelda! You look so sexy with that big, hard, thick cock in your naughty mouth!” Purah purred in pleasure.


AGUGUGWEH!!!” Zelda gagged in response, but her throat was so obstructed she couldn’t say anything. She then moaned again as she felt her pussy gushing with hot juices when she felt Link’s cock twitch inside her!


NMMMMPH!! AGUHMMMMPH, HMMMPH, GUH, NRMMMMPH, GUG…!” Zelda moaned as she began rocking herself back and forth even faster. ‘Ahhh, this feels so good!’ she thought, ‘I love feeling this big, hard, throbbing cock inside my mouth so much! I just want to keep sucking it!




“Ahnmmph…!” Link groaned out, whatever word he said completely muffled by Purah’s clean shaven pussy.


“Nmmmmh, Zelda, let me suck his cock now!” Purah said, panting heavily.


“Nhoooommmh, myne…!” Zelda moaned softly, not wanting to give up the feeling of Link’s cock moving in and out of her stomach.


“So greedy…” Purah said with a playful smile as she slowly climbed off Link and moved to press her naked body against Zelda’s. Her skin was soft and smooth, and very warm. Her breasts squished against Zelda’s back as she placed a hand against the back of her head.


“In that case, you need to go faster!” she told her before she SHOVED Zelda’s face down, pushing her nose into Link’s blonde pubic hair. Zelda’s eyes went wide as her pussy gushed again at the sudden action. She heard Purah giggle before she began moving Zelda roughly, pumping her face up and down on Link’s dick!


NBU NMMMU…! HGHOOO… GBHOUU…!” she gagged and moaned in pleasure, her eyes rolling back in her head again. Her lips made a wet smacking SLURP SLURP sound as they glided over Link glistening pole. She could feel every throbbing vein along his cock as the wide tip stimulated her insides, assaulting Zelda with a pleasure as intense as regular sex.


GHBHOOOUU!!!” she gagged loudly, cumming every time Purah moved her head back and forth. Tears of pleasure ran down her cheeks as she felt her juices streaming down her thighs.


“Mmmmmmn, yeah, that’s it! Suck him harder!” Purah said and then spanked Zelda’s creamy white ass. She yipped and gagged, her pussy gushing again before Purah plugged her fingers into the wet hole.


AHHHGUUGUH, GUUMMMING! AYE’M GUUMMMINGH!!!” Zelda gagged loudly, her pussy spraying wildly as Purah dipped her fingers in and out roughly. The scent of Link’s cock filled her nostrils, making everything seem to spin around her. She heard Link groaning as Purah continued pulling her head up and down on his cock roughly with one hand while the fingers of the other continued to push deep in her pussy. A wet SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK sound came from her mouth and pussy as she moaned in ecstasy!


“Uh-ah, oohh…!” groaned Link, and Zelda’s eyes went wide as she felt his cock twitching inside her again, with a sensation of liquid warmth followed by an intense fullness in her belly.


GUH, GUH, AGUH…!” Zelda gulped as she felt Link’s cum surging through the length of his dick and into her gut. Only when he went slightly slack as his climax abated did Purah let go of her head.


“Aguuuweh…” Zelda gagged as she pulled herself off his cock. She then marveled at how his dick was STILL rock hard. Before they’d started, she saw him drinking the light green tonic of enduring elixirs, which she was glad he had on him!


She and Purah then both began kissing and licking the length of his cock while they let him recover for a few moments. She watched for a moment while Purah sucked on his balls, somehow managing to fit an entire melon sized one in her mouth!


“Nmmmmmmmh, wuv doing dish! Wuv men wiph big hehvy ballsh phull uv cummm…!” she slurred.


Zelda panted softly, with her breathing heavy as she watched for a moment before moving to hug Link’s cock between her big tits again. “Ahhn, I want to feel you inside me again, Link!” she moaned in open lust. She then stood up inside the cabin, with the tip of his cock reaching up to the bottom of her stomach.


Stepping over him, Zelda smiled as she pressed the wide head of his cock against her pussy. Only the tip was reaching inside her right then, but it still spread her pussy so wide!


“Stop teasing Princess and just go for it!” Purah said, reaching up to grab Zelda’s shoulders and pull her down suddenly.


HWEEEEEEEEGH!!!!” Zelda squealed like a wild boar that had just been shot by an arrow. She knew what Purah meant to do was pull her down so that Link’s fat cock would spear itself into her womb. And Zelda was fine with that. But what she’d actually done was ever so briefly push the princess up and off of Link’s dick. So when she pulled her back down, the massive rod of man-meat was shove UP HER ASS!!!


“Princess!” both Link and Purah called as Zelda’s stomach tented dramatically upward.


I’M… CUMMMMMINNNGH!!!!” Zelda screamed in raw, insane ecstasy, while her pussy gushed hard, coating Link’s lower body in hot juices. Her asshole was being spread so wide, Zelda could barely think. She could feel Link’s cock filling her insides, and it felt INCREDIBLE!!!


“Huh!?” Purah and Link said together again.


I’M CUMMING! AHH, I’M CUMMING SO HARD! MY ASS, AHHH, MY ASS FEELS SO GOOD! IT FEELS EVEN BETTER THAN MY PUSSY OR MOOOOUTH!!!” screamed Zelda as she moved into a squatting position on top of Link. She rested her feet on his thighs and her hands on his shoulder as if she were a frog.


AHHN, MORE! I NEED MORE!” Zelda said, panting heavily now as she began raising and lowering her ass on Link’s gigantic dick! “HWEEEEEEEEEGH!!! CUMMINGH!!! I CAN’T STOP MYSELF FROM CUMMING WHEN I MOVE!!!” she wailed.


“Ahhnn, Ze… Zelda…!” groaned Link.


AHH YESSS, MORE, MORE MORE!!!! MORE COCK IN MY ASS!!!” Zelda screamed, she could scarcely even think at this point, her entire body felt numb but for the sensation of Link’s huge dick plowing in and out of her ass as she moved her body up and down. The thick lump in her belly rose and fell with her motions, making a wet and rude squishing sound.


GOOD, GOOD, FEELS SO GOOD IN MY ASS!!! I LOVE THIS! I NEED THIS! FUCK MY NAUGHTY PRINCESS ASSHOOOLE!!!” the blonde haired Princess screamed in ecstasy. Every time she moved her body up, it felt like Link’s dick was turning her inside out, but it felt so good she couldn’t have stopped even if a group of people walked in on them.


“Wow Zelda, you’re making such a lewd face! Linky, pump your dick into her! I wanna see more of Zelda’s pervy face!” Purah said as she moved to kneel to the side of them.


“R-right!” Link groaned, reaching up to grab hold of Zelda’s curved hips. He then grunted loudly as he thrusted upward with his own hips, driving his cock deep inside her. “HUT HUT HUT HUT!!!” he grunted with each thrust, his balls smacking wetly against Zelda’s rounded butt.


OH HYLIIIAAAA!!!” howled Zelda as she felt herself cumming even harder than before. Drool ran down her chin, “THIS FEELS SO GOOD, TOO GOOOD! MY ASS, MY ASS IS MELTING!! I’M GONNA GO CRAZZZYYYY!!! AHHHNN, HARDER, FUCK MY ASS HARDER LINK!” she moaned as she found herself bouncing up and down from his thrusts. Her legs felt completely numb, as if she’d been sitting cross-legged too long.




HYAA OOOOOH!!!” Zelda called out as she felt her pussy gushing again, spraying non-stop, “AH… AAAH! AAAH…” Zelda screamed as she came, tears of ecstasy streaming down her cheeks.


“Ahhn, Zel…da!!” groaned Link as she felt him thrust his cock all the way inside her before he sat up and pushed her back. The blonde haired Princess suddenly found herself on her back with her ass pulled up in the air. Link held onto her thighs and groaned as he thrusted his cock in and out of her again, grunting and groaning. The angle of their bodies made the distention in her belly stand out even more!




“Huuh, huuh, huuh, huuuuh!!!” grunted Link, with his blue eyes looking down at her.


AHHHN, DON’T STOP LINK! DON’T STOP, DON’T STOP, DON’T STOP… YOU’RE MAKING ME CUMMMMMMM!!!!!” Zelda moaned as her pussy gushed hard, the juices splashing all over her face, bathing it in the heady smelling juices!


Her vision was then obstructed by the sight of Purah creamy ass and pussy covering her face! The scent of the other woman overwhelmed her and her body seemed to move all by itself. She reached up with both arms, grabbing Purah by her hips and pulling her face into her pussy. Purah’s pussy tasted, well, rather plain, maybe a little salty, not unlike Zelda’s own skin that one time she licked a small cut on her arm.


Purah moaned though and began grinding her crotch against Zelda’s face before she moved her head to begin licking Zelda’s pussy! A flood of new pleasure hit the Princess as she felt the other woman’s tongue delving between the puffy pink fold of her cunt.


NMMMMMMH, HMMMMMMH AHMMMMMMMH!!!” Zelda moaned as one orgasm after another washed over her like a series of waves. Everything became a blur, her awareness of things came and went. One moment, she was in a triangle of sex with Purah and Link. The next, she was straddling Link’s waist again, with his cock stretching her pussy again, filling her womb! It felt like he was rearranging her insides with his dick, and she couldn’t get enough of it!


Everything then blurred again, and when her awareness returned, Purah was down on all fours like an animal, moaning deeply as Link thrusted into her from behind. Zelda sat back on her hands, her legs spread wide with Purah’s head between them, her hot little tongue lapping at the folds of her pussy.


Next she was standing on her knees, hugging Purah’s naked body against her own as Link stood over both of them, his huge cock in his hands. He groaned as he aimed his cock at the two of them as thick, white, and incredibly hot fluid sprayed out the tip! Zelda let out a long panting moan as his cum bathed her and Purah, painting both their bodies white. It stunk, a heady musky scent that made her even dizzier than the smell of his dick!


Zelda then fell back on the large blanket, panting heavily. Her big tits heaved up and down slowly as she felt Link’s cum rapidly cooling on her skin.


“Hah, hah, ahh… That was great!” Purah said after a few moments.


“Not really.” Zelda disagreed. “Link didn’t cum inside my pussy! I can’t get pregnant that way.”


“Ehhh!?” Link exclaimed.


“Hmm, fair point.” Purah said, “Linky, got any more stamina elixirs?”



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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1 year ago

I really wasn’t expecting to see a follow up so quickly. But I liked what I saw. 😁

Like the previous chapter, much of this one has info and references from BOTW and TOTK, and even a couple from Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity {prequel and spin-off to BOTW}, more so from a story perspective. So if any of you following along haven’t already done it, I recommend you go check out or at least watch them first before reading this chapter or the one before it. It would help make everything make a lot more sense. 🙏

All that said, I enjoyed what I saw. Not just with the cast’s handling, but also the overall story and direction. Plus the pacing and layout really made it better than it should have. And this isn’t even counting the sexual side of things. 🤓

On that note, it was really good to see how the sex was handled. It was probably one of your best overall, if I’m being honest with you. Though I wasn’t expecting this to turn into a threesome. 😆

Overall, it was a nice and fitting follow up to the previous chapter. 👏 Can’t wait to see what happens next. 😏

– Hiryu

1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

I don’t recall putting any AoC bits in there, go me if I did that unconsciously.

I wanted to use the epilogue scene asap so everything from here on is just fresh content, and no one can say “You skipped the epilogue scene after the credits!”

I do plan to use AoC if needed, time-line hopping stuff.

Later I plan to use locational details for everything, there are plenty of maps online for anyone curious. But unless you’re a stickler for those details, you won’t need to know them to enjoy the story.

1 year ago

Very surprised and happy that we got another chapter so soon. I’m also very happy that we got a threesome involving Purah. Also Zelda’s last line was pretty funny.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blank

Yeah, it was fun to do. I’m glad you enjoyed it! Even if not shown in art, I will try to involve several characters including the BotW/TotK incarnation of Malon. (Yes, I know she didn’t actually appear in the 2 games, however, she IS a major Zelda supporting character in multiple other games.)

I’ll also include Paya, Impa, Riju (She’s legal as of TotK), Urbosa, Mipha, and others.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I’m LOVING the list so far. I can’t wait to see how you incorporate characters outside of the two games. Malon is one of my favorite girls in the series.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blank

Midna is the only one I gotta get extra creative with to involve her, though I’ll only do that if she appears in art. The rest are just making them current incarnations of characters, OR timeline hopping over from the AoC timeline where the Calamity was stopped.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Sounds like a very fun reads, here’s to hoping they all get made one day.